February 5, 2015 Becoming the Story We Tell Small Groups Continue Starting the week of January 18 thirty cathedral members formed into six small groups journeyed into a venture in storytelling. The format of group sessions includes reflection on the Sunday gospel text using a lectio divina approach followed by one or two group members sharing their life-story. Lectio divina (Latin for divine reading) treats scripture, not as a text to be studied for knowledge, but for God's living word. There is no attempt to force a connection of the gospel story with the life stories told. However, the stories are moving and we hear pain and humor, frustration and courage, perseverance and grace, loss and being found. "So much of what we see and know of each other on Sundays is surface," one group member said, "but when I hear someone take 15-20 minutes to tell their story, I am amazed to understand the depths of struggle and triumph they have experienced." The aim of the "Becoming the Story We Tell" (BSWT) initiative is to expand the cathedrals baptismal ministry (the catechumenate that we call "Emmaus Journey") to include more of us with an experiential grasp of the process. This phase of BSWT corresponds to the initial phase: Inquiry. If you have questions or interest in participating in a small group contact Dan Benedict at (808) 489-4004 (stlukebysea@yahoo.com). The four movements of Lectio Divina. Clockwise from top left: Lectio ("read"); Meditatio ("meditate"); Oratio ("pray"); Contemplatio ("contemplate"). Donations for St. Paul's Church in Saipan It's time again for us to clean out our closets and get together old t-shirts, etc. to send to Saipan. There will be a box at Aloha Hour after every service for you to drop off clothing. We hope to have our donations blessed on Sunday, February 22nd, and mailed out soon afterward. Please kokua with this worthwhile project! If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Service, barbarajservice@gmail.com. Sunday Adult Formation 9:20 - 10:10 am in the Von Holt Room Opening the Prayer Book: (Jan 18th - Mar 15th) Join us for the next several weeks as Walter and Susan facilitate a discussion on Episcopalians being "People of the Prayer Book." It will be practical, offering tips on how to find your way around the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), but also ripe with why we do - what we do! You're encouraged to bring your own Book of Common Prayer if you have one. (We will also have copies to borrow.) Even if you missed earlier sessions, you can join us at any time. Feb 8th - Living as a Prayerful People. This week we discuss why and how we pray. An introduction to several types of prayer, beyond intercessory prayer. We will use Westerhoff's book on the prayer chapter. And as Lent approaches - we'll suggest Lenten Devotionals, to include the Society of St. John's (SSJE) on-line program to connect us all in our individual prayer time. Our weekly conversations will refer to John Westerhoff's book, Living Faithfully as a Prayer Book People. For those who want to purchase a book, we will have them there for $10. Click here for additional details. Jan 18th: Introduction to the Prayer Book (S) Jan 25th: Living as a Story-Formed and Pilgrimaging People (W) Feb 1st: The Daily Office tour (S) Feb 8th: Living as a Prayerful People (W) Feb 15th: Living into our Baptism (S) Feb 22nd: Living a Eucharistic Life (W) Mar 1st: Living a life of wholeness and health (S) Mar 8th: Living as a reconciled and reconciling people (W) Mar 15th: Approaching our death (S) Legend: (S) = Susan+ (W) = Walter+ Lent is almost upon us! It's not too early to consider how you might enter into a Holy Lent this year . . . May we suggest that an important part of that preparation starts with worship and fellowship with one another. In joining with your Cathedral Ohana, you join the universal church in preparing our hearts for the resurrection joy of Easter. Ash Wednesday (Feb 18th) The Lenten season begins with the Ash Wednesday Service. Interestingly - many feel this is one of their most meaningful services of the year. The Cathedral is open to all - and offers three opportunities to receive ashes and enter into a Holy Lent. 7:15 am - Holy Eucharist with imposition of ashes 11:45 am - Sung Eucharist with imposition of ashes 5:30 pm - Choral Eucharist with imposition of ashes 8.30 pm - Sung Compline Wednesday Evening's Lenten Program (Feb 25th - Mar 25th) Between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week, we will offer a 5-week Wednesday Evening Lenten Program that explores the drama and tensions of Holy Week (Passion Crossing Points). As we've done in years past our program of a light soup supper and teaching will be enclosed in worship, before and after. To help us get a better idea of our "headcount" on food preparation for the Soup Supper, please email the office (or sign up under the Aloha Tent) if you plan to attend (natasha.dator@thecathedralofstandrew.org ). But even if you haven't signed up - come! 5:30 pm - Evensong, Sermon and Holy Communion with a reflection 6:15 pm - Lenten Soup Supper and Program 8:30 pm - Sung Compline Lenten Program: "Passion Crossing Points" In these five sessions, the clergy will guide us in exploring how individuals can intentionally join the church's annual journey through the Pascal Mystery. Our discussions will investigate how each of us might open up and explore the "crossing points" of Jesus' Passion with the passion in our personal and communal experience. In this way, we approach the mystery of our union with Christ in and through the liturgies of Holy Week. Lent I - (Feb 25th) Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday (Overview of the Passion) Lent II - (Mar 4th) Maundy Thursday (the Triduum opens - Foot Washing) Lent III - (Mar 11th) Maundy Thursday (the Triduum opens - The Meal) Lent IV - (Mar 18th) Good Friday (the Triduum continues - Crucifixion) Lent V - Mar 25th) Easter Vigil/Easter (the Triduum concludes - Resurrection) Holy Week (March 29th - April 5th) Holy Week begins with the Sunday Passion, or Palm Sunday, and its joyous triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and ends with the Triduum Sacrum (in Latin meaning "the sacred three days"), which encompasses Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Vigil of Easter. March 29th - Palm/Passion Sunday 7 am - Holy Eucharist 8 am - Ka'Eukalikia Hemolele (Eucharist in Hawaiian & English) 10:30 am - Sung Eucharist with the Cathedral Choir 5:30 pm - Evensong with the Cathedral Choir March 30th - Monday in Holy Week 5:30 pm - Evensong, Sermon, and Holy Eucharist March 31st - Tuesday in Holy Week 5:30 pm - Evensong, Sermon, and Holy Eucharist Apr 1st - Wednesday in Holy Week 11:45 am - Holy Eucharist with healing prayer 5:30 pm - Evensong, Sermon, and Holy Eucharist 8:30 pm - Sung Compline The Sacred Triduum April 2nd - Maundy Thursday 5:30 pm - Sung Eucharist with Washing of Feet, and Procession, followed by All-night Prayer Vigil 8:30 pm - Sung Compline April 3rd - Good Friday 12:00 pm - Stations of the Cross 3:00 pm - Liturgy of Good Friday April 4th - Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil 9:00 am - Liturgy of Holy Saturday (prep the Cathedral for Easter afterwards) 7:30 pm - The Great Vigil of Easter (note new time this year!) April 5th - Easter Day 7 am - Holy Eucharist 8 am - Ka'Eukalikia Hemolele (Eucharist in Hawaiian & English) 10:30 am - Sung Eucharist with the Cathedral Choir 5:30 pm - Festive Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Choir Chrism Mass and Education Day Liturgical Enculturation Regarding Rites of Initiation Registration is now open for Chrism Mass/Education Day. It's open to all clergy and lay parishioners. Register here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=gzyju9bab&oeidk=a07eaafcbxmd7b22f0c Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:30 am - Registration 9:00 am - Chrism Mass 10:30 am to 3:00 pm - Education Day Cost $30.00, includes lunch St. Peter's, 1317 Queen Emma Street, Honolulu 96813 Guest Speaker The Rev. James W. Farwell, Professor of Theology and Liturgy at Virginia Theological Seminary Who's authorized for travel? 1. Domiciled canonically resident clergy (live in Hawaiʻi) 2. Licensed clergy who are in charge of congregations 3. Those who are Postulants and Candidates in the ordination process For more information, contact: bishopsecretary@episcopalhawaii.org. The Bell Ringers of The Cathedral The Bell Ringers of The Cathedral of St. Andrew will be blessed this year with the presence of Paul Wall from Bath, England to conduct Bell Ringing Training. He will be in Honolulu from Thursday, February 12, to Friday, March 27. Paul is a trained instructor in the Art of Change Ringing and will be available at the below times to provide an introduction to those who are interested: COME AND SEE Tuesdays - 6:00 to 7:30 pm Visitors are most welcome to come and Thursdays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm watch during bell ringing practice times. Saturdays - 4:00 to 5:30 pm Just 50 steps up the tower. If you are interested in learning about the bells or training, please contact the Mackintosh Bell Tower Captain, Richard Harris, at (808) 321-0747 or richardaharris7@gmail.com. Tax Deductible Donations to support the Bell Ringers and the Historic Bells of The Cathedral of St. Andrew can be made to the Bell Ringers Fund located on the giving section of The Cathedral of Saint Andrew website or make checks payable to The Cathedral of St. Andrew (memo line "Bell Fund") and put in the offering plate or mail to: The Cathedral of St. Andrew, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813. Weekly Worship Schedule Wednesdays 11:45 pm Holy Eucharist for The Cathedral of St. Andrew and St. Paul's Church (in Parke Chapel) 12:15 pm Noontime Concerts in the Cathedral Featuring the Cathedral's own musicians and guest artists from the community and around the world under the auspices of the Director of Music 5:30 pm Evensong in the Cathedral Thursdays 7:15 am Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel Fridays 7:15 am Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel Saturdays 5:30 pm Vigil Eucharist in the Cathedral Peace Chapel Sundays 7:00 am Holy Eucharist 8:00 am Ka `Eukalikia Hemolele with the Hawaiian Choir 10:30 am Sung Eucharist with the Cathedral Choir 5:00 pm Changing Ringing of the Great Cathedral Bells 5:30 pm Choral Evensong For information about all of the services, programs, and events at The Cathedral of St. Andrew, please click here to visit the Calendar of Events. Eucharistic Minister & Visitor Training on Oahu The Cathedral needs more people to serve as Eucharistic Ministers (chalice bearers) and to serve as Eucharistic Visitors (take communion to our parishioners who cannot come to church). Both of these ministries require licensing from the Bishop. To become licensed, Susan+ will do the hands-on training, but you must also attend the Diocesan training as described below on April 11th. For those who are in the process of becoming licensed, or would be willing to serve in one of those capacities - please sign up to attend the Diocesan training. The required Eucharistic Minister and Eucharistic Visitor Training is on Saturday, April 11, 2015, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew, beginning at 9:00 am. The trainer is the Rev. Walter Stevens. Both EMs and EVs attend the morning session, which begins at 9:00 am. That session lasts 2.5 hours. Eucharistic Ministers, need only attend the morning session. Those who intend to be Eucharistic Visitors stay for the afternoon session, which lasts until 3:30 pm. To register, either see Susan+ (susan.sowers@thecathedralofstandrew.org) for assistance, or register on the Diocesan website. Space is limited, so register early. You can hear an interview with Lorenza at http://www.ministrywith.org/media/audio/audio_view/?id=15 and see an informal presentation she made in 2013 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjuSDewHYAo Choral Services on Sundays at 5:30 pm All are welcome. Parking is free. Calabash offering gratefully accepted. February 8 Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany - The Cathedral Men's Schola February 15 Last Sunday after the Epiphany - The Hawaii Sacred Choir February 22 First Sunday in Lent - The Diocesan Choir Godly Play The Children's Gathering on the Square Sundays, 9:00 - 10:00 am The Loft at St. Peter's Church The program takes place in The Loft at the back of St. Peter's Church, from 9:00 to 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. It is appropriate for children who are curious about the bible stories that they hear in church, enrolled in pre-school through the 4th grade of school. Older children are welcome to assist as "helpers" or participate in "The ROCK" (Relationships, Outreach, Christ & Kids) program located in the Sun/Son room at St. Peter's. February 8. Story of the Life of "St." Valentine. Today we celebrate the life of "St." Valentine who loved for God. Valentine was executed of February 14, 270. The practice of sending love messages on February 14 originated in part from the story of Valentine's note to the jailer's blind daughter. This day celebrates love and commemorates Valentine's life. February 15. Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday. Periodically, a "work day" is scheduled in the Godly Play classroom. It allows a relaxed time for the students to revisit materials that have not been utilized "enough." It is a chance to work with favorite activities and to ask lingering questions. We will also have preparation and imposition of ashes with the students. Prayers Please pray for the repose of the soul of William Ace. Prayer Request--Cathedral members and friends have asked for prayers for the following people: Tallulah, Uli, Jeff, Roberta, Richard, Elaine & Dennis, Tim, David, Thelma, Ed, Elsie, Kendra, Arlan, Jim, Cathie, Gayle, Lu, Hawley, Luisa, Elizabeth, Howard, Leinani, Wanda, Susan, Ben, and Paulie. For those within our church family living in places of peril, especially Deacon Honey Becker, and Susan Lukens. Christ, look upon us in this city; keep our compassion fresh and our faces heavenward lest we grow hard. Notes, Reminders, Deadlines Go online and check your Cathedral membership information and giving at: www.thecathedralofstandrew.org/access/ Meetings With the Dean. If you would like to meet with the Dean, theVery Rev. Walter Brownridge, please send an email to natasha.dator@thecathedralofstandrew.org. Please include a brief description of the subject matter and any additional details, such as upcoming deadlines or timeframes, links to supplemental information, and your preferred meeting dates and times. Pledge or Donate Online. This is a great way to submit your pledge or donate to a favorite Cathedral fund. Cathedral Life E-News. If you would like to receive the Cathedral Life E-News, please visit our website at www.thecathedralofstandrew.org to sign up to receive these weekly announcements. Deadline for Submissions. The deadline for submissions is Monday by noon for that week's ENews. Please submit announcements via email to newsletter@thecathedralofstandrew.org. Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral of St. Andrew Wednesdays at 12:15 pm "Noontime Concerts" features guest artists as well as the Cathedral's own musicians in performances of chamber and choral music, and organ recitals on the Cathedral's acclaimed Aeolian-Skinner organ. The half-hour concerts are now on Wednesdays at 12:15 pm. You are welcome to bring lunch. Admission and parking are free--although donations are always welcome! UPCOMING WEDNESDAY NOONTIME CONCERTS February 11 Sayaka Itomitsu, flute - With Megumi Kurachi, piano February 1 Ash Wednesday - No recital February 25 Ryan Klein, oboe - With Karol Nowicki, baritone, Lindsay Groves, cello, and John Renke, organ March 4 Organ Recital by John Renke - Music for the Season of Lent John R. Renke, Canon for Music Clergy, Staff, and Chapter The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i The Right Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, Bishop of Hawai'i The Cathedral of St. Andrew Clergy The Very Rev. Walter B.A. Brownridge, Dean The Rev. Susan R. Sowers, Associate Program Staff John Robert Renke, Canon for Music Administrative Staff Jeanette Redmond, Administrator/Office Manager Natasha Dator, Dean's and Parish Secretary Karol Nowicki, Administrative Assistant Lindy O'Shea, Bookkeeper Eric Banaticla, Sexton Mabel Gallegos, Saturday Sexton 2015 Stewardship Campaign Team Matt Brown, Simon Crookall, Andrew Jackson, Linda Oba Chapter The Right Rev. Robert L. Fitzpatrick, President The Very Rev. Walter B.A. Brownridge, Vice-President Leianne Lee Loy, Senior Warden Stanley Yon, Junior Warden Elizabeth Conklin, Treasurer Catherine Lowenberg, Clerk Class of 2016 Andrew Jackson, Priscilla Millen, Ann Reimers, Kathy Xian Class of 2017 Elizabeth Conklin, Paulette Moore, Harry Spiegelberg Class of 2018 Angela Gough, Richard Harris, Catherine Lowenberg Diocesan Representatives Class of 2015: The Rev. Brian Grieves, Ms. Felicidad ("Fely") Miller Class of 2016: The Rev. Irene Tanabe, Mr. Steve Mitchell ▬◊ ▬ The Cathedral of St. Andrew 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 524-2822 contact.us@thecathedralofstandrew.org Want to see our Cathedral calendars online? Want to get the Cathedral Life or Cathedral Music newsletters directly by email? Subscribe from our website or email contact.us@thecathedralofstandrew.org to let us know. And visit our Cathedral Facebook Page! www.thecathedralofstandrew.org www.thecathedralofstandrew.org/calendar www.facebook.com/thecathedralofstandrew
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