Diocesan Memorandum Prot. No. C-7/2015 February, 2015 Secretariat/Department Page Office of the Bishop 24 Chancery Catholic Community Foundation Finance 28 Clergy and Religious 33 Parish Life and Development 36 Catholic Charities Corporation Miscellaneous 40 29 32 The Diocesan Memorandum is published monthly as a service to clergy, religious and lay leadership in the Diocese of Cleveland. The deadline for the next Diocesan Memo is the tenth of this month. ** The Diocesan Memorandum is now on the WEB for your convenience. Enter the Cleveland Catholic Diocese website anytime at http://www.dioceseofcleveland.org and just click on the tab marked “Diocesan Memorandum. 46 Office of the Bishop COLLECTIONS: BLACK AND INDIAN MISSIONS 21-22 FEBRUARY 2015 Contributions support missionaries here in the United States who are evangelizing in the Black and Indigenous Community. It is only through the constant generosity of Church members that evangelization efforts among Black and Native American, Eskimo and Aleut communities have been possible for more than one hundred years. Churches and schools in African American and Native American Indian communities depend on the annual evangelization grants to continue their programs and pastoral activities. Please encourage your parishioners to be generous. OFFICE FOR WORSHIP RITE OF ELECTION AND CALL TO The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion will, once again, be held at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in two ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 24 CONTINUING CONVERSION celebrations on the First Sunday of Lent, 22 February 2015. The celebrations will be held at 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. Information was emailed in January with details, including a password and instructions for registering your parish attendees online. Please visit the Office for Worship website for further information about the celebration of the Rite of Election. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 2014 EXPIRATIONS Stickers, along with any requested reprints, will be arriving to update the extraordinary minister of Holy Communion certificates that expired on 31 December 2014. LENT–FASTING AND ABSTINENCE Our observance of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 18 February 2015, a day of fast and abstinence for Catholics. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of universal fast and abstinence. Fasting is obligatory for all who have completed their 18th year and have not yet reached their 60th year. Fasting allows a person to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may be taken, not to equal one full meal. Abstinence (from meat) is obligatory for all who have reached their 14th year. These are to be placed in the upper right-hand corner of each certificate to indicate a renewal for another five-year term. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the "paschal fast" to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection. Fridays in Lent are obligatory days of complete abstinence (from meat) for all who have completed their 14th year. EASTER VIGIL 2015 In 2015, Easter Vigil falls on 4 April. Title II, Number 21 of the General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar states: “The entire celebration of this [the Easter] Vigil should take place at night, beginning after nightfall and ending with dawn.” This rule is to be taken according to its strictest sense, thus, in the Diocese of Cleveland the earliest possible time for the Easter Vigil to begin in 2015 is 8:30 p.m. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 25 TRIBUNAL 2015 FIRST STEP PROGRAMS – IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION To date, we have had the privilege of meeting almost 1600 people through the First Step Program. Our thanks go out to the priests, deacons, pastoral ministers who have supported and encouraged individuals though this process. We are pleased to be able to continue this important evangelization aspect of our ministry. Your assistance in publicizing these programs is much appreciated. Please refer to the Tribunal website (www.dioceseofcleveland.org/tribunal) for testimonials about the program from past participants that might be helpful when publicizing the programs. In addition, please remember to pass on the fact that the Tribunal no longer requests any fees for cases. We have changed the program to make it easier for participants to submit their case. The participants will still come to the general meeting, but the follow-up to submit the case will be done with the procurator. Participants will answer the First Step questionnaire (twelve questions) and gather the required paperwork. When they meet with their procurator, the procurator will ensure that all required information has been completed and submit the case to the Tribunal. The procurator must be certain that the First Step questionnaire, showing the watermark, is included with the petitioner’s answers. If the watermarked questionnaire is not included, the case will be returned to the procurator. The Church’s teachings on marriage, divorce, and remarriage are often misunderstood. This program is offered to help everyone, especially those who have experienced divorce, learn more about Catholic teaching in these areas. Representatives from the Ministry to the Divorced Office of the Department for Marriage and Family Ministry will also be present to explain their ministry to those who are divorced. In any endeavor, taking the “first step” is always the most difficult. The First Step Program helps individuals to navigate the path of healing and closure, of which the annulment process is an important aspect. The schedule for the general meetings in 2015 is: Thursday, 26 March 2015, at St. Peter Parish, Lorain, at 7:00 p.m. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 26 Tuesday, 12 May 2015, at St. Gabriel Parish, Concord, at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 15 September 2015, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Cuyahoga Falls, at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 13 October 2015, at St. Ambrose Parish, Brunswick, at 7:00 p.m. Please see the bulletin announcement section for an announcement which can be used to publicize these meetings. Thank you for your assistance. For more information check our website: www.dioceseofcleveland.org Or call the Tribunal: 216-696-6525/800-869-6525, ext. 4000 YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Pope Francis has called for a special year long focus on consecrated life, asking the Church's religious sisters, brothers and priests to ‘wake up the world’ with their testimony of faith, holiness and hope. The Year of Consecrated Life continues through 2 February 2016. World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life is on 2 February 2015 and will be celebrated in parishes the weekend of 7-8 February 2015. Parish resources include Universal Prayer suggestions and a twosided bulletin insert for this weekend. Parishes are encouraged to include the bulletin insert on this weekend. The bulletin insert includes a witness story of how a consecrated person has positively impacted the life of the author and contains an invitation for everyone to add a message of gratitude or story about how a consecrated person has influenced their life online at www.churchvocations.com. Parish resources for the Year of Consecrated Life can be found on this website under parish resources. Parish Presentations: Pastors are invited to have a religious sister or brother speak at weekend liturgies after communion during the months of April and May 2015. It is our hope that a brief presentation will update the faithful about the life of consecrated religious in the church for service for all. Please contact Sr. Ann Letitia at aletitia@ursulinesisters.org for more information or to schedule a presentation. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 27 Pilgrimage: All will be welcome to a pilgrimage to congregational homes and ministry centers from June to September 2015. The pilgrimage is an opportunity to reflect on one’s spiritual journey and provide an opportunity to encounter a variety of religious communities within our diocese. Sites for the pilgrimage are now available online at www.churchvocations.com. Chancery CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST HELEN D. SCHUBERT CONCERTS WINTER 2015 Cathedral of St John the Evangelist; 1007 Superior Ave @ E 9th St; Cleveland Ohio 44114. All concerts are FREE, (no tickets, no reservations). Free secure parking: Cathedral garage on Rockwell Ave @ E 9th St. February 27 - Friday @ 7:30 p.m. Quire Cleveland (Cleveland OH) Ross Duffin, Artistic Director; David Fallis, Guest Conductor (Director, Toronto Consort). Song of Songs Works by: Dunstable, Palestrina, Victoria, Franck, Schütz, Billings, Grieg, Bairstow, Willan. From its first performance in 2008, Quire has attracted both critical and popular acclaim through concerts that are appealing and accessible, showcasing the beauty and glory of the choral art. Members of Quire Cleveland are musicians; soloists, music directors, and educators at major churches, synagogues, and schools in northeast Ohio. http://www.quirecleveland.org March 13 - Friday @ 7:30 p.m. Contrapunctus vocal ensemble (Cleveland OH) David Acres, Musical Director; Judith Overcash Acres, Executive Director. Angel Voices ever Singing… traces the history and progression of sacred music for upper voices (sopranos, altos and countertenors) through the ages - from the early days of chant (900s), through the ensuing centuries (Middle ages & Renaissance) and on to modern times, featuring the premier of a new work by Graham Keitch, 'Oh God, whose hand hath spread the sky' for 6 voices. http://contrapunctus-earlymusic.org ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 28 May 7– Thursday @ 8:00 p.m. JUBILATION! Elizabeth Stuart Church Choir Festival A production of WCLV in partnership with the Cathedral of St John Broadcast live over WCLV FM104.9 The Eighth annual WCLV JUBILATION Elizabeth Stuart Church Choir Festival features four finalist Church Choirs from Northeast Ohio. The non-adjudicated Festival, open by audition to all church choirs in Northeast Ohio, was established in 2008: to showcase sacred choral music recognized as core classical repertoire; to encourage a heightened standard of choral music in houses of worship; and to celebrate choirs that strive for excellence. The Festival offers a prize of $500 to each of the four participating choirs. http://www.wclv.com COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE LENTEN “EVENING OF CONFESSION” SET FOR MARCH 4TH Wednesday, March 4, 2015 all of the Churches in the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland will again offer “An Evening of Confession.” From 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., Priests at all 185 parishes will be present for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. “God never tires of forgiving. Never tire for asking,” the words of Pope Francis on the need to go to Confession. The Lenten practice of reconciliation is a strong tradition in the Catholic Faith and offers practicing Catholics or those who have not been active, an opportunity to enhance their relationship with Jesus Christ in preparation for Easter, the holiest day on the Church calendar. Parishioners also are asked to invite someone who might have been away from the Church to join them that evening. This is the third Lent in which “An Evening of Confession” is scheduled and it has received overwhelming participation For more information and materials which parishes can use pertaining to the evening go to: www.welcomecatholics.com Catholic Community Foundation 2015 CATHOLIC CHARITIES ANNUAL APPEAL This year’s appeal theme is Open Your Heart to Live Joyfully and Generously. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Cleveland, continues the mission of Jesus by responding to those in need through an integrated system of quality services designed to respect the dignity of every ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 29 person and build a just and compassionate society – a society that stands united in its support of the “least among us.” The Catholic Charities Annual Appeal is an invitation for every Catholic to join with our beloved Pope Francis in opening our hearts to live joyfully and generously. Please encourage your parishioners to respond generously to the solicitation from Bishop Lennon to all donors (Letter 1), mailed the week of 19 January. The In-Pew Weekend will take place in all parishes at all Masses the weekend of 14-15 February. All who have not received the mailing, or have not had a chance to respond to it, will be asked to consider making a generous pledge to support the ministries and services provided by Catholic Charities. Materials in support of the In-Pew Weekend were sent electronically to parishes on 8 January and mailed on 9 January. Additional materials were mailed 23 January. We invite you to view the Catholic Charities video, parish materials and more information about the 2014 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal www.catholiccommunity.org/2015appeal. Please contact Karen Joyce at 800.869.6525 ext. 1910 or kjoyce@catholiccommunity.org or Meghan McGuan at 800.869.6525 ext. 1049 or mmcguan@catholiccommunity.org with any questions or concerns. TABOR FUND GRANT AWARDS Applications for Tabor Fund Grant Awards are now available for the 2015 A cycle. Awards are intended to provide an opportunity for ministers to refresh and/or re-energize their spirituality, faith, mind and/or physical well-being, as part of fostering personal development and improving their ministry. Awards will be made in the following categories: Education and Formation, Sabbaticals and Retreats. Any bona fide employees (paid or volunteer), lay, and religious who work in any recognized ministry within the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland; this includes parishes, religious orders, recognized ministries and offices of the Diocese. While priests cannot receive individual awards, they may participate in Education and Formation initiatives. The application deadline for the Tabor Fund Grant Awards Program is March 13th. You may access the application and guidelines by visiting www.catholiccommunity.org under the menu option: About Us. Select Grants from the drop down menu and then select the Grant ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 30 Making option. Questions may be directed to Lauren Gannon at 216.696.6525, extension 4200 or lgannon@catholiccommunity.org. ROOTED IN FAITH – FORWARD IN HOPE The Catholic Community Foundation recently distributed over $2.4 million to Catholic schools and parishes from two case components: Strengthening Our Faith and Catholic Education. A complete list of schools and parishes receiving grant awards is available online at catholiccommunity.org/grantdistributions. To read the full press release, go to http://bit.ly/1FM1llm. OFFICE OF STEWARDSHIP FORMING INTENTIONAL DISCIPLES - NEXT STEPS Thank you to all who attended the 18 November Stewardship and Evangelization event with presenter Keith Strohm of the Catherine of Siena Institute on the book Forming Intentional Disciples. There were over 400 in attendance, representing 105 parishes across the Diocese. Following the event, we announced a new spiritual gifts discernment process available to parishes and organizations beginning in Spring 2015. To learn more and explore the possibility of this process for your parish or organization, we invite you to attend a regionally hosted “Come and See” workshop. The workshop is free, but registration is necessary. For more information, please visit www.dioceseofcleveland.org/stewardship Note: Advanced preparation using the spiritual gifts inventory tool would be helpful for each participant. Please register within one week of the scheduled workshop to provide enough time for this preparation. Listed below are the five regional offerings: 27 January 2015, 1:30 – 3:30 pm at Our Lady Help of Christians, 60 High Street, Seville 28 January 2015, 6:30 – 8:30 pm at St. Teresa of Avila, 1878 Abbe Road, Sheffield Village 29 January 2015, 1:30 – 3:30 pm at Center for Pastoral Leadership, 28700 Euclid, Wickliffe 3 February 2015, 6:30 – 8:30 pm at St. Rocco, 3205 Fulton Road, Cleveland 5 February 2014, 1:30 – 3:30 pm at St. Victor, 3435 Everett Road, Richfield ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 31 OFFERTORY ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM – GRATEFUL GIVING Over 25 parishes have successfully participated in Grateful Giving, the offertory enhancement program offered by the Catholic Community Foundation in partnership with Cathedral Corporation. This program combines critical faith formation with successful techniques of inspiring increased giving. Parishes to date have experienced an aggregate increase in weekly offering of 16%. This program is offered twice annually, Spring and Fall. We invite pastors, business managers, and pastoral leaders to attend the next informational session hosted on 11 February at 12:00 noon at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. Please RSVP to Cindy Cole by 9 February at 216-696-6525 (800-869-6525) x3760. Finance HUMAN RESOURCES W-2’S AND 1099’S This is just a reminder that all employees must receive their W-2 forms no later than February 2. If you have any vendors that receive 1099 forms, they must also receive them by February 2. STANDARD MILEAGE RATES INCREASE FOR 2015 The IRS has released the 2015 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning 1 January, 2015, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car will be: Business use: 57.5 cents a mile Charitable use: 14 cents a mile Medical use: 23 cents a mile Moving use: 23 cents a mile Contact Donna Speagle, Director of Human Resources, at (216) 696-6525, ext. 8760 or dspeagle@dioceseofcleveland.org with any questions. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 32 Clergy and Religious EXALT (XLT!) DIOCESAN VOCATION OFFICE Join us for an evening of prayer, song, and praise with Eucharistic Adoration on 10 February 2015, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. in Sacred Heart Chapel on the campus of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. A time for reconciliation will also be available. Visit clevelandcatholicpriesthood.com or call 440-943-7631 for more details. Upcoming 2015 XLT!: 14 April 2015. FORMATION POSTER FOR CONSECRATED LIFE World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life will be celebrated 8 February 2015. Pastors, Administrators, Principals, Directors of Religious Education, and Campus Ministers should have received a mailing containing two copies of our new poster featuring the women and men in formation for consecrated life from or within the Diocese of Cleveland. We ask you to display these posters in your church and/or school. Now that we have entered the Year of Consecrated Life this event is one of several throughout the coming year to give special attention and encouragement to consecrated living. We hope these materials will aid yourself and those to whom you minister. For further information or to request additional posters contact the Diocesan Vocation Office at 440-943-7630 or mavenoso@dioceseofcleveland.org . SAVE THE DATE! BISHOP’S SEMINARY BRUNCH The 31st Bishop’s Seminary Brunch will be held on Sunday, 22 March 2015, 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m. at Executive Caterers at Landerhaven. This is a fundraising event to benefit our seminarians. Consider filling a table of ten by inviting your parishioners and friends to attend. Individual tickets are also available. For more information, please contact Mary Avenoso at 440-943-7630 or mavenoso@dioceseofcleveland.org. VOCATION LESSONS ONLINE Beginning in September materials have been made available to all parishes and schools within the diocese through an online resource entitled Vocation Lessons. A tri-fold brochure containing information on this curriculum has already been distributed to all principals and pastors. This site will provide online supplemental curriculum for catholic schools, parish religious education, and youth ministry in support of fostering all vocations. Lessons contain videos, original stories, and inspiring excerpts. Please contact the Diocesan Vocation Office at 440-943-7630 or mavenoso@dioceseofcleveland.org to request a Vocation Lessons brochure. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 33 YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Pope Francis has declared November 21, 2014 to February 6, 2016 as the Year of Consecrated Life to celebrate the charism of religious life and its capacity to “awaken the world.” The Diocesan Vocation Office, with the Office of Evangelization, has convened an energized and hopeful collaboration of lay people and religious men and women in response to the invitation of Pope Francis to invite people to learn about this special charism. This unique collaboration of the diocese and religious communities aims to educate Catholics and the wider community about religious life today. Your support of this initiative can be offered through your personal prayers as well as gathering the prayers of those in your parish, school, or organization. Opportunities for religious to visit parishes and other institutions will be made available as well as the opportunity to pilgrimage to the different religious houses located in our diocese. Please visit www.churchvocations.com for future announcements regarding the Year of Consecrated Life. SEMINARY VOCATION OFFICE HIGH SCHOOL SHADOW VISITS High School Shadow Visits are geared to individual or small groups of young men who are juniors or seniors in high school and interested in meeting seminarians and learning more about Borromeo Seminary. Individual visitors “shadow” a Borromeo seminarian through his day of seminary life. This visit can also include an overnight. Please call 440-943-7660 or 440-943-7631 for details. HIGH SCHOOL GROUP VISIT DAYS High School Visit Days are geared to groups of young men who are interested in meeting our seminarians and learning more about Borromeo Seminary. Usually accompanied by a teacher or campus minister, students are invited to come for a presentation of the seminary, which includes discussion time for any questions they may have, a tour, Mass and lunch. High school teachers and youth ministers are asked to gather and invite a group of their high school students for this kind of visit. Please call 440-943-7660 or 440-9437631 for details. DUC IN ALTUM RETREATS In Luke 5, Jesus tells his disciples to “put out into the deep.” This Come and See weekend experience at Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries provides an overnight retreat for men between 17 and 44 years of age, offering the opportunity to experience life at the seminary. Upcoming weekends are 6-8 February, and 27-29 March, 2015. Please take a few minutes to identify a few potential candidates ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 34 and call (440-943-7660), fax (440-943-7577), or email (mmccandless@dioceseofcleveland.org) their names and addresses. We’ll see that they receive a personal invitation. BORROMEO SEMINARY TOLLE LEGE SUMMER INSTITUTE OF BORROMEO SEMINARY Borromeo Seminary is excited to continue the summer sessions of Tolle Lege Summer Institute, a faith-focused, fun, intellectual camp for teens of the Diocese of Cleveland who will be high school seniors at the start of the next academic year. The Tolle Lege Summer Institute of Borromeo Seminary is a camp inspired by the example of St. Augustine, bishop, teacher, and philosopher. Tolle Lege was founded to promote the pursuit of wisdom and provide a foundational understanding of Catholic philosophy and theology to men and women in the summer before their senior year of high school. Courses are taught by seminary faculty in a range of philosophical and theological topics in order to help teens develop an intellectual and spiritual understanding of their faith and provide them with the tools to become strong Catholic leaders. Applications for the camp, recommendation forms, the story of Tolle Lege, and more information are on the Tolle Lege website at: www.tollelegecamp.com. Applications are due May 18th. Our Facebook page is listed as: Tolle Lege Summer Institute at Borromeo Seminary and you can follow us on Twitter @TolleLegeCamp. Questions can be sent to our email: office@tollelegecamp.com. DIACONATE FORMATION PROGRAM PERMANENT DIACONATE INSTALLATION TO THE MINISTRY OF ACOLYTE The Permanent Diaconate Installation to the Ministry of Acolyte will be held on Saturday, 14 February 2015 at St. John Vianney Parish, Mentor. Retired Auxiliary Bishop Roger W. Gries, OSB will be the principal celebrant of the liturgy which will be held at 4:00 p.m. PERMANENT DIACONATE INSTALLATION TO THE MINISTRY OF LECTOR The Permanent Diaconate Installation to the Ministry of Lector will be held on Saturday, 14 March 2015 at St. Vincent De Paul Parish, Elyria. Bishop Richard G. Lennon will be the principal celebrant of the liturgy which will be held at 4:00 p.m. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 35 Parish Life and Development DIOCESAN MINISTRY TO THE INCARCERATED LEAF Ministry_ Listening, Encouraging, and Assisting Families Do you have families in your parish, who, because of the incarceration of a loved one, experience isolation, shame, guilt, and an overwhelming sense of being alone? The LEAF Ministry has been formed to be of support to these families. Groups meet monthly offering an opportunity to those who come to listen and share community, network and learn from others who understand their situation, challenges, fears and emotions. All are welcome to participate irrespective of faith affiliation. For more information, please call one of the following parishes and visit the website: www.leafministry.org No pre-registration is necessary. This month a new group will begin at St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima Parish. It is our intention to continue to form additional groups in the various areas of the diocese. If you are interested in beginning a group or want more information, call Sister Rita Mary, SND at 1-800-869-6525 or 216-696-6525x 2200. LEAF East meets at Holy Angels Parish in Bainbridge: Thursday, 19 February 2015 and 19 March 2015 at 7:00 p.m. (Call 440 708 0000) LEAF West a ministry of St. Ladislas Parish, Westlake and Sacred Heart Chapel, Lorain meets at St. Ladislas Parish: Wednesday, 11 February 2015 and 11 March 2015 at 7:00 p.m. This is a bi-lingual group which also provides a group for teens. (Call Paula at 216-696-6525x 3500) LEAF Central meets for the first time at St. Agnes-Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Cleveland: Saturday 7 February 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The group will determine at this meeting the dates and times for future meetings. (Call 216-391-1655) THE GAY AND LESBIAN FAMILY MINISTRY The Body of Christ in the Diocese of Cleveland is called to reverence each person as a unique reflection of God’s presence in our midst. PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Holy Spirit Parish in Avon Lake. 440-933-3777 Usually meets the first Sunday of each month. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 36 Please call the parish for additional details. St. John Vianney Parish, Mentor 440-943-3445 Meeting is usually on the second Sunday of each month Please call the parish for additional details. PARISH OUTREACH GROUPS Two Parish outreach groups exist to provide a place of support, affirmation and spiritual guidance to gay and lesbian Catholics. Blessed Trinity, Cleveland (Westside) Facilitator: Rev. Douglas Koesel 216-671-5890 (usually meets monthly on the second Tuesday from 7:00-9:00 p.m.) Gesu Parish, University Heights (Eastside) Facilitator: Rev. Lorn Snow, S.J. 216-932-0617 For any additional information, please feel free to call the Parish Life Office at 216-696-6525 or 1-800-869-6525, ext. 3500. LENTEN DAY OF REFLECTION The Gay-Lesbian Family Ministry will sponsor a Lenten Day of Reflection to be held at St. John Vianney Parish on Saturday, 7 March 2015 from 10:00 a.m. until the closing at the 4:00 p.m. parish Saturday Vigil Liturgy. All are welcome. For additional information, please call the Parish Life Office at1-800-869-6525 or 216-696-6525 x 3500. OFFICE OF MINISTRY TO AFRICAN AMERICAN CATHOLICS THE 2015 COLLABORATIVE REVIVAL - SAVE THE DATE The 2015 Collaborative Revival begins on Ash Wednesday, 19 February at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Spirit Parish in Garfield Heights. Fr. Philip Bernier is the celebrant and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers is the homilist and revivalist. The revival extends through Friday, 21 February. Please mark your calendars now so that you can be present for the entire revival. A flyer is included for your perusal or call 216696-6525 or 1-800-869-6525, ext. 3020 for more information. SR. THEA BOWMAN CELEBRATION – SAVE THE DATE FSPA Awards which honor African American Women 2:00 p.m., Sunday, 3 May 2015 Hilton Garden Inn Banquet & Conference Center 700 Beta Drive, Mayfield Village, OH 44143 ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 37 A flyer in included or you may call 216-696-6525 or 1-800-869-6525, ext. 3020 for more information. OFFICE OF HISPANIC MINISTRY BASIC ADULT FAITH FORMATION 2014-15 Saturday 7 February 2015 -- 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Jesucristo Young Adult Formation class St Mary / Painesville, Ohio HISPANIC LAY LEADERSHIP CLASS Saturday 21 February 2015 -- 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Profetas / Prophets Borromeo Seminary PASTORAL MINISTRY OFFICE JOB RESOURCE FOR LAY ECCLESIAL MINISTERS AND PARISHES The Pastoral Ministry Office can assist those who are seeking positions in parishes, as well as those who are looking for a lay ecclesial minister for their parish. Confidentiality is maintained at all times. Please call the office at 440-943-7672 or email pastoralministry@dioceseofcleveland.org if you would like more information. NEWLY CERTIFIED LAY ECCLESIAL MINISTERS OF THE DIOCESE OF CLEVELAND We congratulate the following people who were certified as Lay Ecclesial Ministers in December and blessed by Bishop Lennon at the 24 January 2015 liturgy at The Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist: Laura Bastulli Parran, Holy Rosary Parish, Cleveland Donna Caputo, Gesu Parish, University Heights Colene Conley, St. Martin of Tours Parish, Valley City Barbara Curran, St. Clare Parish, Lyndhurst Deborah Lokar, Divine Word Parish, Kirtland and St. Gabriel Parish, Concord Christine Polaczynski, St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Parma Sharon Szabo, St. Basil the Great Parish, Brecksville These people have completed a minimum of 32 hours of graduate or undergraduate study in theology, scripture, and pastoral skills. They have participated in a minimum of 3 years of pastoral and spiritual formation and demonstrated proficiency in ministry through mentoring and supervised field experiences. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 38 Over 300 men and women have responded to their baptismal call to service and are gifting the diocese and their communities in many diverse and varied ways. EVANGELIZATION OFFICE JOYFULLY GIFTED - SPIRITUAL GIFTS DISCERNMENT PROCESS “Come and See” workshops to learn more about the new diocesan Spiritual Gifts Discernment Process called Joyfully Gifted and to explore the possibility of this process for your parish or organization are now available in January and February. Cost is free, but registration is necessary at www.dioceseofcleveland.org/evangelization. Advanced preparation using the spiritual gifts inventory tool would be helpful for each participant. Please register within one week of the scheduled workshop to provide enough time for this preparation. Listed below are the five regional offerings: 27 January 2015, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at Our Lady Help of Christians, 60 High Street, Seville 28 January 2015, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at St. Teresa of Avila, 1878 Abbe Road, Sheffield Village 29 January 2015, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at Center for Pastoral Leadership, 28700 Euclid, Wickliffe 3 February 2015, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at St. Rocco, 3205 Fulton Road, Cleveland 5 February 2014, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at St. Victor, 3435 Everett Road, Richfield PASTORAL PLANNING THROUGH AN EVANGELIZING LENS: Need help in planning next steps or creating a pastoral plan for evangelization? Contact Terrie Baldwin to discuss the different approaches for evangelization including the USCCB’s three goals for Evangelization, the Thresholds of Conversion, and ideas from the book REBUILT. Formational programs are available for parish and schools staffs, parishes, schools, and Catholic organizations on various topics including Thresholds of Conversion, Joy of the Gospel, New Evangelization, Evangelization and Technology, and Learning how to Witness, using workshop, retreat, and mission formats. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 39 Evangelization training sessions for parish staff and lay leaders is available for adult faith formation facilitation, ALPHA core team, ALPHA small group leaders, witnessing, faith sharing, hospitality, greeters and ushers, door to door evangelization and many evangelization programs are also available. More information is available at www.dioceseofcleveland.org/evangelization. Contact Terrie Baldwin in Office of Evangelization for any additional questions or support at (216) 696-6525 or (800) 869-6525, ext. 2540 or tbaldwin@dioceseofcleveland.org. PUBLICIZE YOUR LENTEN ACTIVITIES As preparations get underway for Lent, please remember to send information on your parishes Fish Fries and Lenten Activities, i.e. Retreats, Missions, Lecture Series, Concerts/Performances and anything else your parish might be planning, to be included in the activities calendar of the Parish Life Website. Send your information via email to Martha Hamilton at mhamilton@dioceseofcleveland.org. If you have a promotional flyer, please send an electronic copy of that. Also, any promotional materials that include a menu for a Fish Fry or Special Lenten Meal would help as well. There is no deadline on submissions as the website will be updated on an ongoing basis. However, the sooner it is listed, the more people who will see your events. Catholic Charities Corporation WEBSITE MARRIAGE & FAMILY MINISTRY Visit our website at http://ccdocle.org/mfm for Pre-Cana days, NFP classes, Parenting classes, Couple Ministry, Bereavement and Compassion & Care trainings, divorce recovery groups, Ministry to the Sick and Caregivers and more or call Jane at 216-334-2978. Also, find and like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/clevelandmarriageandfamily to stay current with marriage & family news and events. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 40 FAMILY PERSPECTIVES Family gospel insights and intercessions for each Sunday are included in the Family Perspectives and General Intercessions flyer for the month of March 2015 (published a month in advance). MARRIAGE PREPARATION and PARISH PRE-CANA DAYS Our website at http://ccdocle.org/marriage-and-familyministry/marriage/engaged-couples lists marriage preparation options. Parishes are invited to advertise on our website. Call or email Jane at 216-334-2978 or jschwendeman@ccdocle.org NATIONAL MARRIAGE WEEK February 7-14 is national marriage week each year. This broadbased, international movement seeks to strengthen and promote marriage. Visit www.nationalmarriageweekusa.org for more information or ideas to strengthen marriage. CATHOLIC COUPLE CHECKUP – MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Consider promoting the online Catholic Couple Checkup, for dating or married couples in your parish. This is a shorter version of Prepare/Enrich that couples complete on their own, and then receive a printable couple report with discussion guide. The price is reduced from $35 to $19.95 during National Marriage Week Feb 7-14th. A great resource for a marriage enrichment program! Parish leaders receive a group profile listing the major strengths and growth areas of couples, men and women. A promotional bulletin announcement is included in this memo. Learn more here>. MINISTRY OF CONSOLATION/ PARISH BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY This training provides the training and tools needed to create a Ministry of Consolation /Bereavement program in the context of parish life. This course is for those who are ministering to the bereaved in parish and diocesan settings. The next training will be: Dates: Five Tuesday evenings – February 10, 17, 24, March 3 & 10, 2015 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Place: Our Lady of Victory Parish, 105 North Avenue, Tallmadge, 44278 Cost: $125.00 per participant For more information, please contact Jason Lewis at jrlewis@ccdocle.org or call 216-334-2974. MINISTRY OF CARE AND COMPASSION This program (the former Volunteer Visitors Program) has been revamped and updated to reflect the most effective way to deliver homebound ministry in your parish setting, as well as pastoral care in hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities. Ministers ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 41 of care and compassion are ordinary people called to minister to ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. Dates & Time: Thursdays, February 12, 26, March 5, 12 & 26, 2015 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Place: Holy Martyrs Parish, 3100 Old Weymouth Road, Medina, 44256 Cost: $110.00 per participant For more information, please contact Jason Lewis at jrlewis@ccdocle.org or call 216-334-2974. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING TEACHER TRAINING INSTITUTE 2015 Please consider recommending a NFP to a couple from your parish for the 2015 NFP Teacher Training Institute. We have reduced the price to make it easier for parishes to sponsor couples. The couples that take part in this program are certified to instruct couples in either the Ovulation Method or the Sympto-thermal Method of NFP. They would be available to offer a NFP Information Sessions or full courses at your parish for young engaged or married couples – many of whom have not heard of NFP but are especially receptive if they hear it from a couple practicing NFP. They can be a wonderful resource for your parish. Dates & Times: Saturdays, June 6, June 27, August 1 and August 29, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Place: St. Augustine Manor, 7911 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102 Cost: $295.00 per couple Interested? Please contact Kathy Patton, NFP Coordinator, at 216334-2973 or email at kapatton@ccdocle.org. Please see flyer with this memo. PRE-CANA Pre-Cana sessions that are held at parishes and retreat centers can be found at: http://ccdocle.org/program/pre-cana PREP RELATIONSHIP SKILLS WORKSHOP FOR ENGAGED AND MARRIED COUPLES PREP fulfills the Pre-Cana requirement for engaged couples, and offers enrichment to married couples Date & Time: Sunday, 22 February 2015, from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., please register by 13 February 2015 Place: Holy Spirit Parish, 410 Lear Rd., Avon Lake 44012 (noon Mass) Cost: $95 per couple. For more information, call 216-334-2978. Online registration form at http://ccdocle.org/program/prep ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 42 CANA II REMARRIAGE PREPARATION COUPLE MINISTRY TRAINING – ST. AMBROSE BRUNSWICK A marriage preparation series for couples, in which one or both have been married before, or one or both will become a stepparent. Includes Active Parenting for Stepfamilies series on subsequent evenings Two offerings: Date & Time: Saturday, 7 March 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Cana II session Active Stepparenting Series – Wednesdays, March 11 & 18, 2015 from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Place: Holy Spirit Parish, 410 Lear Rd., Avon Lake 44012 (5 p.m. Mass) Cost: $95 per couple Saturday only; $125 for Cana II plus Active Step-Parenting series. Already married stepparents are also welcome to register for Active Step-parenting only for $30. Register at: http://ccdocle.org/program/cana-ii or Place: St. Basil the Great, 8700 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, OH 44141. Please register by April 10th Date & Time: Saturday, 18 April 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Cana II session Active Stepparenting Series – Thursdays, April 23 & 30, 2015 from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. will be held at St. Joseph Parish, 12700 Pear Road, Strongsville, OH 44136 (Please note change of location for Stepparenting Series) Cost: $95 per couple Saturday only; $125 for Cana II plus Active Step-Parenting series. Already married stepparents are also welcome to register for Active Step-parenting only for $30. Register at: http://ccdocle.org/program/cana-ii Couple Ministers are volunteer married couples selected by their parish and trained by the diocese to assist in Marriage preparation and enrichment. They meet with the engaged couples and provide a living witness of Christian Marriage. Date Five Wednesday evenings, June 10, 17, 24, July 1 & 8, 2015 Time: 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Place: St. Ambrose Parish, 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, OH 44212 Cost: $125 per couple, paid by the parish. Registration brochures are available online, with this memo or through the Department for Marriage & Family Ministry Please email Ginny gedeeks@clevelandcatholiccharities.org or call her at 216-334-2972. Online brochure ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 43 SINGLE & PARENTING Video series offering effective parenting strategies, encouragement, and insights for single parents. Date: Starting Thursday, January 29, 2015, for 13 sessions. Subsequent sessions are the first and third Thursday of each month. Join at any time. Place: St. Joseph Parish, 12700 Pearl Road, Strongsville, OH 44136 Cost: $25 for 13 sessions, including workbook Register by calling 216-334-2978, or at http://ccdocle.org/events/single-parenting SACRED STEPS TO PEACE / CATHOLIC DIVORCE RECOVERY The Department for Marriage and Family Ministry is featuring a Catholic Divorce Recovery Program entitled Sacred Steps to Peace. The Sacred Steps General Meeting is held on the third Friday of each month, with a focus on spiritual healing and growth through education, discussion and reflection on Scriptures and Church teachings. A “Working on the Steps” group meets every Thursday evening and is guided by a team in a support group format by using prayer, exercises and skills in a workbook as a pathway to divorce recovery. Date & Time: The third Friday of each month, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. – Sacred Steps General Meeting Every Thursday of the month from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. - Working the Steps Support Group (optional) Location: St. Joseph Parish, 12700 Pearl Road, Strongsville, Ohio 44136 Cost and registration: $25 for 12 sessions including workbook New attendees are welcome but should register by calling Jane at 216-334-2978 or there is a registration form available at http://ccdocle.org/program/sacred-steps-peace-catholic-divorcerecovery WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER MARRIED COUPLES - Do you know that more than 1,500,000 couples in over 92 countries have experienced a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend? They found something worth passing on. The 2015 weekends is scheduled for February 13-15, 2015 at the Cambria Suites, Uniontown. For more information call Scott or Lori at 330-305-9963 or visit www.wwme.org Retrouvaille is a three-month program to help couples struggling in their marriages. It has three phases, starting with a weekend experience in which couples learn to re-establish communication and to gain new insights into themselves as individuals and as a ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 44 RETROUVAILLE couple. Post sessions are held over a period of 12 weeks to further develop and enhance the techniques learned on the weekend. A support group is available offering interaction with other couples who are striving to improve their relationship. Dates: April 17-19 or September 11-13, 2015. Location: Fairfield Inn & Suites, Beachwood, Ohio Registration: Call Diane and Al Miskinis at 800-470-2230 or email Cleveland@retrouvaille.org. For more information go to their website: www.helpourmarriage.com ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Catholic Engaged Encounter is a comprehensive weekend of marriage preparation held three times a year at the St. Leonard Retreat Center, 4076 Case Road, Avon, Ohio 44011. For questions call Rita & Denny, 440-572-8954. Cost is $185 per couple. The 2015 weekend dates are May 8-10; August 7-9 and October 23-25. Visit their website for information and to register – www.clevelandencounter.com. CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2015 LOCAL CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (CCHD) GRANT APPLICATIONS The 2015 Local Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Grant applications including the “Local Youth and Young Adult Grant” and the “Local Community Grant” are now available. The local grants include awards upwards of $5,000. We are also accepting nominations for the Fr. David Fallon awards, which include awards upwards of $500. CCHD provides funding to groups whose activities reflect Catholic moral and social teaching on human life and dignity; these groups work to change social structures and policies which undermine life and dignity, especially for the poor and powerless. Any organization within the geographical Diocese of Cleveland that complies with the CCHD application criteria and guidelines may apply. Organizations do not have to necessarily be Catholic or affiliated with the Catholic Church but must be in union with all CCHD criteria and guidelines. All completed applications are due by March 31, 2015. The grantees and Fr. Fallon awardees are celebrated at a CCHD Awards luncheon in the spring. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 45 The local grant applications and timeline can be found at http://ccdocle.org/social-action/catholic-campaign-for-humandevelopment/local-grant-process The Fr. David Fallon Award application and timeline can be found at http://ccdocle.org/socialaction/catholic-campaign-for-human-development/fr-david-fallonlocal-award Rachel Schmidt, CCHD Program Administrator, rschmidt@ccdocle.org, 440 366 1106 x12. Miscellaneous USED GATHER COMPREHENSIVE HYMNALS St. Joseph Church in Strongsville, Ohio is willing to donate up to 350 used Gather Comprehensive hymnals. These hardbound hymnals are in decent condition. If interested in any or all of them, please contact Luke Massery, music director, at 440-238-5555 or lmassery@sjohio.org 22 FEBRUARY 2015 - JACKIE (FRANCOIS) & BOBBY ANGEL AT ST. BARNABAS Jackie (Francois) & Bobby Angel are coming to St. Barnabas on Sunday, February 22 from 5:30-9:00 p.m. All are welcome especially teens, young adults, parents, and those who minister to them. Jackie & Bobby are dynamic, funny & engaging national speakers. Jackie has been a keynote speaker at the National Catholic Youth Conference and multiple Steubenville Youth Conferences, as well as many other events across the country. The evening includes Mass, dinner (for the teens), Parent Talk (How to talk with your teen about the benefits of chastity), Girls Chastity Talk with Jackie, Guys Chastity Talk with Bobby, and a mini-XLT (Eucharistic Adoration with praise & worship music). Questions or to RSVP your group, please contact Francine Costantini: FrancineStBLT@gmail.com or 330-467-7959 ext 120. For group leaders: a donation of $5/teen for dinner & the event is requested, along with a group RSVP by February 16 to help with the dinner count. ______________________________________________________________________________ Diocesan Memorandum 2014 – Page 46
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