Newsletter This Week’s Sunday Service UPCOMING EVENTS February 8, 2015 Worship Time - 10:30 a.m. THIS SUNDAY: 9:00 am ―Minto Hugs‖ Quilters - Stage, Upper CE 9:30 am Kindred Sisters - Lounge 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Choir Practice - Sanctuary 10:15 am Pastoral Care Meeting - Lounge 7:00 pm Youth Group Ice skating at Sunningdale Outdoor Rink Mon Feb 9 7:00 pm Sunday School Teachers Meeting Wed Feb 11 9:00 am ―Minto Hugs‖ Quilters - Stage, Upper CE 9:30 am Kindred Sisters - Lounge 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Choir Practice - Sanctuary Wed Feb 4 Scripture: Isaiah 40: 21-31 Psalm 147 1 Corinthians 9: 16-23 Mark 1: 29-39 MINUTE FOR MISSION: Fri Feb 6 Shawn’s Story Shawn grew up in a life of drugs, alcohol, and violence. When he ended up on the streets of Victoria, he wasn’t alone—his dad was there to show him the ropes. ―My dad was a long-standing member of the Victoria street community,‖ says Shawn, 32. ―He drank everything. He drank rubbing alcohol. It’s super cheap and has a high alcohol content.‖ His dad introduced Shawn to Our Place, a low-barrier mission that offers a respite from the street. Together, father and son made a plan to get sober, but ―Dad died on the stairs behind the Empress Hotel. He had a heart attack and an alcoholic seizure.‖ He was 47 years old. Confronted by his father’s death, Shawn had a tough time honoring his promise to turn his life around. But then an outreach worker at Our Place convinced him to go into treatment. After three months, Shawn moved to a recovery house and joined Narcotics Anonymous. He returned to Our Place and volunteered to give back by doing custodial work, which led to full-time employment. ―There was lots of support there,‖ he says. ―People noticed I had changed.‖ Our Place also encouraged Shawn to apply for funding to learn a trade. It was hard, but he successfully completed a Metal Fabrication certification and now works full-time for a major aircraft construction company in Victoria. ―Shawn had the willingness to do whatever he had to do to change,‖ says Bob, the building manager at Our Place. ―That saved him. We just gave him the platform to recover.‖ Please join me and give generously for Mission and Service. Together we are helping people and changing lives. Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you. BULLETIN SPONSORSHIP We have begun our annual drive for Bulletin Sponsorship. We would like to encourage anyone who would like to remember a loved one or a special occasion or just to give thanks for all you have, to purchase a bulletin sponsorship for $25.00. Please put your name, phone number, and email (by the date you would like to sponsor) on the sheet provided at the display in the Lower Lobby! One week before the Sunday you are sponsoring, the church office will be in contact with you to find out the message you would like in the bulletin (if you do not hear from us, please contact us since we still may not have an office administrator and may require a prompting) Thanks from Gary & Lynette JOINT NEEDS ASSESSMENT UPDATE On Sunday, January 11th, Minto’s congregation met to discuss and vote on the Joint Needs Assessment Committee report. The meeting was chaired by Hazel Blake of the Grasslands Presbytery. By a ballot vote of 51-23, the decision was made to accept the recommendations of the report. The report will now go to an Executive meeting of Presbytery on January 29th for final approval. If approved there, Minto will create a Joint Pastoral Relations Committee, responsible for finding a new Minister. On behalf of the Joint Needs Assessment Committee, I would like to thank the congregation for your support and involvement in this decision making process for Minto’s future Ministerial needs. While there were people saddened and disappointed by the results of the survey and the recommendations in the report, everyone at the congregational meeting shared their thoughts and feelings in a heartfelt and respectful way. I would also like to thank our Presbytery representatives Rev. Mathias Ross and Hazel Blake for their time and talents contributed to our work and our committee. And a sincere thank-you to Minto’s representatives on the Joint Needs Committee, Tracey Gossard, Kevin Ogle, Bud Isley, and special mention must go to Sherry Zabolotney, secretary. There was a lot of typing, paperwork, e-mailing and Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Come out and let's make some beautiful music together. ♫ Everyone is welcome!! ♫ We have a Quilter’s Group called “THE MINTO HUGS” where folks are always welcome to join! We meet Wednesdays at 9 a.m. on the stage in the upper C.E. copying involved in this process and Sherry was responsible for most of it. Thanks to you all. Jeremiah 29:11 Sincerely, Barb Owens, Joint Needs Assessment Committee chair. WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH OUR MINTO SUNDAY SCHOOL??!!!! MINTO OLYMPICS FUN DAY – Lots of exciting events to break the winter blahs: snowshoe races, relay race with winter clothes, floor hockey, cup stacking, ice cream sundaes, and more....!!! Taking place February 8th 10:00 am – 11:45 am in our auditorium. Feb 8 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Coffee Feb 15 Transfiguration Sunday Feb 22 First Sunday In Lent Brunch Annual Meeting Mar 1 Second Sunday in Lent Communion Mar 8 Third Sunday in Lent Coffee NOTE: Kids will go directly to the Annual Sunday School Fun Day festivities in the auditorium! FRIENDSHIP DAY – A fun day where Sunday School is combined and will be making a special “For You” craft to hand out to the congregation! And make sure you invite a friend to church on February 15th!!! BIRTHDAY PARTIES – On the Last Sunday of each month we will be celebrating anyone who is having a birthday. The next one will be on February 22nd! Children's and Youth Library Please return any books, DVD"s or CD's. We are doing an inventory of our resources. Thank you. Minto Worship Schedule Feb 19 2:30 pm Providence Place Feb 26 2:00 pm Extendicare Feb 26 3:00 pm Chez Nous MINTO YOUTH GROUP!! We welcome ALL GR.6-12s to Join Us!!! We meet each Friday at 7:00 P.M. In the Youth Booth UPCOMING YOUTH NIGHTS!!! Feb 6 We’re going ice skating at the Sunningdale Outdoor Rink, with hot chocolate to follow! Feb 13 To be announced. GET EXCITED...!! FROM THE CLIPBOARD TABLE IN THE LOBBY JUST SO YOU KNOW TOO..... A way to further connect with our Minto youth world is by going to our Face book Site: “Minto United Church Youth Group” We are always in need ushers. If you can help, please see Linda on Sunday morning in the lobby. Thanks! Please remember, you can contact Bonnie Fathers at 306-694-4008 regarding Minto’s prayer chain. OUTSIDE SIGN This sign is an important opportunity to promote Minto events, and spread messages of Christian faith in our community. Please contact Krystal if you have an event that you wish to see advertised on the sign. She can be reached at 306-692-3431, or email SUBMISSIONS FOR MINTO NEWSLETTER The deadline day for submissions to the Minto Newsletter is Wednesdays @ 9:00 a.m. CARD MINISTRY Do you know of anyone in need of a sympathy card, get well card, birthday over 90 years or an encouragement card? If so, please call Florence Forsythe at 306-691-0407 or leave a message at the church office and they will ensure Florence is informed. Thank you. If you have any comments regarding this newsletter, phone Minto United Church @ 306-693-6148 or e-mail Copyright © 2007 The Zondervan Corporation ********************************************************
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