Newsletter This Week’s Sunday Service UPCOMING EVENTS June 28, 2015 Worship Time -10:30 a.m. Wed Jun 24 OUR VOLUNTEERS ARE TAKING A BREAK! THE NEWSLETTER WILL RESUME AUGUST 19TH Have a Wonderful Summer! THIS SUNDAY: 2 Samuel 1: 1, 17-27 Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15 Mark 5: 21-43 Heartwood Community Café Heartwood is a café and bistro in Vancouver—and much, much more. The home of Trinity United Church, which gave up its church building in Kitsilano in 2013, in many ways the café is an expression of Christ’s table, at which Christians are nourished and 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Choir Practice - Sanctuary I am very pleased to report that we will have new ministry personnel starting September 1: Rev. Linsell A. Hurd will be our short-term minister. Linsell is currently fulfilling an interim ministry position at Kindersley and has been appointed by our Presbytery to serve at Minto from September 1 until December 31, 2015. Linsell has been a minister for many years, had retired and returned to take short and interim appointments over the last several years. Beginning January 1, 2016, we will welcome Rev. Linda Tomlinson-Seebach as our full-time minister. Linda has been the minister at Lafleche-Limerick Pastoral Charge since ordination in 2006 and a Lay Preacher and Student Minister with the United Churches in Saskatchewan and Ontario since 1995. Her resume notes extensive program development and involvement in the church life of all the congregations she has served as a student and since ordination. She is currently the freed to become communities of justice and love. Heartwood provides radical, unconditional, and relational hospitality, with particular concern for silenced voices. Absolutely everyone is welcome, regardless of gender, background, beliefs, or ability to pay. The café aims to be a part of the community and to partner with other community organizations to collectively strive for justice, act for peace, and work for environmental sustainability. Heartwood intentionally forms relationships and partnerships for social justice through hospitality, spirituality, and an LGBTQ-positive space. (LGBTQ means lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.) It embodies justice in every aspect of its operation by following sustainable practices, using local sourcing and fair trade products, and working with the community to get to the root of social problems. Weekdays from 5:00 to 5:30 p.m. Heartwood holds meditative gatherings open to a variety of LGBTQ positive faith expressions. It is a time of music, silence, meditation, or reflection, perhaps engaging with sacred literature, and connecting with oneself in the company of others, a great oasis for those on their way home from work. The café is also a door to the life and worship of Trinity United Church. Our gifts for Mission and Service, along with some coaching from the EDGE Network, have supported this vision of a new community. People’s lives are being transformed. Thank you, and please join me in continuing to give generously. Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you. Jun 28 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost JULY Church Closed Please worship at Trinity Chairperson of Chinook Presbytery, Saskatchewan Conference, and Chairperson of the Development Committee at St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon. An information sheet regarding Rev. Hurd and Rev. Tomlinson-Seebach will be available from the church office or at the information desk in the Main Lobby. (Please note: Minto will be closed during the month of July.) I want to thank our Search Committee for the excellent work they have done to recruit a new minister. And I also want to thank you, the congregation, for attending the meeting last Monday evening and accepting the recommendation of the Search Committee to hire Rev. Linda TomlinsonSeebach. Blessings, Sherry Zabolotney Chairperson FYI: As you know, Rev. Lynette Miller has completed her interim ministry with us at Minto. Our short-term minister, Rev. Linsell Hurd, will be renting her trailer for the four months he will be working at Minto. If you had donated furniture to Lynette and wish to have it returned to you, please contact Sherry Zabolotney at 306-692-8153 to make arrangements for its return. Thank you. The Worship Committee and Linda MacLaren would like to thank everyone who has signed up for reading Scripture, Prayers, Ushering and Elevator operations. Aug 2 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Communion, Food Bank Aug 9 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Aug 16 Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost Aug 23 Thirteenth After Pentecost Aug 30 Fourteenth after Pentecost JOINT SEARCH COMMITTEE The Board has appointed Minto’s members to the Joint Search Committee. They are: Kevin Ogle, Linda Law, Linda McLaren, Andrea Darichuk and Warren Marcotte. The Presbytery has appointed Wendy Gibson and Marilyn Forbes. We are grateful for their willingness to serve and their dedication to the task. While we have called a new minister to start on January 1, 2016, the committee remains in effect until the Covenanting Service has been held in January. Sunday School Adventure Camp On each Sunday in June Theme…”WatchDog.” June 21st – Taming the Tongue June 28th – Watchdog Training Please sign up for summer Sunday school, we need a person for each Sunday to lead the children. All materials are provided. FROM THE CLIPBOARD TABLE IN THE LOBBY We are always in need ushers, Scripture readers and folks to read Intercession prayers. If you can help, please see Linda on Sunday morning in the lobby. Thanks! CARD MINISTRY Do you know of anyone in need of a sympathy card, get well card, birthday over 90 years or an encouragement card? If so, please call Florence Forsythe at 306-691-0407 or leave a message at the church office and they will ensure Florence is informed. Thank you. WE NEED PEOPLE TO HELP WITH COMMUNION ON SUNDAY, AUG 2. Please sign up today! BULLETIN SPONSORSHIP Please remember, you can contact Bonnie Fathers at 306-694-4008 We would like to encourage anyone who would like to remember a loved one or a special occasion or just to give thanks for all you have, to purchase a regarding Minto’s prayer chain. bulletin sponsorship for $25.00. Please put your name, phone number, and email (by the date you would like to sponsor) on the sheet provided at the display in the Lower Lobby! One week before the Sunday you are sponsoring, Janice, our Office Administrator, will contact you to find out the message you would like in the bulletin. Thanks from Gary & Lynette OUTSIDE SIGN This sign is an important opportunity to promote Minto events, and spread messages of Christian faith in our community. Please contact Krystal if you have an event that you wish to see advertised on the sign. She can be reached at 306-692-3431, or email SUBMISSIONS FOR MINTO NEWSLETTER The deadline day for submissions to the Minto Newsletter is Wednesdays @ 9:00 a.m. If you have any comments regarding this newsletter, phone Minto United Church @ 306-693-6148 or e-mail Copyright ©2002 The Zondervan Corporation ********************************************************
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