Magazine - Burscough Methodist Church

Message from Michael
Dear Friends,
Panto season has arrived in Burscough
once again, and over the next couple of weeks the Church
Hall will be filled with booing, hissing and cries of “he/she/
its behind you…” and of course much laughter. Each
pantomime has its heroes and heroines, but often the most
anticipated characters are the villains, the Wicked Queen,
Evil Stepmother, Ugly Sisters or the Giant and his henchman
[other Villains may well be in this years Panto but I haven’t
seen it yet !] who the audience love to “hate”. At the heart
of any Pantomime is the struggle between heroes and
villains, bad and good, but all within the comforting
knowledge that in the end good will triumph over evil:
Cinderella will marry her Prince, Snow White will wake from
her sleep and Jack will not be gobbled up by the Giant.
Often when it comes to the curtain call we see the villains
are perhaps not quite as heartless as we originally thought!
February also brings the start of Lent, with Ash
Wednesday falling this year on the 18th, the time we prepare
ourselves for Easter by remembering the Forty days Jesus
spent being tempted in in the Wilderness. Whilst in no way a
Pantomime, the Biblical story of the Temptation is one that
represents a momentous confrontation between good and
evil as Jesus is challenged by the Satan. The temptations
start of in a very gentle way – “turn these stones to bread” –
provide food for the World, buy yourself friends, what could
be wrong with that. “Jump from the Temple tower”, cause a
spectacle and impress the crowds, again not exactly the
depths of evil.
But each temptation is designed to lead Jesus further
away from the path set out for him and the Satan shows his
true colours when he offers Jesus the World in return for
bowing down and worshipping him.
clash between good and evil in our World today is not
always clear cut and it is sometimes difficult to work out who
are the heroes and who are the villains; todays freedom
fighters can be yesterday’s terrorists and vice versa. The
morality of international relations can be very murky and the
tragic events in Syria and the wider Middle East are
constantly demonstrating that the old proverb “my enemies
enemy is my friend” is not necessarily the case. The Christian
faith does help us to plot a course through the minefield of
morality, and in John 10.10 Jesus says “I came that they may
have life in the fullest measure [life in abundance]. Goodness
is represented by all those things which promote the fullness
of life that Jesus desires for us, whilst Evil is all that takes
away that abundance of life.
At the heart of every Pantomime is a message of
transformation – Snow white is restored to her rightful
position, Cinderella’s life is change beyond recognition and
Jack and his mother are lifted from their poverty. The
message of Hope is at the heart of the Christian Gospel
through the transforming life of Jesus, the one who offers
each one of us the chance of life in all its fullness. As we boo
and hiss our Panto villains this year let’s spare a thought for
those caught up in the struggle between good and evil going
on in our World today and pray that their lives may be
transformed and that they may experience the fullness of life
that God intends for all his people.
Yours in His Service
In Our Prayers
As we go to print we have just heard the sad news
that Dennis Fitzsimmons died at home on 21st
January. Our thoughts and prayers are with Vera,
Pat, Kath, Karen and all the families at this time.
Thank you for all the messages of sympathy we have received following the
death of my Mum. All the prayers, cards, flowers and offers of help have
been a source of great comfort to all our family,
love to you all,
Cathy and Gerald
Thank you to everyone for the prayers, flowers, phone calls,
visits after my shoulder operation. I am feeling better each
day and hope to be back in circulation soon. We appreciate
all your kindness.
Ann Wright and Family
Each Thursday
7.00 - 8.00pm
A time for quiet reflection and prayer
Everyone Welcome
1st Wednesday every Month
In the Church
Wednesday 4th February
Speaker: Merle Bradley
Come and join us in informal worship in a relaxed
Everyone most welcome.
Thank you for your giftgiving generosity.
This helps people facing
difficulties at this time in
their lives. We truly appreciate all the time and effort it
takes to make a donation.
Thanks again
Fox Street Community
The Fox Street Community is based in Preston and
provides all-year round supported accommodation for 20
adult men. It was established in 1986 by the Central
Methodist Church to respond to the growing demand for
temporary accommodation. Now, also in partnership with
Preston City Council, we aim to address the issues of
homelessness and rough sleeping across the city of
Fox Street provides a safe and reliable home. The staff
team is on hand 24 hours a day and offer help, advice and
guidance to assist residents to move on and live
The community is committed to support and empower
people to make a positive change in their lives.
On behalf of all the Children here at Derian
House, I would like to thank you for the toy
donation and £147.00 cash received. It
was kind of you to think of us and greatly
We are currently supporting 250 families throughout the
North West who have a child or young adult with a life
threatening condition, and a further 150 families who
are receiving bereavement support.
As a charity which receives minimal government
funding, we have to rely on our own efforts and the
generosity of our friends in the wider community to help
us raise the funds we need. A donation such as this is a
welcome contribution towards the financial target of £3
million which will ensure that these children and families
The Grove Community Association
To: Burscough Methodist Church
The Grove Community Association
acknowledges receipt of a cheque for
£50.00, received from the retiring Christmas Collection.
This money is to be used for The Grove Community
Association Food Bank.
Your generosity is very much appreciated and assists us
greatly by enabling us to provide fresh food in the emergency
food parcels we distribute to those in crisis, along with
essential items for babies and children.
Just before Christmas we made up and distributed 40
'Christmas Day' hampers which included meat and fresh
vegetables along with traditional Christmas fare and staples.
Thank you
Sue Lamb
Administration, The Grove Community Association
The Star Café
Open for Coffee, Tea and Toast
Monday and Wednesday
8.30am - 11.00am
Welcoming you in February
Mon 2nd
Wed 4th
Mon 9th
Wed 11th
Mon 16th
Wed 18th
Mon 23rd
Wed 25th
Beryl and Frank
Janet and Andrew
Karen and Dot
Brian and Brenda
Barbara and Trevor
Kath and Jon
Beryl and Sid
Pat and Ken
Monday 9th February 2015
12.00 - 2.00pm
For a small donation refreshments such as homemade
soup, tea/coffee biscuits, will be provided. Activities will
include crafts, demonstrations & guest speakers to meet
the interests of members. Participation in the activities is
optional ,as the main focus will be to provide a
welcoming and friendly environment for all ages to meet,
chat and share companionship.
For more information please email
Or ring Janet Walton on 01704 894961
Lent Group
‘Life Attitudes’
A 5-session course on the Beatitudes
Wednesday 18th February
In the Church
If you want more information or to order the booklet please contact
Michael Telephone 01704 893230
or email
NB. Amazon/Kindle users can order booklets online
Friday 6th March 2015 7.30pm
This year our church will be hosting the Women's
World Day of Prayer service in Burscough. We shall
welcome our friends from the Anglican Church and
Catholic Church. The service has been prepared by
Christian women of The Bahamas.
The speaker will be Merle Bradley.
The practices will be on:
• Sunday 15th February at 2pm (Choir only)
• Sunday 1st March at 2pm (Choir and Readers)
If you would like to join the choir, read in this special service
or would like more information, please contact Jill Dolling
Telephone 01704 821239
Deepest, Darkest Peru
I'm off to Paddington Bear land
After nearly 10 years I'm going back in March for a month.
Its going to be a kind of working holiday. Firstly I'll be
catching up with old friends in Lima, then I'll be going to
Cajamarca in tne Northern Highlands to visit a project I
support there. Afterwards, back in Lima I will be preaching
or giving testimony in a couple of church groups. I am also
going to try and visit a Methodist church there. I'm curious
to see how their church life compares with ours.
Please remember me in your prayers 1) that I will have a
safe journey and recover quickly from jet lag and culture
shock. 2) That my rusty Spanish will polish up. 3) That
God will give me the strength I need to accomplish what
He wants me to do whilst I'm there. 4) That there will be
some time left for rest and relaxation with my friends.
Muchas gracias
Regular Meetings
Church open for Coffee Weekly
9.00 - 11.30am
Monday Munch
12.00 - 2.00pm
2nd Monday
Brownies 6.15pm
Guides 7.30pm
Beavers 6.30pm
Wednesday Church open for Coffee Weekly
9.00 - 11.30am
Café Church 7.00pm
1st Wednesday
Choir 7.00 - 8.00pm
As arranged
Ladies Cluster 7.30pm
3rd Wednesday
Cubs 6.30pm
Scouts 8.00pm
Church open for prayer Weekly
7.00 - 8.00pm
Buggy Club 9.00 11.00am
Children's groups usually meet in term time only, some
meetings may be held at other venues
Please contact groups using the directory on page
Junior Church
Buggy Club
Organisations and Contacts
Mr Sid Cleary
Friday 9 am -11.30
Mrs. Sioned
Junior Choir
Weds 7.00 - 8.00
Mrs. J Tindsley
Monday 6.15 pm.
Mrs Jean
Monday 7.30 pm
Mrs Jenny
Group Scout Leader Marj Potter
Tuesday 6.30 pm.
Mrs Ann
Thursday 6.30
Mr Dave King
Thursday 8 pm.
Marj Potter
Monday Munch
Mrs Janet Walton
Wed. Monthly.
Mrs Debbie
Mon—Fri. am
Mrs Ann
Methodist School
Mr. Bill Mann
Printing + Magazine Mr & Mrs Len
45th Ormskirk (Burscough
December 2014 was a busy time
for our group.As well as running
their normal programme all
sections helped donate items for the Shoe Box Appeal at
church.We were able to make up 16 boxes altogether. The
Cubs decorated a tree for the Christmas Tree festival whilst
the Scout section made a tree out of pine cones,berries and
other natural materials that were found in Formby pine
woods on the floor.This was linked to their badge work in
which they were learning about recycling and
resources.Scouts also helped decorate Santas grotto ready
for his visit.
All sections made items to go on the Sunday School tree
which was used during the nativity service
We held our first all section Christmas party. Everyone came
in their onesies.The Beavers enjoyed their visit to Santas
The Scouts have already had their first camp. 9-11th of
January at Hawkhirst Scout Activity Centre ,Keilder Water in
Northumbria and yes we were under canvas Ken!!
They enjoyed many new activities such as quad bikes mini
tanks ,diggers and segways
We battled 80 mile an hour winds,sleet rain and snow and
all had a great time and managed to bring our tents back in
one piece !
If you want to see photographs they can be found on our
website at Burscough Methodist Scouts. Marj Potter GSL .
Our Scout groups meet weekly in the Church Hall.
Come and join the adventure
Lancashire West Methodist Circuit Youth Week
Date and Time
Sunday 1st March 6.30pm
Opening Service
followed by Inters
Monday 2nd March 7.00pm
Tuesday 3rd March 7.00pm
Junior and Senior
Wednesday 4th March 7.00pm
Senior Sports
Thursday 5th March 7.00pm
Inters Sports
Friday 6th March 7.00pm
Junior Sports
Saturday 7th March 7.00pm
Beetle Drive and
Pizza Night
Sunday 8th March 6.30pm
Closing Service
Age Groups follow school years.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Can enter art, photography
and cookery competitions to gain points for their church
• Juniors: Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 can enter everything
• Inters:
Year 6, Year 7 and Year 8 can enter everything
• Seniors: Year 9, Year 10, Year 11 and equivalent to first year
of work or at college, can enter everything.
All young people are most welcome to join in this great week of
fun and friendly competition.
If you would like more information about the various tournaments
above and/or details of the Art, Photography and Cookery
competitions then please contact
Kath Armitage: telephone 01704 821884
OR email:
GIFT DAY 8th March 2015
A very big thank you to all of you who have
contributed to the redevelopment project, giving so
generously of your time, talent and money and
enabling this project to be successfully completed.
As all of our reserves have been spent in achieving our
goal and in buying new fixtures, fittings and equipment
we are hoping this years GIFT DAY will be the
concluding fundraiser to reduce our deficit and finally
close the redevelopment fund account.
For your information Brian has provided us with a
summary of the redevelopment account.
Total cash Raised
Plus pledged by Circuit
Total amount raised
Total Project Cost
Balance after expenses
The sponsored chair scheme is now closed
with a total of £6,650 having been raised
and we are all enjoying the comfort and
flexibility of having chairs which can be
used in so many different ways.
Many people have asked that chairs be
dedicated in the name or memory of
someone so the names will be displayed in
the church.
Thank you once again for your generosity
enabling us to buy this furniture.
There are four separate areas in the refurbished church
and the hall available for hire (subject to the lettings
1. The Main Sanctuary which benefits from flexible
seating and removable furniture, dismountable
staging and multimedia access points throughout
the room, for large screen projection.
2. The Foyer has a fully fitted kitchen with facilities
for preparing drinks and snacks; also tables, chairs
and accessible toilet with baby changing.
3. The Upper Room above the foyer is fully accessible
by lift and stairs, providing tables, chairs and
monitor with VGA connection for use with your
4. The Vestry for small meetings not requiring
5. All these areas and carpeted and can be heated
6. Further toilet facilities inc accessible toilet with
baby changing are available for use with all lettings
7. The Hall - has a fully fitted kitchen, tables and
chairs, a fixed stage and hard floors throughout.
As there is increasingly higher demand for use of the
church premises it is vitally important that ALL
BOOKINGS are made through Frank and that if you
cancel or change a booking that you also let Frank
know in good time.
For all enquiries and bookings please contact:
Frank Timmings 01704 894098
Flowers for the Communion Table
If you would like to donate flowers please contact Beryl Timmings Tel. 01704 894098
Sunday 1st February
Sunday 8th February
Beryl Timmings
Sunday 15th February
Mildred Ford
Sunday 22nd February
Brenda Guy
Daffodil Day
The Ladies of Victoria Methodist Church
Invite the ladies of Bursccough Methodist Church
to their annual Daffodil Day
at Lord St West Church
on Monday 16th March at 2.30pm
The speaker is Revd Ann Hall, soloist Mrs Brenda Pomfret
with her guitar
Anyone wishing to attend please let Debbie Barton know by
March 1st
Signal Deadline
The closing date for articles for the March 2015
Signal will be
Monday 16th February 2015
Please send your articles to
or directly to Barbara Davies
* note change of address
Sunday Services
February 2014
Sunday 1st February
Revd. Michael Tindsley
Pantomime Service
(In the Hall)
Sunday 8th February
Revd. Michael Tindsley
Family Service
Sunday 15th February
Junior Church
Mr. Roy Cumberlidge
Sunday 22nd February
Junior Church
Revd. Michael Tindsley
Holy Communion
• All services are held in the main Church Sanctuary
unless otherwise stated.
• Junior Church meets in the Upper Room, leaving the
church service after the second hymn. All children
and young people are welcome to join in the Junior
Church session and parents are welcome to
accompany their children.
• We serve tea, coffee and soft drinks after the
Do stay and join us.