- 1st Saintfield Presbyterian Church

Sunday 8 February 2015
Website: www.1stsaintfield.org.uk
11am - Mr George Conn
6.00pm - Prayer time prior to evening service
6.30pm - Faith that saves is a faith that works James 2:14 - 16
Organisations meet as arranged please speak to leaders if you
need any more information
Ladies Fellowship @ 8.00pm with Andy Cardy who will share
how faith sustained him and his wife when their 9 year old
daughter Jennifer was murdered in 1981.
Powerhouse @ 8.00pm
Touch Team @ 2pm
All our yesterdays with Roy Fleming and epilogue with Jonathan
MAG team meet @8.00pm
Next Sunday (15 February)
Services at 11am and 6.30pm
CLARE AND AMIR ARIAN: Clare and Amir plan to be with us on Thur sday 19 Febr uar y
@8.00pm. We would like to invite all the mission shop volunteers together with the congregation
to join them for an update of their work. Light supper will be served and to help with the catering
we would ask you to add your name to the list in the vestibule if you plan to attend.
MEN’s BREAKFAST: Satur day 21 Febr uar y 9.30 - 11.00am Rockmount golf Club. Speaker
James Cochrane Cost £10. All men over 18 welcome. For more information speak to Leslie Keys.
If you plan to attend please add your name to the sheet in the vestibule.
CHURCH WORSHIP: There will be a meeting on Thur sday 26 Febr uar y at 8pm for anyone
who feels they can contribute to worship either vocally or instrumentally in a competent manner. It
is important those who get involved are committed Christians who regularly attend worship here in
1st Saintfield
Committee is planning to explore with the guidance of architects, what is necessary to have church
buildings fit for a purpose in the 21st century. Therefore a monthly prayer meeting will be held in
the Library on the first Sunday of each month from 10am to 10.45am to pray specifically for God’s
guidance in this matter. Next meeting will be Sunday 1 March All are very welcome to join us in
VINTAGE WEDDING DRESSES: Satur day 7 March @ 7.30pm. The BB are rasing funds for
their Duke of Edinburgh trip. Suggested donation £10. Speak to Joan Telford, Alison Mason or
Ann Shepherd.
COMPUTER CLASSES: If you would like to register for September please register via the
website or the church office
BEREAVEMENT CATERING: If you would like to help in this ministr y please add your
name to the list in the vestibule.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please note it would be ver y helpful to have all announcements with
the church office no later than Wednesday at 11am. This will help us keep verbal announcements to
a minimum. E mail: office@1stsaintfield.f2s.com or telephone 02897519883.
LADIES FELLOWSHIP: This year the suppor ted char ity will be Women’s Aid and gifts may
be left in the trolley in the entrance hall. Thank you for your continued support. Further
information is available from Sharon McMordie.
FLOWER LIST : There are still a number of dates available on the flower list for 2015. If
you would like to place flowers in the church at one of our services please add your name to the list.
For more information please speak to Mrs Sally McBriar.
PASTORAL VISITS: If you are going into hospital or know of a family member or fr iend
with connections to First Saintfield who is ill or in hospital please do not hesitate to let Jonathan
know. Jonathan’s Mobile is 07873 595262.
PRAYERLINE: Do you, or does someone you know require pr ayer ?
You can ring or text our Prayer Line on 07545003454 in complete confidence.
PRAYER CARDS: If you have a request for pr ayer please complete a pr ayer car d and place
in the offering plate. All requests will be prayed for at the Wednesday prayer meeting. If you have
previously requested Prayer for someone please give regular updates via a new card and mark it
CHURCH HALLS: If you are last to leave the building please can you ensure all door s are
securely closed.
KEEP FIT: Every Tuesday 10.30am- 11.30am in the guildhall. The Cost is £3.00 and all proceeds
go to cancer charities.
MISSION SHOP BINS/FEBRUARY - Don McCallion, David McMinn and Leslie Keys
ELEVATE: Is changing to a Sunday from Febr uar y
15th . It will meet every other week after the evening service 7.45 - 9.15 (15 Feb 1Mar 15 Mar)
TEENTRACK meets ever y other week pr ior to the
morning service .
(22 Feb, 8 Mar, 22 Mar)
BREAKFAST: Are you able to assist in making breakfast for Teentrack If you are prepared to be on a rota to
help please add your name to the list in the vestibule.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter Facebook and Instagr am are
now live—1saintfieldyac
8 Feb
Joan Telford
Jean Adams
Jayne Orr, Karen
Nicola Kirk
Alison Mason
Anita Lawther
Joanne Dickson
Heather Rutherford
Christy Mason
Julie-Ann Scranage
Wendy Bell
Jessica Sutton
Joan Telford and
Jean Adams
Sharon Moore
Luisa Givans
Emily Adams
Alison Mason
Anita Lawther
Joanne Dickson
Heather Rutherford
Christy Mason
Julie-Ann Scranage
Wendy Bell
Jessica Sutton
Welcome Stewards
Sound Desk
Pulpit Duty - Gerald Massey Janet Logan
Ivor Taylor - Leader
Paul Jackson
Harold Gordon
Dorothy Oakley
Mandy Molloy
Lewis Finlay
James Finlay
Pulpit Duty - Gerald Massey Tracy
Ivor Taylor - Leader
Harold Gordon
Dorothy Oakley
Mandy Molloy
Lewis Finlay
James Finlay