community update - Shellharbour City Council

11 February 2015
community update
on exhibition
Council has received applications for the proposed
developments shown below. You can inspect
plans and documents relating to the proposed
developments by visiting our Customer Services
Counter, located on Level 1 of our Administration
Centre, between 8.30am and 4.30pm on weekdays,
except public holidays.
If you consider that you may be affected by the
proposal, you can make a written submission. If
you object to the proposed development, you’ll
need to explain the grounds of the objection in
your submission.
For your information under the Government
Information (Public Access) Act 2009 we are
required to publicly release any correspondence or
information we have on this matter. If you choose
to make a submission, it may be viewed as part
of the information contained with the DA, which
means your personal information may not be
confidential. It will not however be displayed on
Council’s website.
Any written submission must indicate whether
or not a ‘reportable political donation’ or ‘gift’ has
been made in the past two years to a Councillor
or Council employee. If yes, the submission must
be accompanied by a Political Donations and Gifts
Disclosure Statement. Political Donations and
Gifts Disclosure Statement forms will be kept in
a public register held at Council’s Administration
Building and will also be available on our website.
The relevant form and explanatory information can
be obtained from Council’s Administration Centre
or Council’s website.
Written submissions must be received by Council
no later than 4.30pm of the day the exhibition
period concludes. Correspondence can be made
by emailing, faxing or by mail. Details are provided
at the bottom of this page.
DA NO: 438/2014
APPLICANT: Mackfield Wyer-Smith Construction
Group Pty Ltd
DESCRIPTION: Five Townhouses with Garages
and Torrens Title Subdivision (Multi Dwelling
LOCATION: Lot 1010, DP 1184300, 17-21 St Ives
Road, Lot 1011, DP 1184300, 23-27 St Ives Road,
EXHIBITION PERIOD: 12 February 2015 – 4
March 2015
DA NO: 29/2015
DESCRIPTION: Service Station with Convenience
LOCATION: Lot 1, DP 622462, 2 Peterborough
Avenue, Lot 2, SEC J, DP 11679, 4 Peterborough
Avenue, Lake Illawarra
EXHIBITION PERIOD: 12 February 2015 – 4
March 2015
DA NO: 34/2015
Required – Bush Fire Safety Authority Under
s100B under Rural Fires Act 1997
Approval Body for the Bush Fire Safety Authority –
Rural Fire Service
APPLICANT: Pecorp Design
DESCRIPTION: Two Townhouses with Garages
and Torrens Title Subdivision (Dual Occupancy)
Lot 7409, DP 1126990, 26
Hinchinbrook Drive, Shell Cove
EXHIBITION PERIOD: 12 February 2015 – 4
March 2015
DA 496/2014
Two Storey Dwelling with Garage at Lot 1207, DP
1038215, 18 Hennesy Street, Flinders
DA 338/2013 (Part 2)
Amendment to Two Townhouses with Garages
and Strata Subdivision (Dual Occupancy) at Lot
634, DP 1171149, 11 St Ives Road, Flinders
Oak Flats
DA 15/2015
Above Ground Swimming Pool at Lot 19, SEC B,
DP 13638, 17 Deakin Street, Oak Flats
DA 458/2013 (Part 2)
Amendment to Fitout and Use of Premises – Unit 4
and 5 as a Cheerleading and Dance Studio at Lot
4, SP 69402 and Lot 5, SP 53082, 4/150 and 5/148
Industrial Road, Oak Flats
6.30pm Tuesday 24 February 2015
The next Ordinary meeting of Shellharbour City
Council will be held on Tuesday 24 February 2015,
in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration
Centre, Ground Floor, Lamerton House, Lamerton
Crescent, Shellharbour City Centre (behind
Stockland Shellharbour).
Business Papers for the Council Meeting will be
available to inspect on Friday 20 February 2015:
Online at Council’s website,
At Council’s Administration Building, Level 2,
Lamerton House, Lamerton Crescent,
Shellharbour City Centre;
At Council Libraries
Shell Cove
DA 10/2015
Awning and Alterations to Existing Courtyard at Lot
1, DP 1181761, 15 Banks Drive, Shell Cove
Guidelines for registration to address Council at
the Council Meeting are available at the above
DA 22/2015
Awning at Lot 3126, DP 1006783, 9 James Cook
Parkway, Shell Cove
Albion Park Rail
It should be noted that Council records and
webcasts its Council Meetings live to enhance the
accessibility of Council Meetings to the broader
Shellharbour City Community.
DA 3/2015
Carport at Lot 1, DP 786602, 116 Koona Street,
Albion Park Rail
DA 508/2014
Single Storey Dwelling with Garage at Lot 224, DP
1197459, 15 Milton Street, Tullimbar
Barrack Heights
DA 390/2013 (Part 3)
Amendment to Staged 37 Lot Subdivision with
Associated Road and Drainage Infrastructure,
Stage 1A – 2 Lots, Stage 1 – 8 Lots and Service
Road, Stage 2 – 18 Lots and Construction of Part
Road 1, Stage 3 – 11 Lots and Construction of
Remaining Road 1 and Retaining Walls at Lot 6,
DP 1048565, 71 Yellow Rock Road, Tullimbar
Notice is hereby given in accordance with the
Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979,
as amended, of the following approvals granted by
DA 19/2015
Demolition of Existing Garage and Construction
of New Garage at Lot 186, DP 202876, 2 Daphne
Street, Barrack Heights
DA 95/2014 (Part 2)
Amendment to Demolition to Existing Pergola,
Alterations to Existing Detached Garage and
Construct New Pergola at Lot 312, DP 238116, 11
Provan Street, Barrack Heights
Council Meetings can now be viewed live via
webcast, downloaded from Council’s website
for later viewing, or purchased from Council for
viewing on a computer.
public notices
The development consents are available for
inspection free of charge on Level 1 of Council’s
Administration Building, Lamerton House, Lamerton
Crescent, Shellharbour City Centre.
Applications for Sponsorship of
Community events
Shellharbour City Council is now calling for
applications for sponsorship of community events
in the Shellharbour LGA, from businesses and
community groups.
public notices
EXHIBITION PERIOD: 30 January 2015 – 2 March
Council provides funding under its Sponsorship
Policy to assist with local community events. This
funding is in the way of ‘in kind’ or cash support.
Any submission/s with respect to the above
application will be provided to the Joint Regional
Planning Panel (Southern) and may be viewed by
other persons with an interest in the application.
Plans and Environmental Impact Statement can
also be viewed at the Wollongong Office of the
Department of Planning and Infrastructure, State
Office Block, Level 2, 84 Crown Street, Wollongong
between 8.30am and 4.45pm.
Note: Any person who makes a submission
by way of objection, and who is dissatisfied with
the determination of the consent authority to grant
development consent, may appeal to the Land and
Environment Court.
Mulch (A Grade) for Shellharbour City Council
residents if self-loaded at Dunmore Recycling and
Depot. A small fee applies if
MULCH Waste Disposal
loading is required.
All correspondence address to:
The General Manager
Locked Bag 155
Shellharbour City Centre
NSW 2529
council meetings
DA 24/2015
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Out Building
at Lot 30, DP 15868, 7 Shell Cove Road, Barrack
Persons wishing to address Council on Items in
the agenda may register to do so by telephone
on 4221 6111 or in person at Council’s
Administration Centre from Friday 20 February
2015 until 10.00am on the day of the Council
DA NO: 18/2015
APPLICANT: Shellharbour City Council
Approval Required – Aquifer Interference Approval
and Water Access Licence under the Water Management Act 2000, Approval Body – NSW Office
of Water
Approval Required –Permit to carry out dredging and
reclamation works under the Fisheries Management
Act 1994, Approval Body – Department of Primary
Joint Regional
Planning Panel (Southern)
DESCRIPTION: Extension of Dunmore Sand Extraction, Potential Acid Sulphate Soil Disposal and
Rehabilitation Works
LOCATION: Lot 21, DP 653009, 44 Buckleys
Road, Dunmore
Barrack Point
Administration Centre
Lamerton House,
Lamerton Crescent
Shellharbour City Centre
NSW 2529
Applications for sponsorship of events to be held
in the 2015/16 financial year will be accepted
between 2 February 2015 and 27 February 2015.
Shellharbour City Council is hosting a
To help you with practical advice about:
Supervising learner drivers
Completing the Learner Driver Log Book
Providing on-road driving practice
The FREE 2 hour workshop for parents and other
supervisors of learner drivers will be held at 6.00pm
on Monday, 16 February 2015 at the Council
Chambers, ground floor, Lamerton House, Lamerton
Crescent, Shellharbour City Council (opposite the
RMS Motor Registry).
To submit an application, please:
Read the Sponsorship Policy on Council’s
If your event meets the criteria outlined in
the policy, complete and submit an
Application for Sponsorship of a Community
Event form also available on the website.
Ensure that your application and any
supporting material, is submitted to Council
by 27 February 2015.
Information on the Policy along with application
forms may be obtained from Council’s website www. or by calling Council’s
Events Officer on 4221 6244.
Bookings are essential. Please call Jenny Davies
on 4221 6124.
Contact us
p. 02 4221 6111
f. 02 4221 6016