18 February 2015 community update on exhibition DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Council has received applications for the proposed developments shown below. You can inspect plans and documents relating to the proposed developments by visiting our Customer Services Counter, located on Level 1 of our Administration Centre, between 8.30am and 4.30pm on weekdays, except public holidays. If you consider that you may be affected by the proposal, you can make a written submission. If you object to the proposed development, you’ll need to explain the grounds of the objection in your submission. For your information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 we are required to publicly release any correspondence or information we have on this matter. If you choose to make a submission, it may be viewed as part of the information contained with the DA, which means your personal information may not be confidential. It will not however be displayed on Council’s website. Any written submission must indicate whether or not a ‘reportable political donation’ or ‘gift’ has been made in the past two years to a Councillor or Council employee. If yes, the submission must be accompanied by a Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement. Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement forms will be kept in a public register held at Council’s Administration Building and will also be available on our website. The relevant form and explanatory information can be obtained from Council’s Administration Centre or Council’s website. Written submissions must be received by Council no later than 4.30pm of the day the exhibition period concludes. Correspondence can be made by emailing, faxing or by mail. Details are provided at the bottom of this page. EXHIBITION PERIOD: 19 February 2015 – 11 March 2015 DA NO: 42/2015 APPLICANT: Nurture Me Early Learning Pty Ltd DESCRIPTION: 90 Place Child Care Centre within the Under Croft Space of Existing Multi-Purpose Hall Building LOCATION: Lot 4210, DP 809265, 19 College Avenue, Lot 4210, DP 809265, 3 Glider Avenue, Shellharbour City Centre EXHIBITION PERIOD: 19 February 2015 – 11 March 2015 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR THE JOINT REGIONAL PLANNING PANEL DA NO: 41/2015 APPLICANT: Australand Corporation (NSW) Pty Ltd DESCRIPTION: Staged Multi Dwelling Housing Comprising of 27 Dwellings with 9 Torrens Title and 18 Community Title Subdivision DETERMINING AUTHORITY: Joint Regional Planning Panel (Southern) LOCATION: Lot 1277, DP 1175512, Red Sands Avenue and Cowries Avenue, Shell Cove EXHIBITION PERIOD: 19 February 2015 – 11 March 2015 Any submission/s with respect to the above application will be provided to the Joint Regional Planning Panel (Southern) and may be viewed by other persons with an interest in the application On Exhibition The documents will be on exhibition at Council’s Administration Centre, Lamerton House, Shellharbour City Centre and at all City Branch Libraries and on Council’s website. Public Submissions Submissions are invited and will be received from 14 January 2015 until 4.00pm 25 February 2015. Submissions must be received in writing and addressed to: The General Manager, Locked Bag 155, Shellharbour City Centre, 2529 or sent by email to records@shellharbour.nsw.gov.au DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS Albion Park Rail NEXT COUNCIL MEETING 6.30pm Tuesday 24 February 2015 The next Ordinary meeting of Shellharbour City Council will be held on Tuesday 24 February 2015, in the Council Chambers at Council’s Administration Centre, Ground Floor, Lamerton House, Lamerton Crescent, Shellharbour City Centre (behind Stockland Shellharbour). Shellharbour City Council is now calling for applications for sponsorship of community events in the Shellharbour LGA, from businesses and community groups. Council provides funding under its Sponsorship Policy to assist with local community events. This funding is in the way of ‘in kind’ or cash support. Applications for sponsorship of events to be held in the 2015/16 financial year will be accepted between 11 February 2015 and 20 March 2015. To submit an application, please: 1. 2. 3. Read the Sponsorship Policy on Council’s website. If your event meets the criteria outlined in the policy, complete and submit an Application for Sponsorship of a Community Event form also available on the website. Ensure that your application and any supporting material, is submitted to Council by 20 March 2015. • Online at Council’s website, www.shellharbour.nsw.gov.au DA 524/2014 Two Townhouses with Garages and Torrens Title Subdivision (Dual Occupancy) at Lot 1005, DP 1184300, 18 Elizabeth Circuit, Flinders • At Council’s Administration Building, Level 2, Lamerton House, Lamerton Crescent, Shellharbour City Centre; • At Council Libraries DA 20/2015 Single Storey Dwelling with Garage and Associated Retaining Wall at Lot 1009, DP 1184300, 14 St Ives Road, Flinders Oak Flats Persons wishing to address Council on Items in the agenda may register to do so by telephone on 4221 6111 or in person at Council’s Administration Centre from Friday 20 February 2015 until 10.00am on the day of the Council Meeting. DA 31/2015 Two Lot Torrens Title Subdivision at Lot 16, SEC C, DP 13638, 31 Wentworth Street, Oak Flats Guidelines for registration to address Council at the Council Meeting are available at the above locations. Shell Cove It should be noted that Council records and webcasts its Council Meetings live to enhance the accessibility of Council Meetings to the broader Shellharbour City Community. DA 30/2015 Single Storey Dwelling with Garage at Lot 1262, DP 1175512, 6 The Farm Way, Shell Cove The development consents are available for inspection free of charge on Level 1 of Council’s Administration Building, Lamerton House, Lamerton Crescent, Shellharbour City Centre. Come and try out our new POOL INFLATABLE Business Papers for the Council Meeting will be available to inspect on Friday 20 February 2015: Flinders Administration Centre Lamerton House, Lamerton Crescent Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529 2015/2016 FINANCIAL YEAR Information on the Policy along with application forms may be obtained from Council’s website www. shellharbour.nsw.gov.au or by calling Council’s Events Officer on 4221 6244. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979, as amended, of the following approvals granted by Council: DA NO: 35/2015 APPLICANT: Mr C Robson DESCRIPTION: Two Lot Torrens Subdivision LOCATION: Lot 1, DP 1146631, 6 Addison Street, Shellharbour EXHIBITION PERIOD: 19 February 2015 – 11 March 2015 All correspondence address to: The General Manager Locked Bag 155 Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529 Shellharbour City Council is seeking comments on the Draft Master Plan for Albion Park Cemetery. The draft Master Plan is a three year capital works plan for the development of the Albion Park cemetery. The plan outlines how to increase options for burials and activities related to cemetery operations. A strategic approach has been developed that recognises the long timeframe in which the cemetery will be developed and it prioritises these projects. Applications for Sponsorship of Community events council meetings DA 489/2014 Multi Dwelling Housing Comprising of Ten Dwellings and Strata Subdivision at Lots 13 & 14, DP 707365, 231 & 233 Princes Highway, Albion Park Rail DA NO: 40/2015 APPLICANT: Coastal Homes Australia Pty Ltd DESCRIPTION: Two Townhouses with Garages and Torrens Title Subdivision (Dual Occupancy) LOCATION: Lot 6792, DP 1194372, 12 Bonville Parkway, Shell Cove public notices ALBION PARK CEMETERY DRAFT MASTER PLAN DEVELOPMENT CONSENTS RE-NOTIFICATION: This Development Application is being re-notified as the development has changed from 3 dwellings to 2 dwellings and from Strata subdivision to Torrens subdivision DA NO: 459/2014 APPLICANT: Coastal Homes Australia Pty Ltd DESCRIPTION: Two Townhouses with Garages and Torrens Title Subdivision (Dual Occupancy) LOCATION: Lot 59, DP 237233, 228A Shellharbour Road, Warilla EXHIBITION PERIOD: 19 February 2015 – 11 March 2015 DA NO: 39/2015 APPLICANT: Mackfield Wyer-Smith Construction Group Pty Ltd DESCRIPTION: Two Townhouses with Garages and Torrens Title Subdivision (Dual Occupancy) LOCATION: Lot 152, DP 1089661, Esperance Drive, Albion Park EXHIBITION PERIOD: 19 February 2015 – 11 March 2015 on exhibition Council Meetings can now be viewed live via webcast, downloaded from Council’s website for later viewing, or purchased from Council for viewing on a computer. Contact us p. 02 4221 6111 f. 02 4221 6016 e. records@shellharbour.nsw.gov.au Enjoy the NEW water obstacle course at Shellharbour Council Pools this swimming season. Check out the dates below and get down to your local pool between 1pm and 3pm for some fantastic floating fun. January 24th January 31st January Oak Flats pool Warilla pool February 7th February 14th February 21st February 28th February Albion Park pool Oak Flats pool Oak Flats pool Warilla pool March 7th March 14th March 21st March 28th March Albion Park pool Oak Flats pool Oak Flats pool Warilla pool facebook.com/ShellharbourCC twitter.com/ShellharbourCC www.shellharbour.nsw.gov.au
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