ed s i A v Re sion r Ve Collman Equestrian Productions, Inc. Presents Scottsdale Spring Festival Scottsdale Spring Classic March 12-15, 2015 USEF National (A) Jumper Rating 3 March 19-22, 2015 USEF National (A) / WCHR Jumper Rating 3 Westworld Equestrian Center - Scottsdale, Arizona 16601 N. Pima Road • Scottsdale, AZ 85260 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Featuring $15,000 1.30m Grand Prix & $2500 1.30m Open Welcome $2500 USHJA National 3’0” Hunter Derby WCHR - World Champion Hunter Rider (Week 2) Hunt Cup March Horse Show / AHJA Cat II (Week 1) Grand Canyon State Games Equestrian / AHJA Cat II (Week 2) Entries Close Monday, February 23rd, 2015 cep Welcome To The 2015 Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows It’s horse show season once again and CEP is all geared up for a great spring of hunter jumper horse shows at the Westworld Equestrian Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Among the offerings and changes this year: NEW FORMAT - HUNT CUP, GRAND CANYON STATE GAMES EQUESTRIAN & USHJA OUTREACH / AHJA CATEGORY II The big news is the new format under which the CEP rated shows are going to be run this year! Quite simply, the USEF-rated part of the shows will run as two-ring rated shows, with jumpers in the Jumper Ring and all rated hunters going in the Main Hunter Ring. The third ring, which has traditionally been known as Hunter Ring 2 and has held nearly all of the unrated and beginner classes, will still do so, but now as a Hunt Cup (HC) Show and Grand Canyon State Games (GCSG) Equestrian Event, under the auspices of the USHJA Outreach Program and pointed as AHJA Category II classes. What does this mean? You don’t have to be a member of the USEF or USHJA to show in HC and GCSG Outreach classes You don’t have to pay the USEF or USHJA Show Pass or Non-Member Fees to show in HC and GCSG Outreach classes You don’t have to pay the USEF Fee or the USEF Drug Fee to show in HC and GCSG Outreach classes Entry fees for HC and GCSG Outreach Classes are up to 40% less than similar USEF classes Horses showing only in HC and GCSG Outreach classes qualify for reduced weekday, weekend or daily stall rates Horses may be ridden by more than one rider over fences in many of the HC and GCSG Outreach classes since the exhibitor’s back number is issued to the horse / rider combination, which allows the use of the family or school horse by multiple riders in the same over fence classes Membership in the USHJA or AHJA is not required unless you wish to accrue points towards USHJA or AHJA Category II Year-End Awards … it’s up to you! And, with the recent addition of several new sections to the AHJA Category II Year-End Awards menu, most of the sections and classes offered at these shows will count towards AHJA Category II Year-End Awards. The ones that have the letters “AHJA” in front of them are the new AHJA Category II Pointed Sections. So be sure to join the AHJA as a Category II member if you want to get points! CEP hopes that this new format will offer beginner riders and owners of young horses a new and affordable way to come to the horse shows. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HUNTER RIDER PROGRAM The second week, Scottsdale Spring Classic, is sanctioned by the USHJA’s World Championship Hunter Rider (WCHR) program and offers all of the amenities of a WCHR event. CEP is proud to have gained this recognition once again and invite riders to join the WCHR and become a part of this rewarding program. ATTENTION TRAINERS … STALLS, HORSE COUNTS AND TRAINER ACCOUNTS These shows will once again be sharing the facility with other shows, and therefore have access to 336 stalls on the south side and 108 stalls on the north side. STALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE BASED UPON FITTING THE NUMBERS TOGETHER. You may request stalls on the north side if you wish. If you want to be stabled there, as some of you have requested in the past, please note such on your entries or in your email to CEP. Trainers are requested to email their final stall counts (horse stalls, tack stalls and any stalls needed for the HC and GCSG shows) to CEP by 5:00pm on Thursday, March 5th. If you do not send this email, then your stall assignment will be based strictly upon your entries received. Also, please do not send in blank, open checks for your trainer account. We will set-up your trainer account and reserve your tack stalls as you request, then you can bring a check or credit card to the office upon your arrival at the show … we trust you! Thanks for considering the 2015 Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows. We hope you’ll choose to spend a couple of weeks with us in the desert southwest and experience some great horse show hospitality! We look forward to the spring weather … the average high temperature is 75 degrees with 49 being the average low. Please join us for some great Scottsdale horse shows! Chris & Kendis Collman 19832 N. 21st Street Phoenix, AZ 85024 (602) 992-2706 Office / Fax www.cepshows.com 2015 Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows Westworld Equestrian Center - Scottsdale, Arizona Scottsdale Spring Festival Scottsdale Spring Classic March 12-15, 2015 March 19-22, 2015 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ HUNTER / EQUITATION JUDGES: Sharon Stewart-Wells - Ruidoso, NM Jeanne Marie Dunford-Miller - Keswick, VA HUNTER / EQUITATION JUDGES: Tony Sgarlata - Daniel Island, SC Debbie Sands - Encinitas, CA JUMPER JUDGE: Janet Stratton-George - Vacaville, CA JUMPER JUDGE: Janet Stratton-George - Vacaville, CA COURSE DESIGNERS: Peter Holmes - Cowichan Bay, BC (J) Brian Post - Phoenix, AZ (H, H/E) COURSE DESIGNERS: Chris Collman - Phoenix, AZ (J) Brian Post - Phoenix, AZ (H, H/E) USEF STEWARD: Layna Taylor - Tempe, AZ USEF STEWARD: Sharon Stewart-Wells - Ruidoso, NM USEF REGISTERED COMPETITION MANAGEMENT: Collman Equestrian Productions, Inc. (USEF License #1202) Chris Collman - President / CEO HORSE SHOW STAFF SHOW MANAGER: Chris Collman TECHNICAL COORDINATOR: Brian Post SHOW SECRETARY: Kendis Collman (602) 992-2706 cepshows@aol.com ANNOUNCERS / STARTERS: Vic Carman, Matt Hinton, Boyd Ray, Jack Adams, Chris Rathfon OFFICE STAFF: Sandra Hecksel, Holly Gilbey BARN MANAGER: Laurette Harris FARRIER: Todd McLaughlin (602) 568-0612 VETERINARIAN: Arizona Equine / Southwest Equine (480) 962-6660 / (480) 998-9460 DURING THE SHOW: Westworld Of Scottsdale 16601 N. Pima Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260 (480) 312-6838 or 6830 Horse Show Office (480) 312-6802 Westworld Main Number (480) 312-6814 Westworld Feed & Bedding MEDICAL SERVICES: Over The Fence Medical (602) 881-6224 PHOTOGRAPHER: Paula Anderson Photography www.paulaandersonphoto.com VIDEOGRAPHER: Tim Shannon Video (619) 729-5811 JUMPS & TIMERS: CEP Jumps FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Collman Equestrian Productions, Inc. 19832 N. 21st Street ~ Phoenix, AZ 85024 (602) 992-2706 Office (602) 428-6804 Fax Email: cepshows@aol.com Website: www.cepshows.com 2015 Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows Westworld Equestrian Center - Scottsdale, Arizona FEED & BEDDING NEEDS Feed and bedding is available on the grounds from Westworld Feed & Bedding. You must present an open check or credit card to open an account. Westworld regulations prohibit feed and bedding charges being placed on your horse show account. For more information, to special order feed or arrange for deliveries prior to arrival, please call Westworld Feed & Bedding at (480) 312-6814 and follow the prompts. You can also visit their website at: ENTRIES CLOSE Monday, February 23rd, 2015 There Are Four Ways To Enter These Shows 1) US POSTAL MAIL / FEDEX / UPS Mailed entries must be postmarked by this date and received within seven (7) days. Mail entries to: CEP / Kendis Collman 19832 N. 21st Street, Phoenix, AZ 85024 ~~~~~ www.scottsdaleaz.gov/westworld/facilities/FeedBedding and download a form and email or fax it back to them. Their fax # is (480) 312-6844. RV / CAMPER HOOK-UPS Please call Westworld to make your RV reservations at (480) 312-6802, follow the prompts. Westworld regulations prohibit RV transactions through the horse show. ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE Scottsdale Spring Festival: arrival after 9:00am on Tuesday, Mar 10th departure by 6:00am on Monday, March 16th Scottsdale Spring Classic: arrival after 9:00am on Tuesday, March 17th departure by 6:00am on Monday, March 23rd 2) EMAIL & 3) FAX Emailed or faxed entries must be received by the entry closing date and MUST have credit card information listed to pay for the Registration Fee and Stall Fee (please do not email or fax an entry, then send it in via regular mail with a check). Email or fax entries to: Email: cepshows@aol.com Fax: (602) 428-6804 ~~~~~ 4) ONLINE ENTRY SERVICES You may enter through one of the two official CEP online entry services. These are: Horseshowing: www.horseshowing.com Entry Connect: www.entryconnect.com Entries must be received by CEP by the entry closing date and must have complete credit card information listed to pay for the Registration Fee and Stall Fee. SCHOOLING IN THE SHOW RINGS Jumper (Wendell): Ticketed schooling rounds are available on Wednesdays as follows: 11:00am to 12:30pm at 1.10m; 1:00pm to 2:30pm at .95m; 3:00pm to 4:30pm at .80m; 5:00pm to 5:30pm is free hacking. No other schooling over fences will be permitted in the jumper ring. Hunter Rings (Arena 5 and Arena 9): Open schooling is permitted on warm-up days (each Wednesday) from 10am to 5pm at no charge. Each morning during the show, hunter rings are open for schooling up until 30 minutes before its start time. Each afternoon, hunter rings may be open for schooling after being rebuilt for the next day, time permitting. SHOW APPROVALS / SANCTIONING ORGANIZATIONS United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) - Lexington, KY United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA) - Lexington, KY Arizona Hunter Jumper Association (AHJA) - Scottsdale, AZ New Mexico Hunter Jumper Association (NMHJA) - Albuquerque, NM LEGIS League - Burbank, CA SCOTTSDALE SPRING HORSE SHOWS ** INDEX TO CLASSES USEF RULE BOOK GR902.1 - EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT FEDERATION RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH ———————————————–————————————-———————–—————-———————————————————————————————“A” RATED HUNTER SECTIONS Sec # Model Over Fences U/S Entry Fee Prize Money O/F / U/S ————————————————————————————–————————————-———————————————————————————————Green Working Hunter 3‟6”/3‟9” A1 1, 2*, 3, 4 5 $250 / section $150 / $100 ($700 total) High Performance Hunter 3‟9” A3 11, 12*, 13, 14 15 $60 / class $175 / $100 ($800 total) Conformation Hunter 3‟6”/3‟9” A4 16 17, 18*, 19, 20 21 $250 / section + $40 Model $150 / $100 ($700 total) Performance Hunter 3‟6” A5 22, 23*, 24, 25 26 $50 / class $100 / $100 ($500 total) Performance Hunter 3‟3” A6 27, 28*, 29, 30 31 $50 / class $100 / $100 ($500 total) Amateur Owner Hunter 3‟3” 18-35 A7 32, 33*, 34, 35 36 $250 / section $100 / $100 ($500 total) Amateur Owner Hunter 3‟3” 36 & O A8 37, 38*, 39, 40 41 $250 / section $100 / $100 ($500 total) Amateur Owner Hunter 3‟6” 18-35 A9 42, 43*, 44, 45 46 $250 / section $100 / $100 ($500 total) Amateur Owner Hunter 3‟6” 36 & Over A10 47, 48*, 49, 50 51 $250 / section $100 / $100 ($500 total) Junior Hunter 3‟3” A11 52, 53*, 54, 55 56 $250 / section $100 / $100 ($500 total) Small Junior Hunter 3‟6” A12 57, 58*, 59, 60 61 $250 / section $100 / $100 ($500 total) Large Junior Hunter 3‟6” A13 62, 63*, 64, 65 66 $250 / section $100 / $100 ($500 total) Small Pony Hunter 2‟3” A14 67 68**, 69*, 70, 71 72 $250 / section + $40 Model $100 / $100 ($500 total) Medium Pony Hunter 2‟6” A15 73 74**, 75*, 76, 77 78 $250 / section + $40 Model $100 / $100 ($500 total) Large Pony Hunter 2‟9” A16 79 80**, 81*, 82, 83 84 $250 / section + $40 Model $100 / $100 ($500 total) Small / Medium Green Pony Hunter 2‟3”/2‟6” A17 85 86**, 87, 88, 89 90 $225 / section + $40 Model $50 / $50 ($250 total) Large Green Pony Hunter 2‟9” A18 91 92**, 93, 94, 95 96 $225 / section + $40 Model $50 / $50 ($250 total) * Denotes Handy Rounds ** Pony sections - first class over fences is conformation ——————————————————————————————————————————————–——————————————————-———————“C” RATED HUNTER SECTIONS Over Fences U/S Class Fee Fences Prize Money O/F / U/S ————————————————————————————————————————————————–——————————————————-—————Pre-Green Hunter 3‟0” 111, 112, 113, 114 115 $50 3’0‖ $100 / $100 ($500 total) Thoroughbred Hunter 3‟0” 116, 117, 118, 119 120 $40 3’0‖ Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 3‟0” 121, 122, 123, 124 125 $40 3’0‖ Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 3‟0” 126, 127, 128, 129 130 $40 3’0‖ Adult Amateur Hunter 50 & Over 3‟0” 131, 132, 133, 134 135 $40 3’0‖ Children‟s Hunter 13 & Under 3‟0” 136, 137, 138, 139 140 $40 3’0‖ Children‟s Hunter 14-17 3‟0” 141, 142, 143, 144 145 $40 3’0‖ Children‟s Pony Hunter 2‟0”/2‟6” 146, 147, 148, 149 150 $40 S&M-2’0‖ / L-2’6‖ ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————„C‟ RATED HUNTER BREEDING SECTION Class #s Class Fee Notes ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Yearlings 161, 171 $40 / class HB horses only have to pay the class entry fees and a one-time Two Year Olds 162, 172 $40 / class per show $50 HB Fee (which covers all USEF, USHJA and Three Year Olds 163, 173 $40 / class AHJA Fees along with the Office Fee). Day stalls are $75. Best Young Horse 164, 174 Free ———————————————–————————————-———————–—————-———————————————————————————————EQUITATION SECTION Class #s: Flat Over Fences Class Fee Height ————————————————————————————–————————————-———————————————————————————————Equitation 11 & Under 201 202, 203 $40 2’6‖ Equitation 12-14 205 206, 207 $40 3’0‖ Equitation 15-17 209 210, 211 $40 3’0‖ Equitation 18-35 213 214, 215 $40 3’0‖ Equitation 36 & Over 217 218, 219 $40 3’0‖ Pony Equitation 221 222, 223 $40 S-2’3‖ / M-2’6‖ / L-3’0 Children‟s Pony Equitation 225 226, 227 $40 S&M-2’ / L-2’6‖ ———————————————–————————————-———————–—————-———————————————————————————————BLUE / RED WARM-UP Class #s Class Fee Fences & Notes ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Blue / Red Warm-Up 901, 902, 903, 904, 905 $40 To be held open all day, each day, at every height. For the convenience of our exhibitors, you may enter this class at any time and enter as often as you wish. No cross entry restrictions except USEF rules regarding rider eligibility and ponies will be strictly adhered to. A score of 85 and above is Blue and a score of 80-84 is Red. Scores below 80 will not receive a ribbon. SCOTTSDALE SPRING HORSE SHOWS ** INDEX TO CLASSES ———————————————–————————————-———————–—————-———————————————————————————————MISCELLANEOUS Class #s Class Fee Fences & Notes ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————3‟0” Schooling Hunter 910, 911, 912, 913 $40 3’0‖ - Open to any horse & rider. No cross entry restrictions or eligibility requirements. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————MEDAL SECTION Class # Class Fee Height Minimum Entries / Testing ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Platinum Performance / USEF Talent Search 1* 240 $45 1.10m-1.15m 6 must complete; top 12 flat phase Pessoa / US Hunt Seat Medal (presented by Randolph College) 241 $45 3’6‖ 5 must complete; at least top 4 test 1-19 ASPCA Horsemanship Class 242 $45 3’6‖ 6 must complete; top 12 flat phase Marshall & Sterling / US Pony Medal 243 $45 S-2’3‖ / M-2’6‖ / L-2’9‖ 5 must complete; 2 tests built-in 1-19 (x16); no work-off US Adult Equitation 244 $45 3’3‖ 5 must complete; top 4 test 1-19 AHJA Junior / Amateur Medal 245 $45 3’3‖ 3 entries to fill; at least top 3 test 1-19; 1 or 2 no test AHJA Children‟s Medal 246 $45 3’0‖ 3 entries to fill; at least top 3 test 1-19; 1 or 2 no test AHJA Adult Medal 247 $45 3’0‖ 3 entries to fill; at least top 3 test 1-19; 1 or 2 no test ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————GREENWAY / CEP EQUITATION CLASSIC Class # Class Fee Height Sponsored by Greenway Saddlery ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Greenway / CEP Equitation Classic - Hunter Phase 260 $45 3’6‖ 1 entry required - no minimum to complete Greenway / CEP Equitation Classic - Jumper Phase 261 $45 1.00m 1 entry required - no minimum to complete ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————NOMINATED JUMPER SECTION Class #s Class Fee Prize Money ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————1.20m (3‟11”) Jumper 301, 302, 303 $60 $300 / class See Special Classes for $2000 Classic 1.30m (4‟3”) Jumper 305, 306 $75 $500 / class No championship 1.25m (4‟1”) Jr/AO Jumper 309, 310, 311 $65 $400 / class See Special Classes for $2500 Classic ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————NON-NOMINATED JUMPER SECTION Class #s Class Fee Prize Money ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————.70m (2‟3”) Jumper 317, 318, 319 $50 $100 Stake - #319 Wednesday Jumper Warm-Up ($40 each): .80m (2‟7”) Jumper 321, 322, 323 $50 $100 Stake - #323 601 - 1.10m / 3’7‖ (11:00am to 12:30pm) .90m (2‟11”) Jumper 325, 326, 327 $50 $100 Stake - #327 602 - .95m / 3’1‖ (1:00pm to 2:30pm) 1.00m (3‟3”) Jumper 329, 330, 331 $50 ($55 for #331) $250 Stake - #331 603 - .80m / 2’7‖ (3:00pm to 4:30pm) 1.10m (3‟7”) Jumper 333, 334, 335 $50 ($75 for #335) $500 Stake - #335 Free Hacking - 5:00pm to 5:30pm 1.15m (3‟9”) Jumper 337, 338, 339 $50 ($75 for #339) $500 Stake - #339 .90m (2‟11”) Pre-Children‟s / AA Jumper 341, 342, 343 $50 See Special Classes for $250 Classic 1.00m (3‟3”) Low Children‟s / AA Jumper 345, 346, 347 $50 See Special Classes for $500 Classic 1.05m (3‟5”) Pony Jumper 349, 350, 351 $50 ($55 for #351) $250 Stake - #351 1.10m (3‟7”) Children‟s Jumper 353, 354, 355 $50 See Special Classes for $1000 Classic 1.10m (3‟7”) Adult Amateur Jumper 357, 358, 359 $50 See Special Classes for $1000 Classic 1.15m (3‟9”) Modified Junior / Amateur Jumper 361, 362, 363 $50 See Special Classes for $1500 Classic .90m (2‟11”) Thoroughbred Jumper 365, 366, 367 $50 $100 Stake - #367 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- The Arizona Season Finale I & II Horse Shows USEF National (A) Rated / Jumper 3 Nov 12-15 & Nov 18-22, 2015 Westworld Equestrian Center - Scottsdale, AZ Featuring $15,000 Grand Prix & $2500 Open Welcome ~ $2500 USHJA National Hunter Derby 2015 USHJA Zone 8 Finals ~ 2015 AHJA Medal Finals 2015 Greenway / CEP Eq Classic Final and much more! Prize list available in September 2015 Hunt Cup March Horse Show 2015GrandCanyonStateGamesEquestrian A USHJA Outreach Competition / AHJA Category II Pointed A USHJA Outreach Competition / AHJA Category II Pointed March 12-15, 2015 March 19-22, 2015 Entries Close Monday, March 9th Entries Close Monday, March 16th HUNT CUP MARCH & GCSG EQUESTRIAN / OUTREACH COMPETITIONS — RULES, REGULATIONS & GENERAL INFORMATION Horse Show Management reserves the right to itself to interpret all questions and conditions in regard to or arising out of an incident to the show without claims for damages or recourse of any kind. Questions not covered in these Rules and Regulations shall be decided by Horse Show Management, their decision to be final. Horse Show Management reserves the right to limit entries, refuse, accept conditionally, or cancel entries, disqualify riders or exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of entries, and cancel award prizes, without claim for damages; to change any course, to add a dotted line, to cancel or combine any classes, or to reschedule classes after due notice to exhibitors; to change rings or judges; to change specifications in jumper classes, or make any changes management deems in the best interests of the show. Every horse entered for competition will be under the control of the Horse Show Management, but Management will, in no case, be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur, and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the show, its members, directors and employees, facility and Collman Equestrian Productions harmless for any loss or accident to horse, horses or equipment which may occur from sickness, fire or otherwise. 1) ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE / STALLS / HAUL-IN FEE - Stalls for horses competing only in the HCM or GCSG show: 1) Day Stalls - $75 (you may move into Day Stalls beginning at 7:00am each day and must vacate by 8:00pm each evening); 2) Weekday Stalls (arrive Tuesday after 9:00am, depart Friday by 8:00pm) are $175; 3) Weekend Stalls (arrive Friday after 8:00am, depart Sunday by 8:00pm) are $125; 4) Full Week Stalls (arrive Tuesday after 9:00am, depart Sunday by 8:00pm) are $250. The Haul-In Fee (no stall) is $25 per day. All horses must pay either a Stall Fee or Haul-In Fee. 2) ENTRY PROCESS - Please use the appropriate entry blank for the show you are entering. If you or your horse are showing in classes in both the USEF-rated show and the HCM or GCSG show, please use both entry blanks. PRE-ENTRY: If you wish to pre-enter the show and get your entry in by the entry closing date, complete an entry blank, attach a check or credit card number for the $50 Show Registration Fee and submit it postmarked by the entry deadline listed on each entry blank. Properly submitted pre-entries will receive one free class valued at up to $25 (must enter and compete in at least five classes at the show to qualify for this discount). If you pre-enter, then don't come to the show for any reason, you will receive a refund of whatever you sent in minus a $25 Scratch Fee. ENTER AT SHOW: You are not required to pre-enter the HCM or GCSG shows and there is no penalty or late fees to enter them same day. You can just enter at the show by filling out an entry blank in the horse show office upon your arrival. You will not qualify for the free class, however. 3) ATTIRE / EQUIPMENT - Proper basic show attire for the rider includes boots / jodhpur boots / half-chaps and britches and collared shirts (hunt coats optional). USEF rules will be followed for equipment for the horse. In any case, footwear with at least a 1/2‖ heel is required. An FEI/ASTM hard hat is mandatory for all riders while mounted. Martingales are prohibited in all under saddle and pleasure classes. All other questions regarding tack and equipment shall be at the sole discretion of the judge and/or show management, their decision to be final. 4) RETURNED CHECKS - Checks returned by the bank for any reason are regarded as a most serious offense and will be handled according to the following procedure: A 10% PENALTY WILL BE ASSESSED FOR EVERY RETURNED CHECK (MINIMUM OF $25)! Accounts will be given ten days to be paid in full with cash or cash equivalent or they will be turned into the Maricopa County Attorney's Office for prosecution. 5) FEED & BEDDING - Feed and bedding will be available starting at 7:00am . To pre-order so that it is waiting for you when you arrive, call Westworld Feed & Bedding at (480) 312-6814. 6) SCHOOLING - Open schooling in the show rings will be available each morning from 7:00am to 8:00am. Proper hardhat and footwear mandatory at all times while in the ring. Schooling is only available to horses entered in the show. To prevent horses from other shows accessing the rings, entry numbers must be worn while schooling, which means that you must be entered and have a number to school in the show ring each morning. CEP accepts Visa, Mastercard and Discover only. 3% Convenience Fee. Three Easy Ways To Pre-Enter The Show After completing the entry blank, you may: 1) Mail it (CEP / Kendis Collman, 19832 N. 21st Street, Phoenix, AZ 85024) along with a check payable to CEP or credit card information filled in 2) Email it to CEP (cepshows@aol.com) with your credit card information 3) Fax it to CEP (602-428-6804) with your credit card information Emailed or faxed entries MUST include credit card information. Checks will be deposited on the entry closing date. Entries with credit card information will have their card run for the deposit amount, plus a 3% Convenience Fee, on the entry closing date. Upon checking in at the horse show office, all competitors must first lodge a signed, open check or credit card imprint with the office. This will cover any costs associated with adding or scratching classes during the show. If no changes are made, then this check / imprint will be returned upon check-out. For credit card transactions, the actual card must be presented for swiping. All credit card transactions will incur a 3% Convenience Fee. Show Office Phone (starting 7am Sunday): 480-312-6838 Championships All championships are high -point awards. Ties broken by most points over fences. If still tied, then most points in the Equitation Flat class. Points Calculated: 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1/2 Championships are offered in all hunter and combined sections. There are no championships offered in any jumper sections. WEEKLY TEAM COMPETITION Riders are encouraged to form teams of four riders each week. Each team must fill out a special “Team Competition Form” at the horse show office not later than 8:30am the morning they are competing. There are three separate team competitions: Saturday “Jumper” Teams (open to riders showing in jumper classes) Saturday “Twice Around” Teams (open to riders showing in Walk-Trot, Crossrail and Future Rider classes) Sunday “Open” Team (open to all riders in all classes on Sunday except medals and hunter challenges) Teams may consist of riders all showing in the same section or in different sections, but each rider must enter and show in an entire section to participate on a team. If showing in more than one section, team members must declare the one section they wish to use for their team score. Each rider’s score will consist of points earned in the classes within their section. Points awarded: 1st - 10 pts, 2nd - 6 pts, 3rd - 4 pts, 4th - 2 pts, 5th - 1 pt, 6th - 1/2 pt. At the conclusion of each day’s classes, the three top scoring teams will receive team awards for their performances. There is no additional fee for participating in the team competition, so get your teams together and cheer each other on!!! NOTE: Medal classes and Outreach Hunter Challenge classes do not count towards the team competition. HUNT CUP MARCH & GRAND CANYON STATE GAMES EQUESTRIAN The following classes being offered at the Hunt Cup March and Grand Canyon State Games Equestrian are part of the USHJA Outreach Competition Program. Exhibitors who show only in these classes, and not in any classes at the USEF-rated show, do not have to belong to the USEF or USHJA, will not be charged a USEF or USHJA Show Pass (Non-Member) Fee and will not be charged the USEF Fee. Only if an individual wishes to earn points toward USHJA-sponsored year-end awards in the USHJA Outreach Medal, Hunter Challenge, Jr. Hunter Challenge, TB Hunter Challenge, TB Jumper Challenge or USHJA/ANRC Horsemanship classes, will they need to join the USHJA at the $15 Outreach level, register their horse for a one-time (life) fee of $30 and/or pay a $5 per show fee. In simple terms, these classes are just like going to a regular Hunt Cup Schooling Show. Classes with the word ―AHJA‖ in front of them earn points towards the AHJA Category II Year-End Awards if you are an AHJA member and your horse is AHJA recorded. If you don‘t want any AHJA points, you don‘t have to be a member or record your horse. And showing in these classes is very affordable … you only pay the $50 Registration Fee, class fees and any stall or haul-in fee … that‘s it! So bring your beginner riders or bring your young horses and experience top-quality local horse showing at an affordable price! Index to Classes - Hunt Cup March & Grand Canyon State Games Equestrian (new Revised Version A added classes in red) ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————HUNTER SECTIONS Hunter O/F U/S Class Fee Fences Eligibility - Trotting ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Outreach Hunter 2‟0” 401, 402, 403, 404 405 $25 2‘0‖ - no oxers Open to all - Trotting not to be penalized Outreach Hunter 2‟3” 406, 407, 408, 409 410 $25 2‘3‖ - no oxers Open to all - Trotting not to be penalized Outreach Hunter 2‟6” 411, 412, 413, 414 415 $25 2‘6‖ Open to all Outreach Hunter 2‟9” 416, 417, 418, 419 420 $25 2‘9‖ Open to all Outreach Hunter 3‟0” 421, 422, 423, 424 425 $25 3‘0‖ Open to all Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2‟0” 801, 802, 803, 804 805 $25 2‘0‖ - no oxers Open to Junior and Amateur riders - trotting not to be penalized Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2‟3” 806, 807, 808, 809 810 $25 2‘3‖ - no oxers Open to Junior and Amateur riders - trotting not to be penalized Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2‟6” 811, 812, 813, 814 815 $25 2‘6‖ Open to Junior and Amateur riders ‗Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2‟9” 816, 817, 818, 819 820 $25 2‘9‖ Open to Junior and Amateur riders ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————COMBINED SECTIONS Hunter O/F U/S Eq O/F Eq Flat Pleasure Class Fee Fences Rider Age ————————————————–————————————————————————————————————————————————–——————— AHJA Walk-Trot Section 4” 426 427 428 429 430 $25 4‖ Poles on the Ground All ages AHJA Crossrail Section 12” 431 432 433 434 435 $25 12‖ Cross Rails All ages AHJA Future Rider Section 18” 436 437 438 439 440 $25 18‖ Verticals All ages AHJA Short Stirrup Section 2‟0” 441, 442 443 444 445 — $25 2‘0‖ - no oxers 11 & Under AHJA Medium Stirrup Section 2‟0” 446, 447 448 449 450 — $25 2‘0‖ - no oxers 12-17 AHJA Long Stirrup Section 2‟0” 451, 452 453 454 455 — $25 2‘0‖ - no oxers 18 & Over AHJA Pre Children‟s / AA Section 2‟3” 456, 457 458 459 460 — $25 2‘3‖ - no oxers All ages AHJA Low Children‟s / AA Section 2‟6” 461, 462 463 464 465 — $25 2‘6‖ All ages AHJA Children‟s / AA Section 2‟9” 466, 467 468 469 470 — $25 2‘9‖ All ages ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MEDAL CLASSES Class # Class Fee Height Minimum Entries / Testing ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— AHJA Mini Medal 471 $25 2‘6‖ 3 entries to fill; at least top 3 test 1-8; if only 1 or 2 complete, no test; pin it AHJA Mini Maclay 472 $25 2‘6‖ 3 entries to fill; top 3-6 flat phase; if only 1 or 2 complete, no flat phase; pin it AHJA Category II Child/Adult Medal 499 $25 2‘0‖ 3 entries to fill; test 1-9 built-in, no further testing ———————————————————————————————————————————–——————————————————-——————————JUMPER CLASSES Class # Class Fee Fences Eligibility ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 2‟0” Jumper 473, 474 $25 2‘0‖ Open to any horse and rider; no cross entry restrictions 2‟3” Jumper 475, 476 $25 2‘3‖ Open to any horse and rider; no cross entry restrictions 2‟6” Jumper 477, 478 $25 2‘6‖ Open to any horse and rider; no cross entry restrictions 2‟9” AHJA Jumper 479, 480 $25 2‘9‖ Open to any horse and rider; no cross entry restrictions 3‟0” Jumper 481, 482 $25 3‘0‖ Open to any horse and rider; no cross entry restrictions 2‟0” Child / Adult Jumper 483, 484 $25 2‘0‖ Open to any horse ridden by a Child or Adult (non-professional) rider 2‟3” Child / Adult Jumper 485, 486 $25 2‘3‖ Open to any horse ridden by a Child or Adult (non-professional) rider 2‟6” Child / Adult Jumper 487, 488 $25 2‘6‖ Open to any horse ridden by a Child or Adult (non-professional) rider 2‟9” Child / Adult Jumper 489, 490 $25 2‘9‖ Open to any horse ridden by a Child or Adult (non-professional) rider 3‟0” Child / Adult Jumper 491, 492 $25 3‘0‖ Open to any horse ridden by a Child or Adult (non-professional) rider ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— SPECIAL CLASSES Class # Class Fee Fences Eligibility ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Outreach Bronze Hunter Challenge 493 $25 2‘3‖ Open to any horse and rider that competed in at least one class at 2‘3‖ Outreach Silver Hunter Challenge 494 $25 2‘6‖ Open to any horse and rider that competed in at least one class at 2‘6‖ To be shown over a single round course of at least 8 fences at listed height. The course will consist of both hunter classic and handy hunter style jumps, lines and turns. Entries may be asked to trot one fence. Open numerical scoring. Trophy and ribbon to winner; ribbons through eighth. ———————————————–————————————-———————–—————-———————————————————————————————BLUE / RED WARM-UP Class #s Class Fee ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Blue / Red Warm-Up 495, 496, 497, 498, 850 $25 Open to any rider on any horse. To be held open all day, each day, at every height as listed on the schedule. For the convenience of our exhibitors, you may enter this class at any time and enter as often as you wish. No entry restrictions except USEF rules regarding rider eligibility and ponies will be strictly adhered to. A score of 85 and above is Blue and a score of 80-84 is Red. Scores below 80 will not receive a ribbon. Trainers may ride in any of these classes on any horse. Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- SPECIAL CLASSES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Entries into any Special Classes should be made by 5:00pm the day before. Entries after this time, if accepted, will pay a $25 Post Entry Fee and must go first in the order. Scratches from Special Classes must be conducted in the horse show office by 5:00pm the day before. Scratches after this time will forfeit the entry fee unless due to an injury to horse or rider and a vet certificate (from the official horse show veterinarian only) or medical release form (from the official horse show medical personnel only) is presented to the office at the time of the scratch. Classes with less than eight entries at 5:00pm the day before may be canceled or combined at management’s discretion. 501. $2500 OPEN WELCOME - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $175 Open to any horse / rider combination. No cross entry restrictions. Horses must pay the Jumper Nominating Fee in order to enter this class. Fences 1.30m (4’3”). Table II; Sec 2.2b (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $625, $400, $325, $300, $250, $225, $200, $175. 502. $2500 JUNIOR / AMATEUR OWNER JUMPER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $175 Horses must have competed in at least one class in the Junior / AO Jumper section at this show. Fences 1.25m (4’1”). Table II; Sec 2.2a/b (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $625, $400, $325, $300, $250, $225, $200, $175. 503. $2000 1.20m (3’11”) JUMPER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $150 Open to any horse / rider combination. No cross entry restrictions. Horses must pay the Jumper Nominating Fee in order to enter this class. Fences 1.20m (3’11”). Table II; 2a/b (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $500, $320, $260, $240, $200, $180, $150, $150. 504. $1500 MODIFIED JUNIOR / AMATEUR JUMPER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $125 Horses must have competed in at least one class in the Modified Jr/Am Jumper section at this show. Fences 1.15m (3’9”). Table II; Sec 2a/b (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $375, $225, $190, $175, $150, $135, $125, $125. 505. $1000 CHILDREN’S / ADULT AMATEUR JUMPER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $100 Horses must have competed in at least one class in the Children's or Adult Amateur Jumper section at this show. Fences 1.10m (3’7”). USEF Table II; Sec 2.2a/b (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $300, $200, $150, $130, $120, $100. 506. $500 LOW CHILDREN’S / ADULT AMATEUR JUMPER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $75 Horses must have competed in at least one class in the Low Children's / Adult Amateur Jumper section at this show. Fences 1.00m (3’3”). USEF Table II; Sec 2.2b (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $150, $100, $75, $65, $60, $50. 507. $250 PRE CHILDREN’S / ADULT AMATEUR JUMPER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $60 Horses must have competed in at least one class in the Pre Children's / Adult Amateur Jumper section at this show. Fences 1.00m (3’3”). USEF Table II; Sec 2.2b (Time First Jump-Off). Prize money divided $75, $45, $40, $35, $30, $25. 508. $1000 JUNIOR / AMATEUR OWNER HUNTER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $100 Horses must have competed in at least two classes in the Junior 3’3”, Junior 3’6”, Amateur Owner 3’3” or Amateur Owner 3’6” Hunter sections at this show. The last round of each section shall count as the first round of this classic. All entries not eliminated in the first round shall return for a second round. Scores will be averaged from both rounds to determine the winner. In case of a tie for first place only, the tied horses will jump a third round over a shortened course. In all other ties, the prize money will be added and divided equally and officials will toss a coin for the ribbons. Fences 3’3” and 3’6”. Prize money divided $300, $200, $150, $130, $120, $100. 509. $500 PONY HUNTER CLASSIC - Both Weeks 510. $500 CHILDREN’S HUNTER CLASSIC - Both Weeks 511. $500 ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER CLASSIC - Both Weeks Entry Fee: $50 Entry Fee: $50 Entry Fee: $50 Horses and ponies must have entered and shown in at least two classes in their respective sections at this show (Pony Hunter, Children's Hunter or Adult Amateur Hunter). Specifications same as the Junior / AO Hunter Classic except fence heights will be as per USEF specifications for each section. Prize money divided $150, $100, $75, $65, $60, $50. 512. $500 EQUITATION FLAT CHALLENGE - Week 1 Only Entry Fee: $25 Open to any junior or amateur rider. Riders must have competed in at least one other class at this show. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both directions of the ring. Entries may be asked for any number of tests on the flat. No jumping. Entries will be brought to the middle until only the winner remains. Great prizes and gift certificates to the top three ($250, $150, $100). 513. $500 OPEN UNDER SADDLE DERBY - Week 2 Only Entry Fee: $25 Open to any horse and rider combination. Horses or riders must have competed in at least one regular class at this show. To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both directions of the ring. Entries may be asked to hand gallop, but never more than eight at a time. Entries will be brought to the middle until only the winner remains. Prize money divided $250, $150, $100 to the top three. 514. GROOM’S CLASS JUMPERS - Week 1 Only 515. GROOM’S CLASS HUNTERS - Week 2 Only Entry Fee: None Entry Fee: None Open to all professional, full-time grooms. Hunter entries must be accompanied by a properly stocked grooming box. Jumper entries must be accompanied by a properly stocked backpack. Judges are looking for tack fit and presentation, cleanliness, overall grooming, appropriate clipping, and general appearance. The top three entries in each will split a cash prize. Grooms may only show in one class, not both. Must enter this class in the office. Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- PREMIER CLASSES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Class 520 $2,500 USHJA 3’0” NATIONAL HUNTER DERBY Entry Fee: $175 FEES & DECLARATIONS / ORDER: Entry deadline is 5:00pm the day preceding the class. The order of go will then be drawn. Entries made after this deadline, if accepted, will be charged a $25 Post Entry Fee and will be required to go first in the order. Scratches at any time up until the start of the class will be allowed and will receive a refund of the Entry Fee minus a $25 Scratch Fee. ELIGIBILITY: Open to any horse / rider combination. Riders, owners and trainers must be current active members of USEF and USHJA before the start of the class. Horses and ponies competing in this class must be registered with the USHJA prior to the start of the class. Horses must have entered and shown in at least two other hunter classes over fences at the same show. Riders may show as many horses as they wish in this class. CLASS CONDITIONS: Class will be held as a two round hunter classic. The first round will be a regular hunter classic course consisting of at least 10 fences at 3’0” in height with four option fences at 3’5” in height. The top 12 entries will return for a second round over a handy hunter course consisting of at least eight fences at 3’0” in height with four option fences at 3’5” in height. SCORING: Two judges shall sit together and throw one score. Scores from both rounds will be added together to determine the placings. In addition to the regular score, judges may add bonus points in each round as follows: for each higher option fence taken, one point shall be added to the score (maximum of four bonus points per round). JOGGING: Horses entered in this class will NOT be required to jog for soundness. Any unsoundness during the competition will be reflected in the scores from the judges. ATTIRE: Formal attire requested. Proper attire required. AWARDS / PRIZE MONEY: Winners to ride for awards. Trophy and Ribbon to 1st Place - Ribbons awarded through 8th Place. $2,500 Prize Money divided as follows: $750, $550, $375, $250, $175, $150, $125, $125. Special awards will also be presented for the highest placing Professional, Junior and Amateur riders. ~~~~~~~~~~ 521. $15,000 1.30m SCOTTSDALE SPRING GRAND PRIX (Sunday, March 15th) 522. $15,000 1.30m GRAND PRIX OF ARIZONA (Sunday, March 22nd) Entry Fee: $400 FEES & DECLARATIONS: There will not be any Grand Prix Nominating Fee. Entry into the Grand Prix should be made by 5:00pm the day preceding the class. The order of go will then be drawn. Entries made after this deadline will be charged a $50 Post Entry Fee and be required to go first in the order, regardless of when the order is established. Scratches at any time up until the start of the Grand Prix will be allowed and will receive a refund of the Entry Fee minus a $50 Scratch Fee. ELIGIBILITY: Open to any horse / rider combination. Horses must have competed in at least one other class at 1.20m or higher at the same show. No other eligibility requirements. CLASS CONDITIONS: This class will take place in an outdoor arena 320’x180’. To be shown over a first round course of at least 14 fences at 1.30m (4’3”). After the first round, in case of a tie for first place only, there will be one jump-off in which time will decide. Ties for other than first place shall be broken by time taken in the first round. USEF Table II; Sec 2(a) (Time First Jump-Off). ORDER OF GO: The order of go will be drawn. In the jump-off, if any, horses will go in the original drawn order. RESTRICTIONS: Poling and the use of offsets are not permitted at any time during the show. ATTIRE: Formal attire requested. Proper attire required. AWARDS: Trophy and ribbon to first; ribbons through tenth. Prize money shall be paid to ten places as follows: 30%, 22%, 12%, 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4%, 3%, 3%. MINIMUM NUMBER OF ENTRIES / PRIZE MONEY: If there are at least eight (8) entries that compete in the class, full prize money and entry fee, as listed above, will be offered. If there are less than eight (8) entries at 5:00pm the day before the class is scheduled, or at any point up to the start of the class, management reserves the right to cancel the class. Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows HORSE SHOW CHAMPIONSHIPS HUNTER CHAMPIONSHIPS: In Hunter championships, the titles shall be awarded to two of the four horses which have acquired the most points over fences. In addition to these points, only these four horses shall receive full points for ribbons won in Under Saddle classes and Model classes. Ties in Hunter Championships shall be broken as specified in the USEF Rule Book. All others will remain tied and shall receive equal awards. Points Calculated: 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1/2. JUMPER CHAMPIONSHIPS: In all Jumper championships, points for all classes shall be calculated 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1/2. In case of a tie for champion or reserve, the tied entries shall remain tied and each receive a ribbon, and flip a coin for the trophy / prize. COMBINED SECTION CHAMPIONSHIPS: For all sections in which there are hunter, equitation and/or pleasure classes contained, all classes shall count equally for points and the champion will be entry with the highest overall point total. In case of a tie for champion or reserve, the winner shall be: 1) the entry with the most points over fences; if still tied: 2) the entry with the most points in the equitation flat class; if still tied: 3) the most points in the two equitation over fences classes. Points: 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1/2. USEF Championships Pre-Green Hunter 3’0” Thoroughbred Hunter 3’0” Green Working Hunter 3’6”/3’9” High Performance Hunter 3’9” Conformation Hunter 3’6”/3’9” Performance Hunter 3’3” Performance Hunter 3’6” Junior Hunter 3’3” Small Junior Hunter 3’6” Large Junior Hunter 3’6” A/O Hunter 3’3” 18-35 A/O Hunter 3’3” 36 & O A/O Hunter 3’6” 18-35 A/O Hunter 3’6” 36 & O Small Pony Hunter 2’3” Medium Pony Hunter 2’6” Large Pony Hunter 2’9” Sm/Med Green Pony 2’0”/2’3” Large Green Pony Hunter 2’9” Children’s Pony Hunter 2’/2’6” Children’s Hunter 13 & U 3’0” Children’s Hunter 14-17 3’0” A/A Hunter 18-35 3’0” A/A Hunter 36-49 3’0” A/A Hunter 50 & Over 3’0” Show Championships Eq 11 & Under 2’6” Eq 12-14 3’0” Eq 15-17 3’0” Eq 18-35 3’0” Eq 36 & Over 3’0” Pony Eq 2’3”/2’6”/2’9” Children’s Pony Eq 2’/2’6” .70m Jumper .80m Jumper .90m Jumper .90m Thoroughbred Jumper 1.00m Jumper 1.10m Jumper 1.15m Jumper .90m Pre-Child/AA Jumper 1.00m Low Child/AA Jumper 1.05m Pony Jumper 1.10m Children’s Jumper 1.10m A/A Jumper 1.15m Mod Jr/Am Jumper 1.20m Jumper 1.25m Jr/AO Jumper Greenway Saddlery and CEP are proud to continue the class in 2015 The Greenway Saddlery / CEP Equitation Classic Open to any junior or amateur rider. No cross entry restrictions. Class will be held as two phases. HUNTER PHASE: Riders are to show over not less than eight fences at 3’6” in height. Course shall be a straight-forward hunter track consisting of natural jumps, hunter lines, a long approach to a single jump and at least one in-and-out. JUMPER PHASE: Riders are to show over not less than eight fences at 1.00m-1.05m (3’3”-3’5”) in the jumper ring. Course must include at least one combination and two changes of direction. Time will not be a factor. JUDGING: Both phases are to be judged as per the current standards of equitation. There will be no work-off of either phase. Open numerical scoring system. TACK: Conventional tack per USEF Rule EQ110.2 and JP111. Boots and conservative bandages are permitted in both phases; running martingales used in the conventional manner are permitted in the jumper phase only. PLACING: Each phase will be pinned separately with points awarded 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1/2. Scores from both phases will be added together to determine the overall placings and a third set of awards will be pinned for the overall with bonus points awarded 20, 12, 8, 4, 2, 1. In the event of a tie score in the overall, the highest score from the jumper phase shall win. Riders must accumulate at least 20 points to qualify for the finals. MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Classes may be run with as few as one rider and full points will be awarded. Riders are not required to show in both phases and may elect to only show in one phase. Riders showing in only one phase will NOT be eligible for the overall placings and bonus points. No memberships or extra fees are required. No need to fill anything out. Just enter the classes and have a good time. We’ll keep track of it all! The 2015 Greenway Saddlery / CEP Equitation Classic Finals will be held in conjunction with the Arizona Season Finale II Horse Show at Westworld on November 18-22, 2015. Lots of great prizes, sponsored by Greenway Saddlery! Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows IMPORTANT POLICIES OF THE HORSE SHOW Adds & Scratches Due By 5:00pm Daily All changes for the next day, including adds and scratches, must be made by 5:00pm each day. This allows the next day’s schedule to be created, with class counts and times, and made available to everyone by 6:00pm. Any changes made after 5:00pm, if accepted, will be considered SAME DAY and will fall under the SAME DAY policy for adds and scratches. Same Day Adds If The Schedule Permits CEP shows allow same-day adds as long as the schedule in each ring allows for such. If the following day’s schedule in a ring is full at 5:00pm the day before, then that ring is declared “closed” and will not allow same day adds. Exhibitors are urged to verify their entries for the next day prior to 5:00pm. Canceling And Combining Of Classes At 5:00pm each day, the schedule for the next day is created. Classes with less than the entry minimums are either canceled or combined with other classes, if possible. Then the schedule is published, the class sheets are printed and judge’s cards finalized. Please note that any classes canceled or combined WILL NOT BE UNCANCELED OR UNCOMBINED, regardless of how many entries actually show or wish to show in them. So be sure you are entered in all your desired classes by 5:00pm the day before. Ring Scheduling Each ring will also be run according to a time schedule, with start and finish times established for each section or class. These times will be strictly adhered to. Starters will have little or no leeway in remaining open past their scheduled finish times, so please don’t put them or yourself in an awkward position by asking a ring to remain open past its scheduled finish time. Non-Showing Horses Non-showing horses are permitted at all CEP shows. If a stall is needed, contact CEP 3-5 days prior to each show to verify availability. NON-SHOWING HORSES STABLING MUST PAY FOR A STALL AND WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED TO RENT STALLS IF THEY ARE NOT SOLD OUT. The following is the policy regarding non-showing horses: Owners that have actively showing horses will be allowed to bring non-showing horses at no charge Owners that do not have a horse actively competing may bring non-showing horses and pay a $50 Non-Showing Horse Fee Trainers are permitted to bring non-showing horses at no charge as long as such horses are owned by the trainer An entry blank with proper signatures must be filled out for each non-showing horse on the grounds. Please stop by the horse show office upon arrival, PRIOR to unloading your non-showing horse. Arrival & Departure Reminders Grooms may NOT arrive to set-up stalls and horses may NOT arrive to move-in to stalls prior to published days and times. If you arrive early, you may be forced to wait in the trailer OUTSIDE of the barn area gates until all stalls are ready for move-in. If you need to arrive early or depart later, you must contact CEP at cepshows@aol.com to arrange to do so. By 6:00pm each day, the following day’s schedule with class counts and start / finish times will be available outside of the show office and online at the horseshowing.com website. You can also view results from previous day’s classes. So be sure to visit the official information site for all CEP Shows, www.horseshowing.com! THE IRA SCHULMAN PERPETUAL TROPHY for the HIGH POINT THOROUGHBRED HORSE To be awarded to the Overall High Point Thoroughbred, as totaled from all sixteen (16) of the Thoroughbred Hunter and Jumper classes from both shows. Proof of eligibility is required to enter these classes. Points awarded 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1/2 plus Jumper points are multiplied by 1.67 in each class to offset the number of classes offered in the hunter section. Presentation to take place on Sunday, March 22nd during the Grand Prix. Winner to receive this very special award. Sponsored by Betsy Baker. ACTION GOLF CART RENTALS 480-649-5529 Call and reserve yours early to get in on the early group delivery. USEF MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 nonmember registration fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes. ___________________________________________ FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENT By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of The Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows (Competition). I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable - casts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. ___________________________________________ STATEMENT AS TO FEDERATION FEE (GR208.1) For every horse participating in any competition licensed by the Federation, a $16 Federation fee will be collected ($8 shall be an Equine Drugs and Medication fee to provide for research, inspection, and enforcement of rules regarding use of medications and drugs; see GR407.1, .2 and .3). Exception: Horses entered in classes exempted from the Equine Drugs and Medication fee are also exempt from the balance of the Federation fee. For More Information, Contact: The United States Equestrian Federation 4047 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511 Phone: (859) 258-2472 Fax: (859) 231-6662 www.usef.org 2015 Scottsdale Spring Horse Shows -- Revised Schedule A THURSDAY Wendell Arena - 8:00am 317 0.70m (2'3") Jumper II; 2c 321 0.80m (2'7") Jumper II; 2c 325 0.90m (2'11") Jumper II; 2c 365 0.90m (2'11") Thoroughbred Jumper II; 2c 341 0.90m (2'11") Pre-Child/AA Jumper II; 2c 329 1.00m (3'3") Jumper II; 2c 345 1.00m (3'3") Low Children's / AA Jumper II; 2c 349 1.05m (3'5") Pony Jumper II; 2c 333 1.10m (3'7") Jumper II; 2c 353 1.10m (3'7") Children's Jumper II; 2c 357 1.10m (3'7") A/A Jumper II; 2c 337 1.15m (3'9") Jumper II; 2c 361 1.15m (3'9") Mod Jr/Am Jumper II; 2c 301 $300 1.20m (3'11") Jumper II; 2c 309 $400 1.25m (4'1") Jr/AO Jumper II; 2c 305 $500 1.30m (4'3") Jumper II; 2c FRIDAY Wendell Arena - 8:00am 318 0.70m (2'3") Jumper II; 1 322 0.80m (2'7") Jumper II; 1 326 0.90m (2'11") Jumper II; 1 366 0.90m (2'11") Thoroughbred Jumper II; 1 342 0.90m (2'11") Pre-Child/AA Jumper II; 1 330 1.00m (3'3") Jumper II; 1 346 1.00m (3'3") Low Children's / AA Jumper II; 1 261 Greenway Eq Classic - Jumper Phase 1.00m 350 1.05m (3'5") Pony Jumper II; 1 334 1.10m (3'7") Jumper II; 1 354 1.10m (3'7") Children's Jumper II; 1 358 1.10m (3'7") A/A Jumper II; 1 338 1.15m (3'9") Jumper II; 2c 362 1.15m (3'9") Mod Jr/Am Jumper II; 1 302 $300 1.20m (3'11") Jumper II; 1 310 $400 1.25m (4'1") Jr/AO Jumper II; 1 501 $2500 1.30m (4'3") Open Welcome II; 2a/b SATURDAY Wendell Arena - 8:00am 319 $100 .70m (2'3") Jumper Stake II; 2b 323 $100 .80m (2'7") Jumper Stake II; 2b 327 $100 .90m (2'11") Jumper Stake II; 2b 367 $100 .90m (2'11") Thoroughbred Stake II; 2b 343 0.90m (2'11") Pre-Child/AA Jumper II; 2b 331 $250 1.00m (3'3") Jumper Stake II; 2b 347 1.00m (3'3") Low Children's / AA Jumper II; 2b 351 $250 1.05m (3'1") Pony Jumper Stake II; 2b 335 $500 1.10m (3'7") Jumper Stake II; 2b 355 1.10m (3'7") Children's Jumper II; 2b 359 1.10m (3'7") A/A Jumper II; 2b 339 $500 1.15m (3'9") Jumper Stake II; 2b 363 1.15m (3'9") Mod Jr/Am Jumper II; 2b 303 $300 1.20m (3'11") Jumper II; 2b 311 $400 1.25m (4'1") Jr/AO Jumper II; 2b 306 $500 1.30m (4'3") Jumper II; 2b Wendell Arena (Week 1) - 6:00pm 514 Groom's Class - Jumpers 551 Leadline 9 & Under 552 Bareback Sit-A-Buck 553 Champagne Glass Class 512 $500 Equitation Flat Challenge Wendell Arena (Week 2) - 6:00pm 515 Groom's Class - Hunters 554 Walk-Trot 12 & Under 555 Egg & Spoon Class 556 Run Walk Race 513 $500 Under Saddle Derby SUNDAY Wendell Arena - 8:00am 240 Platinum Performance / USEF Talent Search 1* 507 $250 .90m (2'11") Pre-Child/AA Classic II; 2b 506 $500 1.00m (3'3") Low Child/AA Classic II; 2b 505 $1000 1.10m (3'7") Child / AA Classic II; 2a/b 504 $1500 1.15m (3'9") Mod Jr/Am Classic II; 2a/b 503 $2000 1.20m (3'11") Jumper Classic II; 2a/b 502 $2500 1.25m (4'1") Jr/AO Classic II; 2a/b Wendell Arena - 2:00pm 521 $15,000 Scottsdale Spring Grand Prix II; 2a (Week 1) 522 $15,000 Grand Prix of Arizona II; 2a (Week 2) Main Hunter - 8:00am 16 Conformation Model 901 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open all day) 111, 112+115 Pre-Green Hunter 3'0" + U/S 116, 117+120 Thoroughbred Hunter 3'0" + U/S 27, 28*+31 Performance Hunter 3'3" + U/S 22, 23*+26 Performance Hunter 3'6" + U/S 17, 18*+21 Conformation Hunter 3'6"/3'9" + U/S 1, 2*+5 Green Working Hunter 3'6"/3'9" + U/S 11, 12*+15 High Performance Hunter 3'9" + U/S 910, 911 3'0" Schooling Hunter Hunter Breeding in whichever ring finishes last Main Hunter - 8:00am 902 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open all day) 113, 114 Pre-Green Hunter 3'0" 118, 119 Thoroughbred Hunter 3'0" 29, 30 Performance Hunter 3'3" 24, 25 Performance Hunter 3'6" 19, 20 Conformation Hunter 3'6"/3'9" 3, 4 Green Working Hunter 3'6"/3'9" 13, 14 High Performance Hunter 3'9" 912, 913 3'0" Schooling Hunter Main Hunter - not before 11:00am 213 Eq Flat 18-35 217 Eq Flat 36 & O 214, 215 Eq O/F 18-35 218, 219 Eq O/F 36 & O 247 AHJA Adult Medal 245 AHJA Jr/Am Medal 244 US Adult Equitation 260 Greenway Eq Classic - Hunter Phase Main Hunter - not before 3:00pm 520 USHJA National 3'0" Hunter Derby Main Hunter - 8:00am 904 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open all day) 85, 91 Small / Med & Lg Green Pony Model 67, 73, 79 Small, Medium, Large Pony Model 146, 147+150 Children's Pony Hunter + U/S 86, 87+90 Sm/Med Green Pony Hunter + U/S 92, 93+96 Large Green Pony Hunter + U/S 68, 69*+72 Small Pony Hunter + U/S 74, 75*+78 Medium Pony Hunter + U/S 80, 81*+84 Large Pony Hunter + U/S 136, 137+140 Children's Hunter 13 & U + U/S 141, 142+145 Children's Hunter 14-17 + U/S 121, 122+125 A/A Hunter 18-35 + U/S 126, 127+130 A/A Hunter 36-49 + U/S 131, 132+135 A/A Hunter 50 & Over + U/S 32, 33*+36 A/O Hunter 3'3" 18-35 + U/S 37, 38*+41 A/O Hunter 3'3" 36 & O + U/S 52, 53*+56 Junior Hunter 3'3" + U/S 42, 43*+46 A/O Hunter 3'6" 18-35 + U/S 47, 48*+51 A/O Hunter 3'6" 36 & O + U/S 57, 58*+61 Small Junior Hunter 3'6" + U/S 62, 63*+66 Large Junior Hunter 3'6" + U/S 242 ASPCA Horsemanship Main Hunter - 8:00am 905 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open all day) 148, 149 Children's Pony Hunter 88, 89 Small / Med Green Pony Hunter 94, 95 Large Green Pony Hunter 70, 71 Small Pony Hunter 76, 77 Medium Pony Hunter 82, 83 Large Pony Hunter 509 Pony Hunter Classic 123, 124 A/A Hunter 18-35 128, 129 A/A Hunter 36-49 133, 134 A/A Hunter 50 & Over 511 A/A Hunter Classic 138, 139 Children's Hunter 13 & U 143, 144 Children's Hunter 14-17 510 Children's Hunter Classic 34, 35 A/O Hunter 3'3" 18-35 39, 40 A/O Hunter 3'3" 36 & O 54, 55 Junior Hunter 3'3" 44, 45 A/O Hunter 3'6" 18-35 49, 50 A/O Hunter 3'6" 36 & O 59, 60 Small Junior Hunter 3'6" 64, 65 Large Junior Hunter 3'6" 508 Junior / AO Hunter Classic 3'3"/3'6" 241 Pessoa / US Hunt Seat Medal Hunter 2 - 8:30am All classes are USHJA Outreach classes 495 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open all day) 401, 402+405 Outreach Hunter 2'0" + U/S 406, 407+410 Outreach Hunter 2'3" + U/S 411, 412+415 Outreach Hunter 2'6" + U/S 416, 417+420 Outreach Hunter 2'9" + U/S 421, 422+425 Outreach Hunter 3'0" + U/S Hunter 2 - 8:30am All hunter classes are USHJA Outreach classes 496 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open thru 3'0") 403, 404 Outreach Hunter 2'0" 408, 409 Outreach Hunter 2'3" 413, 414 Outreach Hunter 2'6" 418, 419 Outreach Hunter 2'9" 423, 424 Outreach Hunter 3'0" Hunter 2 - 12:00pm Following classes are part of the USEF rated show 903 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open rest of day) 201, 202, 203 Eq O/F & Flat 11 & U 225, 226, 227 Children's Pony Eq O/F & Flat 221, 222, 223 Pony Eq O/F & Flat 243 M&S / US Pony Medal 205, 206, 207 Eq O/F & Flat 12-14 209, 210, 211 Eq O/F & Flat 15-17 246 AHJA Children's Medal Hunter 2 - after AHJA Children's Medal 850 Blue / Red Warm-Up 801, 802 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'0" 806, 807 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'3" 811, 812 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'6" 816, 817 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'9" (New or renumbered classes are in RED) Hunter 2 - 8:30am All classes are USHJA Outreach classes * denotes AHJA Category II pointed classes 497 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open all day) 473, 474 2'0" Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 483, 484 2'0" Child/Adult Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 475, 476 2'3" Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 485, 486 2'3" Child/Adult Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 477, 478 2'6" Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 487, 488 2'6" Child/Adult Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 479, 480 2'9" AHJA Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 489, 490 2'9" Child/Adult Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 481, 482 3'0" Jumper II; 2b / II; 1 491, 492 3'0" Child/Adult Jumper II; 2b & II; 1 ~ Course Change ~ 426, 428 * AHJA Walk-Trot Hunter & Eq O/F 4" 429, 427, 430 * AHJA Walk-Trot Eq Flat, U/S & Pleasure 431, 433 * AHJA Crossrail Hunter & Eq O/F 12" 434, 432, 435 * AHJA Crossrail Eq Flat, U/S & Pleasure 436, 438 * AHJA Future Rider Hunter & Eq O/F 18" 439, 437, 440 * AHJA Future Rider Eq Flat, U/S & Pleasure 803, 804 + 805 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'0" + U/S 808, 809 + 810 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'3" + U/S 813, 814 + 815 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'6" + U/S 818, 819 + 820 Outreach Jr/Am Hunter 2'9" + U/S Hunter 2 - 8:30am All classes are USHJA Outreach classes * denotes AHJA Category II pointed classes 498 Blue / Red Warm-Up (open all day) 441, 442 * AHJA Short Stirrup Hunter 2'0" 444 * AHJA Short Stirrup Eq O/F 2'0" 445, 443 * AHJA Short Stirrup Eq Flat & U/S 446, 447 * AHJA Medium Stirrup Hunter 2'0" 449 * AHJA Medium Stirrup Eq O/F 2'0" 450, 448 * AHJA Medium Stirrup Eq Flat & U/S 451, 452 * AHJA Long Stirrup Hunter 2'0" 454 * AHJA Long Stirrup Eq O/F 2'0" 455, 453 * AHJA Long Stirrup Eq Flat & U/S 499 * AHJA Category II Child/Adult Medal 2'0" (counts as USHJA Outreach Bronze Medal) 456, 457 * AHJA Pre-Child / Adult Hunter 2'3" 459 * AHJA Pre-Child / Adult Eq O/F 2'3" 460, 458 * AHJA Pre-Child / Adult Eq Flat & U/S 493 Outreach Bronze Hunter Challenge 2'3" 461, 462 * AHJA Low Child / Adult Hunter 2'6" 464 * AHJA Low Child / Adult Eq O/F 2'6" 465, 463 * AHJA Low Child / Adult Eq Flat & U/S 494 Outreach Silver Hunter Challenge 2'6" 471 * AHJA Mini Medal 2'6" (counts as USHJA Outreach Silver Medal) 472 * AHJA Mini Maclay 2'6" 466, 467 * AHJA Child / Adult Hunter 2'9" 469 * AHJA Child / Adult Eq O/F 2'9" 470, 468 * AHJA Child / Adult Eq Flat & U/S Conditions & Specifications ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— HUNTERS / COMBINED SECTIONS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— GREEN WORKING HUNTERS - A green hunter is a horse of any age in his first or second year of showing at USEF recognized shows in classes with fences 3'6" or higher. 1st Year horses to jump 3'6" and 2nd Year horses to jump 3'9". HIGH PERFORMANCE WORKING HUNTERS - Open to any horse. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 3’9‖ at National (A) shows. CONFORMATION HUNTERS - Green: A horse of any age in his first year of showing at USEF recognized shows in classes with fences 3'6". Regular: Open to any horse. Green horses to jump 3'6" / Regular horses to jump 3'9". To be judged 70% on performance and soundness; 30% on conformation. Model classes to count 1/2 points. JUNIOR WORKING HUNTERS - Open to horses of any age and ridden by a junior exhibitor. Horse/rider combination is restricted from showing in both Children's and Junior Hunter sections at the same show. All horses showing at a regular member show in the Junior Hunter section must have a current USEF measurement card. Fences 3’3‖ and 3'6". AMATEUR OWNER HUNTERS - Horses to be ridden by an Amateur Owner or an amateur member of the owner's family. Horse/rider combination cannot show in both Adult Amateur and Amateur Owner Hunter sections at the same show. Fences 3’3‖ and 3’6‖. PONY HUNTERS - All ponies must have a current measurement card or valid measurement form issued by the USEF, and it must be shown in the horse show office BEFORE numbers are released. To be ridden by a junior exhibitor as per USEF age restrictions. Fences 2'3" for Small / 2'6" for Medium / 2'9" for Large Ponies. The first class over fences will be a Conformation class and shall count 75% performance and 25% conformation. GREEN PONY HUNTERS - All ponies must have a current measurement card or valid measurement form issued by the USEF, and it must be shown in the horse show office BEFORE numbers are released. To be ridden by a junior exhibitor. Fences 2'3" for Small / 2'6" for Medium / 2'9" for Large Ponies. The first class over fences will be a Conformation class and shall count 75% performance and 25% conformation. PRE-GREEN HUNTERS - A horse of any age that qualifies as a Pre-Green by current USEF Zone 8 specifications. Fences 3'0". No jog. THOROUGHBRED HUNTERS - Thoroughbred restricted classes are open only to horses that are recorded with the Federation, registered with USHJA and are in possession of Breed Registry papers. Horses must have been either registered with The Jockey Club or meet one of the criteria below. All horse shows must require riders to verify registration on the day of the horse show through one of the following methods: 1) The Jockey Club Certificate of Foal Registration or a copy thereof; 2) the horse’s lip tattoo, the horse’s 5-cross pedigree and the successful tattoo lookup result from The Jockey Club’s Tattoo Identification Services, located at www. registry.jockeyclub.com; 3) if neither of the above is available, a letter from The Jockey Club verifying the horse’s identity. CHILDREN'S HUNTERS - Open to horses and ponies ridden by a junior exhibitor. The horse/rider combination is restricted from showing in both Junior Hunter and Children's Hunter sections at the same show. Fences 3'0". In-and-Outs will not be adjusted for ponies. No jog. ADULT AMATEUR HUNTERS - Open to horses ridden by Adult Amateur riders. The horse/rider combination cannot show in both Amateur Owner and Adult Amateur Hunter sections at the same show. Fences 3'0". No jog. CHILDREN'S PONY HUNTERS - Open to ponies ridden by a junior exhibitor who has not reached his/her 18th birthday. Same pony / rider combination may not cross enter into the Regular Pony Hunter section at the same show. Fences 2'0" for Small and Medium; 2'6" for Large. Distances will be set on horse strides and will not be adjusted. Spreads not to exceed fence height. No jog. OUTREACH HUNTERS - Open to any horse and rider. No cross entry restrictions. Fences for different sections at different heights. Trotting not to be penalized for sections with fences at 2’3‖ and under. No jog. These sections have replaced the previous Evergreen, Modified Low, Baby Green, Training and Low Hunter sections. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— MEDAL CLASSES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— USEF Talent Search 1* presented by Platinum Performance - 1.10m - see USEF Rule EQ112.13. Six entries must complete the course to fill the class. Pessoa / US Hunter Seat Medal Class presented by Randolph College - 3’6‖ -See USEF Rule EQ 112.9. Five entries must complete the course to fill the class. ASPCA Horsemanship Class - 3’6‖ - See USEF Rule EQ 112.12. Six entries must complete the course to fill the class. US Adult Equitation Class - 3’3‖ - See USEF Rule EQ 112.11. Five entries must complete the course to fill the class in Zone 8. Marshall & Sterling / US Pony Medal Class - S-2’3‖ / M-2’6‖ / L-3’0‖ -See USEF Rule EQ 112.10. Five entries must complete the course in Zone 8. AHJA Junior / Amateur Medal - Open to any junior or amateur rider. Only riders who are current members of the Arizona Hunter Jumper Association will accrue points towards the final. To be shown over not less than 8 fences at 3’3‖ in height. Course can be over hunter or jumper fences, but must be an advanced equitation-type course and include a combination. At least the top four riders shall return for further testing. USEF Tests 1-19. Three entries required to hold class; no minimum to complete. If only one or two entries complete the course, there will be no work-off and the results will stand for full points. AHJA Children‟s Medal - Open to any junior or amateur rider. Only riders who are current members of the Arizona Hunter Jumper Association will accrue points towards the final. Riders may not compete in any classes in which fences exceed 3’3‖ at the same show. To be shown over not less than 8 fences 3’0‖ in height. Course can be over hunter or jumper fences, but must be an equitation-type course and include a combination. At least the top four riders shall return for further testing. USEF Tests 1-19. Three entries required to hold class; no minimum to complete. If only one or two entries complete the course, there will be no work-off and the results will stand for full points. May be combined with AHJA Adult Medal. AHJA Adult Medal - Open to any junior or amateur rider. Only riders who are current members of the Arizona Hunter Jumper Association will accrue points towards the final. Riders may not compete in any classes in which fences exceed 3’3‖ at the same show. To be shown over not less than 8 fences 3’0‖ in height. Course can be over hunter or jumper fences, but must be an equitation-type course and include a combination. At least the top four riders shall return for further testing. USEF Tests 1-19. Three entries required to hold class; no minimum to complete. If only one or two entries complete the course, there will be no work-off and the results will stand for full points. May be combined with AHJA Children’s Medal. AHJA Mini Medal - Open to any junior or amateur rider who has never shown over fences 3’0‖ or higher at any USEF regular member competition. Only riders Conditions & Specifications who are current members of the Arizona Hunter Jumper Association will accrue points towards the final. To be shown over not less than six fences at 2’6‖ in height. No combinations. At least the top four shall return for further testing. USEF Tests 1-9. Three entries required to hold class; no minimum to complete. If only one or two entries complete the course, there will be no work-off and the results will stand for full points. AHJA Mini Maclay - Open to riders who are current members in good standing of the Arizona Hunter Jumper Association that have never shown over fences 3’0‖ or higher at any USEF regular member competition. To be shown over not less than six fences at 2’6‖ in height. No combinations. After the over fences phase, the top three to six shall return for a group flat phase. Scores from each phase shall count equally. Martingales are permitted in the over fences phase only - no martingales in the flat phase. Three entries required to hold class; no minimum to complete. If only one or two entries complete the course, there will be no flat phase and the results will stand for full points. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— JUMPERS ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DEFINITION: Horses entered in any 1.20m or above jumper class, including any Open classes, Open Welcome, Open Speed Classics and the Grand Prix, are considered Nominated Jumpers. All others are considered non-Nominated Jumpers. A Declaration is an entry made for a class. JUMPER NOMINATING FEE: Nominated jumpers must pay a Jumper Nominating Fee of $125. This fee IS NOT required to be paid up front, and can be added to your account at the show when you enter a nominated class. If you enter any nominated classes, but subsequently do not show in any of them, this fee will be removed from your bill. OTHER JUMPER SECTIONS: All other jumper sections not requiring a Jumper Nominating Fee should just pay the per class fee and should enter these sections when submitting their entry blank or be subject to the class post entry penalty. HORSE RECORDING: Horses wishing to accrue points / money won for USEF HOTY awards must be recorded with the USEF. JUMPER TABLES: Refer to the Time Schedule. TIME ALLOWED: The Time Allowed in regular jumper classes will be based on a speed of 350 m/m (382 yards per minute) and for ponies will be 328 m/m (360 yards per minute) and may be adjusted accordingly. TIES: Ties involving first place shall be jumped off as specified. All other ties will be broken by time taken in the first round. ARENAS: Wendell is 320’x180’; Warm-up is 200’x75’; all with dirt / sand mixture footing. POLING: Poling and the use of offsets are not permitted at anytime, anywhere on the show grounds. MARTINGALES / DRAW REINS: In jumper classes offering less than $1000, there is no restriction on martingale use. In jumper classes offering $1000 - $4999, only standing martingales or running martingales used in the conventional manner are permitted. In jumper classes offering $5000 or more or classes restricted to young horses, only running martingales used in the conventional manner are permitted. Draw reins may only be used when schooling or in classes with less than $1000. START TIME: A competitor will have 45 seconds from the time the judge sounds an audible signal to cross between the start markers in the proper direction and start on course. Time on course will start if the 45 seconds elapses before the rider crosses through the start markers. ORDER OF GO: To be established randomly either by computer or USEF Steward manual draw ATTIRE: If a riding coat is not worn, riders must wear a shirt with a collar or a choker, neatly tucked into riding breeches. USEF FENCE HEIGHTS: The following define the USEF fence heights: 0.70 m = Fences 2’3‖ in height 0.75 m = Fences 2’5‖ in height 0.80 m = Fences 2’7‖ in height 0.85 m = Fences 2’9‖ in height 0.90 m = Fences 2’11‖ in height 0.95 m = Fences 3’1‖ in height 1.00 m = Fences 3’3‖ in height 1.05 m = Fences 3’5‖ in height 1.10 m = Fences 3’7‖ in height 1.15 m = Fences 3’9‖ in height 1.20 m = Fences 3’11‖ in height 1.25 m = Fences 4’1‖ in height 1.30 m = Fences 4’3‖ in height 1.35 m = Fences 4’5‖ in height 1.40 m = Fences 4’7‖ in height 1.45 m = Fences 4’9‖ in height NON-NOMINATED JUMPER SECTIONS 0.70m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 2’3‖. 0.80m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 2’7‖. 0.90m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 2’11‖. 1.00m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 3’3‖. 1.10m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 3’7‖. 1.15m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 3’9‖. 0.90m PRE-CHILDREN‟S / AA JUMPERS - Open to Children's and Adult Amateur riders. Fences 2’11‖. 1.00m LOW CHILDREN'S / AA JUMPERS - Open to Children's and Adult Amateur riders. Fences 3’3‖. 1.05m PONY JUMPERS - Open to ponies ridden by junior riders. Fences 3’5‖. 1.10m CHILDREN'S JUMPERS - Open to horses ridden by Children as defined by the USEF. Fences 3’7‖. 1.10m ADULT AMATEUR JUMPERS - Open to horses ridden by Adult Amateurs as defined by the USEF. Fences 3’7‖. 1.15m MOD JUNIOR / AMATEUR JUMPERS - Open to any horse ridden by a junior or amateur rider. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 3’9‖. NOMINATED JUMPER SECTIONS / CLASSES 1.20m JUMPER CLASSIC - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 3’11‖. 1.25m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 4’1‖. 1.30m JUMPERS - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 4’3‖. 1.30m OPEN WELCOME - Open to all. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 4’3‖. 1.25m JUNIOR / AO JUMPERS - Open to any horse ridden by a junior or amateur owner rider. Horse/rider combinations may not cross enter into the Children's or AA Jumper section at the same show. Fences 4’1‖. Conditions & Specifications ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— AHJA CATEGORY II YEAR-END SECTIONS & CLASSES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— AHJA WALK-TROT - For the beginning rider. Riders may not cross enter into any other classes at the same show. Points are given to the rider. Includes any hunter, equitation, under saddle and pleasure classes. Fences to be single poles laying flat on the ground. AHJA CROSSRAIL HUNTER - For the beginning horse or rider. Horse and rider combinations may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 18‖ at the same show. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Fences 12‖ in an ―X‖ configuration. AHJA CROSSRAIL EQUITATION - For the beginning rider. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 18‖ at the same show. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Fences 12‖ in an ―X‖ configuration. AHJA FUTURE HUNTER - For the beginning horse or rider. Horse and rider combinations may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2’0‖ at the same show. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Fences to be 18‖ verticals. AHJA FUTURE EQUITATION - For the beginning rider; riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2’0‖ at the same show. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Fences to be 18‖ verticals. AHJA SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER 11 & UNDER - Open to beginner junior riders 11 years of age and under. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2'3" at the same show. Fences 2’0‖. No oxers or combinations. AHJA SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION 11 & UNDER - Open to beginner junior riders 11 years of age and under. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2'3" at the same show. Fences 2’0‖. No oxers or combinations. AHJA MEDIUM STIRRUP HUNTER 12-17 - Open to beginner junior riders 12-17 years of age. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2'3" at the same show. Fences 2’0‖. No oxers or combinations. AHJA MEDIUM STIRRUP EQUITATION 12-17 - Open to beginner junior riders 12-17 years of age. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2'3" at the same show. Fences 2’0‖. No oxers or combinations. AHJA LONG STIRRUP HUNTER 18 & OVER - Open to beginner amateur riders 18 years of age and over. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2'3" at the same show. Fences 2’0‖. No oxers or combinations. AHJA LONG STIRRUP EQUITATION 18 & OVER - Open to beginner amateur riders 18 years of age and over. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2'3" at the same show. Fences 2’0‖. No oxers or combinations. AHJA PRE CHILDREN‟S / ADULT HUNTER - Open to junior and amateur riders. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2’6‖ at the same show. Fences 2’3‖. No oxers or combinations. Shows may split this section into Pre-Children’s and Pre-Adult. AHJA PRE CHILDREN‟S / ADULT EQUITATION - Open to junior and amateur riders. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2’6‖ at the same show. Fences 2’3‖. No oxers or combinations. Shows may split this section into Pre-Children’s and Pre-Adult. AHJA LOW CHILDREN‟S / ADULT HUNTER - Open to junior and amateur riders. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2’9‖ at the same show. Fences 2’6‖. No combinations. Shows may split this section into Low Children’s and Low Adult. AHJA LOW CHILDREN‟S / ADULT EQUITATION - Open to junior and amateur riders. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. Riders may not cross enter into classes with fences higher than 2’9‖ at the same show. Fences 2’6‖. No combinations. Shows may split this section into Low Children’s and Low Adult. AHJA CHILDREN‟S / ADULT HUNTER - Open to junior and amateur riders. Points are given to horse and rider combinations. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 2’9‖. Shows may split this section into Children’s and Adult. AHJA CHILDREN‟S / ADULT EQUITATION - Open to junior and amateur riders. Points are given to the rider. Horses may be shown more than once in over fence classes in this section with different riders. No cross entry restrictions. Fences 2’9‖. Shows may split this section into Children’s and Adult. AHJA JUMPER - Open to any horse and rider. No cross entry restrictions. Points are given to the horse. Horses may only be shown once per class. Fences 2’6‖2’9‖. Only classes titled ―AHJA Jumper‖ and offered at 2’6‖, 2’9‖ or a combination thereof will count towards the year-end award in this section. Shows may offer separate AHJA Jumper classes at both 2’6‖ and 2’9‖. AHJA CATEGORY II CHILDREN‟S MEDAL - Open to junior riders. To be shown over at least six fences at 2’3‖. No oxers or combinations. At least one test of a halt, halt and back or trot fence must be included in the course. No work-off. Three entries are required to fill the class; no minimum required to complete the course in order for the class to count and full points to be awarded. May be combined with the AHJA Category II Adult Medal. Points awarded 1st-10, 2nd-6, 3rd-4, 4th-2. This class will be part of the USHJA Affiliate Equitation Awards Program. AHJA CATEGORY II ADULT MEDAL - Same as above except open to amateur adult riders 18 & over. May be combined with the AHJA Category II Children’s Medal. General Rules & Regulations ENTRY PROCEDURES: a) For each horse entered, you must pay a $100 Registration Fee and a $250 Stall Fee (total of $350 per horse). You may include a check for this amount or complete the credit card section on the entry blank and your credit card will be charged this amount, plus a 3% Convenience Fee, on the entry closing date. DO NOT send in a signed, open check. If you do, it will be filled out for the proper amount and deposited on the entry closing date. b) If you plan to pay your final bill with a check, please bring this signed, open check to the office when checking in and picking up your horse’s number. If you plan to pay your final bill with a credit card, please bring the card with you when checking in so that an imprint can be made. Please note that there is a 3% Convenience Fee for all credit card transactions. b) The following sections of the entry form MUST be completely filled out: horse’s name and USEF/USHJA number, owner’s name and USEF/USHJA number, trainer’s name and USEF/USHJA number and all riders names. To speed up the check-in process, it is recommended that the entire entry blank be completed, however, the other parts may be completed upon your arrival at the office. c) Entries received by the closing date and adhering to the entry procedure outlined will receive a $50 Good Entry Discount. Late entries, incomplete entries and entries made at the show will simply pay the Registration Fee. There is no late fee or late penalty. d) USEF, USHJA, ASPCA, AHJA, NMHJA and various other organizations have specific requirements for entry and participation in certain or all classes at this competition. Proof of membership for owners, riders and trainers, USEF Pony and Junior Hunter measurement cards and horse recording numbers are among the items that sanctioning organizations require. Competitors are responsible for knowledge of the requisite rules and for providing the required data. Non-member and other fees may be assessed if these items are not available. Competitors may be refused entry into certain classes if required data is not provided. REGISTRATION FEE: Every horse must pay a $100 Registration Fee when submitting entries for the show. GOOD ENTRY DISCOUNT: If the entry is on-time, properly completed and includes the Registration and Stall / Haul-In Fees, a $50 Good Entry Discount will be applied to the account. STABLING: Stalls are permanent, 10’x12’, with doors and rent for $250 per week. Stalls may not be shared or resold. GROUNDS FEE: A Grounds Fee of $50 per day will be charged for horses that are showing which have not purchased a stall (HB horses excepted). ADDING REGULAR CLASSES: If you wish to add a regular class after initially checking in and picking up your number, you must do so by 5pm the day before the class is to be held and you must add it on an Add / Scratch Form or Trainer Sheet. Adds after 5pm or same day adds will only be allowed if the schedule in that ring is not full. Same day adds MUST be done on an Add / Scratch Form, NOT a Trainer Sheet, and MUST be given to the starter BEFORE the start of the class that was added. In any case, there is no charge to add a regular class. SCRATCHING REGULAR CLASSES: If you do not intend to show in a regular class you have entered, you MUST scratch it on an Add / Scratch Form or Trainer Form in the horse show office by 5pm the day before the class is held. There will be no charge for this. Scratches after 5pm or same day scratches will be charged a $10 per class fee and must be done BEFORE the start of the class. Scratches may not be done after a class has started. Telling the starter at the back gate that you are not going or simply not showing up will result in forfeiture of the entry fee. STARTERS DO NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO SCRATCH YOU FROM A CLASS. ADDING / SCRATCHING SPECIAL CLASSES: Adds and scratches should be made by 5pm the day before the class is held. Adds after this time, if accepted, will pay a Post Entry Fee of $25 and must go first in the order. Scratches from these classes must be done in the horse show office by 5pm the day before the class is held. Scratches after this time will forfeit the entry fee unless due to an injury to horse or rider and a vet certificate (from the official horse show veterinarian only) or medical release form (from the official horse show medical personnel only) is presented to the office at the time of the scratch. JUMPER NOMINATING FEE: Horses entered in any 1.20m and higher jumper class must be nominated and pay a $125 Jumper Nominating Fee. This fee is not required to be paid in advance and will be added to your account when you enter any nominated jumper classes. SHOW SCRATCH (a horse entered but scratched from the entire show prior to going in any classes): On or before the closing date of entries, all fees shall be refunded. After the closing date of entries, the $100 Registration Fee is not refundable under any circumstances and is forfeited as a Show Scratch Fee. If the entry qualified for the Good Entry Discount, then the discount of $50 will be refunded. All other fees, including the Stall Fee (as long as the horse didn’t use a stall), are fully refundable. All show scratches must be submitted in writing before the end of the show. No show scratch refund requests will be processed after the show is over. EQUITATION ENTRIES: Equitation riders must wear the number of the horse they are entered on. Numbers are assigned to horses, not riders. If a rider wishes to change horses for an equitation class, they may do so without penalty; however, the proper paperwork must be completed in the show office prior to the start of the class. Exhibitors changing horses without notifying the office will forfeit their entry fee on the original horse and be charged the entry fee plus an RDNE Fee on the new horse. SUBSTITUTIONS: With a vet’s certificate, a new horse may be substituted for a show scratched horse as long as the scratched horse has not shown in any classes and both horses are registered under the same trainer. The scratched horse’s Registration Fee and stall fee are transferred to the substituted horse with no penalty or charge. RETURNED CHECKS: Checks returned by the bank for any reason are regarded as a most serious offense. A 10% PENALTY WILL BE ASSESSED FOR EVERY RETURNED CHECK (MINIMUM OF $50.00)! Accounts will be given seven (7) days to be paid in full with cash or cash equivalent or they will be turned into the USEF for disciplinary action. RDNE (Rode Did Not Enter): Entries that show in a class not properly entered will be charged the class entry fee plus a $25.00 RDNE Fee. Starters are not responsible for keeping you out of classes that you are not officially entered in. General Rules & Regulations PRIZEMONEY / AWARDS: Prize money checks will be mailed or handdelivered to the owner within 30 days after the conclusion of the show. Social Security number of OWNER or PAYEE is required before any prize money will be paid. All purses and add-backs shall be divided as follows unless otherwise specified: 1st - 30%, 2nd - 22%, 3rd - 15%, 4th - 12%, 5th - 11% and 6th - 10%. Ribbons shall be awarded to eighth place in all regular classes and classics unless otherwise stated. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: Horses entering Arizona must have a current health certificate and negative coggins. For information, contact the Arizona State Veterinarian’s Office at (602) 542-4293. MONEY / STAKE CLASS ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for a money, stake and/or jackpot class, entry must have entered and shown in at least two other classes in the same section at the show, unless otherwise stated. MOTORIZED VEHICLES / GOLF CARTS: In accordance with GR1301.7: Minors who do not have a valid driver's license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver's license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. DOGS: Dogs are not permitted to be loose on competition grounds and must be on a leash or otherwise contained. Individuals must not lead dogs on a leash while mounted. Dog owners are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from their dogs’ behaviors. Dog owners failing to comply with this rule may be subject to penalty under Chapters 6 and 7, as well as issuance of warning cards. PARKING: The parking of vehicles and horse trailers is not permitted in the barn areas. Illegal parking anywhere will result in a fine of $50 per occurrence. This fine will be placed on your horse show account and becomes a part of your financial obligation to the show. Further fines, ticketing and/or towing will result for multiple offenders. Trainers may be held accountable for any parking fines incurred by their grooms. SECTION ENTRY FEES: After showing in the first class of any section requiring a section entry fee, no refunds will be given for scratching any classes within the section for any reason. ADD BACK PRIZE MONEY: In classes with add backs, prize money is computed from the number of horses that actually show. Horses entered but not shown will forfeit their add back. MEDICAL WASTE: Sharps must be placed in the proper receptacles. Anyone found in violation shall be subject to a $50 fine per occurrence. CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS: Visa, Mastercard and Discover are acceptable forms of payment of your Registration and Stall Fee when entering and your final bill when closing out in the horse show office (you must present the actual card for swiping). All credit card transactions will incur a 3% Convenience Fee. Sorry, but American Express is not accepted. SHAVINGS: Local laws will supersede USEF GR1216.7. Competitors are prohibited from bringing their own shavings onto Westworld Equestrian Center property for either personal or commercial use. Shavings must be purchased through the feed and bedding concession on the grounds. DAMAGE / HOLES IN STALLS & BARN WALLS: Exhibitors will be held responsible for damage caused by them, their agents or employees, and will be billed accordingly. Holes punched in any stall or barn wall, or any use of an existing hole, will result in a fine of $25 per hole punched or used, regardless of who made the hole. Facility staff inspect stalls daily and will charge the horse show for any violations of this rule. CONFLICTS: Management cannot allow conflicts to hold up any rings. Riders with potential conflicts must arrange their jumping order with the starters so that they will not hold up a class. Trainer conflicts cannot be recognized. If you are a trainer, be sure to bring enough help to get your horses and clients to the rings in a timely manner or only bring a manageable number of horses if you are limited in the help you have. TRAINER SPLITS: These shows offer a service that allows trainers to have their tack stalls split evenly amongst their client’s horse show bills by completing a Trainer Split Form. See the office for deadlines for submitting completed Trainer Split Forms. Please advise your clients that these charges will appear on their show bill. Only dollar amounts will be split (not quantities) and totals will be rounded up to the next whole dollar amount. Uncollected splits will revert back to the trainer. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR: All exhibitors are required to wear properly fastened protective headgear which meets or exceeds ASTM/SEI standards while jumping anywhere on the competition grounds. It must be properly fitted with harness secured. Except as may otherwise be mandated by local law, all juniors riding in Hunter, Jumper and Hunter Seat Equitation sections must wear properly fitted headgear. Any rider violating this rule at any time must immediately be prohibited from further riding until such headgear is properly in place. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Westworld regulations prohibit alcohol being brought onto the grounds. USEF RULE GR901.11: The horse show policies stated herein regarding scratches and refunds will be followed regardless of weather and in place of USEF Rule GR901.11. ORGANIZATION WEBSITES: USEF - www.usef.org AHJA - www.ahja.org USHJA - www.ushja.org ASPCA - www.nhs.org NMHJA - www.nmhja.org USET - www.uset.org ARENAS - Main Hunter is 270’x150’; Hunter 2 is 250’x150’; Main Hunter warm-up is 200’x75’; Hunter 2 warm-up is 150’x100’; Jumper Ring is 320’x180’; Jumper warm-up is 200’x75’. All rings have dirt / sand footing. RULES & HORSE WELFARE - All rules pertaining to the horse show and the welfare of the horse will be enforced at all times throughout the two weeks of shows, regardless of whether it is a show day or not. * * * * Please Remember * * * * Grooms may NOT arrive to set-up stalls and horses may NOT arrive to move-in to stalls prior to published days and times. The facility needs time to clean stalls from the previous events. If you arrive early, you may be forced to wait in the trailer OUTSIDE of the barn area gates until all stalls are ready for move-in. A Full-Service Equestrian Facility Specializing In Hunters, Jumpers And Hunt Seat Equitation Wendy Dean Johnson Owner / Trainer 28425 North 160th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85262 480-471-3015 www.ranchodecano.com Spring Training is in full swing in Scottsdale during these shows, so be sure to reserve your hotel rooms early! Courtyard By Marriott 17010 N. Scottsdale Rd (480) 922-8400 La Quinta Inn 8888 E. Shea Blvd (480) 614-5300 Fairfield Inn 13440 N. Scottsdale Rd (480) 483-0042 Hampton Inn 10101 N. Scottsdale Rd (480) 443-3233 Residence Inn 17011 N. Scottsdale Rd. (480) 563-4120 Owner’s RV Rental of Arizona (800) 793-7460 www.ownersrental.com USA RV Rentals (866) 814-0253 www.usarvrentals.com Cruise America (800) 983-3184 www.cruiseamerica.com For More Information Scottsdale CVB (480) 421-1004 www.scottsdalecvb.com 94th Street Scottsdale Princess Resort Wingate Inn and Suites 14255 N 87th St (800) 444-6835 RV Rentals Horse Show Campers Larry Hischer (480) 330-3948 www.horseshowcampers.com N Princess Dr Bell Road TPC Golf Course Westworld 16601 N. Pima Rd Scottsdale, AZ 480-312-6802 Frank Lloyd Wright Frank Llo y Greenway / Hayden Loop Butherus Scottsdale Airpark d Wright Pima Freeway / Loop 101 Hampton Inn North 16620 N. Scottsdale Rd (480) 348-9280 Towne Place Suites 10740 N. 90th Street (480) 551-1100 Loop 101 Freeway Hayden Rd Sleep Inn 16630 N. Scottsdale Rd (480) 998-9211 West To I-17 Hayden Rd Extended Stay America 15501 N. Scottsdale Rd (480) 607-3767 Scottsdale Marriott 16770 N. Perimeter Dr. (480) 502-3836 Scottsdale Rd Country Inn & Suites Official Host Hotel 10801 N. 89th Place (866) 244-9330 Pima Road SCOTTSDALE HOTEL / RV INFORMATION & MAP TO WESTWORLD South To Loop 202, Hwy 60 & Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport Scottsdale Spring Festival Horse Show ~ March 12-15, 2015 ~ Week 1 Color: Age: Height: Office Use Only: [ ] Measurement Card Verified » USEF/USHJA #: ) Zip: Jumper Nominating Fee @ $125 Grounds Fee @ $50 / day USEF Fee @ $8 / USEF Drug Fee @ $8 USHJA Zone Fee @ $2 / AHJA Fee $2 USEF Show Pass (N/M) Fee @ $30 USHJA Show Pass (N/M) Fee @ $30 CVC #: 3 digit number on back of card City: Address: State: Zip: SSN or Fed Tax ID #: Office Use Only - Postmarked ____/____/____ Check #: _________ Amount: $_________ Other: ___________________________ Please Stable With (if different than listed trainer): _______________________________________________________ Emergency Contact (during the show) - Name: _____________________________ Phone: (______)______________ Rider 2 Signature: _____________________________________________ Rider 1 Signature: ____________________________________________ Prize Money Payee (if other than owner): Trainer / Agent Signature: ______________________________________ Owner / Agent Signature: ______________________________________ UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENT By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the Federation”) and the local rules of the competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cablecasts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me an d my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Indemnification - This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____/____/____ Billing Zip Code: ___________ By signing below, I authorize CEP to charge my credit card the Total Amount Due from above, plus a 3% Convenience Fee, for my entry into the above-named competition. I also agree to abide by the published entry procedures. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature (or typed name) shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my si gnature by my own hand. Card #: Name On Card: ____________________________________________ Exp Date (mm/yyyy): _____/_________ Parent / Adult Guardian (if either or both riders are minors): ___________________________________________________________________________ Amateurs, Check Show Age Section: [ ] 18-35 [ ] 36-49 [ ] 50&O US Citizen: [ ] Yes [ ] No 100.00 $________ $________ $________ $________ Other Fees Due At The Show Credit Card Authorization ~ Which Card Are You Using: [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Discover 1 Registration Fee @ $100 ___ ___ Horse Stall @ $250 ___ Tack Stall @ $250 Total Amount Due Fees Due With This Entry Classes Entered For Rider 2: Juniors, List USEF Show Age: Email Address: ASPCA #: Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur Address: City: » USEF/USHJA #: State: Amateurs, Check Show Age Section: [ ] 18-35 [ ] 36-49 [ ] 50&O US Citizen: [ ] Yes [ ] No ASPCA #: » Rider 2 Name: Classes Entered For Rider 1: Juniors, List USEF Show Age: Email Address: City: Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur Phone: ( Address: Zip: Zip: » USEF/USHJA #: State: State: ) Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur » USEF/USHJA #: Phone: ( » Rider 1 Name: Email Address: City: Address: Barn / Farm Name: » Trainer’s Name: Email Address: SSN or Fed Tax ID # (for prize money): Zip: Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur Address: City: » USEF/USHJA #: » Owner’s Name: Check Horse / Pony Size: [ ] Small [ ] Medium [ ] Large State: Sex: Check Green Status: [ ] 1st Yr [ ] 2nd Yr Breed: » Horse’s Name: To save time when checking in at the horse show office, it is recommended that you fill in the entry blank in its entirety. However, you may also submit this entry blank by completing only the eight or ten fields preceded by the » symbol. These fields MUST be completed for this entry to be considered valid. You will then be required to complete the rest of the entry blank upon arrival at the show. Mail to: CEP / Kendis Collman ~ 19832 N. 21st Street ~ Phoenix, AZ 85024 / Email to: cepshows@aol.com / Fax to: 602.428.6804 / Entries Close Mon, Feb 23rd Entry #: _____ Scottsdale Spring Classic Horse Show ~ March 19-22, 2015 ~ Week 2 Color: Age: Height: Office Use Only: [ ] Measurement Card Verified » USEF/USHJA #: ) Zip: Jumper Nominating Fee @ $125 Grounds Fee @ $50 / day USEF Fee @ $8 / USEF Drug Fee @ $8 USHJA Zone Fee @ $2 / AHJA Fee $2 USEF Show Pass (N/M) Fee @ $30 USHJA Show Pass (N/M) Fee @ $30 CVC #: 3 digit number on back of card City: Address: State: Zip: SSN or Fed Tax ID #: Office Use Only - Postmarked ____/____/____ Check #: _________ Amount: $_________ Other: ___________________________ Please Stable With (if different than listed trainer): _______________________________________________________ Emergency Contact (during the show) - Name: _____________________________ Phone: (______)______________ Rider 2 Signature: _____________________________________________ Rider 1 Signature: ____________________________________________ Prize Money Payee (if other than owner): Trainer / Agent Signature: ______________________________________ Owner / Agent Signature: ______________________________________ UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENT By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the Federation”) and the local rules of the competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cablecasts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me an d my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Indemnification - This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____/____/____ Billing Zip Code: ___________ By signing below, I authorize CEP to charge my credit card the Total Amount Due from above, plus a 3% Convenience Fee, for my entry into the above-named competition. I also agree to abide by the published entry procedures. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature (or typed name) shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my si gnature by my own hand. Card #: Name On Card: ____________________________________________ Exp Date (mm/yyyy): _____/_________ Parent / Adult Guardian (if either or both riders are minors): ___________________________________________________________________________ Amateurs, Check Show Age Section: [ ] 18-35 [ ] 36-49 [ ] 50&O US Citizen: [ ] Yes [ ] No 100.00 $________ $________ $________ $________ Other Fees Due At The Show Credit Card Authorization ~ Which Card Are You Using: [ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] Discover 1 Registration Fee @ $100 ___ ___ Horse Stall @ $250 ___ Tack Stall @ $250 Total Amount Due Fees Due With This Entry Classes Entered For Rider 2: Juniors, List USEF Show Age: Email Address: ASPCA #: Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur Address: City: » USEF/USHJA #: State: Amateurs, Check Show Age Section: [ ] 18-35 [ ] 36-49 [ ] 50&O US Citizen: [ ] Yes [ ] No ASPCA #: » Rider 2 Name: Classes Entered For Rider 1: Juniors, List USEF Show Age: Email Address: City: Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur Phone: ( Address: Zip: Zip: » USEF/USHJA #: State: State: ) Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur » USEF/USHJA #: Phone: ( » Rider 1 Name: Email Address: City: Address: Barn / Farm Name: » Trainer’s Name: Email Address: SSN or Fed Tax ID # (for prize money): Zip: Office Use Only: [ ] Card [ ] N/M [ ] JAS [ ] Amateur Address: City: » USEF/USHJA #: » Owner’s Name: Check Horse / Pony Size: [ ] Small [ ] Medium [ ] Large State: Sex: Check Green Status: [ ] 1st Yr [ ] 2nd Yr Breed: » Horse’s Name: To save time when checking in at the horse show office, it is recommended that you fill in the entry blank in its entirety. However, you may also submit this entry blank by completing only the eight or ten fields preceded by the » symbol. These fields MUST be completed for this entry to be considered valid. You will then be required to complete the rest of the entry blank upon arrival at the show. Mail to: CEP / Kendis Collman ~ 19832 N. 21st Street ~ Phoenix, AZ 85024 / Email to: cepshows@aol.com / Fax to: 602.428.6804 / Entries Close Mon, Feb 23rd Entry #: _____ Pre-Entry Postmark Deadline: Monday, March 9th, 2015 2015 HUNT CUP MARCH HORSE SHOW CITY: _________________________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP: _________________ TELEPHONE: (______)__________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP: _________________ NAME: ________________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ STABLE WITH: Rider: ____________________________________ Mail To: CEP / Kendis Collman, 19832 N. 21st St, Phoenix, AZ 85024 ~ $________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ~ Fax To: (602) 428-6804 Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________ Billing Zip Code: _____________ By signing below, I authorize CEP to charge my credit card the total amount from above, plus a 3% Convenience Fee, for my entry into the above-named competition. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature or typed name shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. Card #: ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ CVC #: ___ ___ ___ Name On Card: ______________________________ Exp Date (mm/yyyy): ___/______ CREDIT CARD INFORMATION (Visa, Mastercard, Discover ONLY) -$________ EARLY ENTRY DISCOUNT - $25 Free Class (if qualified) Email To: cepshows@aol.com Parent / Adult Guardian (if rider is a minor): _________________________________________________ Trainer: __________________________________ Owner/Agent: _____________________________ $________ $________ 50.00_ Day $75 / Weekend $125 / Weekday $175 / Full Week $250 / Haul-In $25 (only pay this now if looking for the early entry discount) STALL FEE or HAUL-IN FEE (only pay this now if wanting the early entry discount) CLASS ENTRY FEES @ $25 each class (back numbers are issued to horse / rider combinations) $ WEBSITE: ____________________________________ REGISTRATION FEE @ $50 (horse / rider combination) ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, By signing below as owner, agent, rider, handler, lessee, trainer, coach or as parent or adult guardian of a minor, I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and competitions involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering and/or death (“Harm”). By signing below, I agree to release the competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm resulted directly or indirectly from the negligence of the competition. If I am signing as a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and agree to all of the above provisions and agree to assume all of the obligations of this release on the child’s behalf. I agree that the term “competition” as used above includes, but is not limited to, the horse show, Collman Equestrian Productions, its officials, officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, personnel, volunteers and affiliated organizations, as well as the facility (Westworld Equestrian Center), Bureau of Reclamation and the City of Scottsdale. EMAIL: _______________________________________ TELEPHONE: (______) __________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP: _________________ CITY: ________________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ CITY: _________________________________________ CLASSES ENTERED TRAINER NAME: _______________________________ AGE: _____ HT: _______ COLOR: ______ SEX: _____ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ OWNER / AGENT BARN NAME: __________________________________ BARN / TRAINER INFORMATION NAME: ________________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________ RIDER INFORMATION OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Only One (1) Horse And Rider Combination Per Entry Blank Please HORSE INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CITY: _________________________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP: _________________ TELEPHONE: (______)__________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP: _________________ NAME: ________________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ STABLE WITH: Rider: ____________________________________ Mail To: CEP / Kendis Collman, 19832 N. 21st St, Phoenix, AZ 85024 ~ $________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ~ Fax To: (602) 428-6804 Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________ Billing Zip Code: _____________ By signing below, I authorize CEP to charge my credit card the total amount from above, plus a 3% Convenience Fee, for my entry into the above-named competition. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature or typed name shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. Card #: ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ CVC #: ___ ___ ___ Name On Card: ______________________________ Exp Date (mm/yyyy): ___/______ CREDIT CARD INFORMATION (Visa, Mastercard, Discover ONLY) -$________ EARLY ENTRY DISCOUNT - $25 Free Class (if qualified) Email To: cepshows@aol.com Parent / Adult Guardian (if rider is a minor): _________________________________________________ Trainer: __________________________________ Owner/Agent: _____________________________ $________ $________ 50.00_ Day $75 / Weekend $125 / Weekday $175 / Full Week $250 / Haul-In $25 (only pay this now if looking for the early entry discount) STALL FEE or HAUL-IN FEE (only pay this now if wanting the early entry discount) CLASS ENTRY FEES @ $25 each class (back numbers are issued to horse / rider combinations) $ WEBSITE: ____________________________________ REGISTRATION FEE @ $50 (horse / rider combination) ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, By signing below as owner, agent, rider, handler, lessee, trainer, coach or as parent or adult guardian of a minor, I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and competitions involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering and/or death (“Harm”). By signing below, I agree to release the competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm resulted directly or indirectly from the negligence of the competition. If I am signing as a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and agree to all of the above provisions and agree to assume all of the obligations of this release on the child’s behalf. I agree that the term “competition” as used above includes, but is not limited to, the horse show, Collman Equestrian Productions, its officials, officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, personnel, volunteers and affiliated organizations, as well as the facility (Westworld Equestrian Center), Bureau of Reclamation and the City of Scottsdale. EMAIL: _______________________________________ TELEPHONE: (______) __________________________ STATE: _________________ ZIP: _________________ CITY: ________________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ CITY: _________________________________________ CLASSES ENTERED TRAINER NAME: _______________________________ AGE: _____ HT: _______ COLOR: ______ SEX: _____ ADDRESS: ____________________________________ OWNER / AGENT BARN NAME: __________________________________ BARN / TRAINER INFORMATION NAME: ________________________________________ NAME: ________________________________________ RIDER INFORMATION OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Only One (1) Horse And Rider Combination Per Entry Blank Please Pre-Entry Postmark Deadline: Monday, March 16th, 2015 2015 GRAND CANYON STATE GAMES EQUESTRIAN HORSE INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 19832 N. 21st Street Phoenix, AZ 85024 Prsrt Std U S Postage P A I D Phoenix AZ Permit #995
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