Holy Name of Jesus School GATOR GAZETTE February 3, 2015 Volume 28 Issue 22 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Dear Holy Name Family: Happy February! It is hard to believe that we are already in the month of February. This week our two big events are the PTC Meeting and the Dad & Darling Dance. The PTC Meeting is tomorrow night at 7:00 PM. The Beta Club is offering Beta-sitting from 6:45 to the end of the meeting as a service project. Also, the homeroom with the most parents in attendance will receive a treat on Thursday! The Dad & Darling Dance is Saturday night from 7:00-9:00 PM and sponsored by the 7th grade. All proceeds will benefit their class trip. I would like to remind you that registration for returning students was last week. If you have not returned the re-enrollment form and set up your account with FACTS Management, your registration is not complete. Please contact the school office if you have any questions. Registration for NEW STUDENTS is February 23-27. A complete registration packet must be submitted in order for an application to be reviewed. Please contact Libby McGinn with any questions. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything. In His Holy Name, Jessica A. Dwyer, M.Ed. Principal CLASS PICTURES Class Pictures are TOMORROW! IMPORTANT DATES Picture packets were sent home last week by the homeroom teachers. February 4 - PTC Meeting, 7:00PM February 7 - Dad & Darling Dance, 7-9PM February 11 - LATER GATORS ENDS @ 5:00 PM (due to parade schedule) February 12 - Show Your Heart Day; NO LATER GATORS (due All students must wear their school uniforms to school tomorrow - NO PE UNIFORMS! ADMISSIONS NEWS Registration for NEW STUDENTS is the week of February 23-27. Families interested should submit a Registration Packet to the school office. Please contact Libby McGinn, to parade schedule) February 13PK/K Mardi Gras Parade; Early Dismissal, 1:00 PM; NO LATER GATORS February 16-20 - Mardi Gras Holidays (School Closed) February 23 - Classes Resume February 25 Community Dinner 6:30 P.M. Director of Admissions, with any questions. Registration Fee - This fee reserves a place for student and is non-refundable. Acceptance of the registration fee is not a guarantee of the student’s place in the school, but only reservation of a spot on the waiting list. The fee amount for archdiocesan elementary schools is the same in all schools and is set by the Office of Catholic Schools; archdiocesan high schools, however, may set the amount of their registration fee. ~Archdiocese of New Orleans Policy Handbook for Elementary and Secondary Schools PTC NEWS Next Meeting: TOMORROW! Wednesday, February 4 @ 7:00 PM IN and AROUND HNJ... 100th DAY OF SCHOOL The Early Childhood students celebrated the 100th day of school last Wednesday in a variety of ways. BETA-SITTING WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE BASEMENT DURING THE MEETING! Special thanks to the Beta Club for providing this! Please contact Melissa Wolbrette, mwolbrette@hnjschool.org, if you plan to use the service. PRE-KINDERGARTEN CARPOOL -Please be prepared to circle, continuing on Calhoun Street and using Loyola Avenue as the street from which to reenter carpool on Palmer Avenue. -Please use your left blinker the whole time you are on Palmer Avenue; that is the only way we know for sure that you are in the carpool line. It also helps carpool parents behind you to know where the back of the line is. -Carpool traffic will not be permitted to stop on LaSalle Place or Palmer Avenue until the section of LaSalle Place between the school yard and Loyola parking area is clear of standing vehicles. -Please make sure you have a name card on your KINDERGARTEN'S SPECTACULAR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Kindergarten students celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing up as 100-year-olds, making projects with 100 items, building 100-cup structures, assembling 100-piece snacks, and all sorts of other 100-related activities! dash board so that your children can be called to the loading area. -Please do not use your cell phone while in carpool line. -Please do not park along Calhoun Street causing congestion and blocking the flow of carpool traffic exiting the school yard. FIRST GRADE ATHLETICS The 7th Grade Boys' Basketball Team wrapped up the 2014-15 regular season with a 39point win at Trinity. HNJ finished the season with a record of 9-2 and earned the #2 seed in the upcoming Metro League Playoff Tournament. The Gators will play the winner of Hynes and Trinity on Tuesday evening at Stuart Hall. Tip-off is 5pm. The 4th Grade Basketball Team opened up their season at St. Paul's on Monday. This year's team consists of 32 members. Good luck, Gators! LATER GATORS Registration is open for the Spring semester! This amazing program is available to girls in grades 3rd-5th. Please be sure to sign up by Monday, February 9th. Feel free to reach out with any questions to addieglasser@gmail.com. LENTEN INFORMATION FIRST GRADE VISITS NOMA Stations of the Cross Monday, March 2 Stations of the Cross 1-5 (led by 7-3) 2:45 in the auditorium Monday, March 16 Stations of the Cross 6-9 (led by 7-2) 2:45 in the auditorium Monday, March 30 Stations of the Cross 1015 (led by 7-1) 2:45 in the auditorium Wednesday, April 1 Full Passion Play, Stations of the Cross 115 (led by the 7th grade and the choir) time TBA in the church SOCIAL WORKER NEWS Our children love to use a particular word for anyone they don’t like, don’t want to play with on a given day, or don’t understand because of some difference in that child. The word is “annoying.” It’s what I call a “waste-basket” term, because it can mean anything, and covers over the sometimes complex emotions we have in dealing with others. You might say, FIRST COMMUNION IMPORTANT DATES as a parent, that you would like your child to be kind to everyone, or even just courteous. You would also encourage your child to interact with many diverse kids, and be empathic toward those who seem to be at a disadvantage. But this doesn’t just happen by itself. This is a reminder that the First Communion rehearsal is March 22 (Sunday) at 9:00 a.m. at Holy HNJ is a much more diverse school than it used to be 18 years ago when I first got here. We are more diverse racially, ethnically and developmentally. This poses its challenges, some of which are hard to meet. Much can be gained by simple exposure Name of Jesus to and playing with people who are different Church, followed by from you. You find out that you often share the Second Grade things in common, and the line of difference Mass of Blessing at begins to be less sharp. In previous years 10:30 a.m. First some of our children with Down syndrome have Communion is April met with great kindness, because their age 11 (Saturday) at 4:00 p.m. vigil Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Church. mates love to “help” them and take care of them, and these children delight in human contact. But some disabilities come with behaviors that are difficult to tolerate, such as noises or temper outbursts, and thus the word “annoying” comes into play. They may have particular challenges interacting with their classmates, even though they are smart and capable of age-appropriate work. And this makes everyone uncomfortable. How to address this? Like most things in childrearing and child-educating, it takes that proverbial village. It also takes realizing that this is not just “bad behavior.” It takes ANNUAL BEAD COLLECTION FOR ST. MICHAEL'S educating ourselves about new territory. I would say that the new territory many schools are navigating these days is educating children with autistic spectrum disorder. The social SPECIAL SCHOOL arena is difficult for children with autism, and this makes it easy for their peers to As parade season begins, please send in any beads you would like to donate to the students of St. Michael Special School. THANK YOU! misunderstand their reactions. We can and should sensitize our children to the idea that everybody has “wiring” in his brain, which helps him process information and manage his thoughts, feelings, and actions. Everybody’s wiring is a little different. For some children, that wiring lets in too much information from the outside world and they get overwhelmed. For many, their wiring doesn’t give them enough information about other people—how they are feeling, what their expressions mean. These differences can account for behaviors such as blocking ears and humming, or making blunt comments that SHOW YOUR seem rude. Both of these would be dubbed HEART DAY “annoying” by someone who didn’t understand why they were happening. We do have to Our school is supporting Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New acknowledge that sometimes, even with understanding, we feel annoyed by others, but understanding goes a long way toward developing tolerance. Orleans on Thursday, February 12th with As a school, we can promote bullying Show Your Heart Day! awareness, conflict resolution, and empathic Students who donate responding. As school and parents we also $1 (or more) to Catholic need to take specific steps to help our children Charities can wear understand what some of the wiring differences their favorite red t-shirt to school along with their school uniform on mean, which means educating ourselves. The parents of (and the schools serving) children with ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Anxiety, Autism, etc. already go out of their way to Thursday, February research what they mean and how best to help 12th. Red is the color of the kids achieve their potential. We should do the heart of Catholic the same so that we can help our kids respond Charities and reminds us with more knowledge and thus more tolerance. that we can be the heart of their mission to Mrs. Lisa Houck, LCSW lovingly serve the most Social Worker vulnerable and needy through our support! We hope your child/children will show off their spirit of service and show some heart! Donations should be given to the homeroom teacher that morning. Did you know? Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans provides hope, help, and care for over 80,000 poor and vulnerable in our archdiocese each year! Show Your Heart Day supports Catholic Charities' areas of greatest need and will help them quickly respond during times of crisis. Visit www.ccano.org for more! HNJ LADIES TENNIS TOURNAMENT Mark your calendars for the HNJ Ladies Tennis Tournament on Friday, March 20! Click here for the registration form. COME TO THE SPRING FLING ON SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH! FROM THE OFFICE Arrival/Dismissal: Please follow all rules for drop-off and pick-up to help ensure the safety of everyone. Early Check Out Procedure: We ask that you make all necessary appointments for your child after school hours. However, if you need to check your child out early, you must come to the school office prior to 2:45 p.m. and sign them out. The office staff will call for your child to meet you in the office. No students will be dismissed after 2:45 p.m. This is done to ensure the safe dismissal of all students. Thank you for your cooperation. Transportation Changes: To ensure the safety of your children, changes in your child’s afternoon transportation should only be made in the event of an emergency. If an emergency occurs, please notify the school office of any transportation change no later than 2:30 p.m. Please note that play dates and after school activities do not constitute an emergency. Thank you for your cooperation. Information Updates: Please keep the office informed of any changes to phone numbers, email addresses, and/or home addresses as soon as possible. Gator Gazette Deadline: If you wish to publish something in the Gator Gazette, please email the information to rtomeny@hnjschool.org for approval by Wednesday of the previous week. Copyright © 2015 Holy Name of Jesus School, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email as a parent/guardian of Holy Name of Jesus School. Our mailing address is: Holy Name of Jesus School 6325 Cromwell Place New Orleans, LA 70118 Add us to your address book unsubscribe from this list This email was sent to << Test Email Address >> why did I get this? unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences Holy Name of Jesus School · 6325 Cromwell Place · New Orleans, LA 70118 · USA
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