Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish

Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish
North Attleborough, Massachusetts
Our Heritage
Arrival of Catholic immigrants
to North Attleborough
Mass celebrated for the first
time in North Attleborough
October 1848
First resident pastor
First Catholic church dedicated
June 19, 1859
Present church cornerstone blessed
May 30, 1890
Present church consecrated
December 8, 1901
“Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive and bear
a son, and you shall name him, Jesus . . .
Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”
Luke 1:31, 38
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8, 2015
Mass Intentions for the Week
From Father Costa
Saturday, February 7– Vigil Mass
Pope Francis has declared today, February 8, as the
first International Day of Prayer and Awareness
Against Human Trafficking.
4:00 pm
Abel Alvardo – 9th Anniversary
Joseph P. Cabral – 15th Anniversary
Sunday, February 8 – Fifth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
9:00 am
Georgette Sicard – Memorial Mass
11:15 am
Susan Chadinha – Month’s Mind
Jack (John) McNamara- 1st Anniversary
Kate McNamara –Memorial Mass
Monday, February 9
8:00 am
Sacred Heart
Tuesday, February 10
7:00 am
For the People of the Parish
Wednesday, February 11
8:00 am
Sacred Heart
Thursday, February 12
7:00 am
Ed & Millie Chabot – Memorial Mass
Saturday, February 14 – Vigil Mass
4:00 pm
Edward Lambert, Sr. – Memorial Mass
Edward Lambert, Jr. – Memorial Mass
Robert Lambert – Memorial Mass
Annette Lambert – Memorial Mass
Sunday, February 15 – Sixth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
9:00 am
Muriel Fitzgibbons – Birthday Remembrance
11:15 am
Mary Plante – Month’s Mind
Mary Purcell – Month’s Mind
Paddy Carmody – 3rd Anniversary
February 8 is the feastday of Saint Josephine
Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold
into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once freed,
Josephine became a Canossian nun and dedicated
her life to sharing her testament of deliverance
from slavery and serving the poor and vulnerable.
She was declared a saint in 2000.
Human trafficking is one of the worst examples of
slavery in the 21st century. According to the
United Nations, roughly 21 million people, often
very poor and vulnerable, are victims of trafficking
for sexual exploitation, forced labor and begging,
illegal organ removal, domestic servitude, forced
marriage, and illegal adoption. Sixty percent of
those who are trafficked are women and children.
They often suffer abuse and unspeakable violence.
For traffickers and pimps, this is one of the most
lucrative illegal activities in the world, generating
over 32 billion dollars a year. It is the third most
profitable “business” after drugs and arms
For several years, the Catholic Church, and in
particular congregations of women religious, have
worked across the globe creating an awareness of
this scourge, preventing actual trafficking,
denouncing the exploiters and helping and
protecting victims. Thanks to Pope Francis, more
emphasis is being placed on this issue of human
dignity and respect of life.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
has produced an information page on their national
website. I encourage you to visit this page to find
about more about this growing concern and ways
that we can respond with prayer and action. The
website is:
From Father Costa continued…..
On this day of prayer, let us remember all victims
of human trafficking and promote the value and
dignity of each human person.
All loving and merciful God,
You call us to love one another.
Forgive us when we allow our hearts to harden.
Show us the ways we can work together to stop the
demand for trafficking of persons.
In your tender mercy, be with those who are
caught in the violence of trafficking;
Open our hearts to receive your call to choose and
reverence all life.
Give us the courage to act in the name of Jesus to
remove the anguish and suffering
from this broken world.
All praise and glory to you,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever.
Lent will begin on Wednesday, Feb. 18, with the
blessing and distribution of ashes.
This ancient practice reminds us
of our call to conversion during
the 40 days of Lent; a turning to
the Lord and reshaping our lives and living
according to God’s purposes and plan.
While Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of
obligation, we do encourage all of our parishioners
to participate in Mass or communal prayer to
begin this 40 day journey. The schedule is as
Saint Mary Church
7:00 a.m. - Liturgy of the Word with distribution
of ashes
12:05 p.m. - Mass with distribution of ashes
Sacred Heart Church
8:00 a.m. - Liturgy of the Word with distribution
of ashes
7:00 p.m. - Mass with distribution of ashes
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Janet
Gorman whose funeral Mass was celebrated on
Thursday, February 5, 2015.
Our prayerful
sympathies are extended to her husband, John,
daughter and all her family and friends. Eternal
rest grant unto Janet, O Lord. Let perpetual light
shine upon her. May she rest always in the loving
arms of God.
Faith Formation News
**Class cancellation due to the weather can be
found on channel 7 and online at
Families will not be notified by phone if classes are
to be cancelled. If school is cancelled on a Monday
automatically cancelled.
Thank you to all our parishioners for your support with
our Souper bowl collections. We collected $1305.00 to
be donated to the Baptist Church across the street for
the weekly soup kitchen hot meals.
As we prepare to begin this season of Lent our students
are called to participate in a Lenten Project. Grades 1
through 6 of both parishes are asked to donate nonfood
items. Each grade has been assigned an item. These
items will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul. Students
will bring home the list given to them by their catechist
this week. Thank you for your support with this special
project! Also, students will bring home a Lenten
Calendar from Fr. Dave and Mrs. Dillon to be shared
with their family.
Please keep our second grade students and their
families in your prayers as they prepare to
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
They have been working with their parents
at home and their catechists/school teachers in the
classrooms together for this special day. We have six
First Reconciliations for both parishes!
Grade 6 class will meet Monday afternoon/evening
February 9th at Saint Mary’s parish hall.
Grade 7 class will meet Monday evening March 2nd and
16th at 6:30pm in St. Mary’s parish hall.
Grade 8 class will meet Sunday evening March 1st and
15th at 6:30pm in St. Mary’s parish hall.
Grade 9 Confirmation class will meet Sunday evening
February 8th at 6pm for a team class.
There are No classes the week of February 15th and the
week of February 22nd due to the February school
vacation. Classes will resume the week of Sunday
March 1st. Enjoy your winter vacation!
We encourage you to have Mass offered for your
deceased loved ones. There are a number of
openings both during the week and on weekend
Masses for this purpose. To schedule a Mass
intention, please call Monica at the parish office.
Weekly Collection
Many thanks to all those who continue to remember
the financial needs of our parish. We thank you for
your continued generosity to the parish.
Collection from January 31 – Feb. 1:
Not available at publication due to snowstorm
The 2014 end of the year statements, for those
parishioners at Saint Mary Parish using the
budget envelope system, have arrived. If you
would like your statement, please call the Parish
Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:00
p.m. to have it mailed to you. If no one is in the
office, please leave a message with your name,
parish of registration and your address, and the
statement will be mailed the next business day.
You may also email your request to the parish
email Again please
remember to include your name, parish of
registration and address with your request. Thank
For the past few years, we have
adopted the following policy when bad
weather strikes. The same policy is in
place this year as we approach the
winter storm season.
1. For daily Mass in both parishes, we follow this
directive: if school is canceled or delayed, daily
Mass is canceled for that morning.
2. Sunday Mass is never canceled due to weather,
but common sense should always prevail. If we
are told to stay off the roads in a storm, then you
should stay home and, if necessary, miss Mass.
There is no sin of missing Mass involved in this
particular instance. This is for your safety and the
safety of others.
3. If there is a severe storm on a Sunday and the
roads are not good for driving, Fr. Ken and Fr.
Gabriel, would most probably not be available for
Mass. Therefore, Sunday Masses would be held at
Saint Mary Church for that day as Fr. Costa lives
at the Park Street property adjacent to the church.
In this case, we would follow the Sunday Mass
schedule for Saint Mary Church (9:00 a.m. and
11:15 a.m.). Sacred Heart Church would not be
open for use.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation
concerning these directives.
Attention all ladies. You are invited to the
Women's Guild February meeting. Tuesday, Feb.
10th 6:30 pm in the Saint Mary Church Hall
(basement level). Topic will be our Respect Life
Ministry with refreshments to follow. Also, please
bring Irish items for the Saint Patrick’s Day Raffle.
All are welcome.
The Thomas P. McDonough Knights of Columbus
Council #330 meet in the parish hall of St. Mary
Church on the second Wednesday of every month at
7:00pm. If interested or if you have any questions
please call George Devlin at 508-643-4676.
Each February, the Diocese of Fall River offers an
opportunity for parishioners to subscribe to the
Diocesan Newspaper, THE ANCHOR. Each parish
in the Diocese is given a fixed number of
subscriptions for the coming year, so subscriptions
are carried from year to year and paid for by the
parish. We would welcome a contribution by anyone
already receiving the paper, or anyone who would
like to be added to the subscription list. The current
rate of subscription is $20.00. If you are already
receiving THE ANCHOR and would like to help
offset the parish subscription fees, simply place an
envelope in the collection and mark the outside
“ANCHOR”. If you do not currently receive the
paper and would like to; there are yellow envelopes
at the entrance to the church. Please fill out the
mailing information and return it in the collection
basket. Thank you for your support!
Jesus said: “Whatever you do for the least of these, so
you do unto me.”
The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Mary’s helps
struggling local families with basis needs, including
food, shelter, utilities, and heating. We rely on the
generosity of our parishioners in meeting these
needs. Right now, our pantry is especially low on
hot and cold cereal. Donations of nonperishable
food items can be placed in the SVDP boxes located
near church entrances, or at the marked bin near the
entrance of Stop & Shop. Monetary donations can
be deposited in the poor boxes located near the
church entrances, or mailed to SVDP/St. Mary’s
Church, 14 Park St., NA. Anyone interested in
joining the Society, please call 508-212-4755 or
attend one of our monthly meetings on the 2nd
Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Parish
Hall. All are welcome.
Saint Mary Parish Staff
Weekend Mass Schedule
Rev. David A. Costa, Pastor
Saturday Vigil Mass, 4:00 p.m.
Sunday Masses, 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.
S. Kathleen A. Corrigan, SUSC, Pastoral Associate
Rev. Kenneth Sicard, OP, Weekend Assistant
Daily Mass Schedule
Rev. Gabriel Pivarnik, OP, Weekend Assistant
Saint Mary Church
Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00 a.m.
First Friday of the Month, 7:00 a.m.
Sacred Heart Church
Monday & Wednesday, 8:00 a.m.
Mrs. Monica T. Forte, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Michele Dillon, Faith Formation Coordinator
Mr. Michael Dias, Music Director
Mr. Michael Dillon, Buildings Supervisor
Joining Our Parish
Saint Mary Parish Office
14 Park Street
North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760
Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Contact Information
If you are new to the North Attleboro area, we
welcome you to join our parish community.
Parish census forms are found at the doors of
the church, or you may contact the Parish
Office for more information.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parish e-mail
Confessions are heard in the Reconciliation
Room of the church on Saturday afternoons
from 3:00-3:30, or by prior appointment.
Parish website
Sacrament of Baptism
Parish Office Telephone
(508) 695-6161
Facsimile Number
(508) 695-5248
Faith Formation Contact
(508) 695-3823
St. Vincent de Paul Help-Line
(508) 212-4755
Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School
Mrs. Denise Peixoto, Principal
57 Richards Avenue
Baptism is celebrated once a month at 12:30
on Sunday. Baptism Preparation class is
required. Please call the Parish Office for
more information.
Sacrament of Marriage
Marriage is usually celebrated on Friday
evening and on Saturday morning and
afternoon. Please contact the Parish Office at
least nine months in advance to begin
Sacrament of the Sick
(508) 695-3072
FAX (508) 695-9074
Pastoral care to the sick and homebound is
provided by the parish staff and trained
parishioners. Please call the parish office to
arrange a visit.
Saint Mary Cemetery
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760
Mr. Jarrod Ward, Superintendent
Towne Street
North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760
(508) 695-1173 or email Jarrod at
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held in
the parish chapel on the First Friday of each
month. Adoration begins at 7:00 a.m. and
concludes with Night Prayer at 10:45 p.m.
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