Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish North Attleborough, Massachusetts Our Heritage Arrival of Catholic immigrants to North Attleborough 1826 Mass celebrated for the first time in North Attleborough October 1848 First resident pastor 1858 First Catholic church dedicated June 19, 1859 Present church cornerstone blessed May 30, 1890 Present church consecrated December 8, 1901 “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and you shall name him, Jesus . . . Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:31, 38 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, March 14 – Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Rita H. Nolan – 31st Anniversary Rita DiRenzo – 8th Anniversary Angela Gozum – Memorial William Schriever – 9th Anniversary Sunday, March 15 – Fourth Sunday of Lent 9:00 am Dora Drevitch – 3rd Anniversary 11:15 am Margaret & William Spadoni - Memorial Mass Tess McGuigan – Month’s Mind Monday, March 16 8:00 am Sacred Heart Tuesday, March 17 – St. Patrick 7:00 am For the People of the Parish Wednesday, March 18 8:00 am Sacred Heart Thursday, March 19 – St. Joseph 7:00 am For our deceased Fathers Saturday, March 21 – Vigil Mass 4:00 pm Terrence Garbuzinski – 5th Anniversary A. Agnes Byrnes – 5th Anniversary Kevin Malin – Third Month Mind Sunday, March 22 – Fifth Sunday of Lent 9:00 am Alice M. Flynn – 18th Anniversary John E. Flynn – 8th Anniversary 11:15 am Henry “Hank” Psybyski – 1st Anniversary From Father Costa How’s your Lent going? We are at the half way point of our 40 day journey of prayer, fasting, and charity. Do we still have the enthusiasm and dedication to these disciplines that we had on Ash Wednesday? It’s easy to give in and even give up. Aren’t we lucky that God doesn’t do that with us. There’s always time to begin again. Our God is a God of second and third, and fiftieth chances. Let’s keep that in mind as we continue our Lenten renewal. Please mark your calendars for our annual Reconciliation Evening scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, at Saint Mary Church. A number of priests will be available to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There will be no prayer service or reflection, simply the chance to individually encounter the mercy and forgiveness of God in the Sacrament of Penance. We will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will remain in the church as long as necessary. With next week’s bulletin we will publish a guide for celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation along with an examination of conscience to help us prepare. If you haven’t been to confession in a while, this is a great opportunity to be welcomed back. God is waiting to share forgiveness and mercy. Plan to join us on the 24th. Don’t forget our almsgiving. As we fast in these Lenten days we also reach beyond ourselves, remembering the most needy of our world. On Palm Sunday weekend and Easter Sunday weekend, envelopes will be included with the bulletin (and at the tables at the doors of the church) for our annual support of Sister Eileen Davey, S.U.S.C., and her work at the Nutrition Center of Saint Louis de Montfort Parish in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. One third of Sister Eileen’s yearly operating budget has been provided by the generosity of our parishioners. Please remember the children and families in Haiti we serve through Sister Eileen and plan on supporting this very worthy charity! For your convenience the schedule for the Sacred Triduum is included in today’s bulletin. These are the most sacred days of our entire Church calendar. continued…. From Father Costa, continued If you have never experienced the beauty and solemnity of these liturgies I strongly urge you to come and participate. As is our custom, the Triduum is shared between the two downtown parishes. This year, Sacred Heart will host Holy Thursday and Good Friday while Saint Mary will host the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. Easter Sunday Masses will be celebrated in both churches. +++++++++++++ Our sympathy and prayers are extended to our Administrative Assistant, Monica Forte and her husband George, at the death of George’s dad, George P. Forte. Mr. Forte, Sr., died on February 27, in Florida. His funeral was celebrated this past Saturday in Pennsylvania. Eternal rest grant unto George, O Lord. May he rest always in God’s loving embrace. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “In our roughest moments, remember: God is our Father; God does not abandon his children.” ~ Pope Francis, March 10, 2015 Faith Formation News Registration for the Faith Formation 2015-2016 year is being done during the month of March. All families currently registered in the program received an envelope by mail March 1st. All enrollment forms are due by March 30th. There is a late fee of $25.00 for all forms received after the due date. All families that register will receive a packet midAugust with the calendar for the year, first class information and session choice forms for grades 4, 5 & 6. **If you have a new first grader for the fall please call the office @ 695-3823. Registration is being done during the last month of classes-Mrs. Dillon will accept completed enrollment forms at all classes. Registration will conclude March 30th. Thank you for your support as we enter our last weeks of class! Our Lenten Project is off to a great start! Thank you for your support with this project to benefit St. Vincent De Paul. YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED Please pray for the repose of the soul of Guistino “Sonny” Marsella whose funeral Mass was celebrated on Saturday, March 7. Our prayerful sympathies are extended to his family and friends. Your prayers are further requested for the repose of the soul of William Roy whose funeral Mass was celebrated on Wednesday, March 11. Eternal rest grant unto Sonny and Bill, O Lord. Let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest always in the loving arms of God. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Jesus said: “Whatever you do for the least of these, so you do unto me.” The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Mary’s helps struggling local families with basis needs, including food, shelter, utilities, and heating. We rely on the generosity of our parishioners in meeting these needs. Right now, our pantry is especially low on hot and cold cereal. Donations of nonperishable food items can be placed in the SVDP boxes located near church entrances, or at the marked bin near the entrance of Stop & Shop. Monetary donations can be deposited in the poor boxes located near the church entrances, or mailed to SVDP/St. Mary’s Church, 14 Park St., NA. Anyone interested in joining the Society, please call 508-212-4755 or attend one of our monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. First Eucharist Parent meeting for the grade 2 parents of Saint Mary Parish is Sunday March 15th at 10 am. **Class cancellation due to the weather can be found on channel 7 and online at Families will not be notified by phone if classes are to be cancelled. If school is cancelled on a Monday or Tuesday-faith formation classes/activities are automatically cancelled. Grade 6 class will meet Monday afternoon/evening March 23rd & 30th at Saint Mary’s parish hall. Grade 7 class will meet Monday evening March 16th at 6:30pm in St. Mary’s parish hall. Grade 8 class will meet Sunday evening March 15th at 6:30pm in St. Mary’s parish hall. Our next Family Mass Class is this Sunday March 15th. There is no class for grades 1, 2 & 3 on Sunday March 15th and Tuesday March 17th due to the Mass class. Our last faith formation classes for grades 1 through 6 will be the week of March 29th. Thank you to our families and catechists for your continued support with all we do together to make our program such a success for our students. Weekly Collection Many thanks to all those who continue to remember the financial needs of our parish. We thank you for your continued generosity to the parish. Collection from March 7 -8 : Budget: $3,524.00 Debt & Development: $2,001.00 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Thomas P. McDonough Knights of Columbus Council #330 meet in the parish hall of St. Mary Church on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm. If interested or if you have any questions please call George Devlin at 508-6434676. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Each Friday during Lent, we remember the road that Jesus walked to his crucifixion, death, and ultimately, his resurrection. Stations of the Cross will be prayed each Friday evening of Lent, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at Saint Mary Church. Each week we will use a different text to meditate on the fourteen stops on Jesus’ walk to Calvary. All are urged and invited to participate in this meaningful Lenten devotion. EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS We are gratefully accepting donations for our Easter flower memorials. Those who receive the budget envelopes have already received a specially marked envelope for their donation. Please make sure to clearly print the names of deceased loved ones to be remembered on the envelope. If you did not receive an envelope you may send a listing of the names to be remembered with your donation to the parish office. In order to have the names printed in our book, please make sure the names are sent into the office no later than Monday, March 30. SAINT MARY’S ROSARY SOCIETY Saint Mary’s Rosary Society strings rosary beads for the missionaries all over the world. This is a wonderful ministry for both men and women. Our meetings will begin on Wed., March 25 from 1-3 pm in the Parish Hall. Or maybe you would like to help us with a small donation to help fund the supplies and shipments. Donations may be placed in an envelope marked “Rosary Society” and placed in the basket or sent to the parish office. The missionaries keep our benefactors and us in their prayers and Masses. BLOOD DRIVE ----SAVE THE DATE On Saturday April 11, the Children’s Hospital blood mobile will be in the Saint Mary Parking lot. This blood drive is held twice a year in memory of Katie Bentley, granddaughter of Ann and Jim Allen, longtime parishioners of Saint Mary Parish. Sign ups will the weekends of March 21-22 and March 28-29. For more information please call Ann Allen at 508-695-5429. The Sacred Triduum Holy Thursday, April 2 Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Church Repository in the rectory chapel Night Prayer, 11:00 p.m. Good Friday, April 3 Stations of the Cross led by the youth of our parishes 3:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Church Service of the Lord’s Passion 7:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Church Holy Saturday, April 4 Easter Vigil 7:00 p.m. Saint Mary Church Easter Sunday, April 5 Easter Masses 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Saint Mary Church Easter Masses 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. There is no 5:00 p.m. Mass on Easter Sunday. Sacred Heart Church SAINT MARY NA #0902 Saint Mary Parish Staff Weekend Mass Schedule Rev. David A. Costa, Pastor Saturday Vigil Mass, 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses, 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. S. Kathleen A. Corrigan, SUSC, Pastoral Associate Rev. Kenneth Sicard, OP, Weekend Assistant Daily Mass Schedule Rev. Gabriel Pivarnik, OP, Weekend Assistant Saint Mary Church Tuesday & Thursday, 7:00 a.m. First Friday of the Month, 7:00 a.m. Sacred Heart Church Monday & Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. Mrs. Monica T. Forte, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Michele Dillon, Faith Formation Coordinator Mr. Michael Dias, Music Director Mr. Michael Dillon, Buildings Supervisor Joining Our Parish Saint Mary Parish Office 14 Park Street North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760 Office Hours Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Contact Information If you are new to the North Attleboro area, we welcome you to join our parish community. Parish census forms are found at the doors of the church, or you may contact the Parish Office for more information. Sacrament of Reconciliation Parish e-mail Confessions are heard in the Reconciliation Room of the church on Saturday afternoons from 3:00-3:30, or by prior appointment. Parish website Sacrament of Baptism Parish Office Telephone (508) 695-6161 Facsimile Number (508) 695-5248 Faith Formation Contact (508) 695-3823 e-mail: St. Vincent de Paul Help-Line (508) 212-4755 Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School Mrs. Denise Peixoto, Principal 57 Richards Avenue Baptism is celebrated once a month at 12:30 on Sunday. Baptism Preparation class is required. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Sacrament of Marriage Marriage is usually celebrated on Friday evening and on Saturday morning and afternoon. Please contact the Parish Office at least nine months in advance to begin preparation. Sacrament of the Sick (508) 695-3072 FAX (508) 695-9074 Pastoral care to the sick and homebound is provided by the parish staff and trained parishioners. Please call the parish office to arrange a visit. Saint Mary Cemetery Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760 Mr. Jarrod Ward, Superintendent Towne Street North Attleborough, Massachusetts 02760 (508) 695-1173 or email Jarrod at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held in the parish chapel on the First Friday of each month. Adoration begins at 7:00 a.m. and concludes with Night Prayer at 10:45 p.m. SPERRY MC& HOUL FUNERAL HOME 15 Grove Street No. Attleborough, MA 02760 508-695-5651 (508) 699-7511 508-699-8429 Morse & Beggs Houle’s M O N U M E N T C O M PA N Y 2 Kelly Boulevard, No. Attleboro, MA Floor Covering Center 580 Kelley Boulevard • North Attleboro LAFRATTA ELECTRIC, INC. www. Sirois Bicycle Shop, Inc. MICHAEL J. LAFRATTA • PAUL M. LAFRATTA Residential • Commercial • Industrial 800-562-7328 781-878-0232 Tel: 508-699-4244 • Fax: 508-643-5066 No. Attleboro Branch Rt. 1 652 E. Washington St. 206 Broad Street • North Attleboro NCUA ~ MSIC ~ Equal Housing Lender Attleboro Cumberland Oral Surgeons, Inc. 27 ELM STREET N. ATTLEBORO, MA Mark D. Schenkman, D.D.S. • John F. Biernacki, D.M.D. 103 Commonwealth Ave., Attleboro Falls, MA 02763 508-699-0449 • BUSINESS INSURANCE • HOMEOWNERS • PERSONAL AUTO RENTAL PROPERTY • LIFE INSURANCE 508-699-8981 Est. 1943 (3 Generations) GT, Raleigh, Haro, Felt, DK Better Accessories & Repairs Serving the Area For Over 65 Years ~ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ~ 893 Landry Ave., North Attleboro 508-695-6303 Madonna Manor Dedicated To Caring 85 North Washington Street N. Attleboro, MA 02760-1684 Tel: 508-699-2740 Fax: 508-699-0481 Bardi Construction Heating & Cooling, Inc. SUNDAY BRUNCH & PRIVATE EVENTS Law Office of John D. Simmons Real Estate • Family Law Service & Installation 203 N. Main St. 508-643-5114 Attleboro, MA Landlord Tenant • Home Improvement Contractor Disputes • Criminal & Civil N. Attleboro, MA 02760 508.222.6022 Free Consultation • Located in North Attleboro All Types Of Roofing & Siding Brian D. Lithway, President • HEAT PUMPS • GAS FURNACES • CENTRAL AIR 508-319-1529 • Gutters • Windows • Doors • Decks GOLDMARK Federal Credit Union Interior & Exterior Painting 155 Pleasant St., Attleboro, MA 02703 Bathrooms & Hardwood Flooring 508-222-3009 • CRYAN LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS, INC. 508-375-8199 Cell 781-858-0083 Teen Freedom Accounts - Adult Must Accompany 13-17 Up on the Roof Free: Financial Literacy Class • Unlimited Use Checking & Savings Account • Debit or ATM card No Minimum Balance • NCUA (508) 226-3363 Landscape Management & Construction Services 508-643-1007 SCHOFIELD PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. A trusted name since 1915 Complete Installation & Maintenance Service Residential & Commercial 508-695-9344 Master Plumbers Lic. # 11063 Family Owned Industrial Supply Company 527 Pleasant Street Attleboro, MA 02703 508-222-7576 SERENITY HAIR DESIGNS Nicole Michaluk-Owner KERATIN, FOILS, COLOR 365 East Washington St. No. Attleboro, MA 02760 508-316-3516 Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates Tribute IN STONE Glenn Riel,Manager “The REAL Auto Body Experts” 87 Parsonage Way, Attleboro , Ma 02703 MONUMENT COMPANY 629 South St., Wrentham, MA 508-384-5826 • Fax: 508-384-5155 LICENSED INSURED BONDED RS#4313 525 John Dietsch Blvd. • North Attleboro, MA 02763 PINEAPPLE INN • Seasonal Outdoor Pool • HBO, Non-Smoking Rooms • Efficiency Units • Park at Your Door • Nightly & Extended Stay Rates • Microwave & Mini Refrigerator • Coffee Maker Sales Opportunity Full Ɵme/Part Ɵme Flexible Hours Sell AdverƟsements into your Parish BulleƟn (508) 695-9324 633 S. Washington St., N. Attleboro, MA (and surrounding Parish bulleƟns) Please pat onize the businesses that adver ise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued suppor . They make your bulletin possible. If you would like to adver ise in this bulletin please contact John Pat ick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ex . 161 902 St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, N. Attleborough, MA Contact: Celeste Gama, Sales Manager, John Patrick Publishing 1-800-333-3166 x 151 John W. Barone, D.M.D. Practice of General Dentistry 107 N. Washington St., No. Attleboro, MA 02760 (508) 699-2481 John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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