Joy Monthly Newsletter

Issue 168—February 2015
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self
Galatians 5:22
From the Pastor . . .
Dear Friends,
How do you know how to live your life? How do you know if you are doing God’s will? Do you ever think about if
you are becoming more like Christ with each passing day or year?
I grew up in the church. I would not say that we were a ‘highly committed and involved’ family, but the church was
the foundation of our family’s and extended family’s life. Over the years I realize how much the relationship with
the church has shaped my perspective on life and my theology. I have learned to love and appreciate what the church
has meant and done for me beyond what words can articulate. I have learned that in subtle ways what it means to be
Methodist has influenced both my faith and understanding of how to live in the world in very positive ways.
What was not part of my life growing up in the church was talk about a relationship with Jesus or serious expectations
about learning the Bible. To speak simplistically, these aspects of the Christian walk were not culturally part of the
church because the societal assumption was that we were all Christian.
It was not until the church growth movement in the 80’s that the answer to the question, ‘Why are you doing this
ministry?’ was ‘Jesus.’ It was not until the 90’s when the United Methodist Church wrote and published Disciple
Bible Study that a movement to serious scripture study began anew.
I say all of this because we are coming to a particular moment in our congregation when we are defining what it means
to live as a deeply committed follower of Jesus through scripture, reason, tradition and experience. During this season
of Lent we are focusing on the spiritual disciplines that shape how we live our lives, do God’s will and become more
Christlike. Through our worship sermon series and all church study we will be Setting Sail Toward Abundant Living.
We will be looking in depth at what it means to LOVE God, CARE for each other and SERVE in the world. In the
book of Acts, Luke writes about the life of Jesus’ disciples after his death and resurrection:
Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by
the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would
sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.
Day by day, as they spent time together in the temple, they broke bread at home
and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill
of all people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were
being saved. Acts 2.43-47
(continued on p. 2)
Our condolences to Betty Stuckert and family on the
death of Bob Stuckert on Jan. 9; to Mary and Dave
Paull and family on the death of Mary’s father, Eugene
Ziemer; to Kathie Voelz and family on the death of
Dick Voelz; to the Laurie Geisel/Bruce Thompson
family on the death of Laurie’s mother, Marlene Geisel;
to Tom Daykin and family on the death of his father;
and to Christy West and family on the death of her
Jan. 31/Feb. 1: “Are you a frienemy?” Youth Sunday
Holy Communion
Thank you to these JOY assemblers: John Ross, Melba
From the Pastor, continued from p. 1
I pray daily that each of you, members and guests and
those yet to come, will intentionally be willing to take
time during this season of Lent to be in worship weekly
and be a part of one of our small groups focusing on
discipleship. There is more information in this newsletter and more that will come.
May we, individually and collectively, seek to deepen
our relationship and walk with Christ and reflect that to
others in our daily lives.
See you in worship,
Pastor Susan
Feb. 8: “Why can’t we all get along?” Scout Sunday,
celebrating Boy and Girl Scouts
Feb. 15—Journeys with The Messiah, Michael Belk,
guest speaker (article on p. 4)
Lenten Sermon Series:
At the United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay,
we’re committed to the conviction that our spiritual life
is a journey, one that involves Loving God, Caring for
each other and Serving in the world. As we seek to become deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ, we
Love God as we worship and pray, Care for others
through friendships in small groups and studying the
Bible, and Serve in the world as we give generously,
witness to what God is doing in our lives, and express
our lives through practical acts of loving service.
The five spiritual practices of discipleship are central to
our success in this sailing voyage. During the season of
Lent we will be taking a look at five practices that help
us move toward a more abundant life: worship/prayer,
care, study, giving, witnessing and serving.
During the Lenten season, we will be offering an allchurch study focusing on the disciplines of discipleship.
Small group sign-ups will begin Feb. 8 and groups will
begin meeting the week of Feb. 22. The group studies
will follow the prior week’s worship service and
Friday, February 6
Feb. 18: Ash Wednesday, 7:30 pm. 7th and 8th Grade
Confirmands assisting in worship. The sacrament of
holy communion and imposition of ashes will be part of
the service.
Feb. 21/22: LOVE God : Worship and pray regularly.
Located near the Women’s Ministry table
next to the Library. Thank you for your tremendous
generosity to our Focus Mission, Family House.
Feb. 28/Mar. 1: CARE for each other: Care and
develop deep friendships through small groups.
Mar. 7/8: CARE for each other: Study the Bible and
grow in faith.
Mar. 14/15: SERVE in the world: Give generously.
February—Laundry Soap and Bleach
March—First aid supplies; April—Dish soap
May—Cleaning supplies; June—Paper products
Mar. 21/22: SERVE in the world: Witness to what
God is doing in my life.
Mar. 28/29: SERVE in the world: Serve others
through acts of love, compassion and justice.
Palm Sunday Weekend.
Special music: Requiem for the Living
Our church has received a gift from Hazelyn McComas
to establish videostreaming of our worship services. In
the next couple of months we will be establishing this
new ministry. Why would we want to videostream our
worship services?
1. Most churches have seen a rise in the number of
first time guests. Many say they experience worship
services online before making an actual visit.
2. This will help to keep our homebound, those home
ill and those traveling connected to worship and sermon series.
Our church is proud to be sponsoring another meal
packing event for Feed My Starving Children this year
from April 30 to May 2. We want to announce that
registration is now open for the event! You can register
for one or more packing sessions by logging onto the
FMSC webpage on the church website and following
the prompts. You can register individually or as a group
and can select from eight different two-hour packing
3. Persons who travel south for the winter or north for
the summer can still be connected to worship.
4. New online communities of worshipers are forming
all the time.
5. One of our church goals is to increase worship
attendance. Videostreaming will create a new avenue
to reach out to people and assist them in building a
relationship with Christ and our church.
Want to know more? Contact Pastor Susan, Neil
Bubke or Steve Brook.
FMSC provides prepackaged meals of rice, soy, vegetables and vitamins and minerals to children suffering
from hunger around the world. They send the meals
where the need is greatest either because of war, famine
or natural disaster. The meals from our last packing
event in 2013 were sent to refugee camps in Somalia.
Here we go again!
Library Guild
Feb. 14-15
Packing is easy and fun. There are several stations to
choose from and tasks suited to those who need or wish
to sit and to children as young as five who may need a
little help. It is a great way for families, scout troops,
clubs, classes and work groups to participate in a mission project together. It is very satisfying to know that
in two short hours you have helped to feed so many
children in need.
Bang the drums!! Sound the
trumpets!! Once again, it’s
time for the annual Library
Guild Cookie Sale. We are
returning to our tradition of holding this scrumptious
offering of sweet delights on Valentine’s Day weekend, Feb. 14-15. We’ll be there after Saturday’s 5 pm
service, and Sunday morning, 8:45 to 12 noon.
We are required to pay for the ingredients we pack.
Each meals costs 22 cents. Since we can only pack as
many meals as we pay for, we encourage you to consider making a generous donation to our packing event
whether you are able to pack or not. You can donate
through the FMSC webpage or by writing a check to the
church and indicating “FMSC” on the note line.
As always, a free will offering basket will be out. The
funds gathered buy library materials, pay for needed
items such as our recently upgraded and replaced
computers, and help maintain the library for church
members and everyone looking to explore their faith
and spiritual growth.
Thank you for your past support for our FMSC packing
events. We look forward to another great FMSC packing event this year. Together we can turn hunger into
We’ll also be asking for cookie bakers – look for
sign-up opportunities in future bulletin inserts. See
you then. Don’t forget to bring your sweet tooth
(tooths?/teeth?)!! Steve Davis
A special worship service with Michael Belk
Sunday, February 15, 9 and 10:30 am worship services
We have a wonderful opportunity to experience Michael Belk and hear his Christian witness through his project,
Journeys with the Messiah. Using his unique, photographic story-telling skills, award-winning fashion photographer Michael Belk embarked on an inspiring journey - with his camera and creativity - to explore the modern-day
relevance of the centuries-old messages of Jesus.
For over 30 years prior to this journey, Michael’s photographs appeared in Vogue, Elle, GQ and Vanity Fair for
clients that have included Nautica, J. Crew and a host of major fashion brands. Not only “the man behind the
camera,” he has been the creative director and leading account executive for his own fashion-advertising agency,
Michael Belk & Company.
Sensing God was asking, “What are you doing with all of the gifts I have given to you? Using them only for yourself, or sharing them with others,” in 2008, using his personal savings, he began production on a series of photographs that would depict messages of Jesus. The result is a magnificently beautiful and thought-provoking
collection of fine art, Journeys with the Messiah.
Michael's compelling photographs capture 1st Century Jesus intimately interacting with 21st Century Wall Street
executives, high rollers, Nazis and people of questionable character. Produced in the ancient Italian city of Matera,
this one-of-a-kind photographic journey delightfully incites a fresh perspective of Jesus. It is a journey for all
people of all faiths.
Pastor Susan had an opportunity to hear and meet Michael Belk through the Large Church Initiative in Atlanta,
Georgia. After sharing her excitement, the Open Door Gallery and Foundation and Memorials Committee are
sponsoring his visit.
Posters of some of Belk’s work are on display in the Open Door Gallery. Guided tours with presentations are
available and can be arranged through Neil Bubke, Books, posters and notecards of Belk’s
work will be available for purchase the morning of Feb. 15 and for a few weeks following the presentation.
This unique opportunity is one you will want to invite your friends and family members to join you in experiencing. Our regular 5 pm and 8 am worship services will be held, with the sacrament of holy communion being
served at the 8 am service.
Meet the New President of GarrettEvangelical Theological Seminary (G-ETS)
February 24, 7:00 pm,
in the Walnut Room
Join Pastor Susan and Pastor Dick Jones for an opportunity to meet Dr. Lallene Rector, newly installed as
president of our closest United Methodist seminary in
Evanston, IL, in January 2014. Prior to that time, Dr.
Rector was an associate professor of Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Psychotherapy, and most recently
serving as vice president of Academic Affairs and
academic dean.
G-ETS is one of 13 United Methodist seminaries that
train clergy and lay persons for service in the church
and in the world. G-ETS serves as the primary seminary supplying pastors for churches in the Wisconsin
Annual Conference. They also seek to provide
resources for theological education of lay persons in
local churches.
Many of our church’s pastors and young adults have graduated from or attended G-ETS. Grace Baldridge, Jeffrey
Bross, Eddie Crise, Kory Douglass, Don Francis, Wiley Gladney, Dick Jones, Tim Lathrop, Meg Lybeck-Smoak,
Dee Merritt and Susan Patterson-Sumwalt have all been influenced by G-ETS education and training. For a number of years, professors from the seminary came to our church to lead seminary level classes for our membership.
This is an opportunity to learn more about the seminary and its relationship to the church. Mike Moser from the
development office will also be joining us at the coffee. While we hope that an increasing number of persons will
financially support the seminary in the future, no solicitation will be part of our gathering.
If you would like to attend, please rsvp in the church office or to Pastor Susan at by February 15.
To our friends and fellow church members:
Your outpouring of love at our retirement farewell was truly overwhelming. So much planning, preparing and execution of the luncheon and program that followed went into this, with many hands, heads and hearts working together to make it such a memorable event for our family. I was especially grateful to the pastors for allowing me
to preach, and to lift up the many lights that laity have been in my faith journey through the years. This congregation has many beacons of light which touch other lives and bless the world around you. Thanks to everyone for
the notes, photos, monetary love offerings, luncheon, and testimony of speakers, AV presentation, worship music,
and many assorted gifts that flowed our way. Continue to be in prayer for us as Nathan seeks new employment, as
Beth and Gia make marriage plans, as I begin a part-time job of 8 hrs/wk at the Brown Deer UMC in homebound
visitation and congregational care and continue volunteer jobs, and as Martha continues serving at Loving Start
Preschool in Bay View. You hold special places in our hearts and we shall always be lights shining together,
brightening a dark world.
Shalom dear friends,
Richard and Martha Whitaker, Nathan, Beth and Gia
On the coldest night of the winter, the Chancel Choir enjoyed a warm fire,
tasty food, robust singing, and great conversation at Neil’s home.
A good time was had by all!
9:00 and 10:30 am
continues …
Wednesdays, 6:15, Chapel
Join us as we honor the service, hard work, commitment, and fun that boys and girls experience
through scouting.
February 4 - “Park Avenue, Money, Power and
the American Dream” A film on income and inequality. How much inequality is too much? Mike
Martin will present the film and lead the
All scouts are invited to wear their uniforms to
church and be celebrated and blessed in the
Scouts are also invited to participate in the
service. Please contact Christy West,, for more information.
February 11 - “Tapped” This film examines the
financial and ecological impact of the bottled water
industry and the social, economic and ecological
problems. Steve Davis will be the leader.
Scout leaders are invited to contact Christy West,, to reserve a table to set up a
small display to highlight your troop or pack or
sell cookies etc. after the services.
February 25 - “The Line” A film which addresses what it means to live below the poverty line.
“The Line” documents the stories of people living
at or below the poverty line. Shauna Leinbach will
present this film and lead the discussion.
Films on immigration and cultural competency are
planned for future showings.
Our 2014 Third Week of the Month food drives collected more than 3,200 lbs (1.6 tons) of food for United Methodist Children’s Services emergency food pantry. This was slightly less than our average collection year historically,
but the difference was made up in fresh food donations, for which our goal was 20 lb. / month. This modest goal
was exceeded nearly every month by including produce from our church garden, as well as food purchased by mission team members and delivered to UMCS, to supplement the non-perishable collections. If you would like to contribute to this “fresh food for local families” effort, please contact John Fruncek ( or make a
monetary donation to the church with “Faith Promise” in the memo line.
This year we will again be hosting a Winter Farmer’s Market and Meal of Hope, on Sunday, March 15, from 9:30
am to 12:30 pm. Farmers and food vendors will have for sale locally grown (generally within 50 miles) and prepared foods. We will also have a brunch (free will offering) that features some of their products. Proceeds from
sales and the brunch will benefit missions and local farmers. Look for more details in next month’s JOY.
The MISSION AT HOME work day on a Saturday in the middle of January (sponsored by the Men’s Ministry) had
a good response from volunteer members. They came together in order to help maintain and repair parts of our
church building, plus help save some money for the church. As you walk around the church,
take a look at these areas that were the focus of a Saturday for these volunteer members:
CHAPEL (painted by Mary Lynn Han, Barb Abraham and Deb Abraham)
OFFICE HALL (painted by Steve Scheil, John Fruncek, Jim Armstrong, Barb Armstrong,
Dan Pagel, Dick Barnes, Ryan Fleming, Justin Lowe and Marshall Chetlain)
NARTHEX RAMP AREA (painted by Dan Yunk, Jason Smith and Mike Martin)
ELEVATOR AREAS - THREE FLOORS (painted by Jim Jeffery, Nalda and Dan Grayson,
Tosha Dye, Beth Groble, Tom Groble and Loretto Steinmetz)
RISERS AT DANBERRY ENTRANCE (painted by Jim Lathrop)
ROOM 210 (painted by the Boy Scouts of the Bacon+ patrol watched over by
Chris Gaffney)
OFFICE HALL TABLE and NEW CHOIR RAILINGS (finished and stained by
T. J. Patrick)
MANY THANKS to all of these members who gave up their Saturdays for the church!
Feb. 6: Friday, Men’s Club Breakfast: Informal
breakfast at First Watch Restaurant in Mequon, 7:30
am. Enjoy fellowship with the men of the church.
Contact Steve Scheil,
Feb. 7: Saturday, NO REGRETS – Elmbrook
Church: This is the annual men’s conference that
brings in thousands of men from around the state.
Take a look at for
details. Let Pastor Justin Lowe,,
know your plans.
A group of men from Men’s Ministry made their mark
at the Brown Deer bowling lanes on a Saturday morning in
January. A good time was had by all - ranging in ages from
their 30s to their 80s. The bowling skills came out of
the woodwork for some as others continued their league
Those in the group picture: front row - Dave Reeves, Steve
Scheil, Jim Jeffery and Steve Davis; back row - Jason
Pokey, Jim Armstrong, Don Lyback, John Fruncek and his
father, Ron Fruncek.
The plan is to do it again as encouraged by those who were
there. We invite the men of the church to prepare for our
next gathering when we will roll the ball down the alley.
Feb. 21: Saturday, Men’s Breakfast – Fellowship
Hall: Hear Pastor Justin and Pastor Rachel talk about
their new posts at the church. Learn what they have in
mind for the future of our congregation; starts at 7:30
am. Contact Justin Lowe,
Feb. 24: Tuesday, Grey Guys – 9 am to 12 noon:
continental breakfast at 8:30 am, then we’ll do fix-up
projects around the church. There’s a need for handymen to take care of small projects that need to get
done. Let Steve Scheil ( know you
will be there.
Thursday morning to-do list...
Reading Circle
Women of all ages...
A faith-lift awaits you on Thursday mornings!
9:20 am - begin with free child care, room 212.
9:30 am - slide into the chapel with other
women for 30 minutes of God-time.
10:15 am - grab a cup of coffee in the narthex
and be welcomed into a class.
11:25 am - hugs, smiles, invitations to return.
11:30 am - collect a happy
Next Thursday - repeat!
Women Offering Worship
every Thursday morning.
Looking for a good
read for a cozy night
with a book? Try the
February feature of
the Reading Circle.
Women at the Well
2nd & 4th Sundays
11:45 - 1
Walnut Room
Join us for lively,
faith-filled discussion
of the book
The Way of Grace
Book and scripture
study for women of all
ages, in all places on
their faith journeys.
Contact Kathy to learn
Focus Missions
United Methodist Women
Laundry detergent &
The collection basket is located
under the Women’s Ministry table,
outside the Walnut Room.
Feed My Starving Children
monetary donations
Flight Behavior
by Barbara Kingsolver
They meet Tuesday,
February 3 at 7pm in
the Walnut Room.
Warm atmosphere.
Great conversation.
Yummy refreshments.
Sally or Beth
can tell you more.
The complete year’s
list is under Women’s
Start clearing the
clutter now so you will
be ready!
AMAZING rummage
sale is right around the
corner. Plan to share
the fun that week! Mary Paull
May Day fun with Women’s Ministries
Join with other women at the Feed My Starving
Children Mobile Pack Event Friday morning 9-11.
February Birthdays
Allison, Ms. Susan -Lynn 2/1
Batchelder, Mr. Richard 2/1
Borman, Mrs. Catherine -Cathy 2/1
Douglass, Mr. John 2/2
Hinson, Mrs. Charlotte 2/3
Welstead, Karlan 2/3
Goudreau, Cameron -Cam 2/4
Jacobson, Mrs. Ellie 2/4
Owusu-Ayim, Mrs. Henrietta 2/4
Calvino, Mrs. Kelly W. 2/6
Pribbanow, Ms. Wendy 2/6
Robertson, Mrs. Lynne 2/6
Sommer, Mr. Grant 2/6
Davis, Mrs. Kathleen 2/7
Tomson, Mrs. Joanne 2/7
Dietz, Ms. Mary 2/8
Hoylman, Emily 2/8
Alves, Mr. Fabio 2/9
Cabaniss, Mr. John 2/9
O'Toole, Mrs. Nancy 2/10
Adams, Mr. Bob 2/11
Brown, Mr. Douglas -Doug 2/11
Cabaniss, Mrs. Julie 2/11
Walker, Mrs. Kathy 2/11
Woelfel, Mrs. Yvette 2/11
Bubke, Mr. Neil 2/12
Fruncek, Mr. John 2/12
Goldberg, Ms. Lois 2/12
McMahon, Joseph M 2/12
Barnes, Dr. Richard -Dick 2/13
Crise, Mr. William -Bill 2/13
Erickson, Mrs. Jean 2/13
Hatch, Mrs. Natalie 2/14
Martin, Mr. Michael -Mike 2/14
Huber, Mr. Mark 2/15
Marx, Mrs. Catherine 2/15
Robertson, Mrs. Carleen 2/16
Hardy, Mr. George 2/17
Leinbach, Micah 2/17
Kemppainen, Krista 2/18
Davis, Tyler 2/19
Gorsuch, Mr. Jeffrey -Jeff 2/19
Sanders, Mr. David 2/19
Zastava, Mrs. Amelia 2/19
Barnes, Mrs. Roanne 2/20
Weintraub, Ms. Gretchen 2/20
Redeker, Ms. Ellen 2/21
Hendrix, Jonathan 2/22
Maresh, Mrs. Joanne 2/22
Corey, Mr. Cletus 2/23
Enea, Anthony 2/23
Ahrens, Ms. Dawn 2/25
Chiappetta, Mrs. Donna 2/25
Mike, Mrs. Virginia E.-Ginny 2/25
Pejsa, Daniel -Danny 2/25
Kremer, Mrs. Niki 2/26
Pagenkop, Ms. Chris 2/26
Partleton, Mr. James -Jim 2/26
Treptow, Mrs. Beth 2/26
Brocher, Mrs. Evelyn 2/28
Mulligan, Mr. William -Bill 2/28
Perry, Mr. Bob 2/28
Tipton, Mr. Ron 2/28
Trebatoski, Alex 2/28
Weiss, Mr. Tim 2/29
Coming April 19-25
Mark your calendars,
start cleaning the
closets—you SO do not
want to miss the
All Church Rummage Sale April 19-25!
Sunday, March 15, 9:30-12:30
Fellowship Hall
The three wise men and their guiding friends came to
visit worship on Epiphany Sunday, January 4.
Farmers and food vendors will have locally
grown food and food products for sale, and
there will be brunch available (free will offering
taken). Don’t miss this wonderful mid-winter
Scenes from Richard and Martha Whitaker’s
Retirement Party
Richard and Martha Whitaker, Beth, Gia, and Nathan
United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay Ministry to Children from preschool to college FUELING FAITH IN THE NEXT GENERATION
The light of the church and the heart of the family....
Children are born with an innate sense of wonder and faith that is real
and authentic. Our role is to provide a foundation of experiences on
which children build a life of learning and growth toward a mature and
vital faith; children who become deeply committed followers of Christ
who LOVE God, CARE for each other and SERVE in the world.
February Virtue: Kindness
February Verse: “Do to others as you want
them to do to you.”
Luke 6:31 Nursery & Preschool Sunday School
February Bottom Line: Jesus loves me!
February Verse: “How wide and long and
high and deep is the love of Christ.”
Ephesians 3:18
Registration is open now for
Camp Lucerne!
Children currently in second grade and older
are invited to register for a fun, life changing
experience at Lake Lucerne this summer.
June 14-17 for Elementary & Junior High
Registration forms available at the church
office and online. Early Bird Registration
discount is in effect though 2/28/2015.
Luau Sunday
We are going to forget the cold with some tropical fun.
Look for the invitation later this month to wear your
favorite tropical-style clothes and limbo with us!
Jill Wessel
Christy West 12
Monica Bessette
Director, Spiritual Formation
414-964-2424 x 116
Director, Children & Family Ministries
414-964-2424 x 221
Director, Carpenter’s Shop Daycare
414-964-2424 x 115
student ministries
February, 2015
6th Grade Fellowship & Sunday School
10:00 -11:30 am, Room 208/221
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation
Fellowship and class, Sunday mornings, 10-11:30
Questions: Jackie at
High School Youth Group
Grades 9-12
LOFT: Living Out Faith Together.
Sunday Nights, 5:30-7:30
Join us on Sunday nights, and on Facebook at
UMCWFB High School Students, or UMCWFB
Parents of Youth, for the latest information!
Middle School Youth Group
Grades 6-8
ROC: Rely on Christ.
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30
ROC - Join us for fun & fellowship following WNL
dinner, 6:30-7:30 pm.
The pictures below are from the Middle School
Youth Group Winter Retreat.
Join us in Mission - July 11 thru 19
Opportunities may still be available for
students & adults.
Already signed up? - The necessary paperwork &
deposit are due now!
Any questions - contact Bruce Thompson at
Check out Youth Ministry on our webpage at
Adults - Would you like to spend time with a great group of kids or help our Youth Program grow? Contact: Pastor
Justin at
JOY Issue 168—February 2015
Address Service Requested
 JOURNEYS with the MESSIAH—Feb. 15, 9 & 10:30
All Church Members
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Nursery Care 0-4 yrs
Susan Patterson-Sumwalt
Justin Lowe, Tshishinen Chingej
Gerry Harrison, Don Francis
Pastor Emeritus
Dr. Richard Jones
The United Methodist Church of
Whitefish Bay
Sunday, 8:00 a.m.
Communion on
1st and 3rd Sundays
Our purpose is to grow persons as
deeply committed followers of Jesus
Christ who LOVE God, CARE for each
other and SERVE in the world.
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School:
Nursery-5th grade
1) Passionate worship.
2) Pathways to discipleship for all ages.
3) Unique emphasis on ministry with
families who have children and youth
in the home.
4) Service to those in need in our city
and world.
5) A Christ centered caring community.
Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School:
For all ages
Communion on 1st Sundays
at all services
We are guided by these principles:
Lay Leaders: Sister Earlene Butler, Pat
14 Steve Nigh
Kissinger, Chris Kondrick,
Dir. Children/Family Ministries
Christy West, Monica Bessette, Jill Wessel
Dir. Music and Fine Arts
Neil Bubke
Dir. Care Ministry
Nell Nash
Dir. Adult Discipleship
Joelle Karth
Dir. Equipping Ministry
Megan AndrewsSharer
Business Manager
Pam Vaughan
Office Manager
Karen Seward
Dir. Food Ministry
Ron Jordan
Dir. of Evangelism
Carleen Sook
Staff Assistant
Lynn Bennett
Greg Beem
Dan Murphy
Mon.-Thurs., 8:30-4:30
Fri., 8:30-2:30
BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesdays at noon
Please e-mail your JOY articles to
Marti at