St. Rita Catholic Church

St. Rita Catholic Community
10029 NE Prescott St., Portland, OR 97220-3598
503-252-3403 / fax 503-256-9682
Worship Schedule
5:30 pm
7:30 & 10:00 am
Holy Days
As Announced
Daily Mass Monday-Friday 7:45 am
Saturday 4:00 pm (or by appointment)
Pastoral Ministry
Fr. Todd Molinari – Priest Moderator
Lisa Porter – Pastoral Administrator
Barbara Stanton – Faith Formation Director
Robert Bolton – Music Director
Laura Dieken – Office Manager/Bookkeeper
Addie Wright - Maintenance
Tony Rimmer – Maintenance
Office Hours
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm
1:00 to 4:30 pm
Becoming Catholic If you have never been
baptized or have been baptized in another faith
tradition and are interested in joining the Catholic
Church, please contact Barbara Stanton in the
parish office, x104, to begin the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults process—a journey of faith
and conversion. If you have a child in the 2nd
grade through 12 grade needing to prepare to
celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and/or Reconciliation, please also
Contact Barbara Stanton to make arrangements.
Baptism of Infants Preparation sessions for
Infant Baptism are held three times a year (Fall,
Winter & Spring). Please contact Lisa Porter
(x101) in the Parish Office if you are seeking
Baptism for your baby or young child.
First Communion, Reconciliation Preparation
for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist takes
place outside the regular Faith Formation session. Children are usually in 2nd grade when
they prepare for these sacraments. Please contact Barbara Stanton in the parish office, x104,
for more information.
Catholic Marriage Couples wishing to celebrate
their wedding at St. Rita’s should contact the
New Members
We welcome you to share our life, worship and parish office six (6) months before the desired
mission. Please call the parish office to register. date of the wedding. Marriage preparation sessions are provided.
Returning Catholics If you are returning to the Faith Formation Faith Formation sessions for
Catholic faith after a time away, we welcome you! Kindergarten through 8th grade children are ofWe invite you to call the Parish Office with any fered during the regular school year following the
questions or concerns.
10:00 am Mass. Please contact Barbara Stanton
in the parish office, x104, for more information.
The Northwest Catholic Counseling Center
8383 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 205 - (503) 253-0964 Parish Sick and Homebound We offer Anointing of the Sick for those seriously ill, and ComOffice Hours 9:00 am-5:00 pm
munion visits for those unable to worship with us.
(Evening and Saturday appointments available)
Please call the Parish Office for more information.
We are a people called to be Christ for one
another through Prayer, Eucharist,
Community Involvement and Social Justice
St. Rita Catholic Church - Portland, OR
Mass 7:30 & 10:00 am - Fr. Todd Molinari
ACA Commitment weekend
Nametag Weekend
Faith Formation
Coffee & Donuts - Welcome Committee
Adult Confirmation Preparation 1:30 pm REC
Women’s Guild noon REC
Bible Study 6-7pm REC
TOPS 4-6 pm REC
Bible Study 6pm REC
Welcome Committee 7-8:30 pm REC
Angel Hands CPR 10:30-2:30 REC
Bible Study 11-12 REC
SVDP 3-5
OSTC 6-8 pm REC
RCIA 7-8 pm REC
OCO 9-12 Chapel
SVDP 10:00-12:00
Confession 4 pm
Mass 5:30 pm - Fr. Todd Molinari
Mass 7:30 & 10:00 am - Fr. Todd Molinari
Rite of Sending 10:00 am Mass
Faith Formation
Coffee & Donuts - John & Laura Bowman
Adult Confirmation Preparation 1:30 pm REC
Nametag Weekend
This weekend is our Nametag Weekend. You will find
nametags and pens by the doors to the church. We
encourage you to wear one during Mass so that we
can get to know one another better. Also, there will be
a “Welcome Newcomers” table at Coffee and Donuts
for anyone who is new to the parish. Please come and
join us after the 10:00 Mass. All are welcome.
Reflection and Prayer – 5th Sunday in OT
Simon’s mother-in-law received the gift of healing with
an attitude that was active and alive. After being
cured, she immediately waits upon Jesus and his
disciples. This hospitality is the mark of her grateful
heart. How do we daily practice the art of giving
thanks? The Eucharist is certainly our primary ritual for
thanksgiving, but we need to take advantage of other
opportunities to make our thanksgiving tangible. For
what are you most thankful today? Loving Father, you
alone are the source of life, and you abundantly bless
your creation with happiness and joy. May we always
turn to you in thanksgiving for all that we are and all
that we have received. We ask this through Christ our
Lord, Amen.
Exploring Your Strengths
If you have a copy of the book Living Your Strengths
that you are no longer using, please consider returning
it to the parish office for use by another parishioner.
We now have a way to purchase the Assessment Code
on-line without the expense of purchasing the books,
but we need extra copies for those taking the class to
use. Just bring your book to the parish office during
office hours or bring it to church and leave it in the
vestibule for Chris. Thanks so much. The next
“Exploring Your Strengths” classes will begin Thursday
evening, Feb. 26. Registration forms will be available
soon. If you are interested, please contact Chris
(503)665-3721 or or call the
parish office (503-252-3403). Registration is required
but the class and materials are at no cost.
Year end contribution statements were mailed out
on January 28th. If you have not received yours, or
have questions please contact Laura in the parish
office, (503)252-3403.
Parish Income
Weekly Offertory Goal
Offertory for 2/1/15
Budget 7/1/14-6/30/15
$ 375,494.00
Received from all sources
$ 188,218.00
7/1/14 through 2/1/15
St. Vincent de Paul 2/1/15
Parish Improvements 2/1/15
February 8, 2015 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal 2015 –
“Teach Bless, Serve”
This weekend is Commitment Weekend for the
2015 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. Our parish goal
is $24,297. If you have not already done so please
complete your pledge card, indicating your gift or
pledge to our Catholic Church in Western Oregon. It
is important for all of us to participate in order to
support our universal church. Thank you for your
All who took the time to go to the workshop on The Mystery of the
Holy Eucharist at St. Therese last Saturday…it was a wonderful
St. Vincent de Paul FundraiserKrispy Kreme Donuts
This weekend after the 10:00 Mass,
you will have the opportunity to
participate in a Krispy Kreme Donut
sale to help benefit our St. Vincent de Paul food
Helping those in Need
Our parish community has a strong commitment to pantry. Twelve dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts will
help those who are in need. We do this through the be available for sale as well as 12 certificates for a
work of our parish St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank, dozen donuts. If you buy a dozen, you also get a
second collections and many individual acts of
free donut. All proceeds will benefit our St. Vincent
charity. Our St. Rita St. Vincent de Paul serves
de Paul Food Pantry!
between 200-250 families a month (800-1000
individuals) with food, household and personal
hygiene items. Our community members donate
food once a month or more often, support the
Mon. Feb. 9
Gn 1:1-19, Mk 6:53-56
Christmas in July and Walk for the Poor (August)
Tue. Feb. 10 Gn 1:20—2:4a, Mk 7:1-13
and the Christmas Food Box program. The Food
Pantry is open Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00 and
Wed. Feb. 11 Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17, Mk 7:14-23
Saturdays 10:00-12:00. We pick up food and stock
Thu. Feb. 12 Gn 2:18-25, Mk 7:24-30
the shelves on Tuesdays and Fridays. Many of the
Fri. Feb. 13 Gn 3:1-8, Mk 7:31-37
workers donate 6-8 hours a week. Volunteers are
always welcome and needed. For more information, Sat. Feb. 14 Gn 3:9-24, Mk 8:1-10
Sun. Feb. 15 Lv 13:1-2, 44-46, 1 Cor 10:31—11:1, Mk 1:40-45
contact Roger Rossman 503-256-6236, Rita
Lambert 503-253-0872, Sally Shannon 503-2523585 or Chris Kresek 503-665-3721. And if you
can’t volunteer your time, there is a donation
Mon. Feb. 9
7:45 am Rodney Smith
envelope in your monthly envelopes. We make your
Tue. Feb. 10
7:45 am Harold Heiter
money go a long way.
Women's Guild Meeting
Our February meeting will be Monday,
February 9, starting at noon. The Senior Ritas
are invited to join us for our annual Potluck.
Wed. Feb. 11
7:45 am
Shirley Barnard
Thu. Feb. 12
7:45 am
Mary Pat Dobos
Feb. 13
7:45 am
Marie Kent
Feb. 14
5:30 pm
Judi Hill
Sun. Feb. 15
7:30 am
10:00 am
Our Parish
Jean Schoessler
LET US PRAY FOR: Pureza Abellera, Kahla Amos, Rod Austria, Ashe Brin Barneycote, Shirley Barnard, Michael Barteaux, Charlotte Benfiet, Joyce Bigelow, Arleigh & Betty Black, Earl Bracy, Elizabeth & Sid Brewster, Maria Brown, Tonya C., Joe Calcagno, Alyce Carlson, Pat Chandler, Mary Jane Clark, Chuck Classen, Kate Cochran, Tom Cooper, Carl CoppernollHouston, Shirlie Davidson, Mary Pat Dobos, Mary Eilers, Anita Fazio, Barbara Fietta & Family, Ed & Grace Fitzgerald, Edith
Foos, Shellie Freidl, Karen Fitterer, Ken Fuglee, Mary Galvin, Ben Galvin, Johnny Gamenara, Paul Gasca, Bob & Agnes
Gauthier, Curt Gefre, Dottie Griffin, Audrey Guildner, Bonnie Guthrie, Julie Harris, Steve Hayes, Liz & Garry Heckman, Harold Heiter, Judi Hill, Terry Hill, Rebecca Jayne, Jenny Johns, Jared Jones, Margaret Jones, Marie Kent, Lena Kileleman,
Ives LeBrech, Bobbie Lindekugel, Charlotte Rose Livermore, Bob McCallister, Danny McClung, Joyce McCullen, Patrick McDowd,
Susan McIntosh, Barbara Mendenhall, Britt Moore, Def Moore, Jim Murphy, Dolores Nelson, Jim & Barbara Nisbet, Rebecca Opp,
Rosario Palacios, Bill Patton, Diane Patton, Sheila Petry, Katie Pagani, Mary Piazza, Ralph Pitigliano, Marvin Porter, Midge Porter, Mike
Porter, Fr. Dan Reynolds, Carole Rice, Christine Rivera, Bob Roberts, Robert Robson, Elizabeth Rose, Eileen Rossman, Mike Rowen,
Elsye Scarino, Jean Schoessler, Pat and Patty Schwab, Angela Scillereff, Sally Shannon, Robert Simon, Rodney Smith, Kim Stewart,
Carol Suchy, Diana Surgeon, Richard Surgeon, Rod & Mary Swett, John Tiger, Leticia Valdefiera, Dorothy Verbeck, Elizabeth Walker,
Joan Walker, Eva Weis, Peggy Whitlock, Jan Woitach, Stacy Woitach, Ashley Woodford, Eva Yerger, Luella Young, and Richard
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