2015 ATSE Young Science Ambassador Awards Applications are open for the 2015 ATSE Young Science Ambassador Awards. These awards aim to encourage talented young postgraduate scientists and engineers to promote science education in Queensland schools. ATSE Young Science Ambassadors play a vital role in helping deliver the ATSE Wonder of Science program in regional and rural schools throughout Queensland. The Wonder of Science program builds passion and enthusiasm for science and technology in Queensland's young people. It involves students undertaking a research project that forms part of their study of science. Its ultimate goal is to unleash the potential for growth in the number and quality of future science and engineering professionals who will play their part in the development and enrichment of Australia. Further information is available on the program website at: www.wonderofscience.com.au Young Science Ambassadors will make a minimum of two trips ( ~ 2 – 3 days in duration) visiting schools and interacting with students and teachers; as well as being available by email, Skype or other electronic media for mentoring while students complete their challenge tasks. Ambassadors also participate in one or two day-long regional conference events where teams of students from participating schools present their projects. The schedule and program of visits for Ambassadors is arranged through the Wonder of Science Program Manager. Successful applicants receive: • $1,200 prize money (this money is intended to defray incidental expenses associated with travel) • Travel for participation in the program • Training and induction materials. Awardees will be provided with a certificate and may be asked to address Fellows of the Academy and guests at a function to be arranged by ATSE Queensland Division. APPLICATION AND SELECTION PROCESS Postgraduate students currently enrolled in Masters and PhD programs in science, technology and engineering at universities in Queensland are encouraged to apply. Former awardees, still engaged in postgraduate studies or have recently completed postgraduate studies, are also encouraged to apply. Candidates will be assessed on: • enthusiasm for promotion of science and science education. • understanding of inquiry-based teaching and learning • professionalism and personal qualities • excellence in academic achievement • verbal and written communication skills. Applications should include: • covering letter • curriculum vitae • one page statement on the applicant's personal views of the importance of science and technology in society, science education and career pathways. A committee comprising Fellows of the Academy and Wonder of Science personnel will assess applications and conduct interviews with short listed applicants. Awardees will be notified by late March. Nominations by post or email are due on Friday 6 March to: Christine Deeming Room 716, Building 69 The University of Queensland Brisbane, QLD 4072 email: c.deeming@uq.edu.au Tel: 07 3346 0656
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