The United Methodist Church at Shrub Oak 1176 East Main Street • Shrub Oak, New York 10588 • (Office: 914/245-4682 Fax: 914/743-1003 Parsonage: 914/245-3114; E-mail: “OUR THIRD CENTURY IN SERVICE OF THE LORD” JACOB SAMUEL DHARMARAJ, Ph.D., Pastor February, 2015 Vol. 37, No. 2 Next Deadline 2/15/15 HOW TO READ THE BIBLE According to calendars, February is shorter than the other months. But then calendars only measure days and weeks, not life. In my opinion, February is a long, wide piece of gray flannel, stretching from the remains of January's resolutions to the unseen promises and blessings of March's spring. Despite the calendars, February is the longest month, because it is the month of disassembled dreams and aching expectations. Caught between what has been and what might be - that is what living in February is. In my experience, February, an otherwise drab and dismal month, is one of God's ways of slowing us down so that God might speak deeply to our souls and plant significant seeds of thoughts into our minds. Without such indepth reflection, we find ourselves racing through our schedules, hitting only the high spots, and allowing the urgent to eclipse the important. In February, January's festivity has become the realization that the earth has traveled around the sun once more and that we are petite passengers on one tiny planet in a universe of a billion suns, traveling a few more miles, in the same old loop. After all, Christmas turns into a faded memory and New Year's celebration gets lost somewhere between fixing leftover meals, shoveling yesterday's snow, and paying last year's bills. But wait! I'd like to suggest an alternate attitude. Think of February as God's special gift of time sandwiched between all the hubbub of past holidays and the upcoming arrival of a busy spring. To me, February is the ideal month to regroup . . . to review where I've been and to rethink where I'm going. I have found it is the best time of the entire year to pause for several concentrated weeks of deliberate reflection. Communion with God is a sacred and time consuming discipline . . . and there is every temptation to let it slip. The result is nothing short of tragic. We become like that fast-moving, shallow river running over rocks - a quarter of a mile wide and four inches deep. When we take time to read, to pray, to be quiet, to reflect, and to prepare for whatever the Lord will choose to send our way, we cultivate depth that will stabilize us through the gushing storms of spring and the blast-furnace tests of summer. That is why your church encloses the Daily Bible Reading Guide in the CHIMES at the beginning of every year. That is the reason Bible Study groups are offered at different places. Your church wants you to connect with God and grow in Spirit by reading the Bible. The Bible is the most astonishing book the world has ever seen. It claims to tell the future. It promises human beings can "live forever.” It explains why human beings suffer and illustrates the real purpose of life. It reveals the way to joy and happiness. The Bible shows that God really cares about God’s creation. It announces that human beings are to join the family of God. The Bible was written by 40 independent authors, representing 20 occupations, living in 10 countries during a 1,500-year span, working in three languages, with a cast of 2,930 characters in 1,551 places. This massive volume covers every conceivable subject, expressed in all literary forms - prose, poetry, romance, mystery, biography, science, and history. The authors of the Bible include kings, statesmen, fishermen, priests, seers, a doctor, a tax collector, a farmer, a general, and a tent-making rabbi. The Bible says that it is the Word of God – Jesus, God in human form. Just as the body needs a regular feeding- time to maintain its energy level, so the spiritual human being must feed on the Word of God. Why do we need to read the Bible? King David says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet, and light to my path," (Ps.119:105). Prophet Isaiah writes, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God shall stand forever," (Isa.40:8). Why don't you start reading the Bible from today? If you would like to begin reading the Bible, I would like for you to do the following: 1. Set a regular reading time and go to a private and quiet place at home. Nothing should be allowed to infringe upon this time. 2. Read with a pencil or pen at hand and highlight the verse that speaks to you. 3. Read the Bible expectantly. God speaks to us through God’s Word. Read it, therefore, reverently, thoughtfully, calmly and with delight. 4. If possible, keep a devotional diary. Write down your thoughts, prayers, and concerns. If God gives you a promise, believe in it. If God gives you a command, obey it. If God speaks to you in a definite way, listen to the Word seriously and follow it. 5. Do not read it randomly. Read the Bible systematically. Pick up a book of the Bible and read it all the way through. It is always good to start reading from the Gospel of Matthew and work your way through. After you are done with the New Testament, go to the Old Testament and start from the book of Genesis. Even if you do not understand the Old Testament, keep reading it. When you get to the end of a book or a section, the earlier section may make sense to you. 6. Try to memorize a verse a day! 7. Finally, seal up all your reading by prayer. From the Pastor’s Desk UPCOMING EVENTS BLACK HISTORY MONTH! Please mark your calendars for our upcoming events. Sunday, February 1st Souper Bowl Sunday Sunday, February 8th and March 15th After worship, discussion on Christianity and Islam Sunday, Februray 15th 2:00 p.m. Delivering valentines to shutins at the Cortlandt Health-care Center Details within. -------------------------------- Our youth will join tens of thousands of other youth around the country to demonstrate God’s love by loving our neighbors. They will hold soup pots at the church doors February 1st to collect money for those who are hungry and hurting. In 2013, over 13,000 groups participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring generating over $12 million. Our church will donate our entire Souper Bowl collection to our local food pantries at St. Mary’s in Mohegan Lake and Peekskill United Methodist Church. Please support us in this effort to love our neighbors by dropping your dollar (or more) in the soup pot as you leave on Feb. 1st. Those who need help may not know the name of the person who cared, but God does. And our young people are developing hearts for giving that can last a lifetime. Thank you. …..Linda Hoernes -------------------------------------- SOUPER BOWL OF CARING SUNDAY Sunday, February 1st, is the football Super Bowl. That day our church will have our SOUPER BOWL OF CARING. On February 1st it is expected that 130 million people all over the world will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be people worrying about clothing their families, looking for shelter and hoping for a warm meal. BOY SCOUT SUNDAY We will be celebrating Boy Scout Sunday on February 8th . Any boy scout, cub scout, tiger scout or den leaders in our congregation can participate in this special Sunday time of worship. It would be nice if they wore their uniforms and participated as, greeters, coffee hour hosts, etc. Please call the office at (914) 245-4682 and let us know if you would like to participate in this event. --------------------------------------- PREVIOUS EVENT New Year’s Brunch After worship on January 4th we had our UMCSO New Year’s Brunch. We thank everyone for their help and contributions to this event. A special thanks to our chef “Pancake Jack” Casey for his hard work and delicious pancakes, and Tony Cappoza who continues to help before and after the brunch; and for his fine photography of the event which is posted in the GP Room. During the Brunch, there was a special cake honoring Chet Schoonmaker for his 50 years of service to UMCSO. We are all so appreciative of Chet’s dedicated service to the church. Thank you Chet!! --------------------------------------MISSION TRIP MICKEY LUPOSELLO Maxine Haigh’s grandson, Mickey Luposello, will be embarking on his first mission trip this March. The trip takes him to Vladivostok, Russia which is located in the eastern part of Siberia. He goes with several classmates from the Bible School of Supernatural Ministry which he attends in Redding, California. The missions are supported by people who choose to donate. If you would like to donate, please go to trips.ibethel,org and type in Michael Luposello under the search for a traveler section. --------------------------------------- FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES John Reed Patty Robcke Benjamin Robcke Stephanie Spina Stacey Twoguns Laura Uribe Linda Ann Stella Nancy Mannino Glenda A. Geis Maria DeMartino Michael Barnett, III Suzanne Libfeld Needa Socias Nancy Semcken 10 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 20 23 26 26 27 28 Barbara & John Reed 16 Patricia&Michael Antonucci 20 Debbie & Richard Haigh, Jr. 25 VOLUNTEERS!!! Acolytes Michael Antonucci Christopher Closi Raina Anto Soina Anto FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Linda Everding Beth Gilleo Beverly Martinez Robert Gutowski Jaxon Weed Bjorg Davis Veronica Rosario Stella Ganney Timothy Kehlenbach 3 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 10 Coffee Hour Hosts Susan Crookston/ Joan Prentice Friends of the Church Doug Gaylor Marshall Moseley Greeters Marilyn Iglehart /Connie Vollmer Beth Gilleo/ Marilyn Iglehart Joan Prentice Hospitality Dolsen Eccles Jean Engel Pat Golanec Maxine Haigh Marilyn Iglehart Ushers Chimes Mailing Marshall Moseley Communion Elements Chet Schoonmaker Patricia Scozzari Raina Anto Soina Anto Chet Schoonmaker Patricia Scozzari Kevin Thomas Debbie Vesuvio ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM Sunday February 8 & March 15 11:45 a.m. - 12: 30 p.m. Following Worship Immediately after the Sunday services, we will have a discussion on Christianity and Islam in two parts. Dr. Glory Dharmaraj will lead us through - The similarities and non-negotiables between these two religions Witnessing to Christ through dialogue Witnessing to Christ through apologetics for today Lectionary Scripture Readings for the month of February, 2015 Sunday, February 1 Sunday, February 8 Sunday, February 15 Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 Sunday, February 22 Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday School Corner Old Man Winter has arrived with c-c-c-o-o-l-l-d temperatures! Everyone comes to church dressed in multiple layers, wrapped in scarves, mittens and hats. Inside the UMCSO Sunday School, however, we are glad to report that the atmosphere is warm and welcoming. Sunday School attendance has averaged 25+ due to wellprepared teachers devoted to their students, and to moms, dads and grandparents who start up the family chariot ahead of time so it will be nice and cozy warm for their young passengers! The first Sunday of 2015 had, as a highlight, a New Year’s Brunch! Adults and children alike enjoyed pancakes and sausages provided by our own “Pancake Jack Casey,” with bacon, breakfast casseroles, fruit and baked goods of every kind brought in by church family members. What a delicious way to start the new year, not to mention the sharing and fellowship as friends ‘caught up’ on the news of activities of family and friends over the Christmas holidays. The Sunday school classes are going along well, as children learn more of the goodness of God and the life of our Lord Jesus. They are also learning about the Bible and its structure. They will be spending more time in the New Testament this semester, as Lent begins on February 18, Ash Wednesday. Also in February is a holiday the children look forward to sharing with others: Valentine’s Day. The children will be making valentines in a one-room Sunday school setting a week or two before Valentine’s Day, and then delivering them to shut-ins at the Cortlandt Healthcare Center on Oregon Road on the Sunday closest to Valentine’s Day. We usually are asked to come to the Center around 1:00 p.m., so we will probably order pizza and eat lunch at church before caravanning over. Please consider accompanying your child(ren) to the Center. The kids hand out the valentines and wish the residents a “Happy Valentine’s Day.” It is lovely to see the children share Christ’s love and a smile with those who may have been forgotten. They are seeing and participating in “Love in Action.” What a powerful, hands-on ministry for our youngsters to participate in. Brandon Britt, Lisa Grace and Patty Robcke are working together to establish a pattern for youth group meetings. The past two meetings have been pretty well attended and the teens and ‘tweens are looking forward to future events. Thank God for the leaders who give of their time and creativity! Birthday celebrations continue on the last Sunday of the month. We sing to the honorees and Marilyn gives out ‘birthday badges.’ The little ones, and even the older children, enjoy this brief time of fellowship as a whole group. Another moment that all the children enjoy is the Children’s Moment. As each child scrambles to the front of the sanctuary to listen to the lesson, we see faces learning of God’s love in their church. These are moments when seeds are planted and where loving memories are made. No matter what age you are, we are pretty sure you enjoy the Children’s Moment too! So, although it may be cold and icy outside during the month of February, we can rest assured that the children and teachers of the United Methodist Church at Shrub Oak will continue to radiate the warmth and love of Jesus. May that warmth and love seep into every one of us as we serve the Lord with willing hearts. God bless you, Marilyn and Lynne The Children behind the Smiles by Patty Robcke Photo removed from Web Edition These lovely young ladies are some of our superstars at the United Methodist Church. Siona, Laura, Raina and Pheby love to participate in many of the various activities here. Siona and her sister, Raina, have awed the congregation on more than one occasion by reciting the scripture lesson of the day from memory. Laura and Pheby have moved us with their liturgical dancing. All of them enjoy children’s moments and family nights. Siona eagerly anticipates when Pastor Raj opens the mystery box and teaches a lesson on Jesus and the Bible. Pheby likes having the chance to talk to Pastor Raj. Laura thinks the puppet shows are great and Raina has fun with all of the lessons. Teaming up with their parents, Siona and Raina love a little friendly competition on the basketball court. Not only do they enjoy sports, but these girls have some musical talent too. They both play the piano and the violin. Other activities they enjoy are reading, drawing, singing, dancing and gymnastics. Let’s here for our cheerleader, Laura. She sings, dances, cheers and plays the drum. She loves surprises and going to new places with her family. She has learned about Abraham and Sarah this year in Sunday school and “how their family grew up in the word of God.” Pheby enjoys music most by taking dance and gymnastics lessons. When she’s not dancing down the aisles in church she is learning about God’s laws and the history of God’s people found in the Old Testament of the Bible. She prays for her family and has fun when her dad is home from work. We are blessed to have such beauty and talent shared with our congregation each week in church. A FEW PICTURES FROM OUR NEW YEAR’S BRUNCH OF JANUARY 4TH Please note, Tony Capozza has posted all the New Year’s Brunch pictures in the General Purpose Room for your viewing. Please note February, 2015 Every Sunday is Food Sunday Sun 1 Mon 2 BLACK HISTORY MONTH 9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Holy Communion Souper Bowl of Caring 8 TH 5 Sunday after Epiphany (Green) 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Groundhog Day 7:30 p.m.Trustees 9 7 10:00 a.m. Crafts for a Cause in GP Room Home Bible Study 10:00 – 12 Noon 11 12 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 17 13 Lincoln’s Birthday Home Bible Study 10:00 – 12 Noon 16 Sat ! 10 After worship, conversation on Christianity and Islam Fri 6 8:00 p.m. Bible Study Boy Scout Sunday 9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship 15 Last Sunday after Epiphany Tue 18 19 14 10:00 a.m. Crafts for a Cause in GP Room 20 21 Transfiguration Sunday (White) 9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship “Chimes” Deadline After worship, hand made valentines will be delivered by the children to shut-ins at Cortlandt Healthcare Center 22 1 st Sunday in Lent Presidents’ Day 7:30 p.m. Vision Table in GP Room 23 10:00 a.m. Crafts for a Cause Home Bible Study 10:00 – 12 Noon 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:30 p.m. – Holy Communion Service 24 25 Home Bible Study 10:00 – 12 Noon Lenten Cluster Services Begins – 7:30 p.m. 26 27 (Purple) Washington’s Birthday 9:30a.m. Adult Sunday School 10:30 a.m Worship Washington’s Birthday 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Crafts for a Cause 28
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