SAINT JOHN FISHER CHURCH Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Robert B. McDermott (ext. 3) Permanent Deacon: Rev. Mr. Daniel Bingnear Weekend Assistant: Rev. Francis X. Devlin, O.S.A. Business Manager: Mr. Daniel Kinnik (ext. 4) Director of Faith Formation and Director of Music: Mrs. Kathleen Aaronson (ext. 5) Maintenance Projects Coordinator: Mr. John Leahy (ext. 7) Parish Admin Assistant: Mrs. Regina Robinson (ext. 6) PREP Secretary: Mrs. Maureen Strazdus (ext. 2) Communications Secretary: Mrs. Margie Corcoran (ext. 2) Holy Family Regional Catholic School Principal: Mrs. Nancy Franz Business Manager: Mrs. Kristy Cobb Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Joseph Amalfitano Rev. John Sibel Office Hours: Mon – Thursday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Friday: 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Mass Schedule: SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 PM SUNDAY: 8:00, 9:30 AND 11:30 AM Weekday Masses in the Chapel: Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM HOLY DAYS: Vigil at 7:00 PM; 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM HOLIDAYS: 9:00 AM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Celebrated on the First, Second and Fourth Sundays of each month at 12:45 PM. The Pre-Jordan baptismal instruction is held on the Third Sunday at 12:45 PM. Please call the Parish Office to arrange baptisms. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession): SATURDAY: 4:00 - 4:45 PM. Other times by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: One party must be a registered member of Saint John Fisher. Couples must make arrangements with the priest at least six months prior to the intended date. Couples are required to attend the Archdiocesan Sacramental Preparation Program for Marriage (four sessions) or a Pre-Cana program. PARISH ONLINE GIVING: We invite you to go to our website to sign up for our Online Giving Program. Go to the Parish Giving icon and follow the instructions. PARISH REGISTRATION: We welcome new members to Saint John Fisher! If you are new to our parish, please call or visit the Parish Office to register. Please notify the office if you move or change your telephone number. LETTERS OF ELIGIBILITY: If you need a Letter of Eligibility to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation, you must be a registered member of the parish, a practicing Catholic, and at least 16 years of age. If married, you must be in valid marriage. Letters cannot be signed by Pastor unless you meet these requirements. Please call or visit the Parish Office to request a Letter of Eligibility. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (P.R.E.P.): The PREP program provides religious education for public school children from September through May. Please call the Parish Religious Education Office at 610-485-0441, ext. 5, for more information and registration. HOLY FAMILY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Grades: Pre-K to Eight 3265 Concord Road, Aston, PA 19014 (610) 494-0147 4225 CHICHESTER AVENUE • BOOTHWYN, PA 19061 Website: Facebook: Saint John Fisher Phone: (610) 485-0441 E-mail: PROPERTY EVALUATION AND PLANNING As we work to make decisions about our properties, we must keep in mind the values that we seek for the parish. We refer to these values in our discussions and are using them to guide our decision-making process. Here’s a look at these important values: SUNDAY SCRIPTURE: Our Gospel reading is Mark 1: 29-39. Key Passage: That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. Adult: When have you felt the sadness of Job? When have you felt the joy of those who witnessed the healing works of Jesus? Child: What can you do to comfort someone who is sad? LITURGY SURVEY Our Liturgy Survey helps to articulate the faith of the parish community as we participate in the memorial of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection entrusted to his Bride, the Church. At the Last Supper, Our Savior instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of his Body and Blood, by which the Sacrifice of his Cross is perpetuated until he comes again. This week reflects on the question of what do you appreciate about Mass at St. John Fisher? But first, I’d like to share some basic information about what the Church teaches us about Mass. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal tells us that the celebration of Mass is the center of Christian life for the Church both universally (the Catholic Church as a whole) and locally (each individual parish), as well as for each of the faithful individually. For it is the high point of the action by which God sanctifies the world in Christ as well as the worship the human race offers to the Father, adoring Him through Christ. The Church also teaches that the entire celebration is arranged in such a way that it leads to a conscious, active, and full participation of the faithful, namely in body and mind, with faith, hope, and charity. These two teachings of the Church about our worship in and through the Mass are confirmed by your responses to our survey about your appreciation of Masses celebrated at SJF. Many people indicated through the survey that Mass is indeed the center of their Christian life and faith and stressed the importance of the Eucharist and Gospelcentered homilies. Your conscious, active and full participation is expressed in your emphasis on participation, ministries, community, a friendly welcoming spirit and our prayer through music and song. 1. Future financial health and stability of the parish: We need to ensure that we use our resources wisely. Maintaining 12 different buildings at 3 different locations is not feasible if we want to ensure the longterm financial health of the parish. 2. Liturgical and ministry needs: We must be able to meet the parish’s liturgical and ministry needs. Should we decide to sell a particular building we need to make sure that we can use our other buildings to meet the needs of that building’s users. 3. Preserve the value of our buildings: It is essential that we preserve the value of all our buildings for parish usage or for future sale. 4. Develop a plan for capital improvements: There is a long list of maintenance and capital improvement projects for our buildings. We must develop a plan for this work and determine how to fund it. Next week: Summary of where we are LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross will be held in the church on all Fridays of Lent at 7:00pm beginning February 20. ASH WEDNESDAY MASSES Mass will be celebrated on Ash Wednesday, February 18, at 9:00am, 4:30pm and 7:00pm in the church. Ashes are distributed during the liturgy only. LENTEN DEVOTION BOOKLETS The Lenten edition of “Word Among Us” will be available for all to use as part of your Lenten devotion. The booklets will be available on the tables at the entrances to the church during the weekend of February 14 and 15. OPERATION RICE BOWL Operation Rice Bowl, sponsored by Catholic Relief Services, is a faith-in-action program that will help you experience Lenten spirituality by living in solidarity with people in need around the world. As we, the global church, prepare for the World Meeting of Families 2015 in Philadelphia this fall, it is especially appropriate to come together in prayer as a family this Lent. Your CRS Rice Bowl is a great tool to guide your Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Rice Bowls are available on the tables at the church entrances. Take one home today! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SACRAMENT NEWS FIRST PENANCE First Penance will take place tomorrow, Monday, February 9, at 7:00pm in the church. All candidates and their families are to be in the church by 6:45pm. FIRST EUCHARIST We are in urgent need of more donors for our upcoming Blood Drive. Please consider taking the time to donate at our drive on Monday, February 9, from 2:00 to 7:00 pm in the Parish Center. Please give blood if you are able … someone’s life could depend on it! Contact Mary Lou Sweeney at 610-485-3292 to sign up. ********** RCIA RITE OF SENDING The Rite of Sending for our RCIA catechumens and candidates will take place on Sunday, February 15, at the 9:30am Mass. Our RCIA catechumens and candidates will be received by Archbishop Charles Chaput on February 21 at 2:30pm at the Cathedral for the Rite of Election. 2015 VACATION BIBLE CAMP VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL DATES ANNOUNCED Mark your calendar! St. John Fisher’s annual Vacation Bible Camp will be held August 3-7. Last year more than 60 children enjoyed a great week with us! Spots will be limited so stay tuned for registration information! PRETZEL SALE ON FEB. 21 & 22 Pretzel Boy pretzels will be sold after all Masses on Saturday, February 21, and Sunday, February 22. Cost is $1, and all proceeds will benefit Vacation Bible Camp. VBC YANKEE CANDLE FUNDRAISER Please support Vacation Bible Camp 2015 by buying a Yankee Candle. Order packets are located in the baskets at all church entrances. Please return your order form to the Religious Ed Office by Monday, February 23. VBC FLAPJACK FUNDRAISER St. John Fisher is hosting a Flapjack Fundraiser breakfast to support its 2015 Vacation Bible Camp on Saturday, February 28, from 8:00 to 10:00am at the Applebee’s in Aston. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for children under age 12. Tickets are on sale after all Masses. You can also purchase tickets from Kathy Aaronson in the Religious Ed office or from any VBC team member. If you need more information, contact Kathy at 610-485-0441, ext. 5. All parents of our candidates for First Communion must attend a meeting on Monday, February 23, at 7:00pm in the church. Important information about First Communion and the March retreat will be distributed. The First Communion Retreat for all candidates is Sunday, March 22, starting at the 11:30am Mass. All must attend. CONFIRMATION Confirmation Interviews for all candidates will take place on March 2, March 9 and March 16 from 4:00 to 6:30pm. A schedule will be mailed to all families. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SJF NEW ARRIVALS The people of Saint John Fisher rejoice with the family of our newest baptized member. CARTER EDWARD SNYDER was baptized on February 1. May God bless Carter and his parents, Eric and Mindy. ST. JOHN’S ON THE HILL SENIOR GROUP TRIPS Vermont and New Hampshire: St. John’s on the Hill Seniors is sponsoring a trip to Vermont and New Hampshire: Trains Across the Mountains. Ride the Conway Scenic Railway, take the Winnipesaukee Scenic Dinner Train, and more on October 12-15. Cost is $535 for double occupancy and includes hotel, 3 continental breakfasts and 3 dinners. For reservations, call Barbara Pierdomenico at 484-645-4533. Casino Trip: Hit the Sands Casino in Bethlehem on Monday, March 23. Cost is $27 and includes $20 in slot play and a $5 food voucher. Call Barbara Pierdomenico at 484-645-4533for tickets. FEED THE HUNGRY! Food Sunday is next weekend! Please consider donating cereal, canned goods, pasta or other nonperishable foods for needy families in our community. Place your donations on the tables in the Church Hall anytime next weekend. Thank you for your care of those in need. HOSPITALITY SUNDAY is today! Please join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea, donuts and conversation! NEWS FROM PREP Staff Meeting: There will be a PREP staff meeting this Sunday, February 8, at 12:30pm in the Parish Center hall. All catechists and aides are asked to be present for this very important meeting. Catechist Needed: We are in need of a catechist immediately for Tuesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:45 pm. Please contact Kathy Aaronson in the Religious Ed office at 610-485-0581, ext. 5, if you can help. Operation Baby Care: PREP’s February service project is now under way. We are collecting items to support needy babies in our area. Please consider donating towels, washcloths, new baby clothing, infant formula, baby toiletries, etc. Drop off your donations to the PREP office or the Parish Center any time before the week of March st 1 . Thank you for your support! Food S, UPCOMING MUSICIAN SCHEDULE Saturday, 2/14 Sunday, 2/15 YOUTH CHOIR PRACTICE: Sundays at 12:30 PM in Chapel CONTEMPORARY CHOIR: Every other Tuesday evening at 6:40 PM. Cantor Cantor Adult Choir Youth Choir “May He Rest in Peace” REVEREND MICHAEL T. COLLINS, O.PREAM Please Pray for Our Sick WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ADULT CHOIR PRACTICE: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Church 5:00pm 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am Michael Tart, Pamela Bonkowski, Veronica & Joe Egan, Mary & Joe Collins, Lorraine Schelesslman, Cheryl Webber, Don & Regina Hilbert, Judy Giovan, Mary Jane Gilbert, Carolyn Baglione, Phyllis Herman, Kevin Neary BEREAVEMENT CHOIR: Sing for funeral Masses. No rehearsals. MEN’S GATHERING: Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Mondays after the 7:30 AM. Mass until noon in the Chapel. Benediction follows at noon. Prayers for the Sick: Names remain on our prayer list for 30 days. If a person is still in need of prayers after that, please call the parish office at 610-485-0441, ext. 2, or email to re-add him or her to the list. THE ROSARY AND DIVINE MERCY: Daily after the 7:30 AM Mass OUR LADY OF 7 SORROWS PRAYER MEETING: In the Chapel on the first and third Fridays of every month at 10:00 AM Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.): Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center BULLETIN DEADLINE: 5 days before publication. Email items to MONTHLY ACTIVITIES PARISH COUNCIL: Meets on the first Thursday of the month. Meetings are not held in July and August. FINANCE COUNCIL: Meets on the second Tuesday of the month. ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Fall and spring sessions. Please call the Parish Office (610-485-0441, ext. 2) for information. PARISH FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: Meetings as needed ST. JOHN’S ON THE HILL SENIORS: Second and fourth Thursdays at 12:30 PM in the Church Hall KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LADY OF LOURDES COUNCIL 14159: Board Meeting at 7:00 PM followed by the regular meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOLY SAVIOUR COUNCIL 13710: Officers’ Meeting, 1st Monday of the month at 7:00 PM; General membership meeting, 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM. Meetings held in Holy Saviour Rectory Meeting Room. Contact George Spannbauer, GK, at 610-348-5587 for information. Masses for the Week Sat., Feb. 7 Sun., Feb. 8 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Mon., Feb. 9 7:30 AM Tues., Feb. 10 7:30 AM Wed., Feb. 11 7:30 AM Thurs., Feb. 12 7:30 AM Fri., Feb. 13 7:30 AM Sat., Feb. 14 5:00 PM Sun., Feb. 15 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM George J. Ershaw Jean MacMorran People of the Parish & Visitors Willam Elwell Daniel Johnston Daniel and Patricia Johnston Richard G. Connell Richard G. Connell Michael Eroh Maria Ugrotto Lee Pauly Mary T. Bulley People of the Parish & Visitors FINANCIAL OFFERINGS: WE ARE A TITHING PARISH! Thank you for your generosity and consistent financial support of our parish community. Regular Collection for Sunday, February 1, 2015 Total for the weekend: $12,567.00 Number of envelopes: 501 Thank You! 074 St. John Fisher Marcus Hook Florists & Gifts, Inc. Since 1952 938 Market St., Marcus Hook, PA 19061 D’Angelo & McNally, LLC Tax Accounting Services Pat Devlin Enrolled Agent Full Service Florist 485-3281 MARK ZUPPO P: 610.459.9477 F: 610.459.9672 485-3000 2060 Chichester Ave. Boothwyn, PA 19061 Ph: 610-485-8100 Fax: 610-485-9582 E-mail: Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 1110 NAAMANS CREEK RD. GARNET VALLEY, PA 19060 SERVING DELAWARE COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS Pagano Funeral Home, Inc. 3711 Foulk Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 (Bethel Twp.) Across from Booth's Corner Farmers Market Peter B. 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