DISABILITY NEWSLETTER Issue 106 February 2015 Reg Charity No. 1123915 Company No. 6396331 THE FIRST FLOWERS OF SPRING Image courtesy of adamr at FreeDigitalPhotos.net THIS MONTH PLEASE DON’T MISS: Page 2: Emergency contact disc Page 2: Disco night Page 3: Turn 2 us Page 3: Healthwatch event Page 4: Accessible toilets Page 5: Care and repair Page 5: Share your experience Page 6: Channel 4 trainees Page 6: New access card Page 6: Your passport Page 7: New handbook Page 7: Register of tradesmen Page 1 NEW TEAM TO HELP YOUNG DISABLED PEOPLE AND THEIR FAMILIES Cheshire West and Chester Council is to set up a specialised team to assess the needs of young people with disabilities and arrange appropriate support for them and their families. Working with young people aged between 16 and 25 years old who may have physical and or learning disabilities or sensory impairment, the team will ensure that each has their own plan setting out the steps required for a smooth transition from children’s to adult’s care and support services. Comprising seven full time staff, the team will work closely with the Council’s social care services and Special Educational Needs teams to ensure that every disabled young person has opportunities for paid employment, the potential to live independently, good health and develops the skills to form friendships, relationships and be part of his or her community. Recruitment to the team will take place over the next few months so that it is fully operational by spring 2015. NEW DELEGATING PAYMENTS GUIDE New research has found that the majority of people needing assistance to make payments due to illness, capability or mobility challenges, are putting themselves at risk of fraud by sharing their card and PIN. More than half of those surveyed were also not aware of each of the safer options to make payments, such as a prepaid card or opening up a second account. To help these consumers, a new Pay Your Way consumer advice guide from the Payments Council sets out payment options to help people stay in control of their financial affairs, when making payments independently or visiting the bank or ATM is difficult. Visit http://www.payyourway.org.uk/faqs/guides/managing-payments/ to download the “Pay Your Way” Guide. EMERGENCY CONTACT DISC AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO THE TAX DISC The Emergency Contact Disc contains next of kin contact details and medical alert information for the driver. In the event of a medical emergency or road traffic collision that renders the occupants unable to communicate, a first responder will be able to obtain vital information that is not otherwise accessible at the scene. The disc can be cut out and placed into the now redundant tax disc holder, the information sections fold inwards so it would not be viewed by passers by. All information is optional and the blank discs can be used to add customised information. The Emergency Contact Disc can be used alongside existing medical alert products like bracelets and necklaces. Download the Emergency Contact Disc at: http://www.westmercia.police.uk/news/news-articles/police-launch-emergencycontact-disc-as-alternative-to-tax-disc.html DISCO NIGHT FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN MACCLESFIELD Every Wednesday in the stunning Macclesfield United Reformed Church in the town centre between 7.00pm and 9.00pm, enjoy two hours of fun, music and dancing with resident DJ and Radio Presenter, Matt Hill. We look forward to welcoming you all. The atmosphere is amazing and is a great way for people of all abilities, and all ages to come together in a safe controlled environment and have some fun. Dance with friends, watch music videos, snack in our café and most importantly "have fun and socialise with friends old and new". The facilities are accessible and parking is free. For more information call 07803 751 617. Page 2 TURN TO US Disabled people in financial need are unaware of the help available through charitable grants, such as Turn2Us, part of the national charity Elizabeth Finn Care. More than two-thirds of Turn2us website users with disabilities were completely unaware of grants and nearly half had been struggling financially for over a year before checking what support could be available to them. Almost three-quarters have been forced to cut back on food and heating, and over three-fifths had to rely on the financial support of family and friends. In addition, more than a quarter have taken out a short-term or payday loan, and almost a fifth have turned to food banks. There are over 3,000 grant-giving charities available in the UK, distributing £288 million in grants and services to individuals in need every year. Individuals who have used the charity’s website have seen an average annual income increase of over £2,400 in regular charitable grants and over £550 in one-off grants. BRAND WITH ATTITUDE TACKLES ISSUES HEAD ON Matthew Emo, a former college lecturer and wheelchair user who manages the condition Cerebral Palsy has set up new clothing brand Devilishly Disabled, selling a range of humorous t-shirts aimed at empowering people with disabilities. The brand is risky; it deals with the everyday difficulties faced by those managing with disabilities and empowers them to what they think. It is also about inclusion; it’s about removing the barriers and uncertainties surrounding disability. It’s about allowing a disabled person to be seen in a pub, club or out shopping and being able to say ‘hey this guy/girl clearly has a sense of humour, I’m going to talk to them’. For more information call: 07980 168 618. Email: info@devilishlydisabled.co.uk or visit: http://www.thiis.co.uk/newssnippets/brand-with-attitude-tackles-issues-head-on.aspx Healthwatch has received a number of comments from parents/carers of disabled children and young people regarding gaps in service provision and services being cancelled. This has resulted in their listening to this group of people and responding in the best way that Healthwatch can by assisting in gathering genuine evidence from the people who care for and work with this group of people and most importantly gathering evidence from the young people themselves. They want disabled children and young people up to the age of 25 years, their families and carers in West Cheshire to share views on what is good and what is bad about the local services being accessed. They also want to know about which services are missing as well as good ideas to make things better. They are holding an event to gather your views on Thursday 26th February at All Saints Church Centre, Hoole, Chester, CH2 3HZ between 4.00pm and 6.00pm. To reserve a place please call 01606 351134 or email: info@healthwatchcwac.org.uk. If you are unable to attend please share them using a short survey which can be accessed via this link: www.healthwatchcwac.org.uk. Page 3 GREEN LIGHT FOR DIAL A RIDE This valuable service is set to continue. Cheshire Community Development Trust (CCDT) has won the contract to deliver community transport services in the Vale Royal area for five years from April. This includes Dial a Ride, Evening Safe Transport, Rural Ride and Community Car Schemes. Arthur Neil, CCDT chief executive, said: "We are delighted with this success. We began the Northwich Dial a Ride service back in 1989 and now have approaching 2,000 members. The service provides accessible transport door-to-door for those who find it hard to use ordinary buses or get to a bus stop. Last year we were pleased to be asked to take on some additional rural work using the rural rider service and that too has been successful." Call 01606 784100 for more information about community transport services across the Northwich and Winsford urban and rural areas. NEW RESOURCE HIGHLIGHTS ACCESSIBLE TOILETS Tens of thousands of people who would need a carer to help them use the toilet are being given greater independence and an opportunity to venture away from home with a new on-line resource. A new country-wide ‘accessible toilet’ map is unlike any other available. The quick and easy to use facility enables bespoke searching for ‘away from home’ toilets. Searches can be executed by place name, be it geographical or a specific venue, by public accessible toilets – and their ‘bigger and better’ counterpart, ‘Changing Places’ facilities. You can take a look at the new resource by visiting http://www.thiis.co.uk/news-snippets/new-resourcehighlights-accessible-toilets.aspx. The map enables you to go out and about much more, secure in the knowledge you will be able to access suitable toilet facilities. NATIONAL WHEELCHAIR LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE Muscular Dystrophy Campaign team member Tanvi Vyas has been selected to join a new national panel led by former Paralympian Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson to improve the quality and effectiveness of wheelchair services in England. The Wheelchair Leadership Alliance, which is part of the ‘Right Chair, Right Time, Right Now’ campaign, has an overarching aim of transforming the quality and effectiveness of services for people who use wheelchair and taking forward actions developed at recent national wheelchair summit. The group will provide a regular forum for people who use wheelchairs, and organisations representing people who use wheelchairs, to collaborate, provide peer support and, importantly, to improve services. The National Wheelchair Leadership Alliance will focus on: Building and delivering a campaign ‘Right Chair Right Time Right Now’ to reduce waiting times, develop a Wheelchair Charter of best practice and address the unacceptable delays for many wheelchair users – 70% of wheelchair users wait more than three months for their chair, 30% wait more than six months and 15% wait more than twelve months. Share your experiences of accessing and using a wheelchair so they can ensure these are heard. Contact Lloyd Tingley on 02078 034 804 or at l.tingley@muscular-dystrophy.org. Page 4 CARE AND REPAIR Care and repair is a service for older people and for people with disabilities. They can guide you through the process of carrying out repairs and adaptations in your own home. They can offer help with many types of work around the home, from fixing a dripping tap to building an extension. East Cheshire: Tel 0300 123 5500 Email: careandrepair@cheshireeast.gov.uk West Cheshire: Tel 0300 123 2010 Email: info@homeassistancehub.co.uk SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE OF ACCESSING SPORTING VENUES Following a number of articles in the media recently about the poor levels of access to sports stadia and other sporting venues for disabled spectators, The Minister of State for Disabled People, Mark Harper MP and The Minister for Sport and Tourism, Helen Grant MP have joined forces in an attempt to address this issue. As a first step the two Ministers are asking for disabled people to input into an online survey on access to sports stadia. The survey closes on 28th February 2015. The two Ministers will also be asking sports clubs about their current access arrangements and the barriers they face making their grounds inclusive and accessible. This information, together with the information they receive from the online survey, will help to inform them more about the current situation and will help to decide what steps should be taken to ensure that everyone can enjoy watching the sport of their choice. ACCESSIBILITY SOLUTION FOR POST OFFICE ON THE ROAD PLS (Passenger Lift Services), a Mobility Networks company, has successfully designed and installed a unique rear access dual bumper step and powered cassette lift solution, to ensure the new mobile Post Office fleet is accessible to all. These specially converted vehicles provide a vital resource for 250 rural and remote communities every week. The level of accessibility and safety was further enhanced by the installation of grabs rails on the inside of the rear doors, high visibility edging and anti-slip surfaces. ACCESS TO WORK: CLAIMANTS FACE ACTION OVER UNPAID BILLS Disabled people are being threatened with legal action by a company following a failure to pay invoices agreed through the Access to Work (AtW) scheme. One self-employed AtW claimant has told how office furniture suppliers Back Care Solutions warned her and other claimants whose invoices had not been paid by AtW that they faced being taken to court. The purchase of a piece of office equipment to help at work had been agreed with AtW, and the furniture was delivered two months later by Back Care, but several months afterwards she received an email from Back Care threatening her with legal action over the unpaid invoice. AtW is failing to respond to attempts to persuade it to pay the invoice. The company has threatened similar legal action against other AtW claimants, although Back Care will not confirm how many individuals are affected. There are concerns that other companies might also be threatening legal action against AtW customers over unpaid invoices. So far, the Department of Work and Pensions has not commented on the concerns. Last month, the Commons Work and Pensions Committee concluded that AtW had been undermined by “poor administration”, and relied on “inefficient and outmoded paper-based processes”, while it’s new central call centre system “does not work well for many service-users”. Page 5 CHANNEL 4 WANT DISABLED TRAINEES FOR RIO 2016 At the 2012 London Paralympics, 50% of Channel 4's on-screen team were disabled. That included three anchor presenters and many reporters. For Rio 2016 they are planning another revolution – this time behind the camera. Channel 4 is committed to promoting equal opportunities. In order to promote diversity in the media industry, and to address the under-representation of disabled people in particular, they are offering 24 Rio Production Training Scheme places to disabled applicants. The aim is to train up disabled production staff to the level required to work on the Rio Paralympic Games in 2016, and beyond that to build a career in sport production. The Scheme offers an opportunity for entry level and junior talent to join the industry and learn the skills necessary in three possible roles: • Junior Researcher/Assistant Producer (broadcast or digital) • Junior Production Secretary/Coordinator • Technical/Production Assistant. Visit: http://4talent.channel4.com/work-programmes/production-training-scheme. Closing date for applications is midnight on 23rd February 2015. NEW ‘ACCESS CARD’ A social enterprise run by disabled people, Nimbus, has set up a scheme enabling disabled people to have a card which discretely informs venues of their access requirements. A disabled person pays £15 for a card which is valid for 3 years. The card is acquired following an assessment to establish access requirements according to guidance under the Equality Act. A number of venues have already joined the scheme, including: Capital FM Arena, Barclaycard Arena and Genting Arena in Birmingham, The SSE Arena Wembley, Download Festival, IPRO Stadium, Nottingham Forest’s City Ground, all O2 Academies and Glastonbury Festival. The idea behind the scheme is to enable disabled people to book tickets and have their access requirements met more easily, without having to give details of impairment every time they book, also to prevent misuse of concessions by nondisabled people. To find out more, visit: http://credability.uk.com/access-card/ YOUR PASSPORT TO A SMOOTH JOURNEY If you are disabled or have difficulty moving around, you can receive free assistance when you fly to and from the UK and Europe, including on domestic flights. Under European law, this assistance is available to anyone with mobility requirements – for example because of their disability, age or a temporary injury. Sometimes, however, the assistance you get may not meet your expectations or communication can break down. In some limited cases, your requirements may not be covered by the law. This leaflet explains your rights and what to do to make sure you have the best chance of a smooth journey. You can find out more from a free step-by-step guide ‘Your Rights to Fly’, available 0808 800 0082. Visit: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/search/site/your%20passport Page 6 “WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES EXCLUDED FROM DOMESTIC ABUSE LAW” A new law on domestic violence that criminalises “coercive control” could exclude women with disabilities, who are particularly vulnerable to such abuse, say campaigners. The new legislation, part of the Serious Crime Bill, will make it illegal for someone to exercise psychological, emotional or financial control over their partner. The law has been welcomed by women’s groups, who have long called for coercive control, which they say is often a prelude to violence, to be a crime. However, a fresh amendment introduced by the government earlier this month will allow a defence for carers who say they believe they are acting in their partners’ “best interests”. A court would then decide if such behaviour was reasonable. Women’s Aid fear the changes could exclude women with disabilities, who they say are particularly vulnerable to crimes of domestic abuse. The defence is unnecessary and too subjective they say and are calling for safeguards to ensure perpetrators who are carers do not escape justice. POLITICAL PARTIES ‘MUST ACT’ ON ACCESSIBLE OFFICES Every political party should ensure that its MPs only rent constituency offices that are fully accessible to disabled people, campaigners have demanded. They spoke out after a series of Disability News Service reports that revealed three ministers with equalities responsibilities – Mark Harper, Jo Swinson and Iain Duncan Smith – have inaccessible constituency offices. Deborah King, co-founder of Disability Politics UK, which campaigns to address the under-representation of disabled people in public and political life, said: “Physical access to MPs’ constituency offices is vital if we are to get more disabled people into politics. It is not good enough to say, ‘We hold surgeries at accessible locations.’ Disabled people have the right to participate as volunteers as part of a progression towards paid work in politics. Disabled people have a right of access to politics. All party leaders need to make a commitment to getting their MPs’ constituency offices accessible as soon as possible.” NEW HANDBOOK FOR PARENT CARER FORUMS Contact a Family has published a new parent carer forum handbook with information on all aspects of running a parent carer forum. Getting involved in parent carer forums is one way that parents can contribute to improving local services for disabled children. Through a process called parent carer participation, forums work with local authorities and health professionals to improve how they support disabled children. If you are interested in finding out more, visit the parent carer participation pages or contact your local parent carer forum. The new handbook for forums explains what knowledge and skills parent carers will need to run a successful forum. The handbook uses Adobe interactive features, so people can easily move around to the section of interest to them. Visit: http://www.cafamily.org.uk/news-and-media/new-handbook-for-parent-carer-forums/ Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555. REGISTER OF LOCAL TRADESMEN The aim of the register is to list reliable, good and competent traders who are involved in maintenance, repair or modernisation of people’s homes and gardens. East Cheshire: https://www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk/ West Cheshire: http://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/business/trading_standards/ageukcheshir etraderregister.aspx Page 7 DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WAY BUSINESSES TREAT DISABLED PEOPLE? The Extra Costs Commission wants to know more about your experiences as a consumer, dealing with shops and businesses. Knowing more about this can help drive down the extra costs disabled people and their families face. Take the Commission’s survey and you could win a £100 voucher! Visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/extracostssurvey REVEALED: TOWNS WHERE BLUE BADGE CHEATS AREN'T PROSECUTED It's just been revealed that more than seventy English local authorities had no policy in place to prosecute abuse of the Blue Badge Scheme for disabled parking last year, according to new Government statistics. Research revealing the number of “Blue Badge prosecutions, lost and stolen badges” during 2013/14 also provides evidence of the locations where most motorists have been caught attempting to cheat the system. This is probably because they have excellent enforcement teams in place. The number of prosecutions for abuse of the Blue Badge system in 2013/14 was: • Fulham, London, where there were 154 prosecutions • Leeds, where there were 68 prosecutions • Lambeth, London, where there were 65 prosecutions • Birmingham, in the West Midlands, where there were 35 prosecutions • Bradford, Yorkshire, where there were 27 prosecutions • Bexley, London, where there were 26 prosecutions • Enfield, London, where there 26 prosecutions In all but one of the cases recorded above, prosecutions were targeted at a nonbadge holder using another person’s Blue Badge. There were only eight prosecutions in total of Blue Badge holders. All the prosecutions took place in locations where local authorities have a policy in place for prosecution of Blue Badge cheats. __________________________________________________________ VALE ROYAL DISABILITY SERVICES Hartford office Telephone: 01606 888400 Northwich Shopmobility Telephone: 01606 288820 Winsford Shopmobility Telephone: 01606 557550 Northwich Infirmary Desk Telephone: 01606 564096 ____________________________________________________________________ If you have any news that you would like us to publish, or comments you want to make, then send them to us. To receive your personal copy of this newsletter, please refer to the newsletter page on our website www.vrds.org.uk, or telephone us on 01606 888400 or email office@vrds.org.uk Published by: Vale Royal Disability Services, 4 Hartford Business Centre, Chester Road, Hartford, Northwich, Cheshire, CW8 2AB. Editor: Christine Pickthall MBE. Registered Charity No. 1123915. Important disclaimer: Please note that much of the information in this newsletter is acquired from third parties. The views expressed may not in any way reflect the views of Vale Royal Disability Services. Page 8
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