Report on Monitoring Visit of the EQOPP Project Equal Opportunities for Students With Special Needs in Higher Education 25 November – 4 December 2014 Herbert Loicht (WU), Carolina Madeleine, Mario Guilló (UA) Reported delivered on Wednesday 28th January 2015 1 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES REPORT ON MONITORING VISIT OF THE EQOPP PROJECT ....................................................... 1 25 NOVEMBER – 4 DECEMBER 2014................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 4 MEETING WITH MINISTRIES REPRESENTATIVES: ........................................................................................... 5 I. II. OVERALL PROJECT RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 7 REPORT OF UNIVERSITIES MONITORING VISITS ............................................................ 8 UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO ................................................................................................................................ 8 UNIVERSITY OF EAST SARAJEVO ........................................................................................................................ 9 UNIVERSITY OF MOSTAR ...................................................................................................................................10 UNIVERSITY OF SVEMO ...................................................................................................................................11 UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA .....................................................................................................................................12 UNIVERSITY OF TUZLA ......................................................................................................................................13 UNIVERSITY OF BIHAC .......................................................................................................................................14 UNIVERSITY OF BANJA LUKA ............................................................................................................................15 III. CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................16 ANNEX: Institutions and Participants ……………………………………………………………………………....18 2 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES Introduction The purpose of this report is to represent the results of the quality control foreseen within work package 5 “Quality Plan”, activity 5.2. with the aim to assess the project progress in line with the objectives of the EQOPP project. During the monitoring trip, the team of external evaluators visited the eight public universities involved in the EQOPP project. The evaluators’ team was composed representatives of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and the University of Alicante and accompanied by the University of Sarajevo as Project Coordinator. The EQOPP partner universities all provided a comprehensive report previous to the visit and gave a presentation about the establishment and for further development of the Support Offices and their involvement in the EQOPP project. It shall be noted the positive attitude towards the monitoring visit and willingness to answer the evaluators´ questions. The report reflects the points identified by the evaluators as the most relevant for the work package 5 “Quality Plan” and it shall be noted that the monitoring intention was not to evaluate the entire project and Support Office. The questions were relatives to the most relevant areas that are: Establishment and functioning of the Disabled Students Support Office The identification process for the disabled students Services provided to disabled students and the university Community on issues related to disabled students integration and learning support Training of administrative and academic staff on disabled students special leaning needs Dissemination & promotion activities Work plan and the revision and integration of the workplan Financing & sustainability of the Disabled Students Support Office 3 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES Background information The UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities clearly and explicitly bans discrimination against any person on the basis of disability. These legal stipulations contribute to the overall goal of strengthening the inclusion of people with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses into society and the job market. The goal of the project was to set new standards in terms of barrier-free accessibility. However, accessibility means not only eliminating physical barriers and obstacles, but also working to make it easier for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses to successfully complete their degree programs. There are many students with disabilities who have to abandon their studies prematurely because the studying conditions are not up to the standards they require. It was our goal working on the implementation of further improvements to eliminate such problems step by step. The goal of the project is to provide help and support to a broad range of students, from students with hearing loss who drop out of their degree program because there are no equal opportunities for them to participate in the classes to students with anxiety disorders who fail right before completing their studies. There are many obstacles and barriers that need to be eliminated. We are firmly committed to our goal of achieving full inclusion into society and the job market for everyone. EQOPP is a Project in the Framework of the TEMPUS Program, to improve access, fulfil needs and rights and enhance studying experience of students with special educational needs in all public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). This project aims to support BH universities in improving quality, modernising higher education and making it open to all students, who in turn are expected to increasingly enrol in and complete university courses as a result. Specific project objectives are: I. To provide analysis of the current situation for students with SEN in BH II. To develop policies, institutional procedures and models of inclusion suitable for all BH universities III. To assure equal access to higher education in BH for students with SEN IV. To promote equal access and opportunities in secondary and higher education in BH V. To encourage and establish network mechanisms between students with and without SEN, NGO disability organization and BH universities. 4 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES Meeting with Ministries representatives: The evaluators’ team had a meeting with the representative from the Federal Ministry of B&H and the Ministry of the Republic of Srpska. The representative from the Federal Ministry of B&H was involved in the project as external advisor. The Ministry representative assessed the project progress very positively and underlined the project’s contribution to the inclusion of the social dimension as a priority within the 2012-2022 strategic directions in the Federation “social dimension in education” that says “The state should take care of all level of education, and to support disabled and vulnerable students …” Today there exist some legislation documentation activities in favour of equal access to disabled students or students with special needs, in particular: Strategic direction: 2012-2022; Registration sheets to gather data on disabled students; Subsidies to students in less developed cantons and for accommodation; Activity to support all vulnerable students: scholarships, based on physical disability, and for Roma students; Inclusion of student’s organization in the international activities. However, the Representative of the ministry noted the difficulties related to putting more emphasis on providing disabled students equal access, as the budget for Higher Education is decreasing. This hampers the good practice of taking care of students on an individual basis. To conclude, the Representative of the ministry highlighted that the best practices of the EQOPP project have been the following: Develop the Student Support Office Provide access to students with special educational needs Help HEis to give a new approach to the social dimension in order to increase the number of that population in the future He expressed his willingness to get involved in the long term to help and financially support the universities if a clear action plan and detailed budget was provided by each university. The Ministry of Education from the Republic Srpska was represented by Mrs. Sanela Dojčinović; responsible for HE. The meeting took place in Banja Luka, where the Ministry of Education is based. Since 2007, the Ministry is actively facing educational special needs issues, in particular: - Providing resources: covering student fees. - Mapping students with special educational needs outside the university (in connection with other HEIs) - Supporting university proposals (projects) oriented to improve the situation of students with special educational needs. 5 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES The attitude of the Universities towards the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic Srpska is positive. They underline that the Ministry has provided support for the project from the beginning. Some measures are particularly welcome by Universities such as: “students with disabilities are exempt from paying the costs of study. In accordance with their capabilities and the proposals and suggestions that are coming primarily from the Office, the Ministry shall support the implementation of these proposals and suggestions in order to improve the situation of students with impairments”. As reported by the Universities, the Ministry is currently working on “amendments to the Statute of the University and to the Law of High education in order to facilitate the situation of students with mental and emotional disabilities. Of course it is expected that the ministry will give adequate financial support in terms of infrastructure improvements, equipment and other resources.” 6 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES I. Overall Project Recommendations Current Activities Social Deficits Next Steps Networking Project Management Strengthen the institutional integration of the SO Strengthen the self-confidence of disabled students Keep on working for the identification of students with disabilities Tell them the advantages of being supported (by the SO) as soon as possible. Strengthen the contact with students with special needs Make the rights of students with disabilities clear and visible Ensure equality in the teaching-learning process Train the administrative and academic staff learning needs and special learning conditions of disabled students Foster the use of Assistive Technology Ensure quality assurance in all the processes Keep track of the activities and systematically review the WorkPlan Find technicians that help installing and using your technical equipment. In many universities, the technical equipment is only partly in use. Only one university used the Braille Printer. Think about recognition for volunteering: practical work, ECTS recognition… Social exclusion needs a long time to disappear or to lessen. Nevertheless, many students with disabilities feel much more at home in the university than in the outside world. Establish an extra office or ombudsman for people that are part of an ethnic minority or have a low socio-economic status. Final conference, sharing of best practices and strengthening of networking Show the success story of the SO Avoid delays, do not change the team. Motivate your staff. Show success stories of students with special needs Make recommendation to the authorities about important legal aspects: fail and loose right for free education More focus should be placed on the teaching and learning process More focus should be placed on the use of the AT Sharing of best practices, in particular of disabled students, volunteers and teachers Create network of volunteers: exchange of ideas and best practices Create network of external stakeholders (NGOs, city welfare, …) Influence Ministries as one voice Use the Final Conference to formalise the EQOPP network Use the LFM Collect Best Practices in the Network Ensure sustainability of the network Solve financial situation of the project Focus on Final conference 7 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES II. Report of Universities monitoring visits 1 Support Office/Center University of Sarajevo The SO will be fully integrated by the end of the project by adding a special article in the university law and statutes and it is planned to employ a person full time, but it first needs the agreement from the Ministry. A legal document about workplaces is under discussion and once finished, it will be presented to the Senate of the University. The SO is planned to be an independent and integrated body within the university. Today, the SO is located at the Faculty of Philosophy because of its good location and affinities but there is also another plan, namely to integrate the SO in the University library within 2 years. Identification of disabled students Services provided Training adm and academic The Vice-rector fully supports the institutional integration of the SO office in the university. In his opinion, the SO works very well and there is a good coordination of data. Satisfaction of the Rectorate about the data and enrolment sheet. The application for students with disabilities takes place in the SO. Despite several ways of facilitating contact with these students (Information days, training, using the WWW), only eight students contacted the SO by themselves in the previous year, and only one of these declared identification. Since WS14, there is a new form of communication, based on the enrolment forms. The SO contacted disabled students directly. The communication between the SO and each faculty, and the student services at each faculty improved significantly. 70 students have identified themselves as students with special needs (enrolment sheet at the beginning of academic year), not all of them have asked for support from our office yet. Support to disabled students: Identification form and recommendation to professor. Recommendations: providing guidelines, giving extra time in examinations, making documents accessible (large font). Equipment in use Database of books and articles During the EQOPP project, the teaching assistant from the department of Psychology is part time SO coordinator, with strong support from students volunteers. Active volunteering system, currently there are 5 volunteers. In November 2014, an initial training of 6 new volunteers started: Counselling a large number of students, Broad interpretation of the term “students with special needs”, from anxiety to physical needs. Facebook page about the SSE. In contact with the association of disabled students, student organisation Anti-discrimination law Encourage the opportunity to work with disabled students Training of volunteers, database of volunteers, volunteer request on demand Visit of all the faculties. 5 minutes presentation for first year students Volunteering meeting. 2 days a week Training plan complete according to the project objectives. Plan to train the professors in competences. The training focusses on the academic staff. Dissemination & promotion activities The information about the SO and the services provided is done at faculty’s level, on Facebook, and in the web of the university. Volunteers visit all the faculties on the information day to disseminate information about the SO and the project. Contact with high schools is established on open days and in trainings, they send invitation to high school, most of the attendees were from high school. Not on a regular basis. High interest of media, mentioning several activities. Work plan The three-year work plan was submitted before the monitoring visit and it is said to be a “good basis for periodically reviewing and building a permanent work plan for the SO”. However it was not evident during the monitoring visit that the work plan is reviewed periodically, in a consultative manner and the results integrated by the team. The results of the workplan should be disseminated and made visible to the rest of the University. Undergoing Financing & sustainability 8 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 2 Support Center Identification of disabled students Services provided University of East Sarajevo Currently under the Vice-Rector for International Relations, will soon be under the ViceRector for culture, art and humanities. The Senate has approved the SO as well as the staff and clear position of the SO. There are two persons in charge and they have their own office. Besides, there is 1 student appointed to help. Statutes of the University: 2 paragraphs that proclaim what student can use and examinations (online). Follows the principle of integrating disabled students opinion with the development of the SO activities. During the monitoring visit the identification process for disabled students was not clear to the evaluators; however the office says that they do have one. They “estimate that not all students with special needs are on the list of our office. The Reason is probably that the students do not understand the role of the office yet and that most of the students do not like that somebody else knows about their disability. We have only 15 students with the official cards. On the other hand the procedure for identification of those students is well defined.” The identification process should be made clear to the student community and be available on the Office website. Provide special card, so called “card of disability”, to each disabled student so that he/she can show it to the professor; it explains the disability of the student Registration: identification form The office works with all faculties and the QA office Help students to make a request and meeting the vice rector of studies Training of administrative and academic staff 2 trainings for professors in 2 two centers (Pale na Lukavica-8 faculties) faculties or case by case + 2 professors that work with them. Efficient use of the guidelines for professors. Dissemination & promotion activities Dissemination is done through the faculty brochure. The brochure shows what students can expect, the same goes for the website that includes a box office for student with special needs. The office did a big campaign in the brochure and on the website making clear what student with special needs can expect. There is a seminar on equal opportunities open for everyone in each faculty. 40-45 people attended in each campus. However, there is no interaction with high school, but there is cooperation with NGOs dealing with disabled students. The office is in charge of the work plan and they use it Work plan Financing & sustainability No Budget allocated to the SO. The salaries are taken into account. The governing board decides and approves extra expenses if needed. Best practices Positive points about the project: raising awareness, and methodology on how to deal with students, now the office should show results. Literature and guidelines at university level, decentralisation of the equipment and material, new teaching methodology, cooperation with a NGO on how to introduce assisting technology (on website), defectology department is developing material that should help the university. The SO is getting integrated in the university, with more and more people using the service. A representative from the support office in each faculty, the VR contacts the Dean of the Faculty to discuss the needs of the students. Involvement of students from the beginning of the project. 9 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 3 Support Center Identification of disabled students Services provided Training of administrative and academic staff Dissemination & promotion activities University of Mostar The SO is established by decision of the Rector in September 2012 in the Office of Quality insurance (QA). The SO needs further approval by the Canton for staff employment. Official opening hours are from 10:00 to 13:00. As reported by the SO, the Office was established “by the new Rulebook on internal organization and job classification within University of Dzemal Bijedic from June 2013 (it shall come into force upon the integration of the University, planned for 2015). One of the tasks of the Officer for student's standard is giving support to students with special needs. Employee who will work at the position of the Officer for student's standard as well as in the SO are employed by the University (he is performing other duties until the new Rulebook comes into force).” Application by the student to receive information about the office (13 students) So far, they have gathered the number of students through our meeting with Vice-rectors and through the number of scholarships for disabled students. Integral help for 2 students Develop a systematic approach identifying disabled students Transportation support No use of AT As reported by the Office, the “training activities have been done according to the Project work plans. The detailed list of trained team members, teaching and non-teaching staff and students is presented in the Report for the Monitoring visit.” However it is not clear to the assessor teams that a training plan has been established to train the teacher and how to deal with and teach students with special needs. Project activities completed: open days: 60 participants Good external communication and internal with top manager News in student magazine, Facebook and TV show and radio. Strong links with NGOs and local community. Work plan A three-year action plan has been developed within the Project work plan but it is not clear how the Office undergoes the assessment process. Financing & sustainability Under negotiation Best practices Relation with external stakeholders in particular NGOs and association Good integration of the Quality Assurance Unit Committed team with different backgrounds 10 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 4 Support Center Identification of disabled students Services provided University of SVEMO The SO was created in 2012 and fully integrated in the University in 2014 by approval of the Senate. It has the right to employ one coordinator full time. Strong commitment from the university management team Support office physically accessible to students Disabled students: 14 permanent students Individual plan for 2 students out of the 14 students because of strong need Total number of students: 16.000 Collecting data independently: survey to 1500 students. Analysis of the results in progress. Contrary to most of the other Universities, the survey identified a very high number of disabled students, although only 14 official permanently disabled students were identified. Counselling, material support, Selection of one representative per faculty appointed by the Dean Sign language course: 80 students (39 medical students) Training of administrative and academic staff No systematic teachers’ training on how to deal with learning requirements for disabled students, however for a blind student the professor adapted the teaching and learning methodology. As said by the SO, measures are taken that“all deans and representatives from the ranks of teachers got specific instructions related to the support office and teaching strategies when it comes to students with special needs. We organized training for teachers who work with the blind student. We usually meet with teachers to inform them if additional support is needed.” Dissemination & promotion activities Excellent communication strategy and use of social media: newsletter, Facebook page. Great success of the Open days Created video material for raising awareness Strong link with the community: visit all high school in the Republic and interact with other organisations Strong link with the Faculty of philosophy, especially with the departments: psychology and social work A three-year workplan has been developed and it is seen as a good basis for the development of the Office work. However, the Office does not make a systematic review of the workplan or disseminates the results to the University Community. Further explanation should be sought on the methodology for reviewing the workplan. Assistance from the Quality Assurance Unit of the University should be highly recommended. Work plan Financing & sustainability Best practices Achieved Support office fully integrated in the University structure, position for 1 person Great dissemination strategy and stakeholders involvement: Volunteers visit all high schools in the region Existence of the SO disseminated within the University Volunteers and coordinator of the SO completed research on the topic of “Communication between health professionals and deaf and hard of hearing patients” 11 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 5 University of Zenica Support Center The SO is part of the Quality Management Office The organization, management it is regulated by the university status Submit a yearly report to the Vice-Rector for International cooperation and Quality Assurance, with monthly meetings Identification of disabled students Identification of students: more than 284 participants participated in a general survey Total number of students: 5354 students Support 10 students with special needs Services provided Process of implementation of support (7 steps) Full individualized service Training on administrative and academic staff They provide guidelines on how to deal with disabled students No training delivered Dissemination & promotion activities Strong dissemination campaign: high number of participants, media coverage. Every student received contact list Social media: Facebook Website updated Invite high schools Created video material for raising awareness Work plan Yes, on continuous basis Financing & sustainability Ensure by the University Full support Best practices Process of implementation of support divided in phases Integration of a QA culture within the SO. Provide full support to the students: meet teacher to inform about additional support Full support from the University Management Staff Continuous monitoring of the workplan 12 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 6 Support Center Identification of disabled students Services provided Training of administrative and academic staff Dissemination & promotion activities University of Tuzla The Support Office is integrated in the University since 2012 by decision of the Senate and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Canton. The Vice-Chancellor for Academic and Students Affairs organises the work of the Center, the decisions, rules and workplaces and the coordination with the Rector of the university. 70% of students with disabilities are exempt from tuition fees & to 25% there apply internal regulations of extra time at exams Official Opening Hour Underwent a survey to a large number of students Currently they are providing support to 10 disabled students Total number of students: 18.000 Provide knowledge in the field of HE of special needs Personalised support to students with special needs when completing the identification form Provide support in: material and equipment, teaching-learning process, developing learning skills and providing special conditions in examination and evaluation No systematic teachers training on how to deal with learning requirements for disabled students. However, training was conducted for academic and administrative staff on the SO activities. They provide 6 guidelines on how to deal with disabled students. Training was delivered to 48 volunteers and tutors. According to the Project Plan (Open days, Website update, sensitization of professors) Work plan Use and review Work plan Responsible person: coordinator Financing & sustainability Strong support by the University top management team No fixed budget allocated to the SO, this is done by Vice Chancellor in coordination with the Chancellor on demand. They received 5000 euro extra from the project for equipment of SO from the University Creation of the centre Identify students and introduce them to the services of the university SO & students want to be tutors and be part of the centre Develop methodology and organizational support for the office. Each of the 10 students with disabilities has an individual support plan and support from academic staff and tutors Association of students with disabilities and volunteers since 1998 Best practices 13 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 7 University of Bihac Support Office/Center The SO has been established in September 2012 by a decision of the Senate of the University. The SO is a separate unit within the Center for all students, under the jurisdiction of the Vice rector for teaching and student affairs. The OC is on a volunteering basis, like everybody else in the SO. In the future it is planned to have a person with a permanent position. This will be part of the new Regulations on organization and systematization of jobs of the University of Bihac. Identification of disabled students Opportunity to express their special educational needs by filling out the Identification questionnaire. Copies of the questionnaire as part of the enrolment materials. They only identified students with mobility problems, and some of them do not think they need help. Stigma of discrimination is identified as huge barrier. Studying adaptation plans for attending university implies coordination between faculties, teachers and students (i.e. more time for exams). Architectural barriers: no new constructions, but they can make suggestions (i.e. moving the lessons attended by SEN to classrooms in accessible buildings). Database of books and articles is available in the premises of the office. Facebook page of SO is created. SO is also presented at the University website. Official documents (i.e. identification questionnaire) for download available. Support for students with mobility or psychological problems are offered; and support to student with psychological problems as well. Teachers were informed from the beginning. The teachers think the info spread by the SO is really useful. Technical support (assisting technology): not used, but they see it as good starting point for the networking with NGOs and public institutions outside the university. Services provided Training of administrative and academic staff Dissemination & promotion activities Connection with city welfare (spreading info among potential students and their families) They identified one person responsible for inclusion in the Ministry of Education and will start networking. Work plan Work plan is well structured, but could be more concrete in some points (i.e. networking activities). Financing & sustainability Dependent on the employment problem (common problem in the whole country). They have the space and the equipment but no money allocated for the sustainability of the SO. The decision in financial issues is made at government level (canton). University have a kind of independence in financial issues, but the government can decide in the end. The University will include the SO costs in their budget, but the final decision is made by the Cantonal Assembly. From the evaluator perspective it was not clear which was the best practice because there is no systematic approach of dealing with disabled students. Support depends on a large extent on the willingness and availability of the academic, administrative and support staff. At this point, SO services (i.e. information dissemination) are more used and valued by teaching staff than by the students themselves. Best practices 14 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 8 Support Center Identification of disabled students Services provided Training of administrative and academic staff University of Banja Luka SO office was an existing unit before the EQOPP project began (6-7 years ago). SO is established in the Secretariat at Rectorate level. The senate made this decision by statutes. 2 persons employed full time (administrative staff): assistants for helping students with disabilities. They have facilities for personnel, volunteers and also students with disabilities (rooms for students are under construction and will be finished soon). The technical equipment is located there. In the last years they focused on the technical equipment for helping people with disabilities. People from the Department of Social Work are actively collaborating within the SO. The coordinator comes from this department on a volunteering basis in order to support the office in other ways (see below). 32 students identified: they all use the SO, but the intensity of the use depends on the people, kinds of disabilities,… The coordinator states that this is the main issue for next years. Possibility of declaring disability in the enrolment questionnaire, then they get a scholarship. Perfect technical assistance. Car for mobility (driving students from home/town to the university). They get benefits for housing. They do not pay any university fee, but no other financial support. Annual meetings for students (usually in December). Trying to educate teachers. Role book delivered to every faculty (to quality coordinators, vice deans,…). Mapping potential participants in the training activities within the university (this is an on-going task): pedagogy, psychology, social work… Dissemination & promotion activities They organize social meetings for introducing the SO and the team to the students. Partner NGOs: Lead by people with disabilities, using premises for free and they give English classes in return. Very good networking with NGOs. They need help within another project (long term) for other actors. Empowerment: students, teachers…give them confidence in handling situations. Work plan They already have identified priority areas but they do not go further because of the lack of an annual budget. They are trying to elaborate concrete projects for getting funds. Working closely with the ministry: policy-making, Ministry will have an active role in the future task: providing resources, mapping actors,… No money allocated, but they can ask for money for concrete activities. Financing & sustainability Best practices SO firmly integrated in the university structure. Identified alumni best practises and involved them in dissemination and promotion activities. They are using Facebook as tool for sharing experiences and information. 15 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES III. Conclusions In the last six months, the EQOPP project made a great step towards Inclusion and Empowerment of students with disabilities. All public universities worked very hard and made significant progress. Every public university established a Support Office and organizes Info-Days for students with disabilities, but also for the academic and non-academic staff. Most of them established mentoring programs for students with disabilities. With the financial support of the project, all this effort was successful. We hope, and are confident that by the end of the project, the whole team will continue to strive for Inclusion and Empowerment. Much work has been done and much work is still to do. 16 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES ANNEX: Institutions and Participants 1. UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO – UNSA ( ) Prof.dr. Adila Pasalić Kreso, Coordinator of the EQOPP project Prof.dr. Faruk Mekic, Vicerector of University of Sarajevo Mr. Zenan Sabanac, MA, Asistant Coordinator of the EQOPP project Ms. Mirna Markovic Pavlovic, MA, Coordinator of the UNSA SO (suport office) Mr. Adnan Kafedzic, BA, Administrative Assistant in the EQOPP project 2. SUS BiH – SUS ( ) Mr. Haris Muhic, World university service partner in the EQOPP project 3. UNIVERSITY EAST SARAJEVO- UES ( ) Prof.dr. Dejan Bokonjic, Vicerector and Coordinator of the project at UES Ms. Jelena Soknic, Coordinator of the UES SO (absent due to illness) Ms. Bojana Klacar, associate in UES SO Mr. Nenad Markovic, Coordinator for Quality Assurance at UES Mr. Predrag Radojcic, student with visual impairments 4. FEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE - FMON ( ) Mr. Zlatan Buljko, Sector for Higher Education and Bologna process 5. UNIVERSITY “DZEMAL BIJEDIC” MOSTAR – UNMO ( ) Maja Čolakovic, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law – Coordinator of the EQOPP project at UNMO and Coordinator of the SO at UNMO Ms. Mirsada Behram, International relation officer – EQOPP Team member (administrative and technical support and Member of the project Consortium) Mr. Alim Abazovic, Officer for quality assurance at UNMO – EQOPP Team member Ms. Rebeka Kotlo, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at UNMO – EQOPP Team member University „Džemal Bijedić“ of Mostar Support Office at UNMO 6. UNIVERSITY OF MOSTAR – SVEMO ( ) Dr. sc. Vesna Varunek, Assistant Professor at the Medical Faculty, Project coordinator at the University (SVEMO), and SO coordinator Dr. sc. Izabela Dankic, Vicerector of the SVEMO Ms. Josipa Istuk, volunteer Ms. Daniela Sose, volunteer student with special needs Mr. Jakov Matić, volunteer student with special needs 17 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 7. UNIVERSITY OF ZENICA – UNZE ( ) Ms. Azemina Durmic, MA, Teaching assistant, Coordinator of SO at UNZE Prof. dr. Darko Petkovic, Vicerector for International Cooperation and QA of UNZE Prof.dr. Edina Vejo, Head of expert project activities Ms. Amra Muslic Halilovic, interpreter Ms. Emina Brka, student with visual impairments Ms. Anida Duduc, student volunteer 8. UNIVERSITU OF TUZLA – UNTZ ( ) Prof.dr. Alma Dizdarevic, Coordinator of the EQOPP project at UNTZ Doc. Dr. Maliha Bijedic, Coordinator of the SO at UNTZ 9. USSPiV (Association of Students with special needs and volunteers) at UNTZ Mr. Zoran Palavra, student of medical study, Head of Association as volunteer Mr. Lonic Mensur, student with special needs Mr. Asmir Hadzic, student with special needs 10. University of Bihać – UNBI ( Prof. Dr. Refik Šahinović, Rector Prof. Dr. Fadil Islamović, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Ms Amela Mujagic, SO Coordinator Mr. Evedin Sedic Ms. Lejla Cavkic 11. Ministry of Education, Republic Srpska Ms. Sanela Dojcinovic, Head of Department for HEIs 12. University of Banja Luka ( Prof. Dr. Simo Jokanovic, Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Mr. Ozren Trisic, University QA Coordinator Ms. Olivera Grbic, SO Coordinator Sasa Grbic SOexpert associate 18 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES 13. The Assessor Team Dr. Herbert Loicht, Ombudsman & Disability Commissioner, Vienna University of Economics and Business, (WU), Ms. Carolina Madeleine, Senior Project Manager, University of Alicante (UA) Mr. Mario Guilló, Senior Project Manager, University of Alicante, 19 516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TEMPUS-SMHES
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