3 2 WWW.SINAITEMPLE.ORG | VOL 75 NO 4 Sinai Going Green FEBRUARY 2015 | ADAR I 5775 SPEAKS 13 12 Sinai Temple Men’s Club Moderator Rabbi Erez Sherman of Sinai Temple David Siegel Consul General of Israel presents Nasimi Aghayev Consul General of Azerbaijan (Immediately following the Dialogue) Rabbi David Wolpe will present to the Community of Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan a Sefer Torah written by members of the Sinai Temple Men’s Club in honor of the whole Sinai Temple Community, whose hearts and prayers are for the safety of the Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael. Enjoy a light dinner. For more information please email MensClub@SinaiTemple.org Sinai Temple • 10400 Wilshire Blvd.,LA • www.SinaiTemple.org • 310-474-1518 THE TWO DISCIPLES the talmud teaches that one should be “soft like a reed, and not hard like a cedar. (ta’anith 20a.) medieval philosopher Bahya Ibn pekuda comments on that passage, “therefore the reed is privileged to be fashioned into a pen used for writing torah scrolls.” It is surprising for those who think the torah rigid and inflexible that even the implement used to shape its letters is chosen for flexibility. since the beginning of Jewish history some people have tried to nail down the corners of torah, make it rigid and certain, a mechanical series of behaviors rather than a living, changing organism. Yet law, custom and legend all grow and change; the torah is called an Etz Haim, a tree of life. like all living things, the torah today is not precisely what it will prove to be tomorrow. two disciples of a famous Rabbi once met later in life. one had followed all the dictates of his teacher; the other had developed his own practices and interpretations. the first expressed anger at his former friend: “why did you not follow our teacher’s path?” he asked. the second answered, “But I did. He grew up and left his teacher. I grew up and left mine.” Rabbi David Wolpe RECENT SERMoNS | oFF ThE PulPIT | RAbbI WolPE’S FACEbook | FolloW RAbbI WolPE oN TWITTER Save the Date The passing of the annual Alan Grushcow S INAI T EMPLE D INNER DANCE G ALA the evening of Sunday, June 14, 2015 honoring D EBORAH & J OEL W EINSTEIN and our YOUNG L EADERS AWARD W INNERS SInai Temple Board of Directors Nominations Sinai Temple's Nominating Committee will be meeting soon to propose the slate for the 2015-2016 Board of Directors. If you are interested in being considered, application forms are available in the synagogue’s main office. The completed forms must be returned to the office, attention Judy Begin, no later than Tuesday, March 11, 2015. 2 20th of January, before sunset – 29th of Tevet, 5775 the late Alan grushcow was sinai temple’s Budget Committee Chair/Co-chair 2001-2015 he also served our community on the Audit, Contract, Cemetary management, It, personnel, sAA Budget and msmp Committees. We mourn his passing. GROWING THE JEWISH SOUL S ERVICES & F ESTIVALS Beginning on the evening of Tuesday, February 3rd, we will celebrate Tu B’shvat (the 15th day of Shevat), the New Year for trees. I expect that our Sinai Akiba Academy and Religious School students can tell us about this holiday of the trees that dates back thousands of years, as these students grow in front of our eyes both physically and mentally like young trees. Traditionally the holiday of Tu B’shvat is celebrated by the planting of trees in Israel. We also know how important trees are from the famous verse of Proverbs describing the Torah as an etz hayyim, the “tree of life”, and Biblical verses imploring us to protect the trees literally and figuratively both within Israel and in the Diaspora. ShAbbAT MoRNINg IN ThE ZIEglER SANCTuARY 8:45 a.m. FAMIlY MINYAN & FAMILY MINYAN Children’s Service We have been fortunate to watch Israel grow to a strong and prosperous tree with branches embracing Jews all over the world. A key component of Israel’s success and ability to defend itself has been the result of a close relationship between Israel and the United States, and by support of Israel by the Jewish community. Strong support of Israel is a core component of our Temple’s mission. In fact, our Temple mission statement states that “Sinai Temple is dedicated to… support for Israel and the Jewish people….” One way we fulfill this mission is through our Israel Center headed by Rabbi Guzik. As a community, we can support Israel by attending the AIPAC national policy conference held this March 1st-3rd in Washington D.C. Through the leadership of Rabbi Wolpe and our past president Jan Zakowski, our Temple often sends the largest synagogue delegation to AIPAC’s national conference. We have more than 200 Temple members registered to attend this year, and there is still time to register. Join us to learn more about AIPAC’s efforts to establish bi-partisan congressional support for Israel, listen to experts discuss the rise of terrorism and anti-Semitism in France and Western Europe, the role of Israel in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and China, and learn first- hand about the technological wonders developed by our homeland, the “start-up nation”. If you have not registered yet, I encourage you to do so by contacting Jan Zakowski at jan@amcco.com or (310) 860-8812. If you cannot attend the national conference, consider attending the 2015 AIPAC Los Angeles Annual Dinner on February 8, 2015. You can make a difference by honoring the covenant of God who promised the land to us in return for our upholding the mitzvot. continued on page 7 Friday Candle Lighting Times February February February February 6 – 4:47 p.m. 13 – 4:54 p.m. 20 – 5:00 p.m. 27– 5:06 p.m. Saturday Havdalah Times February February February February 7 – 6:12 14 – 6:19 21 – 6:25 28 – 6:31 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Weekly Parashas February 7 – Yitro February 14 – Mishpatim (Shabbat Sh’kalim) February 21 – T’rumah February 28 – T’tzavveh (Shabbat Zachor) 9:00 a.m. Feb, 14 9:30 a.m. Feb, 7, 21 & 28 ToRAh IN ThE RouND 9:30 a.m. Feb. 21 ToRAh AT ThE TAblE 9:45 a.m. Every Shabbat STARS ShAbbAT MoRNINg 10:00 a.m. Feb. 14 ToT ShAbbAT 9:00 a.m. Feb. 21 ShAbbAT lIVE 10:45 a.m. Feb. 14 JAMMIES & JEANS 5:45 p.m. Feb. 6 FRIDAY NIghT lIVE 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13 FIRST FRIDAY FREIlACh/ShADI ShAbbAT 5:45 p.m. Feb 6 MuSICAl kAbbAlAT ShAbbAT 5:45 p.m. Feb. 27 MINChA/ShAbbAT SERVICE 5:45 p.m. Every Friday Night D A I lY M I N YA N Mornings 8:30 a.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. National Holidays Evenings 5:45 p.m. Sunday - Friday 4:30 p.m. Saturday 3 Sinai Temple Grandparents’ Hanukkah Shabbat - December 20, 2014 Reprint of speech by Michelle Neman today, on this shabbat morning (saturday, dec. 20,2014), we are celebrating the fifth day of Hanukkah and we are reminded to disconnect from all the darkness and find the light in our lives. A bright light shining in my life are my grandparents. A few years ago, I had an idea to have a day when grandparents and grandchildren would come together on a shabbat morning to spend quality time in prayer. I am so thankful and honored to be here today at our third annual grandparents shabbat. michelle neman this year, this event is extra special to me as it comes at the time of my grandfather’s birthday, meir Hanukkah, although he is unable to be with us today. His legacy has lit up my soul as he has brought me closer to Judaism, as do my other grandparents who are thankfully with us. my grandfather set an example for his grandchildren to always pray and to be thankful to god. my grandmothers have both taught me to love and always be positive in life. they have passed down their family traditions to me and I also hope to pass them down. to be a Jew is an honor and for us to all be sitting here today in a synagogue together is a true blessing. our grandparents are the ones who fought and may even have risked their lives to keep our religion alive. they have gone through experiences that don’t even compare to ours. they fought for their beliefs, their religion and we must continue to fight for ours, especially with everything going on today. we must pass down the customs and traditions that have been passed down to us. we need to continue to learn and to embrace our religion. we owe it to them to keep our religion alive through their teachings. the traditions can’t end with us and won't be diminished by us. we must remember to connect with our grandparents on a deeper level. I’ve just completed my first year in graduate school studying psychology and I’ve learned what people lack most is connection. today, our society is connecting through social media. technology is moving faster and I can’t even keep up. Imagine how our grandparents must be feeling. I’m not standing here to tell you all to make a Facebook or twitter account for your grandparents, but that may be a good way for them to keep up with our lives. I am standing here inviting you to build stronger and more meaningful relationships. As I’ve grown older, I’ve made more of an effort to visit my grandparents on a weekly basis. I see the amount of light shine brighter in my grandparents’ lives from a visit or a phone call. show your love and appreciation to your grandparents. Honor them whether they are with us today are not. If you were to ask my grandfather, papa, how old he is, he would respond with a gentle smile, "You mean, how young am I?" In school, I took a course where we learned about aging. Yes, I thought I was very aware of the process of aging until I had to sit down and interview the elderly on their experience. my grandfather reminds me how aging is a blessing. It’s a true blessing, a miracle, to get old enough to see your grandchildren and it’s a dream we all wish to live old enough to witness. All grandparents want to do is to give to their grandchildren. As grandchildren we must receive. Its important for us to understand all the collective wisdom they have to offer. we need to give back to them by giving them the love, appreciation and patience they deserve. grandparents are our family’s most valuable treasure, they are founders of a loving legacy, the best storytellers, the keepers of our traditions, and the foundation of our families. our grandparents are the ones who keep our families close at heart. For every ‘no’ we have gotten from our parents, our grandparents have always been there to say ‘yes’. I want to thank you all for coming here today, especially to our grandparents. thank you for all the love, support, and care you have given. thank you for spoiling us with always saying ‘yes’. thank you for bringing light into oUR lives. I pray that we all see our grandchildren and build a connection with meaningful relationships and unconditional love. may we all always see that light - even in darkest times. thank you. shabbat shalom and Happy Hanukkah. 5 SinaiTemple presents Inside The Persian Jewish Community Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7:30pm The Persian Jewish community in Los Angeles is thriving and dynamic, Saba Soomekh steeped in history and tradition. Join Rabbi David Wolpe, along with Saba Soomekh and Gina Nahai, as they dive deeper into a conversation surrounding Persian life, culture, and stereotypes. Sinai Temple Members: $15 Gina Nahai Non-Members: $36 Register online at www.sinaitemple.org or contact Rebeka Small, Program Director, at (310) 481-3243. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to show your love & appreciation for Judy at the SINAI TEMPLE SISTERHOOD ANNUAL TORAH FUND LUNCHEON honoring Judith Fischer 2014-15 Ha’Yay Olam Honoree Featuring Sinai Akiba Orchestra & Milken Community School Orchestra Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:30 a.m. Gold Hall, Sinai Temple 6 Luncheon: $30.00 Sinai Sisterhood members $35.00 non-Sinai Sisterhood members Minimum Torah Fund pledge $18 per family GROWING THE JEWISH SOUL continued from page 3 Additionally, we need to support Jews in need wherever they live. Now is the time to make a donation to the Jewish Federation’s French Terror & Security Fund or to the Masorti Olami, which have undertaken emergency c a m p a i g n s f o r aid to the victims and funds to reinforce security measures in France. I look forward to seeing you at our exciting Temple programs and services during February, and at AIPAC’s dinner in Los Angeles and national policy conference in D.C. Joel Weinstein Friday, February 6th 5:45 p.m. Please join us for the next First Friday Freilach/Shadi Shabbat. It’s going to be a fun and singing Kabbalat Shabbat service with Ralph Resnick and Rabbi Andy Feig leading us in song and t’fillah. Bring your parents and your STARS and SAA students to welcome Shabbat in Kohn Chapel at 5:45pm. We’ll even have a little Shabbas nosh after our service. This will be a monthly treat on the first Friday…except in January when we’ll meet on the 9th. Come and have a freilach and shadi Shabbat. Beit Midrash Weekly Study Group Delve deeply into modern Jewish topics, learn in relaxed small group conversations, meet new friends and help repair the world through social action. Get to know more about us at our DESSERT RECEPTION Thursday, March 19, 2015 8PM Private Home For location and more information contact Rabbi Jason Fruithandler jfruithandler@SinaiTemple.org 7 It Was Truly ‘One Crazy Night’ Sinai Temple’s annual synagogue-wide Hanukkah extravaganza “one Crazy Night” was just that….one crazy night! With over 500 families in attendance on the second night of Hanukkah, the evening was a wonderful way for all of our Sinai communities to celebrate the Festival of Lights together under one roof. The festivities kicked off with a Sinai Akiba Academy and Sinai Temple Religious School Carnival featuring a bounce house, face painting, carnival games, and prizes – and most importantly, our children having a blast! Pizza, Krispy Kreme donuts, and a memorable chocolate fountain were certainly the highlight of the activities, with chocolate-covered smiling faces lining the halls of our synagogue. In between the various activaties, there was a community candle-lighting in Ziegler Sanctuary, with representatives from all of the various Sinai Temple groups – Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Chai Society, Sinai Akiba Academy & the Douglas Preschool, Dor Chadash, Religious School, Atid – lighting their respective menorahs in unison. Generous members also donated prizes to raffle off to attendees and the Sinai Akiba Orchestra and Sinai Temple Youth Choir performed for the guests. Soon following, the famed Dor Chadash Hanukkah party kicked off for families with young children to socialize with one another, enjoy dreidel games, arts and crafts and, of course, latkes! Not to leave out the children-at-heart of our community aka our Sinai Temple adult members, the evening concluded with a Men’s Club/Sisterhood/Chai Society mixer in Gold Hall and an Atid cookie-decorating party for our young professionals. All in all, it was an incredible evening of community, fun, and celebration. We look forward to seeing everyone next year at another One Crazy Night! A special thank you to all of our volunteers, lay leadership and staff for making this event such a success. Photos by Pini Dror Photography & Clik, Click Photography 8 9 Sinai Temple Religious School is immersed in Tech! Thank you to the Simhaee Family for making this possible with their generous grant. Join Sinai Temple’s new business networking opportunity, JNET Nosh, schmooze, and make business connections! JNET is the premier Professional Networking Organization within the Jewish community. JNET is committed to facilitating the growth of business relationships. Next Meeting: Friday, February 6th, 7:15am-9am. at Sinai Temple Loyalty Program: Attend 5 consecutive meetings, get a prize!There is no cost for first-time guests. This is your opportunity to join local Jewish businesspeople and help give your business, and theirs, a BIG boost! We mean business! For more info or to RSVP, please contact Rabbi Sherman at esherman@sinaitemple.org or (310)481-3234. 10 L et ʼ sens ur et hatourt eensbec omes uc c es s f ulJ ewi s hAmer i c ansandgi v et hem t he J ewi s hl i f es k i l l st heyneedt os uc c eedi n2015andbeyond! chai s chool . or gt Vi s i twww. os i gnupf or3r dt r i mes t erL i f eSk i l lCour s es . SISTERHOOD Michele Gabai and Clara Bruno, Co-Presidents In Parasha Yitro Moses’ father-in-law Jethro counsels Moses to gather a group of devout, trustworthy men to help him mediate disputes, to aid the people in understanding God’s wishes and to resolve questions dividing the community. Jethro essentially says that if one creates an organization, one can be less exhausted, more successful and more helpful to the community. He provided wise advice, and Jews have been following it ever since. On February 6th and 7th, Sisterhood will have its annual Shabbaton when the women of Sisterhood lead the congregation in Friday night, Shabbat morning, Shabbat afternoon and Havdalah services. On Shabbat morning, when we read Parasha Yitro, we will examine how Jewish organizations have enabled us to help society at large. We are privileged to have as a guest speaker Janice Kamenir-Reznik, who with the much - esteemed late Rabbi Harold Schulweis, founded Jewish World Watch to aid victims of genocide around the world. Rabbi Schulweis also co-founded MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger. Janice Kamenir-Reznik grew up at Sinai, and her mother is still a member. We welcome her home. We invite you to join us for services, a Shabbat dinner catered by Sisterhood on Friday evening and a Seudah Slishit on Saturday evening. Under the able stewardship of our co-chairs Angela Maddahi and Faranak Rostamian, this Shabbaton promises to be a treat. Not only will you enjoy beautiful services led by the talented women of our congregation, you will be inspired to find ways to do Tikkun Olam. To RSVP for the dinner, please contact Dee Goozé at deegooze@gmail.com or call her at 310-553-7468. Special pricing for children is available. Coming up in March are two important events. On Sunday, March 15th, we have our 2nd annual Mah Jongg Tournament from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This entertaining fundraiser is open to Temple members and non-members alike. Click here for the flyer. Attendees must be registered in order to park in the garage. The cost is $36.00 and includes coffee, bagels, a buffet lunch and prizes. On March 17th we have our Torah Fund luncheon, honoring our own Judy Fischer. Judy has been a pillar of social action in the Sinai Community. Please come and give her the support and praise she deserves for all of her efforts. Any contributions to Torah Fund in her honor go to providing scholarships for Conservative rabbinical and cantorial students at the American Jewish University, the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Seminario Rabiníco Latinamericano. April will bring an exciting joint evening program sponsored by Sisterhood and the Men’s Club. Look for details in our next column. We hope you will join us. SISTERHOOD JUDAICA SHOP Available in your gift shop ... Gift Certificates! Any denomination - give a certificate and let them pick their perfect gift! SISTERHOOD DAIRY CATERING Sisterhood Caterers offer delicious Kosher dairy extended Kiddush luncheons for every occasion. The culinary talents and artistic abilities of our Sisterhood Caterers are displayed in the attached spectacular photos with fabulous floral arrangements. Hours: Mon. - Wed. 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 12:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. 12 (closed Saturdays & holidays) For private shopping appointments, please call Frances Katz, Manager 310-481-3290 For Sunday shopping appointments, please call Lorraine Joffe 310-890-4802 We have many satisfied repeat customers. Their guests are so impressed that they also book their events with us. We cater parties of all sizes from intimate gatherings to large affairs and we offer a variety of menus to fit your budget. To book your next event, please contact our Catering Contract Chairperson Jina Rezvanpour (310) 991-2509 MEN’S CLUB Cary Lerman, President It is now 2015, and I am six months into my tenure as President of the Men’s Club. In that time, we have had many superb programs, increased our attendance multi-fold, and more than doubled our membership. I want to thank all of your who helped organize and attended the programs. On January 6, the Men’s Club hosted Game Night, offering poker, Backgammon and Scrabble. We drew (no pun intended) over 80 people who played the games with verve and tenacity, feasted on delicious food and occasionally imbibed spirits and wine. The winners, each of whom received a gift certificate to the Sisterhood Gift Shop (thank you Francis Katz), were for Poker: Shimon Ben Poorat (1st), Sheldon Liber (2nd) and Heskel Nazarian (3rd); for Backgammon: Angela Maddahi (1st), Hamid Rafii (2nd) and Michael Boruokim (3rd); for Scrabble: Ann Passer. The success of the evening was due to the efforts of many people: Joseph Gabbaian (pit boss), Adam Lewis (dealer to the stars) and Michael Silberstein (logician) – all of whom were irreplaceable organizers. Others also were indispensable. Mark Haloossim put on his dealer shades, Daniel Simantob organized the food, Leslie Migdahl and Esther Gendel were our trusted cashiers, and Jorge Garcia was the Men’s Club audio visual expert. Under the guiding hand of James Hatami and Leslie Migdal, many helped assemble our candle packages for Yom Hashoah Remembrance Day. We have two events that you must put on your calendar. On February 1 at 9:00 a.m. be part of our annual World Wide Wrap with a musical service and the participation of the Religious School, to be followed by a light breakfast sponsored by Selma Daye in memory of her beloved husband, Sydney z’l and her son, Leslie z’l. Following breakfast we will have a truly inspiring event. The Men’s Club has written a Sefer Torah on behalf of the Sinai Temple Community to be given to the Mountain Jews of Azerbaijan for their synagogue in Baku. This ancient community of Jews practices Judaism openly and proudly within a Shiite Muslim country that has deep and positive relations with Israel. The Mountain Jews originate from Ancient Persia, arriving there in the 8th century BCE and migrating to what is now Azerbaijan in the 5th century CE. Their language, Juhuri, is an ancient Persian dialect that integrates many elements of Ancient Hebrew. The Sofer will be present, giving us the chance to fulfill the mitzvah of writing a Torah. Bring your children and grandchildren to this memorable event. Then, on February 3 at 6:30 p.m., the Men’s Club will sponsor a dialogue between the Consul General of Azerbaijan, Nasimi Aghayev, and the Consul General of Israel, David Spiegel, on the positive relationship between Azerbaijan, a pro-Western, Shiite Moslem country, and Israel, moderated by Rabbi Erez Sherman. Rabbi Wolpe will make a special presentation of the Sefer Torah to the Leader of the Community of Mountain Jews, who will be present in Los Angeles for the ceremony. This too will be an extraordinary evening. Bottom line: Much has happened and much more to come. We invite you to become part of our dynamic community. 13 Exceptional or or C A T E R I N G Call 310.205-8707 Call 818-343-5157 FROM AN INTIMATE GATHERING TO A LAVISH BANQUET WE CATER TO ALL YOUR NEEDS Call Fe at 310 - 481 - 3263 14 Adult Learning at Sinai Temple THE CLERGY IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD You know your clergy at Sinai Temple....but who are the clergy in your neighborhood? Join Rabbi Jason Fruithandler for a series of five breakfast sessions, along with clergy from our neighborhood religious institutions, for discussions on issues that affect religion in America today. Session #2: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at St. Paul the Apostle Church 9:00 a.m. Admission: $10 per person, includes breakfast. Register online at www.sinaitemple.org or contact Rebeka Small, Program Director at (310) 481-3243. ALICE & NAHUM LAINER LEARNING & LUNCH with RABBI DAVID WOLPE GREAT CONTROVERSIES IN JEWISH HISTORY Were Jews ever unified? This year we will examine the fights that marked Jewish history -- beginning with the Bible and moving to the clashes between the Sadducees and the Pharisees, the Hasidim and the Mitnagdim, the Orthodox and the modernists, and many others. What did each side believe, and how did they promote their beliefs? Join us for a fascinating look inside the struggles and sides that shaped our tradition. Tuesday, February 3, 2015, 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pricing: Sinai Temple Members: Free of charge Non-Members: $25 per session Register online at www.sinaitemple.org or contact Rebeka Small, Program Director at (310) 481-3243. THURSDAY MORNING TORAH with RABBI DAVID WOLPE Spend an hour every Thursday morning deepening your understanding of Judaism and our sacred text. Learn along with us as we go through the Torah together; no previous knowledge or Hebrew is required. This year We will be studying the five megillot, so students will need a copy of the Tanach, or other book that contains: Jonah, Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs and Esther. If you need to purchase a book, please click here to order a suggested copy. When: Thursday mornings, 8:15 a.m. Dates: February 5, 12, 19, 26* Cost: There is no charge for this class. Contact: Rebeka Small, Program Director, (310) 481-3243, or rsmall@sinaitemple.org *All dates subject to change or cancellation. SAVE THE DATE FOR THIS EXCITING PROGRAM COMING IN MARCH 2015! AAYAN hIRSI AlI IN CoNVERSATIoN with RAbbI DAVID WolPE Aayan Hirsi Ali, an activist for women's rights and a critic of Islam, will be in conversation with Rabbi David Wolpe on her beliefs and the causes to which she has devoted her life. Thursday, March 19, 2015 Aayan Hirsi Ali's appearance has been made possible by a generous donation from Moussa Soomekh. 15 We extend our condolences to the bereaved families and record the passing of: ••• raBBI DaNIel arNall nephew of Claude Arnall ••• guIlFOrD glaZer uncle of Jennifer glazer malkin ••• DarIuSh JaVaNShIr (raChaMIM) father of tanaz Banooni ••• FlOra KOhaNBaShIrI mother of saghar Zarabian ••• herMaN leVITT father of Harry levitt ••• ShulaMIT MIrOVSKI mother of Benny mirovski ••• NISSIM NaSSIB father of Zaro nassib Aron nassib grandfather of nicole nassib ••• Bella OSTrOW sister of Victor meschures ••• Dr. Murray SChulMaN husband of sylvia schulman ••• raBBI harOlD M. SChulWeIS husband of malkah schulweis ••• eSTer ZaruTSKy mother of galina Ferd Mazel Tov to: grandparents, sheila & Aaron leibovic and to aunt, talia leibovic and to parents, tova & Austin douglas, on the birth of Eve meora ; stefanie lipson, upon becoming an estate planning partner at greenberg, glusker, Fields, Claman, & machtinger; nancy Cole and mark loeterman, on the marriage of their daughter leah Cole loeterman to Alex Fein; Eilon gabel & Ramona davoudpour, on the birth of micah levi gabel; Irving s. white, on the publication of his new book “A duty of the Heart”. 16 DOR CHADASH JAMMIES ‘N JEANS Friday, February 6, 2015 at 5:45pm Celebrate the new year, Jammies 'n Jeans style! Slip on a pair of jeans and dress your kids in pajamas….to shul! Light dinner provided to those who RSVP. Contact Dor Chadash at dchadash@gmail.com or 310-481-3296 If you would like to receive Dor Chadash emails with information on all of our upcoming events, please email dchadash@gmail.com and request to be added! ToT ShAbbAT Brought to you by Dor Chadash, the “Next Generation” at Sinai Temple Saturday, February 21 at 9:00 a.m. in Kohn Chapel Join Dor Chadash as we celebrate Shabbat with uplifting spirituality, community bonding, and meaningful memories for you and your little ones…with Sinai Temple’s own Rabbi Nicole Guzik, Rabbi Jason Fruithandler and Dale Schatz! Dor Chadash is a great way to make a large synagogue feel like a small community. We welcome all families with young children, so come introduce yourself at one of our upcoming events! For more information, please email dchadash@gmail.com or call 310-481-3296. Come visit us in the library - check out a book - so many adventures await! BluMeNThal lIBrary laINer learNINg CeNTer 3rd Floor monday -thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. * Closed Weekends & All Holidays SINAI TEMPlE book gRouP Next Meeting: February 5, 2015 Time: 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Location: Library classroom Book Title: To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris Facilitated by: Lisa Silverman ChAI SoCIETY Shabbat Shalom Meet and Greet FAMIlY MINYAN In alphabetical order Noah Fonck son of Sharon Gold & Matthew Fonck Jacquelyn Stern daughter of Sara & Benjamin Join us . . . February 14, 2015 February 14 & 28 General Meeting: February 24 Dinners – Plays – Celebrations – Winery Trips Call Elaine Lotwin at (310) 271-5554 or eal1160@aol.com Rachelle Marcus and Richard Greenberg, Co-Chairs NeeD a raBBI? We at Sinai Temple can only be a community of concern when we know when and where we can be of support. If you know of anyone who may benefit from a visit or a talk with the rabbi, please call (310)474-1518. Sing, Sing, Sing with the Sinai Youth Choir! We are looking for kids ages 7-13 with GREAT voices to sing with us! Upcoming performances at Sinai Temple (Shabbat Shira), Museum of Tolerance, LA Museum of the Holocaust, Celebrate Israel, etc. Why not join us! Rehearsals every Wednesday, Kohn Chapel, 3:45-4:45pm (this rehearsal is coordinated in conjunction with SRS) Any questions? Please email/call Dr. Michelle Green Willner, Music Director michellegwillner@yahoo.com, or 310-839-3327 17 RAbbI DAVID WolPE’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN hoNoR oF Natalie Geiderman’s bat mitzvah by Dr. Joel Geiderman & family; Dr. Harley Liker’s birthday by Dr. Victor & Diane Marder; Dr. Richard Greenberg’s second bar mitzvah by Michael P. Broida, Murray D. Heller, & Stanley Eisenberg; the birth of Cayla Makena Vantrease, daughter of Melissa & Scott Vantrease and the birth of Samuel Murray Lopez, son of Kimberly & Jonathan Lopez by Susan Lopez-Giss & Harvey Giss; the marriage of Leah Cole Loeterman to Alex Fein by Deborah & Joel Weinstein. IN MEMoRY oF Fradelle Rosenberg by Marla Rosen & family, Sandra Kahan & family, & Michael Rosenberg & family; Marvin Selter by Shirley Selter; Emanuel Kreisel’s yahrzeit by Cynthia & Ralph Finerman; RuthAnn Savitz’ yahrzeit by Stanley Savitz; Grandpa Max Part’s yahrzeit by Carol & Jerry Muchin; Doctor Ernie Shore’s yahrzeit by Marc Siegal; Mildred Finerman’s yahrzeit by Cynthia & Ralph Finerman; my father, Martin Bizar’s yahrzeit by Ruth Pilot; Benjamin Dwoskin’s yahrzeit by Laura Dwoskin; Michael David’s yahrzeit & Julio Grapa’s yahrzeit by Angie David; Ralph Kahan’s yahrzeit by Jason Kahan; Herman Friedberg’s yahrzeit & Phyllis Friedberg’s yahrzeit by James Friedberg ; Gus & Zoey Lichtenfeld’s yahrzeit by Eric & Marlowe Lichtenfeld. IN APPRECIATIoN oF: Rabbi Wolpe by Barbara & George Berci; Rabbi Wolpe by Gabriella Nasch; Rabbbi Wolpe’s support & comfort on the occasion of Marvin Selter’s passing by Shirley Selter. RAbbI NIColE guZIk’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN APPRECIATIoN oF: Rabbi Nicole Guzik officiating at our wedding by Jake White & Danielle Pakdaman; leading the warm and meaningful shiva service for our mom Fritzi Rosenberg by Marla Rosen, Sandra Kahan, Michael Rosenberg and their families; and wishing Rabbi Guzik and family a Happy Hanukkah by Gabriella Nasch. IN hoNoR oF: The birth of our granddaughter Eve Meora Douglas by Sheila & Aaron Leibovic; and Benjamin Brittan’s bar mitzvah by Tracy & Graydon Brittan. IN MEMoRY oF: Eric Hirschowitz’s yahrzeit by Sharon & Mark Vidergauz; and Rabbi Daniel Arnall’s passing by Deborah & Joel Weinstein. 18 RAbbI JASoN FRuIThANDlER’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN APPRECIATIoN oF: Rabbi Fruithandler officiating at the wedding of Ivana Popovic & Anoush Hakimi by Parviz & Farzaneh Hakimi; organizing a great evening for One Crazy Night by Cary Lerman; officiating at the bris of our son Micah Levi Gabel by Eilon Gabel & Ramona Davoudpour. IN MEMoRY oF: Ester Zarutsky’s yahrzeit by Deborah and Joel Weinstein RAbbI EREZ ShERMAN’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN APPRECIATIoN oF: Rabbi Sherman’s warm & personal shiva service which he led for our mother Fritzi Rosenberg by Marla Rosen, Sandra Kahan, Michael Rosenberg & their families. IN MEMoRY oF: My mother Ruth Zeitlin and in appreciation of Rabbi Sherman’s sermon by Paul Zeitlin. RAbbI EMERITuS ZVI DERShoWITZ’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Benjamin Tilem’s yahrzeit by Joseph N. Tilem. CANToR MARCuS FElDMAN’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN hoNoR oF: The births of our granddaughter Cayla Makena Vantrease and grandson Samuel Murray Lopez by The Honorable Harvey Giss & The Honorable Susan Lopez-Giss. ARYEll CohEN’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN hoNoR oF: The births of our granddaughter Cayla Makena Vantrease and grandson Samuel Murray Lopez by the Honorable Harvey Giss & the Honorable Susan Lopez-Giss. RAlPh RESNICk’S DISCRETIoNARY FuND IN hoNoR oF: Preparing Russel Jacobs for his bar mitzvah and leading Family Minyan by Lou & Karre Jacobs; my second bar mitzvah by Dr. Richard & Carole Greenberg; Ralph Resnick’s support and kindness upon the passing of our mother Fritzi Rosenberg by Marla Rosen, Sandra Kahan, Michael Rosenberg & their families. IN MEMoRY oF: Max Aron’s yahrzeit by Michele & Joseph Gabai; Fannie Ruth Greenberg’s yahrzeit by Fran & Arnie Stengel; Tavous - Monir Melamed and Batsheva Rakow’s yahrzeits by Nora & Jack Rakow; Herbert Bernstein‘s yahrzeit by Dr. Richard & Carole Greenberg; Monroe Haas’ yahrzeit by Diane Haas Dassa & Ron Dassa; and Max Moore’s yahrzeit by Morey & Grace Moore. FAMIlY MINYAN FuND IN hoNoR oF: Rabbi Andrew Feig, Ralph Resnick, the Anniversary of Brandon Isaac’s bar mitzvah and our aliyah during the High Holy Days services by Brandon Isaac & David Abraham Golshirazian; and Dr. Richard Greenberg’s second bar mitzvah by Sandra B. Fine. IN MEMoRY oF: Eric J. Rollman’s yahrzeit by Fred, Gail, Gregory, Jeffrey & Alison Rollman. ToRAh IN ThE RouND FuND IN hoNoR oF: Benjamin Brittan’s bar mitzvah by Tracy & Graydon Brittan. ATID FuND IN hoNoR oF: Sinai Temple’s ATID program by Julie & Marc E. Platt. gENERAl FuND IN hoNoR oF: Sinai Temple by Nancy & Paul Nouri and by Soraya Kermani. IN MEMoRY oF: William Cohen’s yahrzeit by Bernice Cohen. MEMoRIAl FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Sandra Mayer’s yahrzeit by Julie & Joel Mayer; Aliyahou Habib Famili’s yahrzeit by Dr. Claudia N. Mikail; Rose Goodglick’s yahrzeit by Sandra & William Goodglick; Edith Sternberg and Abraham Ordentlich’s yahrzeits by Hedy & Ted Orden; Albert Rosen’s yahrzeit by Donna & Harvey Rosen; Maria Rosenzweig’s yahrzeit by Margot Rubinstein; Rabbi Aron Sinder’s yahrzeit by Dr. Martin & Barbara Schechter; Garrison D. Cohen’s yahrzeit by Dr. Gerald & Dr. Barbara Levey; Sylvia Kahn & Theodore David Kahn’s yahrzeits by The Honorable MeraLee Goldman; Ghodrat Rachel Toufer’s yahrzeit by Pouran & Parviz Nazarian; John Wolff’s yahrzeit by Linda & Louis Wolff; Houri Yeshoroun’s yahrzeit by Marmar Khalifian; Dr. Seymour H. White’s yahrzeit by Martha W. White; and Bella Ostrow’s passing by Deborah & Joel Weinstein. ChEVRA kADIShA FuND IN MEMoRY oF: My darling husband Dr. Elliott Hinkes’s yahrzeit by Eileen W. Hinkes; Alfred Rothholtz’s yahrzeit by Barbara & Peter Rothholtz; and Dr. Murray Schulman by Deborah & Joel Weinstein. JACob WEISbARTh hoSPICE CENTER FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Bernard Charles Kornblau’s yahrzeit by Rosalie Kornblau; and Guilford Glazer by Deborah & Joel Weinstein. SPECIAl NEEDS RElIgIouS SChool & b'NAI MITZVAh PRogRAM FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Ethel Gewarter’s yahrzeit by Roz & Abner Goldstine. ShIVA FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Nissim Nassib by Deborah & Joel Weinstein. ISRAEl CENTER FuND IN hoNoR oF: Israel by G.A. Bedward and Hope in the Hills. IN MEMoRY oF: Sadie Dwoskin’s yahrzeit by Laura Dwoskin. DoR ChADASh FuND IN hoNoR oF: Grandparents Sheila and Aaron Leibovic, Aunts Talia Leibovic & Tori Leibovic, and parents Tova & Austin Douglas on the birth of Eve Megan Doulas by Deborah & Joel Weinstein. ADulT EDuCATIoN FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Simon Meyer’s yahrzeit by Pamela Weisberg. lIbRARY FuND IN hoNoR oF: Dr. Richard Greenberg’s second bar mitzvah by Judith Fisher and by Hillel Aronson. IN MEMoRY oF: Henry Levin and Harriet Leah Moritz Halpern’s yahrzeits by Barbara & Milton Moritz; Thomas Ivener’s yahrzeit by Eva M. Ivener; Harry Wolf’s yahrzeit by Dr. Sidney & Sandra Zusman; Irving L. Kory’s yahrzeit by Shirley Kory and family; Gregory Goldner’s yahrzeit by Beverly Goldner; and Harry R. Schwartz’s yahrzeit by Dr. Rona Schwartz. DouglAS FAMIlY EARlY ChIlDhooD CENTER FuND IN hoNoR oF: The birth of Sheila & Aaron Leibovic’s granddaughter and Tova & Austin Douglas’ daughter Eve Douglas by Jennifer & Rob Galperson and family. hANNAh lIPPERT gENERAl FuND IN hoNoR oF: The birth of Sheila & Aaron Leibovic’s granddaughter Eve Douglas by Danielle Kassin. IN MEMoRY oF: Moshe Barkhordar’s yahrzeit by Robert & Ella Omidi. RITuAl obSERVANCE FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Samuel Cohen’s yahrzeit by Alan J. Cohen. ThE MARgARET AND JAMES FlESh SCholARShIP FuND IN hoNoR oF: Stefanie Lipson upon becoming an estate planning partner at Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman & Machtinger, Irving S. White on the publication of his new book “A Duty of the Heart”, the births of Rabbi Rebecca Rosenthal & Dr. Adam Arenson’s daughter Madeline Rose Arenson, Sheila & Aaron Leibovic’s granddaughter and Tova & Austin Douglas’s daughter Eve Meora Douglas, and the marriage of Leah Cole Loeterman to Alex Fein and Stephanie (White) Ackerman to Whitney Ackerman by Judy & Tom Flesh. IN MEMoRY oF: Morad Harouni, Dariush Javanshir (Rachamim), Rabbi Daniel Arnall, Flora Kohanbashiri, Bella Ostrow, Dr. Murray Schulman, Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, Guilford Glazer, Ester Zarutsky, and Nissim Nassib by Judy & Tom Flesh. SINAI AkIbA SCholARShIP FuND IN MEMoRY oF: Monroe Haas’s yahrzeit by Diane Haas Dassa & Ron Dassa. SINAI AkIbA ACADEMY TEChNologY FuND IN MEMoRY oF: My father Arthur Weisberg’s yahrzeit by Pamela Weisberg. Shop for Sinai Sinai Temple and Sinai Akiba Academy have created new ways for you to "give" to Sinai Temple, while buying the things you buy already! For full instructions click here or go to www.sinaitemple.org To register click here. To register online click here. To download a pdf to take to the store to register click here. This does NOT affect your gasoline points To register click here. Get the NeW Sinai Temple app Now available at the iTunes app Store and the Google playStore only 99¢ All proceeds to benefit Sinai Temple 19 Sinai Temple Mission Sinai Temple is dedicated to providing a welcoming and caring community for its members, devoted to Jewish learning, support for Israel and the Jewish people and committed to improving ourselves and the world through a growing relationship with God COMMUNITY . PRAYER . LEARNING from generation to generation. We are committed to the principles and values of Conservative Judaism and we welcome Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations to observe life cycle events, and pursue our mission through prayer, rituals, learning, music and the other gifts God has given us. We welcome your membership. SINaI SpeaKS monthly newsletter published by sinai temple 10400 wilshire Blvd., los Angeles, CA 90024 310-474-1518 ~ fax 310-474-6801 www.sinaitemple.org ~ Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi david wolpe, The Max Webb Senior Rabbi of Sinai Temple Rabbi nicole guzik Rabbi Jason Fruithandler Rabbi Erez sherman Rabbi Emeritus Zvi dershowitz Cantor marcus Feldman Cantor Emeritus Joseph gole Ralph Resnick, Ritual Director Joel weinstein, President Howard lesner, Executive Director sarah shulkind, Ed.d. Head of School, Sinai Akiba Academy Rabbi laurence scheindlin Headmaster Emeritus, Sinai Akiba Academy danielle salem-Kassin, Religious School Director tracy schatz, Director, Douglas Family Preschool len lawrence, General Manager, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries Aryell Cohen, Organist & Choir Director penny dain, Public Relations Director, Editor Barton H. Kogan & paul Herman, Co-Chairs, Board of Governors Cary lerman, Men’s Club President michele gabai & Clara Bruno, Sisterhood Co-Presidents deadline for the march issue is February 2 deadline for the April issue is march 3 SINaI TeMple SinaiTemple The First Conservative Congregation in the pacific Southwest
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