The Communicant - St. Paul`s Episcopal Church

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The Communicant
Our mission is to explore and celebrate God’s infinite grace, acceptance and love
224 N. East Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72701
Our Parish Newsletter
February 2015
Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras – February 17
Starting at 5:30 p.m. our Episcopal Youth Community will serve
pancakes and/or Cajun fare or a vegetarian option as a fund
raiser for the Robert R. Brown Camps for persons with physical
and/or cognitive impairments. The last filling before Lent. The
English call it "Shrove Tuesday" and clean out the yeast by
eating pancakes. The French call it "Fat Tuesday" and throw a
big Mardi Gras party before the disciplines of Lent begin. At St.
Paul's you can take your pick.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children, $30 family max. Beer
and wine available for sale to adults. Feel free to wear beads,
masks, or other Mardi Gras costumes. Parishioners Jonny and
Troy Schremmer have been working with the young people to
produce a short, humorous play for our entertainment this year.
At the end of the night, we'll take palms from our Palm Sunday observance and we will burn them. After they cool, they
will be crushed to be used for our Ash Wednesday services the next day. If you've saved your palms from last year, bring
them along with you. If you’d like to help with the cooking, set-up, preparation, or clean-up for this event, call Amanda at (479)
422-1885, or just show up!
Ash Wednesday – February 18th
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. We encourage Episcopalians whose health will allow them to
observe a strict fast on Ash Wednesday. Drink plenty of juice or water, but abstain from food until evening. (And then, a
small, meatless meal.)
Our Ash Wednesday Service Schedule
7:30 a.m. Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Church)
10:00 a.m. Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Church)
12:15 p.m. Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Church)
6:15 p.m. Choral Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Parish Hall)
7:00 p.m. Choral Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Church)
Lowell will be at the sanctuary rail for confessions 5:00-5:30 p.m.
St. Paul’s Used Book Sale – This Weekend!
We host our annual used book sale Saturday, January 31 from 9:00-5:00 and Sunday, February 1 from 9:00-1:00. All
paperbacks will be $0.50. Hardcovers will be $1.00. Proceeds of the sale will be donated to the Church Periodical Club.
Email Jane Keen - - if you are interested in volunteering or have questions.
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Lent at St. Paul’s
Some Suggestions
for Lenten Disciplines
For centuries Christians have practiced
three kinds of disciplines for Lent:
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are
days of strict fast, when observers
go without food all day. (Drink
plenty of juice or water!) Many
people will abstain from some food or drink throughout
Lent. Often, they will contribute what they might have
spent on these items to charitable organizations or
Adopt an additional practice of prayer. St. Paul’s offers
several Lenten services – our Thursday 6:00 Ancient
Roots contemplative Eucharist, our Sunday Evensong,
and our Friday Stations of the Cross. You might also
adopt reading the Daily Office of Morning Prayer or
Evening Prayer through Lent.
What might you sacrifice in order to extend your charity?
Sometimes people will not only give something up for
Lent, but also take on a specific good practice.
For your Lenten discipline, you might consider taking on
a job helping to host our traditional Sunday Evening
Soup Supper. We need folks to help set up the Parish Hall
tables and clean up afterwards. Contact Laura in the
church office (442-7373, if you
would like to take on one of these jobs.
Fridays: Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross (or the Way of the Cross); is a
devotional practice recalling the final hours or Passion of
Jesus. During Lent we display on the church walls a series
of images (stations) recalling events during the Passion.
Participants walk from station to station with prayers and
words of reflection. Walk with us the Way of the
Cross on Fridays in Lent at 5:00 p.m. No evening
prayer. Albert Gray and Mary Miller facilitate the prayers.
Booklets are available daily for private walking during
Lent whenever the church is open.
Thursdays: Ancient Roots –
Our Contemplative Eucharist
Our popular Lenten services of chant, silence, and
breaking of the bread will be at 6:00 on Thursday
evenings this year. Now in our thirteenth year, Ancient
Roots is a shared experience of classic spiritual practice,
available to beginners, novices, and those with no
religious experience.
The Gregorian Schola of St. Joseph Catholic Church, led by
Dr. Richard Lee, performs selections of traditional
Gregorian chant. These ancient melodies seem to make
time stand still and invite listeners to into a prayer of
stillness. We also use a participative style of simple chant
from the Taize community in France. We listen to a
sentence of sacred scripture and enter into a "Quaker
Silence." We participate in a sacred meal, the Breaking of
Bread and sharing of Wine in a Eucharistic circle.
In the Parish Hall. Takes 45 minutes. Nursery provided.
Sundays: Evensong &
Lenten Teaching Series
Sunday Evensong is a mainstay of the English Cathedral
tradition. Travelers to Great Britain will often make
special plans to hear one of the famous Church of England
men-and-boys choirs or just to drop in on the local
country parish for their choral setting of Sunday Evening
When the Episcopal Church was planted in this country it
inherited a love of its mother church tradition. During
Lent, St. Paul's offers a service of Evensong each Sunday
evening at 5:30 p.m. The St. Paul's Choir and Quartet offer
an anthem within the ancient forms of the hymns and
plainsong chants associated with this office.
Following Evensong each Sunday, we’ll meet in the Parish
Hall for a Soup Supper and a 10-15 minute DVD
presentation with table conversation. The program will be
a video series by our friend Barbara Cawthorne Crafton:
Embracing Forgiveness – What It Is and What It Isn’t.
Barbara has been a McMichael Lecturer and retreat leader
for us in the past.
6:00-7:00 pm. Bring salad and bread to share if you can.
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Lenten Teaching: Benedictine Small Groups
Everyone needs friends who will listen to you with a willingness to talk about the
important things and be willing to hold you accountable to your commitments to grow.
Lowell & Suzanne will offer a Lenten Teaching in March about a spiritual practice that is a
treasured anchor for a number of people here at St. Paul's. A Benedictine Small Group is
a gathering of 3 to 5 people who offer each other mutual accountability and support in
their life and spiritual journey. The friends meet together regularly in a structured but
informal conversation about their prayer, growth, and action.
Mark your calendar to join us for an introductory workshop – Saturday, March 14, 9:3012:00. Then, if you like the method, we will connect you with a group and ask you to give
it a try for the last three weeks of Lent. If you find it valuable, you can make a longer
Episcopal Relief & Development Booklet – 2015 Lenten Meditations
Written by a collection of Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion leaders, Episcopal
Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditations 2015 centers on five statements Episcopal
Relief & Development and the authors hold as core beliefs:
• I believe that everyone should have access to clean water.
• I believe that no one should go hungry.
• I believe that all children and families deserve a healthy start in life.
• I believe that no one should live in poverty.
• I believe that together we can heal a hurting world.
To help prepare for the Lenten journey, you can download the 2015 Lenten Meditations
guide online ( or
place an order by phone (1-866-937-2772). Materials are free, but there is a minimal
shipping and handling fee, and must be ordered by February 11 to ensure they will arrive
in time for Ash Wednesday, February 18.
The year 2015 marks the 75th anniversary of Episcopal Relief & Development’s outreach ministry. We have Hope Chests
available in the office and Welcome Center, and you can also donate to the program of your choice online at: The four core program
areas are: Alleviate Hunger and Improve Food Supply, Create Economic Opportunities and Strengthen Communities, Promote
Health and Fight Disease, and Respond to Disasters and Rebuild Communities.
For he does not despise nor abhor the poor
in their poverty; neither does he hide his
face from them; but when they cry to him
he hears them.
My praise is of him in the great assembly;
I will perform my vows in the presence of
those who worship him.
The poor shall eat and be satisfied,
And those who seek the Lord shall
praise him: “May your heart live for ever!”
-Psalm 22:23-25
February is Month of Compassion &
Black History Month. A list of events
can be found on the Compassion
Fayetteville website. All events are free
and open to the public; they are
designed to provide the community with
opportunities to learn more about the
Compassion Fayetteville Initiative, sign
the international charter for compassion,
and discover how to become involved.
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February Headlines
Spring Inquirer’s Class
This season’s Inquirer’s Classes will be on Tuesday nights starting February 24 th, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Library. The
class is a great introduction for anyone who is new to St. Paul’s or the Episcopal Church. Our text, Your Faith, Your Life: An
Invitation to the Episcopal Church, by Jennifer Gamber, is available from the bookstore.
See page 6 for more info.
McMichael Speaker – What's Ferguson All About?
Next McMichael Speaker -- the Very Rev. Michael Kinman, Dean of Christ Episcopal Cathedral, St. Louis.
Mike was very present in Ferguson, MO during the recent protests. He'll help us think together: What's Ferguson All
About? Saturday, March 14 & Sunday, March 15. We’ll have more details in the March Communicant, but in the
meantime, you can read his blog “Come Together” at
Stewardship Update - We're Close to Last Year's Total
If you haven't pledged, it's easy to do so online at If you would like to pay by credit or
debit card, Suzi Freeman can set that up: 442-7373, extension 811 or email
Sara Milford to be Ordained March 17
– (Note: that's a Tuesday)
God Willing, The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield will preside at the Service of Ordination for Sara Milford
to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Tuesday, March 17, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Please come and
celebrate with us. A reception will follow. After graduation from the School of Theology at
Sewanee, Sara will serve as a Curate at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Hot Springs.
Mark Your Calendars
Saturday, January 31st – Sunday February 1st
St. Paul’s Used Book Sale
9:00 am – 5:00 & 9:00 – 1:00 pm in the Parish Hall
Friday, February 13 – Saturday February 14
Diocesan Convention in Little Rock
Tuesday, February 17th
Shrove Tuesday
Friday, February 20th – Sunday, February 22nd
Winterstar at Camp Mitchell
Friday, February 27th
Kilgore Film Documentary
6:00 pm Reception, 7:00 pm Screening in the Parish Hall
Monday, March 23rd – Friday, 27th
Spring Break 2015
Diocesan Convention
Our clergy and several lay leaders will attend the annual Arkansas Diocesan Convention in Little Rock Friday, February
13 and Saturday, February 14. Loyd Swope and Suzi Freeman will be at-large participants. Loyd serves on the Standing
Committee and Suzi on the Executive Committee of the diocese. Our Delegates will be Carole Swope, Linda Jones, J.T.
Shrigley, and Doug Cummins; Alternates will be Lisa Corry, Mary Miller, Sandy Nelson, and Jacqui Brandli.
Vestry Meetings Rescheduled
Because of Shrove Tuesday/Ash Wednesday, the usual third Tuesday Vestry meeting has been rescheduled for February.
This month's meeting will be Wednesday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m.
Sara Milford's ordination to the diaconate is planned for March 17 (third Tuesday), so next month's Vestry meeting has
been rescheduled for Sunday, March 15 after church at 12:30. All Vestry meetings are open to all St. Paul's members.
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Worship and Music
Choir – February 2015
Arkansas Choir Camp
Cherub Choir (Kindergarten 5 years old & 1st Grade)
****Rehearsals Resume on Tuesday, February 3 rd,
2015, - 3:30 – 4:15 p.m.****
St. Theresa, Cecilia, and Nicholas Choirs (grades 2
thru 6)
Rehearse on Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m. and
Thursday afternoons from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
St. Dominic Choir (grades 7 thru high school)
Rehearses Sunday mornings at 8:15 a.m. and
Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
The St. Paul Choir (High School & young & not so
young adults)
Rehearses Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. and
Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
English Change Bell Ringers (All ages welcome,)
Rehearsal on Wednesday evenings at 5:45 p.m. in the
Choir room
July 19-25, 2015 Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, Arkansas
Sponsored by Interfaith Arkansas Conference of Churches,
Choir Camp offers and intensive music program with
classes in choral singing, handbells, liturgy, Broadway song
& dance, history, poetry, and art! It aims to provide a
healthy balance between work and pay. Recreational
activities include swimming, tennis, star gazing, games,
movies, and dances. The facilities at Subiaco Academy and
Abbey are excellent.
Choir Camp is open to students who have completed 2nd
grade through those entering the 12th grade. No prior choral
experience or membership in a choir is necessary -- only the
love of singing! The staff is made up of over forty talented
and gifted lay people and clergy.
Closing festivities will include a choral Eucharist, family
picnic, and a "Broadway" show. Contact Charlie Rigsby with
questions (479-409-5679 or or simply register
online at Cost is $300.
A Note from Charlie…
A very special thanks to all for the support given to
Canon Myles J Criss during the past year. Myles left us
on Monday, January 12th. His grand and glorious
funeral was at Grace Cathedral in Topeka, Kansas, on
Saturday, January 17th. He loved being at St. Paul’s:
playing the organ, singing and directing the choir.
Thanks to Dr. Malcolm Hayward and Dr. Hershey Garner;
Washington Regional Hospice; Brightstar Care; and the St.
Paul Choir for their loving care!
Evensong will be sung on Sunday afternoons at 5:30 p.m. during Lent, beginning February 22 nd.
Special thanks to Mary Alice McIntyre for helping with organ playing at St. Paul’s. She is Linda Jones’ Mom. Lots of
talent in that family!!!
New choir members are always welcome!!!
Baptismal Feasts 2015
To prepare for baptism, please contact
any of the clergy.
April 4th – The Great Vigil of Easter
May 3rd – Bishop’s Visitation
May 24th – Pentecost
August 2nd – Transfiguration Sunday
November 1st – Feast of All Saints
Call Charlie at 409-5679.
Friday Evening Prayer
We've lost our leader for Evening Prayer
on Fridays, so we will discontinue it for
the foreseeable future.
During Lent, please join us for Stations of
the Cross on Fridays at 5:00 p.m.
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Spiritual Formation for Adults
Spring Inquirers’ Classes Start February 24th
Our spring Inquirers’ Class will be on Tuesdays beginning February 24, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Library.
Eight sessions. Nursery provided.
Inquirers’ is a basic introduction to the Episcopal Church and St.
Paul’s. It is also a way to prepare for Confirmation, Reception into the
Episcopal Church, or Reaffirmation of your Baptismal vows during the
Bishop’s annual visitation in May. This year the Bishop will be
here on Sunday, May 3rd.
Our text, Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church
by Jennifer Gamber, is available from the bookstore or church office.
2/24/15 Introduction and Ethos (Lowell)
3/3/15 Beginnings (Suzanne)
Reading: Your Faith, Your Life, pages 1-27
3/10/15 Scripture and History (Lowell)
Reading: Your Faith, Your Life, pages 28-69
3/17/15 What is God Calling you to Do? (Lora)
Reading: Your Faith, Your Life, pages 105-124
3/24/15 Faith and Doctrine (Joshua Daniel)
Reading: Your Faith, Your Life, pages 70-84
Sunday Mornings @ 10:00
– Four Offerings for Adults
Sunday Morning Bible Study:
The Epistle to the Romans
It may be the most
important single piece of
literature in Christianity:
Paul's masterpiece. His
most theological and
systematic writing. The
Epistle to the Romans has
profoundly influenced
Christian history and theology. And it's not easy to read.
If you've never studied this important book, here is your
chance. Live-Streamed on our website – go
to and click the Church Online button in
the upper right corner. In the Parish Hall. Bring your
3/31/15 Worship and Sacraments (Lowell)
Reading: Your Faith, Your Life, pages 148-188
4/7/15 Spirituality and Prayer (Suzanne)
Reading: Your Faith, Your Life, pages 125-147
4/14/15 Navigating the Church
Includes Church Tour (Lowell, Suzanne)
Reading: Your Faith, Your Life, pages 85-104
Bishop’s Visitation: Confirmation, Reception,
Reaffirmation on Sunday, May 3.
Contemporary Issues and
the Judaeo-Christian
Coming February 1st and
led by Father Chuck in the
southeast corner of the
Parish Hall. What can we
add to the debates about immigration, the environment,
poverty and the wealth gap, enemies etc? If the dream
of Jesus was that justice would rule and that love would
shape everything, then how do we implement his dream
and work for it? Sign up list and short reading list are
available in Father Chuck's office.
Practicing Presence
Meets in the Library and is reading and discussing The
Path of Centering Prayer: Deepening Your Experience of God,
by David Frenette. Begins with 20-30 minutes of shared
silence, followed by conversation about the book and
about being awake and mindful in the present moment.
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Parents Conversation Group
This grou p m eets in the Green Room
(across from the nu rsery). The grou p
recently sw itched books and is now
read ing and d iscu ssing the Rabbi Rami
Guide to Parenting: Roadside Assistance for
the Spiritual Traveler. How do the stories
we tell our kids have a long lasting and
meaningful impact on our kids?
Other Offerings for Adults
Theology on Tap Begins New Book in February 3
The next book for our open discussion
group will be The Grace in Dying: A
Message of Hope, Comfort, and Spiritual
Transformation by Kathleen Dowling
Singh. Books are available in the
bookstore or office for $16. Theology
on Tap meets on the First Tuesday of
each month, 6:00-8:00 at Emelia’s
Mediterranean Café on Dickson Street.
We’ll discuss through the first two chapters, p. 1-43
when we gather Tuesday, February 3.
St. Martin’s University Center
We've got a
great group of
more than 100
active students
and young
adults enjoying
our campus
fellowship at St.
University Center. Joshua Daniel serves a
wonderful home-cooked meal every second and fourth
Monday night at 6:00. Each Thursday at 8:00 we
have Evening Prayer in the Chapel led by the Rev. Lora
Walsh. Discussion afterward. Students, young adults,
faculty and interested parishioners invited. WELCOME!!
Sunday Dream Group Changing Time
Between 10 & 15 years, the Sunday Dream Group has
met most every Sunday afternoon 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. As the
group experiences different transitions in their lives, we
discover that we need to change our time format
somewhat to meet the needs of our dreamers. Beginning
in February, the Sunday Dream Group will meet first
and third Sundays of each month, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. We
continue to meet in the Library
at St. Paul's and we continue
to be open to anyone who
would like to join us. No
ongoing attendance is
required, you don't have to
have a dream to come to the
group, and no knowledge of dreamwork is necessary.
Saging Group
Saging is a group of men and women (60+) who meet to
reflect on the experience of being older from a spiritual
perspective by sharing how
we have seen God at work in
our lives since we last met.
Newcomers are always
welcomed! The group meets
on the 2nd Wednesday of the
month from 2:00 to 3:30 pm in
the Church Library. For
further information contact Carol Gaetjens at 479-2496930 or email.
Healing Touch
Holly Aaron is passing the scheduling plate to Grace
Culpepper, who has so graciously accepted the duty.
Holly will continue to coordinate the classes and the
Healing Touch gatherings, but people should contact
Grace for appointments. Continue to contact Holly for
information or classes or if they are interested in serving
in the ministry. Grace's her phone number is 479-2008902 and her email is
Ongoing Groups
Centering Prayer Support Group – Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.
Daytime Bible Study – Thursdays, 10:00 a.m.
Men’s Contemplative Group – Wednesdays, 6:30 a.m.
A Course in Miracles – Mondays, 7:30 p.m.
Rosen Movement – Thursdays, 8:30 a.m.
Yoga – Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. & Fridays, 8:30 a.m.
Saging Group – 2nd Wednesday of the month, 2:00 p.m.
Friends of Jung – 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m.
Men’s Encouragement Group – Mondays, 7:00 p.m.
Thomas Merton Study Group – last Monday of the
month, 7:00 p.m.
Dream Group – 1st & 3rd Sundays, 2:00 p.m.
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Youth and Children
Safeguarding God’s Children
– Mandatory Training
Training in the area of “Safeguarding God’s Children” is a mandatory program for
all individuals who will have contact with children and youth of any age. This
includes Sunday School Teachers, Nursery Workers, Vacation Bible School Teachers,
Youth Leaders, Choir Camp Staff, St. Paul’s Staff, and is recommended for the Choir
The purpose of this program is to teach us, as adults and young people:
-how to prevent sexual abuse of our children
-how to spot warning signs of abuse
-how to teach children to protect themselves
-how to separate fact from myth
Please e-mail Emily Bost to sign up and for any questions you
may have.
Saturday, February 7th from 9-12:00.
Youth Ministries
Every Wednesday is Wednesday Evening Faith Stories
following worship in the Parish Hall
February 1st: Gender Groups
Jr. High meets at 5pm and then Senior High joins in for a
mean at 6pm. Jr. High is completed by 6:30pm when
Senior High begins. Senior High ends at 8pm. Young
men will meet at St. Martin’s, 814 W. Maple, and Young
ladies will meet at Debbie’s, 370 N. Williams Dr.
February 8 : Sunday Supper
Please meet at St. Paul’s at 2:30pm or at Trinity
Methodist Church around 3pm to help feed our
community. We need as much help as possible. No
Gender Groups the evenings of Sunday Suppers.
February 15th: Confirmation
From 3:00-5:00. Lowell will be teaching the Trinity.
February 17th: Shrove Tuesday
Come join us for a evening
of festivities before Ash
Wednesday. There will be
plenty of Cajun cooking and
pancakes. We look forward
to seeing you there.
Camp Mitchell CIT Applications
A CIT (Counselor-in-Training) is a High School aged
volunteer who serves one camp session at a time Camp
Mitchell during the summer. Apply by Feb. 15th.
St. Paul's Youth Ministry
Ranked in Top 5 in the
Episcopal Church
Chosen for a national study
of 40 Best in all
Register Now for
Jr High is Feb. 20-22
Sr High is March 6-8
Children’s Ministries
Sunday School Spring Semester
We have 5 classes of Christian Formation for our
youngest members. Join us upstairs during the 10:00
Green Atrium: Preschool (age 3-4)
Yellow Atrium: Kindergarten
Purple Atrium: Grades 1-2
Peach Atrium: Grades 3-4
Blue Atrium: Grades 5-6
Children’s Chapel is held
every Sunday during the
8:45 and 11:00 AM services
for grades 3 and under.
Vacation Bible School
We are in the early stages of planning VBS 2015! If you
would like to be involved, or have input on when/where
it is held, email Last year, we
partnered with Good Shepherd Lutheran, First Christian
and Rolling Hills Baptist for a fun week of music and
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Compassion in action/Outreach
Performance of Men’s Writing
from Pine Bluff
YOU ARE NOT ALONE, Men in Prison
Hearing from Women in Prison: Call and
This performance will
showcase the writing of
20 incarcerated men
from the 5-hour
writing workshop we
conducted during our
residency in Pine Bluff
last November.
Starring Matt Henricksen, Troy Schremmer, Mark
Landon Smith, Justin Scheur, Justin Stewart and Jonny
Schremmer. Free, although donations are encouraged to
support the continued work of the NWA Prison Story
Project. The performance takes place Saturday, February
7th at the Fayetteville Underground at 7:30 pm. Seating is
limited and reservations are suggested. To reserve a seat
or for more information contact Kathy McGregor at 479871-4875 or
Save the Date!
Becca Stevens, one of the premier preachers
and speakers in the United States, and founder
Magdalene and Thistle Farms in Nashville,
will be here Thursday, April 30th. She will be
accompanied by two Magdalene residents,
graduates, or Thistle Farms employees. Mark
your calendars.
Magdalene House Workshop
A group of folks who
would like to learn firsthand more about the
original Magdalene
House in Nashville are
planning a trip for a one
day workshop on
Monday, February 23rd. We intend to car pool from St.
Paul's on the morning of Sunday, February 22nd and
return Tuesday, February 24th. We'll spend
Sunday and Monday nights at the Scarritt-Bennett
Center on the campus of Vanderbilt University where
the rooms are simple yet the setting can't be beat (there
is a shared bath dividing two private single
rooms). The total cost for the 2 nights and 3 days should
run about $200 per person, or a little more, depending
upon meals. If you're interested, please let Suzanne
know as soon as possible; however, you’ll need to
register yourself. Go to to reserve a room, and to register for the workshop.
Helping Paws Too, A Therapy
Dog Support Group
This group will meet Tuesday,
February 10th at 6:00 pm in the
South Parish Hall. We will have a
program about an adjunct
alternative for our dogs—
HealingTouch! Contact for more
Community Meals is looking for a volunteer
to help sign people in and pass out tickets on Mondays
before lunch. Interested? Call Suzy Arnold – 238-3617.
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Fellowship, Et cetera
Pay it Forward
We often treat guests to
meals like breakfast and
Wednesday dinner and
thought others might
enjoy participating in that.
If you would like to help
underwrite another
person's meal, feel free to
offer a tip or leave the
change. We'll "Pay it Forward."
Interfaith Harmony Day – Update
Interfaith Harmony Day has been postponed until
February 2016; efforts are
currently underway to get
organized for this spiritual
community event next year. A
Eggleston who has agreed to lead
the planning committee. If you
have questions, or would like to
volunteer, email her at
Dinners for 8
This is our Rotating Potluck Dinner for 8 (more or less).
Singles, couples, non-church members, ALL are
welcome to share food, drink and good conversation.
Dinners have been everything
from take-out pizza to fullcourse meals; around a kitchen
table, in a formal dining room
or on a patio, on the floor, or in
a restaurant. Usually meets the
last Friday of the month.
Flower Guild’s Jana Mayfield at Crystal Bridges
Jana is teaching a basic floral design class at Crystal
Bridges on Sunday afternoon Feb. 15 - a great valentine
day present for yourself! We will take inspiration from a
painting in the gallery and develop a take home floral
arrangement. Besides using flowers, we will also
incorporate branches, yarn and felt. This will be lots of
fun and you will learn lots. To Sign up go to: Crystal
Bridges, Education, Adult Classes and look for The Art
of Floral Arranging. I know some of you have been in
pervious workshops and have asked for more so hope to
see you on the 15th. Enrollment is limited. Thanks!
Email Teresa Uth to participate: She'll
email you back to see if you would like to host or to
attend, then she'll align the group up among the hosts.
Hosts call the shots – how many, where, and cuisine. It's
great fun and a good way to deepen old friendships and
make new friends.
Gallup Poll
A recent Gallup survey says 82% of
people who don't attend church
would attend if invited by a
PAUL'S! It's an 8 out of 10 chance
that they would love for you to do
Prayer Book App
Church Publishing has created a great app for
Episcopalians. eCP is the Book of Common Prayer in an
interactive framework. Content is on your device so you
can use it when you aren't connected to the internet.
Kilgore Film Documentary
Lens t o t he Soul: The
Phot ography of Andrew
Kilgore is a m oving and
beau tifu l fu ll-length
d ocu m entary on the artistry
of p arishioner And rew
Kilgore. The film by Dan
Robinson w ill be show n at
St. Paul’s on Friday,
February 27 . Recep tion
hosted by St. Sp atu la’s
Gu ild at 6:00 p m w ith screening to follow .
We Remember those
Who Have Died
Clarence Oxford (father of Mike
Oxford), Gilly Maude (mother of Zara Harris), Alice
Geoffroy Bernard (mother of Kaye Bernard), Myles
Criss, Mary Josephine Wood (mother of Marie Wood),
Gertrude Louise "Billie" Vanneman (mother of Peter
Vanneman), Hester A. Davis
P a g e | 11
Facts about Lent
In keeping with the penitential ethos of Lent, we will have no flowers on the altar and we
will omit many of the usual symbols of rejoicing, such as singing or speaking the word
“Alleluia.” (Our children often bury an Alleluia banner in the Garth. They uncover it again
at Easter.)
You may still offer memorials and thanksgivings during Lent, which will be included on
the prayers. Many people like to commemorate an anniversary that occurs in Lent or wish
to express thanksgiving during this season. Although we do not have flowers, your
contributions will help decorate the altar during other seasons.
We will process in silence at the beginning and ending of the services.
Traditional “colors” for Lent include Tyrian purple, a penitential color of deep bluish
purple, and a “Lenten Array” – sackcloth, unbleached linen, or some other plain color of
the wilderness. In Lent, the church goes with Jesus into the wilderness.
Psalm 51 is a good one for meditating on your sins and expressing your penitence. Many
people make a Sacramental Confession during Lent. Please make an appointment with
any of the priests.
The 40 days of Lent are from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Note that Sundays are not
included in the 40 days. Every Sunday is a “little Easter,” though Sundays in Lent are
more restrained and tend to pick up on themes of repentance and self-reflection.
Many people restrain from flesh meats on Fridays in Lent.
Holy Week is the week before Easter, beginning with Palm Sunday. The heart of Holy Week, which is also the heart of the
Church Year, is the Triduum: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.
The Easter Vigil is the first service of Easter and the traditional day for Baptism in the Church. The liturgy for the Great
Vigil is the most beaustiful and complex service of the year, moving from the darkness of the grave, through the lighting
of the new flame and its distribution through the church, and the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.
Deadlines for February
Please email newsletter submissions, requests, and
information to
Early D eadline: Thu rsd ay, Febru ary 12
Final D eadline: Wed nesd ay, 18
Press Run: Mond ay, Febru ary 23
Mailing: Tu esd ay, Febru ary 24
Everything St. Paul’s does is supported by your gifts.
We w elcome pledges and contributions in any amount
to our ministry.
Pledge Online:
Contribute Online:
Ready to Go Paperless?
The Communicant is available online, too! Send an email
to or if you
would like to stop receiving the physical mailings of our
monthly newsletter. Let’s face it – paper is expensive,
and mailing is a lot of work. If you don’t want to us to
send something to you, we don’t have to!
We're now taking credit cards and debit cards for
Sunday breakfast and Wednesday dinner.
Forgot you r cash? Don't d o checks? N o p roblem ! We
now have an iPad+Square set u p to accep t Cred it or Debit
Card s at the table ou tsid e the kitchen . It’s a qu ick and
easy w ay to p ay!
P a g e | 12
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Low ell Grisham – Rector
Su zanne Stoner – Associate Rector/ Pastoral Associate
Lora Walsh – Priest, Director Ark Fellow s
Charles Walling – Priest Associate
Lynne Sp ellm an – Priest Associate
Joshu a Daniel – Chap lain, St. Martin’s College Ministry
Em ily Bost – Deacon
Su zi Freem an – Parish Ad m inistrator
Lau ra Wilkins – Child ren’s Ministries/ Com m u nications
Am and a H arrison – You th Director
Alon Terrell – Assistant You th Director
Dan Robinson – Med ia Director
Katie N ichol – Ad m inistrative Assistant
Charlie Rigsby – Organist and Choirm aster
Mau ra Cald w ell – Assistant Choirm aster
Kate Oxford – N u rsery Director
Pattie Bu tler
David Clay – Sr. Ward en
Blythe Eggleston
Rebecca N ew th H arrison
Rebecca H ass
Malcolm H ayw ard
Lind a Jones
Mary Margaret H u i
Sand y Prince - Clerk
Warren Rosenau r – Jr. Ward en
JT Shrigley
John Tolleson
Tony Uth
We now Livestream and Archive most of our Services!
8:45 a.m . Eucharist
6:15 p .m . W ednesday Church
10:00 – Lowell' s Class
11:00 a.m . Eucharist
How to Access our LiveStream: Go to ou r w eb site,, Click the "Church
O nline"
bu tton in the u p p er right hand corner. The countdown clock tells you w hen the next service is. The A rchive tab gives access
to p reviou s services. There is a sp ace for com m ents. You can click for the Bulletin and for the Epistle (annou ncem ents).
AN D, you can also make your contribution online. (See bottom of p age 11) If you can't be in church in person, join us on
the w eb!
Access the Church Calendar Online: