LAKE ORION HIGH SCHOOL A Nationally Recognized School of Excellence January/February 2015 Principal Stephen Hawley Associate Principals Darin Abbasse Christopher Bell Sarah Budreau Athletic Director William Reiss UPCOMING EVENTS January 26 Term 3 begins 28 Symphonic Celebrations Concert 7pm 30 Senior Service Learning Hours Due Final grades for Term 2 can be viewed on PowerSchool February 7 11 ACT Test Student Count Date 8th Grade Parent Night & Activities Fair - 6:30pm 12 Band Pre-Festival Concert - 7pm 16-17 Mid Winter Break - NO SCHOOL 18 PTO Meeting - 7pm 24 Leadership Blood Drive 25 Pre-Festival Choir Concert - 7pm 26 Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8pm March 3 4 10 12 18 23 ACT plus Writing - Juniors Only No school for grades 9, 10 & 12 ACT Workkeys Juniors testing in AM Delayed start for grades 9,10, & 12 Senior & Parent Graduation Meeting - 7pm Senior & Parent Graduation Meeting - 7pm HS Art Show & Art Club Auction College Fair - 6-7:30pm April 1-2 Term 3 Exams - 1/2 day 7:30 - 10:45 am 3 No School for Students 6-10 Spring Break 13 Term 4 begins 18 ACT Test-LOHS not a testing site 23-26 Spring Musical “Into the Woods” 28 Senior Band Recital - 7pm 495 E. Scripps Road Lake Orion, MI 48360 (248) 693-5420 Dear Lake Orion High School Parents, As we venture into 2015, I would like to wish our entire Lake Orion family a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. With our students transitioning to a new semester, it is an important time to reflect on the efforts of the past and the commitments of the future. Please accept my sincere appreciation for your continued support. Go Dragons! Sincerely, Stephen D. Hawley Welcome Night - Class of 2019 February 11 - 6:30-8 p.m. Parents and 8th grade students are invited to attend this very important informational meeting. We hope to see you there! Due to High Volume of attendees in the past, we will hold two sessions as follows: Last names A-L: 6:30-7:00pm Auditorium for presentation 7:15-7:45pm Commons for activities and class information Last Names M-Z: 6:30-7:00pm Commons Area for activities and class information 7:15-7:45pm Auditorium for presentation Included in the evening: Scheduling information will be discussed. Department Representatives will answer curriculum questions. Activity information provided for groups, such as: GAP, Athletics, Clubs Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday, February 26, 2015 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. COUNSELING DEPARTMENT NEWS. . . Scheduling for the 2014-2015 School Year Yes, the time is fast approaching for our students to select courses for the 2015-2016 school year. On Wednesday, January 28, students will be given scheduling information. Printed course planner sheet and course applications must be returned to the school on Tuesday, February 3. Counselors will then meet with students individually to review course selections for the upcoming school year after checking to make sure they are on track with courses to meet graduation requirements. During these next few weeks, we encourage you to talk to your children about course offerings and career interests. It would also be helpful to ask your child’s teachers for recommendations of appropriate courses. If you have any further questions, please do not hestitate to contact the counseling office; last names A-Hop 693-5640 and last names Hoq-Z 693-5638. Scholarships - Parents, please help! We need your help to remind and encourage your senior student to not only pick up scholarship applications, but to complete and return them to the Counseling 1 office. Go to the Lake Orion High School website, click on school, click on counseling, and then click on scholarships. You will find information about current scholarship opportunities. Scholarship information is also available to students outside the career center and in both counseling offices. Please be aware when the color of the paper changes, it means new scholarships have been added. Another great source for scholarships is FAFSA - Financial Aid for Seniors! - We recommend that all seniors complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This is the first step for all students to receive grants, subsidized and unsubsidized loans, and other money for college. The quickest way to apply is online at Parents can start this process now by going to and applying for a pin number. Note that in many email systems this pin number gets sent to the bulk mailbox, so be careful you don’t delete it! The Michigan deadline for filing the FAFSA is March 1st. You can always use last year’s tax forms to complete the FAFSA and then make any changes once your 2014 taxes are completed. College Information Night is scheduled for Monday, March 23, 2015 - 6-7:30 p.m. • Representatives from many colleges will be at LOHS to provide information and answer questions. This is a great chance to meet representatives from several different colleges at the same time! • There will also be information on various topics (ie., applying to college, financial aid etc.) • This event is geared for 10th and 11th grade families! However, 9th and 12th grade students are welcome to attend as well. M-STEP Testing for Juniors The Michigan Department of Education has mandated that all juniors will take an additional state assessment, the M-STEP. These summative assessments will be administered during the 4th term of this school year. A more detailed schedule for all juniors testing will be provided at the end of the 3rd term, 2015. This new STATE ASSESMENT (M-STEP) replaces the 44 year old MEAP test, which was not online and measured previous state standards. This Spring 2015 assessment will include Michigan-created content, as well as content developed by the multi-state Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. This will be the first time all statewide assessments will be administered online. A testing schedule is being created and will be presented to all stakeholders (students, parents and staff) once it is finalized. For more information on M-STEP, log on to: http// LO Graduation Requirement In order to graduate, all Lake Orion students are required to complete all subject areas of the state required ACT/MME and M-STEP Testing in their junior year. ACT/MME Testing for Juniors Individuals Need to Bring Lake Orion High School will be administering the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) to all juniors on March 3 and 4, 2015. The examination will consist of ACT Plus Writing (a college entrance exam) and ACT WorkKeys (a work stills assessment). See schedule below. 1. Picture ID - Student ID must be presented in order to enter the testing rooms. During these testing periods, your student’s school schedule will be altered. Please review the testing dates below to assist you with your child’s schedule. 3. Students need to bring at least two #2 pencils to bubble their information on the answer documents. 2. A calculator for all testing days for mathematics assessments only. IMPORTANT! March 3, 2015 (Day 1 - Testing for Juniors) – 7:30 – 12:30 PM All juniors are required to report to their testing rooms by 7:30 AM for the ACT Plus Writing portion of the MME State Testing. No school for 9th, 10th, or 12th grade students. March 4, 2015 (Day 2 – Testing for Juniors) - 7:30 - 10:35 AM All juniors are required to report to their testing rooms by 7:30 AM for the ACT WorkKeys Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information and Locating Information. All 9th, 10th, & 12th grade students will have a late start on this date. Juniors only will have a lunch break from 10:40 – 11:10 AM (juniors may purchase or bring their own lunch) . All students, including juniors, will attend two periods (1A, 1B AND 2A, 2B) beginning at 11:20 AM. All electronic devices, cell phones, ipods, laptops, etc., are banned from all testing areas. DO NOT bring these items to school on test days. These items will not be allowed in the classroom where testing will be administered. Students will not be allowed to test if they arrive late to their testing room after instructions have started. Food and drink are strictly prohibited from the testing room. ACT / SAT Students interested in taking the ACT exam additional times, the remaining 2014-15 ACT exam dates are listed below. Please not the most colleges will consider the highest score if a student takes the ACT more than once. ACT Dates for 2014-15 Register online at Transportation for Testing Dates March 3, 2015 Juniors who use the school district transportation will be picked up on the usual (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) time schedule. No school for 9th, 10th, & 12th grade students. March 4, 2015 Juniors who use the school district transportation will be picked up on the usual (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) time schedule. A second bus run will be provided for all 9th, 10th and 12th grade students approximately 90 minutes after their normal Wednesday AM pick up time. Test Dates April 18, 2015 June 13, 2015 Registration Deadline March 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 SAT Dates for 2014-15 Register online at Test Dates March 14, 2015 May 2, 2015 June 6, 2015 Registration Deadline February 13, 2015 April 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 To ensure scores are sent to LOHS, our school code is 232-255. Registration for AP Exams Closes on February 20 For Students Taking any AP classes this year: It is time to register for AP exams. If your student is currently taking AP courses during this year , the registration forms and AP Bulletins were distributed in AP classes during the week of January 9th. For those students taking an AP course beginning third term, AP teachers willhave registration paperwork available for their students during the first week of the third term. You can find the registration form and any other information on the Lake Orion website. I The registration deadline is February 20, 2015. The cost is $94 per exam. An additional late fee of $10 per exam will be incurred from February 21 thru March 6; therefore, the exam fee will be $104. The late registration closes on March 6 and no payments will be accepted after that date. Students must make their payment in full by cash or check, in the school counseling office, or pay by credit card through PaySchools online at the LOHS or District website. No matter the method of payment, ALL students must turn in the hard copy of the completed registration form to their counseling secretary on or before the deadline of March 6, 2015. A copy of the AP Exam schedule is included in this newsletter. Middle School Golf Program Announcements have been made at all three middle schools... but you may not have heard! The LO Varsity Golf Team Members will be hosting meet/greet/instruct/ mentor sessions each Wednesday in January and February at the Great Lakes Golf Dome. The program is free and will run each Wednesday from 34pm. Middle School participants just need to purchase range balls the day of attendance. All skill levels are welcome... and all aspects of the game will be discussed and taught from how to swing/practice up to how to compete/win at the varsity level! Leadership Over the past term the Leadership class has been extremely busy. Cell Out on January 16 was one of our largest events this term. We asked every student at LOHS to give up their cell phone for the day. Every phone that was donated, the Leadership class donated $1 to the charity, Cell Phones for Soldiers. This is a national non-profit charity serving troops and veterans with free communication services and emergency funding. A free t-shirt was given to each student in exchange for donating his or her phone. Cell Out was a huge success! Over $3,000 was raised for Cell Phones for Soldiers. We had 81% student participation. We had a unifying and memorable day, and we received some very positive media coverage. Thanks to everyone who supported and participated in Cell Out. Other committees and events were planned during this term. Boys Night Out took place on December 14. On that night, elementary school boys came to LOHS, and enjoyed playing games, eating pizza and interacting with one another. After weeks of planning, the Middle School Leadership Conference took place at the CERC on December 15. We invited twenty 8th graders from the three middle schools to learn more about leadership in their community. The theme of the conference was Dr. Suess’ “Oh the Places You’ll Go” and speakers from the high school inspired and influenced the young students. The Appreciation Association has been busy planning staff lunches and breakfasts to show our appreciation. They are currently preparing for their Bus Driver breakfast, which local businesses have willingly agreed to donate items . Can Drive was held on December 17, collecting over 8,000 cans. The three classrooms that collected the most cans were awarded a breakfast. Toward the end of that week on December 19, our Giving Tree committee, after weeks of collecting gifts from students, parents and faculty, sorted and gave the gifts to families in the Lake Orion community. We collected an abundance of gifts, and we were able to give these families a holiday to remember. Overall, it has been a successful term in the Leadership class. We are preparing for 3rd term committees and events. AP EXAMINATION SCHEDULE MAY 2015 Week 1: Five Days Morning Sessions 7:30 - 11:45 a.m. approx. Monday May 4 Tuesday May 5 Wednesday May 6 Thursday May 7 Friday May 8 Chemistry Calculus AB/BC English Literature & Composition (AP English 12) Computer Science German Lang. & Culture Spanish Lang. & Culture U. S. History Environmental Science Afternoon Sessions 11:45 - 4:30 p.m. approx. Psychology Physics 1 Physics 2 European History Week 2: Five Days Morning Sessions 7:30 - 11:45 a.m. approx. Monday May 11 Tuesday May 12 Wednesday May 13 Thursday May 14 Friday May 15 Biology U.S. Government & Politics English Language & Composition (AP English 11) World History Microeconomics Music Theory Afternoon Sessions 11:45 - 4:30 p.m. approx. 12:00 p.m. Physics C: Mechanics 2:00 p.m. Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism French Language & Culture Statistics Macroeconomics SENIOR DATES TO REMEMBER Class of 2015 Senior & Parent Graduation Meeting Tuesday, March 10 or Thursday, March 12 at 7:00 p.m. - Auditorium Senior Breakfast Wednesday, May 20 - 7:30 - 8:15 a.m. Senior Awards Assembly (Morning) Wednesday, May 20 at 8:15 – 9:30 a.m. - High School Auditorium (These departmental awards differ from the evening event; all seniors will attend and parents of award recipients will receive an invitation) Caps/Gowns Distribution and Financial Obligations Resolved Tuesday, May 26 during lunch periods Senior Academic & Honors Ceremony Rehearsal Thursday, May 28 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. – Auditorium Senior Exams Thursday, May 28 First hour exam Second hour exam Friday, May 29 Third hour exam Fourth hour exam Senior Forum Seniors & Parents This year, seniors and their parents will have the opportunity to choose one of two days to attend a very important meeting. These meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, March 10th and Thursday, March 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. It is strongly encouraged that parents and students attend this meeting. The purpose of this informational meeting is to prepare you for the graduation ceremony and make clear our expectations of the graduates. Frequently asked questions will be answered. 11:25 – 12:56 p.m. 1:03 - 2:35 p.m. 11:25 – 12:56 p.m. 1:03 - 2:35 p.m. Note: Seniors will provide their own transportation on these days. Senior Academic and Honors Ceremony (Evening) – by invitation Monday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m. – High School Auditorium (Combining Board of Education Lamp of Learning & Honors Convocation) Junior/Senior Prom Friday, June 5 – 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Palazzo Grande Banquet Center Graduation Rehearsal Monday, June 8 - DTE - (Tentatively scheduled) Graduation Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 p.m. – DTE Energy Music Theatre Senior All Night Party Tuesday, June 9 at 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. – Dave & Buster’s 2015 Senior DVD Order Deadline Friday, June 12 2015 Senior DVD Available for Pick Up Monday, June 22 (and throughout the summer after that date) Attention Seniors! Service Learning hours must be completed and submitted to the Career Center no later than Friday, January 30th in order to walk in the graduation ceremony. Any questions, see Mrs. Jones in the Career Center. LOHS Teacher Cadet Program News Lake Orion High School’s Teacher Cadet program offers a dynamic hands on approach to experiencing careers related to education. This year, over two hundred fifty Teacher Cadet students will gain career focused experiences in not only our own classrooms, but also by working in other classrooms throughout the district, going on related field trips, interacting with guest speakers, and serving as a mentor. Our goal is to offer students enrolled in Teacher Cadet courses a comprehensive understating of the opportunities existing in the field of education and what it is really like to be an educator. We are proud to be a state approved CTE program and to offer our students more education focused courses than any other high school in the state! Teacher Cadet Courses At this time, we have five courses within the Teacher Cadet program. They are: Child Development, Exploring Special Education in Today’s Schools (SETS), Teaching Field Experience (currently called Face to Face), Fresh Start Cadet, and Teacher Cadet. For course descriptions, go to the online Curriculum Handbook; to find this, go to the LOHS homepage, find the LOHS Students link on the left, and click on the Curriculum Handbook link. Program Highlights! • Our students are required to complete job shadowing experiences to give them even more exposure to the various careers available in the education field. Many in-district job shadowing opportunities are available including, but not limited to: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Speech Pathology Occupational Therapy Administration Counseling Social Work Physical Therapy ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ School Psychology ASD Teacher Emotional Impaired Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Middle School Art Teacher Preschool Teacher • As part of Michigan’s teacher certification process, all future teachers must pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification. Through out program, our Cadets can sign up to take this test for FREE. Scores are life-long and each section can be retaken if necessary (see for more testing information). • We traveled to U of M Flint for a student conference; over two hundred students from across the state were able to attend several sessions throughout the day to learn more about teaching math and science classes to elementary school students. • We traveled to U of M Flint for a student conference; over two hundred students from across the state were able to attend several sessions throughout the day to learn more about teaching math and science classes to elementary school students. • Many of our students are able to take advantage of education focused field trips offered through our classes. So far this year, we have taken part in the following field trips: o North End Soup Kitchen (Fresh Start Cadet and Fresh Start) o Apple Orchard (SETS) o Movies and lunch (SETS) o Oakland University tour and meeting with College of Education representatives as well as Admissions Advisors (Teacher Cadet) o Ropes Course at LOHS! (Fresh Start Cadet, Fresh Start, and SETS) FEA Co-Curricular Club Future Educators Association (FEA) is a national organization for high school students who are interested in becoming educators. We have an FEA chapter at LOHS that all Cadets can join to further their experiences. Check out for more info about FEA. LOHS FEA members have volunteered at CERC this school year to assist with Blessings in a Backpack. They especially enjoyed meeting and stuffing backpacks with LOHS elementary students who were also there volunteering their time! This November, FEA held their annual food drive for those in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. With the food they collected, they put together and distributed Thanksgiving food baskets, turkeys, and gallons of milk for LOCS families. Coming up, FEA will be holding a School Supplies drive for LO students in need. The drive will be done in conjunction with NHS and will be managed and disturbed through Fresh Start Cadet and our counselors. For more information about the LOHS Teacher Cadet program contact Julie Barnes ( or Amy Bowman ( It is the policy of the Lake Orion Community School District to be in full compliance with federal laws relating to nondiscrimination. The signatures below will serve as a statement of assurance that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, height, weight, marital status, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment. Please direct any inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies to: Human Resources, Lake Orion Community Schools, 315 North Lapeer Street, Lake Orion, MI 48362, 248-693-5400. The travels of LOHS Marketing! Over the last term, LOHS marketing has traveled to many area locations to get a first-hand view of how they use marketing! In our Sports and Entertainment classes, we visited the Detroit Lions at Ford Field and also had Craig Turnbull, Sr. VP Marketing & Communications of Olympia Entertainment as a guest speaker. Then, in Entrepreneurship – we’ve had numerous guest speakers and also traveled to the local Crates Coffee house and Great Harvest Bread Company. In Social Media, we traveled to the marketing agency Campbell – Ewald in Detroit and had the Digital Marketing Director for Nestle in as a guest speaker. The spring will keep us just as busy as we continue to take students outside the classroom. If you have any questions on our Marketing program feel free to contact Julia Dalrymple at LOHS DECA Updates! LO DECA has had quite a start to the school year! We started off at the State Leadership Conference in Detroit in November. Our students got to put their leadership skills in action and also network with other high school students. Then, in December, we traveled to NYC for our annual trip. We visited Channel One News, the Marriott Marquis hotel, the NHL the Empire State Building and CNN to meet with Anderson Cooper! Overall, it was another amazing trip. Then, in January, we hosted the D7 Conference here at LOHS. We had a great turn out with our winners – more details to come. Updates to our Marketing Program For the 2015-2016 school year, the Marketing program will have changes that affect all students currently enrolled in marketing courses and also those students who wish to get involved. Marketing 1 – formerly Marketing Concepts will continue to be a 20 week class that includes topics such as Advertising, Promotion, Selling, Careers in Marketing, and Branding. Are you interested in being on the Dragon Yearbook Staff for the 2015-16 school year? The marketing program is proud to offer outside the classroom learning experiences with guest speakers and fieldtrips! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Julia at The Dragon Yearbook Staff is looking to recruit talented students to be a part of the Dragon Yearbook Staff for 2015 – 2016. We are looking for photographers, writers, and designers to help us creatively document the school year by featuring more students than ever and we need help covering all of the various activities our student body is involved in. We need photos of all of the clubs, organizations, plays, concerts, classes, teams, hang outs, dances, snow days, and anything and everything our students participate in. 2015-2016 Marketing Program Sequence Yearbook now counts as your VPAA (art) credit! A new class to the marketing program is Marketing 2 which will also be a 20 week course. This course will take a deeper look into marketing and entrepreneurship topics and will prepare our students to then enroll in our advanced 10 week marketing classes: Marketing Workshop – formerly the School Store, Fashion Marketing, Sports and Entertainment Marketing, and Social Media Marketing. All students who will complete Marketing Concepts this school year are encouraged to take the new Marketing 2 course, before taking the advanced 10 week courses. New students to the program will need to complete both Marketing 1 and Marketing 2 before enrolling in our advanced 10 week courses. We have fun in yearbook! Not only do we get to photograph and write about all of the amazing things going on at LOHS, we get to creatively design pages, attend all of the events, build friendships with each other, eat pizza every Wednesday, develop as a team on the ropes course and through games, go to camp for four days on Michigan State’s campus, attend field trips together, and more! DECA District 7 Winners Last Yearbook Sale for 2015 On January 10, DECA had their district competition at LOHS and we had 25 of our students qualify for their series event with another 10 that their DECA projects start at the State Conference. The next level of competition will take place March 13-15 in Grand Rapids. The last yearbook sale for the 2015 Dragon Yearbook has been postponed until January 30, 2015. This will be your last opportunity to pre-order a 2015 yearbook. If you don’t pre-order, you will have to hope we have enough extra to sell during distribution since we do not order many extras. We’d love to talk to you more about being a part of the yearbook staff! Please look for an application in front of the main office next week. If you have any questions as all, feel free to stop by room 307 during 4 th period or after school to talk to our adviser, Mrs. Orth, or feel free to talk to any of this year’s staff. Come on, join our staff, trust us, you won’t regret it! Sincerely, 2015 Dragon Yearbook Staff Tips to Break Free of the Winter Blues You’re more sensitive to your environment than you may think. As temperatures drop, spirits often do, too. Be proactive this winter and prevent SAD before first snowfall. Winter brings lot of fun, such as skiing, snowmobiling, and snowball fights. But it also brings cold temperatures and gray, dark days. That means more time indoors with less exposure to the sun, which can result in the winter blues. Sometimes you may just feel slower, a little more tired, or down in the dumps. However, other times you may actually develop what is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a depression that occurs in fall or winter and ends in spring or early summer. It is estimated that 4 to 6 percent of the population suffers from SAD, while 10 to 20 percent suffers from a milder form of winter blues. What causes these down moods, and is there anything you can do to prevent them? Why You May Have the Winter Blues Researchers believe that the lack of exposure to sunlight is the main cause of SAD and milder cases of winter depression. People who live in northern latitudes where there is traditionally less sunlight in the winter months are more likely to experience SAD. That’s because brain chemicals called neurotransmitters--such as serotonin--are sensitive to light. They fluctuate throughout the seasons, reaching their lowest point in December and January. This imbalance can trigger cravings for carbohydrates, which help the brain to release serotonin, but can also contribute to weight gain, headaches, and mood swings. Winter also tends to disrupt the normal circadian rhythms that run your biological clock. Your sleep cycles may be disrupted, leaving you feeling lethargic and out of sorts. Lack of sunlight can mess with vitamin D levels as well, because the body uses UV rays to manufacture the nutrient. Low levels of vitamin D can also create symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and sleep problems. Tips to Snap Out of It Fortunately, you don’t have to live four to five months every year feeling grouchy and miserable. There are a lot of things that can help prevent and treat the winter blues. Give them a try, and see if you don’t feel better. • Watch what you eat. Carbohydrates may feel good for an hour or so, but they’ll lead to a crash in energy. Stick to real energy foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, lean meats, and nuts. • Exercise. Moving your body stimulates feel-good endorphins in the brain and can lift your mood—while burning away those calories from the extra carbohydrates! • Try to get outside every day. Even on cloudy days, UV rays will stimulate your body to make vitamin D, and will fuel your brain as well. • Consider light therapy. This is the most recommended treatment for SAD. Simply work or sit near a device called a light therapy box, which gives off bright light that mimics natural outdoor light. • Get more vitamin D. Take a supplement, or better yet, eat more vitamin-D rich foods. Salmon, trout, halibut, herring, catfish, sardines, shrimp, soymilk, orange juice, and milk are packed with the vitamin. • Schedule events to look forward to. Plan to do something you enjoy. The anticipation will be enough to help keep your spirits up even before the event takes place. • Take up a fun winter sport. Instead of dreading the winter, try hockey, sledding, skiing, or ice skating to help you see the brighter side of the snowy months. • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep causes all sorts of problems—including a craving for carbohydrates. Exercising and a regular bedtime routine will help you fall asleep. Talk with your doctor if you’re having trouble sleeping. • Go out with friends. Friends, family, and co-workers can help lift your spirits. Social support is a huge deterrent to depression. Go to lunch with a friend. Write a letter to an old acquaintance, or pick up the phone. Even a short chat can be enough to help you feel happier. • Learn something new. Try a new hobby, craft, or take a class at your local community college. Shaking up your normal routine is a great way to bring your energy levels up. • Surround yourself with bright colors. Re-paint one of the rooms in your house a brighter color. Shop for some colorful new clothes. Bring fresh flowers into your living space to brighten up your surroundings. • Check with your doctor. If you just can’t break out of the blues this winter, be sure to check with your doctor. A few down days are normal, but months of depression can seriously affect your health. SOURCE: Written by Colleen M. Story | Published on October 19, 2012 Medically Reviewed by George Krucik, MD, MBA on October 19, 2012 Girls Swim & Dive Team POOL DECK NEWS – Winter 2015 In November 2014, the girls swimming team participated in the Michigan High School Division 1 State Swimming and Diving Championships at Eastern Michigan University. The team finished 7th overall with 128 points which is the best STATE Finish in Lake Orion history since swimming and diving was established in 1998. The Dragons State Team consisted of Senior and Captains Bethany Abramczyck, Danielle Kudla, and Lydia Mattar, Juniors Kirstyn Abbasse, Natalie Zainea and Nicole Horvath, Sophomores Sarah Hennings, Amanda Keller and Zoe Quinn and Freshmen Eliana Ritt. The Lake Orion Natatorium started a FACEBOOK page this past fall - LOHS POOL. We have reached our goal of 100 LIKES before the 2015 New Year! Be the first to know when online registration begins, cancelations, family swim nights and more! Thanks to all our families for your support! Spread the word on the great wave-Join the Lake Orion Pool Wave-LOHS POOL! • Senior Bethany Abramczyk received All STATE HONORS in the 200 Freestyle, 500 Freestyle and the 400 Freestyle Relay. • Senior Lydia Mattar received All STATE HONORS in the 100 Breaststroke and placed 13th in the 200 IM. • Senior Danielle Kudla received ALL STATE HONORS in the 400 Freestyle Relay. • Junior Kirstyn Abbasse received ALL STATE HONORS in the 200, 500 Freestyle and the 400 freestyle Relay. • Sophomore Sarah Hennings received ALL STATE HONORS in the 100 Butterfly and the 400 Freestyle Relay. The team of Sarah Hennings, Lydia Mattar, Natalie Zainea and Danielle Kudla placed 10th overall in the 200 Medley Relay and the team of Danielle Kudla, Lydia Mattar, Kirstyn Abbasse and Bethany Abramczyk finished 10th overall in the 200 Freestyle relay as well. Congratulations to all of the swimmers and divers for working hard everyday and making this season the best year in Dragon history! • • • • • Lake Orion Swim Academy - All swimming classes on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday’s are full! The Winter Community Education Brochure is posted on-line and includes our Spring swimming classes starting in March! Don’t miss out! Give your child the gift to swim and register them now for Spring 2015! The Sunday Master’s/TRIATHLETE swim program has started out quickly after the New Year with 13 participants. If you are training for a triathalon, this is an organized workout for you! Email: for more details. Our Aqua Fitness Programs has started. Please join us! There is a drop-in fee and you are welcome to try out two (2) classes for free to see how it fits with your fitness program. See the information below. If you are interested in teaching swimming lessons at the Lake Orion Natatorium, contact Amy Kuiper at: Lake Orion Natatorium’s next Family Splash Bash Night: Friday, 2/13/15, 3/13/15! ARC LIFEGUARDING and WSI class are coming up in March 2015. Call the pool for more information at 248.814.1715. Master’s Triathlete Swim Practice has started! Join TODAY! Masters/Triathalon swimming practice, Monday and Wednesday mornings (join at any time) from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm and Sunday’s from 8:30-10:00 am (starting 1/4/15). A level 1 triathalon coach will be on deck for each practice. Call the pool if you are interested at 248.814.1715 or email Kristen Johnston at for costs and dates. . AQUA FITNESS SCHEDULE! M/W/F morning 9:15-10 am High intensity, option of shallow or deep M/W Joint Ventures 10:30-11:15 am Low impact, shallow water Interval Aquatics M @ 4:45-5:30 pm Saturday Fitness 8:45-9:30 am $6.00 Drop In fee or consider AA 10-punch card Thank you for supporting your local swimming program! From the Pool Deck, Amy Kuiper-Aquatics Director Call the pool @248.814.1715 if you are interested in attending any program. Check out our Lake Orion Swim Academy, Aqua-Fitnes Classes, Teen/Adult Swim Instruction & Open Swim Schedule! Open Swim Schedule on the website. go to Community/Natatorium Winter/Spring 2015 OPEN SWIM SCHEDULE January 5 - June 12, 2015 Monday 5:30-8:30 PM Open Swim+ Circle swim Tuesday Wednesday 5:00-5:30 pm Lap Swim Only Small POOL ONLY 5:00-5:30 pm Lap Swim Only Small POOL ONLY 5:30-8:30 PM Open Swim+ Circle swim 5:30-8:30 PM Open Swim+ Circle swim Thursday 5:30-8:30 PM Open Swim+ Circle swim Friday Saturday 5:00-6:00 pm Lap Swim ONLY Small POOL Only 10:00-1:00 Open/Lap Swim Closed 5:30-8:00 PM Open Swim+ Circle swim *Pool # 814-1715 Email: Web Site: www., go to Community/Natatorium FACEBOOK: LOHS Pool For security reasons we have been instructed to clear and lock the pool locker rooms 15 minutes after closing. We apologize for any inconvenience. 1-3 Family Swim Sunday Closing Dates: *This schedule is subject to change due to athletic events! We are not open on Sundays or early mornings Jan 17, 22 PM ONLY, 29 PM ONLY, 31 February 6 PM ONLY, 7, 12, 25 PM ONLY, 26 PM ONLY, 27 PM ONLY March 6 PM ONLY, 7, 28 April 3, 4, 6 Don’t forget Friday Night Family Splash Bash! The 2nd Friday of every month $5.00 per person or bring a punch card Splash Bash Dates: 2/13/15, 3/13/15 The hours are 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm 9th Annual Great Start Parent Conference and Resource Fair On Saturday, April 25, the Lake Orion Community Schools Early Childhood Department will host the 9th Annual Great Start Parent Conference and Resource Fair at the CERC building. Lake Orion Community Schools along with the Michigan Department of Education Great Parents - Great Start, the Great Start Collaborative and Oakland Schools offers the conference FREE to all parents with children birth through eight throughout the county. This all day conference theme, Discovering Your Parenting Village, begins with a kick off presentation and then invites parents to attend three “Breakout Sessions”. Along with the parent education sessions, numerous agencies and community resources will also be participating at exhibitor tables. All attendees will receive breakfast treats and lunch which is provided by the Lake Orion Community Schools’ Food Service Department. Over 400 parents, children and educators will attend the event this year. Great Start-Oakland Discovering Your Parenting Village 2015 Parent Conference & Resource Fair Saturday, March 28, 2015 9AM-2PM Strengthening families Norup International School 14450 Manhattan, Oak Park Saturday, April 25, 2015 9AM-2PM Community Education Resource Center 455 East Scripps, Lake Orion Questions: 248.209.2513 Watch for registration information at: Oakland Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation (subject to the limits of applicable law), age, genetic information, or disability in its programs, services, activities or employment opportunities. Inquiries related to employment discrimination should be directed to the Director of Human Resources at 248.209.2059, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328-2736. For all other inquiries related to discrimination, contact the Director of Legal Affairs at 248.209.2062, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328-2736. 2015 Dragon GAP Newsletter You + Your Friends + Dragon GAP = A rocking good time! Get involved today! The Dragon Guided Afterschool Program (GAP) has some great things in store for 2015. GAP strives to provide “something for everyone.” The clubs that we have this semester are a great way to get involved in the school and make some new friends. GAP clubs meet weekly and the GAP also offers various tournaments for students to come out and showcase their talents. There will be ping pong tournaments this semester and the world famous Dragon GAP dodge ball tournaments at the end of the term. If you have any questions about GAP or have an idea for a new club or tournament, stop by the GAP office located in the 250 Locker Pod area and see Mr. Paul Couretas, or send him an email at Event/Activity Date, Time & Location Advisor Dragon GAP Dodgeball Tournament Friday, January 23 (1/2 Day due to Exams) 11:15am in the Fieldhouse Ping-Pong Club Tuesdays @ 2:45pm - Commons Mr. Bodiya Gaming Club Fridays @ 2:45-5:30pm - Room 206 Mr. Massoglia Mrs. Andras Anime Club Tuesdays @ 2:45-4:30pm - Room 313 Mrs. Cotton Magic the Gathering Wednesdays @ 2:45–5:00pm - Room 655 Mr. Crowther Mr. Tighe Friend to Friend Club Wednesdays @ 2:45-4:00pm - Room 405 Mrs. Goff (Special Ed mentoring club) GAP Music Club TBA 3 on 3 Basketball League TBA Late January Start GAP High Ropes Club TBA GAP is also hosting its annual Dragon GAP Rock Show. Students can sign up with their bands, or as individual artists. The Rock show will be taking place in early February. For more information contact Mr. Paul Couretas. Other Events TBA: Service Learning Club, Creative Writing Club, Snow Football, Archery, and many other fun activities… Details: • • • To sign-up for these GAP activities, visit the GAP office for activity information, entry forms, and sign-up sheets. Also, check out the sweet GAP website for details at: Stay tuned to LO-AM and flyers around school for details about these cool & exciting events. Likewise, these activities are open to all students and staff.Students and staff are encouraged to start their own GAP Clubs as well, just see Mr. Couretas in the GAP Office! For more information, see GAP Coordinator Mr. Paul Couretas in the GAP ANTI-BULLYING ORION TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY 825 Joslyn Road Lake Orion, MI 48362 Phone: 248.693.3000 Fax: 248.693.3009 Our Mission To serve and engage a thriving community of lifelong learners Our Vision To be known for more than books @YOUR LIBRARY The library is committed to preventing bullying among teenagers. Submit a short story or poem to Kathleen at about anti-bullying during the month of January for the chance to win a gift card to Barnes & Noble! Also, stop by the library and check out some books about how bullying can affect people of all ages. Contact Kathleen Kozlowski with any questions 248.693.3001
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