OFFICE OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSIONER (NORTH EAST OF ENGLAND) NOTICES AND PROCEEDINGS PUBLICATION NUMBER: 2194 PUBLICATION DATE: 06 February 2015 OBJECTION DEADLINE DATE: 27 February 2015 Correspondence should be addressed to: Office of the Traffic Commissioner (North East of England) Hillcrest House 386 Harehills Lane Leeds LS9 6NF Telephone: Fax: Website: 0300 123 9000 0113 249 8142 The public counter at the above office is open from 9.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday The next edition of Notices and Proceedings will be published on: 20/02/2015 Publication Price £3.50 (post free) This publication can be viewed by visiting our website at the above address. It is also available, free of charge, via e-mail. To use this service please send an e-mail with your details to: Remember to keep your bus registrations up to date - check yours on NOTICES AND PROCEEDINGS General Notes Layout and presentation – Entries in each section (other than in section 5) are listed in alphabetical order. Each entry is prefaced by a reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence or enquiries. Further notes precede sections where appropriate. Accuracy of publication – Details published of applications and requests reflect information provided by applicants. The Traffic Commissioner cannot be held responsible for applications that contain incorrect information. Our website includes details of all applications listed in this booklet. The website address is: Copies of Notices and Proceedings can be inspected free of charge at the Office of the Traffic Commissioner in Leeds. Legal Requirements at Sporting Events • Carriage of passengers to designated Sporting Events Voluntary Guidelines - England and Wales For some years the coach industry has complied with a voluntary code of practice whereby operators taking passengers to a designated sporting event meet certain guidelines set by the police. This has worked very well, and it has seldom been necessary for a Traffic Commissioner to take any further action against an operator who has contravened the guidelines. Nevertheless the police in England and Wales are concerned that football hooliganism is again on the increase, and have asked the Commissioners to remind PSV operators of the guidelines. This has been done in conjunction with the Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT). Carriage of passengers to designated Sporting Events Voluntary Guidelines England and Wales PSV operators are reminded of the terms of Section 1 (1) of the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol) Act 1985, as amended by the Public Order Act 1986, which prohibits the carriage of alcohol on a PSV that is being used for the principal purpose of carrying passengers for the whole or part of a journey to or from a designated sporting event. A “designated sporting event” generally means any association football match, whether national or international. The full legal definition of “designated sporting events” may be found in The Sports Grounds and Sporting Events (Designation Order) 1985, as amended by SI 1520/1987. It is an offence for an operator of a PSV (or his servant or agent) knowingly to cause or permit the carriage of alcohol on journeys to which these Regulations apply. In addition to these statutory provisions, the police have asked that operators comply with the following guidelines when conveying passengers to such sporting events: 2 a. Coach operators taking bookings from groups of supporters are to notify the police liaison officer at the destination, at least 48 hours before the event, of the number of supporters expected to travel and the number of coaches booked. b. Coaches are not to stop within 10 miles of the venue either en route to or on departure from the event unless prior agreement is obtained from the local police liaison officer. c. Unless directed otherwise by a police officer, coaches may stop at premises where intoxicating liquor is sold only if it is sold ancillary to a substantial meal. Prior agreement for meal stops where alcohol is available should be sought from the operator’s local police liaison officer. d. Coaches are to arrive at the venue no earlier than two hours before and not later than one hour before the scheduled start of the game, unless otherwise directed by police. e. Coaches are not to set down or uplift passengers at any unauthorised locations without prior permission of the police. f. Coaches must leave the venue within one hour of the finish of the event. g. Intoxicating liquor must not be carried on coaches travelling to or from designated grounds. Operators will draw hirers’ attention to the requirements of the law, and drivers shall, as far as reasonably practical, supervise boarding passengers and check that they are not obviously carrying intoxicating alcohol. Drivers will not be expected to carry out baggage or body searches, nor will they be expected to confiscate alcohol or to remove passengers without police assistance. Operators are asked to comply with these guidelines on a voluntary basis. However if the police inform the Traffic Commissioner of any failure on an operator’s part to comply with them the Commissioner will consider applying them as a formal condition to that operator’s licence under the authority of Section 16(3) of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981.” 3 LIST OF CONTENTS Section 1 – Special Notices Section 2 – PSV Operator Licensing (Applications processed and other actions conducted without Public Inquiries) 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 New applications received New applications granted New applications refused Variation applications granted Variation applications refused Licences surrendered Applications withdrawn prior to determination Licences revoked without a public inquiry Conditions imposed under Section 16.3 of the PPV Act 1981 (without a public inquiry) Section 3 – Registration of Local Bus Services 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Registration of new services Registration of new services granted under the Traffic Commissioner’s discretionary powers Applications to vary existing services Applications to vary existing services granted under the Traffic Commissioner’s discretionary powers Cancellations of existing services Cancellations of existing services granted under the Traffic Commissioner’s discretionary powers Section 4 – Traffic Regulation Conditions 4.1 4.2 Requests Determinations Section 5 – Public Inquiries 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Notice of public inquiries to be held Decisions taken at public inquiries Notice of Transport Manager public inquiries to be held Decisions taken at Transport Manager public inquiries Section 6 – Corrections 4 Section 1 – Special Notices ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Section 2 – PSV Operator Licensing Inspection of licence applications can be requested under the provisions of Regulation 4 of the Public Service Vehicles (Operators’ Licences) Regulations 1995 by anybody who holds statutory objector status. Applications may be inspected free of charge at the Office of the Traffic Commissioner in Leeds by any person who carries written authorisation to act in that capacity. Objections against applications for licences must be made in writing by a Chief Officer of Police or by a local authority within 21 days of the date on which notice of an application is published in Notices and Proceedings. Objections must be made on the grounds that one or more of the requirements mentioned in Sections 14(1) and (3) of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 are not satisfied in relation to the application. A copy of the objection must be sent by the objector to the applicant at the same time that it is sent to the Traffic Commissioner. The onus of proof in terms of the grounds on which an objection is lodged lies with the objector. There is no right of objection against an application for a special licence submitted under Section 12 of the Transport Act 1985. Classification of Operator Licences – There are four classes of licence: • A Standard International (SI) licence authorises the use of any description of public service vehicle on both national and international operations; • A Standard National (SN) licence authorises the use of any description of public service vehicle on national operations; • A Restricted licence (R) authorises the use of: a) public service vehicles not adapted to carry more than eight passengers; and b) those not adapted to carry more than sixteen passengers when used otherwise than in the course of a business of carrying passengers or by a person whose main occupation is not the operation of public service vehicles adapted to carry more than eight passengers; • A Special Restricted (SR) licence, issued under Section 12 of the Transport Act 1985, authorises the holder of a taxi or private hire vehicle licence to operate local services. Appeals in connection with PSV Operator Licences must be lodged with the Upper Tribunal – Administrative Appeal Chamber (Transport), 5th Floor, Rolls Building, 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1NL not later than 28 days after the date of the letter conveying the Traffic Commissioner’s (or Deputy Traffic Commissioner’s) decision. Appellants can obtain guidance on lodging appeals, including downloading the appeal form, from the website: Any previous entry in Notices and Proceedings is indicated by the publication number in brackets. Our website contains details of all applications listed in this section. The address is: 5 Section 2.1 – New Applications Received PB1136098 SI 1ST AID COMMERCIALS LTD Director(s): DAVID HERDMAN. SITE 2, MORRISON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NORTH, ANNFIELD PLAIN STANLEY DH9 7RU Operating Centre: SITE 1, MORRISON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NORTH ANNFIELD PLAIN, STANLEY DH9 7RU Authorisation:1 Vehicle(s). Transport Manager(s): DAVID HERDMAN PB1136140 SN ALAN RAYNER AND PARTNERS T/A RAYNER'S COACHES Partner(s): ADAM RAYNER, LOREN RAYNER, ALAN RAYNER. 2 EVENWOOD ROAD, ESH WINNING , DURHAM DH7 9PE Operating Centre: COMMERCIAL STREET, CORNSAY COLLIERY , DURHAM DH7 9BN Authorisation:3 Vehicle(s). Operating Centre: PREMIER NORTH EAST LTD, ESH WINNING INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, ESH WINNING DURHAM DH7 9PT Authorisation:2 Vehicle(s). Transport Manager(s): ALAN RAYNER New Undertaking: Limousines and novelty type vehicles are not to be operated under this operator’s licence. Attached to Licence. New Undertaking: Vehicles with eight passenger seats or less will not be operated under the licence without the prior written agreement of the traffic commissioner who may require you to agree to certain undertakings.. Attached to Licence. IBRAR ANIF T/A LOCAL MINI BUS TRAVEL 52 SOUTHFIELD ROAD MIDDLESBROUGH TS1 3EU Operating Centre: 52 SOUTHFIELD ROAD MIDDLESBROUGH TS1 3EU Authorisation:2 Vehicle(s). PB1136159 R PB1136034 SN PAUL STUART TERRY T/A HARKERS COACHES LEAHOLME COTTAGE, REETH , RICHMOND DL11 6SF Operating Centre: HILLTOP GARAGE, REETH , RICHMOND DL11 6SF Authorisation:3 Vehicle(s). Transport Manager(s): ERIC KENNETH BOWES PB1136142 SI PTB LTD T/A EUROPEAN BIKE EXPRESS Director(s): PATRICIA ANN MARTIN, PAUL ROGER MARTIN. 3 NEWFIELD LANE, SOUTH CAVE , BROUGH HU15 2JW Operating Centre: THE YARD, NEWFIELD LANE SOUTH CAVE, BROUGH HU15 2JW Authorisation:2 Vehicle(s). Transport Manager(s): PAUL ROGER MARTIN PB1135977 R RIYASTH HUSSAIN 89 GERARD ROAD ROTHERHAM S60 2PP Operating Centre: 89 GERARD ROAD ROTHERHAM S60 2PP Authorisation:1 Vehicle(s). Section 2.2 – New Applications Granted 6 PB1134516 SN (2190) PB1133418 R (2186) AMVALE MEDICAL TRANSPORT LTD Director(s): MICHAEL JOHN GODFREY. ESTATE ROAD 7, SOUTH HUMBERSIDE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE , GRIMSBY DN31 2TP Operating Centre: UNIT 29B, ESTATE ROAD 5, SOUTH HUMBERSIDE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE GRIMSBY DN31 2TG Authorisation:8 Vehicle(s). Operating Centre: 298 QUEENSWAY SCUNTHORPE DN16 1BH Authorisation:8 Vehicle(s). Transport Manager(s): SHAY FOWLER New Undertaking: Vehicles with eight passenger seats or less will not be operated under the licence without the prior written agreement of the traffic commissioner who may require you to agree to certain undertakings. . Attached to Licence. New Undertaking: Limousines and novelty type vehicles are not to be operated under this operator’s licence. . Attached to Licence. GEORGE KADAR T/A NE1 EXPERIENCE 37 KINGS ROAD, WEST MOOR , NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NE12 7PH Operating Centre: 131 SANDYFORD ROAD NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NE2 1QR Authorisation:1 Vehicle(s). New Undertaking: Limousines and novelty type vehicles are not to be operated under this operator’s licence.. Attached to Licence. New Undertaking: The vehicle will be parked at the rear of the operating centre when not in use.. Attached to Licence. New Undertaking: The vehicle will be parked at the rear of the operating centre when not in use.. Attached to Operating Centre: 131 SANDYFORD ROAD NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NE2 1QR New Undertaking: Vehicles with eight passenger seats or less will not be operated under the licence without the prior written agreement of the traffic commissioner who may require you to agree to certain undertakings. . Attached to Licence. Section 2.3 – New Applications Refused No Entries Section 2.4 – Variation Applications Granted PB1091804 SI 2 WAY TRANSPORT LTD Director(s): MELANIE ANN BURLINSON, KEVIN BRYAN BURLINSON. 29 - 30 HIGH SANTON VILLAS, HIGH SANTON , SCUNTHORPE DN15 0DG Increased authorisation at existing operating centre: 22A/20C, HEBDEN ROAD SCUNTHORPE DN15 8DT () New authorisation at this operating centre will be: 14 vehicle(s), Increased authorisation at existing operating centre: BRICKHILLS FARM, WRESSLE, BROUGHTON BRIGG DN20 0BZ () New authorisation at this operating centre will be: 50 vehicle(s), 7 PB1126436 SN PHOENIX COACHES (NE) LTD Director(s): KENNETH TURNER. NORTHUMBERLAND TAXI & COACH CENTRE, SOUTH ALBION RETAIL PARK , BLYTH NE24 5BW Increased authorisation at existing operating centre: NORTHUMBERLAND TAXI & COACH CENTRE, SOUTH ALBION RETAIL PARK , BLYTH NE24 5BW () New authorisation at this operating centre will be: 5 vehicle(s), Transport Manager(s): KENNETH TURNER PB0002632 SI SILVERDALE TOURS (NOTTINGHAM) LTD Director(s): SHAUN DOHERTY, JOHN JOSEPH DOHERTY. LITTLE TENNIS STREET SOUTH NOTTINGHAM NG2 4EU Removed operating centre: ARTIC HOUSE, GLAISDALE DRIVE WEST , NOTTINGHAM NG8 4GY New operating centre: FORMER TIMBER DEPOT, DALESIDE ROAD , NOTTINGHAM NG2 4DH () New authorisation at this operating centre will be: 15 vehicle(s), Section 2.5 – Variation Applications Refused No Entries Section 2.6 – Licences Surrendered PB1092907 SI (2193) Licence surrendered WEF 21 January 2015 TGM GROUP LIMITED Director(s): BRIAN DRURY, ANTONY WARD, BEVERLEY LAWSON, HEATH WILLIAMS, IAN SHIPLEY. BUILDING 16300 MT2, EAGLE ROAD, LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT HOUNSLOW TW6 2DN Registered Bus Services running under this licence have also been surrendered with immediate effect. Section 2.7– Applications Withdrawn Prior to Determination No Entries Section 2.8 – Licences Revoked Without a Public Inquiry PB1054027 R (2193) IMRAN KHAN T/A KHAN'S 167, BOROUGH ROAD MIDDLESBROUGH TS1 3AS Registered Bus Services running under this licence have also been revoked with immediate effect. Section 2.9 – Conditions Imposed Under Section 16.3 of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 (without a Public Inquiry) ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Section 3 – Registration of Local Bus Services 8 When an application is sent to the Office of the Traffic Commissioner, a copy of all application forms and supporting documents must also be sent to each of the county councils and unitary authorities in whose area the service will operate. Failure to do so may delay acceptance of the application. Some of the periods of notice applicable before the operation of registered services, including variations or cancellations, are at the discretion of the Traffic Commissioner. In such cases the application must be accompanied by a written explanation of why a short notice period is required. Any registration may be inspected at the Office of the Traffic Commissioner in Leeds during public business hours. Copies of registrations can be sent by post or fax to any interested party upon prior receipt of a written request together with a fee of £3.00 per copy for posted copies or £5.00 per copy for faxed copies. Our website contains details of all applications listed in this section. The address is: Section 3.1 – Registration of New Services PB0002717/387 PB1078688/46 PB1078688/45 ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP From: Middlesbrough To: Guisborough Via: Name or No: X93 Service Type: Limited Stop Effective Date: 29-Mar-2015 Other Details: Operates daily, up to every 60 minutes off peak & up to every 30 minutes in peak CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN From: Westfield Farm, Tower Hill To: Nidderdale High School Via: Name or No: 739H Service Type: School or Works Effective Date: 13-Apr-2015 Other Details: Monday to Friday Morning and afternoon School terms only CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN From: RAINTON To: RIPON SECONDARY SCHOOLS Via: Name or No: 723H Service Type: School or Works Effective Date: 13-Apr-2015 Other Details: MONDAY TO FRIDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON SCHOOL TERMS ONLY 9 PB0000328/468 PB0000328/469 PB0001747/51 PB0001747/52 PB0003954/627 PB0001484/322 EAST YORKSHIRE MOTOR SERVICES LTD, 252 ANLABY ROAD HULL HU3 2RS From: Bainton To: Pickering Via: Name or No: ME1 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 03-Apr-2015 Other Details: New Service EAST YORKSHIRE MOTOR SERVICES LTD, 252 ANLABY ROAD HULL HU3 2RS From: Pickering To: Danby Via: Name or No: ME1 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 03-Apr-2015 Other Details: New Service FIRST YORK LTD, HUNSLET PARK DEPOT, DONISTHORPE STREET , LEEDS LS10 1PL From: STRENSALL, THE OLD STATION To: JAMES STREET, YORK Via: Name or No: 100 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 30-Mar-2015 Other Details: MONDAY TO SATURDAY EXCLUDING BANK HOLIDAYS FIRST YORK LTD, HUNSLET PARK DEPOT, DONISTHORPE STREET , LEEDS LS10 1PL From: ASKHAM BAR, TESCO To: JAMES STREET, YORK Via: Name or No: 200 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 30-Mar-2015 Other Details: MONDAY TO SATURDAY EXCLUDING BANK HOLIDAYS GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA From: DURHAM BUS STATION To: BEAMISH MUSEUM Via: Name or No: 128 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 28-Mar-2015 End Date: 31-Oct-2015 Other Details: SATURDAY ONLY 28 MARCH TO 31ST OCTOBER 2015 LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD CAR CO LTD, PO BOX 15, DEACON ROAD , LINCOLN LN2 4JB From: Thorpe Park To: Cleethorpes Pier Via: Name or No: 17 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 28-Mar-2015 Other Details: Summer Service for Thorpe Park. Weekends and School holidays. Hail & Ride will operate where traffic and safety conditions allow. 10 PB1129926/17 PB1124544/1 PB1010181/124 NOTTINGHAM MINIBUSES & COACHES LTD, 16 BROADWAY EAST, CARLTON , NOTTINGHAM NG4 1AG From: Morrison, Netherfield To: Morrison, Netherfield Via: Name or No: N73 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 30-Mar-2015 Other Details: Monday to Friday 60 Minutes Not running on Public Holiday SHAUN MCGOWAN T/A SHAUNS MINI BUSES, UNIT B, ASH GROVE IND ESTATE RIPON HG4 2DJ From: RIPON BUS STATION To: BOROUGHBRIDGE SCHOOL Via: Name or No: BBS1 Service Type: School or Works Effective Date: 23-Mar-2015 Other Details: MONDAY TO FRIDAY EXCEPT SCHOOL HOLIDAYS NO BANK HOLIDAYS STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD T/A STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD, UNIT 16, MOOR LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THOLTHORPE YORK YO61 1SR From: EASINGWOLD MARKET PLACE To: MONKS CROSS DRIVE, YORK Via: Name or No: 184 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 05-Apr-2015 End Date: 30-Aug-2015 Other Details: SUNDAYS 5/4/2015 - 30/8/2015 11 PB1010181/125 CB000745/B715 CB000745/B580 CB000745/B714 STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD T/A STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD, UNIT 16, MOOR LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THOLTHORPE YORK YO61 1SR From: MONKS CROSS DRIVE, YORK To: HEMSLEY MARKET PLACE Via: Name or No: 185 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 05-Apr-2015 End Date: 30-Aug-2015 Other Details: SUNDAYS 5/4/2015 - 30/8/2015 Nottinghamshire County Council, Central Workshop, Abbey Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5NE Route number 219 Operating between Mansfield Bus Station and Mansfield Bus Station Application to register received 22/1/2015 Effective date 30/3/2015 Nottinghamshire County Council, Central Workshop, Abbey Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5NE Route number 417 Operating between Sutton-in-Ashfield and Sutton-in-Ashfield Application to register received 22/1/2015 Effective date 30/3/2015 Nottinghamshire County Council, Central Workshop, Abbey Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5NE Route number 204 Operating between Mansfield Bus Station and Mansfield Bus Station Application to register received 22/1/2015 Effective date 30/3/2015 Section 3.2 – Registration of New Services Granted Under Short Notice PB0002032/492 PB1130124/1 ARRIVA NORTHUMBRIA LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP From: North Shields To: Shiremoor Via: Name or No: 900 Service Type: Limited Stop Effective Date: 08-Feb-2015 End Date: 08-Feb-2015 Other Details: Metro Replacement DENNIS W A FLETCHER T/A FLETCHERS COACHES, 3 HORSEMARKET ROAD MALTON YO17 7NB From: LOW HUTTON (MAIN STREET BUCK LN JUNCTION) To: MALTON SCHOOL, MALTON Via: Name or No: 192R Service Type: School or Works Effective Date: 02-Feb-2015 Other Details: ALL SCHOOL DAYS, MONDAY TO FRIDAY 12 PB1003659/44 HARROGATE COACH TRAVEL LTD T/A Connexionsbuses, SECTION 3, SOUTHFIELD LANE, TOCKWITH YORK YO26 7QP From: CROSSGATES To: ABBEY GRANGE SCHOOL Via: Name or No: AG27 Service Type: School or Works Effective Date: 29-Jan-2015 Other Details: SCHOOL DAYS Section 3.3 – Applications to Vary Existing Services PB0002032/168 PB0002032/452 PB0002711/12 PC0005249/98 PB0002404/283 PB1086799/36 PB0004001/8 PB0000328/115 PB0000328/440 PB0002307/332 ARRIVA NORTHUMBRIA LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Morpeth and Newbiggin given service number 35/35A effective from 22-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. ARRIVA NORTHUMBRIA LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Newcastle and Whitley Bay given service number 306 effective from 22-Mar-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. BARTON BUSES LTD, 88A MANSFIELD ROAD HEANOR DE75 7BG Operating between Nottingham Broadmarsh and Derby BS given service number i4 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. BURNLEY & PENDLE TRAVEL LTD, PROSPECT PARK, BROUGHTON WAY , HARROGATE HG2 7NY Operating between Burnley, Stoops Estate and Todmorden Bus Station given service number 1/1A/1B/1C effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. BUSWAYS TRAVEL SERVICES LTD T/A STAGECOACH NORTHEAST, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, NORTH BRIDGE STREET , SUNDERLAND SR5 1AQ Operating between Central Station Bewick Street and Central Station Bewick Street given service number CS1 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. DUNN MOTOR TRACTION LTD T/A YOUR BUS, HEANOR GATE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, HEANOR GATE ROAD , HEANOR DE75 7RJ Operating between Derby, Riverlights Bus Station and Nottingham, Friar Lane given service number Y5 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL T/A FLEET MANAGEMENT & PASSENGER TRANSPORT UNIT, UNIT 10, ANNIE REED ROAD , BEVERLEY HU17 0LF Operating between Bridlington Park & Ride Site and Bridlington Park & Ride Site given service number Park & Ride effective from 28-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. EAST YORKSHIRE MOTOR SERVICES LTD, 252 ANLABY ROAD HULL HU3 2RS Operating between The Spa and The Sands given service number 109 effective from 28-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. EAST YORKSHIRE MOTOR SERVICES LTD, 252 ANLABY ROAD HULL HU3 2RS Operating between Hessle and Bainton given service number ME1 effective from 03-Apr-2015. To amend Timetable. FIRST SOUTH YORKSHIRE LTD, MIDLAND ROAD GARAGE, MIDLAND ROAD , ROTHERHAM S61 1TF Operating between SHEFFIELD (SHEFFIELD INTERCHANGE) and BAKEWELL ( RUTLAND SQUARE) given service number 240/241 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. 13 PB0002307/333 PB0002307/34 PB0000815/518 PB0001747/18 PB0003954/352 PB0003954/307 PB0003954/304 PB0003954/357 PB0003954/472 PB0003954/538 PB0003954/561 PB0002400/260 PB0004480/2 FIRST SOUTH YORKSHIRE LTD, MIDLAND ROAD GARAGE, MIDLAND ROAD , ROTHERHAM S61 1TF Operating between SHEFFIELD INTERCHANGE and CASTLETON given service number 273 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. FIRST SOUTH YORKSHIRE LTD, MIDLAND ROAD GARAGE, MIDLAND ROAD , ROTHERHAM S61 1TF Operating between Sheffield I/C and Castleton Bus Station given service number 272 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. FIRST WEST YORKSHIRE LTD, HUNSLET PARK DEPOT, DONISTHORPE STREET , LEEDS LS10 1PL Operating between Huddersfield Queensgate and Storthes Hall Park given service number 398/399 effective from 14-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. FIRST YORK LTD, HUNSLET PARK DEPOT, DONISTHORPE STREET , LEEDS LS10 1PL Operating between McArthur Glen Shopping Outlet and York Railway Station given service number 7/7A effective from 30-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Heworth, Metro and Hadrian Park, Addington Drive given service number 58/58X effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Newcastle, Market Street and Newcastle, Market Street given service number 97/98/98A effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Blyth Bus Station and Newcastle Haymarket Bus Station given service number 307/309/310/X39 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Wallsend, Metro and Wallsend, Metro given service number 40/41 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between North Shields, Bedford Street and Wallsend METRO given service number 80 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Ashington Bus Station and North Shields, Town Centre given service number 19 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between GREAT PARK VILLAGE and NEWCASTLE CITY CENTRE given service number X40/40A effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTHERN LTD T/A GO NORTH EAST, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Chester - Le - Street South Burns and Newcastle Eldon Square Bus Concourse given service number 28,28A/28B effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. GREG LAWSON & ANNA MAY LAWSON T/A YESTERYEAR COACHES, WAVERLEY HOUSE, 36 JENNY LANE, BAILDON SHIPLEY BD17 6RR Operating between Ingrow (Keighley) and Oxenhope given service number 27 effective from 30-Mar-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. 14 PB0001929/25 PB1049268/29 PC0004218/155 PB1010181/111 PB1010181/123 PB0002186/19 PB1079814/18 PB0001873/34 PB0001873/22 JACK STEPHENSON & ROSEMARY ALISON STEPHENSON T/A SS SUNCRUISERS, 6 STEPNEY RISE SCARBOROUGH YO12 5BP Operating between WEST PIER, SANDSIDE and WEST PIER, SANDSIDE given service number 101 SCARBOROUGH TOUR BUS effective from 30-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. JIM HUGHES COACHES LTD T/A JH Coaches, FELL BANK, BIRTLEY , CHESTER LE STREET DH3 2SP Operating between KINGSTON PARK ROAD and SACRED HEART SCHOOL given service number 134 effective from 25-Dec-2014. To amend Route. NOTTS & DERBY TRACTION CO LTD, MANSFIELD ROAD HEANOR DE75 7BG Operating between Nottingham, Broadmarsh Bus Station and Derby Morledge Bus Station given service number X 52 effective from 23-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD T/A STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD, UNIT 16, MOOR LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THOLTHORPE YORK YO61 1SR Operating between MALTON, NEWGATE and MALTON, NEWGATE given service number 193 effective from 06-Apr-2015. To amend Timetable. STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD T/A STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD, UNIT 16, MOOR LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THOLTHORPE YORK YO61 1SR Operating between Malton Bus Station and Hemsley, Market Place given service number 194 effective from 06-Apr-2015. To amend Timetable. TRENT MOTOR TRACTION CO LTD T/A TRENT BUSES, 88A MANSFIELD ROAD HEANOR DE75 7BG Operating between Mansfield Bus Station and Derby Bus Station given service number 91/92/93 effective from 29-Mar-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. UTOPIA COACHES LIMITED, UNIT 4 THE MALTINGS, FENTON LANE, SHERBURN IN ELMET LEEDS LS25 6EZ Operating between PONTEFRACT, BUS STATION and YORK, PICCADILLY given service number 42-2/491 effective from 23-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. YORKSHIRE COASTLINER LTD, PROSPECT PARK, STARBECK , HARROGATE HG2 7NY Operating between York / Acomb and York University given service number 44 effective from 30-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. YORKSHIRE COASTLINER LTD, PROSPECT PARK, STARBECK , HARROGATE HG2 7NY Operating between York Exhibition Square and York Exhibition Square given service number York Sightseeing effective from 30-Mar-2015. To amend Timetable. Section 3.4 – Applications to Vary Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice PB0002717/238 PB0002717/292 ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Durham and Newcastle given service number X2 effective from 20-Jan-2015. To amend Route. ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Darlington and Tow Law given service number 1/1B/X1 effective from 01-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. 15 PB0002717/210 PB0002717/202 PB0002717/201 PB0002717/382 PB0000582/90 PB0000582/17 PB0000815/851 PB0000815/793 PB0003954/606 PB0002400/481 PB0002400/554 PB0002400/455 PB0002400/537 ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Skerne Park and Harrowgate Farm given service number 14/14a/14b effective from 01-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Darlington and Mowden given service number 3 effective from 01-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Darlington and Branksome given service number 2 effective from 01-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Durham and Sunderland given service number 22 effective from 22-Jan-2015. To amend Route. ARRIVA YORKSHIRE LTD, 24 BARNSLEY ROAD WAKEFIELD WF1 5JX Operating between Dewsbury and Bradford given service number 268 effective from 24-Jan-2015. To amend Timetable. ARRIVA YORKSHIRE LTD, 24 BARNSLEY ROAD WAKEFIELD WF1 5JX Operating between Wakefield and Castleford given service number 175 effective from 22-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. FIRST WEST YORKSHIRE LTD, HUNSLET PARK DEPOT, DONISTHORPE STREET , LEEDS LS10 1PL Operating between Beacon Road and St Joseph's RC College given service number B16 effective from 23-Feb-2015. To amend Timetable. FIRST WEST YORKSHIRE LTD, HUNSLET PARK DEPOT, DONISTHORPE STREET , LEEDS LS10 1PL Operating between Southfield lane and Queensbury Upper School given service number Q17 effective from 23-Feb-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Stanley Bus Station and Quorum Business Park given service number 794 effective from 02-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. GO NORTHERN LTD T/A GO NORTH EAST, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Sunderland, Park Lane Interchange and Houghton Le Spring, The Broadway given service number 238/38/38C effective from 25-Jan-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTHERN LTD T/A GO NORTH EAST, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between LOW MOORSLEY, FRONT STREET/CHESTER- LESTREET and TOWN END FARM/BOLDON ASDA/HEWORTH INTERCHANGE given service number 35/35A/36 effective from 25-Jan-2015. To amend Route. GO NORTHERN LTD T/A GO NORTH EAST, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Chester-Le-Street Waldridge park and Chester-Le-Street Waldridge park given service number 34,34A effective from 26-Jan-2015. To amend Timetable. GO NORTHERN LTD T/A GO NORTH EAST, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between Birtley, Lord Lawson School and St Robert of Newmister R C High School given service number 444 effective from 02-Feb-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. 16 PB1049268/10 PB0003982/20 PB0001484/262 PB0001484/261 PB0001484/272 PB0001484/65 PB0001484/5 PB1010181/117 PB1086413/7 JIM HUGHES COACHES LTD T/A JH Coaches, FELL BANK, BIRTLEY , CHESTER LE STREET DH3 2SP Operating between FELLGATE/DURHAM DRIVE and ST JOSEPHS RC COMP SCHOOL given service number 821 effective from 02-Feb-2015. To amend Timetable. JOHN JAMES BRUNSKILL & SHARON BRUNSKILL T/A JSB TRAVEL / S & S TRAVEL, 13 HILLSIDE ROAD, COUNDON , BISHOP AUCKLAND DL14 8LS Operating between Bishop Auckland bus station and Bedburn Drive given service number 9 effective from 13-Jan-2015. To amend Route and Stopping Places. LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD CAR CO LTD, PO BOX 15, DEACON ROAD , LINCOLN LN2 4JB Operating between Humberside Airport and Hull Interchange given service number HF2 effective from 19-Jan-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD CAR CO LTD, PO BOX 15, DEACON ROAD , LINCOLN LN2 4JB Operating between Cleethorpes Sea Rd and Humberside Airport given service number HF1/CF effective from 19-Jan-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD CAR CO LTD, PO BOX 15, DEACON ROAD , LINCOLN LN2 4JB Operating between Grimsby and Market Rasen given service number 53/53A/53B effective from 09-Feb-2015. To amend Timetable. LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD CAR CO LTD, PO BOX 15, DEACON ROAD , LINCOLN LN2 4JB Operating between Scunthorpe and Kirton in Lindsey given service number 103 effective from 09-Feb-2015. To amend Timetable. LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD CAR CO LTD, PO BOX 15, DEACON ROAD , LINCOLN LN2 4JB Operating between Kirton in Lindsey and Lincoln Bus Station given service number 103 effective from 09-Feb-2015. To amend Timetable. STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD T/A STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD, UNIT 16, MOOR LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THOLTHORPE YORK YO61 1SR Operating between Easingwold and York given service number 29 effective from 19-Jan-2015. To amend Route and Timetable. TATES TRAVEL LTD T/A TATES TRAVEL GROUP, WHALEY ROAD BARNSLEY S75 1HT Operating between Howbrooke and Penistone Grammar School given service number 409 effective from 27-Jan-2015. To amend Timetable. Section 3.5 – Cancellations of Existing Services PB0002717/363 PB0002717/386 PB1078688/39 ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Middlesbrough and Scarborough given service number X93 effective from 29-Mar-2015. ARRIVA DURHAM COUNTY LTD, 1 ADMIRAL WAY, DOXFORD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK , SUNDERLAND SR3 3XP Operating between Middlesbrough and Scarborough given service number X93 effective from 23-May-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between Low Green, Darley and Harrogate, St John Fisher School given service number 656H effective from 23-Mar-2015. 17 PB1078688/36 PB1078688/27 PB1078688/23 PB1078688/14 PB1078688/13 PB1078688/12 PB1078688/1 PB1078688/2 PB0003954/614 PD0000738/284 PB1129926/15 PB1054108/6 CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between BURTON LEONARD and KING JAMES'S SCHOOL, KNARESBOROUGH given service number 757H effective from 23-Mar-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between CATTERICK VILLAGE and NORTHALLERTON SEC SCHOOLS given service number 878H effective from 23-Mar-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between RIPON BUS STATION and NIDDERDALE HIGH SCHOOL, PATELEY BRIDGE given service number 736H effective from 23-Mar-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between SCOTTON and LE CHATEAU SCHOOL, RICHMOND given service number 568R effective from 23-Mar-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between SCOTTON and RISEDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, RICHMOND given service number 566R effective from 23-Mar-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between HAIG ROAD and RISEDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, RICHMOND given service number 564R effective from 23-Mar-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between CROFT and RICHMOND SCHOOL given service number 466R effective from 23-Mar-2015. CLIFFORD GEORGE ABBOTT & JAMES MATTHEW ABBOTT T/A G ABBOTT & SONS, 37 ROMAN ROAD, LEEMING , NORTHALLERTON DL7 9SN Operating between BROMPTON- ON-SWANE and RICHMOND SCHOOL given service number 469R effective from 23-Mar-2015. GO NORTH EAST LIMITED, 117 QUEEN STREET GATESHEAD NE8 2UA Operating between SOUTH SHIELDS, CHURCH WAY and COBALT, THE SILVERLINK NORTH given service number 919 effective from 29-Mar-2015. NATIONAL EXPRESS LTD, BIRMINGHAM COACH STATION, DIGBETH , BIRMINGHAM B5 6DD Operating between Leeds and Stranraer given service number 922 effective from 16-Mar-2015. NOTTINGHAM MINIBUSES & COACHES LTD, 16 BROADWAY EAST, CARLTON , NOTTINGHAM NG4 1AG Operating between MORRISON, NETHERFIELD and MORRISON, NETHERFIELD given service number 73/73A effective from 29-Mar-2015. VICTORIA ELLEN WEBSTER T/A PHEONIX TRAVEL, 2 ORCHARD COTTAGES, MAIN ST, NORTH FRODINGHAM DRIFFIELD YO25 8LJ Operating between Driffield and Bridlington given service number 124 effective from 22-Mar-2015. 18 Section 3.6 – Cancellations of Existing Services Granted Under Short Notice PB1010181/122 STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD T/A STEPHENSON'S OF EASINGWOLD LTD, UNIT 16, MOOR LANE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, THOLTHORPE YORK YO61 1SR Operating between Low Hutton and Malton School given service number 192R effective from 01-Feb-2015. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Section 4 – Traffic Regulation Conditions Section 4.1 – Requests Section 4.2 – Determinations ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Section 5 – Public Inquiries Note: anyone wishing to attend a public inquiry is advised to contact the Office of the Traffic Commissioner on 0113 254 3239, the day before the inquiry, to avoid unnecessary travel should the inquiry be adjourned for any reason. A transcript of the taped proceedings of public inquiries (either in full or in part) may be ordered from the Office of the Traffic Commissioner. The cost of the transcript varies according to demand and size of content and the office will be able to advise on the scale of charges when an order is placed. Appeals in connection with PSV Operator Licences must be lodged with the Upper Tribunal – Administrative Appeal Chamber (Transport), 5th Floor, Rolls Building, 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1NL not later than 28 days after the date of the letter conveying the Traffic Commissioner’s (or Deputy Traffic Commissioner’s) decision. Appellants can obtain guidance on lodging appeals, including downloading the appeal form, from the website: Section 5.1 – Notice of Public Inquiries to be Held No Entries Section 5.2 – Decisions Taken at Public Inquiries 19 Public Inquiry (49785) held at Centre for Enterprise Teesside University Victoria Road Middlesbrough TS1 3BA on 06 January 2015 at 14:00(Previous Publication:(2194) )PB1133029 R MOHAMMED KABIR SHABIR INGLEBY MANOR, CROSSWELL PARK , STOCKTON-ON-TEES TS17 5BE PSV - S14 - Application refused Public Inquiry (49812) held at Centre of Enterprise Teesside University Victoria Road Middlesbrough TS1 3BA on 06 January 2015 at 16:00(Previous Publication:(2194) )PB1054027 R IMRAN KHAN T/A KHAN'S 167, BOROUGH ROAD MIDDLESBROUGH TS1 3AS PSV - S17 - Licence revoked with effect from 23.59 on 18 April 2015 Public Inquiry (49789) held at Centre for Enterprise Teesside University Victoria Road Middlesbrough TS1 3BA on 07 January 2015 at 14:00(Previous Publication:(2194) )PB1121429 R AURZAM SHAN T/A EAST COAST TRAVEL 28 THORNFIELD ROAD, LINTHORPE , MIDDLESBROUGH TS5 5DE PSV - S17 - Licence suspended with immediate effect for an indefinite period. Section 5.3 – Notice of Transport Manager Public Inquiries to be Held TM Public Inquiry (EpisodeId:3629 PublicInquiryId:2384) for CHRISTOPHER JAMES GRIERSON to be held at Hillcrest House Hillcrest House 386 Harehills Lane Leeds LS9 6NF, on 04 March 2015 commencing at 10:30 (Previous Publication:(6093)) Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 TM Public Inquiry (EpisodeId:3592 PublicInquiryId:2365) for GURPAL SINGH CHAHAL to be held at Hillcrest House Hillcrest House 386 Harehills Lane Leeds LS9 6NF, on 25 February 2015 commencing at 14:00 (Previous Publication:(6093)) Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 Section 5.4 – Decisions Taken at Transport Manager Public Inquiries No Entries ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 20 Section 6 – Corrections No Entries ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 21 22
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