C ATHOLIC P ORTSMOUTH Catholic Parishes and Schools in Partnership in the City of Portsmouth 8 FEBRUARY 2015 – FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME When I was studying for my A-levels (some years ago) there was a hit record entitled ‘Don’t worry be happy.’ It featured a lot of whistling. I found it rather annoying especially when people whistled it in my direction as an encouragement to me to not get worked up about something or someone. If you have ever tried spending the day not worrying about anything you will know just how exhausting this is. We seem instinctively to worry. Is it healthy? Last week amid worrying about everything from cathedral roof tiles to the vet’s diagnosis of arthritis in my dog, I chanced upon the following list of ‘commandments’: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Thou shalt not worry for worry is the most unproductive of all human activities. Thou shalt not be fearful for most of the things we fear never come to pass. Thou shalt not carry grudges, for they are the heaviest of all burdens. Thou shalt face each day as it comes. Thou canst after all only handle one day at a time. Thou shalt not take problems to bed for they make poor bedfellows. Thou shalt not borrow other people’s problems. Thou shalt not try to relive yesterday for good or ill it is forever gone. Thou shalt try and be a good listener, for when we truly listen we hear ideas different from our own and often we hear far too much of these. 9. Thou shalt do whatever it takes not to become bogged down by frustration, for 90% of it is rooted in self-pity and will only interfere with positive action. 10. Thou shalt count thy blessings from the Lord, never overlooking even the small ones, for verily do a lot of small blessings add up to a big one. The above list made me stop, chuckle and think. It also had me wondering just how much my spiritual health might improve from applying it to my daily life. I know how often the lament of Job heard this Sunday in the first reading is echoed in my own heart: ‘lying in bed I wonder, “When will it be day?” Risen I think, “How slowly evening comes! Restlessly I fret.” Instead of this fretting with Job I will try this week to sing with the psalmist: ‘Praise the Lord for he is good, sing to our God for he is loving: to him our praise is due.’ (Ps 146) Will I sing this alone or will you join me? In such a song may we find our worries replaced not by happiness which can be here one minute and gone the next but by a deep and lasting joy, the joy that comes from knowing the Lord. Canon Dominic Golding Hymns at 0915: 202,413, 628 & 376 St John’s Cathedral: Bishop’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3HG – Tel. 02392 826170 Cathedral Dean: Canon Dominic Golding VG – dgolding@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Assistant Priest: Fr James McAuley – jmcauley@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Parish Secretary: Mrs Lily Peach – cathedral@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk – Office Hours: 0900-1600 Monday – Friday Parish Pastoral Assistant: Sister Maura Chin - Safeguarding Representative: Sue Smy 023 9273 0855 Corpus Christi & St Joseph Fr Steven Restori tel 023 9266 0927 – ccsj@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Corpus Christi Gladys Avenue, North End PO2 9AZ – St Joseph Tangier Road, Copnor PO3 6JH Parish Sister: Sr Mary Gleavey FMDM 07586 801868 – St Joseph Hall Bookings: Mrs Mary Vale 07897 488254 Safeguarding Representative: Elaine Lindsay 07749 200592 Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun Fr Kazimierz Stefek - tel. 023 9282 8305 – southseaparish@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk Our Lady of Lourdes Bransbury Road, Eastney, PO4 9JY - St Swithun 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, PO5 2PL Pastoral Assistant: Sr Marie Elise Tel. 07747 728734 Parish Secretary: Mrs Clare Shore – Office Hours: Mon 9-11and Tues to Friday 9- 3 Safeguarding Representative: Val Croughan 023 9234 1682 St Colman with St Paul Fr Joe McNerney (Hospital Chaplain) – Assistant Priest: Fr John Humphreys scsp@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk - 023 9228 6408 St Colman St Colman’s Avenue, Cosham, PO6 2JJ – St Paul Allaway Avenue, PO6 4DG– tel. 023 9237 6151 Parish Assistant: Mrs Tess Pritchard Office Hours: 0900-1500 Mon to Fri Safeguarding Representative: Irene Taylor 023 9264 0754 or 07914 722708 Pastoral Youth Worker: Dom DeBoo tel 023 9283 6524 mob 07769 185603 – ddeboo@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk PARISHES: Corpus Christi & St Joseph • Our Lady of Lourdes with St Swithun • St Colman & St Paul • St John’s Cathedral SCHOOLS: Primary: Corpus Christi • St John’s Cathedral • St Paul’s • St Swithun’s • Secondary: St Edmund’s Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk CONTACT Youth Club (11 – 16) SUNDAY NIGHT EXTRA (11 – 16) CONTACT Youth Club, our youth club for young people aged 11–16, runs from 1900–2100 at St Colman’s Catholic Church. Next, on Wednesday 11 February, we will be K;k;k;l having a rap and poetry workshop testing your ability to write crazy lyrics. £1 a week subs + tuck shop. Sunday Night Extra is our monthly space for you to chill out on a Sunday night with other young Catholics, eat good food and explore your faith deeper. It is held in the Cathedral Discovery Centre from 1900–2045 and we ask for a donation of £2 per person towards the cost of food. Next Session: Sunday 22 February. Feel free to get in touch: facebook: ‘Dom DeBoo Portsmouth’ twitter @Dom_DeBoo_Youth www.catholicportsmouth.org.uk/youth ddeboo@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk tel: 07769185603 HALF TERM: KIDS CLUBS TIME OUT WITH GOD In half term we will be running two Kids Clubs for young people in school years 4–6 from 1400– 1600. The first will take place at St John’s Cathedral on Wednesday 18 February whilst the second takes place at St Colman’s Catholic Church on Thursday 19 February. The clubs are free but run a tuck shop and feature a range of fun activities. To sign up contact Dom. On Thursday 19 February we will be putting together a liturgy for young people aged 13–18 at Our Lady of Lourdes, Bransbury Road from 1900– 2030, featuring worship, prayer, DVD Input and meditation. Come make some space for God and experience His love. RECONCILIATION St John's Cathedral St Swithun Our Lady of Lourdes Corpus Christi St Joseph St Colman Saturday 1100-1145 1700 – 1745 Friday 1930 – 2000 Saturday 1030 - 1100 Saturday 1730 – 1755 Saturday 0930 Saturday (Before 1800 Mass) Saturday 1700 – 1730 WE ACKNOWLEDGE LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS WITH THANKS: Corpus Christi with St Joseph:£ tbc inc SO Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun: £1,008.35 inc SO(61% GA) St Colman with St Paul: £1,061.41 inc SO (71% GA) St John’s Cathedral: £2,302.55 inc SO (45% GA) Second Collections Last weekend: Catholic Education Service £142.55 14/15 March: Clergy Assistance Fund Thank you for your generosity. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL COPY FOR THE NEXT EDITION OF THE PASTORAL AREA NEWSLETTER IS RECEIVED BY 1800 ON THE PRIOR WEDNESDAY WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 From Thu 21 July – Tue 2 August 2016, we will be joining the Diocesan trip to Krakow, Poland for World Youth Day 2016. If you will be aged 16 by Wednesday 20 July 2016 and would like to come with us to Poland an application form can be found via the Portsmouth diocese website: www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk. The cost of the trip will be in the region of £995 but we will be fundraising to help us towards this target. For more info, contact Will Hince: 07780221686 PARISH DIARY Sunday 8 February Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking Youth & Children’s Mass: 0930 St Colman’s Church Lunch Date: Sue’s House Kerala Group Mass: 1530 St Paul’s Church Wednesday 11 February Union of Catholic Mothers: 1400 St Colman’s Church Hall Mass of Anointing: 1400 St Paul’s Church Contact Youth Group: 1900 St Colman’s Church Hall JAG Group Meeting: 2000, 13 St Colman’s Avenue Friday 13 February Quiet Space: 1400 St Paul’s Church Kerala Community Youth Group: 1730 St Paul’s Church Sunday 15 February Malayalam Catechism Class: 1400 St Paul’s Church Wednesday 18 February Ash Wednesday & Lent begins Friday 20 February Quiet Space: 1400 St Paul’s Church Kerala Group Prayers: 1730 St Paul’s Church Saturday 21 February Cleaning: 0900 St Paul’s Church Secular Franciscan Order: 1330 St Colman’s Church Hall Annual Finance Talk: All Masses Sunday 22 February Parish Community Lunch: Midday St Paul’s Church Evening Prayer & Benediction: 1730 St Colman’s Church Annual Finance Talk: All Masses Wednesday 25 February Union of Catholic Mothers: 1400 St Colman’s Church Hall Contact Youth Group: 1900 St Colman’s Church Hall Friday 27 February Quiet Space: 1400 St Paul’s Church Kerala Group Lent Prayers: 1700 St Paul’s Church Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Pastoral Area News UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH STUDENTS On Sunday 8 February there will be the Students' Brunch at the NEW time of at Angela's NEW home address: 1345 33, Brandon Court, Lawrence Road, Southsea, PO5 1PF, followed by some playful conversation about St Valentine. For further details/information please contact Angela.ODonoghue@port.ac.uk tel. no: 023-92843030 PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS Do you know how many priests there are in our city? The answer is four parish priests, two assistant priests and two who say they’re retired but still do rather a lot. It’s not a large group and four of them combine their parish responsibilities with other work: one is our hospital chaplain, another is the Chancellor of the Diocese (dealing with all kinds of dispensations and permissions to do this and that), another is the Bishop’s secretary and another is a Vicar General (dealing with all the stuff the Bishop asks him to do). As a group they meet every Wednesday afternoon to pray. It also gives them the opportunity to talk and support one another. Do please pray for them and be assured that you are prayed for on Wednesdays and every other day too. DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND: 22 NOV-2 DEC 2015 The nine-night pilgrimage will be led by Bishop Phillip and has been specially devised to provide a unique spiritual experience. Come and walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in the land of His birth, visit the places where he ministered, prayed, suffered and died. Cost: £1,560 fully inclusive. Single supplement £335. For further information contact pilgrimage organiser Deacon Iain MacFirbhisigh: Blessings41@gmail.com VISIT OF THE RELICS OF BLESSED LOUIS AND BLESSED ZELIE MARTIN As announced by Bishop Philip in his Pastoral Letter, the relics of Blessed Louis and Blessed Zélie Martin, one of the first married couples to be beatified, have been invited to the Diocese this May. Blessed Louis and Blessed Zélie are the parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux. Read more about them on www.louisand zeliemartin.org. Wed 20 May - Liturgy of Reception at St Theresa’s Totton, Southampton Thur 21 May - Day of Veneration at St John’s Cathedral Portsmouth Fri 22 May - Mass at Christ the King, Reading DAY OF RENEWAL- A TIME OF WAITING To celebrate its 40th anniversary there will be a mini-retreat with adoration, rosary, Eucharist, praise, teaching and healing prayer on 28 Feb from 11001600 at St Lucy’s Convent, Medstead near Alton, Hants GU34 5LL. The conference speaker is Derek Williams. All welcome. EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAMS: A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP PHILIP Bishop Philip writes: “As you know, the Church in our time is calling us to the work of new evangelisation. We are Christ’s missionary disciples, and He has given us many charisms and talents for this work. Now we want to set up in every Pastoral Area an Evangelisation Strategy Team, comprised of clergy and laity, to direct the work of mission at the local, parish level. In your Pastoral Area, there will soon be a Holy Hour to pray for this initiative. The Strategy Team is a new body to replace the Pastoral Council. It should represent all ages and types. It’s all about vision! Its purpose is to sponsor mission-projects across the area. Teams will meet once a term. To find out more, go to our diocesan website: www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/evang elisation-teams. There you will find a video with more info, and further details. CAFOD & UK AID MATCH FUNDING The UK government has promised to match every pound and penny you give to CAFOD’s Lenten appeal (18 Feb-17 May) up to the value of £3.5M. Your donations can be used to help more of our sisters and brothers deal with the devastating impact of extreme weather such as storms, droughts and floods. Thank you for your generous compassion for those living in poverty and for fasting in solidarity with them on Lent Fast Day (Friday 27 February 2015). Parish News MASS OF ANOINTING There will be a Mass of Anointing at St Paul’s Church on Wed 11th of Feb at 2pm. Members of St Paul’s School will also be attending. If you are in need of spiritual healing. Please come along. UNION OF CATHOLIC MOTHERS Our parish UCM will next meet on Wed 11th Feb at 1400, in St Colman’s Church Hall. ADORATION Watchers are needed for the following day and times slots. Monday 10am to 11am and 11am to midday. If you are able to spend an hour, with our Lord, during these times please let Paula or the parish office know. Due to the half term break, adoration will cease after Wed 11th of Feb and restart on Mon 23rd Feb. PPC MINS - 19 JAN 2015 These are now available to read in the folder at the back of the church. JAG GROUP MEETING The next meeting of our Justice & Awareness Group is on Wednesday 11th of February at 2000, 13 St Colman’s Avenue. All new members are most welcome. FLORENCE BLAKE RIP Please pray for the repose of the soul of Florence Blake who died recently. Florence’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 18th February at 0930. Please keep Florence’s family and friends in your prayers at this time. EVENING PRAYER & BENEDICTION There will be evening prayer & benediction on Sunday 22nd of February at 1730, in St Colman’s Church. LEN TAYLOR RIP Len’s funeral will take place at St Colman’s Church on Wednesday 25th of February at 1400. Please keep Len’s family in your prayers. PARISH COMMUNITY LENTEN LUNCH Sunday 22nd of Feb, after 11am, in St Paul’s Church Hall. ‘Soup for all tastes.’£1 per adult, 50p per child or a donation. Ring Malcolm on 92 385155 or Noel on 92 385519 to book your place. PARISH QUIZ NIGHT This popular event will next take place on Saturday 28th February at 1930, in St Colman’s Church Hall. Tickets include a fish and chip supper. Teams of eight and bring your own drinks. There will also be a raffle. The ticket price is £7.00 and tickets will be available to purchase after the Masses this weekend. Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Liturgical Calendar and Mass Times SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY FIRST MASS OF FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Job 7:1-4.6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19.22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Parish Mass Book p 135 MONDAY 9 FEBRUARY Feria (5th Week of Ordinary Time) TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time St Scholastica, Virgin, memorial WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY Our Lady of Lourdes, op mem or: Feria (5th Week of Ordinary Time) THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY Feria of the 5th Week of Ordinary Time FRIDAY 13 FEBRUARY Feria (5th Week of Ordinary Time) SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY St Cyril, Religious & St Methodius, Bishop, Patrons of Europe, feast SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY Vigil Mass of 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Leviticus 13:1-2.45-46 1 Corinthians 10:31 – 11:1 Mark 1:40-45 Parish Mass Book p 137 1800 0800 0830 St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Joseph Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral St Swithun Kathleen Cooper RIP (FM) Private Intention People of the parish Peggy Goodchild RIP Deceased Members of Barrett Family 0900 St Joseph Claude & Margaret Hicks 0930 St Colman Joan Hudson RIP (BH) 1000 St John’s Cathedral Lander and Jones Family INT 1015 1100 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 1800 St Swithun St Paul Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral Our Lady of Lourdes QA Hospital St Swithun St John’s Cathedral Jim Doran (Sr Yvonne) Nuala Hyde RIP (PM) Margaret & Hugh Griffin Private Intention Mass in Vietnamese Tressie Heather RIP (PM) Mass in Polish People of the Parish 1000 St Swithun 1215 0915 1000 St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun Mila Alacapa RIP Tony Whitlock (PM) Lucy Kingman RIP P 1215 1900 0730 1000 1400 1215 0915 1000 1200 1215 0730 St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Paul St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral Helen Dyer RIP F 0930 Corpus Christi 1000 St Swithun 1100 St Swithun 1215 1830 1900 1000 St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St Swithun 1215 St John’s Cathedral John Doyle RIP F 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 St Joseph St Colman Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Joseph St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Paul Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral 1600 QA Hospital 1800 1800 St Swithun St John’s Cathedral Teresa Kathleen Grace Potter F Private Intentions (BM) Edward Darrell and those buried with him P People of the Parish Stella Bethune RIP People of the Parish People of the Parish Henry Webber RIP (MH) Brigid Skinner RIP Tom and Kathleen Kinoulty RIP Joe Scurr RIP (PM) Terry New Michelle Reynolds RIP William, Catherine & Fr Bernard Medd RIP (PM) Mass in Polish Marie and Pamela Quick RIP 1800 Mary Josephine Wilson RIP P John Anthony Pettifer RIP People of the Parish Funeral Mass of Pamela Quick RIP Fred Davenport (PM) Eric Joseph Tuplin RIP F Aileen Mary Frances Payne RIP F Guy Goodson RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 1200 Funeral Margaret Maria Rita Theresa England RIP John and Catherine Cassey RIP F William Medd RIP (FM) Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk
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