Feb 2015 Newsletter

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February 2015 The President’s Corner Here we are at the half-­‐way point in our GWGA golf season. Hard to believe! However, we are just now entering the “meat” of the season. And hopefully we’ll begin to enjoy more warm mornings and sunlit days! Many thanks go out to Judi Lorenzen and Jane Huff for a very successful Rules Seminar. This was our first effort at holding the event at the club and we’ve learned some things. We look forward to another great turnout next year, with refinements! We’ve just completed a wonderfully successful Solheim Cup. Incredible thanks go to Terri Camp and Roberta Bixby who led the RED and BLUE teams in a spirited and close three days of compeQQon. There’s nothing like 64 women compeQng in friendship and fun. Many of us made new friends or cemented old friendships. It was a great week! CongratulaQons to all the players! The Member-­‐Guest commiTee has just BLASTED us with an exciQng enQcement to help secure the Gallery Galaxy from the Frigitopia invasion. Nancy Staron and her awesome commiTee are working Qrelessly to prepare an unbelievably fun event for our members and their alien guests. March 25-­‐27 are the dates. The Gallery Galaxy is the place. So find yourself an alien – perhaps one who is eager to leave the cold, northern climate for a few days of fun in the sun. Or maybe you have a local alien who could help make fun memories. Do you have what it takes? Are you interested in ge_ng involved in the GWGA organizaQon? Are you a computer whiz? A good organizer? A talented writer or editor? We would love to hear from you. Just ask any of the GWGA board members about the possibility of ge_ng involved. Enjoy your golf in our desert paradise! Sally Herfurth
GWGA HAPPENINGS IN FEBRUARY S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 No Game -­‐Ryder Cup 11 Point Quota Best of 2 of 4 (Team game) 18 Medallion Qualifier/Low New (Individual game) 25 1 on 5’s, 2 on 4’s, 3 on 3’s (Team Game)
“3 Jills & A Jack” GWGA Annual Spring Charity Golf Event Get Your Teams Together and Mark Your Calendars for Wednesday March 11, 2015. Sign up opens Wednesday February 11th on ForeTees or by contacQng the Golf Shop. Our annual charity event benefits Honor Flight Southern Arizona. Entry fee is $45 per Jill. Pre-­‐Event raffle Qckets are available via email to: gwgacharityQx@gmail.com Tickets are 2 for $10, 5 for $20 and 15 for $50 (the best value). In honor of our Veterans we will create a Wall of Honor where you can purchase signs for $20 each to honor family or friends who have served or are serving in our Armed Forces. All raffle Qckets and Honor Wall sales go to our charity…100%. Wall of Honor sign sample
In Memory of: Peter William Vanderloos “Pat” WWII Veteran – US Army Father of Bill Vanderloos
Flyers and addiQonal informaQon will be in the ladies locker room soon. This is a wonderful event to play golf, raise money for Honor Flight, and enjoy a really fun day together. You DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY TO WIN…
OR BE PRESENT…BUT…YOU DO HAVE TO BUY A TICKET TO WIN! And YES -­‐ there are Prizes for the winners in each flight!!! Sign up opens February 11th. Any quesQons please contact your commiTee. Barbara Bolton, Darlene Vanderloos
& Robin Allen
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February 2015 Membership Kachina for Fun Please welcome new members to The Gallery and to the GWGA! Desert Hills Golf Club is a nice course in Green Valley that will be hosQng Kachina on Monday, February 16th with a 9:00 shotgun. Please turn in your check to our Gallery front desk for $56 made out to Kachina. Light breakfast and lunch plus golf included. Sandy Puccio 15146 N. Gallery Place, Marana, AZ 85658 1 917-­‐817-­‐2759 (mobile) Puccio118@gmail.com Brini Brennan 5774 W. Sunset Gallery Place, Marana, AZ 85658 1 626-­‐788-­‐6022 (mobile) Ladytap626@yahoo.com Julia Whalen
Kathi LaTourrette
Ironwood Cup We’ve got a liTle bit of work to do to catch up because we were the 2nd club to host. The standings can change in a hurry because of this. We have 51 points and the leader is Starr Pass with 86.5 BUT they haven’t hosted yet! Each Qme we play there are 162 points available across the board!! There are a total of 7 clubs that parQcipate. Each club sends an A, B and C team of 2 members each. So every point we can earn goes to our total. Our next Ironwood Cup event is at El Conquistador on Monday, February 23 at 8:30 a.m. Terri Camp
Rae Aust
STATE MEDALLION QUALIFYING for 2015! We have completed 3 rounds of qualifying with the last one on February 18th. Remember that your 2 best scores will be used! One Gross and one Net winner will receive an expense paid trip to the State Medallion Tournament, conducted by the AWGA. Laurie Smith
Solheim 2015 Thanks to all those who played in Solheim this year. It was a privilege to serve as captains. Kudos to such a great group who gave it their all in the spirit and camaraderie of this event. For those of you unable to play this year, please consider it next year. You will find it to be fun, fesQve, challenging in a good way, and an excellent team-­‐
building adventure! Congrats to next years Captains, Leslie ClauQce-­‐
Hedrick & Jeannie Symons! ******Go Red and Blue in 2016****** Terri Camp & Roberta Bixby
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February 2015 An important reminder! There are several dates which cause us to have events on the same date, including our regular GWGA play. If you have signed up for more than one event on a specific day and are selected to play -­‐ PLEASE REMOVE YOUR NAME FROM THE OTHER EVENT! By oversight we have had incidences of thinking someone was playing one event and in fact they were playing the other event. Obviously this causes a large problem. Thank you! Pat Williamson
Congrats to our Medallion Cup Tournament Winners for 2014! The Medallion Tournament was at OcoQllo Golf Resort in Chandler, AZ on Jan. 7th. This tournament offers golf clubs throughout AZ the opportunity to send 2 members to play as a team and compete against the other clubs. The event is the low gross player’s score added to the net score of the other player. Over 100 clubs were represented this year! Our representaQves, Kim Asmundson and Nancy Harris, placed third in their flight and wish to thank The Gallery 18-­‐Hole Ladies for sponsoring them.
Sign up now for La Paloma Home & Home
Have you seen the Prickly Pear trophy in the ladies locker room? It’s a beauty and really does look nice in there -­‐ let’s work to keep it!! April 7, Tuesday @ La Paloma April 8, Wednesday @ The Gallery 8:00 Shotgun both days See ForeTees for addiQonal info & sign up! Cindy Smith
ORO VALLEY HOME & HOME Had fun with team play at the Gallery Solheim Cup? Won’t you consider playing with other Gallery ladies in the Oro Valley/Gallery Home and Home!? The format is Stableford team play scoring the beTer ball of the twosome. Tuesday, Feb. 24, Oro Valley 8:30 am Shotgun Wednesday Feb. 25, Gallery 8:30 am Shotgun Four flights of four players plus 2 alternates. Draw will take place February 15th and players will be noQfied. Green fees, cart fee and lunch both days for $80.00. SIGN UP ON FORETEES TODAY!!! QuesQons?? Please call Co-­‐chairs: Brenda Samis
520 744-3005 or
Jeannie Symons 520 572-7189
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February 2015 Catalina Cup Catalina Cup played two matches in January (the 13th and the 19th) and our thanks to both teams for doing their best! We are currently in 4th place (out of 11 teams) and can certainly end up much higher at the end of the season. We have FIVE matches lex, so please sign up on ForeTees for future matches!! The next match is at La Paloma on February 9th. Team for 1-13-15: Top L to R: Judi
Lorenzen, Pat Williamson, Jeannie Symons;
Bottom L to R: Frieda Gutshall, Ronnie
Stuebner, Leslie Clautice-Hedrick
Team from 1-19-15: Julia Whalen,
Cheryl Waldbaum, Lynne Cochran, Carol
Swed, Lynn Henderson, Pam Heidinger
Ginny Barrett and Bette Fredericks
PLAY AWAY UPDATE With three months to go in the PLAY AWAY compeQQon, there is plenty of Qme to accumulate points to earn one of the three Stay and Play packages to Ocean Edge Resort on Cape Cod that we will award at the Annual MeeQng. Here is a refresher on how to earn points: Earn 3 points for signing up a week in advance for our Wednesday play days, either in the signup book that is available at lunch on Wednesdays or on ForeTees before 3:00pm the Wednesday prior to play. Earn 4 points for playing on any Wednesday play day. Earn 7 points for playing in the Member-­‐Guest Tournament March 25-­‐27. Earn 10 points for playing in the Club Championship April 17-­‐18. Through January the points are quite close. With only 10 points separaQng them, here are the TOP CONTENDERS: Meredith Anderson Diane Steward Sandy Emrick Julia Whalen Faith Elwess Pa_ Jubrias Linda Gilman Laurie Smith Liz Hankwitz Wynn Clark Thank you for your GWGA involvement. PLAY AWAY, please!