St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Emmaus, Pennsylvania Fifth Sunday after Epiphany February 8, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS “Bulletin Recycling” is available in the back of the nave. However, please feel free to take either or both the liturgy bulletin and announcements with you. Items for the Allentown Ecumenical Food Bank can be placed in the grocery cart at the rear of the nave or in the plastic bin in the coatroom outside the Parish Hall. Contact Information for Pastor Ken You can contact Pastor Ken any time on any of these three ways: Home Phone - 610-398-4983 Cell Phone - 570-470-3538 Email rd His address is: 947 N. 33 Street, Allentown, PA 18104 Office Hours for Pastor Ken are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday through Thursday. Office lunch break for staff is from 12:00 noon until 12:30 p.m. During this time you may leave a voicemail, and your call will be returned as soon as possible. Farewell to Pastor Lyn Langkamer – All are invited to a fellowship reception today in the Parish Hall at 11:45 a.m. to honor Pastor Lyn, who retired as our Interim Pastor after 18 months of faithful service. Today is Boy Scout Sunday – Thank you to the parents, leaders, and scouts of Boy Scout Troop 70 for their participation in our 8:00 service today! Please join them for fellowship in the Parish Hall following the service. Boy Scouts from Troop 70 Alexander Baksa (Life Scout) Joshua Cramsey (2nd Class Scout) Cody Masters (Life Scout) Colin Masters (Tenderfoot Scout) Chandler Smith (Life Scout) 1 Prayer Cards – Recently the Prayer Chain Group made up cards for the purpose of filling in prayer requests for church members. The cards are displayed in the back of the church in plastic holders on the wooden prayer card box and in a plastic holder in the acolyte dressing room. After you have filled out a card it may be placed in the wooden box. Thank you! On Sunday, February 1, $556.50 was collected for the Souper Bowl of Caring. The money was collected for the Allentown Ecumenical Food bank. WELCA – Tuesday, February 17, 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Please join us for an evening of fellowship for Valentine party night so bring a valentine to share. Flowers are given to the Glory of God . . . . . . In honor of granddaughter’s first birthday by Sylvia & Norm Havlish . . . In honor of Pastor Lyn by the News Crew Bulletins are given to the Glory of God . . . . . . . In celebration of Mollie May Antrim by John Antrim Please keep the hospitalized members in your prayers. Hospital listings are posted on the bulletin boards in the narthex and outside the parish hall. 2
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