April 26, 2015 Sacred Heart Catholic Church 425 North M Street Lake Worth, Fl 33460 frquesnel@sacredheartfamily.com Phone: 561-582-4736 Fax: 561-588-5238 www.sacredheartfamily.com Fr. Quesnel Delvard Pastor Ext. 208 Fr. Nobert Jean-Pierre Parochial Vicar Ext: 207 frnobert@sacredheartfamily.com Deacon Gerard A. Palermo deacongerry@sacredheartfamily.com Deacon Josh Swallows joshswallows@gmail.com Fr. Paul Nguyen Priest In Residence Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Saturday and Sunday Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday - 7:30 AM, Vigil: 4:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Spanish) Sunday - 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 AM 1:00 PM (Spanish) 3:00 PM (Creole) Daily Masses Monday - Friday 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM Holy Days Vigil: 7:00 PM (English) 7:30 & 9:00 AM (English) 7:00 PM (Creole) 8:30 PM (Spanish) Confessions Saturday 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM (Spanish) Sunday 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM (Creole) Our Mission Statement We, the Roman Catholic family of Sacred Heart Church in Lake Worth, empowered by the Word and the Sacraments, are a welcoming, Christ-centered, culturally diverse community. Together, we answer our Christian calling to worship God, grow in holiness and share our faith in Christ by loving and serving our brothers and sisters. A Word From Our Pastor MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, April 26, 2015 7:30 am - Sacred Heart Parishioners. 9:00 am - Edward Barbieri, by Jim Carroll. 11:00 am - †Nadine Flynn Stoddard, by SH Adult Choir. 1:00 pm - †Beverly & Norman Beach, by Wally Kosidlo. 3:00 pm - In thanksgiving. Monday, April 27, 2015 7:30 am - Joseph Wing, by Esther Wing. 9:00 am - Peg & Harry Seymour, by the Seymour family. Tuesday, April 28, 2015 7:30 am - †Joseph Clark, by Margaret Barry. 9:00 am - †Frank & Nettie DeMarco, by family. Wednesday, April 29, 2015 7:30 am - †Anthony Giovan, by Mahaney family. 9:00 am - †Carl, Maria & Mary Palomba, by Carol Palomba. Thursday, April 30, 2015 7:30 am - †William, Julia and Marcella Barry, by the Barry family. 9:00 am - Theresa & Richard Mazur, by Esther Wing. Friday, May 1, 2015 7:30 am - †William, Julia and Marcella Barry, by the Barry family. 9:00 am - †Barbara McNulty, by Faculty and students of Sacred Heart School. 12:00 pm - Marlene Elysee, birthday, by Miguerline Elysee. Saturday, May 2, 2015 7:30 am - †Joseph Polizzi Mahaney, by family. 4:00 pm - †Martha & Bill Lind, by family. 7:00 pm - †Julian Isaac Villa, by Amalia Mosqueida. “JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD” The imagery of Shepherd runs through the whole Bible from Genesis through Revelation. Many of Israel great leaders were at one time shepherds like King David, Moses, and Jacob, among others. Also the title shepherd was used to express God’s special relation with the people of Israel. We are all very familiar with the 23rd Psalm that states: “The Lord is my Shepherd”. In today’s Gospel we see Jesus applying the title Good Shepherd to Himself. Jesus is our Good Shepherd who knows each of his sheep by name; a Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep; a Shepherd who feeds his sheep with his own flesh and blood and a Good Shepherd who leads his sheep into safety, to eternal life. My brothers and sisters, what a blessing to have a “Good Shepherd” like Jesus who takes care of us. He came so that we may have life and have it to the full. Let us make a resolution to always listen and to follow the voice of our “Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Blessings, Fr. Quesnel “A FAMILY OF FAITH IN SERVICE TO OTHERS Please join your fellow parishioners in making a pledge to the 2015 Diocesan Services Appeal Your support makes it possible to continue vital ministries throughout our diocese helping our brothers and sisters in need Make a difference in their lives. ~ Please Give ~ DSA.DIOCESEPB.ORG ITALY REGULAR TRIP Travel with father Quesnel Delvard, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Lake Worth, Florida on our Italy Regular Trip. Where: Rome, Tuscany, Florence, Assisi, Venice When: October 3-11, 2015 Cost: $ 3, 699.00 Airfare and ALL Included. To register, please contact Proximo Travel at (855) 842-8001 or (508) 340-9370. You can also register online at www. proximotravel.com Offertory Re-Registration for Faith Formation 2015 – 2016 School Year Parents, Guardians, now is the time to avoid the waiting in long lines. Re-register your child for the upcoming Faith Formation 2015-2016 school year. Representatives will be present in the ART Room Sunday, April 26th & May 3rd from 10am – 1:00pm CONTACT: Ms. Betty at 582-4736 ext 206 email at: betty@sacredheartfamily.com Please bring your child's birth certificates Mothers Day Novena Cards can be found in the back of the Church. Remember your living or deceased mother, daughter, sister, friend with a Spiritual Bouquet. The Novena will begin May 11th for nine consecutive days. Return the large envelope with your donation and keep the card inside to give to your loved one. April 19 2015…………$7,397.50. Peter’s Pence…………$1,973.86. The Hosts for the Month of April have been donated by Rose Alcena Please keep her and her family in your prayers. The Altar wine for the month of April has been donated by Albertina Gaspar. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: PLEDGE CARD SACRED HEART CHURCH RENOVATION PROJECT NAME___________________________ADDRESS_________________________ _________________________________________PHONE________________ DONATION FOR RECOGNITION PLACQUE—$2500 OR MORE: _________ NAME ON PLACQUE (PLEASE PRINT) PRINT______________________________________________ LONG PEW-$1000:_____________________SHORT PEW-$500________________ General Donation (any amount)____________ [ ]CHECK--MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO SACRED HEART CHURCH (MEMO: RESTORATION) [ ]PLEASE CHARGE $__________TO MY [ ]VISA [ ]MASTERCARD [ ]AMEX NAME ON CARD______________________________________________________ Billing Address_______________________________________________________ CARD #_________________________EXP.________SECURITY CODE______ PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM WITH DONATION TO: SACRED HEART CHURCH, 425 NORTH “M” STREET, LAKE WORTH, FL 33460*561-582-4736 Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 2324; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1 -8 Creole Page “JEZU SE BON GADÒ-A” Tout Bib lan nèt depi nan Jenèz jis rive nan Apokalyps pale anpil sou tèm gadò mouton yo. Kòm nout konnen anpil nan gwo chèf Izrayèl yo se gadò zannimo ke yo te ye tankou: rwa David, Moyz ak Jakòb pou nou site sa yo sèlman. Anpil fwa yo te kon itilize tèm sa tou pou ekzplike relasyon Granmèt la te genyen ak pèp Li-a tankou jan Sòm 23 di li-a: “Granmèt la se gadò mwen, mwen p'ap janm manke anyen”. Nan levanjil nap wè kouman Jezu aplike tit sa a Li menm; lè Li deklare: “Se mwen menm ki Bon Gadò mouton yo”. Frè ak sè mwen yo, Jezu tout bon vre se “Bon Gadò Mouton yo” paske non sèlman Li konnen chak grenn mouton Li yo nan non yo men Li bay pwòp lavi pa-L pou yo le Li te mouri sou lakwa-a. Ala beni nou beni pou-n genyen yon “Bon Gadò” tankou Jezu kap pran swen nou, kap dirije nou e ki ba nou pwòp kò Li kòm nouriti. Frè m yo, an nou pran bon jan rezolisyon pou nou toujou koute fidèlman vwa “Bon Gadò” nou an, Jezu-Kri. Benediksyon, Pè Quesnel LEKTI POU SEMÈN LAN Lendi: Travay 11:1-18; Sòm 42:2-4 & Jan 10:1-10 Madi: Travay 11:19-26; Sòm 87:1-7 & Jan 10:22-30 Mèkredi: Travay 12:24-13:5; Sòm 67:2-8 & Jan 12:44-50 Jedi: Travay 13:13-25; Sòm 89:2-27 & Jan 13:16-20 Vandredi: Travay 13:26-33; Sòm 2:6-11 & Jan 14:1-6 Samdi: Travay 13:44-52; Sòm 98:1-4 & Jan 14:7-14 Dimanch: Travay 9:26-31; Sòm 22:26-32; 1 Jan 3:18-24 & Jan 15:1-8 Please Keep in Your Prayers, Louise Cassar, Marjorie Lawson, Karen Clouse, Taylor Isenberg, Robert Diederich, Nicholas Demet, Mary Cassar, Sophie Kereky, Bonnie Baschko, John Schwartz, Dave Murphy, Sherilyn Barton, Isabel O’Hara, Jasmin, Betty Vispone, Rosemary Hartford, Jeff Meek, Conor Grear, Mike Cavanagh, Joanne, Lee and Greg, Anthony Tim Yokules, Jim Russo, Dan Meyer, Dotty Gulley, ANONS and our Troops, especially Wesley Augustin. Si ou ta renmen fè batèm pitit ou tanpri rele biwo pawas lan nan (561) 582-4736 pou pran yon randevou avèk Pè Quesnel. We pray for the souls of all those who have died recently. PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THE LIVING PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Full Name _____________________________________________________________________ Deposit in the collection basket or drop off at the parish office May their souls and souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. SPANISH PAGE LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):23; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Miércoles: Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Jueves: Hch 13:13-25: Sal 89 (88):23, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 o (por la memoria) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 o Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Sal 90 (89):2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):14; Jn 14:7-14 Domingo: Hch 9:26-31; Sal 22 (21):2628, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 “JESÚS EL BUEN PASTOR” En toda la Biblia desde Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis el tema pastor es bien presente. Muchos de los líderes del pueblo de Israel eran pastores como el rey David, Moises, Jacob entre tantos. También en la Biblia vemos que el titulo pastor fue utilizado de vez en cuando refiriendo a la relación de Dios con su pueblo. Todos conocemos muy bien el Salmo 23 que dice así: El SEÑOR es mi pastor, nada me faltará. En el evangelio de hoy vemos a Jesús usando el concepto del buen pastor refiriendo asimismo diciendo “Yo soy el buen pastor; el buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas”. Jesús es verdaderamente el “Buen Pastor” quien conoce muy bien a sus ovejas, Él alimenta a ellas con su propia carne y dio su vida por ellas en la cruz. Mis hermanos, que bendición tan grande de tener a un “Buen Pastor” como Jesús quien nos cuida y nos da la vida en abundancia. Tomemos hoy la firme la resolución mis hermanos de seguir fielmente a la voz de nuestro “Buen Pastor”, Jesucristo. Bendiciones, Padre Quesnel Holy Cross Catholic Preschool and Center inicia la matriculacion de las clases de ingles el dia 27 de abril, 9am hasta 11am, lunes a jueves. Todos los que tienen interes vengan a matricular en esos dias, por favor. Las clases del verano duran desde el lunes 4 de mayo hasta el jueves 23 de julio de 2015. Las clases se imparten de lunes a jueves de 9:00 AM a 12:00 PM. Por mas informes, llame a Juliana 386-9952. Gracias. “YO SOY EL BUEN PASTOR, PORQUE CONOZCO MIS OVEJAS Y ELLAS ME CONOCEN A Mí”. El cuarto Domingo de Pascua nos presenta el ícono del Buen Pastor que conoce a sus ovejas, las llama por su nombre, las alimenta y las guía. Hace más de 50 años que en este domingo celebramos la Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones. Esta Jornada nos recuerda la importancia de rezar para que, como dijo Jesús a sus discípulos, «el dueño de la mies… mande obreros a su mies» (Lc 10,2). Jesús nos dio este mandamiento en el contexto de un envío misionero: además de los doce apóstoles, llamó a otros setenta y dos discípulos y los mandó de dos en dos para la misión. “ Jóvenes! “Si ustedes oyen hoy su voz, no endurezcan el corazón”! ANUNCIO INVITACIÓN AL REENCUENTRO CON EMAUS Las Mujeres de Emaús hacen la invitación a todas aquellas hermanas que han hecho el retiro de Emaús, a un día de reflexíon y compartir. CUANDO? MAYO 9, 2015 DONDE? MADONNA HALL HORA: 8:30 DE LA MAÑANA HASTA LAS 4:00 PM Para más información, favor de comunicarse con: Reina Caballo (561) 324-6735 Mara Martinez (561) 908-4457 SCHOOL PAGE Liturgy Liturgy Committee Pat Gallon 586-2668 Altar Servers Tiffany Bernard 900-4170 Eucharistic Ministers, & Lectors Pat Gallon 586-2668 Music Ministry Bill Boisvert 582-4736 Family Life Respect Life Don Beers 310-9902 Outreach Homebound Eucharistic Ministers Nursing Home Coordinator Marilyn Watkins 533-0615 Prison Ministry Don & Angela Beers 310-9902 Organizations Knights of Columbus Tom Brand 542-7899 www.kofc3393.org Columbiettes Fifi George 512-3270 Religious Education RCIA (Becoming Catholic) Deacon Gerry 582-4736 Baptism Preparation Parish Office 582-4736 Faith Formation Betty Arthur 582-4736 Welcome and Hospitality Brigitte Earl 547-8687 Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery 561-793-0182 Philanthropists William B. Finneran, Frankie Stevens, Barbara Messier and Richard Schmeelk along with the Sacred Heart School children recreate their S.O.S pose from 5 years ago when the school almost closed. Lake Worth, Florida - March 13, 2015: The children of Sacred Heart School along with phyloanthropist William B. Finneran, Richard Schmeelk, Frankie Stevens, Father Quesnel Delvard, Barbara Messeir and Principal Candace Tamposi line up to form the shape of S.O.S. for an aerial photograph. Five years ago, Sacred Heart School faced some rough times and was on the verge of closing its doors. One of their children suggested that the school send out an SOS to the community to help us raise the money to stay open. Philanthropists such as Cathleen McFarlane Ross (deceased 2010), William B. Finneran, Frankie Stevens, the honorable Judge Rodney Eielson, Barbara Messier and Richard Schmeelk heard the call on the news and came to the rescue. Mr. Schmeelk a retired Navy man himself understood the SOS call. He came to visit the school and told them that they would not close. He then gathered a few of his friends from Palm Beach and formed the school’s Executive Board. Together, the School and the SHS Executive Board put on several fundraisers which helped save the school. (See YouTube: Sacred Heart S.O.S. Music Video - Save Our School! or Students send 'SOS' To Keep School Open). “Today SHS is stronger and we want to thank the community for helping us thrive by recreating the pose that started it all. Oh, by the way! The student that suggested we send out an SOS call is now in 8th grade! (See YouTube: Sacred Heart School stronger video (written by the Principal's daughter and SHS Alumni, Ali Tamposi). We want the community to know that we have full enrollment, the William B. Finneran Montessori Academy for early learning, a fully operational S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Lab and a sports program which includes Basketball, Soccer, Baseball and Softball. As a matter of fact our Boys Varsity Soccer team and Girls Varsity Basketball team won trophies this school year. Could you imagine what these children could do if they had a Gym they could practice in? You see the children at Sacred Heart School haven't (in 70 years) experienced a home game. Can you imagine that? We hope to change all of this by building the SHS Gymnatorium! HOME OF THE PANTHERS!” The school is working hard to meet their fundraising goal for the Gymnatorium project. If you would like to make a contribution please contact Sacred Heart School’s Principal Candace Tamposi at 561-582-2242 Parish & School Directory Church School 561 582-4736 561 582-2242 Joseph George Parish Bookkeeper Ext 201 Georgej@sacredheartfamily.com Ronna Rivero Church Secretary/Bulletin Editor Ext 202 rectory@sacredheartfamily.com Betty Arthur Faith Formation Ext 206 4:00 - 6:00 Tuesday thru Friday, and Saturday 9 - 12. Bill Boisvert Music Minister Ext 203 Sr. Carolyn Dowd School Admissions Director Ext 104 FiFi George Assistant School Administrator Ext 150 Candace Tamposi School Principal Ext 101 Cornelius Costelloe Director of Maintenance Ext 123 cell 578-3957. SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Sacrament of Baptism Children under seven years old are scheduled as needed. Please call the parish office at 582-4736 to register. Parents and godparents must attend a preparation class. Sacrament of Marriage Couples must contact a Parish Priest at least six months in advance. Please call the parish office at 582-4736. Sacrament of the Sick Call the Parish Office to request a priest to visit and administer this beautiful sacrament; or if you know someone is in the hospital or is in need of a homebound visit and would like confession or prayer. Faith Formation Classes For Registration information please call Betty Arthur at the parish office at 561-582-4736 ext 206 or email her at: betty@sacredheartfamily.com Daily Rosary Every morning following 7:30 a.m. mass. Prayer Chapel The chapel is open daily for prayer from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm. Wednesdays Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the adoration chapel beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending with Benediction at 7:00 p.m. The Divine Mercy Chaplet Wednesdays at 11:00 am in the chapel. Every First Friday Every first Friday of the month there is a noon Mass to commemorate our patron, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Eucharistic adoration will follow with Benediction at 6:00 p.m.
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