New Beginnings “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.—John 17:24 Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Pastor’s Corner Pastor Mel Nielsen cell: 1-815-922-9161 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah. - Matthew 16:17-20 (N.I.V.) Way back when I was a green horn “younger” man who had been fully convinced of a calling from God to go deeper into my faith, I never dreamed it would lead to becoming a pastor. I recall telling God how difficult that journey would be, as most of you know, God removed every obstacle from my path. I did what I needed to do and God did everything you would expect a powerful and loving King would do. One of the many obstacles in my path were the tests I needed to pass. There were the basic intelligence courses of math, english and science as well as several psychological exams. I recall one of those psych tests had 200 yes /no questions. Here is an example of one of them; “Do you like to watch a fire burn?” Well I had to stop and ponder that a minute. I thought, “Yes I love to sit around a campfire on a chilly fall night, but then again I wouldn’t like watching my neighbor’s house burn!” Despite the latter, I answered yes. I wondered if there was a right answer, how could there be? Now many years later in my ministry I thought of that fire question again, only reworded a little. How much do I like watching the church burn? Not a physical fire from Hades like Jesus was eluding to in Matthew, but a slow burning fire from within. Make no mistake, the church is on fire and not in the good way. The church is suffering from many ills June 2015 like John Wesley indicated, “I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid, lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case, unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out. What was their fundamental doctrine? That the Bible is the whole and sole rule both of Christian faith and practice. Hence they learned, 1 That religion is an inward principle; that it is no other than the mind that was in Christ; or, in other words, the renewal of the soul after the image of God, in righteousness and true holiness. 2 That this can never be wrought in us, but by the power of the Holy Ghost. 3 That we receive this, and every other blessing, merely for the sake of Christ: And, 4 That whosoever hath the mind that was in Christ, the same is our brother, and sister, and mother.” Christians have been taught to point a finger of blame in every direction except where it squarely belongs most of the time. I say it is high time we stop looking to how and why the fire started and get to work putting it out. If one of the churches in this area was actually on fire there would be a rush of Christians from every denomination working together to save it. We would exhaust the water supply to save it from being destroyed. Yet I see a metaphorical fire destroying the church just the same, yet there is no line of Christians dragging fire hoses to save the “Body” of Christ. I believe many Methodists have traded the power of God for too many worthless idols. So I have updated Wesley’s old English verbiage to match today’s language. 1. Renew your mind by giving yourself over to the transformative power of God, set aside the distracting unimportant things of this world and seek true Godly Holiness and seek to have the mind of Christ. PLEASE SEE “PASTOR” ON PAGE 10 Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Page 2 Parish Fellowship Breakfast At IHOP Scheduled The next Fellowship Breakfast has been scheduled for Tue., June 2, 8:30 at IHOP in Bourbonnais. Come enjoy a great breakfast and even better fellowship with other church members and friends. Everyone is invited to attend. Lion’s Hall Rental If you have ever wanted to rent the Bonfield Community Center at the Lion’s Hall, 148 S. Stanford, Bonfield, IL please call JoCarol at 815-545-5563. You do not need to live in Bonfield or be a member to rent the hall. Kitchen is included in rental price. Thanks To You I am incredibly grateful again this year for those who could donate to the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life this year. Donations are used to educate people, find a cure, and especially assist survivors in day to day life. As a 19+ year survivor, I realize how important it is for everyone to have access to the support they need! Please consider coming to McNamara High School Saturday, June 13, starting at 2 pm to experience this tremendous event. Irma Jean Berghouse Thank You The Salina Fire Department just wanted to say thank you to all three churches for having an appreciation service for the fire department. We wanted you to know that we were touched that you went out of your way to show how much you appreciate us. It meant a lot to us. We truly do love what we do for the community. Thanks again, Salina Fire Department June 2015 Sunshine Report The Sunshine Circle met at the home of Jan Green on Thurs., May 21, 6:30 p.m. for a delicious meal. Following the meal Green gave devotions remembering our Mothers. Each member received a paper on How to Treat a Mom. 1.) Moms need faith. 2.) Moms need patience. 3.) Moms need appreciation. 4.) Moms need a life. 5.) Moms need wisdom. 6.) Moms need communication. Each of these “needs” was followed by a scripture. Mom’s are a gift of God. The business meeting followed with roll call, minutes and treasurer’s report which showed a balance of $398.21. New business included a motion with a second approving a gift for the Salvation Army of $100.00 to help send children to summer camp. The ladies also welcomed Janis Cadieux as a new member. Plans were completed for the garage sale on June 5 & 6. Items for garage sale may be dropped off on June 3, 6-8 p.m. and June 4, 1-7 p.m. Hours of the sale will be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The breakfast menu will include biscuits and gravy; cinnamon roll; sunshine mcmuffin; coffee, milk & O.J. Lunch menu will be walking tacos; hot dogs; chips; soda & water. The next meeting will be Ladies Night Out on June 18 at Olivers at Quality Inn at 6:30. The meeting adjourned. Green served cake and ice cream for all spring and summer birthdays along with a small gift. Evan Vote Passes The Bonfield Evangelical United Methodist Church held a Church Conference on May 19, led by Vermilion river District Superintendent, Leah Pogemiller. 44 Members were present to vote on a resolution to approve financing; builders contract and final blueprints. The vote totals were 44 yes and 4 no. The church plans to break ground on the new addition this summer. Thank You A big thank you to the Sunshine Circle for the lovely and thoughtful May Day basket, and also for the nice visit from Jan Green & her husband. God Bless you all. Fostine Schwark Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Page 3 $30 Men’s Club The $30 Men’s Club are a group of committed Christian Men who are dedicated to alleviating suffering in the Bonfield area. Every member pays the dues of $30, those dues are collected and used to help in local mission work. The men also lend their time and talents to help with small home projects for those who are unable to help themselves. Other than local projects for the needy, the group also sponsors such mission as Salvation Army, Gift of God Street Church and the youth group’s Motown Mission. For more information or to join, please call Gerry Meyer 815-939-2912. All men are invited to join. HELP WANTED Garage Sale & Bake Sale The Evan UMW and Sunshine Circle are seeking good used items for the Rummage Sale on June 5 & 6. They are also requesting donations of baked goods for the bake sale. Please drop off Bake Sale items Thurs., June 4, 1-8 p.m.; Fri., June 5, 7-9 a.m. or Sat.,June 6, 7-9 a.m. Please drop off Garage Sale items Thurs., June 4, 1-8 p.m. If you have trouble getting any item(s) to the sales, please contact Ardis Messer 815-932-0180 or any other UMW or Sunshine Circle member. Garage Sale & Bake Hours 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Fri., June 5 & Sat., June 6 Breakfast - Biscuits & Gravy, Cinnamon Rolls, Breakfast Surprise, Coffee, Milk & OJ. Lunch - Walking Tacos, Hot Dogs, Chips, Soda & Water June 2015 Upcoming Worship Schedule The following is a tentative schedule for June 2015 worship. (Readings & message may change without notice.) June 7 2nd Sunday after Pentecost “We Want What We Want” Altar Color - White OT: 1 Samuel 8:4-20 & 11:14-15 NT: None Gospel: Mark 3:20-35 June 14 3rd Sunday after Pentecost “King David” Altar Color - Green OT: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 NT: None Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 June 21 - Father’s Day 4th Sunday after Pentecost “David & Goliath” Altar Color - Green OT: None NT: 1 Samuel 17:37-49 Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 June 28 5th Sunday after Pentecost “Faith Healing” Altar Color - Green OT: None NT: None Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 July 5 6th Sunday after Pentecost “Two by Two” Altar Color - Green OT: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10 NT: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Gospel: Mark 6:1-13 Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC There is POWER in PRAYER Pastor Mel invites you to join in praying for the following names and causes. Friends and Family Close to Home Nursing Home: Heritage Village:.........................................Vi Morse Manteno Veterans:.............Bob Grob, Byron Warren Assisted Living: Harvest View:.............Roscella Piper, Randy Riegel, Betty Wenzelman Westwood Oaks:.............Fostine Schwark, Don Mau Butterfield:..................Bernice Schultz, Luella Fecke At Home:..........................Ruth Ohrt, Marian Buente From Our Church Bulletin Luis Alvarado, Rev. Donna Baker; Irma Jean Berghouse, Judy Bolatto, Shirley Brunner, Tyler Coffman, Scott Cleeton, Mary Denney, Lecia Geiger, Dennis Hertz, Butch Lambert, Janice Logsdon, Allen Messer, Merle Penrod, Judy Ralston, Randy Riegel, Lisa Stewart, Kathy Buente Holmes; Richard Wildman, Pam Wilking. Compassion International Kids Latif Korogo........................................Burkina Faso Maria Clara Maciel Da Silva “Clara”..............Brazil Dayava Sanchez.........................................Columbia Jose Arriola..............................................Guatemala Shan Toppo.......................................................India Junior Okwii Barasa .......................................Kenya Genesi Marisol Martinez Vasquez.............Honduras Samuel Juda Lopez Miranda.........................Mexico Mohini Ahirwar.................................................India Cinthia Yolany Carranza Aguila...............Honduras Sonaton Soren.........................................Bangladesh Yeferson David Ortiz Cortez.....................Colombia Nevada Eric..................................................Rwanda Anielka Carolina Garcia Roque................Nicaragua Schekinah Jean Louis........................................Haiti Salome Vicente Melo....................................Mexico Benjamin Sewu...............................................Ghana Other requests The persecuted church; missionaries; the least-thelast and the lost; our government; our cabinet, district and parish leaders; military; the Middle East; domestic violence and First Responders, The Rev. Steve Goodin. Page 4 June 2015 Graduation by Art Young Though we have grumbled and complained More times than we can tell About tough days here at school, It’s hard to say farewell. Our classes oft were troublesome; Our homework oft a chore, And there were days when we thought We could take nothing more. And there were nights when we dreamed of Our home and jolly friends; We would have given anything To have our school days end. Yes, we looked forward to the time When we should graduate And longed with greatest eagerness For that ecstatic date. And now that day has come at least Now we should shout and cheer. But, gosh, the tears flow from our eyes; We wish we could stay here! Submitted by Lorraine Wildman Joke Of The Month Army of the Lord A pastor said: “You need to join the Army of the Lord!” My friend replied, “I’m already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor.” The puzzled Pastor questioned, “How come I don’t see you at church except at Christmas and Easter?” He whispered back, “I’m in the secret service.” Martha Circle Report Martha Circle met May 12, 2015, at the home of Marilyn Ohrt. Six members were present. Ohrt presented devotions relating Bible verses to items in a survival kit. For example, a mint means that we are worth a mint, John 3, 16 and 17. President, Janet Boyer brought the meeting to order. She stated that Cunningham Children’s Home has been doing very well with its fundraising so far, and that the United Methodist Women are trying to help undeveloped countries in many ways. The treasurer’s and secretary’s reports were read and approved. Future meetings are scheduled for July 21, September 15 at Ronda Wenzelman’s, and November 17 at Linda Scholl’s. Wenzelman shared information on Restart Augusta, a group making and delivering beds to people without, many of whom are veterans. Wenzelmen also motioned to give $100 to the youth group fund for their mission trip. Ohrt seconded the motion. Boyer announced that a group will be visiting the Veterans Home the first part of July. Anyone is more than welcome to join in. Boyer concluded the meeting with a prayer. NOTICE TIMES BELOW WILL BE EFFECTIVE AS OF JULY 5 Time For Church Bonfield First 172 Church Street 9:15 a.m. Sunday Services 10:30 Adult and Youth Sunday School Bonfield Evangelical 348 Smith Street, Bonfield 10:30 a.m. Sunday Services 9:15 Adult and Youth Sunday School Grand Prairie Rt. 17 Bonfield 8:00 a.m Sunday Services 9:15 a.m Adult and Youth Sunday School Page 5 June 2015 Bible Quiz Which of the following is an accurate husband-wife match from Scripture? A. Abram and Ruth B. Boaz and Ruth C. Hosea and Ruth D. Ananias and Ruth See answer below Quotes Of The Month My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, “You’re tearing up the grass.” “We’re not raising grass,” Dad would reply. “We’re raising boys.” —Harmon Killebrew “There is not a thing that God expects of a person but that God will give him or her the power to do.” —A.B. Simpson “How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great.” —Zig Ziglar ©Newsletter, Newsletter June Memory Verse There is more happiness in giving than receiving – Acts 20:35 + Christian Symbols + Thistle The thistle, a thorny bush, symbolizes the Fall and humanity’s bondage to sin. In Genesis 3, God tells Adam that one consequence of his sin will be the hard work of bringing forth crops: “[The land] will produce thorns and thistles for you” (v. 18, NIV). Because thistles crowd out everything growing nearby, they’ve also been equated with the weeds or thorns in some of Jesus’ teachings (e.g., Matthew 7:15-20; 13:24-30, and Mark 4:2-9). Finally, Christ’s crown of thorns may have been made of thistle branches. Answer: B (See Ruth 4:13.) Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC June Birthday’s June 1...........................................Mike Jackubowski Diane (Dittus) Lawrence June 2...................................................Laura Gronert June 4..................................................Logan Gronert June 5...............................................Alyssa Williams Robert Osenga Christine (Meissen) Lade June 7...............................Rita (Wildman) Overacker Mark Ouellette Justin Vaughn June 8.............................................Timothy Holohan Marcia (Riegel) Jackson Michael Panozzo Randy Charter Toney Erazmus June 9...............................Nanette (Bouchard) Wood Andrew Marcotte June 10...................................................Kyle Buente Peyton Riegel June 11.................................................Alan Buckley Zachary Jensen Denise (O’Connor) Fecke June 12.....................................................Jared Sikes June 13.......................................................Bill Smith June 14.....................................................Rick White James Messer Jimmy Vilt, Jr. Sarah Meyer David St. Germaine June 15.........................................Beth (Faga) Meyer Tim Marcotte Warner Diefenbach June 16.....................................................Burt Taylor Somar Powell Ceri Dorsey-Tyler Ryan Coffman June 17............................Leigh Ann (Gagnon) Turro Lee Ann (Higginbotham-Horn) Kenley Gwenyth Jackubowski Logan Michael Kuipers June 18.....................................................Todd Bauer June 19.................................................Donald Dubie Noel Strahan Duane Krieg Annette (Abell) Riegel Tami (Cordes) Lockwood Michael Kingsland Page 6 June 2015 June 20..........................................Ruth (Piper) Laird Mary Katherine Buckman Isabelle Lowey June 22.............................................Vanessa Longtin June 23.................................................Emmery Rice Kenneth Dato June 24...................................................Paige Meyer Bryce Overacker June 25................................................Thomas Pitkin Susan (Abell) Diefenbach June 26.................................................David Wilson Crystal Melhorn Irma Jean (Kirchner) Berghouse June 27.......................................................Leo Smith Dale Dittus Patterson Friese Deborah (Charbonneau) Meyer June 28.....................................................Eric Hawks Jakob Bouk Mark Reising Debbie Nielsen Leila Wood June 29....................................................Mike Bland Lori (Hertz-Kirchner) Marquis June 30.....................................................Ann Meyer Mary (Warren) Krieg Derek Brinkman Please notify the church office of any names and birthdays which need to be added, removed or corrected. Office number 1-815-802-9805. What is a dad? A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again. A dad is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt. A dad is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail. —Unknown ©Newsletter, Newsletter Tue., June 30 Mon., June 29 Journey Prayer Group @ First UMC, 10:00 a.m. John Bible Study @ Parsonage 10 am & 6:30 pm Sun., June 28 YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO DETROIT YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO DETROIT YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO DETROIT YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO DETROIT Father’s Day Wed., June 24 Men’s Prayer @ Evan, 6:30 a.m. Tue., June 23 Mon., June 22 Journey Prayer Group @ First UMC, 10:00 a.m. Sun., June 21 YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO DETROIT Thurs., June 25 First UMW @ First, 7 p.m. Sunshine Circle Out to Dinner YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO DETROIT Fri., June 26 July Newsletter Deadline YOUTH MISSION TRIP TO DETROIT Sat., June 27 Sat., June 20 Fri., June 19 Thurs., June 18 Wed., June 17 Men’s Prayer @ Evan, 6:30 a.m. Community Lunch @ Lion’s Hall, Noon Tue., June 16 Mon., June 15 Journey Prayer Group @ First UMC, 10:00 a.m. John Bible Study @ Parsonage 10 am & 6:30 pm PASTOR GONE TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE PASTOR GONE TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE PASTOR GONE TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE PASTOR GONE TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE Sun., June 14 Sat., June 13 Fri., June 12 Thurs., June 11 Wed., June 10 Men’s Prayer @ Evan, 6:30 a.m. Tue., June 9 NOW Committee @ First Church, 7 p.m. Mon., June 8 Journey Prayer Group @ First UMC, 10:00 a.m. Sun., June 7 Sat., June 6 Fri., June 5 Thurs., June 4 Evan UMW @ Evan, 1:30 p.m. Wed., June 3 Men’s Prayer @ Evan, 6:30 a.m. 2 0 1 5 Tue., June 2 Mon., June 1 Journey Prayer Fellowship Group @ First UMC, Breakfast @ IHOP, 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. J U N E Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Page 7 June 2015 Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Page 8 June 2015 Are your kids ready for an epic adventure? Then they won’t want to miss a minute at Camp Kilimanjaro, the most exciting place around! At Camp Kilimanjaro, kids will learn to walk in God’s wisdom as they enjoy songs, crafts, games, goodies, and dramas. Vacation Bible School at Camp Kilimanjaro will be filled with excitement, so contact us today! We’re calling all trekkers to join us in an epic expedition through Proverbs! Camp Kilimanjaro An Epic Expedition Through Proverbs When: July 6-10, 2015 Ages: Pre-K - 6th Grade Time: 9-11:30 Where: Grand Prairie United Methodist Church 11474-11906 W. State Rte. 17 Herscher, IL 60941 Note the change in location and time! For more information call 815-802-9805 or go to:email VBS Volunteer Registration July 6-10, 2015 Volunteers must be age 13 or older (NO Exceptions) Anyone younger than 13 will be a VBS participant Before VBS, I would like to help by: Praying Preparing craft materials Helping with administrative tasks Planning decorations Decorating classrooms Building sets Planning publicity Age Level Preference 3-5 years 6-12 years Trekker Group: (teacher) Crafts: Helper Snacks: Helper Games: Helper Music: Helper Leader Helper Wherever needed most Name __________________________________________________ Phone _________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________ Days Available ______________ Every day Y / N Certain days (please specify) ____________ Please scan and email this form to: -OR- Mail this form to VBS Registration c/o Tricia Coffman, 159 N. Church St., Bonfield, IL 60913 Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Page 9 June 2015 Register me for Camp Kilimanjaro! July 6-10, 2015; Ages: Pre-K - 6th Grade Child’s name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Gender: Male Female Birthdate _________/_________/_______ Grade completed _________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _______ Zip ______________ Parents/Guardian______________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone _______________________ Work phone ______________________ Cell phone ______________________ Email ________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact ____________________________________________________________________________________ Relationship to child ________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________ Name of home church __________________________________________________________________________________ Food allergies Y___ N___ List_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical concerns Y___ N___ Explain______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please scan and email this form to: Or Mail this form to VBS Registration c/o Tricia Coffman 159 N. Church St. Bonfield, IL 60913 Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Page 10 June 2015 Evan UMW Report First UMW Report The Bonfield Evangelical UMC met at the home of Christine Meyer for a 9 am breakfast on May 7, 2015. Donna Tanner of St. Mark’s UMW, our Sheperdess talked a bit about Legacy Fund giving. Mar. 23, 1869 eight women gathered in Boston, MA, to organize for mission. We begin this celebration to lead up to our 150th anniversary in 2019. More information to follow in the months ahead. We are still looking for helpers and bakers for the Bonfield Community Garage Sale on June 5th and 6th. We are combing efforts with Sunshine Circle to prepare a breakfast and lunch as well as baked goods to sell and those Treasured Gems you no longer use or need that someone else could use in the place they call home. Another upcoming date to mark on your calendar will be July 16 when we will go to Harvest View in Herscher for 1 p.m. for a time of fun with residents. August 18 will be a mission work day at Midwest Distribution Center near Springfield. Mark your calendars now. Our next meeting will be on Thursday June 4 at Bonfield Evangelical UMC with Pat Bland and Dayle Seitz providing lunch and a program before we join together to set up for the Community Sale, so keep looking for those Treasured Gems in your basement, attic and closets for others to enjoy. The group welcomed their shepherdess, Ellen Liehr, at the May 14 meeting. Liehr’s presentation focused specifically on Holy Week as she graciously shared photos and information regarding her recent trip to the Holy Land. Her well-organized power point presentation included breath taking shots of the area as well as interesting facts and Liehr’s own perspective of what the trip meant to her. During the business meeting the group voted on the pledge for next year and also finalized the meeting dates/ programs. Irma Jean Berghouse promised there’d be pie…and she delivered! Annual Conference Prayer All churches in the Vermilion River District have been invited to pray for the Annual Conference of the Illinois Great Rivers on Sat., June 13. We have been specifically asked to pray for safe travel for all the lay and clergy members who will be traveling home on that day. Apr. 2015 Attendance Evangelical First Grand Prairie TOTALS 4/5 64 44 31 139 4/12 60 19 30 109 4/19 67 21 29 117 4/26 59 21 30 110 PASTOR CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE 2. Stop believing that you have control over your life and what you are or will be, only the Holy Spirit has the power to make us righteous. 3. What we are and who we will be is determined by the Holy Spirit and is only for the benefit of building the kingdom of God. 4. We are all in this together, we need each other’s help, a church is not meant to be one, but many. To summarize we have far too often tried to become God ourselves. We have tried to take on the responsibility of controlling all that we are, we have supplanted God’s commands for our own determination of right and wrong. We have tried to build a church yet leave God out of it for the most part. That’s dangerous, wrong and leads to death. If I am wrong than look at the image again above. If what we made with our hands, the physical church building were burning, we would stop at nothing to save it, yet it is obvious the Body of Christ is suffering and where is the call of “Fire!” We make ourselves out to be God when the things we create are more important to us than the thing God wants to create within our souls. What are we binding on earth? –Pastor Mel Bonfield Grand Prairie Parish UMC Page 11 June 2015 New Bible Study “Invitation to John” Beginning June 15 Choose the morning session at 10 a.m. or evening session at 6:30 p.m. All classes held at the Parsonage 225 Country Lane, Bonfield Call Pastor Mel 815-922-9161 for more information. This is an Eleven Week Beginners Bible Study focusing on the Gospel of John. All are welcome. Participant’s Guides are available through Cokesbury at $13.99 each. If you want Pastor to order a book for you, please use this form! Name Phone Please order Email book(s) Bonfield / Grand Prairie Parish prayerful Box 66 Bonfield, IL 60913 Return Service Requested Non Profit Organization US Postage PAID Bonfield, IL Permit #2 Bonfield Box Holder Bonfield, IL 60913 JUNE 2015 It’s That “Time” Again AS OF JULY 5, 2015 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP TIMES WILL CHANGE TO THE FOLLOWING GRAND PRAIRIE UMC 8:00 A.M. BONFIELD FIRST UMC 9:15 A.M. BONFIELD EVANGELICAL UMC 10:30 A.M.
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