JIGME YANGCHEN MUCCINI 6, rue Cadinot 90850 Essert +33 620923333 jymuccini@gmail.com jigmeyangchen.fr En gl ish ou rg sb sp ec ia liz at io n: Work Experiences 2011-2012 Ba cc al a of ye ar Fi rs t 2012-2013 fS tra ur éa tE S, Un ive rs ity o LE A, M ul ti m éd ia et d el ’In te rn et I am a 21 years old student, studying multimedia, design and communication here in France. I like pushing myself towards new things and meet new people, it enables me to be more creative. I like to put myself into uncomfortable situations in order to learn and grow. And like any person, I like to do great things. u M ét ie rs d DU T 2013-2015 2014-2015 Group project - Communication Currently working with a team to redesign our school’s website, and I am in charge of the comunication 2013-2014 Group project - Graphic design 2013-2014 Layout maker for Le Frigo Designed a brand new website with the help of my team and created the visual identity of this project. Designed layout for our university magazine, Le Frigo. 2011-2014 Cashier at the local supermarket Part-time job as a cashier, SuperU Skills Interests Fashion Design - Typography - Photography Music - Dance - Travel - Film - Foreign languages Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Html/Css JQuery Languages Education Tibetan native speaker French C2 English B2 Spanish A2 Hindi
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