THE LOST LAKE NEWS FEBRUARY 2015 Published by United Lost Lake Property Owners Association A Newsletter for the Property Owners of the Lost Lake Community President’s Letter Dear Property Owners, At the January Executive Session, the Board elected me as the ULLPOA Board President. In addition, the other Officers were elected as follows: Dave Stewart as Vice-President; Barb Wiese as Treasurer; and Mary Anne Bortman as Board Secretary. The other POA Board members are Carol Brown, Jim Haines, Charlie Moore, Dave Shaw and Jeff Winterland. With Sue Hill as the outgoing Board President, I have big shoes to fill! With the exception of taking a year off from the Board, Sue has faithfully served the Lost Lake community for 10 years, in many capacities and too many to list here. Most notably, though, was the Broker Luncheon she and her Long Range Planning Committee held in July 2013. It was after this luncheon that Lost Lake saw a record number of houses being sold. Sue’s service and past work experiences have been invaluable to this Board and community, and we will miss her guidance, input and knowledge. Thank you, Sue, for your dedication and faithfulness. Happy retirement! Another Board member that will be missed is Jerry Sellers. Jerry was appointed to the Board in early 2014, and served until the end of 2014, but he accomplished a lot in this short time. Thank you, Jerry! One of my goals for this Board is to centralize the issues that are brought before the POA Board. As most of you know, all of the Board members are volunteers, receiving no compensation for their service, with some Board members still holding jobs outside of POA business. Please be considerate of these circumstances. If there is an issue that you would like the Board to address, submit your request in writing to the Office. If it is a topic that cannot be handled without a Board decision, it will be addressed at a monthly meeting. If you do have an issue that is part of a monthly meeting, you are encouraged to attend that particular meeting. Mike Huber President Hello & Goodbye Welcome New Year and new Board members! We would like to welcome Jeff Winterland and Dave Shaw to the POA Board. Jeff and his wife Jenni and their two boys have lived in Lost Lake for several years. Jeff is a local contractor who has worked for both the POA and the RCD. Dave and his wife Rosslynn (former POA Board member) have also lived in the area several years, and their daughter recently purchased a home here too. Dave works at the nuclear plant in Byron. Welcome aboard gentlemen! To that end, two of our treasured Board members have retired from the Board. Jerry Sellers has been a valued Lost Lake Board member a relatively short time, but has been invaluable to the community for many years. As a Board member, he was in charge of Properties & Maintenance and along with some help did a wonderful job cleaning out the basement at the POA Office. Jerry has worked many hours for the neighborhood since moving here full time in 2001 with his wife Karen. He was Vice President of the RCD for years, President of the Fishing Club, Covenants Committee member, a six year chair for the Lake Management Committee, and was an integral part in the hiring of Joe Rush who now oversees our lake quality. Jerry shared a wealth of information about the community through his many years of service. Thanks for everything, Jerry, you will be missed! Sue Hill has also retired from the Board after ten years of service. Sue has been Board President for the last six months of 2014 and was in charge of Security and Office Administration, and keeping the Board in line (no easy job). Sue’s additional responsibilities included the Long Range Planning Committee which, along with her committee members, set and achieved some very high goals. Senior Focus has been very near and dear to Sue’s heart and she continues to work with that group, looking forward to another great summer concert series! One of the hardest and most time consuming tasks that Sue was asked to take care of was the document that is now our Covenants, a process that was a two year commitment. Sue and her husband Herb (former RCD Board member) moved to the Lost Lake area in 2001, and have been very involved, volunteering many hours on behalf of the neighborhood. Enjoy your retirement and thank you so much for all you have done! Barb Wiese Page 2 Table of Contents ADVERTISEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6 BOARD REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 COMMUNITY NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 GUIDE TO LL BOARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LOST LAKE UTILITY DISTRICT . . . . . 3 POA PRESIDENT’S REPORT . . . . . . . . 1 RESOURCE NEWS CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LIBRARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Lost Lake News Community News If you have a birth announcement, condolence, get well wish, wedding congrats, anniversary congrats, thank you, or any type of brief sharing/caring message you’d like to see printed in the Lost Lake News, please call Leslie at the POA office at (815) 652-4491. CONDOLENCES TO: To the family of Vivian Schings, who passed away in December. Joyce Faivre & her family on the sudden passing of her brother, Ray. March 8th 2:00 a.m. Don’t forget to move your clocks forward one hour! LOST LAKE BAGS There are still a couple of Lost Lake bags available. Contact Leslie at the POA Office at 815-652-4491. The deadline for articles and advertisements for The Lost Lake News is the 3rd Thursday of odd-numbered months (unless otherwise noted on the calendar). For advertising rates, please call Leslie at the POA office at (815) 652-4491. The Lost Lake News, published by the United Lost Lake Property Owners Association, disclaims any liability for any advertisements published herein and in no way endorses or guarantees these ads. United Lost Lake POA is not responsible for the descriptive content of any ad. Pictures will be included dependent upon availability of space. WEBSITES OF INTEREST United Lost Lake POA Lost Lake Security lostlakesecurity Lost Lake Utility District Ogle County Offices RCD Reminder: Have tax questions or need tax forms? Put your decals on by March 1st to avoid an automatic $25.00 fine. CARE (Community Action Responding to Emergencies) December 1, 2014, we were deeply saddened when Vivian Schings, a member of our CARE Committee passed away. A vibrant lady, active in many community activities, it was difficult to believe that Vivian had recently celebrated her 88th birthday. She had tubed on the Rock River when she was 87! At Vivian’s after-funeral luncheon, we mentioned to her daughter that Vivian had just served as Meals Coordinator for CARE. “Did she complete it?” her daughter asked.“Yes,” we said,“she completed her two months serving just last Friday.” “Good!” her daughter said, “She would not have wanted to leave anything unfinished!” We miss Vivian and we want to honor the memory of this good, unusual lady. CARE would like to thank Kristie South for coordinating meals for December, 2014, and January, 2015. Our coordinator for February and March is Lorraine Murray, now quite healed up after her fall and weeks of rehabilitation. We also want to thank Kathy Shambaugh and Carla Anderson who prepared and delivered meals in December. Hats off, too, to Barbara Strasemeier, who although battling ALS recently prepared a gift of soup for a friend returning home from the hospital. Barbara’s and her husband’s optimism and courage are an inspiration to us all. Beginning a new year, we want to update our CARE volunteer lists. If your address, phone number, or email address has recently changed, we would be grateful if you would let us know. When this issue of Lost Lake News arrives at your home, one of our volunteers, our committee member, Joyce Piper, will have returned from a short mission trip to Haiti. We wish her well in this experience and ministry. If CARE has a new year’s resolution it is that we might be more effective in our community. Please let us know if you, a neighbor, or a friend has a special need. Call Lorraine, 815-652-2076if you have a need for CARE meals. For other needs, please phone Paul, 815-652-2903. Jan and Paul Killian, CARE Committee Co-Chairpersons The Lost Lake News By-Laws And Rules & Regulations The dues and assessments’ bills and vehicle registration have been sent and for those of you who are landlords, please be aware of your responsibilities. Please read and review BY-LAWS ARTICLE III and RULES & REGS. Sect. 1.04 and 4.01. These are found online to review. Thank you, Page 3 Annual Meeting Roads Report (Given On October 18, 2014) This year, East Side Park’s new pavilion was enhanced with a new barbeque grill and sturdy picnic tables. Thanks to Sue Hill’s ideas, we had two wonderful concerts that drew well over one hundred residents each. The Lunch Box, a delightful food truck, provided some great meals we could enjoy as we listened. Several other events were held there by residents. I am told the grill works wonderfully! It gives me great pleasure to see events like these, and I hope to see more in the future. Any resident of Lost Lake can use the pavilion at East Side Park or the pavilion at Unity Park for a gathering, at no expense to them. Why not start planning a family or group event now for next year? Good morning fellow Board members and Property Owners, In a rather trying weather year, I have been doing my best to keep the roads open and moving here at Lost Lake. The new year started with terrible cold and snow events. In spite of having contracted for 100 tons of salt, we mostly ran out some time in the middle of January, and there was no more to be had. I chose to use only chips in the sunny areas so that we would have some salt available for the shady and curvy areas that tend to ice up more. We made it through a winter that seemed like it would never end, with no problem. Early summer brought a terrible storm to our community, leaving roads impassable from downed trees. Mercifully, there was only minor damage to a few homes, and nobody was injured. Unfortunately, our trees sustained a lot of damage. It took several weeks of diligent work by many contractors to clear Lost Lake roads and yards. Someone asked me why we did not go out for bid for this, and I would like to take a moment to respond. This was a true emergency, and roads needed to be cleared as quickly as possible. Fire and emergency vehicles might need access to any and all parts of our community, and homeowners needed to get out and go to work. It is my duty, as a Board member, to ensure the safety of every person in this community. I think I have a better understanding of this need, along with the other 30 or so homeowners who were stranded in 2009 after the storm took out the bridge over Babbling Brook. I am eternally grateful that Don Finn chose to take emergency action, in spite of much grumbling from other parts of this community. If I had needed to request bids, get the bids and wait another month or two for Board approval, I am very certain that there would have been many unhappy residents! This event clearly fell in the emergency category and required immediate action. Pothole patching and road paving became my next focus for the summer. Even after requesting bids, we were only able to obtain two bids in each of the categories. In both areas, there were obvious discrepancies between the bids. When I had a chance to examine these bids, I realized that one had not included the price of the chips in the bid, and the other had hugely underestimated the areas in question. After consulting with fellow Board members, my choice was made. I am very happy to say they are the right choices. Both contractors were extremely professional at getting the work done well and in a timely manner. Our roads show the quality of their work. As the saying goes, “You get what you pay for”, and I fully intend to request bids from these contractors in the future! Winter is almost here, and in spite of the difficulties this year in obtaining road salt, I have signed a contract for 55 tons of salt from our usual supplier, with no promise of more being available. We expect that salt to arrive some time after the middle of November at $135.00 per ton. I also have several leads on more, should we need it, which I am pursuing now. Let’s hope this year will bring better weather for Lost Lake! Charlie Moore, Chairperson Charlie Moore, Chairperson Mary Anne Bortman, Chairperson Covenants It was a relatively quiet year with not many complaints or violations (thank you). A few propane tank enclosures needed attention, which were fixed in a timely manner. The most recent complaint was a general statement from a real estate broker showing properties. The comment was that the entire area would “show better” if some owners took some time to clean up their yards. So, just a reminder to look around your property. A few minutes of work can make a big difference in how we look as a neighborhood. Happy New Year! Barb Wiese Annual Meeting Parks Report (Given On October 18, 2014) Lost Lake Utility District The Lost Lake Utility District held a special public meeting on January 22nd at 7 pm at Lake Court Center. This meeting was especially important for homeowners on the streets of Mulberry, Green Ash, Blackberry, Hickory, and Maple. This meeting presented an overview of the planned main upgrades for those streets. The LLUD recommended that all residents living on the East side of the Lake attend this meeting, since there may be traffic interruptions on Woodland due to heavy equipment. Also, residents were advised of the anticipated timeline of the improvements to the area. There will be additional meetings scheduled with the individual homeowners who will be connected to the new water mains. These meetings will not be open to the public. However, if you missed the January 22nd meeting, the LLUD would like to invite you to our regular March Board meeting. For the latest update on the planned main upgrade project, please plan to attend the March 17th meeting at 7 pm. The nasty weather in early November caused a delay in the construction of the well house addition and as a result the LLUD board has halted further construction until spring. The LLUD office has, in the past, made courtesy calls to customers who were late in their payment, in order to avoid water turn-off. As of the February billing, the office will no longer make those calls. Please remember there is a $100.00 reconnection fee. Tom Wendling, LLUD Chairman The Lost Lake News Page 4 Pennies For Parks Looking back at the last year gives me such mixed feelings. PFP accomplished so much last year and yet there is still so much that can be done. We achieved Federal 501(c)3 status and were given non-profit and sales tax exempt status by the state of Illinois. We hosted numerous events and fundraisers including a Schwan’s fundraiser, Snow Ball, Spa Day, Garage Sale luncheon and bake sale, 2nd Annual Kayak Regatta, and the wildly successful Zombie Campground Tour. All of these things were accomplished with the help and financial support from a growing number of Lost Lake residents. We have also added our Pennies for Parks newsletter and a Facebook page to our arsenal for spreading the word. Let us know if you would like to have your email address added to our newsletter circulation. Looking forward, we plan to install the pieces of playground equipment that we purchased this fall as soon as the ground thaws in the spring. We are working on a new project to develop a walking/ nature path at a site as yet undecided. Details for this were in the last newsletter and posted on the Facebook page. One potential site that we discussed and sought permission from the RCD board to use property now called Oak Lane Park. We need to know that there is support from within the community for such a project. Please express your support through posting on the Facebook page, dropping a note in our suggestion box or calling Becky, Holly or Barb. We need names to present to both boards to show them that there is support for such a project. We have already done a presentation to the RCD board at their December meeting with a very positive response. Frank Durkin showed a conceptual scale drawing he has Nature /Fitness Park Conceptual Drawing done of the proposed path for the property. We will ask permission to do a similar presentation at the POA meeting in February or March. Our last Schwan’s fundraiser was so successful that we are doing another one this year. It starts March 3rd and runs for 45 days - during that time 20% of all orders placed online that reference our fundraiser will go toward Pennies for Parks. Visit this link for more info: www.schwans-cares. com/c/18348 In March, we hope to present a Hawaiian-themed Resort and Spa Day on March 21 – we need at least 30 people to sign up to make it worthwhile. You may get a registration form in our newsletter found at the gates and LCC foyer, or visit our Facebook page – In May, we are looking for volunteers to help host the Garage Sale luncheon and bake sale again. We always welcome volunteers and suggestions for new events. Call Becky 652-5267 or Barb at 652-2031 if you want to volunteer for any of the aforementioned events or have suggestions for new ones. Also, please notify us of any noteworthy fundraisers or activities so we can include them in our newsletter and on Facebook. Our newsletter is bi-monthly so check for the next one at the beginning of March. What’s New In The Library? David Baldacci Sandra Brown Lee Child Mary Higgins Clark Catherine Coulter John Grisham Karen Harper Karen Harper THE ESCAPE MEAN STREAK PERSONAL THE CINDERELLA MURDER THE LOST KEY GRAY MOUNTAIN FORBIDDEN GROUND SHATTERED SECRETS Lisa Jackson Lisa Jackson Lisa Jackson Iris Johansen Susan Mallery James Patterson John Sanford CLOSE TO HOME DESERVES TO DIE WICKED WAYS PERFECT WITNESS EVENING STARS HOPE TO DIE DEADLINE *Library hours: Wednesday, 3-7 pm CLASSIFIEDS LOTS FOR SALE Dubuque 7, 406 Sioux Ln., $3,600 LaCrosse 111, 118 Flambeau Ln., $3,600 Price includes title policy, recording fees and closing fees. Call the POA office at 815-652-4491. FREE Lot #50 Red Wing Section (near the corner of Chippewa & Platte Drive). New recipient to pay closing costs, 2015 dues and any outstanding utilities. Call Gary at 423/618-4733 for more info. Red Wing 048, 205 Platte Drive, $4000. Price includes title policy, recording fees and closing fees. Call Barbara at 630-803-4416. Classified ad guidelines: Ads must be 25 words or less. Member’s rate - $10 per ad. Nonmember’s rate - $20 per ad. Giveaways are free. Deadline is at noon on the 3rd Thursday of odd-numbered months (unless otherwise noted on the calendar). Call Leslie at 815-652-4491 FAX - 815-652-8664 Email: The Lost Lake News is not responsible for the descriptive content of any classified ad. Advertisements Page 5 INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING IN THE NEXT NEWSLETTER? CALL LESLIE AT THE POA OFFICE AT 815-652-4491 FOR RATES Carry-out & Delivery CHEESE, SAUSAGE, MUSHROOMS, ONIONS, GREEN PEPPERS, PEPPERONI & BLACK OLIVES TACO PIZZA SALSA, GROUND BEEF, MOZZARELLA, CHEDDAR, ONIONS, TOMATOES, CHIPS, BLACK OLIVES MEAT -N-P IZZA FATHER & SON OF OREGON (815) 732-9700 137 S. 4th Street (IL Rt 2) Oregon, IL FAVORITE PIZZA COMBOS PIZZA SPECIAL CHICKEN ALFREDO GARDEN PIZZA HAWAIIAN PIZZA BBQ PIZZA CHEESE, SAUSAGE, PEPPERONI, BACON & HAM CHICKEN, MUSHROOMS, ONIONS, & FRESH GARLIC CHEESE, MUSHROOMS, GREEN PEPPERS, ONIONS & TOMATOES CHEESE, HAM, PINEAPPLE & ONIONS CHEESE, DICED CHICKEN, ONIONS & GREEN PEPPERS PASTAS * ALL PASTAS SERVED WITH GARLIC BREAD * BAKED MOSTACIOLLI WITH CHEESE AND MEATBALLS SPAGHETTI WITH MEATBALLS MOSTACIOLLI WITH MEATBALLS TORTELLINI WITH MEATBALLS RAVIOLI WITH MEATBALLS MANICOTTI WITH MEATBALLS SHRIMP SCAMPI OVER SPAGHETTI SANDWICHES * ALL SANDWICHES SERVED WITH FRENCH FRIES * SUBSTITUTE ONION RINGS OR MUSHROOMS FOR FRENCH FRIES FOR AN ADDITIONAL $1.00 We accept VISA and Mastercard See for full menu ITALIAN BEEF MEATBALL ITALIAN SAUSAGE PATTY HAM-N-MOZZARELLA SAUSAGE & BEEF COMBO GYRO BREADED PORK TENDERLOIN (LETTUCE, TOMATOES & ONION ON REQUEST) Advertisements Page 6 Tree Trimming • Firewood Stump Removal • Snow Removal Brad’s Tree Service Sales and Service 1245 N. Galena Ave. - Dixon - 815.284.2052 900 Depot Avenue Dixon, IL 61021 We service & sell Furnaces and Central Air Service 7 days a week on heating/cooling Phone: 815-857-3674 Don Sofolo Independent Real Estate Broker Carol A Brown, Enrolled Agent TAX PREPARATION AND ACCOUNTING Phone (715) 651-0869 Fax (815) 652-0226 Call 815-973-3811 Specializing In Lake Properties 121 Flambeau Lane Dixon, IL 61021 BUILT ON HONESTY INTEGRITY & SERVICE YEAR AROUND FAIR & HONEST PRICING BURKARDT’S LP GAS Bill & Bev Burkardt - Owners 24 Hour Service • 7 Days a Week 12420 W. Penn Road Polo, IL 61064 Rt. 26 - 2 mile South of Polo Office: 815-946-3081 946-3430 Home: 946-3080 Decks Unlimited STEVE MORING ROCK FALLS DIVISION MANAGER 2110 McNeil Road, Rock Falls, IL 61071 • 1-800-423-0759 • FAX (815) 938-2799 • Forreston (815) 938-3602 Freeport (815) 233-9216 • Rock Falls (815) 622-0500 • Dixon (815) 288-0500 Don’t Miss A Single Day Custom Decks, Swimming Pools, Wheel Chair Ramps, Stairs, Add-Ons, Tear Downs, Power Washing, Staining, Complete Maintenance of Decks, Pergolas, and Porches Over 1000 Decks Built With 30 Years Experience Michael P. Nelson 815-393-3514 “Let Me Deck You” 113 S. Peoria Ave. - Dixon, IL 815-284-2222 The Lost Lake News Page 7 Guide To The Lost Lake Boards ULLPOA Board LLUD Board RCD Board MIKE HUBER TOM WENDLING MARTY PORTNER President Security Chairperson President WILLIAM WERONKO GLENN BALDWIN DAVE STEWART Vice Chairman Vice-President Vice-President BARB WIESE Treasurer MIKE CARR JIM BROWN Trustee Member at Large GEORGE KERSTEN TIM SPELDE MARY ANNE BORTMAN Trustee Secretary By-Laws/Rules & Regulations DAN NICOLINI MIKE SWARTZ Trustee Member at Large CAROL BROWN JIM HAINES Long Range Planning CHARLIE MOORE Roads Member at Large NADINE PORTNER Trustee RICHARD SCHLAF Trustee SUSAN STEFFENS DAVE SHAW District Secretary Office Manager JEFF WINTERLAND SHEILA WARNER Treasurer * Other committee chairs will be appointed at a future date LESLIE EDGAR CHAD JUDD BECKY BRECKENFELDER Office Manager Certified Operator PHONE 815-652-4491 FAX 815-652-8664 OFFICE PHONE 815-652-3494 Administrative Manager Treasurer Webmaster OFFICE HOURS EMERGENCY PHONE PHONE Monday 9am - 5pm Wednesday 9am - 5pm Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday - by appt. only 815-973-3477 815-652-2006 OFFICE HOURS OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm or by appointment Monday - Thursday 10am - 2pm Evenings and Weekends by appointment EMAIL WEBSITE ADDRESS EMAIL WEBSITE 903 Missouri Drive Dixon, IL 61021 SECURITY HOTLINE 311 Birch Lane, Suite 200 Dixon, IL 61021 815-973-4567 ADDRESS EMAIL WEBSITE ADDRESS 404 Lake Court Dixon, IL 61021 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 150 Dixon, IL 61021 The Lost Lake News 903 Missouri Drive Dixon, Illinois 61021 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED February 2015 TIME TO THINK ABOUT GARAGE SALES DAY!!! May 2, 2105 If the humbugs of winter have got you down, maybe it’s time to get up & start moving around by cleaning out your closets, garage, and those drawers that you always say you’re going to tackle one of these days! This year’s Garage Sales Day will be on Saturday, May 2nd. For those of you new to the community, this is a big event, attended by lots of outsiders, and a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and sell some of your goods for a little extra spending money. Maps will be distributed at the front gates. On the back of the maps will be the addresses where garage sales will be happening, and what items will be for sale. If you would like to advertise your address and list of items for sale, please contact the following people by April 29th: East Side residents: Call Laura Giedd at 815-440-0946, hand deliver to newspaper box at 208 Oak Lane, or email West Side residents: Call Cheri Kemp at 815-652-8789, or email
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