DFecember 14 2014 Bulletin - St. Mary`s Church, Grinnell, Iowa

Collections for Weekend of Jan 31 & Feb 1
Budgeted Income
Actually Collected
Sunday Envelopes :
(Envelopes + electronic donations)
Monday, February 9
No Mass
Tuesday, February 10
Mass for Lorraine Picard +
Wednesday, February 11
Mass for Special Intention
Thursday, February 12
Mass for Barb Schmidt +
Friday, February 13
Mass for Donna Regean +
Saturday, February 14 (Church Support / Religious Education)
Mass for Betty Collum. +
Sunday, February 15 (Church Support / Religious Education )
Mass for the People of the Parish
Mass for Wayne Wiley +
M A R Y’ S
Gospel readings for the week of
February 9 - 13
February 9
Mark 6:53 - 56
February 10
Mark 7:1 - 13
February 11
Mark 7: 14 - 23
February 12
Mark 7: 24 - 30
February 13
Mark 7:31 - 37
Our Lenten Parish Mission will begin on Monday, February
23rd and run through Wednesday, February 25th beginning
each night at 6:30pm. Fr. Denis Robinson of the Order of St.
Benedict, President-Rector of Saint Meinrad Seminary and
School of Theology will lead our mission. Fr. Denis is a very
experienced and entertaining retreat master, professor of systematic theology, and confessor. This will be an awesome way to
begin our Lent. Hope you see you all there!
F E B R U A R Y 2015
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
(2nd Grade Coffee & Rolls)
11:00 AM
Capital Campaign
Planning Mtg
5:30 PM
Social Action
Commission Mtg
6:00 PM
10 TUE
8:00 AM
Light Weigh, One King
(Church basement)
8:00 AM
Gospel of Matthew
(Church basement)
6:30 PM
11 WED
8:00 AM
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
5:00 PM
Faith Formation
Wednesday Night Meal
REC / 5:30 PM
Menu: Crispy Chicken
K– 6 : 6:10 PM—7:10 PM
7 - 12: 7:20 PM—8:30 PM
15 SUN
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
(Coffee & Rolls)
11:00 AM
16 MON
17 TUE
8:00 AM
Light Weigh, One King
(Church basement)
8:00 AM
Gospel of Matthew
(Church basement)
6:30 PM
18 WED
7:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:00 PM
14 SAT
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
1st Eucharist Class
9 - 11:30 AM
Adult Catholic
Faith Discussion
(Church basement)
10:15 AM
Deanery JH
Fun Night
St. Mary’s
at 5 pm
and travel
to Pella.)
4:30 - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:30 PM
Worship &
6:00 PM
Ash Wednesday
13 FRI
Mardi Gras
6:30 PM
20 FRI
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
Adult Catholic
Faith Discussion
(Church basement)
10:15 AM
Knights of
Fish Fry
5:30 PM
Finance Council
5:00 PM
Parish Council
6:30 PM
21 SAT
4:30 - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:30 PM
I hope you've seen in the bulletin the last several weeks the
announcement about our parish Lenten mission. And I really
hope you've marked the dates on your calendar! FEBRUARY
23, 24, 25. Each evening we'll start at 6:30pm in the Church.
The Very Reverend Denis Robinson, OSB will be our presenter. Fr. Denis is a very close friend, we were both monks at
Saint Meinrad Archabbey. Fr. Denis is currently the PresidentRector of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology. Fr. Denis is funny, entertaining, and full of spiritual insights. He is a highly sought after retreat master and
speaker. Did I mention that Fr. Denis is funny?
What's a mission anyway? Well, a mission is sort of a retreat
but you don't have to travel long distances to get to the retreat
house. The retreat, in a way, comes to you. How convenient is
that?! We all need a little spiritual pick-me-up every now and
then. Here's your chance!
We've asked Fr. Denis to talk to us about Lent and challenge us
to really make good use of the 40 days this year. Why do we
have lent? What's it supposed to do for us? How can we make
the most of it?
• "Three evenings? I'm too busy for that! Can I go to just
one? Won't that be enough?"
Do yourself a favor! Make time for our parish mission
in your schedule. Give some time to God and let Him
boost, strengthen, and refresh your spirit.
• Are all three nights the same?
No. Each night is different and will have a different
focus and theme. There will be new stories that will
help you laugh while at the same time give you things
to think about.
• Can I bring my children?
Yes. Fr. Denis is family friendly and there will be
something for everyone.
Come join us. Do yourself a favor this lent; I guarantee that
you will be entertained and enlightened.
Next Packing Day:
Sunday, February 22, 2015
(St. Mary’s Team will pack at 1 PM)
Please contact Crystal 236-8838 or
grinnellstmarydre@diodav.org if you are interested
in being a part of a St. Mary’s Team.
Each Team consists of 12 members that sign up to work for 45
minutes and donates $360 ($30/person). Please do not let
money prohibit you from being a part of a St. Mary’s team.
We not only host the event here in the REC but we also help
unload the supply truck at noon, which takes about 20-30 if we
get enough people. In addition we are also seeking “Refill People” these people help keep ingredients and supplies being used
full along with loading the truck at the end of the event. Times
can vary. There is no charge to these positions and it would be
a great way to get service hours in.
Contact Crystal DeNeve 236-8838
Important Upcoming KK-12 Dates:
• Feb 8—2nd
Grade Host Coffee & Rolls / Confirmation Mtg
• Feb 11—Regular
Class Schedule
• Feb 13—
13—Grinnell Deanery JH Fun Night New to calendar
• Feb 14—First
Eucharist Class 9-11:30
• Feb 14—
14—Parish Mardi Gras
• Feb 14 –16—TEC
• Feb 18—Ash
Wednesday (no classes)
• Feb 2020-22—
• Feb 22—Kids
Against Hunger
• Feb 22Mission
• Feb 25—
25 Change to Calendar… NO CLASSES as we wish for
families to attend the mission
We are still seeking a Catechist Helper in the 5th grade class.
Please contact Crystal if this is something you might be interested in. Thank you.
JH/HS Retreats and Events: Applications can be found
on our website and in the Faith Formation Office.
• NEW to calendar: Grinnell Deanery JH Fun Night will be
held in Pella February 13th. We will plan to leave St. Mary’s
REC at 5 PM and return around 11 PM.
• COR (Christ In Others Retreat) for 10, 11 & 12th grade students to be held February 2020-22 in Davenport (registrations
DUE Monday, Feb 9)and March 1313-15th in DeWitt
(registrations due Mar 8)
• Diocesan JH Rally to be held March 22nd. Registrations coming out soon.
Adult Formation:
• The Ascension Press Bible Study of Matthew started up again
January 6th and will go until March 24th. Participants gather in
the Church Basement from 6:30-8:00 PM. You are welcome to
attend even if you’ve missed other weeks.
• The Adult Catholic Faith Discussion meets from 10:15-11:15
am on Thursdays. We will begin with a review of the Councils
of the Church. Did you know that there have been 21 ecumenical (or general) councils of the Church? Each council was called
to address some area of faith, usually a problem or a heresy. We'll discuss the various councils, what they addressed,
and the significance of the magisterium and the teaching authority of the Church.
• Light Weigh … contact Rachel Porath 990-0628 for more information.
Thank you to those that supported our
collection last weekend. Because of the
snow storm and low Mass attendance we
will be extending our collection to this
week. Our JH students will be collecting for the Souper Bowl of Caring and
are in the process of deciding where to
distribute the money collected.
St. Mary’s Parish Mardi Gras is being hosted by
the young people preparing for Confirmation
and will be held Saturday, February 14th after
the 5:30 Mass. Fun for all ages! Bring a Potluck
item if you are able. Table service and beverages
will be provided.
FUNDRAISER (for Youth Activities, Bell Tower/Mary Statue
or the Capital Campaign): We have been contacted by
the Cedar Rapids Aquatics Association Swim Club (CRAA) to
provide volunteers for a swim meet that will be held at
the Grinnell College Natatorium . Volunteers will be paid
$37.50/per 4-5 hour shift worked. Help is needed beginning
Thursday, February 26th at 4 pm going through Sunday, March
2nd. They will be needing safety marshals, door monitors, announcers, timers, hospitality and runners. Please contact me for
more information.