1 Table of Contents Page /Groups Categorized by Day 2 3-4 4 4-5 5-6 6-7 • Sunday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday • Friday • Saturday Groups Categorized by Type 8 9-10 11 12 13-15 16-18 • Men • Women • Couples/Marriage/Family • Students • Other • Serving/Dream Team 19 How to start your own Connect Group 2 Categorized by Day In this section, ALL the groups are listed according to the day of the week they meet. Sunday Golfing Men/Women Sunday Afternoons Leader: Josh Morton Email: joshmorton80@gmail.com Description: Join us for a great time of fellowship out on the course. Guys and Girls welcome and all levels of experience welcome. We will play 9 holes and then spend some time praying for each other at the end. It's a great way to invite people to a church group and will be a great way to get to know each other. Maker 101 Men Sunday’s 4:00pm Leader: Joseph Robinson Email: joseph.robinson2387@gmail.com Meeting at 1997 Fair Oaks Dr. Side B Description: This group is about making things with your hands. Learn how to do woodworking and gather together with other men. No previous skill required. The Walking Dead Men/Women Sunday’s 8:30pm Leader: Will Johnson Email: wjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 3849 Blue Bonnet Dr Description: That’s right, a Connect Group built around watching a zombie TV show. Come hang with us each Sunday night where we will watch the new episodes of The Walking Dead and spend the rest of the time hanging out and building friendships. *All Dream Team Groups serve on Sunday’s - see page 16 for more details. 3 Tuesday Undaunted Women Tuesday’s 6:00am Leader: Bethany Johnson Email: bjohnson@turningpointcn.com Description: This group is open to women and girls. We will be going through Undaunted by Christine Cain. In the book, Christine awakens you to biblical truths that will challenge you to discover and to do what God has called you to do. Our mornings will be filled with coffee, discussion, and encouragement before you head off to work. Even if you aren’t a morning person, you will be happy you joined us! Essential Apologetics Men Tuesday’s 6:30am Leader: Wes Slemp Email: wesley.ch.slemp@gmail.com Meeting at 416 Skyview Ln Description: How should Christians share their faith in an increasingly intellectual world? We will discuss some answers to questions Christians don’t want you to ask. Above all, we keep loving God and people a priority. What Love Is Women Tuesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Christina Cohen Email: thecohencrew@aol.com Meeting at 2985 Town Branch Rd Description: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 1 John 3:16 Join a group of women looking for deeper relationships with each other founded on the assurance of Christ’s love for us. Students - High School Guys/Girls Tuesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Will Johnson Email: wjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 2724 Woodlawn Way Description: In high school we find ourselves dealing with two different seasons of life pulling at us. We want to get the most out of our high school experience that we can, but we also are beginning to look ahead to what life looks like after graduation. In this group each week college and young adult leaders will guide students through what can be a very exciting yet difficult season of life. Students will have fun and build strong friendships while being invested in by leaders who have been where they are. 4 Manhood Men Tuesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Jared Smith Email: smithjared07@gmail.com Meeting at 2608 Shannon Trace Description: There are just some things in life that dudes should be able to do. Grilling a steak to perfection, gun maintenance, car repair, and working leather - just to name a few. In this group, we’ll do all these things and more - all while hanging with the guys and building relationship. Wednesday Financial Freedom Men/Women Wednesday’s 6:30am Leader: Jason Doran Email: jdoran@turningpointcn.com Meeting at Starbucks: 2320 Versailles Rd Description: Learn biblical and practical truths that can transform your financial future. We will talk about getting out of debt, creating space in your budget, emergencies, planning for the future, and more. Embracing Limitless Love Women Wednesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Sherri Eakin Email: lynnhope8@gmail.com Meeting at 2884 Sandersville Rd Description: Have you ever had the desire to be wanted, pursued, loved, called, valued, treasured, promised…spoken for? Our Lord longs to be the One that fills all of these desires. The only question that remains is will you let Him? Discover just how to do this and join us! Thursday Road Cycling 101 Men/Women Thursday’s 6:00pm Leader: Mitch Glenn Email: mglenn1506@gmail.com Meeting at 1506 Raleigh Ct Description: We will be riding the legacy trail and adjacent public roads when temperatures are above 45 degrees. The first few weeks, we will meet at my house for a short devotion, then cover things such as bike safety, basic maintenance, nutrition, etc. Must have and be able to ride a road bike. 5 Growing Kids God’s Way Men/Women Thursday’s 6:30pm Leader: Jon and Kellie Montgomery This group is currently not open for new enrollment at this time, but will re-open during the Fall. Description: Come and take part in this fantastic curriculum as we seek to parent in the way God has instructed. Our kids have all kinds of influences in their lives, but we want to help you be the most effective and influential voice they hear. Together let's raise our kids to be world changers! Students - Middle School Guys/Girls Thursday’s 6:30pm Leader: Will Johnson Email: wjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 2608 Shannon Trace Description: All middle school students and their friends are invited to an environment where they can make friends, have fun and connect with leaders who want to invest in them! Students will find a place where they belong and where they can be encouraged each week! Jesus Swagger Men/Women Thursday’s 6:30pm Leader: Trinity Davis Email: tdavis@turningpointcn.com Description: Comfortable Christianity is not the goal, we want more than that. We will be going through a study together and building relationships that are worthwhile. God’s Purpose for Singles Women Thursday’s 7:00pm Leader: Virginia Lowe Email: v.lowe8455@gmail.com Meeting at 149 Old Towne Walk Description: Our desire for this group is to grow our relationship with Christ, encourage each other and find our purpose in His will. Friday Mom’s and Tots Women Friday’s at 9am Leader: Kim Mauney Email: kmauney@turningpointcn.com Description: Whether you nursed or bottle fed, serve only organic foods or eat McDonalds everyday, this is a judgement free zone! It’s just time to get together, encourage one another, and let our kids have fun together! The location will vary depending on the weather. We hope to see you there, Supermommies! 6 Business Leaders Lunch Men/Women Friday’s at lunch Leader: Joshua Mauney Email: josh@turningpointcn.com Description: Business leaders will gather over lunch to discuss biblical leadership principles that can transform the workplace. Landing a Successful Marriage Men/Women Friday’s 6:00pm Leader: Omar and Betsy Aracena Email: obamor50@gmail.com Meeting at 205 Ellis Park Old Paris Pike Description: In order for an aircraft to land successfully, it first needs to have a good approach; likewise in order for one to have a successful marriage, we first need to have a successful courtship or dating. If this is where you are right now, then this is the connect group for you. Join us as we explore together the necessary tools for a smoother, healthier and more enjoyable lifetime together. Family Fun Night Men/Women Friday’s at 6:30pm Leader: Jason and Erin Doran Email: jdoran@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 1033 Applecross Dr. Description: Fun for the entire family. Kids upstairs playing games, watching movies, and having fun. Parents downstairs playing games and having fun. Fun for the whole family. When the weather is good enough, we will head outdoors for the fun. Saturday The Flying Pigs Men/Women Saturday’s 9:00am Leader: Bethany Johnson Email: bjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at TurningPoint Church Description: What a great way to start off 2015! We will be training for and running the Flying Pig Half Marathon on May 3rd in Cincinnati! Whether you have run a marathon or have trouble getting winded going to the mailbox, we will all work together to accomplish our personal goals! We will all work off the same training schedule and do runs together on Saturdays. We will start the group off at 9am on Saturday by praying for our church/city at TurningPoint. We will leave from there to do our run! Pigs don’t always fly, but when they do…they pray too! Prayer and Fitness Women Saturday’s 9:00am Leader: Sarah Slemp 7 Email: sslemp@vt.edu Meeting at TurningPoint Church/Planet Fitness Description: Resolutions without repetition are like Ferraris without fuel. They look nice but won’t get you anywhere. If you resolved to pray and exercise more this year, this is the group for you! House of Prayer Men/Women Saturday’s 9am Leader: Steven Hughes Email: shughes53@gmail.com Meeting at TurningPoint Church and 3848 Gladman Way Description: We will meet at church on Saturdays to participate in corporate prayer. Also, approx. once a month, we will have a get together at our house to get to know each other, have a brief teaching, pray for one another, and to eat some snack and fatty cakes! Monthly meetings will be coordinated via email and Facebook. “Cross”fit Men/Women Saturday’s 9:00am Leader: Taylor Johnson Email: tdjohnsondsp@gmail.com Description: Come hang out with us as we get to know each other, get to pray for each other, and get to WOD together. Meet at TurningPoint Saturday’s at 9am and after corporate prayer, head directly to Crossfit Maximus for the 11am WOD. The Gorge Men/Women Saturday’s 10:00am Leader: Josh Powell Email: joshrp5@mac.com Description: Hiking at the Red River Gorge to enjoy God’s beautiful creation. Come join us in a time of hiking, connecting with others, and spending time in prayer and devotion. Intro to Crochet Men/Women Saturday’s 12:00pm Leader: Mallory Robinson Email: mmrobinson81@gmail.com Meeting at 404 Hollow Creek Description: If you want to learn to crochet or you know and want to relearn the basics, then come and fellowship with us. Learn a new fun craft! 8 Men’s Groups In this section, groups that ONLY have men are included. Maker 101 Men Sunday’s 4:00pm Leader: Joseph Robinson Email: joseph.robinson2387@gmail.com Meeting at 1997 Fair Oaks Dr. Side B Description: This group is about making things with your hands. Learn how to do woodworking and gather together with other men. No previous skill required. Essential Apologetics Men Tuesday’s 6:30am Leader: Wes Slemp Email: wesley.ch.slemp@gmail.com Meeting at 416 Skyview Ln Description: How should Christians share their faith in an increasingly intellectual world? We will discuss some answers to questions Christians don’t want you to ask. Above all, we keep loving God and people a priority. Manhood Men Tuesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Jared Smith Email: smithjared07@gmail.com Meeting at 2608 Shannon Trace Description: There are just some things in life that dudes should be able to do. Grilling a steak to perfection, gun maintenance, car repair, and working leather - just to name a few. In this group, we’ll do all these things and more - all while hanging with the guys and building relationship. 9 Women’s Groups In this section, groups that ONLY have women are included. Undaunted Women Tuesday’s 6:00am Leader: Bethany Johnson Email: bjohnson@turningpointcn.com Description: This group is open to women and girls. We will be going through Undaunted by Christine Cain. In the book, Christine awakens you to biblical truths that will challenge you to discover and to do what God has called you to do. Our mornings will be filled with coffee, discussion, and encouragement before you head off to work. Even if you aren’t a morning person, you will be happy you joined us! What Love Is Women Tuesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Christina Cohen Email: thecohencrew@aol.com Meeting at 2985 Town Branch Rd Description: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 1 John 3:16 Join a group of women looking for deeper relationships with each other founded on the assurance of Christ’s love for us. Embracing Limitless Love Women Wednesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Sherri Eakin Email: lynnhope8@gmail.com Meeting at 2884 Sandersville Rd Description: Have you ever had the desire to be wanted, pursued, loved, called, valued, treasured, promised…spoken for? Our Lord longs to be the One that fills all of these desires. The only question that remains is will you let Him? Discover just how to do this and join us! 10 God’s Purpose for Singles Women Thursday’s 7:00pm Leader: Virginia Lowe Email: v.lowe8455@gmail.com Meeting at 149 Old Towne Walk Description: Our desire for this group is to grow our relationship with Christ, encourage each other and find our purpose in His will. Prayer and Fitness Women Saturday’s 9:00am Leader: Sarah Slemp Email: sslemp@vt.edu Meeting at TurningPoint Church/Planet Fitness Description: Resolutions without repetition are like Ferraris without fuel. They look nice but won’t get you anywhere. If you resolved to pray and exercise more this year, this is the group for you! Mom’s and Tots Women Friday’s at 9am Leader: Kim Mauney Email: kmauney@turningpointcn.com Description: Whether you nursed or bottle fed, serve only organic foods or eat McDonalds everyday, this is a judgement free zone! It’s just time to get together, encourage one another, and let our kids have fun together! The location will vary depending on the weather. We hope to see you there, Supermommies! 11 Couples/Marriage/Family Groups In this section, groups that ONLY are meant for couple/marriage/family are included. Growing Kids God’s Way Men/Women Thursday’s 6:30pm Leader: Jon and Kellie Montgomery This group is currently not open for new enrollment at this time, but will re-open during the Fall. Description: Come and take part in this fantastic curriculum as we seek to parent in the way God has instructed. Our kids have all kinds of influences in their lives, but we want to help you be the most effective and influential voice they hear. Together let's raise our kids to be world changers! Landing a Successful Marriage Men/Women Friday’s 6:00pm Leader: Omar and Betsy Aracena Email: obamor50@gmail.com Meeting at 205 Ellis Park Old Paris Pike Description: In order for an aircraft to land successfully, it first needs to have a good approach; likewise in order for one to have a successful marriage, we first need to have a successful courtship or dating. If this is where you are right now, then this is the connect group for you. Join us as we explore together the necessary tools for a smoother, healthier and more enjoyable lifetime together. Family Fun Night Men/Women Friday’s at 6:30pm Leader: Jason and Erin Doran Email: jdoran@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 1033 Applecross Dr. Description: Fun for the entire family. Kids upstairs playing games, watching movies, and having fun. Parents downstairs playing games and having fun. Fun for the whole family. When the weather is good enough, we will head outdoors for the fun. 12 Student Groups In this section, groups that ONLY include students are included. Students - High School Guys/Girls Tuesday’s 6:30pm Leader: Will Johnson Email: wjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 2724 Woodlawn Way Description: In high school we find ourselves dealing with two different seasons of life pulling at us. We want to get the most out of our high school experience that we can, but we also are beginning to look ahead to what life looks like after graduation. In this group each week college and young adult leaders will guide students through what can be a very exciting yet difficult season of life. Students will have fun and build strong friendships while being invested in by leaders who have been where they are. Students - Middle School Guys/Girls Thursday’s 6:30pm Leader: Will Johnson Email: wjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 2608 Shannon Trace Description: All middle school students and their friends are invited to an environment where they can make friends, have fun and connect with leaders who want to invest in them! Students will find a place where they belong and where they can be encouraged each week! 13 Other Groups In this section, groups that aren’t exclusive in nature are listed. Golfing Men/Women Sunday Afternoons Leader: Josh Morton Email: joshmorton80@gmail.com Description: Join us for a great time of fellowship out on the course. Guys and Girls welcome and all levels of experience welcome. We will play 9 holes and then spend some time praying for each other at the end. It's a great way to invite people to a church group and will be a great way to get to know each other. The Walking Dead Men/Women Sunday’s 8:30pm Leader: Will Johnson Email: wjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at 3849 Blue Bonnet Dr Description: That’s right, a Connect Group built around watching a zombie TV show. Come hang with us each Sunday night where we will watch the new episodes of The Walking Dead and spend the rest of the time hanging out and building friendships. Financial Freedom Men/Women Wednesday’s 6:30am Leader: Jason Doran Email: jdoran@turningpointcn.com Meeting at Starbucks: 2320 Versailles Rd Description: Learn biblical and practical truths that can transform your financial future. We will talk about getting out of debt, creating space in your budget, emergencies, planning for the future, and more. Road Cycling 101 Men/Women Thursday’s 6:00pm Leader: Mitch Glenn Email: mglenn1506@gmail.com Meeting at 1506 Raleigh Ct Description: We will be riding the legacy trail and adjacent public roads when temperatures are above 45 degrees. The first few weeks, we will meet at my house for a short devotion, then cover things such as bike safety, basic maintenance, nutrition, etc. Must have and be able to ride a road bike. 14 Jesus Swagger Men/Women Thursday’s 6:30pm Leader: Trinity Davis Email: tdavis@turningpointcn.com Description: Comfortable Christianity is not the goal, we want more than that. We will be going through a study together and building relationships that are worthwhile. Business Leaders Lunch Men/Women Friday’s at lunch Leader: Joshua Mauney Email: josh@turningpointcn.com Description: Business leaders will gather over lunch to discuss biblical leadership principles that can transform the workplace. The Flying Pigs Men/Women Saturday’s 9:00am Leader: Bethany Johnson Email: bjohnson@turningpointcn.com Meeting at TurningPoint Church Description: What a great way to start off 2015! We will be training for and running the Flying Pig Half Marathon on May 3rd in Cincinnati! Whether you have run a marathon or have trouble getting winded going to the mailbox, we will all work together to accomplish our personal goals! We will all work off the same training schedule and do runs together on Saturdays. We will start the group off at 9am on Saturday by praying for our church/city at TurningPoint. We will leave from there to do our run! Pigs don’t always fly, but when they do…they pray too! House of Prayer Men/Women Saturday’s 9am Leader: Steven Hughes Email: shughes53@gmail.com Meeting at TurningPoint Church and 3848 Gladman Way Description: We will meet at church on Saturdays to participate in corporate prayer. Also, approx. once a month, we will have a get together at our house to get to know each other, have a brief teaching, pray for one another, and to eat some snack and fatty cakes! Monthly meetings will be coordinated via email and Facebook. “Cross”fit Men/Women Saturday’s 9:00am Leader: Taylor Johnson Email: tdjohnsondsp@gmail.com Description: Come hang out with us as we get to know each other, get to pray for each other, and get to WOD together. Meet at TurningPoint Saturday’s at 9am and after corporate prayer, head directly to Crossfit Maximus for the 11am WOD. 15 The Gorge Men/Women Saturday’s 10:00am Leader: Josh Powell Email: joshrp5@mac.com Description: Hiking at the Red River Gorge to enjoy God’s beautiful creation. Come join us in a time of hiking, connecting with others, and spending time in prayer and devotion. Intro to Crochet Men/Women Saturday’s 12:00pm Leader: Mallory Robinson Email: mmrobinson81@gmail.com Meeting at 404 Hollow Creek Description: If you want to learn to crochet or you know and want to relearn the basics, then come and fellowship with us. Learn a new fun craft! 16 Serving/Dream Team In this section, you will find groups that are a part of what we call our Dream Team. The Dream Team consists of all the teams that serve the mission of TurningPoint Church. We believe that every person is great at something, so we created these teams for you to serve on as a catalyst to discovering your God-given purpose. Parking Team Leader: Jared Smith Email: smithjared07@gmail.com Description: This team is in charge of directing traffic and creating an amazing, warm and welcoming atmosphere in the parking lots of our church. They are the first impression of TurningPoint, and they set the tone for people as they arrive. Greeter Team Leader: Sherri Eakin Email: lynnhope8@gmail.com Description: This team loves on people by making them feel welcome when they hit the door. They serve by opening doors and helping guests navigate our café and KidzPoint Check-In. Cafe’ Team Leader: Philip and Angelique Schofield Email: epm2121@gmail.com Description: This team serves by greeting guests in the café, as well as maintaining our coffee stations. They help make it feel like walking into TurningPoint is like coming home. Usher Team Leader: Tim and Heather Thompson Email: thalthompson@hotmail.com Description: The usher team are the pastors of the auditorium. They hand out worship guides, guide guests to seats, assist parents with upset children, and help maintain an environment free of distraction. 17 Information Center Team Leader: Rebekah Bennett Email: rbennett@turningpointcn.com Description: The Information Center is the go-to place for brand new guests to get more information and to get a gift from us to them. This team loves people and is energetic as they share information about our church each service with guests. KidzPoint Registration Leader: Sara Brown Email: sbrown1105@yahoo.com Description: The registration team helps parents get their children smoothly checked in and out of KidzPoint. This team makes sure every parent can be at ease knowing their kids are well taken care of. KidzPoint Nursery Leader: Cailtin Moran Email: caitlinlmoran@yahoo.com Description: This team serves babies age birth – 2 years. KidzPoint Toddler Leader: Wesley Slemp Email: wesley.ch.slemp@gmail.com Description: This team serves children ages 2 – 3.5 years. KidzPoint Pre-school Leader: Heather Lott Email: heatherlott15@gmail.com Description: This team serves children ages 3.5 years – Kindergarten KidzPoint Elementary Leader: Joseph Robinson Email: joseph.robinson2387@gmail.com Description: This team serves children 1st grade – 5th grade. Worship Team Leader: Kyle Turner Email: kturner@turningpointcn.com Description: This team leads the church into worship, either vocally or instrumentally. They use their musical abilities to lead people into a dynamic worship experience with God. 18 Production Team Leader: Erin Doran Email: edoran@turningpointcn.com Description: This team runs sound, lights, and video production for all services. You can serve regardless of prior experience Prayer Team Leader: Tim Jones Email: timothy.jones@indwes.edu Description: This team prays during all services, and then with people after each service. Prayer is essential to effective ministry, and we believe in it so much we have a team devoted to it! Administrative Team Leader: Rebekah Bennett Email: rbennett@turningpointcn.com Description: This team meets during and immediately after services to handle all of the data entry and follow up from information received on Connection Cards. If you like meeting new people and getting things done then this is your team! Next Steps Team Leader: Rebekah Bennett Email: rbennett@turningpointcn.com Description: This team serves by providing setup, tear down, and execution of Next Steps events each Sunday night. They also assist with administrative follow up to help people find their place in the church! This is a great team for people-oriented and taskoriented people alike! 19 How to start your own Connect Group: Starting your own Connect Group is as easy as this equation: You + your idea + friends = Connect Group You: We, at TurningPoint, believe that each one of us has the ability to have an impact on the lives around us. Through a Connect Group, we want to help you discover how God can uniquely use you to make a difference in other’s lives. Your Idea: We have a “free market” approach to Connect Groups. Basically, if you like to do something and think that other people would like to do it with you, then you have a great idea for a Connect Group. Groups range from book studies to sports to serving those in need. The possibilities are endless. So, what’s your idea? Friends: Is there anyone that likes to do what you like to do? If the answer to that question is “yes,” then you are on your way to starting a Connect Group. It’s not enough to do life alone. We believe that we are better together. Connect Group: This is the result from all of the above coming together with the mission of Turningpoint Church to see life-change happen in the context of relationships. Are you ready? Email Pastor Jason at jdoran@turningpointcn.com to begin the conversation and set up a time for you to go through our Connect Group Leader Training, so you can be set up for success. 20
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