Sacred Heart Parish - Vacation Bible School July 14 – 18, 2014 9:30 AM – Noon Sacred Heart Parish Center A Totally Catholic Summer Program with Imprimatur Participants: Children ages 4 – 9/10 (Gr.4) Parishioners, friends and extended family are welcome! Cost: $20.00 per child – Registration: May 20th through July 10th – fill out Registration form – return or email to Michelle Kriss at, call 631-7508 – online form after May 20th at Helpers: Any student age 11+ (Gr. 5+), middle & high school students, parents, grandparents, parishioners (see other side for ways you can help) Every day something new - Bible Story – “watch for god” – weird animal Songs - Bible Buddy – critter café Snack – bible Craft –Kid vid cinema ! Sing & Play Stampede –songs like God Loves Us So & All Around the World help us to remember Bible truths! “One of a Kind” Bible Adventures – Be a part of some really “awesome” Bible stories and experience how God loves us all! Untamed Games – Enjoy playing fun games like Zoo Crew Tag, Pterodactyl, Gone Batty, and more…. Critter Cafe – What do you think a Fright Bite, Slice of Heaven, or a Wonderful Parfait tastes like? Something new & yummy every day! Bible Crafts – Each day – “make and take” a colorful “special” craft to remind you of the Bible story and how God’s love is oneof-a-kind! Kid-Vid Cinema – Watch real children in real situations know that God and so many others love them! Each day you and your crew will meet new Bible Buddies, explore exotic places with our animal friends and discover how Jesus’ love is “one of a kind!” Every parishioner – young and not so young - can be of help in some way by donating your time and talent to help with an activity or Zoo Crew Station Leaders Needed – Parents, high school students, grandparents, other adults! The real work is all done for you!! All specific directions for each day are provided in a convenient selfexplanatory booklet. You won’t have to hunt for materials or anything. It will all be in place at your station. Just share your time and personality, your caring and humor, and desire to help the children enjoy VBS!! Sing-and-Play stampede – You will enjoy teaching the songs and motions. It’s all on DVD. All you have to do is direct and encourage the crews. critter cafe - You and your helpers will prepare themed snacks such as “People Paws” and “Masterpiece Munchies” and serve them for the children and helpers. Untamed Games – You will direct the Zoo Crews through fun and simple games that follow the Bible theme for the day. Watch out – you might get wet playing Feet Fishing or get tagged by a real Weird Animal. Baobab bible crafts – You and your helpers will help the children make take home One-ofa Kind themed crafts that reinforce the daily Bible message. One-of-a-kind bible adventure – Through fun and interactive stories you and your helpers will involve the children in learning about the one-of-a-kind Bible story for each day. Kid vid cinema – Meet and lean about kids who are having a rough time but know how they can rely on God as they face life’s challenges and that Jesus loves them no matter what! Zoo Crew Leaders Needed Students ages 11+ (Gr.5+) , middle & high school students, grandparents, other adults! This is not a “take charge” position, just a helper to the 5-6 members of your Zoo Crew (small group) To lead your Zoo Crew members to and from the various stations To help crew members with crafts To help serve snacks to crew members To help the Station Leaders and lead your Zoo Crew in various small group activities To look out for all the members of your crew and help them when needed If you or anyone in your family can help out in any way with one of the above tasks –please contact Michelle Kriss , email or call 631-7508 VBS 2014 Registration Form - July 14 – 18, 2014 Parents Name: ______________________________________ Street address: _____________________________________ City______________________State______Zip____________ Home Phone: ______________________________________ Other Phone: cell work__________________________ Home e-mail address: _______________________________ 1) Child’s Name: ______________________________________ Age____________ Friend’s Name: _____________________________________ Age____________ 2) Child’s Name: ______________________________________ Age____________ Friend’s Name: _____________________________________ Age____________ 3) Child’s Name: ______________________________________ Age____________ Friend’s Name: _____________________________________ Age____________ For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Date____________________ Amount_________________ Parents, Older Siblings ,Teens, Parishioners, Grandparents -- can you lend a hand? (check box by area of interest) Crew Leader (lead a group of 5-6 through the various activities) Age 10+ (Gr. 5) Music (help teach exciting songs - all on CD & DVD) Site Leader Helper Storytelling (help present the daily Bible story Site Leader Helper Games (help with instructions and supervision) Site Leader Helper Crafts (help children with assembling) Site Leader Helper Snacks (help with assembly, serving and clean up) Site Leader Helper Kid-Vid Cinema (show daily video segment) Site Leader Helper Name of helper_____________________________________ Phone # ________________________________ Student Teen Adult Page 1 Emergency Medical Care Information Please fill out the Emergency and Medical Authorization Form to be kept on file in case of an emergency. This is a requirement of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Consent to Emergency Medical Care In the event reasonable attempts to contact me: Name: ________________________________________at (phone #)_____________________________ Emergency contact: _____________________________at (phone #)_____________________________ Other: ______________________________________at (phone #)_______________________________ have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for: 1) The administration of any treatment deemed necessary by (Physician’s name) ______________________________at (phone#) ____________________________ or (Dentist’s name) __________________________at (phone)___________________________ 2) and/or the transfer of the child to (preferred hospital)___________________________________or any hospital reasonably accessible. This authorization does not cover major surgery unless medical options of two licensed physicians or medical opinions of two other licensed physicians or dentists concurring in the necessity for surgery are obtained before surgery is performed. My health insurance carrier: _______________________________ Policy/Group Number: ____________________________________ 3) The following include any allergies my child(ren) may have, any medications the child may be taking, and any other medical conditions the staff/leaders need to be aware of: Child’s Name and info: _______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s name and info :_______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name and info :_______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature:___________________________________________ Date:______________________ ... ..................................................................................... Refuse to Consent to Emergency Medical Care I do NOT give my consent for emergency medical treatment of my child(ren). In the event of illness or injury requiring emergency treatment, I wish the religious education/VBS authorities to take no action. I understand what is involved in this refusal to medical care and will not hold the Parish or Diocese liable. Parent Signature:___________________________________________ Date:______________________ Page 2
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