Ridgway Christian School March 10-14 K3-6th Grade From The Principal… What a success the FEED the NEED Chili Dinner for our parents was last week! The fundraiser is off to a very good start with many families already well on their way to meeting their goal! Thank you so much for your support for this project! It is good to know that we can be a blessing to others in need. RPAT nominations are in progress. If you are an RPAT member and wish to nominate someone, please make sure to check with that person in regard to their willingness to serve before submitting the nomination form to the office. Thanks! Mrs. Porter Upcoming Events MAR. 11 RPAT BOARD NOMINATIONS END RCHS SOFTBALL & BASEBALL VS SOUTHWEST CHRISTIAN 4:00 MAR. 13 3RD QUARTER REPORT CARDS GO HOME MAR. 14 NOT FREE DRESS DAY $2.OO AT THE DOOR RPAT BOARD ELECTIONS BEGIN RCHS SOFTBALL & BASEBALL PRESEASON TOURNAMENT-MAGNOLIA MAR. 17 ELEMENTARY SPIRIT WEEK MAR. 21 FREE DRESS DAY DEADLINE FOR ORDERING RCS SPIRIT SHIRTS RPAT BOARD ELECTIONS END MAR. 24 SPRING BREAK SPIRIT SHIRT ORDERS Due to the many requests for the Spirit Shirts, we will be placing one last order. Forms went home with the students this week. Please contact the office if you did not receive one. Orders must be received by March 21st, 2014. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED! K3 – DIANA STRAUGHN BIBLE: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John14:6 LETTER: Introduce letter Qq. Learn its sound and trace. Learn words that begin with Q: Quentin quail, quarter, quilt, etc. MATH: Continue review of numbers 1-12. Count aloud to 25 in class. WEEKLY REMINDERS: Clean cups and towels on Mondays. Thanks to all parents that came to our free chili dinner. SNACK PARENTS FOR NEXT WEEK: MONICA AND WILL SMITH (JACOB). THANKS IN ADVANCE. K4 – KACY BRADSHAW Phonics: Review previously learned letters and blends. We will also continue making words, and learning the word familes:-an, -at MATH: Counting orally from 1-100, counting by 10’s, and counting sets. I will also introduce the dime. Bible: Armor of God Mini Lesson: Dr. Seuss author study. Snacks this week: Tyler Reel. Thank you! K5 – SUSAN SMITH Bible Memory Verse: “Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the World.” 1st John 4:4. Bible: Life of Jesus. Phonics: Introduce long vowels O and U. Introduce Y as a vowel. Introduce ending sounds _one, _ose, _une, _ail, _ain, and _ay. Math: Review subtraction. Complete patterns AABAAAB and ABBABB. Review dime and penny. Introduce nickel. K5-RHONDA COTTRELL PHONICS/READING: Continue long vowel words and word families, “oat”, “oad”, “ow”. Continue reading groups. Be sure to listen to your child practice the little readers sent home each week. Practice really does help!! MATH: Chapter 18 Measurement. Measuring with centimeters SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE: Continue Seasons….It’s Winter. BIBLE: Boyhood of Jesus. Review last week’s memory verse. Information about K-5 graduation cap and gown and fees will be sent home soon. Graduation date is May 20th at 7:00 p.m. 1ST – JANELLE BLUE K3 – MICHELLE WILMOTH Letter: R Math: 13 Introduce the letter R. We will learn the sound that the letter R makes, learn words that start with R and the formation of R. We will use words like rooster, rabbits, reading and reptiles. We will learn a new song with R words in it. Bring water bottles on Monday. Please have your child here at 8 am so we can stay on schedule. Thank you and God bless you. K4 – JEAN GRUNDY Theme: St. Patrick’s Day/Spring Bible: Feeding the Five Thousand. Phonics: We have completed our alphabet. We will continue to review for the remainder of the year. Math: Write numbers 1-50, match sets, count to 100 by 5’s and 10’s, review clocks, our phone numbers and coins. We will have Spirit Week March 17th-21st. Be sure and check your child’s folder to see what is happening each day! Spring Break is March 24th -28th. Have a nice weekend. K4 - ELLEN HARALSON Theme: St Patrick’s Day Bible Lesson: The Good Samaritan Bible verse: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” John 14:6 Letter: Yy, Please review past letters that we have worked on and the sound that each one makes. We have completed the alphabet. We will be working on sounding out blends and sight words. Please mark your calendar that Spring Break will be March 24 th through March 28th. Next week’s SNACK FAMILY will be Cristian Bradley and parents. Art: Shamrocks BIBLE: Week 27. Christ died for our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:3. ORAL MEMORY VERSE TEST ON FRIDAY MATH: Drill math families 1-11 addition and subtraction. REVIEW: counting, adding three two-digit numbers, A.M. and P.M., thermometer, before and after numbers, money, measures, and calendar. INTRODUCE: symbols for greater than and less than, and twelve addition family. TEST ON FRIDAY PHONICS: Drill special sounds and clue words from charts 6-13. REVIEW: prefixes and suffixes, ABC order, changing y to I, syllables, reading words with special sounds other than clue words, and compound words. INTRODUCE: contractions. SPELLING: List 23. TEST ON FRIDAY READING: Continue reading Handbook for Reading and we will finish The Bridge Book. INTRODUCE Aesop’s Fables. SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 6. Maps of Old Places. TEST ON FRIDAY 1ST – DANA DONALDSON BIBLE: “Christ died for our sins.” 1 Corinthians 15:3 We will say it on Friday. SPELLING: We are on lesson 24. We drill and write these words daily. Please drill them at home also. Spelling sentences on Monday nights. The test is Friday. PHONICS: We will continue to drill the charts 6-13. These special sounds are on their weekly Phonics Test. Please drill these charts at home also. These charts help them to be a great reader! We will write words, circle the special sounds, mark the vowels, and read the words. We will review: ABC order, changing y to an i, syllables, adding suffixes to root words, and prefixes. I will teach: A contraction is a short way of saying two words at the same time. We use an apostrophe to show where letters are left out. READING: We will continue to read Handbook for Reading. We will finish reading The Bridge Book. We will begin reading Aesop’s Fables. We will continue to test on our class AR book in Computer class on Tuesdays. MATH: We will review: counting, addition, subtraction, adding three two-digit numbers, A.M., P.M., the thermometer, before and after numbers by ones, money, measures, and the calendar. I will introduce: the symbol for greater than and less than, and the twelve families of addition and subtraction. HERITAGE STUDIES: We are on Chapter 9, Adventurers. 2ND – PAM TURNER Bible: Our Bible lesson for the week is Helping Others. Memory verse: “The Father himself loves you.” John 16:27 Test Friday Spelling: List 27 The words for the week include the sounds ea as in leaf, ea as in thread, ea as in steak and eigh as in eight. Test Friday Phonics: The special sounds for the week include long e sounds, y as in fly, long a sounds and long u sounds. Test Wednesday Reading: We will continue reading in Sunshine Meadows. Test Wednesday Math: The skills for the week include finding one third of a group, measuring to the nearest inch, matching analog and digital times, multiplying by 4’s, making change and writing dictated numbers and answers. Test Friday Science: We will test on Chapter 5 and begin Chapter 6. 5TH – ARMETRA GREEN Sometimes when we pray, it is easy to let our minds wander or fall asleep. We must work to keep our minds focused on God. We need to take time every day to get away and pray. Prayer is our path to strength. In Math class, we will continue to look at a variety of graphs. In Science, students will begin to gain knowledge on how the respiratory system functions. In Social Studies class, students will research and study some of the presidents throughout history. Positive parents produce a positive home. Positive children produce a positive class environment. A positive class environment allows a teacher to give positive instruction which will produce positive citizens in a positive society. Have a great week!! 6TH - CASSY MORGAN 2ND – CAROL RAY No Report Submitted See RenWeb for Lesson Plans 3RD – MIKA SANTIS Bible: Week 27-The Miracle of Saul’s Call- Test on Friday. Spelling: Test over List 25 on Wednesday. Begin working on List 26. Math: This week we will work on Roman Numerals for 50, 100, 500, and 1,000, remainders as fractions, dividing by ten and eleven, and adding/subtracting mixed numbers. Test on Thursday will be over divide and check, adding and subtracting fractions, measurement equations, find the fractional part of the whole number, mixed number, Roman Numerals, time and multiplication up to 10. Language: This week we will be working on nouns and subjects. The test will be the following week. Reading: We will continue reading from Doors to Discovery and timed skill sheets. Social Studies: This week we will be working on Chapter 8. The test over the 3rd set of states, capitals, and locations (Massachusetts-New Jersey) will be Friday. 3RD – BETHEL BYRD Bible: Week 27 The Miracle of Saul's Call, Test Friday Math: Test Thursday over story problems, multiplication, addition, subtraction, divide and check fractional part of a whole number, equations, reducing fractions, measurements. New concepts-Roman Numerals 50, 100, 500 and 1000, writing remainders as fractions, adding and subtracting mixed numbers Reading: Continue reading Doors to Discovery, timed/reading comprehension worksheets. Book Report: The 2nd Book Report will be due Thursday, March 20th. Information was sent home in Communication Folder. Spelling: List 27 Test Wednesday, introduce List 28. Social Studies: Chapter 7-War Coming; States /Capitals: Test 4 Friday (New Mexico - South Carolina) Language: Diagramming subjects and verbs. 4th – REXANNA LEA Language- Diagramming adverbs and using good, well, and negatives correctly. The test over adverbs will be March 21. Math- There will be a test on March 11. We will be skipping lessons from March 12-April 11 to cover all skills which will be tested on the Sat 10. Reading. We will be reading an AR book in class this week. Students will take an AR test on the book Friday. Bible- Baptism in the Holy Spirit. There will be a quiz on Friday over memory verse 26. Spelling- List 26 test will be on March 14. If your child is absent, please 1) get assignments from RenWeb or 2) call the office and ask us to get your child’s work together. It is important that the students complete the makeup work so they don’t get behind in class. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Thanks and have a great weekend!! 4TH – MARGIE DURBIN In Math, we will be adding and subtracting decimals, learning more metric measurements, and counting back change. In Bible, the memory verse test will be on Friday-James 5:16. We will have a test over the story “A Prayer for Rain” and its vocabulary on Thursday. On Tuesday, we will have a Science test on Chapter 9. In Social Studies, we will continue our study of the”Wild West”. 5TH – TINA SMITH Bible- These lessons (106-110) will focus on Jesus being the Son of God. Reading- We will read the short story “No Longer a Slave”. We will have a test over “Beginning of Armadillos” and “No Longer a Slave” on Fri. 3/14. Students must have an AR book to read in class DAILY. Each student is responsible for reading four AR books independently this nine weeks and passing the appropriate AR test. Language- We will continue working on quotation marks and capitalization. Spelling-The students will have a test on list 26 on Tue. 3/11. Then, we will begin list 27. Bible – We will recite the Fruits of the Spirit and begin learning about angels. Hebrews 1:14. The students will be assigned a bible project. Reading – We will continue reading The Westing Game. We will also read the short stories ”The Unintentional Hero”, and “Call it Courage” in our reading workbook. Spelling – There will be a test on Wednesday over list 26 and we will begin on list 27. Language – We will continue working on Unit 10, adjectives. 6TH LINDA RAWLS Math – The students will expand their Geometry knowledge to working with the area and perimeter of 2 dimensional figures and will continue to have periodic quizzes over previously learned material. Science – The students will learn about our Solar System and the Planets. They will continue with activities in the Science Lab on Friday. Social Studies – The students will complete the study of Ancient Rome and will have a test on Thursday. Bible- The students will continue to learn about Spiritual Beings and how Satan works against God’s plan for us. Memory Verse - “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” – 1 Peter 5:8 ART – ASHLEY MCDONALD This month students will create Shamrocks. Students will use paint and glitter as the medium to create three leaf clovers. Upper elementary students will finish the quilt unit study of Dr. Faith Ringgold. Students will begin drip and splash paintings. We will Review Jackson Pollock’s style of drip and splash. Students will discover new techniques using a heavy impasto, and hiding images within the work of art. Demonstration and hands on practice will follow the lesson. COMPUTER & P.E. – MORGAN RUSH COMPUTER K4-K5: Proper way to hold and install a CD/ Reader Rabbit/ Jumpstart 1st-6th: AR reading goals/ researching class projects/ internet explorer/ games PE K3-K5: Balance drills/ exercise/ running/ ball play 1st-6th: Warm ups/ calisthenics/ running/ ball play/ PLEASE wear proper PE shoes! LIBRARY – CADY HINKLE K3-K4: – Character building and K4 will continue to check out books to keep in their classrooms K-5: Character building and checkout. 1st – 6th Grade: Reading and testing opportunity. Last day for testing this 9 weeks is Friday, March 7, 10:30 am. Congratulations to those who have made the 100 Point Club: Hannah Blue, Colby Donaldson, Jack Talbot, Glenn McNutt, Marissa Owen, Kelsea Ray, Sydney Roulhac, Claire Talbot, and Alonna Thomas! MUSIC – POLLY MILLER Parents of 4th, 5th and 6th graders – Well, it’s that time of year again. Spring Concert is APRIL 10 at Pine Bluff First Assembly. The concert begins at 7 PM, but students must be there by 6:30 PM. Nice church attire is what we are wearing: dresses or skirts for girls, nice pants and shirt for boys. If you already know your child/children will not be able to attend, please, let me know ASAP. I’m looking forward to it!! LUNCH MENU 10th Taco Salad Mexican Rice Pineapple 11th Country Fried Steak Potatoes & Gravy Pinto Beans Roll Apple Crisp 12th Vegetable Soup PB&J Sandwiches Crackers Assorted Desserts 13th Chicken Spaghetti Green Beans Garlic Bread Salad Peaches 14th Hamburgers French Fries Carrot Sticks Scooby Snacks
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