Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 St. Mary Magdalen Parish First Mass Celebrated on September 7, 1919 Rev. Msgr. John J. Borcic, Pastor Rev. John V. Kerber, Retired Deacon Joseph J. Iovanna New Parishioners are Welcome! For information: Call our Parish Rectory 314.352.2111 ext. 4 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 St. Mary Magdalen Parish Church & Rectory: 4924 Bancroft Ave. St. Louis, Missouri 63109 Phone 314.352.2111 Rectory Fax 314.481.7661 Parish Website: Archdiocese of St. Louis Website: Staff Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John J. Borcic Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 3 Email: In Residence: Rev. John J. Kerber Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 107 Deacon: Joseph J. Iovanna Phone: 707.1803 cell phone Parish Secretary: Fran Voss Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 4 Email: Parish Nurse: Jeannine Wieczorek Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 5 Email: Music Director: Keith Ballentine Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 4 (leave a message) Bookkeeper: Terry Signaigo Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 6 Maintenance Department: Steve Jackson Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 7 St. Vincent de Paul Society Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 2 Rectory Office Hours 8:30am — 7:30pm Monday through Thursday 8:30am — 4:00pm Friday 9:00am —12:00pm Saturday Closed on Sundays, Holidays, and Holy Days of Obligation Mass Schedule Weekend Masses: Weekday Mass: Saturday: 4:30pm Monday thru Friday: 8:00am Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am Daily Rosary: Mon. thru Fri. before 8:00am Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Every first Friday of the month from 8:30am until 12-noon Holy Hour: Every 1st Saturday of the month at 9:15am Sacrament of Baptism: Please contact the Rectory Weddings: Couples contemplating Marriage should contact the Pastor as soon as they have made a decision to marry and at least six months prior to their intended date of Marriage so that proper preparations can be made. Communion to the Sick: We are happy to bring Holy Communion to those who are confined to their homes. Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesday following 8:00am Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday between 3:30pm and 4:10pm (or by appointment) \ SCHOOLS SERVING OUR PARISHIONERS For registration and other information please contact Our Lady of Sorrows School 5831 So. Kingshighway Blvd. 314.353.1451 St. Ambrose School 5130 Wilson Ave. 314.772.1437 St. Joan of Arc School 5821 Pernod Ave. 314.752.4171 St. Roch School 6040 Waterman 314.721.2595 South City Deanery PSR Deborah Halter 314.773.3070 Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time Dear Parishioners and Friends, In the last week or two you received a mailing with a letter and calendar for Lent. You also may have read my bulletin article or the Archbishop’s message as well. Well, Lent is upon us. It begins this Wednesday with Masses at 8am, 12noon, and 6pm. Ashes will be placed on the foreheads of all who come to Mass that day. This sign of blessed ashes remind us of two things. One is our mortality exemplified in the words; “Remember, you are dust and into dust you will return.” This phrase was often used in the past as ashes were formed in the sign of a cross on your forehead. They help us to recall that we all share in the death of Christ, with the hope of also one day sharing in His resurrection. The second remembrance of the ashes calls to mind the need for our readiness to one day share in Christ’s resurrection, exemplified in the words, “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” These words are spoken more often today as we receive the blessed ashes. These words help us to recall the necessity of following Christ each and every day of our lives. This was paramount in His call to His disciples. This, too, is important for us to remember and commit ourselves to if we want to share in the hope of Christ’s resurrection. Most of us grew up with the understanding of the importance of “giving up” something for Lent. It was impressed upon us both at home and at school. We tried to find something we considered really important to give up for the 40 days following Ash Wednesday. This was to help us prepare for Holy Week and Easter, the greatest celebration in our Church. We recall that Jesus gave His life for the salvation of all people. We considered giving up many things, but not our life. In fact, we may have even succumbed to pride by announcing to all of our friends just what it was that we were giving up for Lent. Maybe we missed the real meaning behind this action. Giving is something that many of us do in a variety of ways, but we have to be careful that the giving is for the benefit of someone else, not for our benefit. It should also be something we might consider really important – even today! February 15, 2015 Borrowing from an article from Columbia magazine, I would like to share with you three ways in which we can give or increase our giving for the next 40 days of Lent. 1. Giving to charity. Pick a charity, whether it be one associated with the parish or not, and make a significant gift. Use the money that you may have wanted to set aside for something else, something important to you. This should be a gift beyond that which you already do. And I know that many of your are very generous to begin with. This activity this year is to bring home the true meaning of Lent for you. 2. Giving of time. There are many opportunities for us to give our time to another person, to an organization, or to the Church. It doesn’t require a great deal of talent – maybe no talent at all – just a willingness to set aside time for the benefit of someone else, neighbor, a fellow parishioner, a family member. Again, many are generous with their time. This activity this year is to bring home the true meaning of Lent for you. 3. Giving good example. Maybe this is the most difficult of all. First we need to be mindful of those times when we haven’t given good example; those times when we may have said or done things to hurt someone, or have spoken unkindly about others or the faults of others. We can give good example by living our lives configured to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “What would Jesus do” is an expression used some years ago but not so much anymore. Maybe for the next 40 days we could resurrect that expression and each day offer a simple prayer asking God to help you do this day what Jesus would do for others you encounter. This activity this year is to bring home the true meaning of Lent for you. When you receive the ashes this year, do so in all humility, whether they call to mind your own mortality and how you share that human mortality with Jesus, or whether they call to mind your intention to commit your life conformed to His Gospel. Our goal is everlasting life in Heaven and a share in the fullness of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Have a good Lent! Msgr. John Borcic Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Soup Kitchen LENTEN DAY OF RECOLLECTION THANK YOU to ALL our Soup Kitchen volunteers, bakers, servers, and financial donors who make this meal possible each month. We couldn’t do this without your help! Our next meal is Tuesday, February 17. Brownie Bakers: Please drop off your brownies at the rectory by NOON on Tuesday. If you need to have your brownies picked up please call Charlie or Mary Ann Halbrook at 481-2448 before Tuesday to arrange for pick up. Parishioners, their guests, and all throughout the Archdiocese are invited to join Archbishop Robert Carlson and the clergy of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis for a Lenten Day of Recollection on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Palm Collection With Ash Wednesday being this week, we are fully aware that we are a wee bit late requesting your left over palms from last year’s Palm Sunday. But rest assured we have enough ashes to get through Ash Wednesday 2015. We will still take up the collection. There is a basket in back of church in front of the statue of St. Mary Magdalen for your donation. Thank you. Stewardship Reflection “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” - 1 Corinthians 10:31 This special day of reflection, recollection, and reconciliation begins at 10:00 a.m., and includes two spiritual conferences led by Archbishop Carlson. Each conference will be followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The day will end with evening vespers at 4:30 p.m. and the celebration of Mass at 5:00 p.m. All conferences and prayer will be held in the Cathedral Basilica, with lunch provided for all in Boland Hall. This gathering is free (good will offerings to help offset the cost of lunch will be gratefully accepted). Though a free event, organizers request advance registration to properly prepare for lunch. To register or for additional information, please contact Laura Voegelie at 314-373-8208. Operation Rice Bowl 2015 40th Anniversary Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop the attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”. For most people gratitude leads to generosity. CRS Rice Bowl is a Catholic Relief Service Lenten faith-in-action program for parishes, schools and families. The program invites Catholics to live in solidarity with our poorest and most vulnerable brothers and sisters through the three Lenten pillars of praying, fasting, and almsgiving. Catholic Family Tuition Assistance Participants journey throughout the forty days of Lent with the daily reflections included in the Lenten Calendar, offering small sacrificial gifts to fill their Rice Bowls. Any Catholic family wishing to apply for tuition assistance through the Archdiocese for the 2015-2016 school year must submit a “FACTS” application. Apply online at: Students must attend an Archdiocesan or Parochial High School to be eligible. The due date for the application is March 15 and must include a copy of your 2013 Income Tax Return and 2014 W2’s. The Catholic Education Center appreciates the support of the ACA and all of its donors. Since 1975 Catholics have been using CRS Rice Bowl to meditate on the love Jesus Christ demonstrates in His Passion and Resurrection ad to imitate Jesus’ love for the world through concrete, sacrificial giving to our brothers and sisters in need. Rice Bowl containers can be found at the doors of the church. Please take one and consider making contributions to the Rice Bowl as part of your Lenten practice of charitable giving. Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 READY FOR A RECHARGE THIS LENT??? Join fellow parishioners for a book study and discussion group of “The Four Signs of a DYNAMIC CATHOLIC” by Matthew Kelly Sessions will be offered in the afternoon and evening during the 6 Mondays in Lent and will last about an hour, beginning on February 23. Afternoon session – 1:00 p.m. Evening session – 7:00 p.m. Rectory Magdalen Room Just bring your “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic” book that was given out at Christmas. WHAT??? You don’t have a book yet, then pick up a FREE copy in church or at the rectory. NO CHARGE… TO GET RECHARGED!!! Be energized, educated, and inspired! Learn how to apply the genius of our Catholic faith to your life – in practical, livable ways. For more information and/or to register, contact Jeannine Wieczorek at 314-352-2111 ext 5 or Weekly Offertory February 8, 2015 Envelopes Loose Offering $ 3,692.00 324.00 __________________________________ Total $ 4,016.00 Collections as of 07-01-14 $ 137,000.96 Magdalen Special St. Vincent de Paul $ 160.00 Tuition Assistance 95.00 Soup Kitchen 235.00 ProLife 15.00 ______________________________________ Total $ 505.00 Synod on the Family XIV Ordinary General Assembly In October, the Church’s next Ordinary Synod of Bishops, “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and the Contemporary World,” will resume the work begun at last year’s Extraordinary Synod. The bishops have created a preparatory document containing 46 questions on family life from the faithful. If you would like to view the documents and answer the questions to be submitted to the Vatican, please visit If you do not have internet access, but would like to submit answers, please contact the rectory office 352-2111 ext 4 and we will provide you with a document and instructions for submission. All answers must be submitted before March 1. To All Bakers and Dessert Makers Of the Parish We need your bakery items (pies, cakes, cookies, brownies) for the Fish Fry’s. Please bring your bakery items to the school hall on Friday after 3pm If that is not convenient you are welcome to bring your goodies to the rectory and we will make sure they get brought over...unless Fr. Kerber get’s to them first!!! This week in our Parish… Daily Mass at 8:00am Monday thru Friday Monday, Feb. 16, 2015—Presidents Day Rectory office closed Quilters 9:00a QRm Italian class 6:30-8:30p Classrm 104/106 Paul VI Class 7-9p Classrm 102 Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015 Mass times 8am, 12noon, 6pm Church Cleaning 8:30a CH Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015 Italian class 6:30-9p Classrm 102/104/106 Friday, Feb. 20, 2015 Lenten Fish Fry 4-7p SH Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015 Italian class 10:30-12:30p Classrm 104/106 Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:30-4:10p CH Mass 4:30p CH Sunday, February 22, 2015 Mass 8:00a CH Mass 10:30a CH Pvt Reserved 1-5p SH Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Magdalen Lenten Fish Frys 2015 4-7PM Every Friday during Lent in the School Hall (dine in or carry out) Featuring Chef Steve Jackson and Pianist Dolores Guittar Menu Fish Dinner Plate $8.50 Adults $7.50 Senior Citizens $6.50 children 12 and under All dinner plates come with bread, coleslaw, choice of 2 sides (spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, green beans, French fries, or Hush puppies) and one dessert Coffee or tea offered for Dine-in only Fish choices Baked or Fried Pollock, Jack Salmon, Catfish Nuggets, Fried Shrimp ____________________________________________________________ Date February 20 February 27 March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 April 3 Theme Italian Night St. Vincent DePaul Electric Car Night Irish Night German Night Right to Life Good Friday (3-6pm) Music Italian w/Italian Tenor Jazz & Dance Easy Jazz Irish w/Irish Tenor German w/Dulcimers Show Tunes All Time Favorites Favor Pizzelles Throwed Rolls Fortune Cookies Green Beer Pretzels Life Savers Lenten Soup Thank you!!! The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary would like to thank everyone who helped with the “Pillow Case Workshop”. It was a HUGE success!! All of your good work put a smile on some 92 chronically ill children. Norah Leighton Fagan on February 8, 2015 Parents: Charles & Catherine Fagan Celebrant: Deacon Joseph Iovanna Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time Please pray for healing and strength for … Janet Barmeier, Gary Barker, Msgr. Borcic, Marian Brandel, Marcy Buckles, George Dent, Genny Fujarski, Charlie Haines, Joey Haines, Ruth Hassler, Jimmy Harvatin, Pete Harvatin, Geoffrey Hitch, Dolores Hughes, Kim Kaestner, Marie Kellner, Dolores Kettenbach, Michael Krawczyk, Elmer Marz, Doris Mather, Mary Mather, Terri Mazzola, Jackie McGilligan, Sue Micciche, Lou Ann Michaels, Lidia Molina, Cookie Muntges, Liam Niemira, Todd Nitchman, Catherine Quante, Larry Rice, Fr. Rick Schilli, Dorothy Schuchardt, Will Schuchardt, Edith Smiley, Becca Steinmetz, Dodie Stollhans, Jean Sullivan, Anne Turek, Marie Valenti, Garth and Laihla Weihl, Agnes Wiltgen, Jeannine Young, Lois Zitzmann and for all our homebound and nursing home parishioners and for their family and friends who take care of them. Mass Times 8:00 am 12:00 noon 6:00 pm Mass Intentions Monday, February 16, 2015 8:00 A.M. Lois Zitzmann—Special Intention Tuesday, February 17, 2015 8:00 A.M. Msgr. John J. Borcic —Special Intention Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:00 A.M. Carol Lanners 12:00 P.M. Fr. Richard Schilli—Special Intention 6:00 P.M. Mr. Jodanivic Thursday, February 19 2015 8:00 A.M. Judy Hassler Friday, February 20, 2015 8:00 A.M. Irene Croak Saturday, February 21, 2015 4:30 P.M. The Ferguson Family Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:00 AM Patricia Welling 10:30 AM For the People of the Parish February 15, 2015 L Lectors Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:00 AM Dolores Guittar 12:00 PM Kris Onanian 6:00 PM Fran Voss Saturday, February 21, 2015 4:30 PM Kris Onanian Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:00 AM Ken Luecke Sunday, February 22, 2015 10:30 AM Fran Voss Eucharistic Ministers Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:00 AM Jim Abkemeier, Pat Grotegeers, Dolores Guittar, Marisol Pfaff 12:00 PM Mary Elkins, Margaret O’Donoghue, Kris Onaian 6:00 PM Miriam Marek, Bill & Fran Voss, Nancy Sewester Saturday, February 21, 2015 4:30PM Jim Abkemeier, Pat Grotegeers, Joan Jewell, Kris Onanian Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:00 AM Mary & Charlie Dooling Sunday, February 22, 2015 10:30 AM Mary Elkins, Dolores Hitch, Cathy & Pat Maloney, Marisol Pfaff, Garth Weihl Servers Ash Wednesday, February 18 6:00PM Daniel Kelly Saturday, February 21, 2015 4:30 PM Alex & Tiffany Sakamoto Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:00 AM Harry Signaigo Sunday, February 22 , 2015 10:30 AM Daniel Kelly Ushers Saturday 4:30 PM Ron Gianella, Don Quante, Bill Yashuk, Rich Brutine Sunday, 8:00 AM Bernie Driscoll Sunday, 10:30 AM Tom Brent, Norm Guittar, Jewell Douthit Please note: The Rectory Business office will be Closed on Monday, February 18 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin Number: 59200 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Mary Magdalen Church 4924 Bancroft Avenue St. Louis, MO 63109 TELEPHONE: (314 )352-2111 Ext. 4 CONTACT PERSON: Fran Voss EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP Color Laser Jet CP2025 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday 11:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 15, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS February 15, 2015
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