May 10, 2015 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church

Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
First Mass Celebrated on September 7, 1919
Rev. Msgr. John J. Borcic, Pastor
Rev. John V. Kerber, Retired
Deacon Joseph J. Iovanna
New Parishioners are Welcome!
For information: Call our Parish Rectory 314.352.2111 ext. 4
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Church & Rectory: 4924 Bancroft Ave. St. Louis, Missouri 63109
Phone 314.352.2111 Rectory Fax 314.481.7661
Parish Website:
Archdiocese of St. Louis Website:
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John J. Borcic
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 3
In Residence: Rev. John J. Kerber
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 107
Deacon: Joseph J. Iovanna
Phone: 707.1803 cell phone
Parish Secretary: Fran Voss
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 4
Parish Nurse: Jeannine Wieczorek
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 5
Music Director: Keith Ballentine
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 4 (leave a message)
Bookkeeper: Terry Signaigo
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 6
Maintenance Department: Steve Jackson
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 7
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 2
Rectory Office Hours
8:30am — 7:30pm Monday through Thursday
8:30am — 4:00pm Friday
9:00am —12:00pm Saturday
Closed on Sundays, Holidays,
Holy Days of Obligation
Mass Schedule
Weekend Masses:
Weekday Mass:
Saturday: 4:30pm Monday thru Friday: 8:00am
Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am
Daily Rosary: Mon. thru Fri. before 8:00am Mass
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Every first
Friday of the month from 8:30am until 12-noon
Holy Hour: Every 1st Saturday of the month at
Sacrament of Baptism: Please contact the Rectory
Weddings: Couples contemplating Marriage should
contact the Pastor as soon as they have made a
decision to marry and at least six months prior to
their intended date of Marriage so that proper preparations can be made.
Communion to the Sick: We are happy to bring
Holy Communion to those who are confined to their
homes. Please contact the rectory to make arrangements.
Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesday following
8:00am Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday between
3:30pm and 4:10pm (or by appointment)
For registration and other information please contact
Our Lady of Sorrows School
5831 So. Kingshighway Blvd.
St. Ambrose School
5130 Wilson Ave.
St. Joan of Arc School
5821 Pernod Ave.
St. Roch School
6040 Waterman
South City Deanery PSR
Deborah Halter
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This weekend will be a somewhat
bittersweet weekend for my sister
and me. This weekend I will have
the privilege of baptizing my second great-nephew
and all of my sister’s children will be in town for the
baptism. That will be great treat for my sister since
it is Mother’s Day weekend. However, it will also
be one of sadness because it will be the first
Mother’s Day that my sister and I will not have our
mother to celebrate with because of her death in
I remember a few things that different people
mentioned to me while my mother was still alive.
Among these were the words of Archbishop Burke.
Each time I would visit with him, or even when he
came back to St. Louis from Rome, the first question
he would ask me was, “How is your mother?” I
never forgot that.
Also, my friend, Msgr. Polizzi would remind me
from time to time to be good to your mother
because, “You only have one mother.” That meant a
lot to me as well.
But on this Mother’s Day I remember most what my
nephew said about my mother, his grandmother,
during the eulogy at her funeral. They were words
that could, or maybe should, be said about every
mother or grandmother.
He first spoke about the many ways she found to
“spoil” them. Much of what he said could so easily
have been applied to my sister and me, as well, but
with a different twist. There also came the
discipline that she and dad administered. Grandchildren were exempt from discipline by grandparents.
Next he spoke of the tremendous love that she had
for her family. He remembered the countless times
she spoke of the great love she had for her husband,
her children, her grandchildren, and even her greatgrandchildren. He recalled the many stories she told
about them all and the admiration she had for each
of them in her special way.
Then he talked about how much she inspired him. I
guess I never really thought of that, but it was
certainly true. She was an inspiration not only to her
May 10, 2015
grandchildren but to my sister and me, too. Mom
was always interested in everything we did and everything we accomplished. Even when we swayed
from time to time she encouraged us to do our best.
My niece and nephews went to TCU, Arizona State,
and Notre Dame Universities respectively. Mom
never missed a TCU, Arizona State, or Notre Dame
football game, or at least knew the scores at the end
of the day. They knew by this gesture alone that she
was interested in them and what they did. She prayed
for each of them, as she did for us, that we would
finally find our path in life. She taught us to pray as
well, especially when life threw a curve ball.
Finally, he spoke about the life she lived. No matter
what the circumstances she lived a happy life. She
spoke of the difficulties her family endured in the
midst of the depression, but there were many good
things the family experienced during that time. She
spoke of the hardship of not having her husband, and
brother, for several years as they fulfilled their
commitment to serve their country in World War II.
She celebrated life as each turn came, and found
ways to celebrate them with joy.
I really did not want all of this to sound like a eulogy,
and I hope I didn’t. But I think there is a message
here for all of us on this Mother’s Day weekend.
First a message to mothers: Never be afraid to spoil
someone rotten, or to love fiercely, or to inspire those
around you, or to live a happy life. These should be
the hallmarks of every mother.
And to the children, there is a message too: Take
whatever virtues you may find in your mother and
don’t be afraid to make them your own and to share
them with your own children, with others in your
family, and even with your friends. Oh, and never
forget that you have only one mother. God bless her!
May this be a very blessed Mother’s Day for all of
our mothers, living and deceased.
God bless,
Msgr. Borcic
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
Happy Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Today Sunday, May 10, 2015
Hosted by
The Knights of Columbus
Council 453
St. Mary Magdalen School Hall
7:00 am—12 noon
$7.00 Adults
$5.00 Children 12 and under
Scrambled eggs
Donut Holes
Fresh Fruit
Coffee, juice, milk
The Prolife Committee has once again
place Mother’s Day Cards at all the entrances of the church. Please make sure
to give one to a special women in your life, your
spouse or someone who deserves to be acknowledge
as a mother. This month is the month of Mary but
please remember that just mailing one out is a great
tribute from you to that person’s love of life especially this month of May which is the Month of
Mary. There is a special acknowledgement to Mary
for all she was to our Lord by mailing one to someone who has no-one to receive a card from. I am
sure our Lady will be pouring out graces for your
special intentions.
If you wish to give an additional amount there is an
envelope in each card for your donation. It does not
matter the date you mail it but the day they receive
it. All the proceeds go direction to Birthright of
Hillsboro. This fundraising effort gives the help
they need to be there for those who have a
pregnancy which is unexpected. Often they are
being pressured to have an abortion, your donation
saves lives.
Our Lady of Fatima
Traveling Statue
This beautiful statue of Our Lady is
available to be received into your home.
By inviting Our Lady into your home,
and with the recitation of the Rosary may you begin
to experience a sense of peace, hope and healing
into your lives. If you would like to have her at
your home for a couple of weeks or know someone
that would benefit from having her please call Kathy
Schneider at 314-481-3923.
n last weeks bulletin we acknowledged the
students of our parish and relatives of our parishioners who were recently listed in the Post-Dispatch
as ‘A’ Students. Unfortunately as things happen we
missed one of our young parishioners who needs to
be recognized for his high achievement at SLUH.
We applaud you Luke Barrale and
please know that your parish family is
so very proud of you...much success to
you Luke!
Sixth Sunday of Easter
From the Piano…
Happy Mothers Day!
From the day we're born, Moms
have cared for us, loved us, taught
us and guided us through the tough
times. A parent, a teacher and friend... all rolled up
in to one. May this special day be a happy one full
of love, rest and good food.
I've sung this Italian song called "Mama" for many
years. It was a Connie Francis hit back in the 50s.
For those Moms who are no longer with us, here are
the lyrics in English.
Mama, I miss the days when you were here beside
Mama, those happy days when you were here to
guide me.
Safe in the glow of your love,
Sent from the heavens above.
Nothing can ever replace
The warmth of your tender embrace.
Oh, Mama
Until that day when we're together once more,
I live in these memories, until that day when we're
together once more.
I have a song up on that my Mom
and I did together a few years ago. It's a song called,
"Let Me Call You Sweetheart". If you have a chance,
check it out. Just go to and in the
search box, type..."nina ballentine mothers day tribute", hit Enter, and click on the video. It is a collage
of photos beginning when she was 5 years old up to
when she was in her late 80s.
God Bless all you Moms out there and thank you for
all the love and guidance you have given us over
your life time.
Compared to my other 3 brothers, my Mom spent
much more time in the principal's office as well as
the doctor's office. Oh, and my mother also told me
a million times not to exaggerate. I can't help it,
Mom. I love a good story!
Happy Mother's Day
-Keith Ballentine
May 10, 2015
Upcoming Ordinations
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary is pleased to announce
the upcoming ordinations of sixteen new alumnipriests (six for St. Louis) and seven new transitional
deacons (one for St. Louis). You are invited to the
Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis at 10:00 am on Sat.,
May 23rd to witness the priestly ordinations of Peter
Fonseca, Daniel Kavanagh, David Miloscia, Alexander Nord, Zachary Povis, and Edward Voltz. They
will become priests of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
Ten of their classmates will be ordained to the Sacred
Priesthood for six other dioceses. On Sat., May 2nd,
Scott Scheiderer was ordained a Transitional Deacon
for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Six of Scott's classmates will be ordained to the transitional diaconate
for other dioceses later this spring. We are grateful to
the countless people who have supported these men
through their prayers and contributions to KenrickGlennon Seminary. Thank you for supporting them
as they prepare to devote their lives to the service of
Christ and His Church. Please join us in praying for
and congratulating the ordinandi.
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Annual Blood Drive
Sunday, June 7, 2015
8:30am—12:00 Noon
Sign up will officially begin the weekend of May 16
and 17th in the back of church. You are welcome to
pre-register by filling out the below registration form
and drop it in the collection basket or at the rectory
during business hours. You may also call Jeannine at
352-2111 ext. 5 to make a reservation. Donating
blood is a great way to give back and it only takes a
little bit of time.
Blood Drive Registration Form
June 7, 2015
Approximate time you wish to donate_________
Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2015
We are happy to announce the winners of our Play Ball Fund-Raiser
for the fourth week of the baseball season...
Week #4
Highest Number of Runs—$50.00
Lilliece Albes
Lowest number of Runs — $25.00
Josh & Mary Miklovic
Fish Fry Appreciation Dinner
The Knights of Columbus Council 453 would like to
extend their appreciation to all the workers who make
it possible for our successful Fish Fry this past
Lenten Season. We would like to invite the workers
to an appreciation dinner, Saturday, May 30th, to be
held in the school hall after the 4:30 mass. Each of
you who served the line, worked in the kitchen,
emptied trash, ran food, washed trays and dishes, cut
deserts, etc -- are all invited to attend. We would like
to treat you to some dinner and drinks for all you
have done. It takes dedication and time from all of us
to be make this one of the best Fish Fry events in the
city. The proceeds from this event goes to benefit
several organizations, including the parish, St Vincent DePaul Society, Right to Life, and others-- as
well as our Council and the Ladies Auxiliary, which
then support other functions and charities.
Your efforts should be commended. I would like to
personally thank you, as I believe we have an
outstanding crew that I am proud to work with. We
averaged between 400 and 430 dinners each week
served from 4pm to 7pm! That is only possible with
the experience and professionalism of our workers.
We will have a short happy hour, then enjoy some
Boneless chicken breasts
(in white wine and lemon sauce)
Pasta con broccoli,
Roasted asparagus
Salad, bread
Coffee, tea and soda
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!
Steve Jackson—Fish Fry Chairman
Claire Marie Devereux
May 3, 2015
Parents: Ross & Nicole Devereux
Celebrant: Deacon Joseph Iovanna
This week in our Parish…
Daily Mass at 8:00am Monday thru Friday
Monday, May 11 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Knights of Columbus Mtg
Saturday, May 13, 2015
Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:30-4:10p
Sunday, May 14, 2015
8:00a & 10:30a
Weekly Offertory
May 3, 2015
Loose Offering
Collections as of 07-01-14
Magdalen Specials
St. Vincent de Paul
Soup Kitchen
Tuition Assistance
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Please pray for healing and strength for
Andy Barker, Gary Barker, Mary Baroni, Dale
Devine, Margaret Crawford, Jan Dreyer, Mary
Elkins, Pat Fahey, Genny Fujarski, Pat Grotegeers,
Charlie Haines, Joey Haines, Michael Hassler,
Esther Huber, Janette Jewel, Geraldine Karlsen,
Marie Kellner, Dolores Kettenbach, Olivia Klaus,
Michael Krawczyk, Mary Mather, Irene Mazzola,
Terri Mazzola, Julianne McMiller, Sr. Pat Murray,
Patrick Noonan Jr., Becca Niemira Steinmetz,
Marietta Palguta, Lydia Perez, Pat Reinarman,
Fr. Rick Schilli, Noel Schneider, Dorothy
Schuchardt, Will Schuchardt, Edith Smiley, Dodie
Stollhans, Garth and Laihla Weihl, Agnes Wiltgen,
Lois Zitzmann and for all our homebound and
nursing home parishioners and for their family
and friends who take care of them.
May 10, 2015
Please pray for the repose souls of
parishioner and former parishioner of
Holy Innocents, Josephine Caruso who
passed away on May 5th and for Rosalie
Cardinale and Andrea Zuniga, the mother
and niece of parishioner Maryann Lagerman. May they be with Our Lord in glory! Keep all
of their family and friends in your prayers as well as
all of our parishioners mourning the loss of their
loved ones during this Easter season.
Stewardship Reflection
“This is my commandment: Love one another as I
love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay
down one’s life for one’s friends” - John 15:12 –13
Do you love Jesus? Do you consider Him your
friend? Jesus says that if we love Him we should be
willing to offer whatever we have to Him, not
because we want praise and glory, but simply because
we love Him.
Mass Intentions
Monday, May 11 2015
8:00 A.M.
Anthony & Angie Venegoni
8:00 A.M.
Living & Deceased of Meyer, Diem &
Puls Family
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
8:00 A.M.
Mary Bante
8:00 A.M.
Purgatorial Society
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
8:00 A.M.
Julianne McMiller –Special Intention
8:00 A.M.
Purgatorial Society
Thursday, May 14, 2015
8:00 A.M.
Andrew Hassler
8:00 A.M.
Purgatorial Society
Friday, May 15, 2015
8:00 A.M.
Kevin Bergmann
8:00 A.M.
Inez Mazzola
Saturday, May 16, 2015
4:30 P.M.
For the People of the Parish
Sunday, May 17, 2015
8:00 AM
Minnie Giardina
10:30 AM
Kalman-McMiller Family
Saturday, May 16, 2015 4:30 PM
Kris Onanian
Sunday, May 17, 2015 8:00 AM
Rob Dirnbeck
Sunday, May 17, 2015 10:30 AM
Tracy Minx
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday, May 16, 2015 4:30 PM
Jim Abkemeier, Pat Grotegeers, Joan Jewell,
Kris Onanian
Sunday, May 17, 2015 8:00 AM
Dolores Johnson, Nancy Sewester
Sunday, May 17, 2015 10:30 AM
Bob & Miriam Marek, Sara Marek,
Mary & Ray Schaefer, Jeannine Wieczorek
Saturday, May 16, 2015 4:30 PM
Daniel Kelly
Sunday, May 17, 2015 8:00 AM
Harry Signaigo
Sunday, May 17 , 2015 10:30 AM
Vincent, Zelle, Ada Laury
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Bulletin Number:
St. Mary Magdalen Church
4924 Bancroft Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63109
TELEPHONE: (314 )352-2111 Ext. 4
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May 10, 2015