May 17, 2015 - St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church

The Ascension Of The Lord
May 17, 2015
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
First Mass Celebrated on September 7, 1919
Rev. Msgr. John J. Borcic, Pastor
Rev. John V. Kerber, Retired
Deacon Joseph J. Iovanna
New Parishioners are Welcome!
For information: Call our Parish Rectory 314.352.2111 ext. 4
The Ascension Of The Lord
May 17, 2015
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Church & Rectory: 4924 Bancroft Ave. St. Louis, Missouri 63109
Phone 314.352.2111 Rectory Fax 314.481.7661
Parish Website:
Archdiocese of St. Louis Website:
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John J. Borcic
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 3
In Residence: Rev. John J. Kerber
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 107
Deacon: Joseph J. Iovanna
Phone: 707.1803 cell phone
Parish Secretary: Fran Voss
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 4
Parish Nurse: Jeannine Wieczorek
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 5
Music Director: Keith Ballentine
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 4 (leave a message)
Bookkeeper: Terry Signaigo
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 6
Maintenance Department: Steve Jackson
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 7
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Phone: 352.2111 Ext. 2
Rectory Office Hours
8:30am — 7:30pm Monday through Thursday
8:30am — 4:00pm Friday
9:00am —12:00pm Saturday
Closed on Sundays, Holidays,
Holy Days of Obligation
Mass Schedule
Weekend Masses:
Weekday Mass:
Saturday: 4:30pm Monday thru Friday: 8:00am
Sunday: 8:00am and 10:30am
Daily Rosary: Mon. thru Fri. before 8:00am Mass
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Every first
Friday of the month from 8:30am until 12-noon
Holy Hour: Every 1st Saturday of the month at
Sacrament of Baptism: Please contact the Rectory
Weddings: Couples contemplating Marriage should
contact the Pastor as soon as they have made a
decision to marry and at least six months prior to
their intended date of Marriage so that proper preparations can be made.
Communion to the Sick: We are happy to bring
Holy Communion to those who are confined to their
homes. Please contact the rectory to make arrangements.
Perpetual Help Devotions: Tuesday following
8:00am Mass
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday between
3:30pm and 4:10pm (or by appointment)
For registration and other information please contact
Our Lady of Sorrows School
5831 So. Kingshighway Blvd.
St. Ambrose School
5130 Wilson Ave.
St. Joan of Arc School
5821 Pernod Ave.
St. Roch School
6040 Waterman
South City Deanery PSR
Deborah Halter
The Ascension Of The Lord
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
A number of months ago Pope
Francis declared this Church Year
to be dedicated to the Consecrated
Life. Many of us understand the
Consecrated Life to be that chosen by Sisters and
Nuns, but it is much more than that. I will try to
give a brief summary of Consecrated Life as given
in the Catholic Catechism.
The state of Consecrated Life is one way of experiencing a “more intimate” consecration, rooted in
Baptism and dedicated totally to God. Those called
to Consecrated Life propose to follow Christ more
nearly, to give themselves to God who is loved
above all to signify, through service and charity,
proclaim in Church the glory of the world to come.
The following are ways of Consecrated Life:
1. Eremetic Life. This is living a life of a hermit.
The person who lives as a hermit surrenders his
or her life simply because the Lord is everything
to him or her.
2. Consecrated Virgins and Widows. This method
of Consecrated Life dates back to Apostolic
times when the Lord called virgins and widows
to cling only to Him. They have decided, with
the Church’s approval to live the respective
states of virginity or perpetual chastity for the
sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Consecration
as a Virgin is done by a diocesan bishop according to an approved liturgical rite.
3. Religious Life. Religious Life has its origin in
the East during the first century of Christianity.
Men and women who enter into Religious Life
are called to live within institutes canonically
erected by the Church, and is distinguished from
other forms of Consecrated Life by its liturgical
character, fraternal life led in common, and witness given to the union of Christ with the
Church. All religious collaborate with the diocesan bishop in his pastoral duty. This includes all
Orders of religious women and men, including
those in cloistered orders.
4. Secular Institutes. This is an institute of Consecrated Life in which the Christian faithful living
in the world strive for the perfection of charity
and work for the sanctification of the world
especially from within. Members of secular
May 17, 2015
institutes share in the Church’s task of evangelization.
5. Societies of Apostolic Life. Members of these
societies do not take religious vows but pursue
the particular apostolic purpose of their society,
and lead a life as brothers or sisters in common
according to a particular manner of life. They
strive for the perfection of charity through the
observance of their respective constitutions.
During this year of Consecrated Life let us find ways
to extend our gratitude to these men and women for
their commitment to prayer and works of charity
through their respective choices of life aimed at a
greater intimacy with the Lord. Let us remember
them in a special way in our prayers, especially in our
daily prayers during the remainder of this year of
Consecrated Life.
If you know someone who has dedicated himself or
herself to one of the forms of Consecrated Life, find a
way to provide a special treat for them sometime during the remainder of this year of Consecrated Life.
God bless,
Msgr. John Borcic
Weekly Offertory
May 10, 2015
Loose Offering
Collections as of 07-01-14
Magdalen Specials
St. Vincent de Paul
Soup Kitchen
Tuition Assistance
Thank you for your gifts to God and Our Parish!
The Ascension Of The Lord
May 17, 2015
Our Lady of Fatima
Traveling Statue
Our Lady of Sorrows School
This beautiful statue of Our Lady is
available to be received into your home.
By inviting Our Lady into your home, and with the
recitation of the Rosary may you begin to experience
a sense of peace, hope and healing into your lives. If
you would like to have her at your home for a couple
of weeks or know someone that would benefit from
having her please call Kathy Schneider at 314-4813923.
Dynamic Catholic, Alive! - The Virtues
A virtue, as opposed to a vice, is a habitual and firm
disposition (quality, or condition) to do the good.
Virtues can be human or theological. The 4 principal
(cardinal) virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, and
temperance. The theological virtues are faith, hope
and charity. Are you cultivating virtue in your life?
Is there a particular vice that you struggle with?
“The goal of a virtuous life is to become like God.”
(St. Gregory of Nyssa).
This week in our Parish…
Daily Mass at 8:00am Monday thru Friday
Monday, May 18 2015
Sunflower Club
Parish Council
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Church cleaning
Finance Mtg
Thursday, May 21, 2015
K/C Ladies Auxiliary
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Pvt Reserved
Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:30-4:10p
Sunday, May 24, 2015
(One of our Catholic Schools
serving our Parishioners)
Reverence, Respect, Responsibility
“You can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.”
The year’s end is coming fast…
Registration is now at 142 students returning next
year. It you know anyone looking for a school
please spread the good word about OLS. If there is
any family whose child is ready for Kindergarten
next year and has not registered, pleas contact the
The sixth grade enjoyed Camping at Camp
Wartburg in Waterloo, IL. This is our outdoor
educational program. The students leave on a
Wednesday and return that Friday filled with so
much excitement and tales to tell.
The churches leadership has increased. The seventh
grade was confirmed on April 10th.
The families of OLS students enjoyed themselves at
the STEM Family Night on April 21st. This is
where students must use science, technology, engineering and math to solve problems given only a
few objects to work with.
The third grade walked down to Lansdowne Village
to present a play for the residents. The play was
“Pecos Bill.” The residents all enjoyed the skit.
The second grade class received their First
Communion on May 2, 2015.
This month we celebrate, Grandparents Day for
Grade 1, May Crowning, Field Day and our Spring
The whole student body and faculty of OLS thank
you for your continuous prayers and support.
Mrs. K. Liermann
Principal of Our Lady of Sorrows
The Ascension Of The Lord
Fish Fry Appreciation Dinner
The Knights of Columbus Council 453 would like to
extend their appreciation to all the workers who
make it possible for our successful Fish Fry this past
Lenten Season. We would like to invite the workers
to an appreciation dinner, Saturday, May 30th, to be
held in the school hall after the 4:30 mass. Each of
you who served the line, worked in the kitchen,
emptied trash, ran food, washed trays and dishes, cut
deserts, etc -- are all invited to attend. We would
like to treat you to some dinner and drinks for all
you have done. It takes dedication and time from all
of us to be make this one of the best Fish Fry events
in the city. The proceeds from this event goes to
benefit several organizations, including the parish,
St Vincent DePaul Society, Right to Life, and others
-- as well as our Council and the Ladies Auxiliary,
which then support other functions and charities.
Your efforts should be commended. I would like to
personally thank you, as I believe we have an
outstanding crew that I am proud to work with. We
averaged between 400 and 430 dinners each week
served from 4pm to 7pm! That is only possible with
the experience and professionalism of our workers.
We will have a short happy hour, then enjoy some
Boneless chicken breasts
(in white wine and lemon sauce)
Pasta con broccoli,
Roasted asparagus
Salad, bread
Coffee, tea and soda
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!
Steve Jackson—Fish Fry Chairman
Stewardship Reflection
“Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God,
God abides in him, and he in God.” - 1 John 4:15
How strong is your faith? When you have an opportunity to defend your faith or clarify a question
about your faith, do you do it? Or, do you remain
silent so that others don’t think you are weird? Pray
for the courage to be strong in your faith and share
your witness with others.
May 17, 2015
From the Piano…
Bad news this week is the computer is
down at Keith’s there is no
column... But the good news is the
Piano still works so you
can still sing your hearts out for Our Lord
this week-end!!!
News From
the Magdalen Quilters
Pava Bauman is the winner of the latest
quilt from the Magdalen Quilters. It is
not too late to turn in the quilt tickets
that you received in the mail. We’d love to be able to
see your name posted in this space for the next drawing.
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Annual Blood Drive
Sunday, June 7, 2015
8:30am—12:00 Noon
Sign ups officially begin this weekend in the back of church.
You are welcome to register by filling out the below
registration form and drop it in the collection basket
or at the rectory during business hours. You may
also call Jeannine at 352-2111 ext. 5 to make a reservation.
Donating blood is a great way to give back and it
only takes a little bit of time, so please consider signing up to donate.
Blood Drive Registration Form
June 7, 2015
Approximate time you wish to donate_________
The Ascension Of The Lord
May 17, 2015
We are happy to announce the winners of our Play Ball Fund-Raiser
for the fifth week of the baseball season...
Week #5
Highest Number of Runs—$50.00
Bill & Francine Voss (Whoo-Hoo!!)
Lowest number of Runs — $25.00
Mary Schaefer
God’s Word for Children of ALL ages!
The Ascension Of The Lord
Please pray for healing and strength for
Andy Barker, Gary Barker, Mary Baroni, Jean
Cebuhar, Margaret Crawford, Dale Devine, Jan
Dreyer, Mary Elkins, Pat Fahey, Genny Fujarski,
Pat Grotegeers, Charlie Haines, Joey Haines,
Michael Hassler, Esther Huber, Janette Jewel,
Geraldine Karlsen, Marie Kellner, Dolores Kettenbach, Olivia Klaus, Michael Krawczyk, Mary
Mather, Irene Mazzola, Terri Mazzola, Julianne
McMiller, Sr. Pat Murray, Patrick Noonan Jr.,
Becca Niemira Steinmetz, Marietta Palguta, Lydia
Perez, Pat Reinarman, Fr. Rick Schilli, Noel Schneider, Dorothy Schuchardt, Will Schuchardt, Edith
Smiley, Dodie Stollhans, Garth and Laihla Weihl,
Agnes Wiltgen, Lois Zitzmann and for all our
homebound and nursing home parishioners and
for their family and friends who take care of
The Church is like a great ship being pounded by
the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not
to abandon ship, but to keep her on her course.
--St. Boniface
Mass Intentions
Monday, May 18 2015
8:00 A.M.
Vincenza & Giovanni Drago
8:00 A.M.
Purgatorial Society
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
8:00 A.M.
Rosalia Sanfilippo
8:00 A.M.
Carol Bruckner
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
8:00 A.M.
John & Josephine Borcic
8:00 A.M.
Ann & Harry Eilermann
Thursday, May 21, 2015
8:00 A.M.
Mark Regna
8:00 A.M.
Mary Mohr
Friday, May 22, 2015
8:00 A.M.
June Hebling
8:00 A.M.
Purgatorial Society
Saturday, May 23, 2015
4:30 P.M.
Jane Frances Michael
Sunday, May 24, 2015
8:00 AM
For the People of the Parish
10:30 AM
McKee– McMiller Family
May 17, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:30 PM
Mary Beth O’Donoghue
Sunday, May 24, 2015 8:00 AM
Ken Luecke
Sunday, May 24, 2015 10:30 AM
Fran Voss
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:30 PM
Charlie & Mary Ann Halbrook, Margaret O’Donoghue
Mary Beth O’Donoghue
Sunday, May 24, 2015 8:00 AM
Mary & Charlie Dooling
Sunday, May 24, 2015 10:30 AM
Mary Elkins, Cathy & Pat Maloney, Marisol Pfaff
Jackie McGilligan, Bill Voss
Saturday, May 23, 2015 4:30 PM
Kenny Douthit
Sunday, May 24, 2015 8:00 AM
Daniel Kelly
Sunday, May 24 , 2015 10:30 AM
Alex, Tiffany Sakamoto, Shannon Leisure
Mass to Pray for the Protection
Of Marriage and Family
All are invited to attend a Mass to Pray for the
Protection of Marriage and Family on Sunday,
May 31, 2015 at the Cathedral Basilica (4432 Lindell
Blvd.). Most Reverend Edward M. Rice will be the
celebrant for the 5:00 p.m. Mass on the Solemnity of
the Most Holy Trinity. Please join us in praying for
the Defense of Marriage and the Family during the
months leading up to the Supreme Court decision
regarding the definition of marriage.
From the Bulletin Editor…
Early Bulletin Transmittal
Due to some upcoming vacation days, I am requesting that bulletin articles be in earlier than usual. For
the May 24 weekend bulletin I will need the articles
in by Tuesday, May 19th and for the May 31st weekend bulletin I will need all articles in by Thursday,
May 21st. Thank you!
The Ascension Of The Lord
Bulletin Number:
St. Mary Magdalen Church
4924 Bancroft Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63109
TELEPHONE: (314 )352-2111 Ext. 4
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May 17, 2015