ST. JOHN’S C. E. PRIMA RY SCHOOL 10th February 2015 Consultation Evenings Dear Parents and Carers Consultation Evenings for Year R to Year 6 will be held on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th March 2015. Year R to Year 6 class teachers will available at the following times – Wednesday 11th March 2015 - 3:30 to 7:30 pm. Thursday 12th March 2015 - 3:30 to 6:00 pm. Mrs Gibby, the school’s AEN Provision Manager, and Mrs Michaela Luckett, the Learning Mentor, will also be available to see you together with your child’s class teacher, on either evening. Please complete the slip below to indicate which members of staff you would like to see and the day(s) and time(s) that would be most convenient for you. The more options you are able to give, the easier it is for staff to fit everyone in. The slip should be returned to the class teacher of your eldest child. It will then be returned to you with the times of your appointments shown in column 4. I will be available on both evenings for any parents who wish to see me. When you are attending consultation evenings, please park in the staff car park and lower playground in Cunningham Road. On arrival, please go to the Hall via the Community Entrance where you will be met by our efficient team of Year 6 children. Please do not park in Cunningham Road out of consideration for the residents. If you have more than one appointment, please remember to leave time to get from one teacher to the next. Appointments are expected to last for 10 minutes. However, should you need a longer appointment this should be made directly with the class teacher for another time. Yours sincerely Karen Slade Acting Headteacher ……................................................................................................................................................................................ ..... Please detach and return to the class teacher of your eldest child PARENT CONSULTATION EVENINGS REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENTS This slip will be returned to you with the times of your appointment shown. Teacher Day(s) preferred Time block(s) preferred Times of appointments please do not write in this column Signed ____________________________ Parent of ___________________________________ Class ____ (Eldest child)
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