St. Paul’s Parish 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B 15 FEBRUARY 2015 Mission Statement As a unique Parish, with vibrant station churches, we of St Paul’s Parish strive to be an active, welcoming, compassionate, Catholic Community, with Christ as our model. As Eucharistic people, we seek to grow in our faith, sharing our talents with each other and spreading God’s teachings through word, action and example. PARISH PRIEST Fr Jaroslaw Zan, OSPPE Presbytery: 24 Garrett St. Moss Vale OFFICE HOURS 9.00am to 1.00pm Monday, Thursday & Friday 1pm to 5pm Wednesday Phone: 4868 1931 Fax:4869 3586 Email: Website: Pauline Fathers:4878 9192 Incorporating the Communities/Churches of Moss Vale, Berrima, Bundanoon, Burrawang, Robertson, Sutton Forest and Penrose Park SUNDAY MASS TIMES CHILDREN’S MASS St Paul’s Moss Vale Saturday Vigil - 6.00 pm Sunday - 9.30 am St Peter’s Burrawang 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 8.00 am 2nd, 4th Sunday - 5.00 pm St Brigid’s Bundanoon 2nd, 4th Sunday - 8.00 am 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday - 5.00 pm St Francis Xavier Berrima 1st Sunday of the month - 11am Penrose Park Monastery Sunday - 9am and 11am English 10am Polish 2nd Sunday of each Month WEEKDAY M ASS TIMES St Paul’s Mon Wed Thurs Fri - 8.00 am NO MASS TUESDAY St Paul’s College Saturday - 8.00am Penrose Park Monastery 11am Daily Sunday 15 Feb Sunday 22 February D Strode, R Wallder K Lambourne, D Edwards L Harrison, P Maloney B & S Wilson St Brigid’s 8am/5pm P Balk, K Perkins J Barton, B Barton St Peter’s 8am/5pm D Virtue M Cronin Offertory: 6pm Vigil D Pyett, M Hyde S Allport,, M Peisley Zaranski Family A Breen, M D’Adam St Brigid’s 8am/5pm Papps family McNamara family St Peter’s 8am/5pm M Cronin C & M Tibble Flowers St Paul’s M D’Adam, E Pittolo Z Williams Church Clean St Paul’s M D’Adam, E Pittolo B & M Francis S Gilbert S Gilbert Bundanoon Team L McPherson, B & A Whyte M Lynch S Buckman ROSTERS Readers: 6pm Vigil 9.30 am 9.30am St Brigid’s Counters: Children’s Liturgy PRAY FOR OUR PARISH: Deceased: Clive Millin, Lila Arnfield, Rex Hall, Stan Bilyk, Patrick Kirton, Maud Josephine Hebert, Penelope Wells, Suzanne Westgarth, Charles Francis, Dulcie Daley, Sonia Akrigg, Eugene Hyde, Beryl Lowe, Barry Ellsmore, Colin McCue, Harry Clout, Tom Gill, Hyde, Tilden, Conroy, Poidevin, Murphy, Dromgold, Dwyer, Halls, Lawler, Saker & Allport families and for all the Holy Souls & for the deceased members of the Aged Care & Sick in the Parish: Some- Friends of the Suffering Souls. times people would like a visitor from the Parish. We have pastoral carers who offer this ministry of visitation. Contact the Parish Office. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. AMEN Sick: Dorothy O’Halloran, Kathy Roche, Stan, Desmond, Kevin, Kaye, Phil, Kathy, Kylie, Emily, Maree, Harley, Elaine, Bruce Shepherd, Murial Dromgold, Marilyn, Anthony, Julia, John, Catherine, Anne, Stuart, Mike, Nicole, Brian, Peter, Elizabeth, Jacqui Mack, Bridget, Paula, Margaret, Keith, and all on the Intercessory Prayer List. RECONCILIATION St Paul’s Moss Vale Saturday 5 - 5.30 pm After Weekday Masses & on request St Peter’s Burrawang 2nd Sunday after 5.00 pm Mass St Brigid’s Bundanoon 1st Sunday after 5.00 pm Mass EXPOSITION AND ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT St Paul’s Moss Vale Following Friday morning Mass at 8 am NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Following Wednesday morning Mass 8 am BAPTISMS—BY APPOINTMENT There is one preparation meeting held on the last Thursday of each month at 6.30pm for those wishing to enroll in the Sacrament of Baptism. Baptisms held on 1st Sunday at Berrima, & 3rd Sunday at St Paul’s Moss Vale. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Meeting 9.30am on 2nd Thurs of each month from Feb to Nov. All welcome. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Almighty and eternal God, in your unfailing love you provide ministers for your Church. We pray for those whom you call to serve the Church as priests. Inspire in them a generous response. Grant them courage and vision to serve your people May their lives and service call your people to respond to the presence of your Spirit among us that, faithful to the Gospel and hope of Jesus the Christ, we may: announce glad tidings to the poor proclaim liberty to captives, set prisoners free and renew the face of the earth. We welcome new parishioners to our Parish and would love to get to know you. Please make yourself known to one of the greeters at the door or Fr Jarek. If you would to join the Intercessory Prayer list contact Sue or Brian 48841205 or PARISH NEWS ..... PROJECT COMPASSION 2015 LENT 2015 This year’s theme is ―Food For Life‖ Food is essential to sustain life, yet many of the world’s poorest people do not have a reliable food source, or enough money to buy food every day. Project Compassion 2015 features programs that provide vulnerable people with the skills and opportunities they need to establish sustainable sources for life. This year Project Compassion focuses on the ways in which Caritas Australia is working with partners around the world to empower vulnerable people to establish sustainable food sources and develop income streams for life. Lent commences on ASH Wednesday 18 February. Mass will be 8am and 6.30pm at St Paul’s Moss Vale. Abstinence from meat and fasting: All who have completed their eighteenth year and have not yet begun their sixtieth year are bound to fast. All who have completed their fourteenth year are bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Pastors, teachers, parents are to ensure that even those who, by reason of their age, are not bound by the law of fasting and abstinence from meat, are taught the true meaning of penance. On all other Fridays of the year the law of the common practice of penance is fulfilled by performing any one of the following: Prayer: examples, Mass attendance, family prayer, a visit to a chapel or church, reading the Bible, praying the Rosary, making the Stations of the Cross. Self –denial: examples, not eating meat or sweets or dessert, giving up entertainment to spend time with family, limiting food and drink so to give to the poor e.g. Project Compassion Helping others: examples, special attention to someone who is poor, physically or mentally ill, elderly, lonely, bereaved, depressed, addicted or overburdened. Stations of the Cross will follow the 8am Mass on Fridays during Lent commencing 20 February. Please take home a Project Compassion box and/or a set of Lenten donation envelopes and give generously to the appeal this Lent. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME 2015 On Tuesday, 17 February there will be a Parent Information meeting (Parents only), to be held in the St Paul’s school hall from 7 to 9pm. This meeting is for all parents interested in enrolling their child to prepare for any of the Sacraments this year - First Eucharist, Confirmation and Reconciliation. Enrolment packages for First Eucharist will be distributed at this meeting, while information packages for Confirmation and Reconciliation will be available if desired. As this meeting is an important part of the enrolment process for all the Sacraments it is expected that at least one parent/guardian is in attendance. Please advise the office (4868 1931) if babysitting is required. ST PATRICK’S CHURCH SUTTON FOREST St Patrick’s Day 17 March: Mass 6pm at Sutton Forest followed by a BBQ. BYO Drinks All welcome to join us, wear your green! Note: NO 8am Mass on this day To prepare we are having a WORKING BEE on Saturday 14 March from 8.30am to 12 noon, bring your tools, whether you come for 10mins or an hour, your assistance is appreciated. ROSTERS FOR MOSS VALE New rosters commencing from February 21 are in the St Paul’s foyer. Please take your copy home. CHOIR PRACTICE To prepare for Easter, the choir will be practicing every Tuesday commencing on 17 February (except 10th March) at 7.30pm in St Paul’s Church. All welcome. PARISH DIARY DATES....... Wed 18 Feb: Ash Wednesday Thurs 19 Feb: Pastoral Care meeting 1.30pm Thurs 26 Feb: Finance meeting 5.30pm Fri 6 Mar: 7pm St Paul’s Moss Vale World Day of Prayer Fri 6 Mar: St John’s Anglican Church Robertson - World Day of Prayer time to be advised St PAUL’S SCHOOL NEWS... BEGINNING YEAR BBQ SATURDAY 28th FEBRUARY 2015 AT 6PM – EVERYONE IS WELCOME: Each year the school starts with a welcome BBQ-picnic hosted by the Parents & Friends Association. This year we are combining it with the Parish monthly BBQ. It will be held on Saturday 28th February. Mass is at 6.00pm and the BBQ will follow. The P&F will provide the BBQ and families are asked to bring a rug, chairs and drinks (and a picnic – for those not wanting the BBQ). It is sure to be a wonderful night. Please RSVP to the school office 48681 794 to assist with catering. Holy Hour will commence on Wednesday 25 February at 6pm. During the Holy Hour we will reflect on the Diocese of Wollongong ST VINCENT DE PAUL Lenten Programme ARISE. Books Summer Clearance Sale Moss Vale will be $5.00 each. starts Monday 23 February and ends Paschal Precept: Each of the faithful is Monday 2 March. obliged to receive Holy Communion at Winter Fashion Parade Thursday 5 least once a year. This is to be done March at Mittagong Shop 1.30pm. The between Ash Wednesday (18 February) shop will be closed to normal trading on and Trinity Sunday (31 May) unless for this day. Entry fee of $4.00 will include OUTSIDE OUR PARISH ... a good reason it is done at another time access to the shop for the afternoon and during the year. All the faithful are LIGHT TO THE NATIONS YOUTH PILincludes afternoon tea.. obliged to confess their grave sins at GRIMAGE: Come and join young people WORLD DAY OF PRAYER least once a year. (16-35)experiencing Easter together. WitThis will be held on Friday 6 March at ness the liturgy come alive and take part CWL LENTEN PROGRAMME in prayer, pilgrimage, music and personal Moss Vale at 7pm. sharing that will revive your faith. April 2-5 The Catholic Women’s League will ST PAUL’S ALTAR SERVERS ROSTER 2015 in Appin. More info gather in the Parish meeting room to re14 Feb 6pm: Baxter, Matilda flect on the ARISE programme during AQUINAS ACADEMY 2015 COURSES: 15 Feb 9.30am: Caitlin, Ashleigh Lent on Mondays at 2pm commencing offer a great opportunity to understand the 21 Feb 6pm: Tahlia, Holly on 23 February. If you would like to atchurch at this time and to deepen one’s 22 Feb 9.30am: Erin, Emily tend please place your name on the spirituality. See notice board for more desheet in the St Paul’s foyer. tails. 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR B ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name. FIRST READING Leviticus 13:1-2. 44-46 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 'If a swelling or scab or shiny spot appears on a man's skin, a case of leprosy of the skin is to be suspected. The man must be taken to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the priests who are his sons. 'The man is leprous: he is unclean. The priest must declare him unclean; he is suffering from leprosy of the head. A man infected with leprosy must wear his clothing torn and his hair disordered; he must shield his upper lip and c r y, "Unclean, unclean." As long as the disease lasts he must be unclean; and therefore he must live apart; he must live outside the camp.' The word of the Lord. RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 31:1-2. 5. 11. R v.7 R. I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation. 1. Happy the man whose offence is forgiven, whose sin is remitted. O happy the man to whom the Lord imputes no guilt, in whose spirit is no guile. (R) 2. But now I have acknowledged my sins; my guilt I did not hide. I said: 'I will confess my offence to the Lord.' And you, Lord, have forgiven the guilt of my sin. (R) 3. Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord, exult, yo u just! O come, ring out your joy, all you upright of heart. (R) SECOND READING 1 Corinthians 10:31 – 11:1 Whatever you eat, whatever you drink, whatever you do at all, do it for the glory of God. Never do anything offensive to anyone - to Jews or Greeks or to the Church of God; just as I try to be helpful to everyone at all times, not anxious for my own advantage but for the advantage of everybody else, so that may be saved. Take me for your model, as I take Christ. The word of the Lord. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! A great prophet has appeared among us; God has visited his people. Alleluia! GOSPEL Mark 1:40-45 A leper came to Jesus and pleaded on his knees: 'If you want to' he said 'you can cure me.' Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. 'Of course I want to!' he 15 February 2015 said. `Be cured!' And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured. Jesus immediately sent him away and sternly ordered him, 'Mind you say nothing to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your healing prescribed by Moses as evidence of your recovery.' The man went away, but then started talking about it freely and telling the story everywhere, so that Jesus could no longer go openly into any town, but had to stay outside in places where nobody lived. Even so, people from all around would come to him. The Gospel of the Lord. LITURGY NOTES Preface Sunday: V Eucharistic Prayer: II Acclamation: We proclaim your Death.. REFLECTION Catholic tradition who worked with lepers and dared to touch and embrace those who were afflicted with that debilitating disease. First, Blessed Joseph DeVeuster, (known as Fr. Damian of Molokai) who was born in Belgium in 1840, entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts at the age of 20 and was sent as a missionary to the Hawaiian Islands. After nine years of priestly work, he obtained permission in 1873 to labor among the abandoned lepers on Molokai. With Blessed Fr. Damien, let us pray that we not fear the sepulchers of this earth. Becoming a leper himself in 1885, he died in April, 1889, a victim of his charity for others. In 1994, Fr. Damien was beatified by Pope John Paul II. Second, Blessed Sister Marianne Cope (1838–1918), mother to Molokai Lepers. In the 1880s, Sr. Marianne, as superior of her congregation of the Sisters of St. Francis in Syracuse, responded to a call to assist with the care of lepers on the island of Molokai, Hawaii. She worked with Father Damien and with the outcasts of society as they were abandoned on the shores of the island, never to return to their families. Finally, let us recall with gratitude Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997), who was never afraid to see and touch the face of Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor. The belief that only God could heal leprosy is key to understanding today’s miracle that proves Jesus’ identity. In Jesus’ time, lepers were forced to exist outside the community, separated from family and friends and thus deprived of the experience of any form of human interaction. We read in Leviticus 13:45-46 that lepers were to wear torn clothes, let their hair be disheveled, and live outside the camp. These homeless Pope’s Prayer Intentions for February individuals were to cry “Unclean, unclean!” when a person without leprosy approached them. Lepers suffered both Universal: That prisoners, the disease and ostracism from society. especially the young, may be In the end, both realities destroy their able to rebuild lives of dignity. victims’ lives. Mark 1:40 tells us that the leper appears Evangelization: That married abruptly in front of Jesus: “begging him people who are separated may find weland kneeling before him.” The news come and support in the Christian comabout Jesus’ miraculous powers has munity. gotten around, even to the reviled and outcast leper. “If you choose, you can PRAYER FOR PRIESTS make me clean,” the leper tells Jesus. In O my God, help those priests who are faithful even approaching Jesus, the leper has to remain faithful; to those who are falling, violated the Levitical code. By saying, “If stretch forth Your Divine Hand that they may you choose, you can make me clean,” grasp it as their support. the leper not only indicates his absolute In the great ocean of Your mercy, lift those faith in Jesus’ ability to cleanse him of his poor unfortunate ones who have fallen, that being engulfed therein Thy Great Loving disease, but also actually challenges Heart. Amen. Jesus to act. In the ancient Precious Blood of Jesus protect them! Mediterranean world, touching a leper Saint John Vianney, pray for them. was a radical act. By touching the reviled outcast, Jesus openly defied Levitical PRAYER TO ST MICHAEL law. Only a priest could declare that Saint Michael the Archangel, someone was cured of the skin disease. defend us in the battle; keep us safe As required by ancient law, Jesus sent from the wickedness and snares of the man to a priest for verification. Even the devil. May God restrain him, we though Jesus asked him not to, the man humbly pray, and You, O prince went about telling everyone of this great of the heavenly host, by the power miracle. of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other As we read the story of Jesus among the evil spirits who wander through the world seekoutcasts, let us recall with gratitude the ing the ruin of souls. Amen. Pope Leo XIII lives of three remarkable people in our Readings taken from The Sunday Missal, Jerusalem Bible 2 Spaces available Contact the Parish Office 48681931 Email: PLEASE TAKE YOUR BULLETIN HOME
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