2015-02-15 Art Birch web - Ross Road Community Church

1st Sunday of Lent
Communion & Celebration Sunday
February 15th, 2015
Worship Services: 9:00 & 10:45 am
Leading Us In Worship
Dave Rodda & Worship Team
Today’s Message:
“Love Gives”
1 John 3:11-­‐18
Art Birch
WELCOME! We are so glad you said ‘yes’ to God’s invitation to be with us today! We’d like to get to know you better! Please take time to ;ill out a yellow Communications Card found in the pews and drop it in the offering bag. Thank you!
Join in worship with Dave Rodda and the Worship Team
Guitar: Dave Rodda
Vocals: Eleanor Kent
Audio: Mike Wiebe
Piano: Liz Briner
Vocals: Sharon Timmermans Media: Elena Unraw
Mandolin: John Briner Drums: Colton Neudorf
This Week At RRCC:
8:30 AM
7:00 PM
Prayer Time - Prayer Room
Annual General Meeting - Common Grounds
7:00 PM
Middle School Youth
7:00 PM
Women’s Bible Study on Ruth - Fireside Room
9:00 AM
6:30 PM
6:45 PM
Connections - Fireside Room
Christianity Explored starts
Perspectives course
No High School Youth (due to Winter Blitz)
5:30 PM
H.S Youth leave for Winter Blitz @ Camp Squeah
The presence of our children is a gift to the church and they are a reminder that we are
growing. Please welcome our children and give a smile of encouragement to their
parents. Let’s give thanks for the Lord’s blessing of growing families!
Members and attenders of RRCC, we will be holding our Annual General Meeting
tonight, February 15th at 7:00PM in Common Grounds. Please join us for this
important time of information and discernment as we present and review our 2015
church budget. Packages are available at the table in the foyer!
February 22 - Elders “Gender Roles Position” paper will be circulated
February 27 - Ladies Chat ‘n’ Craft - 4:00PM-12:00AM
February 28 - Men’s Ministry “Fresh Bread” Breakfast
Our condolences to Grace Rude and family on the passing of Rick Rude.
May the Lord be with you during this difficult time.
Our condolences to Cliff Hiebert and family on the passing of Gloria
Hiebert. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
Congratulations to Brian and Melissa Degelder on the birth of a baby girl,
Chloe Grace.
Looking to Rent
Vernon and Lisa Boschmann are looking to rent a basement suite here in
Abbotsford, preferably two bedrooms, in the budget range of $750 per
month. Please contact them if you have a suite for rent, or know of one
that is available.
RRCC has subscribed to a neat discipleship tool that we'd love to make available to
you! RightNow Media has been described as a 'Christian Netflix', where you have
access to over 2000 video resources: Bible studies, children's videos, video studies on
parenting, marriage, outreach, Biblical finance, and more! We would love for you to sign
up for this resource and use it in your own home. If you would like to sign up, please fill
out a communication card with your email address on it, or email the church office
(info@rossroadcc.ca) and we'll send you a link to sign up this week!
Christianity Explored begins this week Wednesday, February 18th at 6:30PM. This is a
great opportunity for you to invite a friend or family member to discover the message
of the gospel in a non-threatening and inviting environment. Please drop
by the info table in the foyer and talk to one of the volunteers there if
you’d like more details or to sign up. You can also contact Pastor Darren
at the church with any inquiries. Hope to see you there!
Join us for an evening with Steve Bell on March 1st, 2015, at RRCC. An
intimate evening of story telling and song! A new multi-disc project to
celebrate 25 years, Steve Bell’s concert “Pilgrimage” will share times
and tales from the journey. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased from
the church office, House of James (2743 Emerson Street), online at
www.stevebell.com or call toll free 1-800-854-3499. If tickets are
purchased from the church, your name will be entered into a draw to
win one of Steve Bell’s promotional CD.
Fresh Bread Series - Saturday, February 28th from 8:00-9:30 AM
Join us for our third installment of the Fresh Bread series as we focus
in on the topic of worship. Kevin Boese, a local pastor and recognized
worship leader, will be our guest speaker. Kevin will lead our worship
time and also teach us on the topic of worship. It should be great! As
usual this morning will include a delicious breakfast and opportunity to
visit with other guys in the church. If you would like to attend please
RSVP to Pastor Darren by emailing him at darren@rossroadcc.ca.
The breakfast is by suggested donation of $10.
Men’s Retreat - Please be aware that the men’s team is in the process of planning a
men’s retreat for early June, please stay tuned for more details.
MONDAYS 7:00-9:00 PM
Ever wonder why you’re here? Why God
placed you in the situation that you’re in?
Over the next few weeks we’ll focus in on
these questions and discover how God has a
great plan for you right where you are!
MARCH 13-14 - MIDDLE SCHOOL ALLNIGHTER! Registrations are available today
from the Info Booth!
Stillwood! Registrations are also available
today from the Info Booth!
THURSDAYS 7:00-9:30 PM
It’s here! We’re super excited for a
great weekend at Winter Blitz. Meet at the church at
5:30 on Friday - please either eat before or bring
money for McDonald’s in Hope as dinner is not
provided at camp on Friday. We’ll return to RRCC
around 2:15 on Sunday. Check the packing list on
the registration form for what to bring. It’s not too late
to sign up! Talk to Pastor Craig for more info or with
any questions.
Nursery for children from birth - 2 years of age
February 15th, 2015
1st Service:
Kayla Brink & Jessica Janz with Sarah Hayashida
2 Service:
Brian & Danica Neufeldt
February 22nd, 2015
1st Service:
Scott & Amanda Unger with Anna Healy
2 Service:
Sally & Jared Healy with Monika Thiessen
Today we celebrate with all generations! Preschoolers later dismissed.
Children, help yourself to the Celebrating Sunday Kids Sermon Sheet in the foyer and
doodle or draw away!
To the parents of our young children…
Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s
house. All are welcome! Sit where your little ones can see, hear and be a part of
worship in the service. While you follow along with your sermon notes, let them follow
along with the kids sermon note sheet found in the foyer. If you have to leave the
service with your child, feel free to do so, but please don’t be afraid to come back.
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Remember that the way we welcome
children in church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to
one another. Let them know that they are at home in this place of worship. This is their
church family.
TODAY! Kids Zone Teacher Appreciation – for all Kids Church leaders in the
Fireside Room during 2nd service. Some of our parents have worked hard to
show some special treatment!
Next Sunday Kids Church:
- Grade 1-5 during the 9:00 AM service.
- Preschool available in either 9:00 or 10:45 AM service.
Upcoming Important Dates:
- March 15 & 22 - Spring Break / Teachers’ Break / Celebration Sundays
- March 29th - Palm Sunday - Preschooler Presentation in the main service (more
info coming!)
Our next Chat n’ Craft will be on Friday, February 27th from 4:00PM on!
This will be another One Nighter, come for as much or as little of the
evening as you can. For more information, contact Ruby Setchay or the
church office.
Tuesday evenings Bible Study - Tuesdays, February 17th, 24th,
March 3rd, and 10th
Please contact Margaret Woodey or Val Thiessen for more information.
CONNECTIONS - Winter Session, February 18th and 25th
A morning out for women of all ages, to meet and be encouraged, with
childcare provided.
Any questions? Contact Leanne Schroeder for more info.
“Love Gives”
1 John 3:11-­‐18
Art Birch
Love Gives—The Best Examples— John 3:16 & 1 John 3:16
The Gospel in a Nutshell
The Problem
The Solution
Love Gives—Negative Examples— 1 John 3:11-­‐15
Love Gives—Positive Opportunities— 1 John 3:16-­‐18
For Personal ReClection and Discussion with Friends and Family:
Con>lict: What circumstances are drawing you into conClict? How can you turn them into opportunities for love instead? One of the greatest sources of sadness and discouragement for parents is watching their children Cight, whether their children are small or grown. Parents, in a moment of peace when heads are clear, you might have conversation with your kids, asking them how they feel about sibling conClict and sharing how you feel as parents. Explore the roots of conClict. Insecurity? Competitiveness? Anger? Frustration? Thoughtlessness? How can you collaborate as parents and kids to love instead of Cight? What sort of example are you as parents modeling for your kids? Giving: What is God saying to you about generous giving to His work and to those in need, as expressions of His love? Parents, are you training your kids to handle money—including generous and regular giving? Consider how you can start or strengthen such training.
In Preparation for Sunday, February 22, 2015:
Next Sunday, Pastor Art will assist us to begin our study of the more difCicult chapters of Revelation with his message, “‘Come!’ The Cry That Opens The Future” from Revelation 6:1-­‐17; 8:1-­‐5. Besides reading these passages in one or more translations, it might help to unlock their meaning by reading them aloud and even by sketching the pictures that they describe. 7
March 29th, 3:30 PM - An afternoon fellowship and ‘faspa’ with Walter &
Anne Willms giving us a glimpse of their work in Ukraine.
More information to follow later.
Thank you so much for praying for our Fundraiser Health Seminar! Just over 100
people came and we are well on our way to a good start to the year for supporting our
ministries to children and families in South East Asia. 10 kids are supported for one
year after last weekend’s seminar.
Thank you!
Rob and Judy Griffioen
Just a friendly reminder to check your mailboxes as your 2014
CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS are in the mailboxes. Any contribution
statements not picked up by February 16th will be mailed out.
This coming week is the beginning of the season of Lent, a time of preparation as we
anticipate remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For this Lent season
we would invite you to consider using the Lent readings that have been prepared by the
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary. This online devotional is a great supplement to
your bible reading times and we would encourage you to use it. You can download the
devotional by typing in the link below, which will take you to the seminary website. May
God use this season to fill your heart with gratitude and awe because of the finished
work of Jesus Christ.
In To be Perfectly Honest, Phil Callaway promised to tell the truth for
an entire year, and he wasn’t joking. Twelve months later, his journal was
crammed with successes, near-successes, and outright failures. Find out
what happens when a follower of Jesus does his level best to always tell
the truth. There is no doubt you’ll be entertained. But don’t be surprised if
you are left with a question: how might your life be changed if you sold
out to the truth with no exceptions?
Contemplative Evening Prayers - February 22nd, 2015 - 7:30PM Peace Lutheran Church (corner of Marshall and Ware)
An hour of sung prayer, poetry, scripture and silence. Hosted by an interchurch network of clergy and lay people. All are welcome. For more
information: cathyajhardy@shaw.ca
Apologetics Canada Conference 2015 - March 6-7, 2015, Vancouver & Abbotsford
Northview Community Church and Willingdon Church
Join a community of like-minded people for an inspiring weekend of thinking with some
of today’s leading thinkers. This in-depth look at the Christian faith will help
you develop a solid foundation of faith, hope, and love. For more information
or to purchase tickets, visit apologeticscanadaconference.com. Discount
for RRCC members will be applied with the discount code rossroad15.
Only for registrations made before February 17th. So don’t delay!
The Drop Box is coming to a theatre near you on March 4th and 5th, 2015! There will
be one showing at 7:30PM on March 4th at the High Street Cineplex Odeon
Theatre. The Drop Box is a new documentary from Focus
on the Family Canada that tells the story of Pastor Lee
Jong-rak and heroic efforts to embrace his community’s
most vulnerable children. This film is a heart-wrenching
exploration of the physical and emotional toll associated
with providing refuge to those forgotten by the surrounding
culture. For more information, visit thedropboxfilm.ca.
Euthanasia in Canada? Public Forum on Medical Aid in Dying
On Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 at 8:00PM, Mouat Secondary School
Advokate Life & Education Services
You may have already seen it on the news, by the Supreme Court in Canada has
struck down Canada’s laws banning physician assisted suicide. Advokate has put
together an information night to address this new reality and to address these issues at
a public forum in Abbotsford. Come hear Dr. Will
Johnston M.D., address the realities of assisted suicide
and euthanasia from a physician’s perspective.
You are invited to the Annual Mennonite Faith and Learning Society
Public Lecture-Dessert Evening. Join us at 7:00PM on March 13th,
2015 at Emmanuel Mennonite Church (3471 Clearbrook Road). We look
forward to an evening of meaningful insights with guest speaker,
Satwinder Bains (PhD), director of the UFV Indo-Canadian Centre,
presenting the topic of building community within diversity. There is no
entrance fee for this event but an offering for MFLS will be taken. For
catering purposes, please indicate your attendance by March 9th via email
to: james@nikkel.com
Gallery 7 Theatre presents the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical hit,
Fiddler on the Roof, book by Joseph Stein, music by Jerry Brock & lyrics by
Sheldon Harnick. A much-beloved story about tradition, fathers and
daughters, persecution and changing times, Fiddler on the Roof runs two
weekends only: March 13 & 14, 19 - 21, 2015 @ 7:30PM with discount
matinees March 14 & 21 @ 2:00 PM at the Abbotsford Arts Centre, 2329
Crescent Way, Abbotsford. Tickets and info at House of James:
604-852-3701 or online at www.gallery7theatre.com.
My Coins Count (Penny Power)
Donate your change (cash, cheques, or credit card donations) to
MCC’s “My Coins Count” campaign until March 31st, 2015 and
have your donations matched 4:1 by the Canadian government.
Make your coins count! This year’s project supports a food-for-work
program to develop sustainable agricultural infrastructure in remote
communities of India. For more information, visit our website at:
Elders Team
We are so grateful for those of you who regularly pray for our Elder team. It is our
desire, together with you, to be a body that loves the Lord and humbly serves Him with
all our heart, mind and soul. We covet your prayers for wisdom, discernment and a
gracious spirit. For a list of the current elders names, see the back of the bulletin.
Columbia Bible College
In the fall of last year, Columbia Bible College completed a re-visioning exercise that
can be summed up as follows: Christ-centered, kingdom-focused and world impacting.
We want to remain fully centered on Jesus Christ, who came preaching the Kingdom,
proclaiming the Gospel, healing the sick and calling for justice and righteousness. Our
passion is to develop Christ-followers who impact the world: students who are
empowered and prepared spiritually, relationally, intellectually and vocationally. We want
to see them, through the power of the Holy Spirit, make a difference wherever God
places them.
Please pray:
1) for our students, faculty and staff that we remain focussed on following Jesus
wherever he leads.
2) that God will call young (and older) men and women to invest a year or more of their
lives in biblically based education. We pray that they might recognize the incredible
value of setting a foundation for life, no matter what career or vocation they may pursue
in the future.
3) for two specific personal vacancies, Director of Caregiving & Counseling, and
Executive Chef. Both are important roles and we need God to speak to the people He
wants in those roles, and for us to discern the leading of the Spirit.
4) for resources so that we may thrive as we seek to fulfill the mission God has laid
before us.
Don’t forget to check the Missionary bulletin board for the latest update letters
from our missionaries. Learn about how God is moving in people’s hearts all over
the world!
Paul & Edna Cairns – in Chilliwack with Transport for Christ
Otto & Marjorie Ekk – in North America on MINA (Ministry In North America - furlough)
Cynthia Friesen – in Thailand with MB Mission
Rob & Judy Griffioen – in Abbotsford with Good News International Ministries
S & B (Isaiah, Karis, Zander & Jacob) – in Central Asia with MB Mission
Dwayne & Helen Rainwater (Lisa & Michael) – in West Africa with Pioneer Bible
Beth Scholes – in Abbotsford with FamilyLife
Jason & Stephanie Shellborn (Madison, Hudson & London) – in Abbotsford with
Discipleship International
Al & Karen Stobbe (Karissa & Natasha) – in Abbotsford with MB Mission
Rachael Wiebe – in Winnipeg with MB Mission
Cynthia Friesen – in Thailand with MB Mission
Dear Ross Road Family,
Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts these last few weeks. It has been
an emotional, exciting and busy time since the day I landed in Thailand on January
15th. I praise God that I found a great home to rent within the first few days. I officially
moved in on February first but have been so busy that there are still a few things to do
(like buy a fridge and a stove and unpack all my books :) Thankfully there are many
markets close to my home that I have been able to pick up some yummy, ready made
Thai food each day. Although with the heat and humidity I will soon need to get a
Spending time in my old town was bittersweet as I connected with friends and the
church members. It was hard to hear some of the stories and disappointment they
have gone through this last year but I also realize that the Lord is doing something
new and wanting to challenge each person to a deeper level of faith and trust. That
circumstances don’t change who God is or His promises towards us. I have committed
to fly back down again early April and spend time just encouraging them (without
having to deal with moving and packing etc). While I was there, I broke my big toe and
realized once again that God was serious about slowing me down. Though frustrating
and requiring more patience than I thought I had time for, I did experience the Lord’s
overwhelming blessing and goodness towards me as I was packing up, cleaning,
closing the Phuket Life Centre, moving the Foundation office and finding time to
connect with people while using crutches. Doctor said I will need at least two months
before I can walk without a splint.
Now after a week and a half back, I am filled with such a deep peace that this is where
the Lord has called me for a season. Please pray for our team as we have recently
been challenged and tested by the government about what we do here and our legal
standing to be working here. Pray for favour as we re-organize our foundation office
here and as I discern the specific ministries the Lord is wanting me to start and run
with. I am excited for this opportunity to seek the Lord about something fresh and new.
Right now my team is specifically asking the Lord for a Thai worker for our foundation
office. Someone with both administration skills and a passion for evangelism and
ministry. I invite you to also pray for me as I will be part of a team (FULL SAIL from
California) who have been asked to help facilitate the Spiritual Emphasis week at
Grace International School. Grades 6-12. Many of the students are missionary kids in
boarding school. It will start with a 24 hour prayer and worship time this Friday night
(13th). The week will include sessions of teaching, worship, prayer and evangelism in
the community. Pray this week will spark a spiritual transformation in the lives of
students, teachers and staff.
More praise and prayer to come in my upcoming newsletter.
Much love, Cynthia
Please pray for Bob & Chris Davis serving with MB Mission in
Walt Letkeman
Curtis Albright
Debbie Bracewell
Cliff Hiebert and family
Grace Rude and family
Please pray for those who are dealing with ongoing struggles in their lives - whether it be
illness, spiritual battles, the loss of a loved one, or financial difficulties. Pray that God
provides them with comfort, patience, endurance and strength in their daily lives.
Lead: ! !
Adults: !!
Youth: !!
Art Birch - art@rossroadcc.ca
Darren Petker - darren@rossroadcc.ca
Craig Thiessen - craig@rossroadcc.ca
Dave Rodda - dave@rossroadcc.ca
Merri Ellen Giesbrecht - merriellen@rossroadcc.ca
Michael Blouin:
Property Liaison, Discernment Team
Bryan Born:
Elder At Large
Ron Isaak:
Moderator, Reconciliation Team, Human Resources Team
Barry Jackson:
Assistant Moderator, Policy & Procedure Update
Vic Martens:
Secretary, Encore Liaison
Dale Regier:
Finance Liaison
Dave Rosborough: Policy & Procedure Update, Community Connections Liaison
Doreen Froese
Clara Senek
and Frieda Neufeld