02-15-15 Bulletin for pdf - Tabernacle United Methodist Church

Welcome to
Tabernacle United Methodist Church
Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Lunch hour may vary,
please call ahead.
831 Poquoson Avenue, Poquoson, Virginia 23662
(757) 868-6842
CCLI #2007926
We are glad you are here!
Please let us know you are here by filling in the Friendship
Register. If you have prayer requests, joys, or concerns such
as births, deaths, hospitalizations, or illnesses, please fill out the
prayer request cards located in your pew.
Sunday Worship Services
The Nursery is available for all services.
8:45 a.m. Early Service
11:00 a.m. Traditional Service
11:00 a.m. Side Door Service
Children's Church during the 11:00 services
We offer a special worship time for our children ages 4 years
through 2nd grade every Sunday except for Communion Sundays.
They begin worship with the congregation at 11:00 a.m. and
are led from the services to Children's Worship in room 23
where they may be picked up at 12:00 p.m.
Tabernacle Staff
Rev. Barry Throckmorton
In emergencies, 868-9345
Can. for Ordained Ministry
Brent Staul
Dir. of Ministries Develop.
Rusty Sackett
Interim Choir Director
Betsy Forrest
Side Door Music Leader
Michael Day
Our nursery is just down the hall from the sanctuary.
The nursery is available for infants through age 4 during all
Worship Services and the Sunday School hour.
Office/Finance Manager
Ann Higginbotham
Sunday School
Sunday School classes for all ages are at 9:45 a.m.
We invite you and every member of your family to join us for
this time of fellowship and teaching.
York River District
DS Rev. Seonyoung Kim
District Office: 596-3476
Youth Fellowship activities for 6th grade through 12th grade
are announced each week in the bulletin.
UMC Virginia Conference
Bishop Young Jin Cho
We would love to include you in our church family.
To become a church member, you may either indicate your interest on the Friendship Register, call the
church office, or talk to the pastor. To join, you may unite on profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or
by transfer of your membership from another church. Membership is open to all.
Tabernacle United Methodist Church
"Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community."
February 15, 2015
Welcome to
Tabernacle United Methodist Church
"Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community."
February 15, 2015
Transfiguration of the Lord
Old Testament Lesson
8:45 a.m.
( ♦ Please stand in praise to God for these acts of worship if you are able.)
Silent Meditation
(Please write on a prayer card any prayer concerns you wish for pastor to include in this morning’s prayer.)
♦ Psalter
Psalm 50 (No. 783)
Gospel Lesson
Mark 9: 2-9 (Pew Bible NT pg. 44)
This is the Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
♦ Hymn No. 203
2 Kings 2: 1 -12 (Pew Bible OT pg. 332)
“I Wonder What He Means by That”
“Hail to the Lord’s Anointed”
The Presentation (Please be seated.)
We Offer Our Gifts, Our Tithes, and Ourselves
♦ Songs of Praise (Please stand.)
No. 363
“And Can It Be that I Should Gain”
No. 110
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
Offertory Music
♦ Call to Worship (Responsive)
The glory of God shines like a consuming fire.
We have seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
The voice of God thunders like a mighty storm.
Out of the cloud, God speaks: this is my beloved Son; listen to him!
♦ Pass the Peace
Greet one another in the name of the Lord.
During this time, please place your prayer requests in the basket up front.
Tabernacle Beyond the Walls
♦ Doxology
No. 95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Sending Forth
♦ Hymn No. 371
“I Stand Amazed in the Presence”
♦ Benediction
Please be seated and sign Friendship Register and then pass it to your neighbor.
♦ Depart to Serve
Joy Choir
Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymnal No. 895
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom
come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Worship Participants
Pianist: Pat Clark
Greeters: Dale Norman and Pat and Steve Lang
Ushers: Mary Ann Meyer and Carol Derby
Liturgist: Dale Jamison
Music Leader: Ben Owen
Pastor: Barry Throckmorton
Ministers: The Congregation
♦ Hymn No. 203
Welcome to
United Methodist Church
“Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community.”
February 15, 2015
Transfiguration of the Lord
Prelude (A time to quietly prepare our hearts and minds for worship.)
Please write on a prayer card any prayer concerns you wish for pastor to include in this morning’s prayer.
Chiming of the Hour (Please remain seated)
Choral Introit
Chancel Choir
Welcome Moments
♦ Call to Worship (Responsive)
The glory of God shines like a consuming fire.
We have seen the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
The voice of God thunders like a mighty storm.
Out of the cloud, God speaks: this is my beloved Son; listen to him!
♦ Hymn No. 173
The Lord’s Prayer
No. 895
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will
be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive
us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, forever. Amen.
Choral Amen
Chancel Choir
Tabernacle Beyond the Walls
(Please be seated and sign Friendship Register and then pass it to your neighbor.)
♦ Affirmation of Faith
“The Apostles’ Creed”
♦ Hymn No. 371
♦ Choral Response
Chancel Choir
♦ Postlude
Chancel Choir
Psalm 50 (No. 783, Musical Response)
Gospel Lesson
Mark 9: 2-9 (Pew Bible NT pg. 44)
This is the Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Responding in Faith
“I Wonder What He Means By That”
No. 881
“I Stand Amazed in the Presence”
♦ Benediction
We encourage all children to be active in the full worship service. Children from 4 yrs. to 2nd grade,
at the parent's discretion, may go to Children's Church in room 23 after the children’s message.
2 Kings 2: 1 -12 (Pew Bible OT pg. 332)
No. 95
Sending to Serve
Children’s Message
♦ Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Proclaiming the Word
♦ Psalter
Pastoral Prayer
Offertory Music
Unison Prayer
Holy and mighty God, gather us among your faithful ones, the people of
your covenant, to stand in the light of your glory and listen for the Word of
the Lord, Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Old Testament Lesson
Greet one another in the name of the Lord.
During this time, please place your prayer requests in the basket up front.
Reception of Tithes and Offerings
“Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies”
♦ Pass the Peace
11:00 a.m.
( ♦ Please stand in praise to God for these acts of worship if you are able.)
“Hail to the Lord’s Anointed”
Worship Participants
Organist: Nancy White
Pianist: Carroll Edd Emerson
Greeters: Carole and Roy Staton and Joyce and Hank Hardaway
Ushers: Carey Freeman, Charlie French, Bill Jones, and Charlie Murray
Crucifer: Christopher Torres
Acolyte: Peyton Hunt
Liturgist: Frank Dillard
Chancel Choir Director: Betsy Forrest
Pastor: Barry Throckmorton
Ministers: The Congregation
February 15, 2015, 11:00 a.m.
"Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community."
It Is Well
You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)
Come, Now Is the Time to Worship
How Great Is Our God
He Has Made Me Glad (with children)
Children (4yrs - 2nd grade) may go to Children's Church in room 23 after the songs.
Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord
Mark 9: 2-9
“The Beautiful Butterfly”
O How He Loves You and Me
† Prayer List †
Prayer Requests
New additions:
Shirley Miller
Please pray for
DS Seonyoung Kim,
Bishop Young Jin Cho,
and the leaders and
staff of Tabernacle.
Chip Barton
Jaime Benites
Jim Byrn
Billy Buettel
Mike Cross
Kevin Dean
Dave Elliot
Andrew Huffman
Leslie Hunt
Jared Martin
Jim Orr
Matthew Spyker
Andrew Staton
Alex Todd
Nicholas Wheeler
Continue praying for:
Sadie Alexander
Johnny Anderson
E. J. Barcus
Rosemary Boudreau
Mary & Dick Burnett
Jay Heighes
Brenda Hilliard
Dale Jamison
Bill Jones
Gloria Lang
Elsie Lawson
Charlie McDaniels
Bill Mullins
Wes Pak
Tabitha Perdue
Doris Sandy
Patrick Stapleton
Bob Staul
Karen Steele
Richard Tisdale
Rose & Don Tyndall
Wayne Wallace
Violet Williams
James West
Carolyn & Hoyt Wilson
Mike and Amanda
Shut Ins
Dominion Village
Mary Ann Lynch
Maxine Tillotson
Sadie Ray Verser
The Chesapeake
Duddy & Betty
Eden Pines
Burnette Ellis
Five Star Living
Kenny Messick
The Newport
Mary B. Edwards
Our Lady of P. H.
Shirley Freeman
St. Frances N. H.
Margie Evans
Warwick Forrest
Curt Claud
Pat Claud
York Convalescent
Bill Anderson
Patsy Green
Mary Moore
Martha Sutton
Dolly Woolard
February 15
Marie Baker
February 16
Heather Jensen
February 17
Paula Abel
Carey Freeman
Raelene Hamrick
February 18
Dolores Belford
Tracey Redman
Martha Sutton
Ronnie Topping
Bill Ziglar
February 21
James Phillips
February 22
Hannah Barton
Bob Derby, Jr.
Sarah Ryan
Brooks Clifton
Did we miss your
birthday? Call the
church office!
Tuesday, February 17
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Wednesday, February 18
2:00 PM- 5:00 PM
Thursday, February 19
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Women’s Bible Study
Tuesdays at 9:30 AM
All women are invited.
Christian Yoga
The Yoga class will not
meet this week due to
the Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper. Yoga will
resume on Tuesday, Feb. 24 at
6:00 PM in the fellowship hall.
SPRC Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 17
7:15 PM in Room 9
Prayer Shawl Group
Wednesdays at 3:00 PM
All are welcome!
Council on Ministries
Thursday, February 19
6:30 PM in room 9
Send a card to these folks:
Mary Ann Lynch
c/o Dominion Village
531 Wythe Creek Road
Poquoson, VA 23662
Mary Jackson
Morningside of Bellgrade, #238
2800 Polo Parkway
Midlothian, VA 23113
Chancel flowers are given to the glory of God and in
loving memory of Carroll and Doris Freeman by the family.
Names will remain on the Prayer List for four weeks. Please call Pastor Barry, 868-6842, for pastoral needs.
Susanna Wesley Circle
Thursday, February 19
7:30 PM in the
Fellowship Hall
MARCH Newsletter
Deadline is February 20!
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, February 15
8:45 AM Early Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
11:00 AM Side Door Service
12:05 PM Children’s
Programs Planning
6:00 PM Women’s Chorus
Monday, February 16
President's Day
Office Closed
Tuesday, February 17
Bulletin Deadline
7:30 AM Kiwanis Breakfast
9:30 AM Women’s Bible
11:00 AM Fellowship Lunch
6:00 PM Scouts
6:00 PM Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper
7:15 PM SPRC
Wednesday, February 18
2:00 PM Scouts
3:00 PM Prayer Shawl Group
6:00 PM Scouts
6:30 PM GriefShare
6:30 PM Ash Wednesday
Community Service
at Victory Christian
7:30 PM Praise Band
Thursday, February 19
6:30 PM Scouts
6:30 PM COM
7:00 PM Men’s Chorus
7:30 PM Susanna Wesley
8:00 PM AA
Friday, February 20
Newsletter Deadline
Sunday, February 22
First Sunday in Lent
8:45 AM Early Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
11:00 AM Side Door Service
12:05 PM Children’s
Programs Planning
6:00 PM Women’s Chorus
Faith in Action
Children’s Church Volunteers
Sunday, February 15
Lead: Adriane Buettel
Assistant: Sandra Wagner
Youth: Eva Zawodny
Sunday, February 22
Lead: Adriane Buettel
Assistant: Cindy Zember
Youth: Eva Zawodny
Sunday, February 8
Sunday School
8:45 Early Service 45
11:00 Traditional 127
11:00 Side Door
Children’s Church 12
$ 8,851
$ 1,030
February 18, 6:30 PM at Victory Christian
Speaker: Rev. Charles Stacy
Community Churches Choir!
Join us for a unique worship experience
as we begin our Lenten journey.
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper
Tuesday, February 17
from 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Every year, Cub Scout Pack 28 shows their
appreciation to Tabernacle by hosting the
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Come and
enjoy Scout cooked pancakes and sausage!
11:00 Worship Hour
Children’s Programs
Planning Meetings
Sundays, Feb. 15 and Feb. 22 at 12:05 PM
All parents of children between Kindergarten
and 5th Grade are invited to attend either or
both of these meetings. We will discuss the
plans for Children’s Church (K-2nd grade) and
a proposed new program for children in
grades 3 through 5. We are interested in your
inputs, concerns, and desires for children’s
programs during the 11:00 worship hour. If
you want to have these programs for your
children, then you need to attend at least one
of these meetings. Other adults interested in
helping with these programs are also invited to
attend. Questions should be directed to Rusty
at 868-6842 or rusty.TUMC@gmail.com.
Wednesday night dinners resume February 25 make them a regular part of your family’s
Notice! New Youth Program
Under Construction
Calling all youth, parents and
interested parties - we need your input for
creating a new youth program for Tabernacle!
We will be doing interviews with youth,
parents and interested parties. You may be
called. It will only take approximately 10
minutes but that 10 minutes will help us
greatly to mold the future of your youth
program. If you have not been contacted and
want to be interviewed, please contact Ben
Owen by email benjaminbaskets@aol.com or
just call the church office and they will get us
your information. We will get in touch with
you. Interviews will be taking place at the
church either before or after church services,
or any other time we can catch up with you.
Host Needed for our Easter Pot Luck
on April 1. Any interested volunteer
group should contact Rusty at
868-6842 or rusty.TUMC@gmail.com.
A pot luck dinner can not be held without a
host group.
Confirmat ion Class Beginning
All middle school and high school
youth who have not been confirmed
are invited! Please contact Pastor Barry or
the church office if interested in attending.
Date and time TBA.
Dinner is on Tuesday this week!
There will be no Wednesday dinner
or Revealed Study this week due to
Ash Wednesday. Come out on
Tuesday night instead for the Shrove
Tuesday Pancake Supper hosted by
Pack 28. On Wednesday, plan to attend the
Community Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30
PM at Victory Christian Center.
PORT: March 10 - 11
Tabernacle will assist Warwick
Memorial UMC with hosting a PORT
homeless shelter on Tuesday,
March 10 to Wednesday, March 11.
Volunteers are needed for all shifts. For more
information or to sign up, please call or text Rich
Clifton at 243-3633 or email him at
RDC86Hokie@cox.net, or sign up online at:
go/20f0e4fa5ad28a3fb6-port2 You may also
use the sign up sheets located on the
welcome tables - drop them in the offering or
return to the church office.
Children’s Church
Volunteers Needed
A new Children’s Church
Signup Genius website has
been created at www.SignUpGenius.com/
go/10C0F4CAAAA23A0F85-childrens. All
adult and youth volunteers for Children’s
Church are asked to sign up on line at this
webpage. Please make this link a favorite on
your browser so you can easily return to it in
the future. There are slots for lead teachers,
assistant teachers, and youth helpers. A
minimum of two adults are required each
Sunday in order for Children’s church to meet
as planned. Please help keep this ministry
going by signing up as often as you can.
Questions should be directed to Rusty at
868-6842 or rusty.TUMC@gmail.com.
GriefShare: A new series of
GriefShare began on February 11
and will continue through May 6.
It meets every Wednesday at
6:30 PM in room 6. The start of a new series
is the ideal time to begin attending GriefShare.
If you know someone who has been thinking
of attending GriefShare, please tell them about
this program. To find out more or to register,
contact our lead facilitator, Dana Dunham, at
871-6965 or tumcGriefShare@gmail.com.
Please share the flyers with your friends and
neighbors in need. All are welcome!
Facilitator and Topics
Needed for March
A volunteer facilitator and topic
ideas are needed for our Wednesday adult
classes starting on March 4. Please think of
topics you’d like to study or teach. Many easy
to organize classes are available on DVD in
our library or readily available for Tabernacle
to purchase. Contact Rusty at 868-6842 or
rusty.TUMC@gmail.com to volunteer.
Open Mic at Tabernacle
Friday, March 6
Doors open at 6:00 PM
Everyone is invited to this
family friendly open mic of
Americana, Gospel, and
Country & Blues music hosted and managed
by Rich and Susie Martin. Stay tuned to our
facebook page, www.facebook.com/Tabernacle.
February is Heart
Havens Month!
Fellowship Lunch
Tuesday, February 17
at 11:30 AM at Schlesinger’s Meet at 11:00 AM
at the church to carpool. Please RSVP to the
church office by Monday, February 16.
Please make a gift to Heart Havens this
month. Special offering envelopes are on the
table in the hall by the church office, in the
narthex, or on the welcome table in the Side
Door Service.
Join The Side Door team!
Volunteers are needed for all the Side Door Service support teams.
Please review the below list and prayerfully consider how you can best
serve Tabernacle and the Side Door. To volunteer, contact the listed
person or check the appropriate box and drop this form in the offering.
Each volunteer will be trained, previous experience is not required.
Setup/Cleanup: Forming teams of 3 or 4 individuals to be
responsible for fellowship hall setup and cleanup one
weekend a month - see Rusty Sackett, rustysackett@aol.com
Sound System: Forming 2-person teams to be responsible
for sound setup and tear down one weekend a month - see
Kevin Armstrong, kw.armstrong82@gmail.com
Kitchen: Looking for additional individuals to help setup,
prep, serve, and cleanup for the Café on the Side on a
rotating basis - see Liz Sackett, sackett205@aol.com
Greeting/Ushers: Looking for additional individuals to take
turns greeting and collecting the offering - see Liz Sackett
Visual Presentation: Looking for 3 individuals to take turns
creating and running all the PowerPoint slides for one week a
month - see Rusty Sackett
Want to Join the Band? Band members are both talented
and inspired. They have weekly rehearsals on Wednesday
evenings and play or sing at the service every Sunday - see
Michael Day, michaelddayrn@yahoo.com
(People Organizing Resources Together)
Tuesday, March 10
to Wednesday, March 11
Tabernacle UMC will assist Warwick Memorial UMC with hosting a
PORT homeless shelter on Tuesday, March 10 to Wednesday,
March 11. Volunteers are needed for all shifts.
For more information or to sign up, please call or text Rich Clifton at
243-3633 or email him at RDC86Hokie@cox.net, or fill out this
form and put it in the offering collection, or sign up at:
I would like to work (check all that apply):
Check-in - Tuesday 6:00 - 9:00 PM;
10 persons needed total (6 must be adults)
Overnight Watch -Tuesday 9:00 PM - Wednesday, 4:30 AM;
4 adults needed
Serve Breakfast - Wednesday, 4:15 - 6:15 AM
8 persons needed (Great opportunity for HS youth!)
4 adults needed
Volunteer Contact Information
Check-out - Wednesday, 4:30 - 6:30 AM;
Name __________________________________________________
Clean Up - Wednesday, 5:00 - 7:30 AM; 6 -
8 persons needed
(please print clearly)
Phone(s) _______________ E-Mail ___________________________
Please drop this form in the offering, turn it in to the church office, or hand it to Rusty
or Liz Sackett, Ron or Mary Clark, Kevin Armstrong, or Michael Day. For questions or
further information, please contact Rusty at 868-6842 or rusty.TUMC@gmail.com.
Positions listed for adults are open to anyone 18 years or older. Positions
not listed for adults are open to anyone 12 years or older; however, all
youth under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent.
If you’ve lost someone
close to you, or know
someone who has, please
call us to find out more
information about our
weekly GriefShare
seminar/support group.
We know it hurts, and we want to help.
Meets Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 PM
from February 11 through May 6
in room 6 at Tabernacle UMC.
There are 13 sessions. While we hope you will attend them all, each
session is “self-contained” so you can attend out of sequence. You
will find encouragement and help whenever you begin.
This ministry is open to the whole
community. All are invited.
To find out more or to register, please contact
Dana Dunham at tumcGriefShare@gmail.com or
757-871-6965 or contact the church office.
Sponsored by Tabernacle United Methodist Church
831 Poquoson Ave, Poquoson ~ Office phone: 868-6842
www.tabernacleumc.org ~ www.facebook.com/Tabernacle
Our online giving program is up and running!
Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving. If you are currently giving on
a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or
prepare 52 envelopes. And, when travel, illness or other circumstances
prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly
offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.
Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from
your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account.
Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically
on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card.
Online Giving lets you go to www.tabernacleumc.org at any
time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your
donation plan, make a one-time donation and view your
complete online giving history from anywhere you have access
to the Internet. Simply follow these easy steps:
Visit the church website at www.tabernacleumc.org
Click on the Online Giving button,
Click on the Create Profile button, then
Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to
schedule your recurring contributions.
As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic
giving. An authorization form and a “Frequently Asked Questions” flyer
are available from the church office.