IWA/AWA CONFERENCE THE NEW AGENDA We would like to thank the following event sponsors: Programmed Facility Management and Barwon Water 26th and 27th February 2015 RACV Torquay Resor t, 1 Great Ocean Road, Torquay IWA CONFERENCE PROGRAM ‘The New Agenda’ Proudly sponsored by: Friday 27th February 2015 9:00 am Registration 9:30 am Context for the conference and introduction – Brett Millington, 2014/15 President IWA 9:40 am Opening address Dr Jane Doolan, Commissioner, National Water Commission 9:55 am Sponsors address: Michael Waymark, Chief Executive, Programmed Facility Management 10:05 am Leadership in a dynamic environment Conrad Amos, Business Leader, Asia Pacific, JMW Consultants Australia Pty Ltd An expert in leadership within a global business consultancy, Conrad Amos works with leaders of blue-chip and multi-national organisations. Conrad will outline what it takes to be an industry leader. 10:45 am Morning Tea 11:10 am Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Tony Overman and Nicole Sexton, Strategy and Sustainability, Barwon Water The Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide is a new online resource to help developers, consultants and planners design new urban subdivisions according to Whole of Water Cycle Management (WWCM) principles. 11:40 am G21 Regional Growth Plan Tim Hellsten, Manager Planning Strategy and Urban Growth, City of Greater Geelong The G21 Regional Growth Plan and associated Implementation Plan, provide a regional-level planning framework to manage future housing and employment growth. 12:10 pm Changing climate impacts on catchments Graham Hawke, Deputy Director, Environment and Research, Bureau of Meteorology Graham will provide the latest insights on our changing climate from the Bureau. 12:40 pm Values, character and leadership Frank Costa, OAM A lifetime resident of Geelong, Frank Costa, 2015 Australia Day recipient of the Officer of the Order of Australia and former president of the Geelong Football Club, will present on values, character and leadership. 1:10 pm Lunch and close SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS Thursday 26th February 2015 In conjunction with this conference the following Special Interest Groups of the IWA will be meeting on the above date. For details of these meetings please contact the convenors listed below: Special Interest Group Convenor Corporate Governance Jo Riley (North East Water) (02) 6022 0586 jriley@newater.com.au Kristy Elrington (Goulburn Valley Water) (03) 5832 0469 kristye@gvwater.vic.gov.au Customer Service Educators Energy & Greenhouse Executive Assistants Finance Human Resources Information Technology PR/Communications Technical Services Grant Colling (Yarra Valley Water) (03) 9872 2414 Megan Kreutzer (Coliban Water) (03) 4408 5451 Rebekah Fraser (Central Highlands Water) (03) 5320 3165 Michael Clamp (Gippsland Water) (03) 5177 4619 Christina Bassani (Goulburn Valley Water) (03) 5832 4846 Craig Lindley (Yarra Valley Water) (03) 9872 1216 Michael Grant (Gippsland Water) (03) 5177 4784 Paul Northey (Barwon Water) (03) 5226 9201 grant.colling@yvw.com.au megank@coliban.com.au rebekah.fraser@chw.net.au michael.clamp@gippswater.com.au christinab@gvwater.vic.gov.au craig.lindley@yvw.com.au michael.grant@gippswater.com.au paul.northey@barwonwater.vic.gov.au CONFERENCE DINNER Thursday 26th February 2015 Proudly sponsored by: When: 6:30pm (pre dinner drinks) Where: Great Ocean Road Ballroom RACV Resort Torquay ENTERTAINMENT IAN COVER is a member of ABC Radio’s Coodabeen Champions, who are broadcasting the 35th year of their Saturday morning Aussie Rules footy show in 2015, has written for newspapers and magazines about football, cricket and athletics and authored two books with the Coodabeens and Test cricketer Merv Hughes. He was a Member of the Victorian Parliament for six years, including two years as the Shadow Minister for Sport and Racing. ACCOMMODATION Limited accommodation is now available on site at the RACV Resort Torquay for Wednesday 25th February only. Call (03) 5261 1600 to enquire about availability, mention the ‘Institute of Water Administration’ Conference and remember discounts are available for RACV general members. Alternatively Peppers The Sands Resort Torquay, located 10 minutes drive from the Conference venue, currently has accommodation available for Thursday 26 February. Call (03) 5264 3333. Please note, there are no Conference allocations at this venue. TOUR Barwon Water will be providing delegates with an opportunity to tour the Black Rock Environment Precinct. The tour will be held on Thursday 26th February 2015, with times to be confirmed based on the availability of those who register. Please register your interest in the tour by emailing kerrie.scott@vicwater.org.au and we will contact you in advance of the Conference. Technical Tour: Black Rock Environmental Precinct The Black Rock environmental precinct is Barwon Water’s largest treatment site, treating sewage from the greater Geelong region. The technical tour will include: > The secondary water reclamation plant, which currently treats 55 megalitres of sewage daily via the IDEA biological process. > The biosolids thermal drying facility, built by Plenary Group as a public-private partnership. The thermal drying plant produces small biosolids pellets suitable for immediate use as fertiliser, and significantly reduces the greenhouse gas emissions previously associated with the transport and storage of biosolids. > The recently completed recycled water plant, which supplies high quality Class A and consistent quality Class C recycled water for a range of customers and uses. > An overview of the upcoming $12 million inlet works upgrade, designed to increase inlet capacity and reduce maintenance of the inlet screens. INSTITUTE OF WATER ADMINISTRATION Please return by email, fax or mail by Wednesday 18th February 2015 Email: vicwater@vicwater.org.au Fax: (03) 9639 8860 Mail: IWA, C/- Suite 1. Level 6, 2 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000 Tax Invoice: ABN 96 103 789 875 ORGANISATION: ATTENDEES Purchase Order Name Number Thursday Dinner Members* $149 Non-Members $170 Conference and Lunch Members* $149 Non-Members $170 Totals Totals * Members are individual members of IWA and/or AWA [Please tick option for payment] Attached is a Cheque for $ Made payable to The Institute of Water Administration Inc. Please Invoice: Name: Company: Address: Email:** **Please ensure you provide this information all invoices will be emailed. Remittances should be emailed to David Thomas (IWA Treasurer) on david.thomas@westernwater.com.au Next IWA Conference 25th – 26th June 2015 Venue: RACV City Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne
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