Quaynotes - Torquay College

living & learning by the sea
Pam Kinsman
Assistant Principals: Russell Taylor-Shaw
Nadia Tkaczuk
Council President: Mark Wyeth
Lena Johnstone
Business Manager: Vicki Perry
Wednesday 4th February, 2015
Dates to Remember:
Monday 9th—13th February
Friday 13th February
Tuesday 17th February
Tuesday 17th February
Wednesday 18th February
Wednesday 18th February
Thursday 19th February
Thursday 19th February
Monday 23rd - 24th February
Monday 23rd February
Monday 23rd February
Tuesday 3rd March
Friday 6th March
5/6 Open Water program
Working Bee - New soft fall in Playgrounds by parents / Painting by students
Year 1 Information Night 5:30-6:30pm
Year 2 Information Night 6:30-7:30pm
Foundation (Prep) Information Night 5:30-6:30pm
Year 5/6 Information Night 6:30-7:30pm
Year 3 Information Night 5:30-6:30pm
Year 4 Information Night 6:30-7:30pm
Parent/Teacher Meet and Greet Evenings- Further info next week
New Families Morning Tea in Café 8:30am
P & C Meeting in Café 9:30am
Teddy Bear’s Picnic for buddys in Foundation and Year 6
Curriculum Day—No students at school
Principal’s News
Welcome: We welcome all of our new families to Torquay College and welcome back our students who all seem to have grown over the holidays.
We look forward to 2015 being an excellent year. We have had a wonderful start to the year with all children being well prepared and very settled in
their new class groups. We are delighted to have Mrs Hill back on staff this year and welcome our new teachers, Ms Aimee Lynch, Mr Darcy Hansen, Ms Shannon Cormack, Ms Elizabeth Rodgers, Mr Daniel McLoughlan, Mr Chris Miller. Mr Rohan Craig, Mr Craig McCaughan, Ms Marg Foulkes,
Ms Caitlin Foster and Ms Chelsea James. We also welcome Mr Matt Leeds who will be assisting students and our techs with ITC. Emily Bews and
Renee Dolley have also joined our student support team. There is a lovely article in today’s Advertiser about our start to the school year.
Welcome back to school morning tea for all new families:
We invite all new parents to join us on Monday morning 23rd at 8.30 am in our school café area. This is a chance for you to meet others, hear about
school routines and join a school tour.
Grounds maintenance: Thankyou to all of our school community members and teachers who over the summer came in to ensure that the grounds
were well cared for and look good for the new school year. A special thanks Lucan O’brien and Rick Wheeler for the additional work done on the
Foundation playground to accommodate the larger enrolment. We will need to have lots of families to join us next Friday night 13th from 3pm to help
spread new ‘soft fall’ bark in all the playgrounds. Bring your wheelbarrow!
Term one -School Focus: All students will be involved in the “Learning How to Learn” program during the first two weeks. Teachers are involving
students in the establishment of their classroom learning environment and the development of acceptable social protocols. The school values will be
implemented through agreement of all members of each class and adhered to throughout the year. (Mutual Respect, Personal Best, Friendship with
Attentive Listening and Appreciation). The “Learning How to Learn” program taken over the first 2 weeks will provide sound foundations for every
child. We will continue to implement ‘Restorative Practices’ in managing student behaviour across the school.
Canteen: Lunch orders are from a new canteen menu that promotes healthy eating. The canteen operates every day of the week for lunch orders as
well as snacks at recess breaks from our new healthy choices menu. Please send all orders in a paper bag. We have a special guest on Friday to
officially launch the new healthy menu.
Pam Kinsman, Principal
45-55 Grossmans Road, Torquay 3228 Phone: 5261 2360 Fax: 5261 4324
Email torquay.p6.co@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web www.torquaycollege.vic.edu.au
After school care ph.: 5261 0946 Office hours 8.00am – 4.00pm
Mark Wyeth, School Council President Email: wyeth.mark.m@edumail.vic.gov.au
Assistant Principal Report
Dear School Community Members,
Welcome all students and families to Torquay College in 2015. In particular
we welcome our new Foundation (Prep) students and all students attending
our College for the first time. We trust the Christmas and New Year celebrations were enjoyable times spent with family and friends and that your new
year has gotten off to a positive start.
Assistant Principal Change
We have had a change in the Assistant Principal team for 2015 with Christian Smith
on teacher exchange. Mr Smith and his family have arrived in Denver for his teacher
exchange. He celebrated Australia Day by teaching his students about all things Australian.
Throughout 2015, Russell Taylor-Shaw will be Assistant Principal. During his time at
Torquay College, Russell has been a Grade 5/6 teacher, a Prep team leader and has
been Acting Assistant Principal for periods since 2012. He is very excited about his
new role for 2015 and continuing to work closely with staff, parents, the school community, but above all the students.
Both Assistant Principals are aligned to learning teams. This role includes supporting
the teachers and the students and their families within each year level.
Years F – 2: Russell Taylor-Shaw
Years 3 – 6: Nadia Tkaczuk
We encourage parents and carers to make contact with the school to discuss any matter regarding their child. Your first
port of call with any concerns should be your classroom teachers, who are all friendly and approachable. After that, feel
free to contact your team leaders or a member of the principal team to discuss any issues or concerns.
We would like to acknowledge the wonderful support families provide to their children and the College. 2015 promises
to be a year full of wonderful opportunities for our students and we look forward to working with you throughout the
Learning How to Learn
During this week, all students and classes are participating in the ‘Learning How to Learn’ program. The aim of this
program is to set classes up for a successful year. Students who start their school year feeling focused, organised and in
control of their learning, are more confident, more involved in their learning and believe in themselves as learners
which sets them up for further success.
The program includes activities such as, ‘What makes a good friend’, ‘Special Me’, classes collaborating to create class
values, teachers and students working together on class expectations and students determining their best learning
This fun-filled week helps create an atmosphere that supports learning, cooperation and all class members feeling valued.
Slow Down, School’s Back!
School speed limits apply outside every school in Victoria to increase the safety for our most vulnerable road users children. All Victorian drivers are reminded that school speed limits will apply across Victoria from Thursday
29 January 2015. For information on school speed zones visit the VicRoads website. While you're there, check out their
fun and informative road safety apps.
Please use car park and drop off zones appropriately to ensure the safety of all students. Mark the school crossing supervisor has also expressed concern about parents and students not using the school crossing to cross Grossmans
Road. All Foundation students will be given training in the coming days about how to use the school crossing safely.
Information Nights:
Information Nights offer a great insight into how classrooms and teams operate. It would be great to see as many parents as possible at the Information Nights.
If you have a concern, please do not wait until the Information Nights or the Meet and Greet sessions. See your classroom teacher to make a time to meet to discuss your concerns.
Term 1 Information Nights:
17th February 5.30-6.30 Year 1
6.30-7.30 Year 2
18th February 5.30-6.30 Foundation (Prep)
6.30-7.30 Year 5/6
19th February 5.30-6.30 Year 3
6.30-7.30 Year 4
More information will be provided to parents/carers soon.
Working Bee – Friday, 13th February 3pm
We are calling for as many parents as possible to attend our working bee this Friday. The working bee will focus on
spreading ‘soft fall’ within our playground areas. Wheelbarrows, shovels and rakes would be greatly appreciated. To
encourage whole families to attend, there will also be opportunities for students to be involved in painting play equipment with their own creative designs. We hope to see you there.
1:1 Netbook Program
A reminder to all parents in Grades 4-6 who are planning to purchase the new netbook, please purchase before the 6 th
February as there may be a price increase due to the falling Australian dollar after 6 th February.
Families who have not picked up netbooks, please see your child’s teacher.
Open Water Program
Year 5/6 students will be participating in an Open Water program beginning next week, 9 th February to 13th February.
This exciting program will develop students’ water confidence whilst building swimming skills. Students will have lessons in surfing and safety, including first aide. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students at Torquay College and
we would like to thank the teachers for the initiative and work leading into this program.
Friendly Reminders
To maximise your child’s learning time and to minimise disruptions to classrooms, please make sure your child is at
school by 8.30am. Our school day starts at 8.30am with classroom doors open at 8.15am and late arrivals often miss
important instruction and information. This helps us to make a prompt and effective start to classes. It also assists
your child to settle in ready for the day.
Thank you for supporting our school and have a great week.
Kind Regards, Russell Taylor-Shaw and Nadia Tkaczuk
Heartfelt Thank you
The White family would like to thank the school community for all the support and
condolences we have received during this difficult time.
Your comfort and messages and especially the tribute at the crossing was very much
appreciated. Your communities provided dad (Kirke White) with one of his greatest
joys crossing the children and their parents across the road
and he cherished each
and everyone of you.
Thank you for opening your hearts to
him and providing
him with so much
warmth and appreciation.
The White family
Corangamite Medal
At Torquay College, I was delighted to present the
Corangamite Medal to Hannah Branson. Hannah was
selected by her school for achieving outstanding
academic results across a range of curriculum areas,
including Literacy and Numeracy.
She arrives at school each day with a positive attitude
and has an uplifting personality, constantly supporting
other students to achieve their best. Hannah has shown
admirable leadership qualities in her role of Class
Captain and is highly respected by students, teachers
and parents alike.
Hannah has represented the school in numerous
sporting teams, always conducting herself in a fair
and committed manner.
Sarah Henderson MP,
Federal Member for Corangamite
Tennis Trials
Students in Year 5/6 at Torquay College are welcome to attend Tennis trials next Wednesday 11th
February at Torquay Tennis Courts from 3.45pm—6pm. Parents to arrange transportation of their
child to tennis trials. (Please note that your child must already play or have played competition
tennis to attend.) The Tennis Competition is scheduled for Friday 20th February in Geelong, location
to be announced, probably Grovedale .
5/6 Open Water Swimming Program
Our Open Water Program will be running from Monday the 9th – Friday the 13th of February.
It is important that all green permission notes are handed in ASAP to your classroom teacher.
Feel free to come and watch your children participate down at the beach. The timetable will be sent home over the next
week. Any parents with a Bronze Medallion qualification who are interested in helping out please contact
Kate Field (formerly Brasier), or David Kiss.
Interested swimmers are invited to trial for the Torquay College Swim Team that will be competing in the Divisional Swimming Carnival on Friday 6TH March at the Kardinia Aquatic Centre. Please
note students must be turning 9 or older in 2015 in order to compete. Two 50m lanes have been hired
from 4.30 – 6.30 pm on Wednesday 11th February (also at the Kardinia Aquatic Centre). Students will
simply need to pay the entry fee into the pool. Students will have the opportunity to be timed in the
strokes they are interested in competing in. Any parental assistance with the timing and recording process would be greatly appreciated.
If you are interested but unable to attend on this date, please see Mr Ross so alternative arrangements can possibly be made.
Regards, Brad Ross
Welcome back to an exciting 2nd year for the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. We would like to say a BIG
thankyou to the volunteers who watered and helped keep our garden alive over the summer holidays - Leanne, Ana,
Nynke, Amber, Rick, Caren, Jeanette & Melissa and families. The garden is thriving but there is a lot of weeding to be
done. If you have any spare time in the next two weeks on a Mon, Tue, Thu or Friday morning for 1hr or more please
come and see Terri from 8.30am, or call on 5261 2360. Thanks also to Nynke, Ana, Wayne and Bev for their help this
week in the garden.
We would also like to thank Peter, Tony & Ron for constructing our new veggie boxes - we’re sure
our students are going to have fun planting them out.
We plan to do this, and get the garden looking spic and span in time for our special event this term. We are very excited
to be able to welcome Costa from Gardening Australia to tour the gardens and speak at School Assembly on Friday 27th
We are also looking at putting some permanent fencing around our new veggie garden, we are looking for fence palings,
timber and wire gates - if you have any materials lying around that may be able to contribute to this we would appreciate any donations.
We will be holding a working bee in a couple of weeks (date to be advised) and are hoping that someone from the school
community will be able to assist us dig some holes with a post hole digger.
For the kitchen, we need a couple more pasta makers so if you have one in the back of your cupboard that you no longer
use, we would love to use it to make fresh pasta at school. Kitchen Garden classes for the year 5/6 students will start up
later this term.
If you can help in anyway, please call Terri on 5261 0906
Kitchen Garden Specialist
School Banking
Bendigo Bank is the school’s banking school and they offer student banking services. Student banking
can be brought up to the office each Wednesday to be taken to the Bendigo Bank for processing.
Application forms are available at the office or the Bendigo Bank.
CBA Student Banking—bank books to school every Tuesday.
Forms and information being sent home this week.
Farewell Mr Gavin Lugg
Torquay College has been advised that Mr Gavin Lugg from Coles Bus Lines will be retiring.
Gavin has been heavily involved in safely transporting our students on buses to and from school each day as well
as sporting events and numerous excursions.
We congratulate Gavin on his outstanding commitment and wish him a very happy retirement.
New Revised Torquay T3 & T4 Bus Routes commencing 9th February, 2015
Parents are advised of the new Torquay T3 & T4 Bus Routes,
February is Sustainable Living Month
This festival is being conducted across Victoria with a range of informative activities. Locally it kicks off on Thurs. 19th 5:30pm
with the Surf Coast Energy Group's "Green Drinks", at Patagonia Torquay. Julian Vincent from Market Forces will be talking
about divestment from fossil fuels.
At GPAC on the following Sunday 22nd 10 to 4pm "The Big Sunday Smarter Living Festival" has a host of info. through stalls,
films and activities for the whole family. See Geelong Sustainability Facebook for details and other events particularly films and
craft activities.
Smart Phone App for Torquay College
Torquay College has our own iPhone and Android App to help us communicate more effectively with our parent community. We are asking parents to install our Skoolbag School App.
To install it, just search for our school name "Torquay College" in either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Please activate Push Notifications, so you can get reminders and updates pop up when needed.
Features include:
Calendar dates, newsletter links, absent notes to fill out, direct contact to the school, instant messages, and much