Vol. 43, Issue 2, February 2015 Edition WORSHIP AT RUCC Centering Prayer: 9:40 a.m. Worship service: 10:00 a.m. Infant and Toddler care available. Bible Adventures for children 3 years old through 5th grade, 10:15–11:15 a.m. COMING UP February 7: Learning Forum: The Intersection of Suffering and Intimacy with God February 18: Ash Wednesday February 22: All member vitality meeting February 22-28: Families Moving Forward – hosted at RUCC February 25: All church meeting INSIDE THIS ISSUE From Your Pastor .......................... 2 Worship ...................................... 3-5 Activities & Events...................... 5-8 Mission and Outreach ................ 8-9 Youth........................................ 9-10 “A path to home with support for stability” RUCC will be hosting families associated with Families Moving Forward between Sunday, February 22 and Saturday, February 28. These families are currently homeless and depend on congregations like RUCC as they transition to permanent housing. There are many opportunities for participation. Meal preparation/dinner hosting between 5:30 and clean-up each evening, evening hosting between 6:30 and 9:00 each evening, and spending the night/preparing breakfast. Financial donations, which help to cover food costs, are also welcome. A signup sheet for volunteers is located in the Narthex. Please consider volunteering. It is a very rewarding experience for everyone involved. Life of the Church ................... 10-13 Birthdays ................................ 13-14 Concerns..................................... 14 “We consider the families we serve to be our guests, and try our best to make the experience as much like home as possible.” The Mustard Seed • February 2015 2 From Your Pastor and Teacher "There isn't anything except your own life that can be used as ground for your spiritual practice. Spiritual practice is your life, twenty-four hours a day." - Pema Chodron God is still speaking "The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery, and the only thing you need to recover from is a fractured sense of self." - Marianne Williamson "If you don't have a spiritual practice in place when times are good, you can't expect to suddenly develop one during a moment of crisis." - Doug Coupland We are on the verge of something very exciting here at Robbinsdale United Church of Christ. And it isn’t something new. Our renewal and our growth in the coming year won’t be in something shiny or fancy. Our renewal is going to be done in the way this church has been sustained and grown for 120 years. We are going to do it through prayer. The invitation to each of us in 2015 will be to pray just a little more. It won’t be hard. It will be of little sacrifice, but being in prayer for each other and for the world will have a huge impact in our lives and in our ministry. We all have the freedom to choose our own path. This is what makes us human. Some will choose their spiritual practice in quiet. Some will try praying out loud. Some will want to pray in small groups and others will want to lead our congregation in heartfelt prayer. All of it is good. All of it is holy. The act of spiritual practice is only hard at the very beginning. Once we say, “Yes!” to a spiritual practice we have already begun shifting our priorities and opening up to the presence of God. This is where miracle and mystery happen, and I invite you to enter into this spiritual practice again. Remember also that prayer could happen in quiet solitude or in groups. Prayer can happen in our bodies when we dance or do yoga. Prayer can happen over a cup of coffee with a friend or while singing in the choir. Prayer can happen in the car on the way to work or right when the phone begins to ring. There is no right or wrong way to pray or engage in spiritual practice, but it is essential for the health and vitality of our congregation that we don’t every stop thanking God for all those who gone before us and asking God to guide us where we can serve those who will follow in our steps. See you in church, The Mustard Seed • February 2015 3 EPIPHANY THEME: “A SEASON OF SURPRISES: Stories of WOW!” CENTERING PRAYER at Robbinsdale United Church of Christ Come and experience this form of prayer. Enter the sanctuary anytime between 9:40 and 9:55 and sit with the community in quiet contemplation. All are welcome. May there be no barriers between you and God within you. If you would like to know more about this time of Centering Prayer, pick up a brochure or talk with T. Michael or a member of the Worship Ministry. WORSHIP AT ROBBINSDALE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST A common February image is of that darn groundhog and the expectation of six more weeks of winter. Here in Minnesota we know better than to place hopes in the symbiotic relationship between the groundhog, sun and shadow. We know darn well that there will be six more weeks of winter. It’s why some folks travel south and others hunker down. In a spiritual community the rest of winter is really just more opportunity to connect around warm fires and beautiful music. It is time for concerts, friends, and being in worship. We are grateful for more cold days, because they are the spiritual reminder to come inside to pray and feel the warmth of this family of faith. Three more weeks of stories of God coming into our lives in unexpected ways. Three more weeks of wonder and awe. Three more weeks of possibility and joy. Three more weeks of engagement in the community as we prepare for Lent. Hope to see all of you there. FEBRUARY 1ST – NEW MEMBER SUNDAY AND COMMUNION SUNDAY Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-15 Sermon Title: “The Voice” – Rev. T. Michael Rock Are we ready to take off our sandals and experience the WOW? Are we prepared for the joy and possibility of how God comes into our lives? Are we ready to recognize the burning bush that stands in front of us every day? Get ready for an important day of revelation. FEBRUARY 8th – MEN’S SUNDAY Scripture Reading: Mark 6:30-44 Sermon Title: “Feeding Our Souls by Feeding Others” – Men of RUCC The Men’s Breakfast crew has planned another amazing worship for us. They have been reflecting on their core values and how their faith guides them. This will be an excellent Sunday for growing in faith and prayer. FEBRUARY 15th – TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY Scripture Reading: Mark 9:1-9 Sermon Title: “Transformation” - Rev. T. Michael Rock More WOW! on the way. The disciples are almost there, after all the healings and preaching and walking with Jesus, they almost buy the unity of Jesus and God. The experience in the garden takes them and us to a whole new level of understanding. WOW! The Mustard Seed • February 2015 4 SEASON OF LENT BEGINS Theme: “Out of the Ashes … Beauty” We will be invited this lent to play in the ashes and stories of hardship and suffering. We will hear stories from the congregation about the lessons we have learned. We will invite everyone to create something beautiful out of something that has been burnt and destroyed. This is the powerful journey of Lent that can give life and transform the soul. FEBRUARY 18th - ASH WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m.—Soup and Bread Supper 7:00 p.m.—Worship w/ Laura Cannata, preaching This is a wonderful ritual to mark the beginning of a very thoughtful season. It is true, you can travel through this season without coming to the service, but your journey will only be enriched by the ritual mirrored in the Beatitudes. Each of us begins the journey “poor in spirit.” Make this service a priority this year for you and/or your family. You will be glad you did. FEBRUARY 22nd – SEMINARY SUNDAY Scripture Reading: Job 2: 1-10 Sermon Title: “IS God Good ALL the Time?” Ministerial Intern, Moussa Foster Many of us say that we experience the love of God on a daily basis and we believe that we witness it in the lives of others. Nevertheless, misfortune, injustice, and absolute horror cascade through our lives with numbing rapidity. Where is the presence of God in all of this? Let’s take a look. MARCH 1st – COMMUNION SUNDAY and BLUEGRASS SUNDAY Scripture Reading: Dialogue from Job 8 and 9 Sermon Title: “It Matters What You Say” – Rev. T. Michael Rock Did you ever find yourself in the midst of another’s suffering with nothing to say? But then said something anyway. We all do it. It is hard to sit with people who are in the midst of pain. Let’s learn from Bildad and Job about what to say and what not to say. LENT AT ROBBINSDALE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Lent begins on February 18, please look at the board in the Narthex and consider signing up for one or all of the Lenten Practices at RUCC. The season of Lent is time of reflection and renewal for many people. Some people give things up for Lent as a spiritual practice. I like to take things on to grow my faith. The practice of faith is always much easier when we are not alone, so you are invited to be take on a spiritual practice this Lent. There will be signup sheets after worship, or you can call or e-mail your choice. Each week you will receive an e-mail with encouragement for your new practice. Choice 1 – Fasting – On Mondays during Lent, from sunrise to sunset, you are invited to refrain from eating, while being mindful and aware of both your physical and spiritual hunger. You may choose to fast the whole time or for one meal, know you have the permission to make this spiritual practice your own. Choice 2 – Lectio Divina – This is a form of Bible Study that asks you to read a short passage from scripture and allow it to become a prayer for your life. Each week you will be given scripture choices, or you can find one of your own. The Mustard Seed • February 2015 5 Choice 3 – Prayer / Meditation – Join the prayer chain this month and practice your prayers in a more intentional way. Choice 4 – Alms Giving – This is a fun spiritual practice. This involves a discipline of giving and generosity. One way to practice is to put $2 in a jar each day during Lent. Just be mindful of setting aside $2, or any amount of your choice, and watch the jar fill up. At the end of Lent, find a person or place to give the money away. In doing so, you will not just donate money, but you will give a piece of your spirit away. Pray about the recipient and infuse your gift with love. Some folks add a $1 for every time they swear, or utter unkind words. This is a simple way of staying “on course” during Lent. It is my hope that folks will also take on one or more of these practices for the six weeks of Lent. Remember, when you sign up to take on one of these practices, you will receive a special e-mail on Mondays of encouragement from your pastor and teacher. If you have any other questions, please talk with T. Michael at any time. ACTIVITIES & EVENTS AN INVITATION FROM YOUR PASTOR AND TEACHER I have heard over the years from long time members and new members about how we can engage in the questions of faith in a more informal setting. And because I love both the roles of Pastor and Teacher, I am inviting you and anyone you might know to come to a series of special evening of teaching and conversation. Each of these events will take no more than one hour, but they promise to be a rich experience for everyone involved. Child Care will be provided upon request. LEARNING FORUM – Saturdays at 7 p.m. February 7th – The Intersection of Suffering and Intimacy with God March 7 – The Intersection of Sexuality and Spirituality April 11 – Pluralism as the Future of Faith May 9 – Moving from Questions to Actions QUILTING GROUP Old friends and new members - quilting begins the first Monday of each month; February 2 is next meeting, and continues through May 4th. We'd love to have you join us. Come ANYTIME between 5 and 9 p.m. - and help us tie knots to secure the quilts for Simpson Homeless Shelter and Home Free Battered Women's Shelter. No experience needed - and new friendships can be kindled!! If you'd like to sew a quilt top kit or have any questions, call Dawn Carlson Conn at 612-281-6515 or Nancy Bossert at 763-473-0714. We now have spectacular refrigerator magnets listing all the dates; see Nancy or Dawn to get one!!! The Mustard Seed • February 2015 6 FAITH IN FILM February 12th ~ 7 pm: Philomena A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman's search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent. BIBLE STUDY, NERD-STYLE February 4th – 6 pm (every Wednesday) Have you read the Lord of the Rings and or the Hobbit? Have you seen the movies? Would you like to find the deeper spiritual meanings hidden in your favorite tales? Then join Ministerial Intern, Laura Cannata, on Wednesdays, from 6-7:15pm for Lord of the Rings Bible study. Call 651-592-4042 for any questions. *You do not have to be a Tolkien expert to participate. Stars: Judi Dench, Steve Coogan, Sophie Kennedy Clark. Rated PG-13. Released in 2013 Faith in Film is the second Thursday of each month. The upcoming film in March is; Priest. Contact Marc Blakesley at marcblakesley@gmailcom or 612-325-1467 with questions or suggestions. There is also a “Faith in Film” group on Facebook. “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” [1 John 4:7] The bible tells us part of the unfolding narrative of God’s love for the world. The event “God’s Love Story… a continuing testament” will reiterates the fact that God’s core essences is love and that God’s love for humanity and creation is continuing to be revealed in new and exciting ways with each day. “BIBLE AND BEVERAGES” 2nd Every and 4th Sunday night at 8:00pm We will gather at “The Lodge in Robbinsdale” for drinks and discussion. It will be a combination of Sunday morning reflection and Bible Study for Beginners (FYI - we are all beginners). Folks can bring their own ideas for study as well. All are welcome. On Saturday, February 14, the United Church of Christ will celebrate the Open and Affirming ministry settings from across Minnesota as places where God’s love story is proclaimed as a continuing testament in word and deed. We will gather for workshops at 1:00 PM and worship at 2:30 PM. This year’s celebration will be hosted by St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 900 Summit Avenue in Saint Paul. The Mustard Seed • February 2015 7 There will be three workshop options to choose from. “Our Whole Lives” is a comprehensive faithbased sexuality education program. “Being Trans* Welcoming and Why” will help people get answers to questions about being inclusive of transgendered folk. “Spirit on Lake” will be presented as a community housing facility primarily created for the aging queer population. In worship we will acknowledge the various “Open and Affirming” ministry settings in Minnesota. Our preacher will be the Rev. Don Portwood, pastor of Lyndale United Church of Christ, a congregation which declared itself “Open and Affirming” in 1991. Choral music for worship will be provided by an “Open and Affirming Choir” made up of singers from churches throughout the Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ and under the direction of A. P. Hopper. The choir is open to all who wish to join. A rehearsal will be held at the host church on Saturday, February 7th at 10:30 AM. Questions about the choir can be directed to Dave McMahill at dave.mcmahill@comcast.net. The “Open and Affirming” program within the UCC comes from a 1985 General Synod Resolution calling on all settings of the church to adopt statements of “openness” and “affirmation” towards gay, lesbian and bisexual people. A later General Synod in 2003 also called upon the church to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts transgender individuals bring to the church. St. Paul’s UCC is located on the corner of Milton Street and Summit Avenue North in Saint Paul. The church building is wheelchair accessible. The host congregation will provide refreshments following the worship service. ALL-MEMBER VITALITY MEETING Sunday, February 22nd All RUCC members are encouraged to attend with their passions, interests, and enthusiasm as we plan and organize for 2015! This will be a great opportunity to share ideas and talk with others about the next great thing happening at RUCC. If you have questions, please contact our Moderator, Don Smith or Pastor, T. Michael Rock. CHOIR NOTES Needed: Bell ringers for the RUCC Bell Choir to be rehearsal and performance substitutes. In a bell choir if people are missing, those notes the missing people are not played or heard, making it very difficult to have a successful rehearsal or performance. Please let David know if you would be available on Wednesday afternoons from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. to be a rehearsal and a performance substitute. Contact David Nordli at dnordli@comcast.net or via text at 952913-9836. PILGRIM GUILD Tuesday, February 10th at 12 noon Please come join us for the next Pilgrim Guild meeting. We will be gathering at noon for a social time. Dessert and coffee will be served by our lovely hostesses, Lois Bossert and Susie Klatke. The program is a surprise. T. Michael is in charge. If you are not on our calling list, just let Keith Smith or Stan Atkinson know. Jan Paulsen will be hard to reach because she'll be in Cuba until the 9th but will be anxious to share what she has learned about this country. Hope to see you and bring a friend. The Mustard Seed • February 2015 8 NEW MEMBER CLASSES BEING FORMED NOW So many wonderful new families among us of every size and shape. What a blessing. If you would like to join Robbinsdale United Church of Christ, please talk with Dawn Carlson Conn or T. Michael Rock. We will have classes again in February, but families and friends may join RUCC anytime they are ready. We are excited to have all the new stories become a part of the ministry at RUCC. If you have any questions of know someone who may be interested, please contact T. Michael at 612-275-0387. INTERFAITH LEISURE AGE Mission Statement: Bringing God’s love to all in the community. Thursdays, 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Elim Lutheran Church 3978 West Broadway, Robbinsdale 9am – 12 noon: social hour and cards 12 noon – 12:15: chapel 12:15 – 1pm: lunch (reservations required) 1pm – 1:45pm+: program February’s Leisure Age Schedule: February 5 — “Blake and Sullon” variety show Many surprises. Don’t miss them! February 12 — Valentine Party! Prizes and surprises. Joanne Bolles sings and plays guitar. February 19 — 9am board meeting. Blood pressures taken 9:30am – 11:30am. Big Bob Scoggins will be with us. He performs as a unique, nonelectronic, one-man-band. February 26 — February birthday party. Richard Szyplinski, who plays the cordovox; an electronic accordion, will be our guest. Birthday people, please let us know and pick up your cake after the entertainment. Lunch with Entertainment, which costs $9.00, includes bread, salad, main dish, vegetable, dessert, and beverages. For reservations, call 763-537-1171 on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday until noon. You may also use this number to cancel a reservation. We would really like to see a bigger group from our church come to support Leisure Age. If you have questions, please contact Jan Paulsen (763-529-1986) or Keith Smith (612-588-1401 or 763588-4356). JOINT RELIGIOUS LEGISLATIVE COALITION GET INVOLVED! MAKE A DIFFERENCE! GREAT OPPORTUNITY! JRLC Day on the Hill Tuesday, March 10th, 8:30am – 3:30pm State Capitol, St. Paul The Joint Religious Legislative Coalition's (JRLC) Day on the Hill is an annual policy briefing and lobby day. Clergy and lay people from across the state attend Day on the Hill to show our interfaith commitment to social justice and to participate in the lawmaking process. Online registration is now open! Register online (jrlc.org/register-for-day-on-thehill) to pay the discounted rate through February 15, and reduced rate February 25. The Mustard Seed • February 2015 9 MISSION AND OUTREACH FAMILIES MOVING FORWARD February 22nd – 28th According to an article published in the Dec 29th Edition of the StarTribune: "Many of the state’s poorest families found little to no relief over the past year, despite dropping unemployment and booming construction. The number of homeless children and families in Minnesota remains higher than before and during the recession, according to a report released Monday by the Minnesota Housing Partnership, a nonprofit that advocates for affordable housing. Nearly 4,000 children in the Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth and Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan school districts were homeless around the start of the school year, more than in any of the last seven years, the report says. In Hennepin County, the number of families seeking shelter in July, August and September — typically the busiest months for the county’s shelter services — was the highest quarterly average since 2000, with the exception of 2013." It is RUCC's opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of others, particularly the children by providing housing and meals for 1-4 families for a week. It is the least we can do to make a dent in the number of families that go without permanent shelter despite what may seem like an economy that is on the upswing. The sign up for volunteers is in the Narthex. Questions???? Call/email Dan or Karrie Haugen KarrieHaugenkh@gmail.com 763.438.8518 (Karrie) Haugen@alfredadler.edu 651.335.6414 (Dan) PRISM A thank you from PRISM: “On behalf of PRISM, I thank you for your gift of $623 on December 28, 2014! With your contribution, you make it possible for us to provide our neighbors in need nutritious food and valuable support services.” The PRISM Food Shelf is always in need of donations to help hungry neighbors. Please bring in donations to church and drop them off in the shopping cart outside the church office. GIVING ONLINE TO RUCC Giving has been made so much easier. Just take out your smart phone and click on the QR code and you will be taken directly to our giving page on our website, or visit us at www.robbinsdaleucc.org and look for the giving tab and you’ll get there as well. This would be a great way to celebrate stewardship. DO YOU FACEBOOK? Remember to “like” Robbinsdale United Church of Christ the next time you are online. Updates and reminders will be of great service to our communication and mission. Friend RUCC today! The Mustard Seed • February 2015 10 YOUTH CHILDREN AND FAMILIES MINISTRY Teachers’ schedule for the winter: If you would like to teach two weeks or a month, or if you have any comments or questions, please call or email Barb Sisco (763-458-8808) bla.sisco@gmail.com Voyagers (PreK through 2nd) February Guide: Patti Miller March Guide: Ken Beck April Guide: Karrie Haugen May Guide: John and Beckie Meyer Trekkers (3rd through 5th) February Guide: Diane Amundson March Guide: Ken Beck April Guide: Willa Truehart May Guide: Maybe YOU? Calling all shepherds! Come to an after-church brainstorming session. Share your shepherding ideas with fellow shepherds. Treats provided. February 8, 11:15-12:00 in the Bible Adventures room. Planning pot luck for teachers! Watch for more information in the March issue of the Mustard Seed. YEP - 2 YOUTH at RUCC February 6 - 7 – YOUTH LOCK-IN Fun Times! 7pm to 9am Bring a friend! Learn to be a justice leader! Sunday, February 22 – Sunday night Families Moving Forward. 6:00pm to 9:00pm WINTER HIGH SCHOOL MINNESOTA CONFERENCE YOUTH EVENT March 13-15, 2015 at Camp Koinonia in South Haven When: March 13-15, 2015 | Check-in will begin at 6:30PM on Friday, March 13th and the retreat will conclude at Noon on Sunday, March 15th. Where: Camp Koinonia, 7768 Pilger Ave NW, South Haven, MN 55302 Who: High School youth (grades 9-12) and their adult leaders (21 and older) Early Registration by February 9: $75 youth, $50 adult Registration after February 9: $85 youth, $60 adult Deadline for all registrations is March 2nd SAVE THE DATES July 19 – 22 Middle School urban immersion mission trip July 26 – August 1 Youth Mission trip. Serving the UCC and faith forming on the Iron Range Look in your mail for lots more information coming soon. The Mustard Seed • February 2015 11 LIFE of the CHURCH FROM YOUR INTERNS “People all over the world, join hands for a Love Train, a Love Train.” How my generation danced to a vision of world peace from 1972, with this #1 song on the R&B charts from the Ojays and the Philadelphia writing team of Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff! Yes, February is African American History Month in the US. Please keep a sharp eye for signs. There’s great news regarding our 40 Day Journey with Howard Thurman. We have extended the invitation for the Lenten journey and reflective spiritual practice to the faith communities of El Bethel Community Christian Center and Kwanzaa Community Church! We’ll be reading and discussing passages from that inspirational text of meditations, but our new day and time is Mondays from 6 - 7:30 pm, February 16 - March 30. Materials will be provided. Let’s roll out our Fabulous February Potluck Dishes, shall we? Stay tuned for fine tuning! Thank you and bless you for your healing prayers. Please continue to pray with me as I preach on the First Sunday of the Lenten Season. By the way, who loves yah, Robbinsdale United Church of Christ? W. J. Moussa Foster, Congregational Intern (612)558-2441 khalidmoussa@gmail.com wmoore001@unitedseminary.edu evANGELism AND MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Our new year as a community is off to a wonderful start. A large group of new members joined us on February 1st and our “body of Christ” has shifted once again with new relationships, talents and opportunities. Though each new member has a sponsor, may we ALL help them feel at home. We have just a few names to remember, but they have hundreds!! So….WEAR YOUR NAME TAGS!!! Just beneath the new member photos in the narthex is a church directory which contains photos of all new members since 2012 AND pre-stamped “appreciate you” or “miss you” post cards to send to those you haven’t seen lately at church or to those to whom you want to send a note of appreciation. At the February 1st luncheon, we not only enjoyed good food prepared by Lisa Keske, Amy Hunt Fruin, and Dawn Conn, but also were introduced to our new RUCC Aprons. Several are available for purchase for $15. See Dawn to buy one. At least 12 aprons will be kept in the kitchen for use at potlucks, funeral luncheons and serving at Simpson Homeless Shelter. They say “Feed Your Spirit: Nourish Your Soul” over the now famous UCC Comma and the name of our church. Wear them proudly!!! Thanks to all who have brought coffee hour treats. The sign-up sheet is full for February, but March is fast approaching. Thanks for signing up!! If you have ideas on how we can extend evangelism and hospitality within or beyond our walls, please contact Lisa Keske or Dawn Carlson Conn. The Mustard Seed • February 2015 12 Kathleen Corradino 4021 Washburn Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55410 612-925-5793 We are very glad to welcome Kathleen into membership at RUCC. She was introduced to our congregation by David Plumb, a very special person in her life. Kathleen brings many gifts to our congregation as a teacher, a DFL activist, and a lifelong learner. Kathleen taught HS history, political science, sociology and psychology. She is very happy to get involved in the ministry by helping in the office, working with Bible Adventures or participating in service to others. Angie Marie Pederson (soon to be Davis) 3701 Orchard Ave. N. Robbinsdale, MN 55422 612-968-0471 Angie and her fiancée, Jim, found RUCC while searching for churches. They are planning a March wedding in the sanctuary. Angie is currently working as an Ameri Corps Member with Habitat for Humanity on the Construction Site. Angie and Jim like to camp, bike and visit with family and friends. We are super excited to welcome them into ministry at RUCC. Jim Davis 3701 Orchard Ave. N. Robbinsdale, MN 55422 612-968-0471 Jim and his fiancée, Angie, found RUCC while searching for churches. They are planning a March wedding in the sanctuary. Jim also likes to camp and bike in the nicer weather and he also spends time around the construction site. Jim is a Union Electrician and currently working as a locomotive electrician. He has previously been on the crews helping with floods in Stillwater and Moorhead. We are super excited to partner with Angie and Jim in our shared ministry at RUCC. Tamara Ferrero 5401 52nd Ave. N. Crystal, MN 55429 612-408-3094 Tammy and Tracy started visiting RUCC several years ago with their son, Vincent. Tammy is an active Mom at Vincent’s school and enjoys camping and gardening. She and her family fit right in last summer at family camp and are hoping to make it an annual tradition. Thanks to Angie Schultz and Pauli Rike for introducing Tammy, Tracy and Vincent to us. Tracy Ferrero 5401 52nd Ave. N. Crystal, MN 55429 612-275-3271 Tracy and Tammy started visiting RUCC several years ago with their son, Vincent, and we are thrilled to welcome them into membership. We are grateful to their neighbors for helping them find their way to RUCC. Tracy likes to sing, camp, paint, and generally help out her friends and family when needed. We are excited to welcome Tracy, Tammy, and Vincent. Trinity Grewell 9401 Erickson Ct. N Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Trinity is the daughter of Kathy and Marty Petersen and has become an active member of the youth group. She brings a great spirit and wonderful smile to the church. Trinity plays the viola in the school orchestra and in the church bandestra. She loves to read and is a big fan of any book that features dragons, The Mustard Seed • February 2015 13 fairies, elves and all kinds of magical creatures. When she isn’t chasing her baby brother, Grant, around the church, you can find her in the youth room hanging out with her new youth group friends. Daniel (Dan) Luoma 4523 Washburn Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55412 763-516-3190 Dan and Beth started vising RUCC about two years ago. After the birth of their son, Christian, they are glad to back in our midst. Dan is a gifted XC Skier and Mountain Biker. He works as an Environmental Analyst at the U of M and is a volunteer coach at Patrick Henry High School. Dan is looking forward to getting involved in the ministry at RUCC through youth and children’s ministry and hopefully playing his tenor sax. Elizabeth (Beth) Luoma 4523 Washburn Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55412 763-516-3190 Beth found RUCC after searching on the internet for a progressive Christian community. They started vising RUCC about two years ago. After the birth of their son, Christian, they are glad to back in our midst. Beth wanted to be in a church that was committed to works of peace and justice. She is regulatory lawyer and is looking forward to connecting to RUCC through youth and children’s ministries. Lola May Moser 2900 Douglas Drive, #102 Crystal, MN 55422 763-208-2704 Lola May comes to us from the UCC Church in Pierre, SD. She moved to the area to be closer to her family, but has spent her entire life serving churches with her late husband. As a Pastor’s spouse, Lola May has been involved in all kinds of church work and is looking forward to connecting with Pilgrim Guild, mission projects, and in other ways she can serve. Tim Usset 2330 Jonquil Lane N. Plymouth, MN 55441 763-742-5279 Tim is an ordained minister and serves as a Licensed Therapist, Chaplain Supervisor and an Army and Hospital Chaplain. Tim and his wife, Kelly, have been very involved in church life, but have found the welcome and theology of the United Church of Christ to be a good fit to support his ministry. Tim also is an avid biker, mountain climber, and musician. He is interested in connecting to the ministry though Mission, Trustees, PR, and issues of advocacy and justice. FROM YOUR MODERATOR Investing in the future for RUCC – Is a capital campaign needed? Like a financial savings plan or physical asset, the capital of our church-based community needs to have periodic investments and re-commitments to the goals we develop and envision over the years. Whether we are committed to creating a vision and process to anticipate and achieve the congregation's long-range goals for ministry and community or recognizing and celebrating the history of RUCC or actively involved with and supporting our current worship and education programs, the investment of time, energy and money by all members of RUCC is what sustains and grows this church community. Due to the age of our physical capital, our building, we are coming into a time when there will be the need to repair and/or replace some of the basic components The Mustard Seed • February 2015 14 and systems within the building. Unfortunately, many of these infrastructure items carry fairly significant costs for replacement or upgrade. Based on the age of the building and its use both for now and in the future, this list may include: new boilers and controls for the heating system; expanding the lighting improvements; adding security and access systems; replacing inefficient windows and doors; deferred maintenance for the organ; or even added space for expansion or new uses. But long term commitments for a church community also includes aspects of cultural Capital. Based on futuring goals and RUCC culture, this list may include: funding an Associate or Education Minister position; child/youth/adult educational materials and programs; membership growth and community action initiatives; specialized training for existing programs (Parish Nurse, Endowment, Planned Giving, Music, etc) and lay leadership; and maybe new worship as well as outreach options. Over the last year, Coordinating Council and Trustees have had discussions about the need to develop and possibly initiate a managed Capital Campaign to address these issues and items of concern. It is our joint conclusion that such action is appropriate and will be needed to sustain and improve our property and programs for many years to come. At the annual meeting, Coordinating Council will be asking for the congregation's approval to move forward with the initiative to investigate and begin the process that may lead to the development of a major Capital Campaign for RUCC. If approved, over the next several months, the Coordinating Council and Trustees will have discussions and opportunities for your individual involvement and feedback as the congregation explores and considers entering into a focused Capital Campaign in the near future. We will not only talk about the process, but the goals and appropriate items to be included in such an opportunity, and options for giving and investing in the future for RUCC. As we move forward in this process of consideration and challenge, I ask that all of us embrace a vision of what is a holistic and enduring picture of the future for RUCC. It is that future for which we will be creating new Capital and resources to build upon through our efforts over the next year or so. I also challenge you to look hard at what should be included in those capital resources: building, staff, programs and culture. And to examine your contribution and commitment to making those capital resources a reality. Sincerely, Don Smith, Moderator TREASURER’S REPORT As Church Treasurer, your Trustees and I believe it is important to provide members of our church with regular updates concerning pledges and the overall budget. These reports will appear in our Mustard Seed and always be brief and readable. That said, they will occasionally include other information besides pledge and overall budget updates. Through the month of December, pledges received total $246,047.50 compared to a budgeted figure of $249,524.24. Through the month of December, our overall budget includes revenues of $271,032.24 and expenses of $267,035.33 leaving a balance of positive $3,996.94. Thank you to everyone for your many contributions. Respectfully, Dick Smith, RUCC Treasurer The Mustard Seed • February 2015 15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! SPECIAL CONCERNS Greetings and best wishes to all members and friends of Robbinsdale United Church of Christ who celebrate their birthdays in February. Tracey Flugel ............................. February 1 Toni Pangborn............................ February 3 Sebastian Waterhouse ............... February 5 Jennifer Stoos ............................ February 7 Cameron Gardner ...................... February 12 Corrine Myers............................. February 13 Wendy Lukaszewski................... February 17 Gert Wehking ............................. February 17 Samuel Davis ............................. February 20 Alexander Roelofs ...................... February 21 Christopher Roelofs……………..February 21 Kira Braun .................................. February 27 BILL BOSSERT MEMORIAL It is with sadness that we let the congregation know that long time member and leader, Bill Bossert, died on Monday night, January 26th, surrounded by his loving family. We are planning for a Memorial Service sometime in March. Please keep the Bossert family in your prayers. You can also send a note to Jane at: Jane Bossert 13897 Community Drive, #212 Burnsville, MN 55337 Please keep these members and friends of RUCC in your thoughts and prayers. Sylvia Anderson Jane Boggs Jane Bossert Amanda Busch Rosaria Busch Lorraine Dysart Ken Evans Kathy & Rodney Giddings Dee Gustafson Marion Hansen Jean Hosterman Kathy Keske Tom Jensen Curtis Johnson Donna Larsen Bradley Lloyd Bill & Nikki McKinley Edith Middleton Sandra Nelson Leonard Sidle Dale Swenson Dinner at Your Door Memorial to Vince Flesness Once again, we had the opportunity to serve Dinner at Your Door out of Crystal Center. Thank you to Wayne and Donna Pitmon, Bill and Kathy Herrmann, Skip Wills, Jim Puffer, Dale Fisher, Stewart Whelan, Jim Benshoof, John Lloyd, Gil Doten, and all of those who have served over the years by helping RUCC to be a part of this community service which provides our shut-ins with a fine meal. Keith Smith The Mustard Seed • February 2015 16 March Issue of The Mustard Seed Please place all articles for the next issue in the box marked “Mustard Seed” on the shelf inside the door to the workroom in the church office or email to Annette Johnson at: communications@robbinsdaleucc.org Issue deadline: Sunday, February 22. The next issue will be mailed Friday, February 27. When was the last time you checked out our website at www.robbinsdaleucc.org? Our webmaster, Nathan Syverson, continues to create some wonderful new links and updates as we learn to tell our story. We are also asking folks to take pictures of church events and people. If you have ideas about the website or would like to be one of our official photographers, please email Nathan at admin@robbinsdaleucc.org or T. Michael at tmichael@robbinsdaleucc.org.
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