curriculum vitae - the University of Minnesota Law School

Jill Elaine Hasday
University of Minnesota Law School
229 Nineteenth Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
phone: (612) 626-6633
fax: (612) 625-2011
University of Minnesota Law School
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, since 2014.
Centennial Professor of Law, since 2013.
Professor of Law, since 2007.
Solly Robins Distinguished Research Fellow, 2013-2015.
Institute for Advanced Study Fellow, Spring 2014.
Julius E. Davis Professor of Law, 2009-2010.
Vance K. Opperman Research Scholar, 2006-2007.
Associate Professor (with Tenure), 2005-2007.
Courses: constitutional law, employment discrimination, family law, national
security law, public law workshop, sex discrimination, and women’s legal history.
Georgetown University Law Center
Visiting Professor, Fall 2008.
University of Chicago Law School
Associate Professor, 2002-2005.
Assistant Professor, 1998-2002.
Vanderbilt University Law School
Visiting Associate Professor, 2004-2005.
University of Michigan Law School
Visiting Professor, 2003-2004.
The Honorable Patricia M. Wald, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
Law Clerk, 1997-1998.
Yale Law School, J.D. 1997.
Honors in all graded courses
Yale Law Journal, Articles Editor
Edgar M. Cullen Prize for the best paper by a first-year student
Coker Teaching Fellow (Constitutional Law)
Yale Law & Policy Review, Developments, Symposium, and Book Reviews Editor
Yale College, B.A. in History with Distinction, summa cum laude, 1994.
Phi Beta Kappa (1993)
Charles Garside, Jr. History Award
Phi Alpha Theta (history honor society)
Five citations as best student in class
National Endowment for the Humanities Younger Scholar Grant
Directed Studies Honors Program
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CLOSEST RELATIONSHIPS (book project, in progress).
FAMILY LAW REIMAGINED (Harvard University Press 2014).
Reviews forthcoming in the Harvard Law Review and the Texas Law Review.
Featured on, CBS Radio, and Boston Public Radio.
Women’s Exclusion from the Constitutional Canon, 2013 U. ILL. L. REV. 1715.
Reprinted in WOMEN AND THE LAW 703-20 (Tracy A. Thomas ed., Thomson Reuters 2014).
Siblings in Law, 65 VAND. L. REV. 897 (2012).
Protecting Them from Themselves: The Persistence of Mutual Benefits Arguments for Sex and
Race Inequality, 84 N.Y.U. L. REV. 1464 (2009).
Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change, 93 MINN. L. REV.
96 (2008).
Thomas & Tracey Jean Boisseau eds., New York University Press 2011).
Reprinted in WOMEN AND THE LAW 819-75 (Jane Campbell Moriarty ed., Thomson Reuters
Intimacy and Economic Exchange, 119 HARV. L. REV. 491 (2005).
The Canon of Family Law, 57 STAN. L. REV. 825 (2004).
Selected for Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum.
Mitigation and the Americans with Disabilities Act, 103 MICH. L. REV. 217 (2004).
The Principle and Practice of Women’s “Full Citizenship”: A Case Study of Sex-Segregated
Public Education, 101 MICH. L. REV. 755 (2002).
Parenthood Divided: A Legal History of the Bifurcated Law of Parental Relations, 90 GEO. L.J.
299 (2002).
Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, 88 CAL. L. REV. 1373 (2000).
Selected for Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum.
Federalism and the Family Reconstructed, 45 UCLA L. REV. 1297 (1998).
Interstate Compacts in a Democratic Society: The Problem of Permanency, 49 FLA. L. REV. 1
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Civil War as Paradigm: Reestablishing the Rule of Law at the End of the Cold War, KAN. J.L. &
PUB. POL’Y, Winter 1996, at 129.
Awarded the Edgar M. Cullen Prize.
Book Note, Preaching to the Choir, 105 YALE L.J. 1153 (1996).
Intimate Lies, Association of American Law Schools Workshop on Next Generation Issues on
Sex, Gender and the Law (to be held June 24-26, 2015).
Family Law Reimagined, Association of American Law Schools Workshop on Shifting
Foundations: Family Law’s Response to Changing Families (to be held June 22-24, 2015).
Family Law Reimagined, Hamline University School of Law (to be held April 15, 2015).
Intimate Lies, Work, Family, and Public Policy Workshop at Washington University (to be held
April 13, 2015).
Intimate Lies, Faculty Workshop at SMU Dedman School of Law (to be held April 8, 2015).
Intimate Lies, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the
Humanities held at the Georgetown University Law Center (to be held March 6-7, 2015).
Family Law Reimagined, Advanced Family Law Seminar, Minnesota CLE (November 17, 2014).
Intimate Lies, Faculty Workshop at the University of Minnesota Law School (July 16, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined, Northern Spark Festival, University of Minnesota Institute for
Advanced Study (June 14, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined, Annual Meeting in Minneapolis of the Law and Society Association
and the Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network (May 29-June 1, 2014).
Intimate Lies, Emerging Family Law Scholars and Teachers Conference held at the University of
Minnesota Law School (May 28, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined, Centennial Professorship Appointment Lecture, University of
Minnesota Law School (March 25, 2014).
Intimate Lies, University of Minnesota Institute for Advanced Study (March 5, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined, Annual Meeting in New York of the Association of American Law
Schools (January 2-5, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined, Presentation at Saint Louis University School of Law (November 1,
Family Law Reimagined, Faculty Workshop at the University of St. Thomas School of Law
(October 28, 2013).
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Family Law Reimagined, Emerging Family Law Scholars and Teachers Conference held at
Brooklyn Law School (June 5, 2013).
Family Law Reimagined, Annual Meeting in Boston of the Law and Society Association and the
Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network (May 30-June 2, 2013).
Family Law Reimagined, Fourth Annual Meeting of the Association for Law, Property and
Society held at the University of Minnesota Law School (April 26-27, 2013).
Family Law Reimagined, Sixth Annual Midwest Family Law Consortium Workshop held at the
University of Wisconsin Law School (April 5-7, 2013).
Sex Discrimination and Sex Equality Before the Supreme Court, Presentation at the History
Theatre in Saint Paul, Minnesota (March 16, 2013).
Women’s Exclusion from the Constitutional Canon, University of Illinois College of Law
Conference on Akhil Amar’s America’s Unwritten Constitution (October 11-12, 2012).
Family Law Reimagined, Meeting of the Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network
held at the University of Baltimore School of Law (October 5, 2012).
Intimate Lies, Faculty Workshop at the University of Minnesota Law School (July 25, 2012).
Intimate Lies, International Society of Family Law North American Regional Conference and
Fifth Annual Midwest Family Law Meeting on Sustaining Families: Global and Local
Perspectives held at the University of Iowa College of Law (June 14-16, 2012).
Intimate Lies, Emerging Family Law Scholars and Teachers Conference held at Fordham Law
School (May 21-22, 2012).
Sex Equality and Military Service, Presentation to the Center on Women and Public Policy, the
Minnesota Department of Health, and Gender Justice (May 2, 2012).
Family Law Reimagined, Meeting of the Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network
held at George Washington University Law School (January 4, 2012).
Family Law Reimagined, University of Minnesota Law School Legal History Workshop
(September 23, 2011).
Family Law Reimagined, Association of American Law Schools Workshop on Women
Rethinking Equality (June 20-22, 2011).
Family Law Reimagined, Annual Meeting in San Francisco of the Law and Society Association
and the Feminist Legal Theory Collaborative Research Network (June 2-5, 2011).
Family Law Reimagined, Emerging Family Law Scholars and Teachers Conference held at UC
Hastings College of the Law (June 1-2, 2011).
Family Law Reimagined, University of Minnesota Law School Legal History Workshop
(February 4, 2011).
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Family Law Reimagined, Elizabeth Battelle Clark Legal History Series at the Boston University
School of Law (October 20, 2010).
Family Law Reimagined, 2010 Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International
Society of Family Law and the Midwest Family Law Consortium held at the University of
Missouri-Kansas City School of Law (June 3-5, 2010).
Family Law Reimagined, Emerging Family Law Scholars and Teachers Conference held at the
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law (June 2-3, 2010).
Protecting Them from Themselves: The Persistence of Mutual Benefits Arguments for Sex and
Race Inequality, Faculty Workshop at Stanford Law School (February 25, 2009).
Protecting Them from Themselves: The Persistence of Mutual Benefits Arguments for Sex and
Race Inequality, Legal Theory Workshop at Yale Law School (February 5, 2009).
The Other Reproductive Rights, George Washington University Law Review Symposium on
What Does Our Legal System Owe Future Generations?: New Analyses of Intergenerational
Justice for a New Century (October 23-24, 2008).
Protecting Them from Themselves: The Persistence of Mutual Benefits Arguments for Sex and
Race Inequality, Faculty Workshop at Georgetown University Law Center (October 21, 2008).
Protecting Them from Themselves: The Persistence of Mutual Benefits Arguments for Sex and
Race Inequality, Faculty Workshop at the University of Minnesota Law School (July 30, 2008).
Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change, Faculty Workshop
at the University of Pennsylvania Law School (November 6, 2007).
Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change, University of
Akron School of Law Symposium on the New Face of Women’s Legal History (October 19,
The Limits of the Constitutional Law of Equality, Constitution Day Lecture at the University of
Minnesota Law School (September 17, 2007).
Kinship Markets, Tenth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and
the Humanities held at the Georgetown University Law Center (March 23-24, 2007).
Fighting Women: The Military, Sex, and Extrajudicial Constitutional Change, Faculty Workshop
at the University of Virginia School of Law (November 16, 2006).
Intimacy and Economic Exchange, Edward W. Clyde Scholar Lecture at the University of Utah,
S.J. Quinney College of Law (October 12, 2005).
Equal Protection, Constitution Day Lecture at the University of Minnesota Law School
(September 16, 2005).
The Canon of Family Law, Faculty Workshop at Pepperdine University School of Law
(November 2, 2004).
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Social Security in the United States, Inter-American Conference on Social Security — Meeting
in Mexico City on the Effects on Social Security of the Evolution of the Family and Family Law
(October 13, 2004).
The Canon of Family Law, Dean’s Lunch at Vanderbilt University Law School (September 28,
The Canon of Family Law, Faculty Workshop at the University of Minnesota Law School
(September 20, 2004).
The Canon of Family Law, Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum at Yale Law School (June 4-5,
The Patriot Act and Domestic Surveillance, Presentation at the University of Michigan Law
School (May 14, 2004).
The Canon of Family Law, Seventh Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law,
Culture and the Humanities held at the University of Connecticut School of Law (March 12-13,
The Canon of Family Law, Legal Theory Workshop at the University of Michigan Law School
(January 20, 2004).
The Canon of Family Law, University of Chicago Legal Forum Symposium on the Public and
Private Faces of Family Law (October 24-25, 2003).
The Law of Pregnancy Discrimination, University of Michigan Conference on Revisiting Birth
as an American Rite of Passage (October 18-19, 2003).
Mitigation and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Annual Meeting of the Law and Society
Association in Pittsburgh (June 5-8, 2003).
Mitigation and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Chicago’s Best Ideas Lecture at the
University of Chicago Law School (May 8, 2003).
Mitigation and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Faculty Workshop at the Northwestern
University School of Law (April 2, 2003).
Mitigation and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Sixth Annual Meeting of the Association for
the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities held at New York University and the Benjamin N.
Cardozo School of Law (March 7-9, 2003).
The Principle and Practice of Women’s “Full Citizenship”: A Case Study of Sex-Segregated
Public Education, University of Texas School of Law Conference on Subversive Legacies:
Learning from History/Constructing the Future (November 22-23, 2002).
Feminism and the Family, University of Pennsylvania Law School Conference on Law and the
“Disappearance” of Class in Twentieth-Century America (November 15-16, 2002).
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The Principle and Practice of Women’s “Full Citizenship”: A Case Study of Sex-Segregated
Public Education, Joint Meetings of the Canadian Law and Society Association and the Law and
Society Association held in Vancouver (May 30-June 1, 2002).
The Principle and Practice of Women’s “Full Citizenship”: A Case Study of Sex-Segregated
Public Education, Feminism and Legal Theory Project Workshop on Gender and Citizenship at
Cornell Law School (April 19-20, 2002).
The Principle and Practice of Women’s “Full Citizenship”: A Case Study of Sex-Segregated
Public Education, Fifth Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the
Humanities held at the University of Pennsylvania (March 8-9, 2002).
The Principle and Practice of Women’s “Full Citizenship”: A Case Study of Sex-Segregated
Public Education, Faculty Colloquium at the Emory University School of Law (November 28,
Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, Violence in America Series at Lehigh
University (November 14, 2001).
Parenthood Divided: A Legal History of the Bifurcated Law of Parental Relations, American
Society for Legal History Conference held in Chicago (November 8-11, 2001).
The Principle and Practice of Women’s “Full Citizenship”: A Case Study of Sex-Segregated
Public Education, Work in Progress Workshop at the University of Chicago Law School
(October 25, 2001).
Parenthood Divided: A Legal History of the Bifurcated Law of Parental Relations, Fourth
Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Law, Culture and the Humanities held at the
University of Texas in Austin (March 9-10, 2001).
Parenthood Divided: A Legal History of the Bifurcated Law of Parental Relations, Work in
Progress Workshop at the University of Chicago Law School (February 22, 2001).
Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum held
at Yale Law School (May 12-13, 2000).
Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, Third Annual Meeting of the Working
Group on Law, Culture and the Humanities held at the Georgetown University Law Center
(March 10-12, 2000).
Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, Work in Progress Workshop at the
University of Chicago Law School (November 18, 1999).
Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, Elizabeth Battelle Clark Legal History
Series at the Boston University School of Law (November 3, 1999).
Same-Sex Marriage Litigation, The Daily Report, AM 950 (February 10, 2015).
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The Law Should Do Much More to Protect Sibling Relationships When Families Fall Apart, (July 8, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined, WCCO’s News and Views with Roshini Rajkumar, CBS Radio
program (June 29, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined: Family Law’s Misguided “Common Sense,” American Constitution
Society BookTalk (June 5, 2014).
How Much Parental Leave Do We Take?, WCCO-TV News, CBS Television program (April 3,
What Do Parents Legally Owe Their Children?, WCCO-TV News, CBS Television program
(March 5, 2014).
Family Law Reimagined, World of Ideas, WBUR, Boston’s National Public Radio station
(December 19, 2010).
Presidential Power, WCCO-TV News, CBS Television program (March 30, 2009).
Same-Sex Marriage, WCCO-TV News, CBS Television program (May 16, 2008).
Executive Privilege, The Don Shelby Show, nationally-syndicated CBS Radio program (March
21, 2007).
Executive Privilege, Midday, nationally-syndicated Minnesota Public Radio program (March 21,
Social Meanings of Disability, Odyssey, nationally-syndicated Chicago Public Radio program
(March 23, 2005).
The State of Sexism, Odyssey, nationally-syndicated Chicago Public Radio program (January 17,
The Effects of Rape Shield Laws, Odyssey, nationally-syndicated Chicago Public Radio program
(August 16, 2004).
Discrimination and the Law, Odyssey, nationally-syndicated Chicago Public Radio program
(May 25, 2004).
The Politics of Childhood, Odyssey, nationally-syndicated Chicago Public Radio program
(March 25, 2004).
Constructing the Legal Subject, Odyssey, nationally-syndicated Chicago Public Radio program
(March 12, 2003).
Rape, Odyssey, nationally-syndicated Chicago Public Radio program (January 28, 2003).
Parenthood: Contemporary Conceptions of Parenthood in America, Odyssey, nationallysyndicated Chicago Public Radio program (October 15, 2002).
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Lead Editor of Constitutional Commentary (since 2007; editor since 2005).
All-University Promotion and Tenure (2009-2014; Chair, 2011-2014; Co-Chair,
Appointments (2005-2006, 2010-2011, 2012-2014).
Women’s Faculty Cabinet (2010-2013; Chair, Policies and Regulations
Dean Search (2007-2008).
Faculty Workshop (2006-2015; Chair, 2012-2013).
Faculty Recognition (2014-2015).
First Year Faculty Advisor (2014-2015).
Legal History Dissertation Committee (2010-2015).
Social Psychology Dissertation Committee (2015).
Bioethics Master’s Committee (2013-2015).
Erickson Graduate Fellowship in Law and History (2009-2013).
Consultative (2005-2008).
Tenure (2007-2008).
First Year Curriculum (2006-2007).
Robina Foundation (2005-2006; Chair, 2006).
Honor Code Appellate Review (2005-2006).
Teaching Prospects (2005-2006).
Appointments (1999-2001).
Legal History Program and Workshop (2002-2003).
Work-in-Progress Workshop (2001-2003).
Clerkships (1998-2001).
Library (1998-2001).
Faculty Advisor:
Bigelow Fellow Program (2001-2002).
Student Journals and Moot Court (2002-2003).
University of Chicago Law School Roundtable (2000-2001).
Editor of Public Law and Legal Theory Working Paper Series (2001-2003).
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Association of American Law Schools Section on Family and Juvenile Law:
Secretary-Treasurer (2015)
Chair-Elect (will serve in 2016)
Chair (will serve in 2017)
Executive Committee (since 2013)
Cambridge University Press
Harvard University Press
New York University Press
Oxford University Press
Yale University Press
Member, New York Bar (admitted 1998) and American Bar Association.
Program Committee for 2003 annual meeting, American Society for Legal History.
Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities.
Law and Society Association.
Last updated: February 13, 2015