St. Michael Catholic Church 1019 E. Pointer Trail Van Buren, Arkansas Rev. Clayton Gould, Pastor Domingo López, Deacon February 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome! We, the parish community of St. Michael Catholic Church in Van Buren, Arkansas, know that we are part of the Body of Christ. Our call is to make Christ present in our own lives and the lives of those with whom we associate. We do this through prayer, the celebration of the sacraments, religious education, and the example of our lives of faith, hope, and love. Weekend masses / Misas de Sábado y Domingo Saturday (Sábado): 4 p.m. Sunday (Domingo): 8 a.m. (Español) 10 a.m. (English) Weekday masses / Misas de la semana Wednesday (Miércoles) 5:30 p.m. in the chapel* (en la capilla) Thursday (Jueves) 12:00 noon in the chapel** (en la capilla) Friday (Viernes) 8:00 a.m. in the chapel (en la capilla) * in the church the fourth Wed. of each month ** in the church the first Thur. Of each month Reconciliation / Confesiones Wednesday (Miércoles) 5:00 p.m. In the chapel (en la capilla) Saturday (Sábado) 3:30 p.m. or call for appointment (También por cita.) Marriages /Matrimonios Quinceañeras Please contact the Parish Office 6 months in advance. Favor de llamar a la oficina a 6 meses de antelación Baptisms (Bautismos) Please call the Parish Office M-F between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Parish Membership We welcome you to our Catholic community. In order for us to better serve you, we invite you to become a registered member of our parish. Please call or come by the parish office to register. Bienvenidos a nuestra familia católica. Le invitamos a ud. hacerse miembro inscribido de la parroquia. La forma está disponible en la oficina de la parroquia. We welcome Kerin Pineda, Dana Valente and their son Kevin. They are the newest members of our Parish family. A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” Mark 1: 40-41 Office: 1019 E. Pointer Trail Phone: (479) 471-1211 Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday Fax: (479) 471-1219 Email: Website: Rectory: Phone: (479) 474-4595 Email: Office and Ministries: Deacon: Domingo López 208-0524 Business mgr.: Vince Prince 471-1211 Secretary: Bruce Hoffsommer 471-1211 Altar Society: Barbara Doyle 471-1453 Bereavement Dinners Marilyn Boyd 474-5329 or Beth Everett 208-3947 Annulments Kevin Andersen 221-2439 Patricia Chaffin 471-3334 Patt Johnson 471-6957 Music Director: Bruce Hoffsommer 719-2820 Hispanic coordinator: Martin Gonzalez 461-5249 Knights: Don Chaffin 471-3334 Parish Council: Jess Spence 650-1954 Religious Ed.: Carlene Ewing 632-4374 R.C.I.A.: Vince & Kelly Prince 420-5694 Youth: Joseph & Lucretia Meinardus 997-8497 Sacristan: Don Chaffin 471-3334 Liturgical Servers Schedule February 14 and 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, February 14, 2015 4:00 p.m. Altar Server Shacy Johnson Altar Server Chloe Johnson Extraordinary Min. Richard Doyle Extraordinary Min. Mary Frauenhoff Lector Fines Batchelor Usher John Bivens Usher Pat Huff Usher William Schemel Usher James Shelby February 18 Please check weekly; changes are frequently necessary. Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:00 a.m. Altar Server Samantha Chick Altar Server Emily Rickner Extraordinary Min. Flo Bartley Extraordinary Min. Terry Bogner Extraordinary Min. Deena Dunn Extraordinary Min. Tonia Fry Extraordinary Min. T. C. Long Lector Adam Prince Usher Richard Henry Usher Art Sellers Usher Gary Wellnitz Usher Dewey Woody Ash Wednesday - The Beginning of Lent Ash Wednesday February 18, 2015 Altar Server Altar Server Extraordinary Min. Extraordinary Min. Extraordinary Min. Extraordinary Min. Extraordinary Min. Lector Usher Usher Usher Usher 7 p.m. Ethan Harris Josephine Meinardus Kevin Andersen Lorene Andersen Mary Burdick Annie Woody Dewey Woody John & Nilda Timbs John Bivens Leonard Blaschke Mike Burdick James Shelby February 21 and 22, 2015 NOTE: The 7 p.m. Mass will be the only Mass at St. Michael Church on Ash Wednesday. There will be no morning Mass nor the usual Mass at 5:30 p.m. 1st Sunday of Lent Saturday, February 21, 2015 4:00 p.m. Altar Server Ethan Harris Altar Server Dillon Ramsey Extraordinary Min. June Lott Extraordinary Min. Brian Ramsey Lector Amy Ramsey Usher Mark Morgan Usher Mark Schemel Usher William Schemel Usher James Shelby February 28 - March 1, 2015 Sunday, February 22, 2015 Youth Mass Altar Server Altar Server Extraordinary Extraordinary Extraordinary Extraordinary Extraordinary Lector Ushers Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. 10:00 a.m. Seylor Cluck Emily Rickner Leonard Blaschke Judy Bossarte Kathy Fritts Jo Ann Lehnen Kaleigh Mack Youth lector Youth ushers 2nd Sunday of Lent Saturday, February 28, 2015 4:00 p.m. Altar Server Ethan Harris Altar Server Dillon Johnson Extraordinary Min. John Bivens Extraordinary Min. Judy Bivens Lector John & Nilda Timbs Usher Richard Doyle Usher Mark Morgan Usher Mark Schemel Usher William Schemel Sunday, March 1, 2015 10:00 a.m. Altar Server Cecilia Long Altar Server Terrance Meinardus Extraordinary Min. Flo Bartley Extraordinary Min. Mayra Marciano Extraordinary Min. Michael Mohr Extraordinary Min. Art Sellers Extraordinary Min. Sylvia Timmons Lector Patricia Chaffin Usher Richard Henry Usher Nickolas Henson Usher Mark Lehnen Usher James Mack PRAY FOR: Mass Intentions Sun., Feb. 15 8 a.m. Dc. Domingo López (birthday) by Leon & Anne Bormaster Sun., Feb. 15 10 a.m. For the Parish Mon., Feb. 16 no Mass Tue., Feb. 17 no Mass Wed., Feb. 18 7 p.m. Ash Wednesday Thur., Feb. 19 12:00 noon Fri., Feb. 20 8 a.m. Sat., Feb. 21 4 p.m. † Bob Carmack (Names may be removed after six weeks unless the office is notified.) (by Kathy Carmack-Meyer) 526 254 114 Registered Families Envelopes assigned Envelopes used Regular Collection……………………………………………... Sunday Collection: $ 15,690.24 Black & Indian Missions: 22.00 Central & Eastern Europe: 5.00 Building Fund: 191.00 Campaign ‘08: 5.00 Catholic Education: 35.00 Hall rental: 40.00 from votive candles: 68.00 Total of Regular Collection: $ 16,058.24 On-line contributions…………………………………………. Sunday Collection: $ 2,180.00 Central & Eastern Europe: 90.00 Building Fund: 280.00 Catholic Education: 30.00 Total of on-line collection: $ 2,580.00 Total of all collections: $ 18,638.24 Weekly Budget: $ 6,033.08 Over / (Under): Ed Ussery, Kirsten McKay, Ed & Jeanne LeClercq, Janie Willems, Magdalena Rice, Frankie Batchelor, Barbara Taylor, Sarah & Reyes Ruiz, Gerry Miller, Gerry Stallman, Bob Dunlap, Arthur Terceira, Heath Spence, Virginia Carmack, Jodi Greer, Charlie Crook, Dorothy Wright, Marcus Goodnoh, John Fritts, Ashley Boyd, Carlene Ewing, Stephanie Fudge, Nilda Timbs, Beverly Crowe, Rachel Sikma, Jearla Medlock, Gregg Jacob, Irma Reed, Joe Robertson, Dorothy Adams, Willie Dixon, Estelle Harrison, and all who are serving in the military and their families. Readings for the week of February 15, 2015 Sun: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31–11:1/Mk 1:40-45 Mon: Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13 Tue: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Mk 8:14-21 Wed: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20–6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thur: Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Fri: Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Sat: Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sun: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 The Flowers on the Altar are given in memory of Joe Prue Flower donations: (No flower donations during Lent. Donations will resume the weekend of April 11, 12.) $ 12,605.16 February 2015 offertory: Money to bank: Sat. Richard & Barbara Doyle Money to bank: Sun. Jo Ann Lehnen Monday counter: Barbara Doyle Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. (chapel) & Sat. (church) February Mon Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Office Closed No Mass Altar Society Crafting 8:30 a.m. Mass Mass 8 a.m. Reconciliation Mass 8 a.m. (H) 12:00 noon 3 p.m. Mass 10 a.m. Youth Mass Choir 7:00 p.m. Bible Study 12:30 p.m. No Mass Pickle Ball 8:30 a.m. Bible Study 6 p.m. R.C.I.A. 6 p.m. A Love that lasts Ash Wednesday Mass Imposition of ashes 7 p.m. No Youth Choir No P.R.E. Choir (H) 6 p.m. Knights of Columbus Fish Fry 5 - 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross 7 p.m. English (church) Spanish (chapel) (Reconciliation during stations) Prayer Group (H) 7:30 p.m. Rosary 3:30 p.m. Mass 4 p.m. Sunday “Why Catholic” 11 a.m. Confirmation Class 6:00 p.m. No P.R.E. classes Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Confirmation Class meets this weekend at 6 p.m. DATES TO REMEMBER: Wed., Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday - P.R.E. classes will not meet, but students need to attend Mass with their parents. Sun., Feb. 22 Youth Mass Wed., Feb. 25 3rd grade reconciliation; Mass with Fr. Clayton in the church 5:30 p.m. Parents are encouraged to attend. Wed., Feb. 25 Required meeting of parents of 1st grade students In the Parish Hall at 7 p.m. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Annual CASA collection: The 2015 Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) began last week. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to support the overall needs of the church in our diocese. The annual goal for St. Michael Parish is $8,833.43. If you have not already mailed your pledge or contribution, please do so as soon as possible. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Collection for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe The second collection this weekend is for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and train seminarians in a region that still struggles from the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the collection. Visit (search "Church in Central and Eastern Europe") to learn more. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Laws of fasting and abstinence: 1. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. 2. The law of fasting allows one full meal and two smaller ones. 3. The law of abstinence prohibits the eating of meat. 4. The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence in the United States. 5. The obligation of abstinence begins at age 14. 6. The law of fasting obliges all between the ages of 18-59. 7. Pastors and parents are to see to it that minors, though not bound by the law of fast and abstinence, are educated in the authentic sense of penance and encouraged to do acts of penance suitable to their age. 8. All members of the Christian faithful are encouraged to do acts of penance and charity beyond what is prescribed by the law. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 45th Annual I.C. Spaghetti Dinner is scheduled for Sun., Feb. 22 from 4 to 7 p.m. Tickets are available through the I.C. school office or at the door. Adults $10, children $5. You can dine in the Galvin Parish Center or pick up your dinner through the drive-thru on A street. Proceeds go to Immaculate Conception school. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Arkansas Catholic Subscription Drive Arkansas Catholic, the weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Little Rock, offers complete print and digital subscriptions. Subscriptions are $26 a year ($24 for seniors). Envelopes are available at your church or by calling (501) 664-0125. Arkansas Catholic Digital is available the same day it’s published anywhere you have an internet connection. Log on to and sign up for only $12.95 a year. Call (501) 664-0125 if you are already a paid subscriber to the print edition and want to receive the digital addition also. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEARCH #136 RETREAT Registrations are now being accepted for Search #136, a retreat for juniors and seniors in high school to get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search #136 will be held at St. John Center, Little Rock, April 17 - 19, 2015. The fee is $120.00. For more information and registration forms visit our website at: If you have questions you may contact Trish Gentry at the Diocese of Little Rock Youth Ministry office: 501-664-0340, ext 418. Scholarships are available for those wishing to attend that are in need of financial assistance. Please contact Liz or Trish for more information. Scholarship applications may be found at the following link: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PROTECTING CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE: The Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by clerics, church volunteers, or church workers, please contact the Diocese of Little Rock at (501) 664-0340, ext. 366 and the state of Arkansas hotline for crimes against children at (800) 482-5964. For pastoral guidance, contact Drs. George & Sherry Simon at (501) 766-6001. Crawford County Adult Education Center Phone: 479-471-0019 Fax: 479-471-0090 605 Alma Blvd. Circle Van Buren, AR 72956 GED • Literacy • Citizenship Classes • Computer Classes Adult Education • Workplace Education • TABE Testing This space available For your ad. Call 471-1211 Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Royal MATTRESS CENTER The Mattress of choice Lady Englander 479-410-2016 1322 E. Main ● Van Buren, Arkansas 72956 Velvet Barrows, M.S., PT Owner - Physical Therapist Total Rehabilitation, Inc. Physical Therapy 5905 Remington Circle • Fort Smith, AR 72903 PH (479) 452-7773 • Fax (479) 452-7774 Knights of Columbus, Council 9777 Van Buren, AR Help your parish and community by becoming a Knight. For more information, contact John Harris, Membership Director, Don Chaffin, Grand Knight, or any of the Knights of our council. Cakes for All Occasions Donuts-Cookies-Pastries Party Supplies-Balloons 1800 East Main Owned & operated by the Lehnen family since 1959 Van Buren, AR 72956 Dustin Booth Agent, Lic. #404745 1612 N. 7th, Suite D Van Buren, AR 72956-2673 Bus. 479-262-2781 Fax 866-541-4699 trailers (479) 474-7044
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