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Sunday, February 15, 2015
Serving the Parish of St. Kilian
Mission Statement
The Catholic family of St. Kilian Parish, guided by the Holy Spirit and nourished by God’s Word and
the Eucharist, building on our Benedictine tradition of welcome, prayer and liturgy, seeks to be a
vibrant, faith-filled community, committed to worshiping God, loving God and witnessing God in and
through our neighbor.
Mr. Victor Albanese - Trustee
Mr. Pierre Lehmuller - Trustee
Deacon Frank Barone
Mr. Richard Merzbacher
Mr. Edward A. Smith
Deacon William Weiss
Mr. Stephen G. Wilson
Mrs. Carol Budinoff
Mrs. Anne Carter
Mrs. Addie DeVincentis
Mr. Timothy Fierst
Mr. Brian McKenna
Mrs. Elizabeth Noveck
Mrs. Suzi Picciano
Mr. James Porter (Chairman)
Mr. David Rodenburg
Pastoral Council e-mail
St. Kilian Parish Web
Parish e-mail addresses:
Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in
the church. Spanish Baptisms are celebrated on the 4th Sunday of the month at 2 p.m.
Parents are required to participate in one Sacramental Preparation session. These
meetings are held on the first and third Sunday of each month. After attending the
9:30am Mass, parents should proceed to the Parish Center (below the church) for the
Baptism Preparation Class. Godparents are welcome. Please call the rectory to arrange
an interview with a deacon or priest to register for the preparation session and the
Baptism ceremony. Additional information on Baptism is available on the parish website:
e-mail addresses
Father Bruce Powers - Pastor
Father Michael Duffy
Sr. Mary Jane Kelly - Religious
Confessions are heard in the church on Mondays, 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Saturdays, 4:00- Mrs. Nina Petersen - Social
4:45 p.m.; and in the rectory by appointment. Confessions are not heard on Mondays Ministry/Outreach
that are Holy Days or public holidays. Confessions in Spanish by appointment.
Please call the rectory at (516)249-0127.
Mr. Paul Phinney - Music -
Marriage arrangements should be made with a deacon or priest at least six months
before the proposed wedding date. No dates for marriage will be given over the phone. Mr. Frank Shanley - Business
Note: The interview to schedule the marriage date at St. Kilian should be completed
Manager -
before commitments are made with a catering hall. Additional information is available
on the parish website:
Support Staff
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick may be received by any Catholic who is
preparing for surgery, or is of advanced age, or is seriously ill. The sacrament is the
Church’s prayer for health and healing and should not be delayed until there is danger
of death. Please call the rectory to speak with a priest. Also, to arrange for Communion
to be brought to the homebound, please call the Parish Social Ministry/Outreach Office
at (516)756-9656
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – RCIA (Becoming A Catholic)
Anyone who is inquiring about becoming a Catholic, and who has not been baptized, or
who has been baptized in another Christian community is invited to inquire into the
RCIA. Please call the rectory for information at (516)249-0127.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Mrs. Eileen Donohue - Bulletin /
Website -
Mrs. Barbara Geary - Secretary
Mrs. Maureen Ihm - Secretary
Mrs. Antoinette Pusateri Accounting Admin.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Lent - The Traditional Practices: Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving
The word ‘Lent’ comes
from an Anglo-Saxon word
meaning ‘springtime’.
How appropriate this is
because Lent is a forty
day retreat in which we do
some spring cleaning in our
spiritual life and prepare through prayer, fasting,
and generous giving to the poor and needy, for
the great feast of Easter. What are you doing in
Lent in preparation for the Easter feast?
I. Prayer
The God of love and compassion continually
desires to speak to our hearts. Lent is a time to
quiet down and give God a chance to speak in the
silence. Opening our hearts and minds to God is
the essence of prayer. Bringing a contemplative
awareness of God’s presence, and making an
effort to be conscious of God coming to us in
people, places and events is vitally important. It
is a simple thing to wake up each morning and for
a few moments ask the Lord to bless this day
with loving care. Repeat the name of Jesus
throughout the day in rhythm with your
Simply the desire to pray is a prayer, and all
of us are just beginning to allow God to break
into our lives in whatever each day brings.
Coming to daily Mass (7;9; or12:15), offering
prayer before meals, the Rosary, quiet
contemplation; all renew our lives. At the end of
each day just take five minutes to look back at all
that took place; conversations we had, people
that we met, and how God revealed his love to us.
II. Fasting
The Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
requirements to abstain from meat and eat one
full meal on those days (with the other two meals
combined not equaling a full meal), is a practice
designed to put us in solidarity with the poor of
the world. (60+ are not required to fast but must
abstain from meat.)
Most of the world’s population goes to
bed hungry at night and suffers from
malnutrition. Fasting aids our prayer. It
makes it easier to listen to God and
heightens our consciousness of God’s
presence and action in our lives. By fasting,
we can become physically a little more
aware of the suffering people who have far
less than we can imagine.
III. Almsgiving
Good stewards place God first. We do
not give God and our neighbor the leftovers
of our week; whether this includes our time,
our talent or our financial resources.
Generosity is an attitude of gratitude. No
matter how much we have, everything is a
gift and given to us by God to be shared;
given away in love. We need to give in order
to find ourselves. The forty days of Lent are
a wonderful time to renew the practice of
self-sacrificing generosity to our parish, our
diocese, and the community in which we live.
This is a time of economic hardship
throughout our nation. 45 million live below
the poverty line. Returning the first hour of
your work week in the Offertory, as a gift
back to God, is a virtuous practice. Can you
increase your church offering during Lent?
Have you contributed to Outreach? The
Catholic Ministries Appeal?
“If you bestow your bread on the hungry
and satisfy the afflicted; then light shall rise
for you in the darkness, and the gloom shall
become for you like midday....” (Isaiah 58)
Peace, Father Bruce
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Mass Intentions For The Week
SUNDAY - February 15 - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary
Time - Readings: 1st—Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46’; 1
Corinthians 10:31—11:1; Gospel—Mark 1:40-45
John “Doc” Paci, Sr.
For the Parishioners of St. Kilian
Nan Kester
Jon Peter D’Angelo
12:30pm Katherine Twning
James Joseph Lavelle
James Cioffi
Doreen Winter & Family
MONDAY - February 16 - Weekday
Anthony Giammalvo
Patrick O’Sullivan
Saturday, February 21
5:00 p.m.
Fr. Bruce
6:15 p.m.
Fr. Antonio
7:30 p.m.
Fr. Duffy
TUESDAY - February 17 - Weekday
Joe Fugallo
Rosemary Horan
WEDNESDAY - February 18 - Ash Wednesday
Louis Ojeda
Antonio Mastroianni
Sister Frances Birmingham
12:15pm Agatha Lombardo
6:00pm Spanish Mass
7:30pm Alana Michele Davidson
THURSDAY - February 19
For the Parishioners of St. Kilian
Deceased Members of Iwo Jima - 1945
12:15pm Genevieve Lougers
FRIDAY - February 20
Albert Ehrsam
Nina Dituri
12:15pm August & Maria Diemicke
SATURDAY - February 21
For the Parishioners of St. Kilian
5:00pm Anthony & Cecilia Apicella & Family
Lisa Steck
Sheila Elizabeth Valvo
George J. Thorman
7:30pm John Ianno
SUNDAY - February 22 - First Sunday of Lent Readings: 1st—Genesis 9:8-15; 2nd—1 Peter 3:18-22;
Gospel—Mark 1:12-15
Josephine Buonpane
Josephine Buonpane
For the Parishioners of St. Kilian
Ryan M. Oehl
12:30pm Edlen Pearson
Clifton Sr. & Clifton, Jr. Henning
Amelia Grace Coleman
Charles Thomas Giamanco - Lazos
James Peter Giamanco - Lazos
Harper Louise Monahan
Brian Timothy O’Rourke
Derin Douglass Sora
Pietro Anthony Vaccasa
Bella Lucia Vargas
Peter James Weinert
Sunday, February 22
7:00 a.m.
Fr. Bruce
8:00 a.m.
Fr. Gus
9:30 a.m.
Fr. Antonio
11:00 a.m.
Fr. Bruce
12:30 p.m.
Fr. Antonio
Readings for the Week of February 15, 2015
Next Sunday:
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31—11:1/
Mk 1:40-45
Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13
Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Mk 8:14-21
Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20—6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32
Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Volunteers are needed to clean and press the Altar
linens used in the Church. If you can help, please call
Deacon George Owen at the Rectory at (516)2490127
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
As a praying community,
we automatically ask
prayers for all those who
are ill. Names added to
the list will remain on for
a maximum of 3 weeks.
If the individual is still in need of prayers, the
office would have to be notified to continue for
an additional 3 weeks. If you do not desire to
be listed, please inform us.
The following are the weekly collections for:
February 7, 8, 2015 .......$24,011.37
(Last year 2014) ............$22,115.00
February 7, 8, 2015 ...............2213
(Last year 2014) .....................2091
Parish Collection report-Weekend of Feb. 7, 8, 2015
Number Of
Amt. in Env.
5pm - Sat.
6:15pm-Sat. 24
7:30pm -Sat 54
Mail in Envelopes:
Total: $24,011.37
Bulletin Reflection:
In today’s second reading, St. Paul urges the Corinthians
to “do all for the glory of God.” If we follow that advice in
everything we do, we cannot help but be good stewards!
Living Stewardship:
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish
who use their gifts to welcome and offer hospitality to
those who are frequently shunned...the stranger, the
immigrant, the AIDS sufferer, the mentally ill and the
Frank Burnside; Msgr. Tom Hartman; Sarita
Donald; Denise Wagner; Helen Norjen; John
Nelson,Sr. John Nelson; Kerri Ihm;
Rosemarie Oliver; Matthew Malley; Bill
Johnson; Frances T. Sicari; Fred Rigolini;
Helene Klem; Carol Gering; Ellen Morse;
Angela D’Amico; Nancy Martell.
And prayers for the children: Gwendolyn
Rose; Kyle Patrick Johnson; MacKenzie
Jordan Borchers; Jameson Frogge; Jillian
Cordi; Baby Julia Rose Manno; Olivia
We are currently in
need of usher assistance
for the following
weekend Masses:
Saturday evening - 7:30PM
Sunday - 7AM, 8AM & 12:30PM
We would appreciate parishioners
stepping up to assist with the above
needs as well as special “on call” ushers
for Ash Wednesday and Easter Masses.
John Fitzpatrick (516)385-1718
Frank Shanley (516)249-0127 or fax
The rectory office will be
closed on Monday,
February 16th in
observance of the
President’s Day holiday. There will be no
confessions in the afternoon
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Wednesday February 18, 2015
Ashes will be distributed during the
Masses at
7a.m., 8 a.m., and 9 a.m.
and 12:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Spanish Mass at 6:00 p.m. in the Church.
Ashes will also be distributed at a Prayer
Service at 4 p.m. in the Church.
Rules and Regulations
Abstinence from Meat:
All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are
bound to abstain entirely from meat on Ash Wednesday
and all the Fridays of Lent including Good Friday. There
is no upper age limit for the requirement of abstinence.
All Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are bound to
observe the law of fast on Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday. This means limiting oneself to a single full meal
and two smaller meals and avoiding food between meals.
We are encouraged also to voluntarily fast other days
during Lent. Sundays and Feast Days are not days of fast
and abstinence. (Feast days include St. Joseph, March
Dispensations from Abstinence and Fasting: We are not
to consider ourselves lightly excused from the laws of Fast
and Abstinence. However, with a good reason, one may
excuse oneself but substitute another penitential practice
to compensate.
Easter Duty
All Catholics who have received First Communion are
required to receive Communion at least once during the
Easter Season which includes the time between Ash
Wednesday and Trinity Sunday. Catholics are also to
receive the Sacrament of Penance once a year. If
Confession is required before receiving Communion then
that would be required during the Easter Season. One
must be absolved from all mortal sins before receiving
Father Bruce Powers will be offering two
Seminars on Saturday afternoons in Lent and
Easter. “The Suffering and Death of Jesus” will
be offered Saturdays - March 14; March 21; and
March 28. Each seminar class will begin at 1pm
and end by 2:30pm. Please bring your Bible.
“The Resurrection of Christ”
seminar will be offered Saturdays May 2; May 9; and May 16. Again
beginning at 1pm and ending by
2:30pm. Please bring your Bible.
The Seminar will be held in the Rectory
Meeting Room unless larger space is needed.
Register as soon as possible by emailing the
parish secretary listed in our parish Bulletin at, or phone the rectory.
There will be a donation of $20 for materials.
Retreat Leader
Passio ing
to Luk
The Little Black Book
Six-minute meditations
on the Passion according
to Luke
Books are available on the bulletin stands this
weekend. Place take only one per family.
A $1.00 donation would be appreciated.
Please place your donation in the Poor Boxes.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
St. Kilian Women’s Guild
“Evening of Recollection”
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Mass in the Church at 6 P.M.
Followed by light Supper
in the Blue Room
The Lenten Season has always been a special time
for the Youth Ministry here at St. Kilian.
Guest Speaker:
Father Michael F. Duffy
For more information
call Iris at (516) 249-8538
or Lorraine at (516) 694-8943
$15.00 per person
SKY Fast is a 30 hour fast that Youth Ministry has
participated in for the past 35 years. This year it will
take place from Saturday, February 28th to Sunday,
March 1st. The teens wear t-shirts with the logo and
theme to collect money after all of the Masses that
weekend. The money then gets distributed to the
following organizations:
1. HEC (Handicapped Encounter Christ) for adults
on Long Island with special needs.
2. Catholic Charities Hostels located on Long Island
for the Developmentally Disabled: Ryan, Seton &
Virdone Residences.
“All Are Welcome”
3. St. Kilian Social ministry - All toiletries that are
needed at Outreach.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent
at 7:00 p.m.
Weekday Masses during Lent
Monday through Friday 7:00, 9:00 a.m. & 12:15 p.m.
Saturday - 7:30 a.m.
Sunday Night Adoration
Every Sunday during Lent there will be
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from
7:00 to 8:00 PM in the church. Exposition is
for adoration, quiet time with the Lord.
Before your hectic week begins, come and
spend some time alone with the Lord. Jesus
frequently brought his apostles away to pray with
Him. He invites you to be with Him in quiet prayer if
not for the hour at least for a few minutes. The hour
will conclude with a brief Night Prayer and
On Monday and Tuesday evening of Holy Week, the
students have been visiting the hostels for the past 30
years for an evening of singing and guitar playing.
These events have been so popular that kids come
back from college each year to join in the music and
visit the residents who consider our youth as family.
On the evening of Good Friday, the Youth Ministry
performs the Living Stations of the Cross, a very
meaningful portrayal of Our Lord’s final days. The
Stations are presented in the Church.
We encourage all of our Youth to join in the Lenten
Activities of the Youth Ministry.
Contact Youth Minister DJ Schultz: or
to volunteer and for any information
Join Sky facebook page@ (Sky) and be a
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Feb. 15 (Sunday)
Baptism Preparation Class -10:30am - Parish Ctr.
Scouts - Pinewood Derby - 11am - Cafeteria
CYO Basketball 1:30pm - 9:30pm - Auditorium
Alanon Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Feb. 16 (Monday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Divorced/Separated - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr
Miraculous Medal Novena - 7:30pm - St. Benedict
Eucharistic Adoration - 8pm - St. Benedict
Feb. 17 (Tuesday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
CYO Basketball 4pm - Auditorium
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 6:30pm - Social Ministry
Conference Room
NA Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Feb. 18 (Wednesday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Bible Study - 10:30am - 12:30pm - Parish Ctr
CYO Basketball 4pm - Auditorium
AA Support Meeting - 7pm - Parish Ctr.
Spanish Charismatic Renewal - 7pm - Cafeteria
Scouts Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
Charismatic Prayer Group - 8pm - St. Benedict
Feb. 19 (Thursday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
Love & Lunch 10am - Parish Ctr.
Love & Dinner 6pm - Parish Ctr.
Feb. 20 (Friday)
Daily Rosary - 8:30am - Church
CYO Basketball - 4pm - Auditorium
AA Spanish Support Meeting -7pm-Parish Ctr.
Feb. 21 (Saturday)
Spanish Youth Group - 7:00pm - Cafeteria
Feb. 22 (Sunday)
CAMPS’R’Us Registration - 3pm - 4:30pm - School
SKYouth 6pm - Cafeteria
Alanon Meeting - 7:30pm - Parish Ctr.
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
St. Kilian’s goal for this year has been
reduced from $143,000 to $133,000 by the
Diocesan Catholic Ministries Appeal Office.
So far pledges total $26,805 which is
20.15% of our goal of $133,000.
“Have you made your pledge in support of
the Catholic Church on Long Island. Our
Lord needs you!”
Hockey Tickets for
A parishioner has
donated 2 tickets to the
NY Islanders –
Minnesota Wild hockey
game on March 24,
2015 at 7pm.
The tickets have a face value of $54 each.
Please make an offer for the tickets by
February 22nd by calling the rectory 249-0127
or email
The money will be donated to our Outreach for
the needy.”
Lent changes things
Alms change our spending habits from earth to
heaven. Fasting changes our eating habits from
fleshy indulgence to spiritual satisfaction. Prayer
changes our attitude from self-importance to humility.
So what we get from Lent is not simply a change of
liturgical cycles. We get a change of heart, a change
of attitude, a change of life.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
St. Kilian’s
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
On February 22, 2015 a collection will be taken for
“The Church in Need.” The monies collected at this
time will be shared among three areas of the world
where there is particular need for help:
Church in Central and Eastern Europe - the
Collection provides support for basic pastoral programs
and makes scholarships available for students studying to
serve their local church. These students become vital
participants in the renewal of the Church in the region.
The Church in Latin America faces many
difficult challenges. Natural disasters in many areas
caused lasting damage to the Church, while a significant
loss of parishioners to migration and to other faiths, the
inability to support itself financially, and a lack of priests
and religious to help effectively minister to the large
number of Catholics continue to trouble the region.
The Church in Africa – the funds will go to
assisting African countries where poverty, sickness and
political strife prevent people from living in dignity.
Thank you for your generosity.
There will be only one collection next weekend, so
please place your envelope for the Church in Need in
the regular collection
We are looking for all eligible
Players who are interested in
directing this summer’s show or
serving on the Play Selection
Committee. The following criteria
are necessary:
Play Selection Committee: Participation in 3 St. Kilian
Player productions. Must be at least a Junior in High School.
Board Members & family members of would-be-directors
are excluded.
Director: Shall be a member 30 years of age or older
with two years involvement with the St. Kilian Players.
Director must be active member of St. Kilian Parish.
All letters of intent should be sent to the St. Kilian
Players at the rectory or via e-mail at and must be received by February
27, 2015. Prospective directors and play selection
committee members will meet on March 29, 2015, at
Youth Events for Middle and
High School Teens:
2/15 NO SKY Meetings (Winter Break)
2/20 5pm -6pm Music Choir Practice Church Music
for our choir!
2/20 6:30pm – 10:30pm Meet at rectory parking lot
for Holy Hour / Dodgeball for a ride and we’ll
drive to St Ignatius of Loyola, Hicksville
2/22 9:30am Youth Mass in Church (all teens are
invited to sit and sing with us)
8am rehearsal in church music room
2/22 6pm-9pm SKY meets at school cafeteria (rear
basement entrance) for hockey, pizza, and faith
talk+ We then move Church food collection to
pantry and then…….
Stations of the Cross practice in Church (pickup
@ church 9pm)
2/28 and 3/1 SKY’S Annual 30 Hour Fast / Retreat
Saturday 12pm drop off at cafeteria entrance
(playground lot)
Sunday 7pm pick up at cafeteria after we
break the fast with feast. Parents are invited to
feast with us J starting at 6pm.
Permission slips will be available at drop-off
and are required.
Contact Youth Minister DJ Schultz: or to volunteer and for any information
Join Sky facebook page@ (Sky) and be a member+
St. Vincent de Paul Society
In the Gospel today Jesus moved with pity touched the
leper and healed him. Let us pray today for the grace to
be generous with our gifts to help those who are suffering
By your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you
indeed put your faith into action as you bring healing to
the poor, hungry and weeping.
If you are in need of assistance or would like
information about joining or contributing to the Society,
please call 516-473-9562. Leave a message and a
phone number. A member will return your call as soon as
possible. You may visit our website at
Please remember the Poor Boxes at the exits of the
church. They are the Bread Boxes of the poor and
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Outreach is our parish community’s response to the Gospel call to help those in need.
We serve anyone who lives within our parish boundaries regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.
We are located at 140 Elizabeth Street but our main entrance is in the parking lot facing Conklin Street.
We are also available certain Saturdays by appointment only. Spanish translators are available Tuesdays and Fridays.
For further information please call 516-756-9656
Nina Petersen, Director of Outreach
This week our pantry could use the items listed below. Just drop your donation in the bin in
the gathering space of the church or bring it to Outreach during our regular business
Shelf-Stable Milk (Borden, Parmalat, etc)
Pancake Syrup
Hot Chocolate
Did you know we offer Employment Assistance (resume writing, interview coaching, job search tips)? Our
Employment Counselor is here Thursdays from 11:00am to 2:30pm. If interested, call for an appointment.
Love & Lunch/Love & Dinner: Join our vibrant and loving groups of women for lunch/dinner and discussions on
improving our relationships at home, work, etc. Both groups meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Lunch
meets from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm and Dinner meets from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, in the lower level of the Church.
WIC is a supplemental food program for pregnant women, postpartum women up to 6 months, infants and children up to age 5
and families with low income. WIC provides food assistance, nutrition education and breastfeeding support. Referrals are made
to medical and human services. Call 631-842-4123 or come to the WIC office at 143 Schleigel Blvd, Amityville, NY 11701
Are you having trouble paying for heat and/or saving on home energy this season?
If so, you may be eligible for one of many programs available to LOW INCOME residents, such as:
· HEAP- A federally funded annual supplement to assist households with heating costs.
Regular Heap benefits are available to income-eligible households that pay directly for heat or pay for heat in their rent.
For eligibility guidelines, see Applications can be made (1) online at https:// OR (2) senior citizens call the Office of the Aging (Nassau: 516-227-7386, Suffolk: 631-8538326) OR (3) all others call: EAC in Nassau at 516-565-4327 or Central HEAP in Suffolk 631-853-8825. SNAP/TA
recipients should be automatically enrolled. Call Outreach for further information. Emergency Heap- the household must
have already received a regular heap benefit and be in an “emergency situation”. Heating included in rent is not eligible.
EMERGENCY HEAP OPENED JAN 2nd. HEAP Heating Equipment Repair and Replacement- is available to help
income-eligible homeowners repair or replace furnaces, boilers and other direct heating components necessary to keep
the home’s primary heating source functional. To receive a benefit, an application must be made in person at the local
dept of social services.
· REAP- is a LIPA program for income-eligible customers designed to help lower electric bills. In addition to
surveying the home, LIPA may install energy efficient refrigerators, bulbs, electric water heater insulating jackets, water
flow devices, a/c filter replacements, air / duct sealing, duct insulation. You are eligible if you have a LIPA account
number, live in 1-4 family primary residence, and meet the income guidelines. To learn more, check http://, call 1-800-263-6786 or e-mail
· PROJECT WARMTH – a local, EMERGENCY fuel assistance fund administered by United Way of LI to help
with a fuel and/or fuel-related electricity crisis. Applications cannot be made directly through United Way; Outreach can
process these applications for eligible individuals or families. Applicant must show a heating and/or fuel-related electric bill
in applicant’s name and address that is in termination, pending disconnect or severely overdue, or be financially unable to
secure heating when tank is empty/near empty. Note- HEAP-eligible individuals MUST apply to HEAP before being
considered for Project Warmth. Those who received Project Warmth benefits for 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 heating
seasons are not eligible.
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
A Tour of a Catholic Church
by Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M., S.T.D.
been the tabernacle (tabernaculum,
Latin for “tent”), the “little house” in
which the Blessed Sacrament was
kept. The tabernacle was the first thing
I looked for upon entering a church.
The little golden door on the high altar
with a red lamp burning before it was
the sure sign that I was in a Catholic
The altar is the holy table upon which
we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. It
functions as both altar of sacrifice and
banquet table for the Eucharist, and is
both “a memorial of Christ’s death and
resurrection” and “a paschal banquet
‘in which Christ is eaten, the heart is
filled with grace, and a pledge of future
glory given to us’”(Second Vatican
Council, Constitution on the Sacred
Liturgy, 47, quoting St. Thomas
Aquinas). No ordinary table would be
able to bear the weight of these
symbolic functions; that is why this
table “should be the most noble, the
most beautifully designed and
constructed table the community can
provide” (Environment, 71).
When the Eucharist is celebrated the
table is covered with an altar cloth or
table cloth. On the altar is placed the
bread and wine for Mass. The bread is
on a bread plate or paten (from
patella, meaning “platter,” “plate”) and
the wine is poured into a chalice (from
calix, the Latin word for “cup” or
We will also find in this area a cross
or crucifix. This may be a
processional cross with a floor stand
or a cross hanging from the ceiling or
on the wall. In the cross we see the
basic symbol of any Christian liturgical
celebration. For in the Paschal
Mystery of Christ we find our own
image as a Christian community.
When I was a child, the climax of a
tour of a Catholic church would have
Today, with increasing frequency, we
will not find a tabernacle on our tour of
the assembly area of a Catholic
church. When Catholics enter their
parish church and do not immediately
see the tabernacle, it is evident that
more has changed than just
rearranging furniture—there has been
a major change in our understanding
of the Eucharist. This change has
upset not a few Catholics. We do not
like liturgists and architects tampering
with our faith, particularly our faith in
the real presence of our Lord in the
The reasons, the very important and
serious reasons, for taking the
tabernacle from the altar in the
sanctuary area and placing it in its
own eucharistic chapel are explained
in the Bishops’ statement on the
environment for worship: “The
celebration of the Eucharist is the
focus of the normal Sunday assembly.
As such, the major space of a church
is designed for this action. Beyond the
celebration of the Eucharist, the
Church has had a most ancient
tradition of reserving the Eucharistic
bread. The purpose of this reservation
is to bring communion to the sick and
to be the object of private devotion.
Most appropriately, this reservation
St. Kilian Catholic Church
should be designated in a space
designed for individual devotion. A
room or chapel specifically designed
and separate from the major space is
important so that no confusion can
take place between the celebration of
the Eucharist and reservation. Active
and static aspects of the same reality
cannot claim the same human attention
at the same time. Having the Eucharist
reserved in a place apart does not
mean it has been relegated to a
secondary place of no importance.
Rather, a space carefully designed
and appointed can give proper
attention to the reserved sacrament”
A lamp, often a red votive candle or
sanctuary lamp burning before the
tabernacle, has traditionally served
Catholics as the sign that the
consecrated bread is present there.
Other candles will be found in both
devotional areas and the assembly
area of the church. Once they were
primarily used to give light for reading
the Scriptures and celebrating the
sacred action. Even in our age of
electrical lighting, the symbolic
function of the candles remain—the
beautiful quality of candlelight—the
candle consumes itself in service of
the sacred mysteries. Sometimes
Catholics will light a votive candle in
front of a statue or shrine as a
reminder that their prayers continue
even after they leave the church.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
St. Kilian Respect Life
Instead of giving up snacks,
Consider Giving Up Some Of Your Time.
Saturdays, 10:30AM-11:30AM
Knights of Columbus - Knight At The Races
Friday, February 27, 2015
Tellers Open at 6:30pm
Meal at 7:00PM
Races Start at 8:00PM
1 Morton St. Farmingdale, NY 11735
(off Route 109 behind 7-11)
Tickets: $12 per person
(Includes Food, Beverages and Dessert)
For tickets call 516-755-2204
Employment Opportunity
Be a Suffolk County Police Officer
Apply Now at
Pray For the Babies & an END to Abortion
Special Opportunity for Spanish Speaking Applicants
Last Date for Filing is April 1, 2015 Exam date is June 13, 2015
Application Fee: $100.00
If you need assistance with applying online, call the
Department of Civil Service at 631-853-5500 for help.
This test is only offered every 4 years.
Requirements - minimum age of 19 years on date of test.
Maximum age, 34 years. Military candidates may have a period
of active military duty, up to six years, deducted from their age
for purposes of determining whether they meet the age
requirement. Education - High School Diploma - NO COLLEGE
REQUIRED.United States citizen at time of appointment.
Outside of the Massapequa Planned Parenthood
(35 Carmans Road –across from the Westfield Mall)
Follow us on Facebook:
Call/Text Paul Montenero: 516-523-0373
Or Call Irene Muhs: 516-249-6567
For Pregnancy Help, Call:
Faith on Tap
All Young Adults are invited to the next Faith on Tap on
Monday, February 23, 2015 at 7:30pm at Lily Flanagan’s
345 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, NY The talk for the
evening is Authentic Empowerment presented by Peggy
Clores. The talk begins at 7:30pm but doors open at
7:00pm. Come early, have something to eat, meet new
friends. For information contact Marianne Sheridan at
Life Centers:
Deer Park
Regina Residence
AAA Pregnancy Options
Project Rachel
Rachel’s Vinyard Healing Retreat
2/21 (Sat) - 10:30-11:30AM Prayer vigil outside
Planned Parenthood, 35 Carman’s Rd, Massapequa.
We do this EVERY Sat., Please join us when you can.
3/9 (Sun)- 10:30AM-10:55AM—PRO-LIFE meeting
Green Rm of St. Kilian’s Church Basement
St. Kilian Catholic Church
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Ciclos de Fe
Celebremos Los
Todos los Sábados a las 6:15PM.
Ultimos miércoles de cada mes.
Se celebra cada cuarto domingo de
mes, a las 2:00 de la tarde. Es requisito para los papás y
padrinos, atender la clase pre-bautismal, cada tercer miércoles de
mes a las 6:30 PM, en la parte baja de la Iglesia. Por favor llame
a la rectoría para hacer su cita con el sacerdote, para llenar el
formato; usted deberá traer el certificado o registro de nacimiento
de su niño. Los niños de 6 años ó más, deberán asistir a las
clases de catequesis regular.
PADRINOS: Deben ser católicos, con los Sacramentos de
Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación; solteros ó casados por la
Iglesia. Deben traer una notificación indicando que están
registrados o son miembros de la Parroquia, en donde viven ó
adonde asisten a misa. No pueden ser padrinos las personas que
tienen parejas sin haberse casados por la Iglesia.
La Iglesia Necesitada
El 22 de febrero del 2015, se hará una colecta a favor
de “La Iglesia Necesitada”. El dinero colectado será
compartido entre las tres áreas de mundo donde hay
necesidades particulares:
La Iglesia en Europa Central y
Oriental, donde aún hay grandes
necesidades. Esta colecta provee de apoyo
a programas pastorales básicos y brinda
becas a los estudiantes que se preparan
para servir a su iglesia local. Estos
estudiantes se convierten en participantes
esenciales en la renovación de la Iglesia en
esa región.
La Iglesia en América Latina enfrenta
unos desafíos muy difíciles, debido a
desastres naturales en algunas areas los
cuales han causado daños permanentes a la
Iglesia, mientras que la región sigue
preocupada por la pérdida significativa de
feligreses que emigraron o se pasaron a
otras religiones, por la incapacidad de la
Iglesia de poder sostenerse a sí misma y
por la falta de sacerdotes y de religiosas que
puedan servir eficazmente al gran número
de católicos. Por favor, ayuden a mantener
la fe.
La Iglesia en África - los fondos irán
para ayudar a países africanos donde la
pobreza, la enfermedad y la contienda
política impiden al pueblo vivir con dignidad
Deben haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y
Confirmación ó estar asistiendo a las clases regulares de
Educación Religiosa ó RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para
invitamos a una preparación espiritual de conversión a la fé
católica. Favor comunicarse con la Hna: Reina Vásquez
(631)902-9969. Las clases iniciarán en septiembre.
Es necesario hacer una entrevista con el Sacerdote ó Diácono de
la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación, para la celebración de
su boda. Es imprescindible que todas las parejas, asistan a PRECANA (charlas pre-matrimoniales), para poder casarse. Para
mayor información, llamar a la Rectoría (516)-249-0127 ext.129
P. Antonio o hablar con él, después de la Misa, los sábados.
Todos los miércoles de 6:00 a 9:00 PM, en el Grupo de Oración.
Lugar: Cafetería.
Llamar a la Rectoría, inmediatamente en caso de emergencia o
enfermedad, para que la persona reciba los Sacramentos
necesarios. (516)- 249-0127 Ext. 129 Padre Antonio.
(Renovación Carismática) Todos los miércoles de 7 a 9:30 PM en
la cafetería Y la Santa Misa, en la Iglesia, los últimos miércoles de
cada mes a las 7:00 P.M.
Se reúnen todos los sábados, después de Misa. Para
información, hablar con Nelson (516)351-8913/ Erlin (631)7051 2 2 9
Gracias por su generosidad.
Programa Suplemental De Alimentos para mujeres
embarazadas y postparto por 6 meses,
Infants y para niños hasta los 5 años de families con
bajo ingreso.
Proveenos asistencia de alimentos, educacion
nutricional,y latancia.
Le damos referencia a médicos y agencias de servicios
LLAME al 631-842-4123 o VENGA A NUESTRA
143 Schleigel Blvd, Amityville, Ny 11701
USDA es un Empleador que ofrece igualdad de
St. Kilian Catholic Church