FEBRUARY 18th MASSES - Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic

6:00AM, 9:00AM,
12:00PM & 7:00PM
Blessing with Ashes will be
at the end of each Holy Mass
Wednesday is a day of
strict fasting and abstinence
Stations of the Cross:
Every Wednesday at 8:30AM &
Every Friday at 6:30PM
Additional Holy Masses:
Every Friday at 7:00PM
February 14, Saturday — Sobota
Feast of Ss. Cyril & Methodius
9:00AM VP For the Intentions of O.L. Mother of Mercy Secular
Discalced Carmelites
For Anwar Robin
& Family For Vicki & Samantha Babbie
For Michaela Dorflinger (16th B’Day)
John Ozdych (Ann.)
11:00PM VP *Baptism: June Audrey-Elizabeth Heasley
12:30PM B
Rosalie Jane Brancaleone & Peter Allen Timinsky
4:00PM EW,d For Dave & Patrice Tay For John Shkreli
Aaron Sannipoli Richaard House
6:00PM JS,d *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata):
Anita Fredal Russell Walters
February 15, Sunday — Nedela
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor 10:31—11:1; Mk 1:40-45 (77)
7:30AM B,d For Josephine Davis For Patsy Ensch
Monica Nido Sherry Powel req. Eleanor
9:30AM JS,d For Shane & Krissy Crump For the Eck Family
For the Teeter Family req. Krolik’s
Tom & Ann Mulcahy
11:30AM B (Slovak) Bela Balazs
Jozefina Klasova req. Valeria
Magdalena Klasova req. Valeria
Ludmila Bucko req. Mary H. Jacko
1:30PM EW For David & Veronica Stegner
For Erica House For Moneer & Alia Korkis
Christopher Boertmann
8:30PM JS For the Anthony Karroca Family
Prof. Frank Grande (B’Day)
Prof. Philip Perfetti
Ralph Watson Jr.
February 16, Monday—Pondelok
6:00AM B For Luigi, Valentina & Nick Ivonaj
For Maryanne & Joseph Dabrowski
For Gail req. Parents Joanne Wawrzyniak
9:00AM JS For Sr. Maria Veronica For Hana Francis
For T J Yalda Arcadio Bustillo
12:00PM ML For Sarmad & Samir Azuz For Marash Shkreli
Hassina Babbie Arthur Gill
6:15PM EW For the Intentions of all Parishioners
February 17, Tuesday— Utorok
6:00AM JS For Patrick Fayad (B’Day)For Margaret Swengros
For Marash, Drone & Family
For the Deceased Members & Spouses of the
St.. Nicholas K of C Council
9:00AM EW For George & Susie Ingham
For John Shkreli For Mark Granaas
Monica Nido req. Quilt Ministry
12:00PM LUM For the Holy Souls In Purgatory
For Fr. John Simoneau
For Zina, Rawiya & Noor Matloob
Hanna & Iman Boutani req. Aman Sarraf
February 18, Ash Wednesday — Popolcová Streda
6:00AM EW For the Holy Souls in Purgatory For Eva Fleck
For John Calhoun For Patrick Fayad (B’Day)
Stations of the Cross
9:00AM B For John Shkreli For the Living & Deceased
Members of the Balazs Family For the Living &
Deceased Members of the McCormick & O’Connor
Families Monica Nido
12:00PM RW,d In Honor of Padre Pio For Virginia & Angie
For Alma Warman Ella Choinski
7:00PM JS For Fr. Ben For Hikmat, Noor, & Waseem
For Jonathan Haio (B’Day) For Marash Shkreli
February 19, Thursday – Štvrtok
6:00AM MD For Holy Souls In Purgatory For Joann Coules
For Rob Avery (B’Day) req. Wolf’s
For Ron Potempski (B’Day)
9:00AM B For Catherine Lang For Suzanne Navarre
Bill Manfredo Luke Timmerman
12:00PM JS,d For Eleanor Weathers (B’Day)
For Rocky Kimball (B’Day) Kausar Jaffri
Jennie Hetrick req. D. Teran & A . Hetrick
7:00PM EW Healing Mass: For Sarmad, Samir & Kamal
Gary Antonelli Jay Lodge
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence & Rita Foley
February 20, Friday — Piatok
6:00AM B For Fr. Ben For Fr. Luigi For the DaRé Family
Sarmad, Samir, Kamal & Family
9:00AM EW
For the Money Counters Raymond Chateau
Emily-Jean Olinzock Albina Dmuchowski
12:00PM RW In Honor of Padre Pio
For the Holy Souls in Purgatory
For Loretta Hadhoctone Patricia Anatais
Stations of the Cross
7:00PM LUM For Fr. Ben For John Shkreli
For Kelli Ann Cella Fr. Ron Milligan
February 21, Saturday — Sobota
9:00AM VP * Children’s Consecration to the Guardian Angels
For Fr. Philip Pavich OFM
For Faleh, Nada & Family
Clinton Wilson Elham Shaya
12:00PM VP * Children’s Consecration to the Guardian Angels
with Holy Mass
4:00PM B For Moneer & Alia Korkis & Family
For Vicki & Samantha Babbie
For Anwar Robin & Family For John Shkreli
6:00PM JS *Latin-Tridentine (Missa Cantata):
For Monica & Marko Belej
Florence Miarka (Ann.)
February 22, First Sunday of Lent—Nedela
Gn 9:8-15: 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 (23)
7:30AM B For Josephine Davis For Abby Warman (B’Day)
For George Mandoza (B’Day)
Richard Piovesana
9:30AM EW For Shane & Krissy Crump Sharon Ann Carter
Dick Guyton req. Daughter Monica Nido
11:30AM JS (Slovak) For Iveta Hirjakova (B’Day)
Nunzia Napoli (Ann.)
Ladislav & Emilia Sedilek req. Rodina Lamerova
Ludmila Bucko req. Al & Maria Balaz
1:30PM B For the Intentions of the St. Monica Sodality
For Erica House
For Edward Arlene & Raymond Kudzia
Christopher Boertmann
8:30PM LUM For the Anthony Karroca Family
For Drita C., Mark, Martin & Dedivanaj
For John Shkreli Ralph Watson Jr.
Mass Celebrant Legend:
Fr. Ben Kosnáč-B, Fr. John Simoneau—JS
Fr. Elijah Washington—EW, Msgr. Mike Dylag—MD,
Fr. Louis Madey—LUM, Fr. Michael Lenz—ML,
Fr. Robert Witkowski—RW, Visiting Priest—VP
Deacon Gerald or Joe preaching-d
Lenten/Easter Basket Offerings- 2015
“Dear Brothers & Sisters: May this Lenten season find the whole Church ready to bear witness to all those who live
in material, moral and spiritual destitution. We can do this to the extent that we imitate Christ who became poor and
enriched us by his poverty. Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give
up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts; no self-denial is
real without this dimension of penance. I distrust a charity that costs nothing and does not hurt. May the Holy Spirit,
through whom we are ‘as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything’ (2 Cor 6:10),
sustain us in our resolutions and increase our concern and responsibility for human destitution, so that we can
become merciful and act with mercy. In expressing this hope, I likewise pray that each individual member of the
faithful and every Church community will undertake a fruitful Lenten journey.” (Pope Frances)
Please open your hearts and prayerfully consider how you can offer your God given gifts and talents,
to help others this Lent, by supporting one or more of these very worthy causes:
Medical Equipment Sponsorship: Our highlighted Offering for 2015 is the Medical Equipment Sponsorship. Donations will help
underprivileged families who reside in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and live in extreme poverty because their homeland has
been at war for more than 18 years. There is a great need for medical equipment to help treat the sick in the Congo, some who have
never seen a nurse or doctor! “And we become more human ourselves by seeing the humanity in the poor, the weak and the unborn
child and then fighting for it.” (Archbishop Chaput) Fr. Jean Ikanga, whose studies brought him to Detroit and to St. Cyril’s for the past
few years, is from the Congo. When his studies are complete, Fr. Jean will return to the Congo and will treat women and children with
serious issues. The most urgently needed medical equipment are: Microscope, Centrifuge, EEG (Electroencephalogram), Colonoscope,
Endoscope and Defibrillator. To assist helping the poor souls who are very ill and suffering, please consider offering a monetary donation so that the necessary equipment can be purchased. Please put your monetary donation in a Lenten Offering Envelope located in the
vestibule, check the line marked, Medical Equipment Sponsorship and place your Lenten Offering Envelope in the collection basket
during Holy Mass or drop it off in the Parish Office by April 2.
ICU Mobile Detroit: The Mobile Unit was birthed from Birth Choice Pregnancy Resource Center. “It is God who gives life. Let us
respect and love human life, especially vulnerable life in a mother’s womb.” (Pope Frances) Through the ICU Mobile, volunteers go to
Detroit, local Universities and areas where the need is great to reach abortion vulnerable women. The unit has ultrasound equipment
and a room for counseling. Plans are underway to put the unit on the road by mid April! Please pray for the safety of the staff and clients. The group is in need of RN’s- prolife, RDMS- Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers- prolife- who can help in counseling,
Peer Counselors (training necessary), Drivers (no special license needed), Pit Crew (responsible for maintenance of unit) and a garage
large enough to store the mobile unit. The cost to run the unit is $350 per day. Please consider offering a monetary donation to get the
unit on the road and begin saving lives! Please put your monetary donation in a Lenten Offering Envelope located in the vestibule,
check the line marked Birth Choice Pregnancy Resource Center-ICI Mobile, and place your Lenten Offering envelope in the collection
basket during Holy Mass or drop it off in the Parish Office by April 2.
Families in Need: As a parish family we will show care and support for our members through prayer and monetary donations. “I tell
you, anything you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me, says the Lord.” (Mt 25:40) The loss of a job or a severe health issue
can be financially devastating. No one ever thinks they will fall into a position where they become unable to supply the basic needs of
one’s family. In order to assist our brothers and sisters in their time of need, please reflect on offering a monetary donation. Please put
your monetary donation in a Lenten Offering Envelope located in the vestibule, check the line marked St. Cyril Families in Need and
place your Lenten Offering Envelope in the collection basket during Holy Mass or drop it off in the Parish Office by April 2.
Sacred Heart Food Pantry Collection: “He sins who despises the hungry; but happy is he who is kind to the poor!” (Prv 14:21) St.
Vincent was remembered especially as the great apostle to the poor. The Saint Vincent de Paul food pantry, at Sacred Heart Parish,
helps many poor families in Imlay City. Please join us as we support less fortunate families by donating: Non-perishable Food Items:
Rice, Beans, Cereal, Pasta and canned goods. Please place your donations in the appropriate box located in the vestibule by April 2.
Senior Easter Bag Offering: Parishioners will join the Sisters in Detroit and help to make seniors, residing at the St Joseph Nursing
Home, a little happier this Easter. The kindness shown by a visit, a loving smile and an Easter Bag full of goodies will truly leave these
lonely seniors more joyful! “I tell you, anything you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.”(Mt 25:40) 90 Easter bags will be
given to seniors filled with homemade cards & cookies, candy, eggs and fresh fruit. If you would like to donate chocolate candy (please
no nuts), plastic Easter eggs, homemade religious cards, please place in the marked box in the Vestibule. To assist with the cost of the
Easter gifts, please offer a monetary donation. Make your check out to Ss. Cyril & Methodius, place it in a plain envelope and
write Senior Easter Bag Offering on the subject line. Place envelope in the collection basket or drop it off in the Parish Office by April
2. We are in need of 30 dozen homemade cookies and 90 religious Easter cards. If you would like to make homemade cookies (no nuts
or hard candy decorations) or cards, contact Amy Hastings at hastingsjmj@att.net or the Langs at (248) 650-1777.
Prison Outreach: Pope Frances said, “Mercy means above all, taking care of wounds. When a person is injured, this is the immediate
help they need, not analyses; the special care can follow, but first we need to tend to the open wounds.” Gateway to Glory Ministries is
a faith-based ministry which works both in the jail and aftercare. The jail ministry portion provides the inmates of the Macomb County
Jail the spiritual basis to draw upon during a persons’ time of incarceration, primarily through Bible studies and one-on-one spiritual
counsel. The aftercare portion provides a structured living environment that offers Bible studies, vocational training and other help to
change behavior patterns positively. The goal is to see the men and women restored to their communities and reconciled to their families. As many as 20,000 men and women go through the Macomb County Jail in a year! Please pray for these poor souls and give a
helping hand by purchasing: Stamps, filler paper and SOFT COVERED Bibles. Please place your donations in the appropriate box located in the vestibule by April 2.
“Those who give of themselves in this way enjoy a spiritual reciprocation with those being helped,
for they receive the privilege of giving of themselves in the Lord’s name.” (The Most Reverend Allen Vigneron)
May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the church and the model of all authentic disciples of the Lord,
accompany us throughout this Lenten season, Amen! (Pope Benedict XVI)
Questions may be referred to: Alice Tocco, (586) 752-7282 or Sandi Brady, (586) 726-6911
EDGE Youth Ministry * Monday, February 16
Life Teen High School Ministry * Monday, February 16
EDGE NIGHT: “The Bearers of Bad News”
Date/Place: Monday, February 16, begins with
Holy Mass in the main Church at 6:15PM and
EDGE Night at Activity Center afterward until 9:00PM.
About the Night: This night continues last week's Lenten
theme. Teens will be challenged to decide on a Lenten
sacrifice, learn more about the pessimistic/hopeful message of
the Old Testament prophets, and prepare for Ash Wednesday.
Join us next week for: “Rules, Rules, Rules”
Questions about EDGE: Alexandria Lewis
(317) 331-4772 or edgecyril678@gmail.com
Life Night, Monday. February 16: Love As Self-Gift
This is our 5th night in our Theology of the Body series. It will
help teens to evaluate the competing ideas that we have about
love and to come to a deeper understanding of its truest
definition. The night will include a meal, activity, talk,
journaling and adoration.
Our evening begins with Holy Mass at 6:15PM, and the Life
Night immediately follows until 9:00PM.
Women’s Fellowship Group –Tuesday, February 17
Join us for paczki’s, games, sisterhood, discussion and prayer
When: Tuesday, February 17, 7:00—9:00PM
Where: Couch Room in the Activity Center
Final Dates of Women’s Fellowship: March 3 & 17
(men and women alternate Tuesdays Jan-March)
March 6-8 Life Teen Spring Retreat for Upperclassmen:
What can you expect on this weekend? Dodgeball, talks and
testimonies given by fellow upperclassmen, all night adoration,
“gagaball”, ice cream social and time for fellowship, praise and
worship, deeper awareness of how God is moving in your life,
Jesus alive in the sacraments, special guests Fr. Stephen Pullis
(secretary to the Archbishop) and Fr. Jim Lowe (from
Companions of the Cross), growth, and awesome “God”
Date and Location: Friday, March 6—Sunday, March 8
Echo Grove Retreat Center (Leonard, MI)
Registration: Permission form, waiver & $100 must be turned
in by Friday, February 20 (Please note that there are two
separate forms that must be turned in—the permission/medical
form and the Echo Grove waiver). Form and waiver are
available in the office and on our Facebook page.
Two Service Opportunities for Teens:
Fish Fry: Friday, February 20
Life Teen is joining with the Men’s Club to host the parish Fish
Fry on Friday, February 20. By helping out, teens will provide a
tremendous service to the parish and will also raise funds for
the Life Teen ministry. A total of 21 teens are needed to help
with dinner service (starting at 3:00PM) and clean-up (starting
at 7PM).
If interested in helping, please contact: Jordan Langbeen
Bingo Night with the Elderly: Wednesday, February 25
Teens will help the residents at the Sanctuary at the Abbey play
bingo. The residents absolutely love the company!
Time: 6:20-8:20PM. If interested, please contact Jordan
Langbeen by Monday February 23.
For updates on our events, visit us on Facebook:
“Ss. Cyril & Methodius Life Teen Ministry”
Youth Minister & Life Teen Coordinator,
Jordan Langbeen, jordan.langbeen@gmail.com, (586) 943-1722
YOLO Young Adult Ministry * Friday, February 20
Attention Young Men & Women: As Lent starts this week, we
decided to change the pace of things with a Lenten series
focused on Sacred Scripture and how it applies to our day-today lives. There will be five meetings in Lent, all of which will
focus on a specific message that comes directly from Sacred
Scripture. Each meeting will begin with 7:00PM Holy Mass in
the main church, followed by dinner and discussion in the
Activity Center. These five evenings are going to be focused
on the following topics:
 Friday, February 20: Why scripture is important in our
day to day lives
 Friday, February 27: The persecuted church (“We are not
made for comfort, we are made for greatness”)
 Friday, March 6: Spiritual Warfare (we each have our
own demon);
 Friday, March 13: No meeting but we encourage you to
attend the Lenten Symposium the following day;
 Friday, March 20: Homosexuality
 Friday, March 27: True Suffering (pet peeves)
 Good Friday, April 3 & Easter Friday, April 10: No
As scripture is the word of God and applies to each of us, this
is a great opportunity to deepen our relationship with Jesus
Christ this Lent. If you have any questions, please contact:
Facebook page: YOLO Live 4 Christ or
Mary Giroux, yolo.live4Christ@gmail.com
St. Cyril's Book Club * Monday, February 16
The Book Club will meet this Monday, February 16, at 7:00PM
in Room 115. The selection for February is: "My Sisters the
Saints: A Spiritual Memoir" by Colleen Carroll Campbell.
Women’s Fellowship/Feminine Genius * February 17
There will be a Women’s Fellowship/Feminine Genius
meeting on Tuesday, February 17, at 7:00PM in the Ping-Pong
Room of the Activity Center. This month we will
discuss: ‘Finding the Hero In Your Husband, Surrendering the
Way God Intended’, by Julianna Slattery, Psy.D., presented by
Fran Walden. Topic is for married and unmarried women, as
it addresses our expectations in marriage.
Questions, please contact: Gabriella Stegner, (586) 201-9710
Junior Sarisan Try-Outs * February 17 & 24
Interested in our fantastic Children’s Slovak Dance Group?
The Junior Sarisan Slovak Folk Ensemble is is holding their
annual try-outs for any new members interested in joining.
Children ages 8-17 are invited to try out on Tuesday, February
17, and on February 24 at 5:45 PM in the Fr. Mikus hall at Ss.
Cyril & Methodius. Attendance on both dates is required.
Kids should dress accordingly (no jeans, boots or restrictive
clothing). More info: Daniela Grisak, (248) 659-8522
Rummage Sale * March 16-20
The annual Ss. Cyril & Methodius Rummage Sale is fast
approaching and we need your help! We need donations/ Tax
donation receipts available at time of drop off.
Drop off items on Monday, and Tuesday, March 16 and 17
ONLY from 9:30AM to 6:00PM both days.
Sale will begin on Wednesday, March 17.
Sign-up sheets to volunteer your time are on the table in the
vestibule. You DO NOT need to be a member of the Rosary
Society to help. All are welcome to help.
Questions, please call: Redina Simon, (586) 212-0783
40 Days for Life * February 18—March 29
For Widows & Widowers Bereavement Support
Offering Christ's Love as the Alternative to the Culture of
Death. The Lent Campaign for 40 Days for Life runs from
Ash Wednesday, February 18, to Palm Sunday, March 29.
 Join us this Lent in prayerful witness outside Northland
Family Planning, 3810 17 Mile Rd., Sterling Hts. Ss.
Cyril & Methodius has adopted Mondays. Sign up at
the Crusaders for Life table that will be in the vestibule
on February 14 & 15 or go on-line to
 Pray for us during Mass or Eucharistic Adoration if
your health doesn't permit a hour of prayer outside
during Michigan winters.
 Listen to Catholic Radio – AM 990 to be a more
informed Catholic and join the New Evangelization
Widowed persons of all ages are encouraged to attend our
bereavement support series to help deal with the emotions
and other issues often experienced following the loss of a
spouse. These sessions are facilitated by a trained member
of Widowed Friends. Sessions take place on Sundays,
March 1, 8, 15 and 22 from 1:00—3:00PM. Free.
Questions: Donna, (586) 781-6904
Our Reliance is on Prayer & Fasting to bring about a Culture of
Life. Questions: Barb, (248) 703-3577 or Paul, (586) 242-1178
“33 Days to Morning Glory” Class * Begins February 19
Join us as we entrust ourselves to Jesus, through Mary using
Fr. Michael Gaitley’s popular book and DVD program 33
Days to Morning Glory. We will take a journey into the
beauty of Marian consecration using Fr. Gaitley’s
reflections on the teachings of four giants of Marian
spirituality: St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe,
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Saint Pope John
Paul II. Fr. Gaitley has a unique way of making this
devotion easy to grasp and simple to practice. If you've
been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first
time, or if you desire to deepen or renew your devotion to
her, this is the perfect retreat to make!
Classes run from 7:00PM—8:30PM beginning Thursday,
February 19, through March 26. Books will be available for
only $2. If you are interested in purchasing a workbook
package, they are available for a special price of $14.95.
Questions: Mary Bann, mary@marybann.com, (248) 459-8965
Total Consecration to Jesus thru Mary
The solemnity of the Annunciation on Wednesday, March
25, is quickly approaching. This is one of six solemnities/
feast days St. Louis de Montfort’s consecration offered at Ss.
Cyril and Methodius. (This is the Act of Consecration that
changed Pope JP II’s spiritual journey.) If this is the
anniversary of your Total Consecration, or you are interested
in becoming consecrated to Jesus through Mary, I invite you
to begin your 33-day preparation on February 20, using
Preparation for Total Consecration according to St. Louis de
Montfort, by Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM found in most
Catholic book stores. The preparation period is broken up
into four sections, each consisting of prayer, meditations, and
reflections to guide you to your day of consecration or
renewal. Through serious and prayerful preparation, Mary
will lead you to a closer relationship to her Son day by day.
The Act of Consecration will take place after the Noon Holy
Mass on Thursday, March 26, due to Eucharistic Mission
concluding on the March 25.
If you have any questions or would like to make your
consecration and to register, please contact:
Jenni Hulway, (586) 453-4580
Quilt Ministry * Saturday, February 21
Parish Quilt Ministry will meet on Saturday, February 21, in
the Activity Center. Our workshop starts at 10:00AM,
however, it is a drop in, so stop by anytime before 1:30PM. A
reminder: You do not have to sew to be a member of this
group which makes items for those in need of a comfort
quilt. Please consider making this ministry a part of your
Lenten sacrifice by donating some time with us. We always
need people willing to iron and cut the fabric that has been
donated by our parishioners.
Questions, please contact: Kay (586) 752-7991
Fellowship * Sunday, February 22
There will be Fellowship after the 9:30AM Holy Mass next
Sunday, February 22, hosted by the Rosary Makers.
Come and enjoy coffee, bagels and muffins with your
friends, and meet new ones.
For info, please contact: Mary Richards, (586) 323-4037
St. Monica Sodality Holy Mass * Sunday, February 22
The next St. Monica Sodality Holy Mass is next Sunday,
February 22, at 1:30PM. Please join us as we strive for our
loved one's return to the fullness of our faith. May our
Lenten journey draw us closer to Christ and may Our Lady
of Lourdes strengthen us!
Regina Caeli Open House * February 22
Regina Caeli will host an Open House on Sunday, February
22, from 2:00PM—4:00PM in the Ss. Cyril & Methodius
Activity Center, 3777 18 Mile Road. Presentation & Q&A
starts at 2:15PM. Regina Caeli: * Is a private tutoring center
for homeschoolers * Is faithful to the Magisterium of the
Roman Catholic Church * Provides a “classical” style of
education * Offers a classroom experience Monday &
Thursday * Provides the student with an accredited diploma *
Assists parents in meeting deadlines * Is affordable
Come see us! www.rcahybrid.org • (989) 402-5109
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir will not practice on Sunday, February
15 and will not sing at the February 22 9:30AM Holy Mass.
Questions, please contact: Bethany Cabrera, (313) 522-7238
Catechism Corner
Class/Benediction Schedule:
Wednesday, February 18, Ash Wednesday: NO CLASS
Wednesday, February 25, at 6:15PM:
Class for all & Benediction for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th
Please pray for all our students especially those preparing
for their sacraments. Thank you!
Paul or Carroll Schuller, Directors of Religious Education
(586) 254-9212 or p_schuller@yahoo.com
Holy Trinity Apostolate Lenten Symposium * March 14
The Healing Power of Jesus—The Source of the New Evangelization”
Speaker Highlight: Fr. Peter Glas, a Member of the Association of International
Exorcists is coming from Portsmouth, England. Fr. Peter was born in Poland. He will
present a lecture detailing his experiences fighting with Satan. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear him speak at the 18th Annual Lenten Symposium sponsored by Holy
Trinity Apostolate. One of his topics “Overcoming the Power of Darkness by the
Light of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.’ Fr. Luigi Gabris attended one of his conferences for priests in Poland with over 500 priests in attendance.
Additional Speakers Include: The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron, Archbishop of Detroit; Dr. Janet Smith from Sacred Heart
Major Seminary will speak about: “Connection between Contraception, Abortion & Euthanasia”; Ralph Martin – President of
Renewal Ministries and the host of the Choices We Face. His topic will be: “What is the New Evangelization? And Why
Bother?” Sister Sara M. Kowal, SCTJM from the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. “Grace, Nature and the
Healing of our Humanity”. We also have our former Associate Pastor coming from Slovakia, Fr. Luigi Gabris. Fr. Luigi
will speak on “Obstacles and Hidden Blockages in Spiritual Life”. The MC: Vic Faust; Channel 7
Youth Symposium: All speakers will give a talk to the Youth (Ages 14-17). MC: Fr. John Simoneau.
We are featuring Fr. Marko Djonovic at the Youth Symposium. His topic will be: “From Amateur Boxer to Holy Priesthood.”
Please register early: Info: Shirley, (313) 277-8905; HTA; P.O. Box 7095; Sterling Heights., MI 48311-7095
$40 per person; Youth $15. No charge for Seminarians.
Barbara Middleton, barbaramm@sbcglobal.net www.holytrinityapostolate.com
Registrations on Sale After Holy Masses * February 14, 15, 21 & 22
We will be selling registrations for the March 14 Lenten Symposium at all Holy Masses on the week ends of February 14 & 15
and February 21 & 22. We have a great line-up of speakers! It’s great to host our own Archbishop for this Symposium. Fr. Peter Glas (Exorcist) is coming from England to be with us.
Please keep Holy Trinity Apostolate in your prayers. We meet every Monday night at 5:30PM.
Come and help us Build the Body of Christ. Barbara Middleton, Barbaramm@sbcglobal.net
Holy Trinity Apostolate BAKE SALE
HTA is kindly asking parishioners of Ss. Cyril’s & Methodius to donate baked goods for the Lenten Symposium March
14. All baked goods can be left at the Fr. Mikus Hall between the hours of 1:00PM—5:00PM on Friday, March 13, or
7:00AM—8:00AM on Saturday, March 14. Please indicate the type/flavor of your donated goods and special features
such as “sugar free” or “contains nuts”. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Questions: Ann Marie Meldrum, (586)677-9407, email annmarie.meldrum@att.net or www.holytrinityapostolate.com
HTA - Easter Baskets...A request for donations to be sold at the HTA Lenten Symposium.
Dear Parish Family: We are in need of a few items to make Easter Baskets which are sold during the Lenten Symposium. The following items are needed: Easter Baskets, Easter Grass, Wrapped Candy, Gift Cards, Religious items
(these should be new or gently used), Statues , Rosaries, Crosses, Jewelry, etc. All items should be marked "HTA
Easter" dropped off in the Parish Office.
Any questions, please call: Bev Moran, (586) 254-6534. Thank you for your generous heart!
HTA Parking Volunteers Needed
Volunteer help will be needed for the upcoming Lenten Symposium, Saturday, March 14. Shuttle persons also needed.
HTA Ushers Needed
Ushers are needed for the 8:00AM Holy Mass on Saturday, March 14. See Sign-Up Sheets in Vestibule.
Any questions regarding Ushering or Parking, please call: Frank Moran, (586) 254-6534
VBS, 2015 * Save the Dates * June 22—26
If you are interested in volunteering for VBS, please plan on
Lenten Fish Dinners
taking "Protecting God's Children” Workshop before VBS Fridays, February 20, 27, March 5, 20, 27
begins (if you have not done so in the past).
Fr. Mikus Hall * Dine-In or Carry-Out
Go to https://www.virtus.org/ and register now for the re4:00PM – 8:30PM
quired class.
Please Join Us for a Delicious
Also, please contact Moe Jones (moeprays@gmail.com) to
Lenten Fish Dinner.
secure the position you would like to volunteer for.
Stay posted for the first planning meeting! I am very excited
about having another positive, faith-filled week with the
John Fournier, 248-606-8636
children! Moe
“Teach me Thy way, O Lord, that I may walk in Thy Truth;
unite my heart to fear Thy name.” (Psalm 86:11)
The first two stages of discernment before the Blessed Sacrament were: 1) A firm,
sincere and honest amendment to do the will of God; and 2) praying for wisdom. Now
we look at the third stage: knowing what the Church teaches.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that our, “Conscience must be informed
and moral judgment enlightened. A well-formed conscience is upright and truthful. It
formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed
by the wisdom of the Creator. The education of conscience is indispensable for human
beings who are subjected to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own
judgment and to reject authoritative teachings.” (CCC 1783) In other words, if we
desire to do God’s will in our lives, we must first understand how God works. We
cannot enter into discernment with pre-conceived ideas of how things ought to be or
how God ought to act. We must first know (as much as humanly possible) the mind of
God and His workings in Creation and in man. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that,
“God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are God’s ways our ways” (Is. 55:8).
Therefore, through prayer, God the Holy Spirit enlightens our judgment and informs
it. If we fail to understand our Catholic faith, we put ourselves in danger of being
deceived and choosing our own will over the will of God.
There are three things which are almost mandatory if you desire to form your
conscience rightly. They are: 1) Remaining in a state of grace; 2) Daily, if not, as
often as you can, Holy Mass; and 2) Daily, or, again, as often as you can, Eucharistic
Adoration. Sin clouds the mind and intellect and distracts us from hearing the voice of
God. Confession, Holy Mass and Eucharistic Adoration are the means to fight and
overcome sin. Make it a habit. Once you fulfill these obligations, your mind will be as
a sponge. Pick up the Bible, the Catechism and the writings of the Popes and the
Saints and watch God mold your mind into something beyond your expectations!
You’re love for God will grow and your heart will be ready to receive the direction
God wants to give to you! NEXT WEEK: A courtroom in the Chapel. - Paul A. Ray
If you can commit to one hour of Eucharistic Adoration each week, or if you have any
questions regarding Perpetual Adoration, please contact: Julie Varchetti:
www.adorehim247@gmail.com or (586) 214-1825
: 586.726.6911
: 586.685.1070
: www.saintcyrils.org
Jesus Christ, The High Priest
Fr. Benjamín Kosnáč, Pastor
Pastor Email:
Fr. John Simoneau, Associate Pastor
Associate Pastor Email:
Fr. Elijah Washington, Priest in Residence
Deacon Joseph Hulway
Deacon Gerald Smigell
MOVIES * Fr. Mikus Hall * Free-Will Offering
Sunday, February 15, 4:00PM: “Bakhita – From Slave to Saint” (NR / 3 hours,
10 minutes / 2009): Born in a village in Sudan, kidnapped by slavers, often beaten and
abused, and later sold to Federico Martin, a Venetian Merchant, Bakhita then came to
Italy and became the nanny servant to Federico’s daughter, Aurora, who had lost her
mother at birth. She is treated as an outcast by the peasants and the other servants due
to her black skin and African background, but Bakhita is kind and generous to others.
Bakhita gradually comes closer to God with the help of a kind village priest, and
embraces the Catholic Faith. She requests to join the order of Canossian sisters, but
Martin doesn’t want to give her up as his servant, treating her almost as property. This
leads to a moving court case that raised the uproar which impacts Bakhita’s freedom
and ultimate decision to become a nun. Pope John Paul II declared her a saint in the
year 2000.
Saturday, February 21, 5:15PM: “Padre Pro” (NR / 1 hour, 38 minutes / 2012):
Based on the admirable life of Miguel Agustin Pro; a Man whose great mission led
him to vigorously pass on his faith to fellow Mexican Christians. During the times of
the Revolution, Christian war and religious persecutions, he dedicated himself to
imitate Christ’s example in spite of his bad health, creating organizations to help
homeless people during the war. He managed to hide from the government until he
was caught and shot. With his life he provided an example that helped the union of the
Catholic Faith and became a Martyr for Christ.
Sunday, February 22, 4:00PM: “Joan of Arc” (NR / 3 hours / 1999): Born to a
peasant French family, young Joan hears the voices of saints calling out to her to unite
her besieged nation. Gaining an audience with the young King, Joan convinces him to
allow her to command an army into battle – an adventure that leads to thrilling
victories and heartbreaking betrayals – as Joan of Arc defies all odds, and marches
into history.
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish is a Roman
Catholic Community that welcomes all
who wish to learn about, embrace and
actively practice the Roman Catholic
religion. As a “family of families,” we
are dedicated to the propagation and
deepening of our Catholic faith. This is
facilitated through the teaching of, and
adherence to, the Magisterium and
traditions of the Roman Catholic Church.
Farnosť sv. Cyrila je slovenská rímskokatolícka farnosť, ktorá je otvorená
každému, kto chce spoznávať a žiť
katolícku vieru. Ako „Rodina rodín“ a
„spoločenstvo spoločenstiev“ sa snažíme
vieru žiť a šíriť tak, aby ľudia spoznali
Boha a prinášali Kristov pokoj a radosť
medzi ľudí. Farnosť sa usiluje byť
centrom spoločenského a kultúrneho
života všetkých Slovákov, ktorí sú vždy
vítaní na tunajšej pôde.