All Saints Catholic School Newsletter

All Saints Catholic School
February 12, 2015
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Upcoming Events
REMINDER: Early Registration Discount
Thu., Feb. 12
_________DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, MARCH 31ST_________
Preschool Preview
Night - 6:30 pm in
Fri., Feb. 13
NO SCHOOL Professional
Development Day
NOTE: Student IS NOT registered until ALL of the following are
Registration Form
Registration Fee
Tuition Payment Schedule Agreement
NOTE: Scholarship applications CANNOT be processed until
registration is complete.
Sun., Feb 15
K of C Pancake
Breakfast at 9:00 am in
the cafeteria
Monday, Feb. 16
NO SCHOOL President's Day
Wed., Feb. 18
Ash Wednesday Mass
at 8:15 am.
Thu., Feb. 19
Midterms sent home
Fri., Feb. 20
Dance Night to be
rescheduled - TBD
Tue., Mar. 3
NEW DATE: Toddler
Principal's Points
Hello Families,
Our staff and students have been blessed to be able to go outside for
recess recently, however many of our students arrive at school
insufficiently dressed for the weather. Please make sure that your
child(ren) arrives at school with adequate clothing to endure our cold
temperatures (above 20° including wind chill).
Today our students celebrated the Feast of St. Valentine with classroom
parties and much anticipation of the upcoming long weekend with no
school on Friday or Monday.
As we celebrate Valentine's Day this weekend, let us be reminded of the
true source of the love that we have been so blessed with here at All
Saints Catholic. The following is a poem shared by our 3 grade
teacher, Mrs. Dittman, at our weekly staff prayer meeting.
God's Valentine Gift
God's Valentine gift of love to us
Was not a bunch of flowers;
It wasn't candy or a book
To while away the hours.
His gift was to become a man,
So He could freely give
His sacrificial love for us,
So you and I could live.
He gave us sweet salvation, and
Time Rescheduled
from Feb. 3
Instruction, good and trueTo love our friends and enemies
And love our Savior, too.
Sat., Mar. 7
So as we give our Valentines,
Let's thank our Lord and King;
The reason we have love to give
Is that He gave everything.
Reverse Raffle in
McAlear Cntr.
By Joanna Fuchs
Sun., Mar. 8
Have a safe and warm weekend! Happy Valentine's Day!
First Communion
Bread Making 9:3010:45 am in cafeteria
God Bless,
Tue., Mar. 10
Prayer Corner
Market Day pick-up
4:00 pm in cafeteria
Let Us Pray...
Thur., Mar. 12
PTO Membership
Meeting 7:30 am in the
Steinbauer Room
Wed., Mar. 18
Mrs. Teri Fischer
For our All Saints students, families and staff.
For Alex, son of Mr. Schenk, who has been hospitalized in
the cardiac ICU.
For the Grandmother of (Cadence - Gr. 3, DeAndre Carswell - Gr. 2,
Braydon Cole - Gr. 1) who went to be with our Lord this past week. May
she rest in peace.
Preschool Conferences
Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins - for healing and recovery.
Fri., Mar. 20
Preschool Conferences
End of 3rd Quarter
Wed., Mar. 25
ASCS Talent Show at
7pm - McAlear Center
2014-2015 School
Toledo Police Officer Michael Greenwood - May God embrace him in
heaven and comfort his family.
For Re Tokar, (grandmother of Daniel - Gr. 6 and Frank Tokar - Gr. 8,
Isiah - Gr. PS, Eli - Gr. K, and Johan Bruning - Gr. 3) who is recovering
from knee surgery.
For Fred Koralewski, and all those who are battling cancer.
For Ronald Lewis (father of Sharon Pesci, Papa of Mia - Gr. 1 and Evan
- PS) hospitalized; diagnosed with cancer and undergoing surgeries.
For Stefani H., (friend of Mrs. Jackie Taylor) who is going through many
medical difficulties and for Sharon, her primary support person.
For ASCS, that we may continue to grow in our ministry to spread the
Good News of Jesus.
For all of our special intentions.
SumDog Math Contest
2014-15 Student
Supply Lists
PS List
Contest ends tonight! All Saints Catholic School students in Grades 1
to 8 have the opportunity to participate in the SumDog Math contest,
which began Friday, Feb. 6th at 8:00 A.M. and runs through
tonight, Thursday, Feb. 12th at 8:00 P.M.
K-2 List
Students may answer up to 1,000 questions.
3-5 List
Two students from each grade with the most correct answers will win a
6-8 List
prize. Good Luck!
CRS Rice Bowl Campaign - 40th Anniversay
School Uniforms
School Code: S0272
Hungering for The Journey
This week our ASCS students will receive a CRS Rice Bowl in their
Thursday "Brown Envelope". Your Rice Bowl and Lenten Calendar are
great tools to guide your Lenten prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
As a community, we join with more than 13,000 Catholic communities
across the United States in a faith-in-action program that will help us
experience Lenten spirituality by living in solidarity with people in need
around the world.
Be sure to visit to view videos of people whose lives
are touched by your support of CRS Rice Bowl and don't forget to
download the CRS Rice Bowl app.
Rice Bowls will be collected at the end of Lent.
Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives!
ASCS Students to lead evening Stations of the Cross
We are so excited to be able to offer our studentsthe
opportunity to lead and/or lector in the parish's Stations
of the Cross on Monday, March 2.
Students in grades 2 - 8
Best Sunday Dress
Monday, 3/2, at 6:00
Students will practice at school
There are only 28 parts
(sign-up is first-come-first -serve)
All families are invited to come to this beautiful service, where
Perrysburg resident, Michael Serle, will play the live part of the Roman
Centurion in Station 13.
We encourage you to invite your family and friends to this inspirational
Lenten service. Stations of the Cross last about 40-minutes.
If your child(ren) would like to participate with a reading part as a lector
or leader, please fill out the permission slip, and return it to school by
Friday, February 20.
Please contact Sue Van Hersett if you have questions at 419-666-1393
or email
Market Day Fundraising and Kohls Volunteers
Thank you to everyone for your continued
support of Market Day Fundraising for our
We wanted to share how Market Day has
impacted some of the opportunities we have been
able to offer to our students.
This year, we were able to purchase a Smart
Board for our preschool classroom from the
monies that were collected not only from our
Market Day Fundraiser, but also from the
participation of the Kohl's volunteer program
which awards ASCS with grant money each time
our Kohl's volunteers provide us with their
Our goal is to maximize our funding resource
opportunities so that All Saints can continue to
provide the best education possible for our
students. Your participation helps to support
ongoing expenses here at All Saints.
Thank you for your continued support in making
All Saints...
From the Clinic
We know that getting a good night's
sleep is important, but too few of us
actually make those eight or so hours of
sleeping a priority. For many of us with
sleep debt, we've forgotten what "being
really, truly rested" feels like. To further
complicate matters, stimulants like coffee
and energy drinks, electronic devices,
social media, televisions, and alarm clocks
interfere with our natural sleep/wake cycle.
Sleep needs vary across ages and are especially impacted by lifestyle
and health. To determine how much sleep you need, it's important to
assess not only where you fall on the "sleep needs spectrum," but also
to examine what lifestyle factors are affecting the quality and quantity of
your sleep such as work schedules and stress. In the "brown envelope"
this week is a Sleep Duration Recommendations Chart from the National
Sleep Foundation.
All Saints Alumni Honor Roll Students
Notre Dame Academy
Second Honors
Grade 11
Spenser Kale
Second Honors
Grade 10
Aunah Knab
Second Honors
Grade 9
Sabra Szavuly
Third Honors
Grade 12
Sienna Knab
Third Honors
Grade 11
Megan Orzechowski
Service Hours Opportunity
All Saints will continue the tradition of making Paczki to share after
weekend Masses on February 14th and 15th.
We will be most busy with rolling, cutting, frying, and cleaning up
between 1-6 pm on Saturday, Feb. 14th. Dough making begins at 7
This is a wonderful opportunity to earn service hours and enjoy All Saints
community fellowship.
If you are interested in helping with this Polish tradition, please contact
Renee at 419-944-7218 for more information.
Grade 8 - McDonald's Night Fundraiser
The 8th Grade students will be holding a fundraiser at the Rossford
McDonald's Restaurant on Firday, February 20th.
Please come out between 4 pm to 7 pm to support the students as they
raise funds for their trip to Washington, D.C.
"Show Them We Care" Military Packages
All Saints school will join with our parish efforts to support military
men and women through the "Show Them We Care" Military Packages
The "Show Them We Care" group meets on the 4th Monday of the
month at 6:30 pm in the parish Steinbauer Community Room. All are
invited to come and help. Dates for upcoming meetings are:
January 26, February 23, March 23, April 27, May 25, June 22.
Click Here for the list of suggested items needed for the care packages.
Thank you for your interest in supporting the men and women serving
our country. Any questions, donations or names and addresses can be
directed to Kathy and Jim McVicker at (419) 666-5615 or
Kroger Community Rewards Program for Tuition Assistance
February 1st, 2015 begins the 1st Quarter of the Kroger Community
Rewards Program to be applied to the 2016/2017 school year tuition.
The quarters are as follows:
Feb. 1st, 2015 - Apr. 30th, 2015
May 1st, 2015 - July 31st, 2016
Aug. 1st, 2015 - Oct. 31st, 2015
Nov. 1st, 2015 - Jan 31st, 2016
Earnings from these quarters will be applied to your 2016/17 tuition
IMPORTANT: Kroger supplies your quarterly rewards ACCOUNT
SUMMARY online. You must access your quarterly ACCOUNT
SUMMARY online and print it out before it expires. Without the
ACCOUNT SUMMARY printout for verification, we cannot apply
your rewards to your tuition.
If family and friends are submitting rewards to be applied toward your
student's tuition assistance, please be sure to notify them of the
requirement regarding the quarterly printout.
Please submit your quarterly ACCOUNT SUMMARY to the school office.
Make sure that the date, student's name and grade are listed on the
top of the printout.
Donate Your One-Sided Paper to All Saints
All Saints Catholic School is looking for used, one-sided paper.
If you know of a company or business that would be interested in
donating/recycling their used paper, please contact the school office.
CYO News
The All Saints Falcons CYO Basketball season is closing out.
The 7 Grade girls conclude their regular season this weekend. It's
Tourney Time for the All Saints CYO 5/6 Graders. Our Falcon
Cheerleaders will be joining the 5/6 Grade boys at St. Joe'sth
Maumee. The 4 Grade girls play a SAT/SUN Double Dip. Our
7/8 Grade boys team was defeated in tournament play. They had a
good season learning and having fun. Our combined St. Rose/All Saints
8 Grade girls play for the Super Tournament Championship! Talons Up!
Go Falcons!
SAT 2/14/15 8:30 AM ST. ROSE/ALL SAINTS VS Winner of GESU/St
7 Grade Girls
SAT 2/14/2015 1:30 PM ALL SAINTS VS ST ROSE @ St. Joe Maumee
5/6 Grade Girls - "A" TOURNAMENT
SUN 2/15/2015 3:00 PM ALL SAINTS VS Winner of St. Joe-SYLV/St.
Kateri @ Regina Coeli
4 Grade Girls
All Saints Reverse Raffle and Dinner
Only 300 Reverse Raffle Tickets will be sold. And
they are going fast!
Attending the All Saints Monopoly Reverse Raffle is
your one and only chance to bid on class items made
by All Saints Students. Each item is unique and
priceless. Raffle Tickets are $50/each or you can
purchase Dinner Only tickets for $30. You may collect big money and
prizes if you pass "GO".
Monopoly Trivia Question of the Week:
How much money is in a STANDARD game of Monopoly?
(Hint: There is $30,280 in the DELUXE EDITION.)
Saturday Night, March 7th, 2014.
CYO Team Pictures Needed
Parents of CYO students, please remember to take a picture of your
child's CYO team. We are in need of CYO basketball team pictures.
Please email photos to Michele Mikonowicz
K of C Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, February 15th - 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Please join the Knights of Columbus for a delicious
pancake breakfast in the school cafeteria featuring:
Coffee, milk and juice
Breakfast cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children.
Sponsored by Holy Cross Council #5139
St. Francis de Sales HS - Annual FUN-A-RAMA
St. Francis de Sales High School will hold its annual
FUN-A-RAMA for the entire family on Sunday, February
22, 2015 from Noon-7:00 p.m. at the school, 2323 West
Bancroft Street.
This indoor festival includes fun and games for all ages featuring
gladiator jousting arena, raffles, "Bounce House" for little ones, a clown
and magician, bingo, adult casino, fast foods, Harlan's Barbeque
Chicken Dinners and DiMartini's Pasta and Meatballs Dinners with
carryout available, the famous Stanley's "Kielbasa Dogs", and Ferdos
"Hummus and Pita."
There is no admission charge and all proceeds will benefit St. Francis de
Sales High School.
Girls Fastpitch Softball
Attention All Saints Students who play girls fast pitch softball for the
Rossford School district. It's time to register!
Please download the registration form and email If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact me at 419-708-6182.
Rossford Recreation Center - Spring/Summer Programs
Think Spring! The Rossford Community Recreation Center will be
hosting a variety of spring/summer sports activities for students and
some special upcoming events. Please see the attached
Spring/Summer Program Guide for more details.
U of T - Undergraduate Scholarship Opportunity
Attached is an application for the Judith Herb College of Education
Herb Scholarship. The Herb Scholars Program is valued at full-time,
in-state undergraduate tuition and general fees (up to 16 hours per
semester), room and board for up to eight semesters of undergraduate
enrollment. The scholarship is renewable, subject to scholarship policies
and requirements and continued progress in an education major. The
projected value of this scholarship is $82,000.
The application must be completed and returned to us no later
than February 18, 2015.
Parent to Parent Group
For all parents who have children with special needs attending
Catholic Schools.
Parent to Parent Group will be held on February 18, 2015 from 7 - 8 pm
at Notre Dame Provincial Center located at 3837 Secor Road, Toledo.
Come for conversation and sharing with other parents who share similar
concerns and blessings of raising a child with a disability.
For more information contact Marsha Rivas Office of Equal Access
Ministries 419-244-6711, extension 724
Click here to download flyer.
NAMI BASICS (National Alliance of Mental Illness)
A course for parents and caregivers concerned with the mental
health of children and adolescents
Have you thought about or are you seeking professional help for your
child's mental health problems including ADHD, depression, or other
mood disorders? Worried about your child's constant irritability or
unhappiness? Feel like you're walking on eggshells for fear of setting off
another outburst? Is your child's behavior creating problems at school?
Are you wondering what is behind all of this and what can be done?
NAMI BASICS covers the following topics to help you deal with such
NAMI Basics offers education and support. It is taught by parents who
have lived similar experiences with their own children. NAMI Basics is an
educational program that provides learning and practical insights for
families. Course elements include:
The trauma of mental Illness for the child and the family.
The biology of mental illness: getting an accurate diagnosis.
The latest research on the medical aspects of the illness and
advances in treatment.
An overview of treatment options - treatment works!
Communication tips for a more peaceful home.
An overview of the systems involved in caring for children and
The course is offered free of charge and consists of six classes that
meet weekly for 2 ½ hour sessions.
Dates: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 to Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
NAMI of Greater Toledo
2753 West Central Avenue
Toledo, OH 43606
in the Kenwood Shopping Center
Robert Rudolph, Ph.D.
Allison Cole
Sign up online at or call 419-243-1119
Marsha Rivas
Director, Office of Equal Access Ministries
Interim Secretariat Leader, Secretariat for Evangelization & Parish LIfe
Diocese of Toledo
1933 Spielbusch,Toledo, OH 43604-5360
419-244-6711 l 800-926-8277 toll free in Ohio l 419-244-4791 fax
Classroom 1914: All are Welcome!
Visit Equal Access Ministries on the Diocesan website
Like Equal Access Ministries on Facebook!
BGSU Hockey
BGSU Hockey is hosting "Faith and Family Night" on Saturday,
February21st at 7:00 pm, which would be a great way for families of All
Saints Catholic School and Parish to enjoy a game at a discounted price.
Please see the attached flyer for the upcoming promotion.
Kid's Tech U at BGSU
Kids' Tech U is for students ages 9-12 who are interested in the fields
of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. They will learn
from scientists who work in these fields, and participate in hands-on
activities that let them explore scientific concepts.
Spring Sessions
Feb. 7 - Dr. Peg Yacobucci, a BGSU associate professor of
geology, will lead an interactive session titled "How Do Fossils
Reveal Our Planet's Past, Present, and Future?"
Feb. 14 - Dr. Karen Lynn Snover-Clift, director of the Cornell
University Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic, associate director of
Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network (NEPDN), and national
quality manager of the network, will share "A Mighty Oak Tree Is
Killed in the Forest; DNA Can Tell Us Who Did It."
March 28 - Dr. Andrew Torelli, a BGSU assistant professor of
chemistry, will answer "What's the Best Way to Grow Crystals?"
April 11 - Dr. John McDowell, a Virginia Tech professor of plant
pathology, will discuss "Why Are the Foods that You Love the
Most in Danger from Rusts, Blights, Molds and Mildews?"
Kids' Tech U Sign-up Information
For students who live within a one-hour driving distance of
$80 registration fee to participate; scholarships are available
Includes lunch card and a KTU T-shirt
Students work with undergraduate and graduate students,
professors and STEM leaders from community organizations
and local industries.
Online registration is now open and will be limited to 150 children.
Glass City Marathon to support Catholic Charities
Hi everyone,
The training season for the 2015 Glass City Marathon races is quickly
approaching with the start of the new year. We are offering several
opportunities to get involved as a runner, race route cheerleader, or
entertainer with our 2015 Catholic Charities Team. Our goal this year is
to raise $40,000 to provide food, shelter, clothing and more!
Informational Meetings & Registration info:
Come learn about our team and meet other runners at 7 p.m. on
February 10 or March 24 at our offices: 1933 Spielbusch Ave., Toledo,
or on February 17 in Findlay at Dave's Running Shop. Please RSVP
Register for your race by December 31 for the lowest race
Join our team and receive a team t-shirt, invitation to the Team Mass
and Dinner, and the opportunity to make a
Training Programs:
We are happy to partner with Dave's Running Shop again this year. If
you plan to run a race in 2015, we encourage you to check out their
training programs for the full marathon, half marathon and 5K. We'll be
speaking at their informational meeting January 3 at 9 a.m. at the
Maumee Indoor Theater. Register by this Friday, December 19, to
receive free gear.
Support Squad:
We would like to have supporters of all ages along the race route with
signs to help cheer on our team to a strong finish. To registration for this
type of volunteer support, please visit:
Our charity partner task this year is to book volunteer entertainment acts
along the race route. If you or someone you know is a member of a
band, choir, cheerleading squad, juggling troupe, etc., please consider
volunteering your time and talent to help keep all runners motivated in
their races. Please let me know if you would like more information or if
you could provide referrals.
Mass announcements:
If you were on previous teams and would like to help promote our team
at your church, please let me know if you would be willing to talk to your
pastor or make announcements at Masses.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Have a blessed
Christmas season!
--Andrea Slivka
Marketing and Communications Manager
Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo
1933 Spielbusch Ave.
Toledo, OH 43604
419-244-6711, ext. 231
Cell: 419-308-2272
B-WISER Science Camp (for girls entering 8th grade)
The College of Wooster in an educational partnership the Martha
Holden Jennings Foundation and ABSMaterials, Inc. is again
sponsoring the B-WISER Science Camp.
The camp will be held June 7th -12th and is a residential camp for girls
entering the 8th grade that is dedicated to promoting the interest of
young women in science and engineer.
Girls come from all over Ohio to learn about life science, chemistry,
physics, model-robotics, LEGO® robotics, and earth science. Please
advertise this information to parents, students and teachers. I have
attached a poster that may be printed on legal-sized paper and posted
for students and parents. More information, including the application, is
available on our website:
There are a limited number of scholarships available through the support
of the Noble Foundation, ABSMaterials, Inc., Dr. Lois Cook, and the
American Chemical Society, Section 223 for girls who receive free or
reduced lunches. Details are provided on the application. Application
deadline is April 20th.
Mary Kilpatrick
Project Director
B-WISER Science Camp
The College of Wooster
The Department of Chemistry
1189 Beall Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691
Office: (330) 263-2101
Fax: (330) 263-2386