“St. Paul Courier” The monthly newsletter of St. Paul Lutheran Church 156 W. Washington Street, Strasburg, Virginia Mailing address: 193 W. Washington Street, Strasburg, VA 22657 Phone: 540-465-3232 E-mail: stpaul@shentel.net Website: www.stpaulstrasburg.com February 2015 From Our Pastor . . . . Over the next several months I want to look at the Fourth Chapter of Ephesians with you. This powerful section of Scripture is meaningful to both first and twenty-first century Christians. This month I want to focus on verses 11-12. "The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ," It is interesting that Paul makes a diverse list of gifts, reminding us that there are many gifts and that all of us, not just a select few, are called to serve as saints. As we live out our gifts cooperatively we make up the body of Christ. The more people and gifts involved the stronger that body is. This is reinforced in the next phrase "to equip the saints for the work of ministry," That means that the emphasis is on involving all saints in the work. All gifted leaders are called to equip the saints, so the saints not the leaders become the emphasis. Now that is a difficult and messy work. If Paul had said some (a few lay leaders, pastors and staff) are called to do all the work it would be simpler but it would not equip the saints. It takes patience and time to equip a larger group of saints. There are bound to be more trial and error with a bigger group. Some mistakes will be made. But the upside is that when the saints are equipped these ministries have more depth. They have a lasting power that the expedient way does not provide. A bonus is that people don't get as burdened and burnt out by trying to do too much as the load is spread out. This is also a description of where we are at St. Paul. By broadening our leadership base and involving more people we are seeking to train all the saints. In the short term it will be more messy and require more patience than the old ways. But in the long run it will strengthen our ministries by increasing their depth and make our ministry work more joyful and less burdening. Lent is coming in February and with it comes the call to spiritual disciplines. Let me add patience and understanding to that list. Let us all strengthen our resolve to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Pastor Give attention to these items for early February: Adult members are encouraged to read the Youth Pages too! There’s a whole lot going on at St. Paul! Breakfast Club (Feb. 1, 9am) Order subs for Super Bowl food (youth fundraiser) Order by Jan. 28! Annual “Souper Bowl” collection – Feb. 1 College Care Packages – Donations needed by Feb. 1 Soup & Sandwich lunches planned! Baptism on Sunday, January 11, 2015 Samuel Paul Antich (Son of Paul & Hanna Antich) Baptism on Sunday, January 18, 2015 Kassidy Paige Anderson (Daughter of Jessica Swink, and great-granddaughter of Joseph and Dorothy Ryman) Strasburg Compassion Cupboard Items requested during February: canned greens & canned white potatoes Bring these items to church. A drop box will be in the Narthex. February Birthdays If we don’t list your name and birth date, please contact the church office (465-3232). Leslie Artz - 1 Elizabeth Kepler - 2 Terry Muir - 2 Ashley Barker - 3 Steve Myers - 4 Devin Davis - 7 Ina Rae Crisman - 8 Jody Miller - 8 Bekkah Orndorff - 8 Michelle McKenzie - 9 Kendall Pomeroy - 9 Brook Bromley - 10 Greg Nash - 10 Bethany Robinson - 12 Kyle Wilson - 12 Ollie Sessions - 14 Hilda Vance - 14 Missy Miller - 15 Christian Stottlemyer - 15 Missy Miller - 16 Randy Jr. Barker - 17 Brady Flynn - 17 Lisa Ritenour - 17 Marissa Sager - 18 Anna Carlisle - 19 Julia Redmon - 19 Lynne Carper - 20 Mya Darnell - 20 Dorothy Miller - 20 Bonnie Shye - 20 Crystal Morris - 21 Joan Farrell - 22 Chris Miller - 22 Bonnie Giese - 24 Andrew Keller - 24 Cody Miller - 26 Mondia Myers - 27 Mary Stokes - 28 Christian Education Needs: Sunday School program needs: Glue Sticks & Construction Paper 2015 VBS theme is Mt. Everest (July 19-23) We are collecting snowflakes in any form. Please contact Jenae Jenkins or Lori Schlentner ACtS (Ambassadors Community for Theological Study) “ . . . . to equip the saints for the work of ministry” In the Shadows of the New Testament March 14 and April 25, 2015 The course will look at New Testament texts in historical context, focusing particularly on those often forgotten by history: women, enslaved persons, persons living in poverty, and those who are culturally different. The course will also ask participants to think about how this history changes our individual and community expressions of faith. This course consists of two (2) Saturday classes, March 14 and April 25 (9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.) plus 5 evening sessions of two (2) hours each. The dates and location for small groups will be decided by the small group participants. The registration fee covers the course, lunch & breaks. The Rev. Dr. Katherine A. Shaner (Assistant Professor of New Testament at Wake Forest University School of Divinity) will be LIVE at Grace, Waynesboro and will be simulcast via Skype at St. Mark, Yorktown and Holy Trinity, Wytheville. Registration costs are: (Registration deadline is February 13, 2015) $87.50 per person if you are bringing a friend that is new to ACTS or if you have not participated in ACTS before. (Be sure they register to activate your special rate.) $175 per person is the ACTS course registration fee. $900 if you have a group of 6 or more from your congregation or parish. You may register online at vasynod.org/ACTS. Payments online are available on the Virginia Synod website (www.vasynod.org) - click on the event tab and event registration payment Registration forms are also available at church (posted on the bulletin board). The primary “textbook” for this course will be The People’s Companion to the Bible, edited by C. DeYoung, W. Gafney, L. Guardiola-Saenz, G. Tinker, and F. Yamada. It is available from Augsburg Fortress, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble at around $27. The ISBN: 9780800697020 . The ebook is available through Google Ebooks for $16. The ISBN: 1451403305. Optionally, for participants who would like a study Bible with notes from the perspective of the marginalized, there is a People’s Study Bible available. WORDS OF APPRECIATION A sincere thank you to our Church family for the kind gestures of concern shown to and for our mother Dickie Wilson during her illness and death. She loved the youth visit at Christmas. Special thanks to Pastor Nabers and Pastor Hall for such a beautiful service and to our Hospitality ladies for the meal. In Christ, Polly & Richard Wilson and family -------------------------------------Dear Friends, With joy in our hearts we would like to thank all of you involved in preparing and bringing us the beautiful fruit and goody basket at Christmas. We enjoyed everything in the basket. Wishing each of you a happy and healthy 2015. Janet & Jim Ballowe Council Highlights At a regular monthly meeting held Monday, January 19, the Council: Opened at 7:00 by President Randy Painter Welcomed new Council Members Heard devotions from Pastor Nabers Pastor’s Report - Pastor Nabers reported his emphasis has been on Worship, Christian Education and youth - Very pleased to report the 5 baptisms and 3 First Communions - Saddened by the passing of Irene “Dickie” Wilson Christian Education - A meeting was held this past Sun to begin organizing Youth Ministry, Christian Education and National Youth Gathering events for the year. Still looking for volunteers to take on certain duties and responsibilities. - The next scheduled meeting is planned for Apr Finance Committee - Reported that even through expenses exceeded income in December we finished the year in the plus column - Child Care finances are strong and attendance is good Conducted a complete review of Church committees to include members, chairmen positions and Council representatives to bring the roster up to date Reviewed the Membership Roll/Parish Register and discussed what actions may need to be taken to be them up to date Resignation of Council member Marcie Finnell was received Shared blessings and prayer concerns. Closed with prayer from Pastor Nabers. St. Paul Congregation, As we progress into a new year I am excited about things that are happening at St. Paul. As your new Council works toward a successful year, I encourage you to contact any Council member with your likes, dislikes, concerns, compliments, etc. We are your voice! If you are interested in learning more I encourage you to visit a Council meeting to see firsthand how we work. Meetings are open to all members. I also encourage you to volunteer your time and talents in some manner. We are always looking for members of committees and other areas of leadership. We need more people involved to make success happen. Don't be shy, step up and volunteer. I want to extend a BIG thank you to church treasurer Kevin Smith, financial secretary Kendra Smith and child care treasurer Kim Painter for their dedication and countless hours of work behind the scenes. You make things easier for all of us. On behalf of the Council, thanks for all the volunteers!! Randy Painter St. Paul Council President St. Paul’s Lenten Event/Services: February 17 – Shrove Tuesday 5:30pm Pancake Supper and Talent Show If you want to participate in the Talent Show that evening please contact Ina Rae Crisman (465-3269) or sign the sheet on the hallway bulletin board at church. -----------------------------------------------------------February 18 – Ash Wednesday 5:30pm Community Meal at St. Paul / fellowship hall 6:30pm Worship Service with Imposition of Ashes / Nave ---------------------------------------------------------Wednesdays in Lent – at St. Paul February 25 – March 25 Mid-week Lenten series For five Wednesdays beginning on February 25 we will have our Mid-Week Lenten observances. Each Wednesday there will be a meal at 5:30 pm. (congregational meals on February 25, March 11 and 25; and Community Meals on March 4 and 18). Then at 6:20 pm we will be invited into Lenten Discussions led by the Pastor till 6:50 pm. (The themes will be: We are Church; We are Lutheran; We are Church together; We are Church for the sake of the world; We are an ecumenical Church.) From 7:00 to 7:30 pm we will go the worship space and use the "Holden Evening Prayer" setting for worship that we enjoyed last Lenten season. Please make plans to participate in our Lenten observances. Community Mid-Week Lenten Bible Studies Theme: “I Lift My Eyes to the Hills” Thursdays in Lent Noon: Lunch Feb. 26 – March 26 (Bring a bag lunch. Host church will provide beverages and desserts.) 12:30 – 1:00pm Bible Study (Bring your Bible.) Feb. 26 March 5 March 12 March 19 March 26 Methodist Lutheran Presbyterian Christian Methodist "Mt. Transfiguration" "Mt. Zion - Sacrifice" "Mt. Sinai -Law" "Mount of Olives" "Mt. Calvary"
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